SC Daiko, aka Siobhan, is a bestselling British author of erotic and contemporary romance. When she isn’t writing or looking after visitors, she loves to swim in the sea, travel around Europe, sample different food and enjoy local wine. Siobhan has worked in the City of London and taught languages in a Welsh high school before moving to Italy, where she now lives with her husband, a Havanese puppy, a wild kitten and two elderly cats. Nothing makes her happier than connecting with readers and fellow authors. You can find her at
A thrilling read that had twist and turns and the main character, Gleb just made my heart flutter. Whilst he may be known as the Beast, I loved his tender side. Instantly likeable, Eva is a spirited woman - Gleb has certainly met his match. I got lost in their world and zoomed through the pages, so addictive was their story. A big thumbs up from me!
~WRITING - PLOT - PACE~ This book started out a bit rough. I didn't like Gleb and Eva's first encounter. Nor did I particularly like their reunion encounter. Plus, I am really not a fan of the secret baby plotline, but I can't complain about that one too much since it is spelled out in the synopsis (lol). That said, it did get somewhat better as it went along. The writing was decent, albeit a bit repetitive at times. As well as having a bit too much inner thought ramblings. The pace was perfect. The plot was engaging although a tad light on mafia action until 70%. (I was expecting more). Last, it was all wrapped up in a couple of sweet epilogues.
~HERO~ GLEB...Gleb was alright I guess. I didn't love him nor did I hate him. I think his character just felt a little flat to me. I was expecting a Russian mafia boss to have a little more grit. I actually found myself disappointed in the direction the book took in the end in regard to Gleb and his mafia connections. However, he was hot as f-ck in the bedroom. I loved his interactions with Kir, and he was all about Eva when they met up for the second time.
~HEROINE~ EVA...Eva was a bit MEH to me. First, I didn't get why she hated Gleb in the first place. He didn't force her to have sex with him. Nor was he irresponsible while having sex with her. It was an accidental pregnancy, and it takes two to tango. So yea, I didn't quite get that whole "I hate him...he ruined my life" thing. On top of that, I just felt she wasn't a good partner for a mafia boss. She was too weak and whiny in my opinion. Apart from the fact she was attractive and had his kid, I am not sure what Gleb saw in her. *shrug*
~SECONDARY CHARACTERS~ This book had a lot of secondary characters that added some extra depth to the overall story. None really stood out, but I was intrigued by Brash. We also get a tiny bit of the couple from BRUTE
~HEAT LEVEL~ HIGH. This one has quite a few smokin' got sex scenes in it. Gleb and Eva set my tablet on fire when they took to the sheets. Outside of the bedroom though, I struggled to feel a connection between them.
~ANGST LEVEL - SEXUAL HISTORIES~ LOW. I didn't find this one angsty at all. It was very insta (once they meet again), and they pretty much stay a couple through the entirety of the book. Neither were virgins. The hero had sex with others during the two years between the one-night stand (a was more like a ten-minute sex encounter in the back of his club) and when they meet again. That said, it is just implied. I don't think it is ever mentioned in any detail (one sentence maybe??) The heroine remained celibate which usually has me wanting to throat punch someone, but her reasons for not having had sex were legit. So it didn't bother me at all. There was also no OW or OM drama either.
~IN THE END~ Did I enjoy it? For the most part. Was it perfect? It had a few issues that lowered my rating. Would I recommend it? Yes. It wasn't a bad book per se. It just had a few things that were issues for ME. I am just one opinion in a sea of options. So do read a few more reviews before making up your mind. Who would enjoy this book? Pretty much everyone.
Holy Beast! What a read! One of the best reads of 2018! My first book by SC Daiko and it won’t be the last. Definitely a one click author. If you want to read a book with an alpha badass who is protective over ‘what is his’ and a female that is sassy with that caring nature and all the feels and twists and turns ... READ THIS BOOK!! Don’t miss out. Off to read Brute now ;)
There is nothing better than to read about a hot Russian mafia boss that loves to protect what is his. This book has a little bit of everything in it, some dancing, hot sex, vodka, bullets flying and of course love. I really enjoyed reading Beast and just couldn’t put it down. This is a stand-alone story but there are characters in it that have their own books which I am sure are just as exciting as this one. I give Beast by SC Daiko 5 stars.
Eva Petrenko does the unthinkable, she has a one-night stand, later when she finds out she is pregnant she also finds out the gorgeous man that she had sex with is none other than the Beast. Gleb Sokolov is a well-known Russian mafia boss known as the Beast, his world is rich and flashy and violent. When one of his clients can’t pay back his loan the client offers his daughter to work in Gleb’s club as payment. Gleb comes face to face with the girl who ran out on him two years ago. Now with a turf war building between Gleb and another mafia boss, Eva is more determined than ever to keep her son a secret. How long before Gleb finds out? Why is this other boss so interested in getting his hands-on Eva? Eva and her son’s lives literally hang in the balance of the hands of a Beast.
This has been sitting on my kindle for awhile. The cover and title drew my attention but the blurb held me back. I’m not a fan of the secret baby plot. But I decided since it was already on my kindle I’d give it a shot.
It turned out to be an enjoyable nice easy read. It wasn’t without its problems hence the 3* rating. But I’m picky so feel free to ignore me.
Gleb Sokolov is a Russian mafia boss. His legal front is Lure a trendy nightclub his main money comes from loan sharking and money laundering the illegal funds of wealthy clients.
I didn’t like the first scene between Gleb and Eva at all. In fact I didn’t like the prologue at all but more about that later.
It took me a while to warm up to Gleb. It wasn’t until we saw him with Kir that I hanged my mind. Although he is hot and sexy.
Eva was a bit weak really and barely escaped a TSTL moment. I also didn’t feel her hatred of Gleb was warranted. She’d told him she was a hooker, when the condom broke he gave her 100 dollars to get the morning after pill. It wasn’t just his fault she was pregnant and it wasn’t his fault he didn’t know he had a son.
As I said earlier the prologue itself didn’t work for me. And yes I know I’m picky.
So Eva just wanders into a room with $100 bills stacked on tables.
“Time out? You’ve got to be kidding. The only women who come in here on their own are hookers. High-class hookers who bribe the doorman.” His gaze roves over my body. “Either you’re a whore or a spy. Which one is it?”
Firstly why would a ruthless (okay so we know he’s not remotely ruthless) mafia boss employ a doorman who could be bribed? Why would he tolerate hookers in a room with so much money stacked on tables?
“You on the pill?”
He believes she’s a hooker yet he’s prepared to have unprotected sex with her if she’s on the pill! Yuck just yuck.
While it didn’t work for me I did continue on so it can’t have been that bad.
It’s a good enjoyable read and better than my review may suggest. But with a little smoothing it could have been much better.
We meet Gleb in his brother Daniels story Brute. I'd suggest reading that one before reading this one to get the full back story on both brothers. Why Gleb is how he is, and does what he does. Eva and Gleb have enough sparks to light the building on fire from the word go. Their one time thing doesn't stay one time, when two years after their hookup Eva's parents "sell" her to Gleb to pay off a debt they owe. Not in a sexual way, but to help at his club, but kinda of lost respect for them about that. What kind of parents do that crap? As Eva says, there's always another option. As for Gleb. He IS a beast of a man in more ways than one. Some good, some bad. He can turn off his emotions like a light switch and be cold as ice, but he DOES have emotions and can care about people, as he proved in Brute with Daniel and his family, and just further proved in this one. And don't even get me started how much of a beast he is sexually, cause oh my Gods that man deserves a medal. This is a book I will go back to time and again. Absolutely loved it!!!!!
WoW Beast is a very well written, action packed read. the drama and sexy times start right at Chapter one and from then on the twists, turns, plots and sexy scenes keep getting better & better.
Gleb Sokolov is ruthless, passionate and will fight for what he wants, but at what cost ?
Eva Petrenko is a sexy spitfire, who is hiding a very big secret, how long until the truth is exposed and what price will Eva pay for her past.
Brute is the first book is this series, however each book can be read as a standalone but to fully engage with all of the characters, I recommenced reading Brute first.
SC Daiko's is a one click must Author her books are going from strength to strength.
Gleb was a BEAST with a heart of gold. Eva had more trust and courage than I could ever imagine. Talk about action-packed! Can't wait for Brash's story!
Gleb and Eva's story grips you from the first page, it draws you in and demands your attention. I absolutely loved it, the raw love that spills from this story fills your heart.
Unbelievably Raw, Devastatingly beautiful and Amazingly Written by a wonderful author who's books always make me want more❤
Boom SC Daiko does it again!! Beast is a MUST READ mafia love story that will blow your mind! Gripping, suspenseful and certainly unpredictable. The plot is very well thought out, and the writing is fast paced and flows so smoothly. It has some unexpected twists and turns, with just the right amount of romance, hot steamy sex and action. What more could you ask for?! You need to read this book!
Please note, Beast is a stand alone spin off. It is not necessary to read Brute first.
wow talk about intense! it keeps you on the edge. she is sold to him for a debt her father has. only they already spent one night together years ago. resulting in a child he doesnt know about. he is a bad man that kills people. will he find out about his son? read to find out!
The was a new author for me and I really enjoyed Gleb and Eva's story. He was a beast in every aspect of the word but Eva tamed him with the help of their little son, Kir. Love will do that when the darkness needs light and boy did Gleb need light. If you love romantic suspense, you will indeed enjoy Beast by S.C. Daiko!
Looking forward to reading Brute which is Gleb brother's Daniel's story. Daniel's son Brash who was in Beast will have a story coming out in 2019.
This had me hooked from page one, wonder characters who are strong and demanding and will stop at nothing to protect and get what they want and need. Loads of action, steamy scenes and very intense emotional moments and Gleb and Eva are just so amazing together even with the secrets being kept they go on fighting for whats right. The ending was like oh my god so beautiful and perfect and I loved that you picked the song Truly Madly Deeply it fit so perfect for them and I could see them them dancing to this. All the Feels.
Take one dose of hunky Russian alpha male, mix in a pretty young Russian female who knows her own mind and you have an explosive pair who might or might not make it!
Eva, a dance student, has a one night stand with a Russian Mafia mob boss with unexpected consequences. A couple of years down the track they meet up again..things have definitely changed in their situation and Eva would no more spend time with Gleb voluntarily than fly in the air! Then life gets in the it does.
These characters are great when they are butting heads, I love the way Eva stands up to Gleb. He also is more in-depth than at first glance and you find yourself liking him more and more. Together they make a fantastic couple.
Sexually compatible is an extremely tame way to describe these two lead characters, their chemistry is off the charts. The age difference doesn’t matter as it isn’t highlighted so you don’t see it as anything but normal.
This is really an entertaining, heart warming love story I can recommend to everyone.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It’s well written, fast paced and the sex scenes are off the Richter scale! I loved all the Russian references and terminology. Gleb Sokolov is drop dead gorgeous as the main character with that perfect mix of ruthlessness, used to getting his own way and sex on legs! I also admired Eva, she was feisty with a heart of gold but she wasn’t a pushover. The chemistry sizzled between them. Its a roller coaster of a ride with twists and turns along the way keeping me enthralled to the last page. A well deserved five star read
This is a great heart pounding story from beginning to end. This book has so many twist and turns that you don’t see coming and will keep you guessing. This is a must read and you will fall in love with Gleb!
Turning 21, Eva Petrenko is thrilled when her BFF Tamara hooks the two up with passes to Lure, a high end exclusive club where only the rich and famous are allowed.
Taking the wrong turn when looking for the ladies room, Eva ends up in the club owner's office and mistaken for a hooker which leads to an "oopsie" climatic interlude with the club's owner.
Two years later the two are re-united when Eva's father goes into default on a loan to Russian Bratva head Gleb Sokolov. In a last ditch effort to appease the mobster, Eva is offered up as collateral.
To save her family Eva will have to work for Gleb though she's been keeping a secret that would change things in a big way if known.
* *
New to me author I just had to check out as I love those tall dark gruesome mafia themed stories. The Beast. Just rolls off the tongue now doesn't it? After reading the story blurb even more so.
Best described, the main characters are a May-December couple. 20 years age difference, the two had chemistry as it was an instant lust initial meeting for the two. That translates into knowing that adult content will occur in this story. Not to any overly graphic degree, but it's there.
Secondary characters. Eva's BFF Tamara makes a cameo appearance along with various other characters but none really stand out. The purpose of secondary characters in this story are isolated to support the main characters and provide a reason for various scenes. Included is a bad guy element, because after all there always is an enemy or two when dealing with the mafia, though my personal opinions on this person are that I really wanted more.
My issues. I see I am in the minority (in looking at the overall existing reviews for this story) in feeling that this story had flaws, loopholes, and contradiction of fictional expected norms for Russian Mafia (shouldn't that have been Bratva?) lifestyle. This was like expecting an outlaw Biker Gang who turned out only rode scooters and mopeds. A special ops military tactical unit flying commercial and therefore had to check in their gear because of TSA guidelines. A fierce fire breathing dragon who blew out cute smoke rings. It just wasn't up to the blurb hype. Example would be Gleb going into enemy territory to have a sit down with a rival mob boss only to voluntarily give up his gun (along with his security detail) at the door. Even I know that's asking to be shot, killed, and buried with the fishes. One step further while said meeting is taking place. Mobsters don't give away emotion. Stone faced, they don't give anything away or risk having it used against them. Reacting to a pawn being abused or tortured in their presence is a direct contradiction of that mantra, especially if said victim isn't part of your blood or extended family. OK. Those are two superficial examples of behavior and actions that irked me as I just didn't find them credible.
I also had concerns over formatting and copy line editing. 30 pages really weren't needed or productive other than to add that number to the overall book length. I could be totally wrong in my idea about this and if so that would be a good thing.
I regret that I'm not a fan of this book/story. Too many contradiction of the core Mafia/Bratva lifestyle and mindset norms ruined the story premise being sold. Beast turned out to be more like a cub.
Eva Petrenko meets Gleb Sokolov, Russian Mafia boss, at his club, Lure and after a one night stand ends up with more than she bargained for. Eva ends up having to work for Gleb to pay off her father’s debt which leads to all sorts of adventure.
This fast-paced, easy to read story will melt your heart when you get to know the characters. Don’t get me wrong, Gleb is a strong alpha who definitely has a list of black marks against his name for all of the illegal activities he has done in his life however he has another side as well that is so loveable. Eva is really quite a strong young woman, she may not always have been but she does draw on her strength to get her through life’s difficult situations.
We are given the opportunity to get to know both lead characters better with them telling the story from their points of view. The great thing is that there isn’t the boring repetitiveness you often find in books with this kind of setup, for which I am extremely grateful for to this author plus the formula works well.
Take some interesting characters, a solid storyline, some exciting action and some passionate and explosive bedroom scenes and you have a recipe for a thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable book that I highly recommend to everyone.
A Russian Mobster such a beautiful sadistic and vicious beast, how can someone so bad be so deliciously good?
Dangerous to those who wrong him but also to those with fragile hearts, a powerhouse in the dark world not to be underestimated or overlooked.
Two souls locked in one body. That of darkness, unrelenting and ceaseless, yet compassionate and protective of those who earn his heart or are born into it.
Submission doesn't come easy to Eva, but one night changes her future and her path forks in a completely different direction.
High spirited and full of sass, loyal, dedicated and utterly devoted to her family through both want and need Eva makes for one feisty female.
I loved the transformation in both Eva and Gleb, their truth so deep and heart breaking. A story so rich and fulfilling. A true treasure.
This book is interconnected with Brute but both can be read as standalones. I do think you get more out of this if you have read it as you get the earlier years of Brute and Beast.
Mafia books are never my first choice of book to read unless written by S.C Daiko as she gives me everything I need. Romance, suspence, danger and broody men full of angst and issues.
She fills my dark heart so full it begins to bloom, and I love how she manages to leave me hungry and desperate for her next book.
Wow this book had me hooked from the very beginning. This is a very dark intense read that will have you on the edge at some points in the book. The love that comes in this story is a building love that had stayed with them 2 yrs ago that they didn't know was their. The chemistry between the two is off the charts..
4.5 beastly stars!! It was incredibly action packed and dripping with emotions. Absolutely adored Gleb & Eva, their chemistry was so intense & beautiful. The perfect mafia story.
This book was given to me at my request and I provided this review voluntarily.
I received an ARC for an honest review. This was great mafia read. It has tons of steaminess, romance and alphaness if you love all those things in your books. I loved how Gleb opened up his arms once he found out Eva's secret and they were able to continue on their relationship. There was a ton of action and drama in this book to. I now have to go back and read the first one!
This book has so many twists & turns, explosive chemistry between characters, action & so much more.... I don’t even know where to start! I was hooked from page one & although it doesn’t end in a cliffhanger, I still wanted more! Beast is just that! A Beast.... unless he loves you.
Good easy read. I loved the continuation from brute to beast. The shout-out to Colorado is always great. love seeing where I live in books. Good strong characters even with miscommunication. Gleb has so many layers.
Not a bad read. It held my attention. Kind of predictable Cinderella story. Huge age gap-twenty years still don’t see what a 40 year old man sees in a 20 year old girl/woman, except for the build on the ego and the sex. Oh well I just wouldn’t want to sleep with my father...ewww.
This is a wonderful mafia romance! If you like a big, strong, bad alpha male, Gleb will have you salivating! Eva may have started out in the wrong place at the wrong time, but in the end, turns out she was meant to be Gleb's all along. Loved the interaction and dialogue, as well as the intriguing plot! And of course, I love a good beastie male character!
After reading Brute, which I loved, I couldn’t wait to read Beast!! And this book surely doesn’t disappoint! Gleb is a “business” owner with some not so legitimate businesses. He meets Eva in an untraditional way, and she comes to work-for him. He’s not sure why she looks so familiar, but he knows he is attracted to her. Eva doesn’t want to work for him, but she is basically forced into it. She also has a secret that she doesn’t want Gleb to know about. The chemistry between these two characters is sizzling! And the way the author describes them, you can actually envision them in your mind. Throughout this story there is angst, lust, sadness, happiness, love and so many other emotions! I highly recommend this book! Everyone needs a Beast in their lives!