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160 pages, Kindle Edition
First published December 8, 2018
“His package ended up inside my box.
Calm down, perv. My mailbox .
As soon as I saw what was inside,
I knew two things:
It belonged to my hot neighbor, and he had a dirty secret.”
People always thought I wasn't a "people person," whatever that even means. Well, guess what, assholes? I was totally a people person.
But there’s something I enjoy even more than casual acts of the universe’s great balancing act. I don’t excite easily, and I don’t make a habit of smiling—but I especially enjoy waiting for karma to strike down someone when they’ve pissed me off.
“How’s your dark little life treating you?” Grammy asked me.
“Just waiting for the next disappointing turn of events. What about you, planning on dying any time soon?”
“Look at you.” I made a floppy hand gesture toward him. “How many times have you ever had to do more than wink at a girl to get her to strip naked and beg to have sex with you? I feel like I owe it to the world to make it hard for you.”
“Well, you’ve accomplished that. A few times, actually.”
Oh, my... I wasn't a blusher, but my face felt a little hot. I must've been getting a fever.
«Io non dovrei toccare la roba d’altri? Mi pare di ricordare che hai cominciato tu».
«È stato un incidente». La sua voce non aveva più quella durezza caratteristica.
«Incidente o no, hai toccato il mio pacco, non posso lasciarti andare via così».
«Ma questo cos’è? Che significa?».
Si strinse nelle spalle. «Non deve significare nulla. Per una volta, smetti di voler dare un senso a tutto. Concentrati sull’esperienza. Vivila. Rimanda le domande a dopo». [...]
«E se non fosse così semplice?».
Si chinò, prese il mio labbro inferiore tra i denti e lo tirò piano piano. «E se lo fosse?».