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464 pages, Paperback
First published December 11, 2012
“I tilted my head back against his shoulder,wondering how he'd gone from douchebag extraordinaire to this...this guy who still infuriated me but also constantly surprised and amazed me.
To this guy I'd fallen madly in love with.”
“You really shouldn’t trust a soul in this game. Not when everyone has something to gain or lose.”
“I had most of the body parts but was missing vital pieces to make me real.I didn't know who I was anymore.”
“I love you, Katy. Always have. Always will.”
He peeked up. “My awesomeness is all about the stealth.”
“Is it?” The temp had dropped and I huddled closer to Daemon and the dying fire, shivering but not anywhere near ready to head back.
“Uh-huh.” He grinned, closing the bowl and placing the rest of the food back in the cooler. Tossing me a soda, he cleaned everything up. We’d moved on past the wine coolers a while ago. “I can’t show all my dynamic sides at once.”
“Of course not. Where’s the mystery in that?”
He picked up a throw blanket. “There is none.” Draping it over my shoulders, he then settled back down next to me.
“Thank you.” I pulled the soft material close. “I think the general public would be shocked to know how deep your sweetness runs.”
Daemon stretched out, resting on his side. “They can never know.”
Grinning, I leaned forward and kissed his lips. “I’ll take the secret to my grave.”