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An unlikely state of affairs. For Navy SEAL Lucky O'Donlon was the original love-'em-and-leave-'em guy. Used to women swooning at his feet. So how could it be that the frustratingly attractive journalist Sydney Jameson had nothing to offer him but one very cold shoulder?

Well, two could play at this game. But first things first--he and Sydney had a job to do. They had to get their man.

Then there would be time enough for him to get his woman....

256 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published March 1, 2000

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About the author

Suzanne Brockmann

227 books3,540 followers
After childhood plans to become the captain of a starship didn’t pan out, Suzanne Brockmann took her fascination with military history, her respect for the men and women who serve, her reverence for diversity, and her love of storytelling, and explored brave new worlds as a bestselling romance author.

Over the past thirty years she has written sixty-three novels, including her award-winning Troubleshooters series about Navy SEAL heroes and the women—and sometimes men—who win their hearts. Her personal favorite is the one where her most popular character, gay FBI agent Jules Cassidy, wins his happily-ever-after and marries the man of his dreams. Called All Through the Night, this mainstream romance novel with a hero and a hero hit the New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list. In 2007, Suz donated all of her earnings from this book, in perpetuity, to MassEquality, to help win and preserve equal marriage rights in Massachusetts.

In addition to writing books, Suz writes and produces indie movies and TV including the award-winning romantic comedy The Perfect Wedding. Her recent feature, Out of Body, is streaming on Amazon Prime.

In 2018, Suz was given the Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award from the Romance Writers of America. Her latest projects are Blame It on Rio (Tall, Dark & Dangerous # 14), available in print and e-book from Suzanne Brockmann Books, and Marriage of Inconvenience, a six-episode LBGTQ rom-com TV series, streaming on Dekkoo in April 2023.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 144 reviews
Profile Image for Buggy.
540 reviews689 followers
September 1, 2011
Opening Line: “All early-morning conversation in Captain Joe Catalanotto’s office stopped dead as everyone turned to look at Lucky.”

You really can’t go wrong with any of the books from Suzanne Brockmann’s Tall Dark and Dangerous series. Each is well written with a delicious alpha male hero and just the right amount of action, suspense and melodrama to keep you coming back for more. All the stories are loosely connected (following Seal Team 10’s Alpha squad members) yet still different enough that they feel fresh and unique.

Thankfully this series has just been re-released as 2 in1’s with WAY better covers, because this has to be one of the worst. It’s embarrassingly bad; especially when you consider that our hero is meant to be some kind of super gorgeous, godlike person. The word FUGLY comes to mind for this cover.

Love-‘em and leave-‘em specialist Luke “Lucky” O’Donlon is the 9th Navy SEAL to have his story told and while he’s no Prince Joe or Admiral Jake Robinson The Admiral's Bride(sigh) this was still a super enjoyable, sexy read. The serial rapist storyline is well played, surprising and very suspenseful. And watching Lucky finally grow up and fall in love with a woman that isn’t Barbie doll perfect is a hell of a lot of fun. Yes we even get to see him cry.

The other thing I really enjoyed here was how Brockmann brought all the past heroines back into the story. Even though I couldn’t keep them straight (who was married to who) I appreciated the effort as most times the women get forgotten about in an ongoing series while the men continue to have reoccurring roles.

Lucky the babe magnet has just turned down a covert mission in Eastern Europe. It’s the kind of plum job that he lives for however with his baby sister getting married he wants to make sure he’s around to walk her down the aisle. Reassigned to a special task force Lucky’s new assignment has him working alongside Sydney Jameson. She’s a frustrating yet pretty (in an Annie Hall kinda way) freelance journalist. Syd also just happens to be their only eye witness as she “bumped” into the rapist on his way out of his latest victim’s apartment. To make matters worse all the victims have had the SEAL‘s Budweiser burned into their skin. It looks the bad guy here is going too be one of their own.

With Sydney becoming the bait in their sting operation the pair is forced into a fake relationship, even going so far as fake moving in together. The problem is Lucky likes having her around and likes fake kissing her even more. Yes, the lines between make believe and reality are beginning to blur.

I really disliked Lucky in the beginning of this; he’s a strutting, overly confident, a-hole, who uses women to get what he wants. However by the end he’s fully redeemed himself thanks to Syd. She calls him on his crap, has a wicked sense of humour and doesn’t swoon when he walks into a room. Possessing enough brains to actually hold an intelligent conversation (unlike his past conquests). I think the fact that these two became friends first was why they fell in love and watching them was a treat. Cheers.
Profile Image for Marta Luján.
Author 23 books198 followers
January 15, 2020
Una historia muy bien trabada, y aunque la parte romántica y el modo de conducirse de los protagonistas se acerca bastante a lo tópico, el cruce con la trama secundaria lo hace más interesante.

Salimos del ámbito habitual de los Seals para mezclarnos en el trabajo cotidiano de la policía americana. La novela nos plantea el caso de un violador en serie, con el agravante de que el violador se presenta como un supuesto Seal, por lo que este cuerpo de élite está empeñado en participar en la búsqueda del agresor con el fin de desenmascararlo. Los hechos tienen lugar en Coronado, por lo que nos encontramos de nuevo con Lucy McCoy, la esposa de Blue McCoy, que es policía.

La trama secundaria de la búsqueda y captura del violador, se mezcla con la historia de amor de Lucky O'Donlon, el guaperas de los Seals, y Sidney, una reportera freelance que se cruza con el violador después de que este haya atacado a una de sus jóvenes vecinas. Ambas historias están muy bien desarrolladas, con giros inesperados y situaciones duras y dolorosas que, por ser actuales, golpean más al lector. En particular, lo que le pasa a Lucy me cogió mucho emocionalmente al conocer al personaje con anterioridad y ver, además, el amor de Blue por su esposa.

A Lucky lo conocemos por sus apariciones en novelas anteriores. Sabemos que es guapo a morir y que odia los compromisos, va de mujer en mujer como la abeja de flor en flor. Está acostumbrado a que las mujeres lo busquen y caigan en su regazo. Pero, como en todas las cosas, esta solo es una cara del personaje. En esta novela, como protagonista, se nos revela otra faceta. No es, como aparenta, un hombre superficial, tiene una vertiente profunda que no revela a todo el mundo, quizás a causa de su propio pasado. Está claro que conocer el pasado de una persona te ayuda a comprender mejor su presente.

Por otro lado, en esta ocasión Lucky tropieza con una mujer que no cae rendida a sus pies, y eso, por supuesto, despierta su lado competitivo. Sydney no es una mujer despampanante, ni siquiera guapa, como mucho se puede decir que es bonita; desde luego, no es el tipo habitual con el que suele salir el guapo Seal, al que ella considera la versión marinera de Ken, el compañero de la Barbie. De todas formas, y como no está ciega ni muerta, no puede dejar de notar el atractivo del hombre, ni sentirse atraída hacia él, aunque sabe ocultarlo de forma magistral.

Curiosamente, los dos personajes son bastante parecidos en cuanto a su capacidad para ocultar sus verdaderos sentimientos. Ambos tienen miedo, y ambos lo ocultan; los dos sufren con el sufrimiento ajeno (en este caso de las mujeres violadas), pero también los dos se empeñan por mantenerse fuertes. Por eso me ha parecido muy bonito ver cómo cuando uno se derrumba ante el poder de lo que siente, el otro puedo comprenderlo, apoyarlo y consolarlo sin sentirse mal. Hay un plano de igualdad. No se da el típico dominio masculino, encargado de consolar a la mujer sentimental y más frágil.

He disfrutado la historia enormemente, y me ha encantado ver la evolución de los protagonistas conforme van dejando que el otro los conozca. Además, me ha gustado un montón la petición de matrimonio que Lucky le hace a Sydney!!
Profile Image for Jacqueline J.
3,542 reviews353 followers
December 13, 2010
One of my favorites of the TT&D series. Lucky figures out that he's not all that and turns into a real boy. The mystery of the rapist and the way they find him is well done and realistic. The emotions are real and you get to see almost all the characters from the other books. The end scene where they rush to save the heroine is very touching and Lucky really goes all out to save her and then to convince her he loves her. He puts his ego right out there for all to see. Very well done.
Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,354 reviews3,565 followers
August 15, 2022
I've been tearing through book recently, and while NOT being in a reading slump is always good news, the sheer volume of reviews to catch up is very daunting...

This is an early Suzanne Brockmann, with her requisite Navy SEAL-and-younger-than-heroine hero. Lucky undergoes a bit of a transformation throughout the series, being blond in this book and brunet earlier, but he retains a light-hearted personality.

Sydney, the heroine, is a journalist reporting on the case of a rapist menacing their town, whom Lucky's trying to catch. I don't really recall any more than that, to be honest, so 2 stars it is.

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Profile Image for Myself.
257 reviews8 followers
November 27, 2019
Me ha costado lo que no está escrito terminar este libro. No me ha enganchado en ningún momento, ni la historia, ni los personajes, ni nada.
Totalmente predecible y una historia muy manida y con un final chapucero.
No se cómo estarán los demás de esta serie, pero este es un no. Y no creo que me anime con ninguno más.
Profile Image for Becky.
3,267 reviews136 followers
August 8, 2011
Loved, loved, loved this one! Navy SEAL Luke "Lucky" O'Donlan has been swaggering through nearly all of the Tall, Dark, and Dangerous books, doing his SEAL team ten stuff with aplomb and loving and leaving women at the speed of light. I really didn't like him all that much, though I wouldn't have turned down the chance to gaze at him adoringly drool uncontrollably ahem, watch him leave the pool after swimming laps. He seemed like a great team member, a fantastic friend, and a true serial dater. Throughout it all he seemed a little too perfect, though (and didn't he know it and take advantage of it shamelessly)--as Sydney refers to him in her head within miliseconds of meeting him (and accidentially out loud, about an hour or so later), he's Navy Ken. In this book, though, he gets real. And Sydney--finally--gets Lucky. (And thank God the ebook cover is so much better than the original Silhouette one--ugh. Do those cover artists bother even cracking open the book?)
Profile Image for Alina Vlădoi.
62 reviews36 followers
January 10, 2019
Different from the rest of the series in a very good way.
Liked it tremendously!
Profile Image for Maqluba.
396 reviews31 followers
October 17, 2012
more like 3.5...but gotta round down (sorry!)
So I haven't read any of Suzanne Brockmann's books before but I heard some good things about this one so I thought I'd try it out.

So since this story is part of a series I had to ignore a lot of the back-stories that kept popping up on previous couples in this series which wasn't a problem except I got so confused by the shear amount of them I got somewhat annoyed by the end of it and pretended they were random side characters rather than a group so I suggest reading some of the stories or at least know the couples of the previous stories if you want to read this as a standalone.
I read this mostly because I was looking for a story where the hero was a hotty and arrogant about it but the heroine ignored him so of course he has to chase her around and this story was almost exactly that... I however wasn't too happy with the heroine's crazy deep insecurities-- can't a girl ignore a hot arrogant guy because he's an arrogant SOB and not because she doesn't think she's not good enough for him? For once I would like the hot hero chase after the regular girl and win her heart rather than spend the time to assure her that yes he really does like her, and no she doesn't have to change how she is, and yes he really does love her, and no she doesn't have to be barbie to his ken... but alas this wasn't that kinda story... the heroine's insecurities drove me nuts so although I really liked the hero and the story wasn't too bad I couldn't enjoy it as much. I will however continue to check out this author.
Profile Image for Violet Starrs.
3 reviews
December 1, 2013
Ladies and gentlemen, she has done it. Suzanne Brockmann has done it!

Okay, so I'd fallen for Lucky during his brief appearance in Frisco's Kid, and way more so in The Admiral's Bride, but I had no idea I'd love him THIS MUCH!

I really hadn't expected to ever love a TDD character as much I love Blue, but good golly here we are!

Lieutenant Luke "Lucky" O'Donlon's a gorgeous blonde hair, blue eyed, walking-talking Ken doll, (as Syd often refers to him as "Navy Ken"). He's a ladies man who's never wanted to settle down before in his life. That is, until he meets Syd Jameson and his world turns upside down.

I particularly loved this book way more than the others because this one had so many features of the others from the previous books. I really love any book Blue makes an appearance in, and this was one of them, along with Lucy (I loved how big her role was). I have officially come to the conclusion that I want a guy who is a combination of Lucky and Blue. Because of these series, I find Navy Seals to be wildly attractive.

I loved Syd. She was just as funny as Lucky, and I value humor so much in someone's personality.

I love the interaction between the characters in the previous book. I love the fact that this book had me feeling all of the emotions (anger, happiness, humor, sadness, sympathy, etc).

This is definitely on my list of "Must Read Again" books. I loved it!!
Profile Image for Rachel.
851 reviews
August 21, 2021
I like the suspense and mystery of this series. And of course the Navy SEALS. I am disappointed in how the female characters are portrayed. As a female vet, I understand independence but...if you're not trained or educated in the behavior of these "bad guys" then please shut up about going off by yourself. That pig headedness is foolish and dangerous. Do they have a deathwish? Also the lack of communication, assumptions and manipulating are ridiculous and insulting. Cmon, Ronnie yelling into the mic during an op and claiming her love for Cat??? That's when she decides to tell him? When he could lose concentration and be killed?? Please sit down with female military and/or vets before publishing.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rochelle.
1,282 reviews15 followers
May 17, 2011
Great storyline, as always, by Brockmann!

What a terrible cover, though! Suzanne Brockmann joked about it on her Facebook page, said she used to offer a "GET LUCKY Cover Fix-It Kit" on her website. Readers could send an SASE and she'd send back a smiley-face sticker and instructions as to how to apply it to the cover of their book!
The fix?
Profile Image for Donna.
Author 69 books287 followers
July 14, 2013
What do you do when the perfect blonde Ken doll walks in? Sydney Jameson just shakes her head, they're not going to get rid of her. A friend was brutalized and she's going to work on the task force and write the exclusive when they catch this guy. Lucky O'Donlon isn't getting the reaction he's used to from a woman and why does she keep slipping and calling him Ken? This unlikely pair get to know each other as only Suzanne does it and I loved it. Had me laughing out loud in places, but the suspense in real. Enjoy!
Profile Image for Kathy.
214 reviews5 followers
October 25, 2009
Like any of Suzanne Brockmann's TD&D books it was fantastic, but honestly the cover nearly killed it before I even read it.
Could they have any worse image of Lucky? I really don't think so.

This is a case where if I saw this book without knowing anything about the author or the series I wouldn't have picked it up.
Profile Image for Dee.
2,578 reviews21 followers
November 6, 2017
Two-haiku review:

He's gorgeous, cocky
She's smart but dresses dowdy
He tries to charm her

Eye of beholder
Looking beneath the surface
Plus good mystery
Profile Image for Cruth.
1,656 reviews144 followers
November 18, 2015
Author: Suzanne Brockmann
First published: 2000
Length: 3350 kindle locations
Setting: Contemporary. Coronado.
Sex: Infrequent. Varies from explicit to door half-closed.
Hero: SEAL.
Heroine: Journalist.
Triggers: Violence and rape of secondary characters .

I really enjoyed this one. Playboy SEAL finds his (somewhat frumpy) One and she doesn’t believe him. Good suspense, nice romance, good use of past characters and teasers into future books (particularly Wes’ romantic life). Strong, independent women who refuse to be put in a corner and Alpha SEALs with beta emotional lives. They even cry. Pure romance in the ending.

Really, really enjoyed it.

Tall, Dark & Dangerous:
Book 1 Prince Joe - Veronica St John and Lieutenant Joe Catalonotto
Book 2 Forever Blue - Blue McCoy and Lucy Tait
Book 3 Frisco's Kid - Alan Francisco and Mia Appleton
Book 4 Everyday, Average Jones - Harlan "Cowboy” Jones and Melody Evans
Book 5 Harvard's Education - Senior Chief "Harvard” Becker and PJ Richards
Book 6 It Came Upon a Midnight Clear - William "Crash” Hawken and Nell Burns
Book 7 The Admiral's Bride - Zoe Lange and Admiral Jake Robinson
Book 8 Identity: Unknown (also published as Tall, Dark and Daring) - Mitchell Shaw and Becca Keyes
Book 9 Get Lucky - Lucky O’Donlon and Sydney Jameson
Book 10 Taylor's Temptation - Bobby Taylor and Colleen Skelly
Book 11 Night Watch - Wes Skelly and Brittany Evans

Author's website: http://www.suzannebrockmann.com

(ISBN 9781760376444)

Profile Image for Heather in FL.
2,053 reviews
July 24, 2013
I know someone recommended this specific book to me, but I can't remember who. I just know I wouldn't normally pick up a book in the middle of a series, but this can easily be read as a standalone. You get a peek at who the past couplings were, but the story if firmly on Lucky and Syd.

This is another one of those hot guy who is a player finds the one woman perfect for him. And a little bit of the girl who doesn't think she stands a chance because he's too perfect. I loved that when Lucky tried to use his sexuality to distract Syd from the case, she shot him down. I think that went a long way toward him stepping back and really looking at her. And because of this, when Lucky was trying to really get close, not their make-believe relationship, she didn't take him seriously.

He really knows how to make a gesture there at the end, doesn't he? He thought of everything. Really wish I could have seen him in his dress uniform. I bet it was breathtaking! :-)

So now I'm going to have to go back at some point and read or listen to the rest of these. Not super long, but enjoyable stories. Plus, I hear Lucky was kind of a jerk in the previous ones, so it would be interesting to "watch" that.
33 reviews
April 1, 2018

What I love about Suzanne Brockman's stories is that she captures the growing intimacy and romance of two souls, not just the physical attraction ... as well as the great alpha male hero's of her tales. I find her plots believable and interesting, for the most part. The characters stay true to who they are while allowing for growth and surprises; character consistency. Brockman is inventive; each couple in this series has a unique story. The end of Lucky' story is fitting for him. The ending made me teary.
Profile Image for Ronnie Brown.
48 reviews
August 1, 2018
I can't tell the ages of Tasha and Thomas. In Frisco's Kid, they're about 15 years apart. She was five; he was a high scool senior or had graduated. In this book, the age difference seems to be about ten years
2 reviews
August 9, 2018

This story was vert captivatinf. The story line of the rapist had me, then Lucky wanting to protect what he loved was heartfelt even if he didn't quite know how to say the right words to make Sydney know he was serious.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,181 reviews11 followers
July 28, 2019
This book has wonderful characters and great suspense. I love the flow of the story. Lucky finally met his match. It's a very enjoyable book!
33 reviews
May 6, 2020
Of course I loved it. I've loved every word Brockmann has written.
Profile Image for Night Runner.
1,489 reviews35 followers
October 7, 2020
Entertaining with good storyline and strong MCs. I pretty much enjoyed the story from beginning to end. Tough subject matter.
Profile Image for Kate McMurry.
Author 1 book111 followers
November 23, 2022
Exciting romantic-suspense novel from 2000 that has aged well

For over half of his life, 34-year-old Navy SEAL, Lucky O'Donlon, has been flitting from one temporary fling to another—always with a tall, slender, buxom beauty. Blessed with a handsome face, a ripped physique, and irresistible charm, not a single woman who has caught his roving eye over the years has ever turned him down. Until he crosses paths with lovely Sydney Jameson, a savvy, cynical, 35-year-old journalist. From the first moment Syd encounters Lucky, she’s got his number, and she refuses to allow the man she mentally labels, “Navy Ken,” to manipulate her with his overwhelming sexual charisma.

Syd and Lucky are both part of a joint task force involving the local police, the FBI, and several SEALs from Lucky’s San Diego-based SEAL team. While Syd has voluntarily signed up for the task force, and Lucky has been ordered by his Commanding Officer to participate in it, they are both equally passionate about accomplishing its urgent mission—tracking down and capturing a serial rapist. This vicious criminal has attacked a string of local women, including Syd’s next-door neighbor, a virginal, 19-year-old college student. In the process, it has become apparent to the police that the perp is becoming increasingly violent. At any moment, he may escalate from raping and beating his victims into outright murdering them. Lucky’s involvement in this mission becomes even more critical when evidence at the scene of several of the recent assaults indicates that the rapist may possibly be a current or former SEAL.

FAVORITE QUOTE: "He was physical perfection, pure, dazzling masculine beauty….He wasn't just hot, he was white hot. Unfortunately, he was also insensitive, narrow-minded, egocentric and conniving [and] Sydney didn't like him--a fact she conveniently seemed to have forgotten when he kissed her."

This is the ninth book in this exciting, romantic-suspense series. It is not absolutely essential to read these books in order, because each is written as a standalone, and none has a cliffhanger ending. However, Lucky is an especially noticeable subcharacter throughout this series, because he has shown up in significant cameo appearances in each of the previous eight books. As a result, his main character trait, as a “love ‘em and leave ‘em” guy who is fervently determined to never, ever marry, has been well established in the preceding books, and it is firmly reasserted in this novel as a main romantic conflict between Lucky and Syd. From Syd’s side, there is an added romantic conflict that she has been disappointed in love enough times in the past that, even if Lucky were not a self-declared, perpetual bachelor, she would have had difficulty trusting him as a potential serious, romantic partner. On top of that, even though Syd is a slender, pretty woman, she considers herself nowhere near being in the league of physical beauty of Lucky himself or the exquisite “Barbies” whom “Navy Ken” typically dates.

It is a challenge of no mean order, within the exceedingly limited word space of a romance novel of only 50,000 words, to provide a convincing growth arc that morphs a hero who is an unrepentant womanizer into a man who is wildly in love and passionately committed to settling down into a monogamous marriage with children—which is the expected, Harlequin HEA as much today (2022) as it was in the year 2000 when this book was first published. When you add on top of that difficulty the fact that an action-adventure plot runs side-by-side with the romance plot, consuming at least half of those 50,000 words, it becomes even more tricky. Fortunately, Brockmann is aided in creating Lucky’s transformation by several reliable Harlequin conventions: (1) This is a slowburn plot, which allows the reader to believe that Lucky wants far more from Syd than a quick roll in the hay. (2) There is no gutter language during the sex scenes (in fact, no foul language at all anywhere in this book), which further raises the tone of the relationship from raw sex to tender sensuality. (3) The primary focus in the kissing scenes and eventual consummation scene is on the intense emotions that Lucky and Syd are feeling for each other, rather than a graphic recitation of heaving body parts. In addition, while the action-adventure plot does take up a lot of page space, it actually serves to advance the romance plot, because the “fox-hole buddies” phenomenon systematically mows down the main, mutual romantic conflict, disrespectful distrust. In the midst of shared acts of derring-do, the superficial aspects of Syd and Lucky’s personalities are peeled away, exposing a deep core of integrity and bravery. This factor—which exists in all romantic-suspense novels, not just this one—is consistently used by romance authors to make it credible that two commitment-phobes, who typically start out as enemies, or at the very least adversaries, could fall deeply and mutually in love within a matter of days or, at most, weeks.

Not every single book of this series offers a climax for its action-adventure plot which thrillingly involves most of the SEAL team members who are the heroes of the 11 initial books of this series. However, that is definitely the case in this book, and it provides an extremely satisfying conclusion for the evil-rapist plot.

Trigger Warning: Scenes involving rape can potentially rouse traumatic feelings in survivors of rape but, because this is Harlequin, there is no on-stage enactment of rape or any post-mortem, detailed descriptions of rape.

Overall, though this novel was originally published more than 20 years ago, it has aged well, and it is still an enjoyable read that does not feel particularly dated. In fact, every one of the first 11 books of this series constitute some of the best writing Brockmann has ever done. Sadly, however, the two books that she tacked onto this series 20 years after the fact are not remotely as good as the original 11, and for me personally, they are barely worth a first read, and definitely not worth a repeat read, as these older books are.

This is the order in which this series was originally released:

1) Prince Joe, June 1996
2) Forever Blue, October 1996
3) Frisco's Kid, January 1997
4) Everyday, Average Jones, August 1998
5) Harvard's Education, October 1998
6) It Came Upon a Midnight Clear, December 1998 (Subsequently renamed: Hawken's Heart)
7) The Admiral's Bride, November 1999
8) Identity: Unknown, January 2000
9) Get Lucky, March 2000
10) Taylor's Temptation, July 2001
11) Night Watch, September 2003
12) SEAL Camp, May, 2018
13) King’s Ransom, December, 2020

I rate this book as follows:

Heroine: 4 stars
Hero: 4 stars
Subcharacters: 5 stars
Romance Plot: 4 stars
Action-Adventure Plot: 4 stars
Overall: 4 stars

Profile Image for Jo-Anne.
1,706 reviews37 followers
May 27, 2014

I liked Get Lucky the best of all the books in the Tall, Dark and Dangerous series. Luke (Lucky) is a Navy SEAL and a player who has never had a problem getting any beautiful, young woman for a one night stand or a few nights, at most. When he meets a journalist, Sydney, he expects her to fall for his charms like all the other women but is surprised when she turns him down. That makes Luke want her even more but Sydney is not playing his game.

This is a wonderfully written book with a story line that is easy to get wrapped up in. I felt so many emotions while reading that I didn't want to put it down. I love stories about SEALs and Luke was great in this book even though he was like a Ken doll - gorgeous and plastic (according to Sydney).

This was a light, easy read and would recommend it.
Profile Image for Anja.
132 reviews
January 9, 2016
Well, I wanted an easy read to get back into reading mode after taking being not in the mood. So I picked up one of the unread romantic suspense novels of my pile and damn it was an easy read, but one I barely good put away.

It was quite a while since I read the last bok of this series, so I wasn't really aware of how much I actually liked Lucky and the stories in general. I absolutely liked the dynamic between him and Syd, they worked well of each other. BUT even if I know what I get from these books, it was so full tropes that I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough.

Besides the tropes, my eye rolling, I really enjoyed reading this little story.

Profile Image for Lizabeth Tucker.
906 reviews13 followers
August 19, 2016
When a serial rapist appears to be a Navy SEAL, Lieutenant Lucky O'Donlon is assigned to the task force. Freelance reporter Sydney Jameson found the latest victim. She forces herself onto the task force, both for the exclusive story and for the capture of the animal who beat and raped her neighbor.

I can relate to Syd, from her lack of makeup to her taste in comfortable clothing. Smooth Dawg, on the other hand, acts like he's God's gift to women. A nice guy who isn't used to hearing "no", especially from women. Watching Lucky fall in love is a bright spot in this story. As is catching up with many characters from previous books, although one of those will tear your heart out. Maybe two, if you include Wes. 4.5 out of 5.
Profile Image for Julie.
301 reviews5 followers
September 8, 2015
Lucky and Sydney are thrown together during a serial rape investigation. Lucky is not the guy you want to root for at the beginning of the story, with his arrogant, holier-than-thou attitude that assumes no mere woman could be helpful in his investigation. But as the book goes on, you do find yourself thinking that he's showing potential and might be worth Sydney's time.

Brockmann does a great job as always with the alpha military heroes angle, as well as doing a good job portraying the serial rape investigation. I enjoyed getting a check in with many of the women from past books rather than just the other men.
Profile Image for Primadonna.
Author 32 books373 followers
May 3, 2009
Love this one even though some parts seem to confuse me.

1. How come the rapist has a budweiser? Aren't Navy Seals supposed to get theirs after completing the training? And the culprit didn't even finish his.

2. How can another man know the details of the crime, enough to confess that all the rapes have been done by him? (Yeah, yeah, there's a speculation that he might've met the culprit in a pub. And they talk about the details? It sounds like a far shot.)

3. How could he get some details about the victims?

Oh well, aside from little details, I love Lucky and Syd.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 144 reviews

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