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Digging Up Bones #2

Skin and Bone

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Digging Up Book Two

Cloister Witte and his K-9 partner, Bourneville, find the lost and bring them home.

But the job doesn’t always end there.

Janet Morrow, a young trans woman, lies in a coma after wandering away from her car during a storm. But just because Cloister found the young tourist doesn’t mean she’s home. What brought her to Plenty, California… and who didn’t want her to leave?

With the help of Special Agent Javi Merlo, who continues to deny his growing feelings for the rough-edged deputy, Cloister unearths a ten-year-old conspiracy of silence that taps into Plenty’s history of corruption.

Janet Morrow’s old secrets aren’t the only ones coming to light. Javi has tried to put his past behind him, but some people seem determined to pull his skeletons out of the closet. His dark history with a senior agent in Phoenix complicates not just the investigation but his relationship with Cloister.

And since when has he cared about that?

240 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 26, 2019

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About the author

T.A. Moore

45 books383 followers
TA Moore is a Northern Irish writer of romantic suspense, urban fantasy, and contemporary romance novels. A childhood in a rural, seaside town fostered in her a suspicious nature, a love of mystery, and a streak of black humour a mile wide. As her grandmother always said, ‘she’d laugh at a bad thing that one’, mind you, that was the pot calling the kettle black. TA Moore studied History, Irish mythology, English at University, mostly because she has always loved a good story. She has worked as a journalist, a finance manager, and in the arts sectors before she finally gave in to a lifelong desire to write.

Coffee, Doc Marten boots, and good friends are the essential things in life. Spiders, mayo, and heels are to be avoided.

Website: www.nevertobetold.co.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TA.Moores
Twitter: @tammy_moore

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 141 reviews
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews1,017 followers
February 7, 2022
3.75 stars

-Bourneville gets 5 stars and an Oscar for being the best supporting character ever. This dog is too cute.

-The mystery was interesting enough and kept me guessing till the end.

- The relationship between Cloister and Javi is a very complicated slow burn kind of thing, I am here for all that.

I had a good time with this one.
Profile Image for Leaf of Absence .
128 reviews20 followers
February 28, 2019
Rating: A baker's dozen of doggy treats


Me, just finishing the book: What! No..... Why is it over? And when's the next one coming out?!

Book: Woof!

Me: Good girl! This is isn't over.

Profile Image for CrabbyPatty.
1,690 reviews190 followers
September 6, 2021
FYI - "Skin and Bones" is a sequel to TA Moore's excellent Bone to Pick and cannot be read as a stand-alone. You'll want to start at the beginning of this excellent series!

Special Agent Javi Merlo and Deputy Cloister are back, working on the case of a young trans woman found in dire condition, after which Cloister gets almost run over by a pickup, ending up with a broken arm, cuts and bruises. Javi tells himself he's inviting Cloister to stay with him only because of his injuries, because their relationship (incredibly steamy as it may be) is only sex .. right?
Javi grimaced at himself. His sex life was a lot simpler when he thought Cloister was just a hot ass attached to an uncomplicated redneck. Now he had to decide what was more important - friendship or fucking. If Javi made the first move, that would be the end of any more hookups with Cloister. You didn't try to patch things up with a fuck buddy. That was for friends and boyfriends. Javi was no one's idea of boyfriend material.
The relationship between Javi and Cloister is the heart of this story IMHO. Cloister continually struggles with the night years ago his brother disappeared and his repressed memories of that night. Cloister's got issues, but they are out in the open, while Javi struggles with what happened in New Orleans and how it will affect his job posting with the FBI when the new special agent is assigned. I love the dichotomy between the two men ... "one of them incapable of offering more, the other incapable of accepting what was on offer..."

Personally, I found the murder/mystery plot somewhat convoluted and not quite fully explained enough, and maybe because I loved the relationship aspect SO darn much, the murder seemed to drag down the pace of the book. Also, we are teased through most of the book about what happened in Phoenix, and Javi's relationship with Kinkaid ... but little is resolved at the end of the book. Mind you, I love foreshadowing but c'mon, throw us a bone (see what I did there?) and give us a bit more development rather than having to wait for the next book in the series! But those are relatively small niggles given the enormous pleasure of reading "Skin and Bone" which I give 4.5 stars.

I received an ARC from Dreamspinner Press in exchange for an honest review.

Visit my blog, Sinfully Good Gay Book Reviews

Profile Image for Gabi.
695 reviews114 followers
July 27, 2021
It's a really good thing there is a third book in the works because that ending sneaked upon me fast and there's a lot left unresolved.

I forgot how much I liked the first book. I love how the author writes the romance and the mystery.
And I love Bourneville. :)

Now I just need these two to get their heads out of their asses.
Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,555 reviews149 followers
November 27, 2019
I enjoyed this book as much as the first. It has all the markings of a wonderful story: two conflicted MCs, a murder that unravels long buried secrets, angst and deep emotions and cute loyal dog Bon. The difference between this book and the first is that it focuses more on the relationship between two men, well sort of relationship they have, and also gives more voice to Javi than Cloister.

While the investigation dragged a tiny bit in the first part of the book, it definitely picked up closer to the end, and I liked how Cloister and Javi brainstormed together. The who and the why of it was interesting. The relationship they have is strained and at times tense with both men walking on eggshells around each other. There were glimpses of tender regard but very few and far between, and I would have liked more of them. Considering what both Javi and Cloister reveal in snippets about their past and what shaped them, it's no wonder theirs is a relationship that might not even fully develop due to their fears and, in Javi's case, pure a$$holery. But I enjoyed the gentle moments they did have.

All in all, this was a good book with diverse ever changing characters, the mystery that was complicated and well written, and departmental intrigue and posturing that I found quite fascinating. It was angsty, steamy and suspenseful. I enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,571 reviews494 followers
February 26, 2019
A Joyfully Jay review.

4 stars

Skin and Bone is the second book in T.A. Moore’s Digging Up Bones series, and reconnects us with Javi, Cloister, and of course, Bourneville. The relationship between Javi and Cloister started in book one and continues to be a slow burn here. These guys are sleeping together and there are some clear feelings, but this is nowhere near an HEA at this point, even by the end of the book. Javi is determined not to get into a relationship with anyone one, and Cloister doesn’t have enough of a sense of his own self worth to really push for one. Yet it is obvious as a reader that these men care for each other. In Javi’s case, he cares despite himself, but there is a fondness and a desire to protect Cloister that makes it clear he isn’t as removed as he may try to pretend. I think Moore does a really nice job here developing both these characters. They are layered and interesting and the way they interact and behave is very much in keeping with who they are. I’ll admit that after two books, however, I am kind of impatient to see more for these men. I read this genre to a large degree for the romance itself and I feel like we are getting breadcrumbs here when I want a whole cake. While I can see the feelings down deep, I really would like to see the relationship move forward between these guys sooner than later.

Read Jay’s review in its entirety here.
Profile Image for Nicole.
177 reviews
February 26, 2019
I’ve been waiting for the second book and it did not disappoint! I seriously want the next one soon!

Again, Bourneville stole the spotlight. She is such an amazing dog!

With the second book, our characters still have not shared a lot with us and one another. It is slow paced when it comes to their relationship. Their past does not let them move on and soon enough Javi will have to deal with his past.

The mystery of this book was very well done and I enjoyed it a lot. Janet Morrow is a mystery. Where she came from, why did someone attack her? Who is she? Through the whole book, they can’t ask her since she is in a coma.

Cloister gets injured while trying to save her. Bourneville is worried and Javi is feeling something that is hesitant.

Their story is far from over. There are more still things to be solved and they are just starting. I can't wait to read the next one!

ARC kindly received for an honest review!
552 reviews
April 1, 2019
Digging Up Bones: Book Two

Cloister Witte and his K-9 partner, Bourneville, find the lost and bring them home.

But the job doesn’t always end there.

Janet Morrow, a young trans woman, lies in a coma after wandering away from her car during a storm. But just because Cloister found the young tourist doesn’t mean she’s home. What brought her to Plenty, California… and who didn’t want her to leave?

With the help of Special Agent Javi Merlo, who continues to deny his growing feelings for the rough-edged deputy, Cloister unearths a ten-year-old conspiracy of silence that taps into Plenty’s history of corruption.

Janet Morrow’s old secrets aren’t the only ones coming to light. Javi has tried to put his past behind him, but some people seem determined to pull his skeletons out of the closet. His dark history with a senior agent in Phoenix complicates not just the investigation but his relationship with Cloister.


Dear T.A. Moore,

I was surprised and at the same time quite pleased when I saw this book being out. For those readers who don't know this is a sequel to "Bone to Pick" where Cloister and Javi a/k/a Javier Merlo started their "not dating". I have not reread that book prior to reading a sequel so I have to note that I really don't remember anything about a mystery they investigated, but I do remember that Javi was an ass to Cloister way too many times than I cared to count.

I love prickly characters , I love "from enemies to lovers" vibe, I even love asshole characters when those characters have motivations behind their assholish tendencies . As far as I was concerned Javi was being one for no reason and I disliked that. For that reason I thought that where relationship was concerned the first book needed a sequel quite badly, because while the author wisely portrayed their romance ending as barely HFN in the first book, I mostly wanted Cloister to run.

Here comes the sequel and I have to say it pleased me a great deal. In the beginning we learn that the men stopped their "not dating" relationship ( which of course they didn't call a relationship), but very soon they end up being in each other orbit and on the same case and they start seeing each other again.

Let me just say that I am much more fond of Javi now when I finished this book. He is still prickly, but we can easily see that he cares about Cloister and sometimes he even admits to himself that he does and by the end of the book we can see that he cares a lot. And I had no doubt that Cloister cared about Javi even in the first book.

"The fact that he wanted to lean back against Cloister, to casually use his shoulder as a prop, was different. So was the discovery that he couldn’t see any reason why he shouldn’t. His private life was still his own business, but after he dropped Cloister off at the station in borrowed sweats, only the deliberately clueless wouldn’t assume they’d fucked. As for his distance…. Well, once you begged someone not to die on you, it was hard to convince yourself you didn’t care at least a bit. It was dark, but that didn’t mean he could pretend Bourneville had learned to talk and throw her voice."

"What gave him pause was that Cloister could do the same to him with a rough caress and the scrape of stubble and teeth down Javi’s throat. When had Javi’s buttons gotten that easy to press? Or had Cloister just paid attention? Everyone took Cloister at face value—the drawl, the dog, and the GED—and missed that he was a good cop and a better man. Even Cloister seemed to miss it sometimes."

I really like how this author manages to mix up mystery and romance in her books. This book is very heavy on mystery plot and still what she gave me in the relationship department was satisfying enough for me to want more. I actually think that while author leaves both men in much stronger place relationship wise at the end of the book, their development may need another book, because they both still have issues and reservations about where they can go and end up eventually as a couple.

The mystery was *dark* as far as I was concerned, even if it ended better than I was hoping for in a sense. The blurb tells you what they were investigating - the attack on young trans woman which put her in a coma, but in addition to the crime itself what the investigation uncovered, all the surrounding circumstances just felt really bleak to me. It made perfect sense to me, don't get me wrong, but I really appreciated the ending of the mystery plot where the victim was concerned.

I didn't guess the villain, but at about 80% it made me so frustrated that I looked at the ending.

Bourneville was just as awesome as she was in the first book.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Steve Leonard.
29 reviews16 followers
February 27, 2019
“I like you, Agent Merlo. And whether you like it or not, you can’t stop me.”

‘Skin and Bone’ - book two in the ‘Digging Up Bones’ series - is a worthy follow up to T.A Moore’s 2017 sleeper, ‘Bone to Pick.’

The story opens a few months after the events of ‘Bone to Pick’ with K-9 Deputy Cloister Witte and his canine partner, Bourneville, searching for a missing tourist on a cold, rainy night. But when Cloister is injured during the search and the victim turns out to be transgender, Special Agent Javi Merlo of the FBI steps in to investigate the incident as a possible hate crime.

Typical of Moore, there’s … well … more here than meets the eye, and Cloister and Javi soon discover the crime is deeper and more complicated than the Sheriff’s Department initially thought, and find themselves working together (begrudgingly at times) to solve a tightly plotted mystery that, like everything else in this series, is not what it first appears to be.

On the surface Cloister looks like an average, middle-of-the-road cop, and that suits him fine. He’s a simple man of few words and fewer possessions, and it frustrates him at times that Javi is able to see deeper. Likewise, while Javi can be brash, harsh, and rude, Cloister is able to deflect and defuse it, much to Javi’s consternation. And while he doesn’t know all the whys, Cloister is bemused, if not confused, to discover that not only does he wants to stick around to know more, he’s willing to patiently wait for Javi to reveal those hidden parts.

What’s refreshing here is Moore doesn’t resort to cutesy dialogue or easy outs with her characters, whether they’re the main players or the supporting cast. They make their own mistakes and they own up to them. She’s a mature writer and both the prose and dialogue reflect that. And while I’m normally not a fan of the lack of communication trope, it makes sense and works here. In fact, it’s what drives the underlying story, which is Cloister and Javi’s slow-burn relationship. Neither man feels worthy of the happiness they seem to be slowly stumbling toward.

Disclaimer: While I received an advanced review copy of ‘Skin and Bone’ for the cost of an honest review, I liked the book so much I also purchased my own copy from Amazon.
Profile Image for GeishaX .
367 reviews37 followers
December 19, 2021
Nothing much has changed between Cloister and Javi in this sequel to "Bone to Pick". They are still involved, Javi is still pretending that it's only sex, Cloister is still falling in love and having thinking it's all doomed. Plenty, the town around them, hasn't changed much either ... not even in the last 1o years since corruption has supposedly been cleaned away. So when a Cloister finds a missing young trans woman he feels that his job doesn't end there. No one is interested in finding out who she is and why she was attacked, naturally that means it's his job now. And Javi thinks because the womans attacker also injured Cloister maybe it's his job. Neither of them expects this to be case linked to Plenty's history.

I still very much love TA Moores writing style and her unique characters. We get to know Javi a bit better in this second volume and he's shown in a more favourable light. Bon is still the biggest hero of all of them. The crime story was well written and had me guessing a lot and the plot takes some unexpected turns. The sex was hot.
The only thing that did not entirely satisfy me was the end. I know I always say that I don't like dragged out endings with lots of sugarcoating and sweet cheesy whispers, but this was a kind of too short and unfulfilling hea, you have to imagine most of it in your head. And there remains a couple of questions unsolved like for example what about Kincaid? What will happen when SSA Joel comes to Plenty?
Apart from the end and the open questions (maybe a third volume was planned?)
Profile Image for Claire.
372 reviews25 followers
July 11, 2019
I did hesitate between 3 and 4 stars.

The book was mostly good. I loved the slow development on the romance side, the plot side was initially good, but I found that the author seemed to sometimes lose herself in what she revealed about the case : lack of consistency, things that weren’t said and then were presented as if we already knew ... things got worse by the end, also on the editing side, like if the author was rushed and the book hadn’t been proofread.

Definitely not the thoroughness that you expect in such a police case.

Bourneville and Cloister are still the best though !
Profile Image for Kirsten.
1,764 reviews79 followers
July 12, 2022
They're so damn alone.
Case and status so opaque.
Pining, swoony men.
Profile Image for Chris.
2,070 reviews
April 20, 2019
Really enjoyed this next part to the series ... an excellent twist that had me wondering who really committed the crime. I’m certainly waiting for book 3 to see if these guys can actually lower their shields of vulnerability and really connect. There was certainly a break through but it seems there’s a long way to go before any trust is really achieved.
Profile Image for Rosa.
770 reviews6 followers
March 19, 2019
As good as the first one! I liked this one a lot, Bournerville is just her adorable self, and I liked her even more, if that's possible. <3
On the other hand, I wanted to smack Javi even more in this book. Man, can you just TALK about your feelings instead of being an a*****e the whole time? I liked Cloister a bit more in this one, but still he can be infuriating!
The mystery was good and had me wondering for a time. I liked how we are shown a bit more about Javi and Cloister's pasts. I feel when we're done digging over there, is not going to be pretty. Let's see how the new dynamic develops with the incoming changes in Javi's life... that last move about Kincaid could prove interesting.
I hope there will be more about this three. Specially Bon Bon :D
Profile Image for Susan.
155 reviews
February 25, 2019
One of the most satisfying experiences in reading is when the follow up book to a new series that you love meets and exceeds expectations. Skin and Bones hits all those right notes. I love Cloister and Bourneville and yes, even Javi. Our girl Bon is a bona fide main character. I love it when she is working. And the romance has actually become a romance. The book is well written and flows easily. I can't wait for more.
Profile Image for Carol.
3,351 reviews123 followers
June 4, 2021
A perfect follow up to the first book [Bone to Pick] where we first met Cloister and his K-9 partner, Bourneville. I’m still trying to sort out why anyone would saddle their kid with a name like “Cloister”. Our two heroes are searching for a missing tourist on a cold, rainy night about two months after the first book ended. Cloister is slightly injured during the search and the victim turns out to be transgender. Enter the FBI in Special Agent Javi Merlo who steps in to investigate the incident calling it a possible hate crime. As it turns out there is much more than either of them first suspected. Javi and Cloister “dance” around one another while Cloister patiently awaits Javi to sort out his feelings and stop the dancing. The mystery here is clever with lots of red herrings to twist your brain up. The ending is really clever. There are things that you will likely figure out long before our heroes do...but the total picture takes a while to come together and that keeps you guessing. Excellent series with wonderful, warm characters...especially the four legged one with fur.
Profile Image for yaishin.
879 reviews112 followers
August 28, 2021
Another awesome book to the series. I loved that the case was give equal or more importance than their love life. And especially that it was not the easy kind of love. They both had to really want it for the relationship to work because it was out of the norm for both of them and I really liked that.
Profile Image for Danielle  Gypsy Soul.
3,132 reviews81 followers
June 28, 2019
3.5 Stars - the second book has a balance much like the first where the mystery is front and center and the romance is minor part of the book. I really love Cloister and of course Bourneville who is really the star of the book IMO! I love the relationship between Cloister and Bourneville and the mystery was interesting and well written. There were a lot of names being thrown around so I got a little confused occasionally trying to remember who everyone was.

I'm still not 100% sold on Javi but I don't dislike him. His walls are finally starting to slowly come down and I'm hoping we get to see more from these two especially as their relationship is finally starting to grow. I'm also really curious to see what Sean turns up on Kincaid and how all that plays out.

So while I'm not going to be frequently haunting this author's site to find out if another book in this series is published I will definitely read it when it does.
Profile Image for Didi.
1,535 reviews86 followers
February 26, 2019
3.5 Stars

Even well kept secret has a way to (come back and) hunt you in later life. That’s the core issue in TA Moore’s second entry to “Digging Up Bones” series. Both the main protagonist, Cloister and Javi had scarred past - a regret they kept that haunting them - and “Skin and Bone” gradually reveals said secret that brought to light the men’s vulnerability to their partner. On top of that there’s also a not-quite-cold-case resurfacing, connected to a seemingly queer hate crime case Cloister stumbled upon.

“Digging Up Bones” is my favorite series of TA Moore’s writings. The combination of characters (the Cloister, Javi, and Bourneville trio) and fast-pacing ensnared me. While Cloister and Javi didn’t exactly start-off as enemies, they disliked each other before the sexual tension between them blew up. Even in this book, they were reluctant to think of each other as partner/boyfriend - more like serial one-night-stand. But that’s the lure of the story for me, the relationship development between these guys; the trust and attachment that built-up between them. It’s telling how Bon also begin to consider Javi as her pack and picked up on his distress. These trio still got a lot to weather though, if the implied situation waiting for Javi and Cloister’s ”unfinished resolve over missing person cases” have anything to go by.

Having said that, I thought the way the LEO handling the case in this book - other than our beloved trio, of course - was half-hearted at best. Making their colleagues’ undisguised disregard to their capability as officers pretty laughable. If not for Cloister and Javi solid presence - even in their imperfection - I might have ditched this book sooner. As it is, I’m keen for the next installment of Cloister/Javi/Bon’s exploit to be released and hoping their budding relationship survive the hardship and fare way better than it was here!

Advanced copy of this book is kindly given by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Claudia.
2,902 reviews106 followers
June 22, 2019
I loved the first book in this series and I was so happy that the second book came out now (immediately after I read the first one)

the mystery was well done - like in the first book but here we have a stronger aspect on the relationship development.
I knew after the first book that I liked Javi and this one brought him right into the love-section. He is a bit of an underdog in the sympathy department. but I really like him

Cloister is his usual self and I enjoyed him and Bourneville is special as always :-)

definitely a recommendation from me ...after reading the first book (this is NOT a stand-alone)
Profile Image for Becca.
2,979 reviews39 followers
February 26, 2019
For anyone who pays attention or somewhat knows me, knows I read ALMOST anything. But one thing I love more than any of the rest, is a good murder mystery/whodunnit/thriller. However you want to classify it. I love books that make you think. Trying to figure everything out and why and hopefully before it's revealed. And this book checks all my boxes. I could not put it down. And I'm disappointed that I didn't get to read book 1 first. But that's my fault. Trust me when I say, I will be going back. Now not having read book 1 yet, I don't know what all I've missed, but for the most part I could figure it out. It is an ongoing series with the same characters, though, so I would recommend reading book 1 first. Hell, I just recommend period.
K-9 cop Cloister and his beloved shepherd, Bourneville, get called out one horrendously stormy night to try to find a missing woman. With the rain pouring the way it is, it's hard to hope for a trace of anything, but they try anyway. They finally find her a ways away from her car, beaten, bloody and unconscious. When Cloister tries to check her, he's almost killed himself when the assailant does a hit and run, leaving Cloister broken and bloody as well. When he wakes up, something about things aren't adding up and Cloister has to figure out why. With the help of his lover, if you can call him that (it's complicated), FBI agent Javi Merlo, they start digging at what's going on and find themselves up to their eyeballs in corruption, cover-ups, and more. They are trying to figure out what's happening before the girl and themselves ends up dead for real this time.
Men are the most stubborn mules lol. Ah, who am I kidding? Women are just as bad. The more I read about Cloister and Javi, the more I wanted to shake them both so bad. They both obviously care so much about each other, but understandably, their pasts make them hesitant. And after learning some of those pasts, yeah, I definitely don't blame them. Cloister ended up in this line of work after things that happened in his childhood and I felt so bad for him. I can't go into detail...spoilers..but because of what happened, he was shunned a lot and treated very wrongly. It's heartbreaking. Doing the work he does is hard too. I don't know if I could do it. I've seen k-9’s that look for missing or dead people and it's not always as glamorous as tv makes it out to be. People aren't found as often as you think and it's not just hard on the cop but the dog as well. They feel all that. So I greatly admire people who do that work. That's what made me love this book even more.
And for Javi, for him to have even remotely kept working after things that happened to him, damn. I can't blame him for the guilt and pain he's going through. After reading what his part in things were, I don't know if I could be quick to forgive. It's not horribly bad, but he did use someone in a way he shouldn't have which lead to something horrible. That part wasn't his fault. It's a fine line. Javi’s a good guy, though. I probably would help him move, because, hey, well all make mistakes.
The case they are working on it's helping. They are dragging some old corruption out in what they are digging. Things that still have a lingering effect on many people. Cops included. The more they dig into the case, the more their own lives seem to resurfacing and making things much harder. And the secrets spilled are some doozies.
I can't wait to go back and see how this all started. And I can't wait to see if there is a book 3. Oh I hope lol. This could go so many ways and I'm excited to see any of them lol. Go read these!
Profile Image for Jo * Smut-Dickted *.
2,038 reviews514 followers
June 29, 2019
I continue to be wary of Javi. His comments are downright cruel a lot of the time. Cloister is WAY more patient than I am. The secondary characters really add a ton to the story. I thought the mystery was the strength here - and it was very good with clues but no giveaways and the discovery was really timely for the reader. Bourneville is AWESOME as always and manages to steal the show because she has such a personality. Too bad she's not a human guy or I'd have Cloister ditch Javi and go for her/him. Javi needs to come around or we are all going to start thinking Cloister is weak for staying when Javi is such an ass (well, I will at least). I don't want to read a doormat or a guy I feel like is staying with the other due to believing he cannot do any better. That verges too much on pity and not enough on empathy. I get someone dealing with feelings/history/etc but Javi needs to turn a corner and recognize that his mouth creates pain and knock it off or shift his attitude.
Profile Image for NikNak.
563 reviews
September 10, 2023

Still thoroughly enjoyed this.
Still thoroughly disliked the audio. The long breaks , now just between sentences but also words is at times painful and it is impossible to listen to this audio without speeding it up. Even so there are long bouts of silence . It’s a pity

4* for the book
2-3*for the audio

This is book 2 of the series and I enjoyed it as much as book one. Great mystery, good chemistry and layered characters.
I am not sure why but the narrator differed to book 1 (which had a fab narration). I found it incredibly difficult to get into this narration and has to up the speed to x1.2 because of the length of time between not just sentences but also during general dialogue. At times the narration also came across as robotic, it took me almost half the book to get used to.

Looking forward to seeing what’s in store for those guys next and if Javi will finally thaw up a bit.
Also , dogs for the win 🙌🏻
Profile Image for JR.
874 reviews31 followers
April 6, 2019
Oh My, My It's So Good To Be !Alive

And I thought book one was spectacular. This one is fantastic. There is not enough superlatives to do this book justice. A page turner, I couldn't put it down!
Profile Image for F..
1,343 reviews64 followers
April 13, 2019
Another good story and again Bourneville steals the limelight. I am really hoping there is a third in the series and soon as the relationship between Javi and Cloister is starting to bloom. I am also interested in what is in Javi's future and what Sean will find out about Kincaid.
Profile Image for Emilienne.
226 reviews
April 22, 2019
So much better than the first!
Well I'm a bit frustrated because I'd like to know where Cloister and Javi are going, but, wait and see...
Still I really like the relation between Cloister and Bon (and I'm deeply in love with Bon)
Profile Image for Shelba.
2,593 reviews93 followers
July 17, 2019
The MC of this series, Bon, is my favorite. I like the supporting characters, Cloister and Javi, too.

4 stars instead of 5, because there were a lot of characters to keep track if (I suck at names) and because there were so many people, it made our unsub seem glaringly obvious.
Profile Image for Rennie.
298 reviews8 followers
March 11, 2019
Loved the relationship aspect of this book - the mystery part fell flat for me. Hope there will be more books in this series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 141 reviews

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