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Knights of Hell #3

Demon's Temptation

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Half demon and club owner Brent Silva lives and breathes control—in all things. He’ll never give into the constant cravings of his incubus side again. Revenge against the ancient demon who almost broke him is all that matters. Until a captivating female, hell bent on pushing him to his limits, storms into his life and makes him hunger for so much more.

Waitress Chaya Westbrook is determined to join the war against the demons hunting her kind. And if her first assignment also helps her prove to her maddening boss that she’s more than capable of giving him exactly what he needs, in and out of the bedroom, she’s all for it.

But when the heat between them becomes impossible to resist, the dark secrets of Brent’s past are revealed. Will the truth finally set him free or tear away the only female he’s ever loved?

214 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 28, 2019

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About the author

Sherilee Gray

48 books1,212 followers
Sherilee Gray is a kiwi girl and lives in beautiful New Zealand with her husband and their two children. When she isn't writing sexy contemporary and paranormal romance, searching for her next alpha hero on Pinterest, or fueling her voracious book addiction, she can be found dreaming of far off places with a mug of tea in one hand and a bar of chocolate in the other.

Sign up for Sherilee's newsletter for updates and giveaways: http://www.sherileegray.com/contactne...

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Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,813 reviews25.2k followers
January 24, 2019

Demon’s Temptation is book three in the Knights of Hell series by Sherilee Gray. We have known Brent Silva since the first book when he helped Eve and Lazarus and again in book two as Mia’s sister’s boss. Now we get to know him better in his own story. And what a story it is!

Brent has come back to Roxburgh to open up another club. But really, that’s just a front. Brent is trying to find someone. Someone that ruined his life. Someone that twisted him into the shell of a person he is today. Someone that Brent won’t rest until he gets his revenge. Brent is half demon and half incubus. He owns the new BDSM club, Toxic. Brent has a dark secret, a past that he keeps hidden in the darkest part of his soul. A secret that eats away at him every single day. Because of that secret, he can never let down his walls. He can never allow himself to feel for the woman that is constantly testing the walls he has built.

Chaya Westrook is Mia’s older sister. She worked at the club with Brent before he opened his business in Roxburgh. When he announced he was moving to Roxburgh, she convinced him that she needed to go with him. She said she wanted to be closer to her sister. But in reality, she couldn’t stand to be separated from Brent. It didn’t look like he would ever return the feelings she had for him. Chaya is a demi demon, half demon, half human. All demi demons have a power. Hers is that she is an empathic. There is a war going on. Demons are trying to take over her kind. Chaya wants desperately to help, not only to help win the war, but to prove to Brent that she is worthy of him.

“What did she want from him?
Why did she stay?
Why couldn’t he let her go?”

Brent fights his obsession with Chaya with all that he is. He is sure that if she knew the parts of himself he kept hidden, she would despise him. Yet he just can’t stay away. He can’t stand to be any distance from her. Chaya is more than confused with all of the mixed signals she is getting from Brent. While Chaya is on her first assignment for the renegades, she comes to a shocking realization about herself. One that she also believes she must keep hidden because if Brent knew, he would never want her.

“He couldn’t let anyone see who he truly was underneath the carefully constructed veneer. But then, he didn’t really know who was underneath it all anymore.”


As Brent and Chaya fight with what is between them, the danger increases as Chaya has put herself right in the middle of a situation she didn’t even know existed. Brent’s focus is on revenge. But in a dangerous twist, all of their motives become twisted together.

“They’d been dancing around each other. Silently screaming for what the other could give them.”

I’ve been so looking forward to Brent and Chaya’s story. I believe you could read this as a stand alone. You just wouldn’t have the connection to the other characters without reading the first two books. It seems like this one is darker than the first two. But I loved the sweet ending. It balanced things perfectly. I also really enjoyed seeing this new side of a newly mated Zenon. (From the previous book.) He is now mated to Chaya’s younger sister, Mia. And not only is he protective over Mia, Chaya is also now his family. And I loved seeing that protective side towards her.

This is a quick, gritty, sexy, suspenseful read, and I loved it. Sherilee Gray never ceases to amaze me and I can’t wait for the next book in this series which will focus on the Knight, Chaos. In the mean time, if you haven’t started this series, now’s the time! I hope you’ll love it as much as I have.

“Chaya was his drug. She was in his blood and he was hooked.”

For more about this book and so many more, come and join me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,893 reviews767 followers
January 25, 2019
In Demon's Temptation we get Brent and Chaya's story. I have to say this was not at all what I was expecting.

This series if full of very strong alpha men and I always saw Brent that way, and he is, but he does have a different side to him we got to see. I would have thought the two sides we see would clash with one another but I gotta give it to the author for making it not only work, but also make it seem natural for Brent's character. That's quite the accomplishment.

I've always liked Chaya. She's a tough heroine who doesn't make it come out in a bad way. I admire a strong woman who really stand up for themselves and she gave that to us. I really wasn't expecting what we learn about her either.

Part of what I enjoy in this series is all the many side characters who will become main characters in their own book. Sherilee Gray has got me so curious about Chaos and Zenon in this book blew my mind. I like him even more. I've really enjoyed all three books and look forward to book 4.
Profile Image for Claire.
2,321 reviews737 followers
January 28, 2019
4 - "The only man I want is you…" Stars!

We return to the Knights of Hell series, although book three takes a little side step away from the Knights and focusses on Brent Silva and Chaya Westbrook, the sexual tension simmered between them as a secondary theme all through the last book in the series, so it was good to see them finally work their shit out.

"I love it when you’re bossy…"

I don’t think I am giving spoilers away here when I talk about the Domme/Sub nature of the sexy times between Brent and Chaya, can’t say that it’s a trope that generally floats my boat, but the author handled it well and with the backgrounds they both have and the pasts they are trying to move on from I could understand why she took that route.

No one at the club knew what he truly was…

I can’t say it’s a trope I’d actively go looking for in the future, but bigger picture here and there are things that happen in this one that will need to be known as the rest of the main story arc plays out through future books.

He couldn’t pretend to be someone-something-else, not with her…

Quick and easy to read (even the darker parts of the story are handled with care) I liked that we got too see a little lighter interaction from the Knights as well, I definitely think you need to read this in series order, as although the couples coming together could be viewed as standalone, everything else very much involves the bigger story-line.

"You make it better… being with you makes everything better."

Another good addition to the series, and the set up for the next book was perfectly teased at the end of this one, so I look forward to more in the future.

ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for the above honest review.
Profile Image for readabookonce.
235 reviews390 followers
January 6, 2025
i love a man who kneels 💅

Chaya Westbrook (?) | Brent Silva (?)

∘ half-incubus mmc, half-demon fmc
∘ bdsm
∘ femdom
∘ boss/employee
∘ angst from trauma

I cannot believe how I flew through this book.

Normally, I hate any other person drama. The fact that Brent had an on-page partner is a deterrent, but his pain and need for sex in order to survive (being part incubus) made it understandable to me.

Chaya was everything I love in female dom. She dominated Brent, yes, but she was soft with him too. The way she showered him with affection was truly sweet.

Brent’s need for revenge consumed him, but ultimately, he let it go to be with Chaya. It was left unraveled without that big moment of reckoning, much like life.

Honestly, it’s going to be hard to say goodbye to this couple. They had so much love and shared so much vulnerability.

OW/OM DRAMA OW & OM — Brent is with other people. We see him with a woman in a previous book, and there’s an on-page scene with another man while he still has feelings for Chaya

OM — Chaya is involved-ish with another man to gain intel for the vigilante group she joins. She starts a scene with him, but quickly realizes she does not want to go through with it. This happens before Brent and her get together. She still meets with the guy (completely unsexually), causing Brent to feel some jealousy

CHEATING no but it looks that way — Brent is essentially drugged with emotion after being set up by someone after him. He goes into one of the rooms with a man he had hooked up with prior. Nothing happens, and he’s very confused the entire time. He refuses to touch anyone who isn’t Chaya, even out of his mind. Chaya is obviously hurt and views it as a betrayal before she understands what happened.
THIRD ACT BREAKUP yes, lasts a few minutes before outside situations force a reconciliation
ENDING HEA — three months later epilogue

POV dual / third person
RATING 4.5 / 5
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,282 reviews848 followers
January 26, 2019
I love everything about this world the author has created and have devoured each of the books in the series. Brent’s background added an additional element. When he began his transition he found himself in a completely different place than the heroines of the previous books. His was not a safe, rich landing where he had help to find himself. Instead, it led him into a deep dark place that fed the hungers of his incubus all while twisting him inside.

Chaya has been attracted to Brent from the beginning but he keeps himself closed off to her. In an effort to help the rebellion as well as learn how to be what he needs, she discovers a truth about herself she had never realized. With this acknowledgement, she suddenly feels whole in a way she never has before.

This couple had a lot of issues to overcome, and even as they made progress, Brent’s past stood between them in more than one way. I loved the how both of these characters yielded to their inner selves even as they yielded to each other. Theirs is a dynamic I’ve never read before and while there were certainly things I loved about it, I’m unsure how I feel about it as a whole. There is no question their characters were richly developed and I enjoyed watching them evolve.

I loved the hero and heroine and how they faced their struggles separately and together. The heat is off the charts HOT! Their chemistry is realistic and the way they faced their conflict as well. It is all then topped off with a sweet, sweet epilogue as well as an intro into who our next couple will be.

Dual POV
Profile Image for Vashti.
1,212 reviews29 followers
July 31, 2019
Oh boy!!! Where to start.I was so looking forward to this one that I went in totally blind.Big mistake for me ! As much as I enjoy this author's book,this one was a tough read for me as the subject matter was disturbing.I was not comfortable with this read,but I carried thru to the end.I will still continue with this series,but will def read spoiler reviews.
I am not rating this one as I don't think it will be fair.
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,862 reviews1,526 followers
January 20, 2019
GAH!! An arc from Sherilee Gray is like Christmas to me. I absolutely love the Knights of Hell series and have wanted to read Brent and Chaya's book since Mia's book. I loved Demon's Temptation so hard!! It was different from the other books in the series but no less sexy, intense and emotional! I loved their connection and could not stop reading! 

I have been so addicted to this series as I absolutely love the idea of the demon Knights finding their Demi mates. I was intrigued by Chaya and Brent and really wanted their book. I adored that Brent was so alpha and yet yearned to be Chaya's sub. It was surprising yet so delicious as you could see his innate alpha in conjunction with his need to submit to Chaya. Chaya likewise was strong and assertive and knew rightaway she wanted Brent. And when they finally combusted!! GOOD LORD were they pure FIRE!! I loved how Brent and Chaya were both fighting their instincts but ultimately needed to be themselves with one another. This story was just so fantastic!! But now I am seriously dying for Chaos' book! Bravo! 4 stars! ~Ratula
Profile Image for Timitra.
1,551 reviews8 followers
January 25, 2019
Demon's Temptation is a mix of BDSM with a touch mystery. I enjoyed it even though it wasn't action packed like it predecessors. It's still an awesome addition to the series. I would've liked to see advancement in the coverall story arc but I'm looking forward to what's coming next.

Copy provided by author
Profile Image for Sara.
291 reviews134 followers
May 12, 2022
This was written specifically for me, and me only.

👠 This had a very classic "clubhouse" style paranormal serial set-up. If you have read just a few, you know what I'm talking about. So despite me not having read the first two books, I didn't really feel I missed that much. The plot seems to be its own thing, but not something revulationary. Plus the author does a good job of quickly summing up the most important events and characters from other books.

👠 Brent was so delicious. A very masculine submissive who likes to serve and get pain. We still get all the usual growly-ness of a paranormal romance MMC, which, I just loved!
Plus a bisexual male lead!!! Love to see it.

👠 Chaya was super relatable to me. It's made clear that she was dominant since the beginning, but didn't realise until during the book, because of society and trying to conform to people around her. Girl, I've been there. Except I didn't conform and instead decided BDSM was shit... well, I figured out the problem eventually (no maledom for me, thanks lol).
The more they'd observed, the more she learned about herself.
She was dominant, there was no denying it anymore.

I also loved to see her be a newbie domme:
Chaya fought to keep her composure, not to show how damned nervous she was. She thought of the Dommes she'd watched at The Dungeon, how cool and controlled they could be, and channeled them as best she could.

👠 I also liked that sexual assault and rape trauma wasn't the FMC's for once. And don't get me wrong, I don't prefer men getting sexually assaulted. It's just that it's almost always an FMC plot point. And I think that showing it can happen to big, strong alpha types is important too.
It was also good in how it described his shame and anger:

👠 I thought the pacing was a bit quick, and would've liked the B-plot to have some more space to breathe and to perhaps see them work together more. But most likely that's on purpose to have it slowly expand over the course of the books. Which I'll only read if there are more femdom ones... 😅

Final thought
I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but it still needed something extra to truly tie it together for me. That said, I felt so seen, the sex scenes were scorching, and not a bad clubhouse paranormal plot. So 4,5 stars and someone please notify me if more femdom pops up ;)
Profile Image for Shantie.
510 reviews15 followers
April 18, 2019
I don’t like BDSM but I liked this series. I just don’t like female Domme’s and male subs. Prefer alpha males. Loved Lazarus and Zenon is my favorite so far. Waiting on Chaos and Grace’s book cause yeah figured that pairing out. And I’m glad you’re giving him a strong tough kick ass woman. He needs a strong mate! But, I need him to stay Alpha though. Also, is there any chance Tobias is alive and can be forgiven?
Profile Image for Shelley C.
2,729 reviews54 followers
January 19, 2019
The next instalment of the Knights is here😍

Brent as we know is the owner of a few sex clubs and also an incubus. When he opens a new club closer to where the Knights are located, Chaya puts in for a transfer to be closer to her sister, Mia. However, Chaya makes some decisions that put her in danger when she tries to get more involved in the war going on and gets into contact with the vigilante demis. However, her relationship with Brent becomes more complicated as time goes on and his lack of communication about his past adds to the danger surrounding them!

Absolutely loved Brent and Chaya’s story and I’m hoping the last little bit was a hint that Chaos’s story might be next...wink wink 😉 Thank you Sherilee for my advanced copy for which I leave my honest review❣️
Profile Image for Zak.
167 reviews
July 23, 2021
This book in the series was good, but I did not like where it was someone that was not part of the knights. I also did not enjoy the scenes of bondage and role play. It still however was good enough to not put down. It is interesting how both Brent and Chaya both had powers that are connected with feelings. Brent incubus side was interesting as well. Sex for Brent was like and addiction and that indulging in it caused him to feel hungover and have no idea what has been going on. With the help of Chaya he was able to admit that he needed help and that even as a powerful business man, sometimes asking for help does not make you weak, it makes you stronger. I think that now he becomes more human and less incubus and his incubus has a tighter leash put on and Chaya is the one holding the leash.
Profile Image for Suzi (Obsessive Reading Disorder).
2,182 reviews
May 28, 2019
I knew Brent's story was going to be a good one. The author did not disappoint! Chaya was a hit as well. I really like the world building in this series and I am ready to see what will happen next for this group of enforcers.

Great side story with ties to the demon team. Great to see everyone again. Loved it!
Profile Image for Sandy S.
7,693 reviews195 followers
February 2, 2019
3.75 stars-

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date January 28, 2019

Half demon and club owner Brent Silva lives and breathes control—in all things. He’ll never give into the constant cravings of his incubus side again. Revenge against the ancient demon who almost broke him is all that matters. Until a captivating female, hell bent on pushing him to his limits, storms into his life and makes him hunger for so much more.

Waitress Chaya Westbrook is determined to join the war against the demons hunting her kind. And if her first assignment also helps her prove to her maddening boss that she’s more than capable of giving him exactly what he needs, in and out of the bedroom, she’s all for it.

But when the heat between them becomes impossible to resist, the dark secrets of Brent’s past are revealed. Will the truth finally set him free or tear away the only female he’s ever loved?


REVIEW: 3.75 stars—DEMON’S TEMPTATION is the third instalment in Sherilee Gray’s contemporary, adult KNIGHTS OF HELL erotic, paranormal romance series focusing on a group of demon hunters known as the Knights of Hell, warriors whose birth was ordained by the mating of angels and demons. This is Demi-demon(s)and night club owner Brent Silva, and half-demon, waitress Chaya Westbrook’s story line. DEMON’S TEMPTATION can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. An important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: DEMON’S TEMPTATION contains M/M, Domme/sub and BDSM sexual situations that may not be suitable for all readers.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Brent and Chaya) DEMON’S TEMPTATION follows the building relationship between half-demons Brent Silva and Chaya Westbrook. Brent Silva wants Chaya Westbrook but his dark and sexually deviant past forces our hero to keep his distance from the woman that calls to his heart. Discovering that Chaya is working for a group of renegades in an effort to help the Knights of Hell, Brent is desperate to prove that they belong together. What ensues is the building sexual and romantic relationship between Brent and Chaya, and the potential fall-out as Brent’s past continues to haunt his days and nights.

Chaya Westbrook knows she is not a submissive but trying to convince the man that call to her heart that what she needs is not necessarily what she wants is easier than expected. Brent Silva is a succubus, and as such, his sexual needs are unlike those of most demons and men but trying to hide his nature from the woman he loves wracks our hero with humiliation and shame. Broken and struggling with sins of the past, Brent is unwilling to open up fearing the loss of Chaya’s love.

The relationship between Chaya and Brent begins as a working arrangement; a friends to lovers, Domme/sub relationship wherein Brent needs what Chaya is offering, a chance to submit to the woman he loves. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic, and intense.

The colourful secondary and supporting characters include Chaya’s sister Mia Westbrook and her demon hunting mate Zenon (Knight’s Salvation #2), Eve and Lazarus (Knight’s Redemption #1), as well as Victor, a man whose interest in Chaya is questionable and misdirected.

The world building focuses on the BDSM and Domme/sub relationship between our leading couple, detracting from the demon-hunting/angels and demons aspect of the first two instalments.

DEMON’S TEMPTATION is a story of betrayal, secrets, obsession and love. The premise is engaging, captivating and provocative; the romance is impassioned and steamy; the characters are determined, broken and energetic. DEMON’S TEMPTATION is a sensual and sexual look at want and need.

Own a copy

Profile Image for Jen.
1,083 reviews14 followers
January 29, 2019
I enjoyed this story WAY more than I thought I would! From their first interactions in "Knight's Redemption," it was totally obvious that there was something between Brent and Chaya. So much heat! But he kind of seemed like a jerk to her in that book, so I wasn't sure that I wanted her to get together with him even. Turns out, he was just fighting his own demons, but the guy is totally in love with and devoted to her.

Chaya, for her part, is SO over-the-top in-love with Brent that it is almost pathetic. Pretty much everything she does is either to get his attention or try to get him out of her head. Unfortunately, there are those in the story who would and do take advantage of this. Luckily, Brent is there to save her on more than one occasion. Plus, one specific encounter especially, not only draws them closer together, but sheds some light on some interesting areas as well.

Just as in the first two books of this series, the primary focus throughout is on the two main players and they're developing relationship. Unlike those, however, this episode deals only superficially with the Knights themselves. There is quite a bit about the overall power struggle with the unknown evil they've all been faced with. Some previously unknown players are brought in to play as well. All of which could have made for a very busy and chaotic story. But the author manages to keep everything in check and not let any of it get too out of hand or overwhelming. And there is the definite feeling that eventually, once we know the whole story, all of the disparate goings on will tie together somehow.

This story was unique also in that it features a female/male Dominant/submissive relationship. While this did not at all surprise me about Chaya, it did totally blow me away about Brent. I can honestly say that I did not see that coming... at all! The realization that this is what each of them craves develops rather slowly, and the reader probably sees it before the characters themselves do. But once they embrace it, the interplay really works for them as a couple and for each of them individually. While this is not generally a dynamic that interests me, I found myself quite enjoying the interactions of Brent and Chaya. Although I shouldn't be all that surprised, I think this author could make plain toast sexy.

As always, it was fun to see characters from prior books in the series make return performances. I especially enjoyed Zenon in his newly embraced role of big brother (in-law) to Chaya. And it was delightful to meet Grace. I look forward to reading more about this demi ninja in future volumes, most likely alongside Chaos - or, more likely, at odds with him.

This was another great addition to the series! I'm glad the author took this little detour to allow these seemingly minor characters to have their time in the spotlight. They definitely deserve it, and they certainly made good use of it.

I received a free eBook copy of this title from the author, and have willingly provided an honest review.

This book review originally appeared on my book blog, So Few Books, at: https://sofewbooks.blogspot.com/2019/....
Profile Image for Jordan.
678 reviews
January 29, 2019
Brent Silva and Chaya Westbrook have had strong chemistry, a undeniable connection, from the moment they met. As a waitress in Brent's club, Chaya is surrounded by his strong presence, good looks, and the intense emotions that roll off his big shoulders. Brent hasn't been able to take his eyes off the beautiful, strong and curvy women who stalked into his life, with her leather skirts, spiky heels and one sassy mouth. Both Chaya and Brent know what they want, what they need, what they crave, but they may not be able to get that from the other.

Chaya has no problem doing what ever it takes for Brent to open his eyes and see her for more than a friend. Brent hides dark parts of himself from everyone, and will not let Chaya get to close to see the real him. And with a old threat from Brent's past lurking around the city, he knows now more than ever its better to keep Chaya away and safe. But with both Brent and Chaya desperate to explore parts of themselves that they are finally embracing, with each other. It's impossible to stay away.

Secrets kept from the Knights Of Hell, threats from the past and present coming at them, Vigilante Demi's and Demons looking to wreak havoc on their city, Chaya and Brent have more than just there own problems to fight against.

Demon's Temptation was sexy, intense and another great chapter to this fantastic series. Sherilee Gray writes such complex and beautiful characters, who's emotions roll right off the page. I'm so invested in these characters. And getting to see new sides to them all makes for such a captivating read, that I can't turn the page fast enough. I love the paranormal elements, the angst, the pain, and all the love these characters have for each other. Such a great book to get lost in and I cant wait to get even more from this world of the Knight's Of Hell.

·I was provided a ARC by the author·

Profile Image for mk meow.
393 reviews
December 27, 2024
3.5🌶️ light BDSM, MMC is part sex demon and owns 2 sex clubs where FMC works as a bartender/ waitress.

This book felt very short and somewhat abrupt. Probably because their story was introduced 2 books ago and they were also present in the previous book (FMCs sister).

MMC has a hx of being a sex slave right after he came into his powers, when he still couldn't control it. He and the others were freed by Lazarus. He then started building his business. Eventually back to hometown trying to find the bad guy to "make him pay ."

Side character, whom FMC is "investigating" for the demi underground army, turns out he was also a sex slave.

So he's been the one laying down the crumbs that MMC has followed. He's under the impression that he loves the bad guy (who never appears), and that by having MMC, whom he saw as bad guy's favorite, it will lure the bad guy back.

She's a domme, he's a sub. But he fakes being a Dom at his clubs.

Her power is emotional transfer. She can accept emotions from others, and then send hers + theirs into a third person.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jai Rahim.
1,830 reviews
October 20, 2021
DNF'd at 79%.
I thought Brent was a sexy AF Dom in previous books, so I was really looking forward to reading his story. I was also rooting for him to finally claim Chaya for his own. I had such high hopes for Brent's character but was extremely disappointed when the author chose to make him a Submissive male. I personally don't practice bdsm so I am positive that I am biased when it comes to that lifestyle. The pain/pleasure thing I get, but I'm totally not into submissive men (biased yes: but I find it emasculating). I lost interest after the gallery exhibition when it seemed that Brent was leaning toward being submissive to Chaya both in and out of the bedroom. I don't know how it wrapped up---but I'd like to think that Brent drew a line in the sand, and took his balls back!!!
Profile Image for M.F. Hopkins.
Author 4 books29 followers
May 4, 2020
While I liked Brent and Chaya's story overall with its gut-wrenching emotion, this third installment of the Knights of Hell didn't resonate with me as much as the second book.
Even with Brent being half incubus, I felt that the story got lost in the over-abundance of sex scenes. The featured villain and his demise were also a little lackluster and anti-climatic to me.
As I get tired of the slew of dark romance/dark erotica featuring a Dom/sub theme, the twist on this one was refreshing, and actually, more to my liking.
'Demon's Temptation' was a satisfying read, and I will continue reading the series.
Three and a half stars.
Profile Image for MooseGirl.
792 reviews4 followers
June 6, 2021
This is the story of Brent, who is not actually a night, but a half demon club owner. He is fighting his attraction to his waitress, Chaya, sure that he can't be what she needs. Chaya is determined to get Brent's attention, but he rejects her at every turn.

While this was a good story, it wasn't quite to my taste. Male subs don't really do it for me, as I tend to like the tough alpha male types. That's not a cricticism of the story; it just wasn't really my thing. Other than that, the story is a good one and well-written. Now I'm looking forward to getting back to the tough snarling knights.
Profile Image for Nicola Davidson.
Author 38 books707 followers
March 12, 2019
Loved Brent and Chaya's story so much! I enjoyed the glimpses of nightclub owner Brent in previous books and was looking forward to his story.
I heart a well written alpha sub, and the added layer of angst thanks to Brent's past added such depth. Chaya the waitress was sassy and kick ass, the perfect fem domme for him. The sex scenes were HOT *fans self* and the resolution had all the feels, just how I like it.
Profile Image for Barrie Mac.
1,599 reviews166 followers
June 27, 2019
I loved how different this was from the first 3 books. This is one of my favorite series, and I can't wait for the next book! Brent and Chaya have been working together for years. Brent wants Chaya but due to his past is afraid of starting something with her. Chaya is at wits end trying to get his attention. Sherilee has written a good addition to the series. I love the strong woman and the protective man in Demon's Tempatation.

Profile Image for Maaike.
54 reviews
April 8, 2021
I like this series a lot because all the characters are so different. At the same time the stories interwine very well and there's good world building. I like this book because Chaya is a beautiful new Domme without being a bitch. Brent is haertbreaking when vulnerable. And of course the sex scenes are hot as always !
Profile Image for Karishma.
281 reviews28 followers
October 24, 2021
Not going to Lie... This is not at all what I was expecting this story to be. I took a Liking to Brent from the second book. I liked the fact that he was not a Knight. Loved Chaya. Girl is Badass and with a power that I really liked. It was different from the other girls. A little disappointed with this one but we move on :D cant wait for Chaos's story.
23 reviews
March 10, 2022
Classic case of its not you, its me. If you're into the genre (regarding the spice here), you might like this book. Unfortunately, I'm not and it just dulled the whole thing. I couldn't really get into, still pushed to finish it in case there would be information on the bigger plot with Diemos but no. So yeah, could have skipped this one. Just not for me.
Profile Image for Adricrisuruta.
1,737 reviews2 followers
November 29, 2022
It was beautiful to see how Chaya and Brent faced their fears of giving free rein to their dark desires, but when they allowed themselves to break free of that fear, they managed to reach the pinnacle of love, commitment, and especially trust.

It's scary to see how there are so many demons with infinite power that can subjugate the demi to their powers and turn them against themselves.
Profile Image for Esmee.
2,099 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2024
Teleurstellend. Alles ging ook rap. Maar goed ook want het was best slecht. En die scène was niet oke... Hij was van slag maar stond eigenlijk op het punt vreemd te gaan. En waarom fboy vs maagd? Ja hij is een seks demon, maar waarom moest zij nou maagd zijn... Hij ging voor beide geslachten en werd gechanteerd door fotos en filmpjes... Teveel dingen gebeuren er in weinig pagina s.
Profile Image for Josephine Wrightson.
Author 19 books100 followers
October 28, 2020

I’m loving these stories , this content would not normally be to my taste but I have to admit to enjoying the read and how tastefully it was done. Enjoyed it and easy to read the next .
522 reviews
November 27, 2020
The story was great but it was based on doms and submissives which wasn't something I was into but thankfully the author did write the sex scenes tastefully dirty. I love the ending they both needed to b saved just Read def worth it
3 reviews
November 21, 2021
I'm ready!!!

An absolute page turner. I love the transition of these stories. Each new book is introduced slowly in the previous book of the series. The characters are vivid and amazing!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 53 reviews

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