After accepting a ride home, sixteen-year-old Emma Kennedy is raped by a boy from school. But handsome, popular Ross Schroeder tells everyone the sex was consensual, and Emma is immediately branded as a slut. Even Emma's best friend, Jen, doesn't believe Emma's version of events. In fact, she is angry with Emma because she feels betrayed. After all, she liked Ross first.
But when Ross starts showing interest in Jen, Emma knows she will have to find a way to get Jen to believe that she really is in grave danger.
***Thanks to NetGalley for providing me a complimentary copy of GIRLS LIKE ME by Kristin Butcher in exchange for my honest review.***
Emma has a miscarriage following a rape by a popular athlete and is slut shamed by her peers, doctor and mother. When she tries to warn her former best friend, Jen blames Emma for being jealous.
GIRLS LIKE ME reminded me more of a book from the 1970s, when I was a young adult, than a modern story. From the beginning when Emma’s father refers to her bloody sheets as, “woman problems” to her doctor and mother not believing her rape and if she was raped assuming she did something wrong. I know some people haven’t progressed beyond blame the victim mentality, but we’ve progressed to have so many people in one book. Laurie Halse Anderson’s SPEAK is a far better example of rape and its aftermath.
16 year old Emma accepts a car ride home from Ross a guy from the boys volleyball team. In turn he ends up raping her and she is left to deal with the consequences alone.
I started reading Girls like me and the beginning had my heart breaking and tears streaming down my face. The hurt that Emma feels Kristin Butcher does such a great job writing it. I felt like the story was written during the times where when things like this happened you kept everything Hush hush. Her mother doesn't believe her, they dont tell her father and he acts naive about what happened. I wanted more from this 144 page story because I felt like there was not enough detail and everything happened to fast and was wrapped up to fast.
I do want to thank Orca book publishers and Netgalley for providing me with this arc for an honest review.
I received an electronic copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
One of the most abrupt endings I've ever read... and the whole thing was really forced and surface and abrupt.
It didn't really make any points that arent already known.
I'm not trying to diminish anyone who has experienced this situation in real life, as a rape victim myself I could never ever do that. But not a lot of care or thought went into this.
ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Girls Like Me is a quick read dealing with heavy but important subject matter. The book tells the story of two high school friends who are both raped on different occasions by the school's star athlete. Butcher does well at writing Emma's shame and guilt surrounding the rape and the events that follow. While the book has good readability, it often felt forced. The ending was also very abrupt.
Almost everyday there are cases of boys and men being accused of rape and women who just want to be believed but in this world the victim often gets blamed and it isn't without it's reasons thanks to those few that have made false accusations. Ms. Butcher has explored the topic of rape with the characters that have been brought to life through her carefully and well crafted story line and dialogue throughout the story. It is a great book for both female and male teenagers to read right at the beginning of their teen age years as a way of introducing the topic and to make them aware of situations that happen and how the scenario might be play with some warning signs as well as scenarios of how to handle it if it does happen to them as well as the consequences of being the perpetrator of a rape. The ending was good but definitely a cliffhanger and I am not sure if there is another book in progress to resolve it or not. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reading copy of this book via NetGalley!
*****Thank you to NetGallery for providing me a complimentary copy of Girls Like Me In exchange for an honest review****
First of, I would like to say, I enjoyed this book a lot, well, enjoy isn’t the right word for a book like this, I was intrigued and it was worth the read. This book is simple yet holds so many lessons and so much importance. When reading this I did not get the vibe that this book was from this year because of the way people acted, it reminded me of a 2009 movie. This is a good thing, I should add. The reason I like this little detail is because it gives is a glimpse into the side of our society that has not yet grown into social issues. There are still people out there like Emma’s doctor who will harshly judge you for what you do with your own body. There are still people like her mother who will say that rape is something you should “get over.” This book was an important multitude of messages and for that it already gets stars. Let’s talk about the story. The plot was quite simple from the get go but as it developed it got more and more interesting and complicated. I liked that everything was not perfect and that some people got hurt. The story was definitely something that keep me going enough to finish this book in a mere two or three hours. The only thing I wish this book had more of was pages, there were some scenes and moments I wanted to get more details from and have more scenes from, but overall I was very satisfied with the story I got. I got the book and I was excited but seeing it had so little pages I did not know how it was gonna wrap up well, and it did. I recommend this book to any girl out there in high school, any boy, any parent, anyone who may be in a position to end up in this situation or know people who may. Thank you to NetGallery for this book and thank you to Kristin Butcher for this book, I am so glad I had the pleasure of reading it!
Girls Like Me is a high-intensity read that can be finished quickly. It tells the story of Emma and Jen, two best friends in the thick of high school, when one boy swoops in and changes both of their lives. What Emma thinks is an innocent ride home, turns into the worst night of her life., and the events of that night don’t go away with the sunrise. She tries to explain to her parents and best friend Jen what actually happened - but no one believes her. Until it happened to Jen too. The two put their differences aside to support each other through the traumatic aftermath of their experiences and the backlash that comes with it.
Unfortunately, this is a situation that is occurring all too often in our society with little to no consequences for the offenders. This story tells it from the perspective of Emma and the struggles - internally and externally - and how she chooses to handle them.
Great read if you’re looking for something quick. Heavy topic but one that is important to address and understand.
16 year old Emma and her best friend Jen make the senior volleyball team and it's going to be AWESOME! They get to go to away games with the boy's team, and it's going to be one big party, especially when Ross, the cutest boy of all the boys notices Emma. The party ends when Ross offers to take Emma home one night. She hides the rape ad the resulting pregnancy as best she can and tries to move on with her life. Then the rumors start. Rumors so terrible even her best friend believes them. But Jen might be next, so Emma desperately tries to get through to her.
Girls Like Me is timely and quick to read. It perfectly describes the attitude of victim blaming/slut shaming. Emma is a nice girl who never had a boyfriend, but people including her best friend and her mom are so willing to believe she must have done something to encourage Ross. It's ridiculous, but terrifyingly common. I finished the book in a few hours and liked it, but I did wish that there was more closure with the ending.
*I received a copy of this book from netgalley in exchange for my review.
Girls Like Me by Kristin Butcher- This is a quick read, high interest, low level book that deals with a topic that is becoming all too common. Emma and Jen are popular juniors, best friends, and crushing on the same popular senior guy named Ross. One afternoon Ross pays Emma some extra attention and the two girls, best friends since forever, suddenly find themselves growing apart. Ross takes Emma home after a game, but decides to rape her before dropping her off. Faced with the guilt and shame of having sex the first time she’s out with a guy (because that’s what he told all his buddies), Emma finds herself being slut-shamed by the whole school. Now, it looks like Ross has his eye on Jen next. Emma tries to warn her, but even Jen thinks Emma is a slut who was asking for it. Heartbreakingly often the victim is blamed before the attacker (if he is ever blamed at all). With few characters, struggling readers will be able to follow easily. My struggling teens love finding books like these about real-life topics. #girlslikeme #Kristinbutcher #netgalley
I love this series. They are short, I admit, but they are all aimed at YA and usually carry an important social theme.
This book was no different. The theme of rape, pregnancy and friendship are all covered in this way too short book.
The book opens with a resounding scene, our main character is rushed to the hospital because she is bleeding. It turns out that she was pregnant and miscarried. This is definitely an issue as she is a YA and nowhere ready for motherhood.
While this could have covered a whole book in itself, the author chooses to focus on the reason she got pregnant.
Horrific and all too possible.
What I liked most about this book is the main character, she is smart and makes a decision to keep living her life as best as she can. We see how hard her "friends" makes it for her, in fact, her best friend disappears and ends up hooking up with "the" guy everyone is in love with.
The friendship is strained, until an event brings them back together.
The whole story is done very well, with respect and with big issues needing to be handled.
Loved, loved this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Girls Like Me is a startling novel about rape and slut-shaming in high school. The pacing of this book moves like a runaway train and never slows down at any point, it is a very easy book to read in a single sitting. The book is aimed at younger readers and uses simple language that is easier to follow, it will definitely appeal to its target audience.
The subject matter presented in this story is troubling, and I wonder if it sacrifices believably in exchange for a dramatic plot. There are almost no character personalities beyond the immediate trauma they have faced, so you never get much of a sense of who Emma and Jen were before the opening of the novel. Everything takes place a couple of months after the event, and it starts off with Emma suffering from trauma and bullying as she grapples with what has happened, it actually started off decent all things considered. After that things just sort of dropped off, the rumors and bullying literally vanishing completely overnight, it didn’t make any sense.
Even so, with the easy readability of this novel, I think that it does highlight some important topics. It can be the right book for the right reader that can bring awareness of rape culture and slut-shaming that is an unfortunate reality for many people. It has a good message about believing victims and seeking help because a danger for one person can quickly become a danger to all.
Disclaimer: Received a copy for review from the publisher via NetGalley
I am reviewing a copy of Girls Like Me through Orca Book Publishers and Netgalley:
Girls Like Me is a High Interest Novel geared towards teen.
Sixteen year old Emma is raped after accepting a ride home from a boy at school. Ross Schroeder who is handsome and popular tells everyone the sex was consensual. Even Emma’s best friend Jen, does not believe what Emma tells her. Jen feels betrayed because she liked Ross first.
When Ross starts showing interest in Emma’s best friend Jen she knows that she must somehow convince Jen of the truth before it’s to late.
Emma Kennedy is a typical high school girl. She is a cheerleader, she is plodding along academically, she has a good circle of friends. Her whole future looks bright. However, when an encounter with the boy she likes turns violent she becomes ostracised by the people she trusts the most.
If I am honest, Girls Like Me is not an original story. There are plenty of others that tackle the same theme. One of the things that I always find I take away from these types of stories is how they are almost cautionary tales. That the girl shouldn’t have allowed herself to get into this situation. The blame often shifts to the female protagonist and the attacker – though at times held accountable – it is the moral tale that girls have allowed themselves to be in these situation that overrides the rest of the narrative.
Fortunately Kristin Butcher does not dwell on this. Whilst we don’t necessarily see justice done we are left with the potential for hope.
Girls Like Me by Kristin Butcher is available now.
Emma accepted a ride home from a high school class mate. She didn't make it home as she expected. Ross, a popular guy at her high school raped her and told everyone it was consensual. Emma's best friend is jealous because she likes Ross and feels her best friend deceived her. This story is one that happens more often then we would like to think. This is about Emma and how her class mates view her after only hearing one side of the story. How, everyone believes the popular guy and not her. It is a story of how a family wants to sweep it under the rug and act like nothing happened even when there are consequences to the action. I'm glad Kristin Butcher wrote about this topic and I wish more authors would be willing to right about this topic to show teens that it is not ok.......That you need to tell someone.
** I received an electronic advance copy of this from NetGalley in return for an honest review.** SPOILERS INCLUDED!
I requested to read this because it sounded like it could be an amazing and empowering story. Instead I felt the story was rushed through just to suddenly end with no real closure. The story centers around the belief that no one will believe the truth but, you never get to find out if anyone does. Does the rapist ever get arrested? And don’t get me started on the parents... Don’t tell your father what happened. And, a mother telling her own child that she led this boy on... I know those things happen in real life but, it just seemed as if her parents were living in a completely different era than all the other characters. Overall, the basic idea of the book was a good one. I just needed more. More answers, more info and definitely better closure.
I found this book to be such an easy and interesting read. I see a lot of reviewers complained about the lack of character development, but I feel like maybe it was done intentionally so anyone can relate to the characters. So you can see yourself in them. The book was well written and kept moving at a good pace. The only complaint I have is about the abrupt ending. I would have loved to see the outcome. Other than that, I think it’s a great book to read as a family and discuss the topic of rape. Being that the book is about rape, It’s actually not graphic or inappropriate at all. There’s maybe one curse word in the book. I’d definitely recommend reading it as a group and discussing. I received a copy of Girls like me from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This book surprised me a bit. First, I didn't know that this was more of a novella when I requested to read it. I feel with a topic like the one that this book covers, it could have made for a full length novel. In fact, Emma's story felt rushed to me. I really enjoyed the message behind this and what it was intending the say but it could have been a full length novel with more details and have the events of the story drawn out further. Emma and Jen deserved the chance to have a longer story. That being said, I did enjoy what I did read despite the hard message. The characters of this book just deserved many more pages and much more time to connect with the readers.
I was given an early copy of this Orca Book “Girls Like Me” by Kristin Butcher in exchange for an honest review. This book was a short young adult story. I have read different books about the subject of rape and bullying. This book reminds me of things that happen daily in people’s lives and the hardships they must go through especially in school. I do think this book was kind of rushed and short, but it did keep my attention and I enjoyed reading it. I can’t wait to read more by this publisher and author.
This book had a great beginning. Blood on the sheets. Pain and agony all over on what is happening no and what happened not too long ago experienced by the protagonist Emma are papable yet it slowly goes downhill in the 130 odd pages of the book. One reason is that I didn't like the antagonist Ross (which his first and last name is said way too much in the same line) and not just cause him scum- he just seemed one dimensional. It would be great if this book was continued to be longer and more things were develope cause I feel cheated. So yeah, it had a great concept yet could have been worked out more.
Emma Kennedy and her best friend, Jen, have been together forever. They thought they'd always be friends but Ross Schroeder has driven a wedge between them. You see, they both like him and Emma is the one who attracts his attention first.
Ross rapes Emma and gets her pregnant but has told everyone Emma's a slut and wanted it. No one believes Emma's side of the story, not even Jen. And now Ross has set his sights on Jen. Will there be a way for Emma to protect her best friend?
When I first requested this book I wasn't aware that it was a hi-lo type of novel. Hi-lo basically means that it's topics of high interest written in a manner that's easy to read for readers that have a low reading level. So for someone like me, I managed to fly through this book in a couple of hours. But just cos it's a hi-lo book doesn't mean it wasn't good. I actually enjoyed it a lot and it discussed a timely topic. The only thing that I wish was that the ending hadn't been so abrupt.
This book talks about a very important subject, sexual assault. This girl is raped and has everyone against her and no one believing that she was a assaulted by this guy. I feel like the author did a good job expressing Emma’s shame and hurt, and her struggles to heal her trauma. I just felt like there wasn’t enough in the ending and I want to know what happened to her and her friend Jen who also got raped by the same guy. The ending was just abrupt and left me wanting more information.
A quick read about an important topic. This could easily stand with Speak and other novels to begin classroom discussions. I didn't think much of Jen, but she redeemed herself in the end. the other characters were fairly thin, but that's more to do with the length of the story than anything else.
I really enjoyed this book. I actually wish it was longer. I wanted to see justice served. That said, Kristin did an amazing job of digging into the guilt and shame and anger of the characters. I would like to read more from Kristin. The way she writes is simple, but it really gets the point across.