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The Score

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I lived life on my terms, keeping people at a distance for a reason.
I rebelled every chance I got, shutting down any sensibilities that remained.
But then danger swallowed me whole, and all I wished for was a different life.
A life where I listened to the concerns of those who loved me.
A life that had meaning.
A life where I could follow my dream of becoming a designer.
Secrets would be revealed.
Lies would be uncovered.
But could I see beyond the deception?
And could I step away from the past and emerge on the other side intact?

280 pages, Unknown Binding

Published July 8, 2019

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About the author

S. Nelson

36 books1,569 followers
I'm an indie author who grew up with a love of reading and a very active imagination, never putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard until 2013.

I typically write romantic suspense, as I love stories with some twists and turns. I also love my HEA, although the road to get there is quite the journey.





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Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews
Profile Image for Nikki  M (Hot books and Sassy girls).
1,054 reviews92 followers
June 25, 2019
Book one left us on a huge cliff hanger and one that had our minds rambling all over the place. When the truth is revealed Cara is livid, but as much as she is irritated with Ford, she can’t help but understand how their lives could be in so much danger. Who would want to harm them and for what reason? With a little more understanding, Cara tries to be more considerate towards Ford and what his job entails. Or is she trying to be more indulgent for different reasons? Ford knows the persona that Cara portrays is not the real Cara and he keeps pushing her until she confides her biggest secret. While part of her feels relieved for confiding in Ford, she will not take his advice and do anything more. She wants to deal with her secret in her own way. While they have formed a bond they still keep pushing one another’s buttons or could it be more sexual frustration. When the green-eyed monster pushes Ford to breaking point, will he regret his actions? And when the threat is unveiled will this be a blessing for all to part ways or will this be a turning point that forces each of them to see what has been there all along? Ms Nelson has written a story so full of angst, secrets, building climax and plot twists while throwing in four equally strong characters. At times I was not sure if I even liked Cara but once you understood her secret, you understood her rebellious ways. I would say The Score is more Cara and Fords story with Owen and Emily acting as more of secondary characters for most of the part. Other secondary characters that have left me wanting to know more is Naomi, Benji and Steele. Let’s hope Ms Nelson takes the hint and writes Owen and Emily’s story as well as Naomi’s Story. So for me overall this has been a wonderful slow burn duet with plenty to keep me intrigued.
Reviewed for Hot books and Sassy Girls book blog
Profile Image for Lissanne Jones.
Author 10 books178 followers
June 23, 2019
Part one ended with a huge cliffhanger, and I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say I was desperate for book two. I had some theories about several subplots in book one, and it was a nice surprise to see I was right about all of them. I hadn't guessed the identity of the person making the threats that had necessitated the bodyguards in the first place, and that was an interesting surprise - something I think I should have worked out!

The slow burn romance between Ford and Cara heated up big time in this book and it was really well done. I would have loved to have seen more of the relationship between Owen and Emily, instead of being on the sidelines with Cara and Ford, but that is a really minor quibble. This duet is one of my all-time favourites and I know I'll be reading them again.
Profile Image for April Symes.
5,013 reviews446 followers
July 9, 2019
The Score by S. Nelson is book 2 in the Massey Security duet. This continues Ford and Cara's story. Book 1 left off on a huge cliffhanger and book 2 picks up where book 1 left off.
Without giving much away, when reading about Cara's hidden secret, my heart hurt for her. Her past has haunted her for so long that she doesn't know how to deal. There's an "incident " where if Ford hadn't been around, things could have gone bad for Cara. This is where Cara really starts looking at the choices she makes vs what she could do better.
Cara and Ford’s story is intriguing, intense and exciting. Also, the secondary story that is woven into the main story with secondary characters Emily and Owen is really good. Overall, this is a deliciously fabulous story with the feels, romance and action.

My Rating: 4.5 stars *******
Profile Image for Kara (Rotella Reads).
935 reviews50 followers
July 3, 2019
A solid 4/5 star book!

The Score picked up at the dramatic cliffhanger scene where The Assignment left off... Cara kidnapped and staring into the face of Ford who facilitated it all. Was he the bad guy? Was this all a ruse to get to her? I was so anxious to find out what Ford's intentions were with the set up.

I loved the direction the author took this story, steering away from the need for Emily and Cara to have security detail and diving more into the chemistry and connection between the Massey brothers and the Dessoye sisters. This book felt much more personal than the first in the duet.

I adored the budding romance between Cara and Ford and wanted to fist pump in the air when they finally gave into their vibrant chemistry and got it on! This was the slowest, most tantalizing burn ever! The desire between these two could be cut with a knife and I was so happy to see them give into temptation and finally open up to each other on a physical and emotional level. The scene where they let their walls come crumbling down and shared dark, intimate details of their pasts took my breathe away! It brought so much emotion to the story.

The twists and turns this story took, from revealing who was behind the threats, to the giant bomb that was dropped about one of the sisters had me on the edge of my seat just waiting to see what would happen next. So much drama and chaos and I soaked up every minute of it. S. Nelson does an incredible job of weaving suspense and uncertainty into a book so effortlessly.

I really enjoyed the internal dialogue and how it was written in this book. I'm normally not a fan of a character's inner thoughts but I felt like it really helped propel this story. Because both main characters were so guarded, it was the ideal way to get into their heads and see the truth beyond their stoic facade.

The ending was wonderful. I loved that Cara continued to pursue her true passion, regardless of her past or how things went down with the Massey brothers. She proved to be such a strong, independent and fierce young woman. I was so thankful that the author closed the loop on some of the outstanding story lines that popped up in the book and I was left feeling completely sated.

Thank you to Next Step PR and S. Nelson for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Micheala.
1,166 reviews79 followers
July 1, 2019
I received this ARC from the author.

Book 1 ended on a cliffhanger so I am extremely grateful for having gotten to not have to wait all the way until its release date.

This was a fantastic read!!! I read it in one sitting, from night until 2 am. It’s such an addictive read. The characters draw you in.

I said in book 1 that my favorite thing was the slow burn between the characters and how there was no rushed romance. In fact, in book 1, there was no actual romance between the characters beyond attraction. This wonderful feature rolls over into this one and there is no physical action between them until midway through. Before this point they stick to attraction and major jealousy. Mainly on his part when she’s on a date, but also on her side when she spots women chatting with him. These two are just so swoony and stomach twisting! I can go on and on about the heat between these two. You just pull for them for the entire first half of the book, and even in the second when we’re in this limbo time. Oh, and the sex scenes...Whew *fans self* Wow, this author can create a scene for sure!

The Assignment started out with two brothers, Ford and Owen, who took an assignment to be bodyguards to two socialite sisters. Ford, our one main character is saddled with the troublemaker of the two, Cara, the other main character. They are protecting the sisters against threats that were written to the family. This issue gets resolved in this story, and in the way that I least expected. So I applaud the author for doing something I didn’t see coming. It does explain why the issue at hand never seemed to persist for long, or actually seem dangerous, especially in this one. I also love how the answer to this ties in with the craziness of Cara. Even with the main issue at hand, this series is continuing character development!

It ends with a HEA. Pretty much how I expected it to go down too; it couldn’t be resolved too quickly. Overall, it was a great story though and an even better duet. I preferred book 1 over this one, but this one is still 5 stars for me. I really need to check out more of this author now…!
Profile Image for Beach Bums Romance.
158 reviews19 followers
July 1, 2019
Dang, it took me a few days to wrap my head around this book. The plot has so many twists and turns you can’t help but be consumed. When Cara finally reveals her guarded secret, we get a better understanding of why she acts like a spoiled diva. Her past has haunted her for so long, she doesn’t know any other way to deal with her ghosts. When Ford’s past is revealed even further we understand why he’s hard as stone and is always guarded. In the first book there was a slow burn between Cara and Ford, but in book 2 the flames between these two combust. Two souls that have experienced so much trauma completely understand each other. Although, I was completely blindsided when the person behind the notes is revealed, the mystery leading up to it kept me hooked. Author S. Nelson knows how to write a good romantic suspense for sure!
Profile Image for Naadira  Moodley (BookedMercy) .
369 reviews82 followers
July 3, 2019
From an alluring cover to a magnetic book, The Score left me feeling fulfilled. I was absorbed into this story from book one and after a cliffhanger that left me reeling, I didn’t know how I was going to cope reading this book but I was still counting down the days until I could get the answers I so desperately needed.

I don’t know about you guys but I found The Score a much easier read than the Assignment. There was more depth to the characters and answers as to why Cara is the way she is. Cara is a hard character to like because of her b*tchiness and her mannerisms but I still found that I held compassion for her even when I didn’t fully know her story. I also got to see a different side to Ford. A less controlled more surrendering to his urges Ford. A jealous Ford was a f*cking HOT Ford and he came out to play a lot in this book.

What was a real twist in this book was the revelation of the person behind the threats. I so did not see that coming! (Talk about being thrown for a loop) I had to stop and absorb that fact first (by going to book one and reading the notes again) and then move on.

Massey Security Duet is definitely something that I will read again. It left a lasting impression and by the end of it, I was beaming.
Profile Image for Amy Stephens.
Author 100 books544 followers
July 9, 2019
The Massey Security Duet is a MUST read!!!

The Assignment, book one in the series, was one of those edge-of-your-seat reads. It was intense, gripping, and masterful. S. Nelson kept me glued to the pages, all the way to the breathtaking cliffhanger. The Score, on the other hand, didn't have quite the same intensity, but it was sooo dang good. Everything fell into place and it all started to make sense.

Nelson brilliantly plotted this book, tossing in some unexpected twists and turns, and left nothing hanging at the end. Cara and Ford were very dynamic characters that left an impressionable mark on me. Not only were they perfect for this story line, but their emotional connection was mind-blowing.

I love when stories take me to a level that I wasn't expecting and that's exactly what Nelson did. The conclusion was certainly worth the wait!!
Profile Image for Wendy Livingstone.
18.7k reviews235 followers
July 7, 2019
This is the 2nd part of this duet, and after the huge cliff-hanger at the end of #1, this riveting story continues leading to the perfect finale. Cara and Ford’s story is a slow burn, but eventually neither can deny the chemistry between them. This is a well written flawless story, which is intense, emotional, and with twists, suspense, drama, secrets, and unexpected surprises. I was totally captivated throughout this addictive page turner, and this exceptional author has done what she does best, written another brilliant masterpiece!
208 reviews6 followers
July 8, 2019
I was given this ARC by S. Nelson for a honest review. I really enjoyed "The Score", the second book in the two part series. The first book left you high and dry with anticipation for the second book.
After an incident that scared Cara into reevaluating her past choices, she finally realized that Ford was there to protect her from any threats. With Ford and Cara finally in agreement, it only brought them closer together. One night after ending up in a night of passion, Cara pressured Ford into revealing his past secrets, in turn she also had to reveal what haunted her.
Emily and Owen also had a turn of events and had some choices to make.
This book had some unexpected twists and turns that made it a very interesting read.
Profile Image for Literary Temptations .
591 reviews54 followers
June 27, 2019

MY RATING: 2.5 Stars
TITLE: The Score
AUTHOR: S.Nelson
SERIES: Massey Security #2
RELEASE DATE: 8 July 2019

The score is book 2 of the Massey Security Duet which continues Cara and Ford’s story from book one The Assignment. You definitely have you read book one as this is a continuation of that book.
This might be yet another book that everybody loves and I'm just like:


Anyway, I know it won’t come as a surprise to know that I love books with plenty of smut smut. And if I was to rate this book on that alone I’m afraid it would be a 1. However, because I had read book one, I wasn’t really expecting it in this one, so not really in my feelings about it. There is no doubt that S Nelson is a talented writer and I am certain that I will read more of her books in future. But did this series live up to my expectation? Did the Score? No and yes. No because I initially went into it expecting a juicy story of some craziness and drama-balls being dropped all over the place; just from reading the blurb. But I didn’t get any of that in book one, so I wasn’t expecting it in book 2; therefore again not in my feelings about it. And yes because some of the things I had predicted in books one turned out to be what I expected when revealed in The Score. However generally speaking, this book, this series just wasn’t written for me. And it’s okay. Not every book is written for every reader. It doesn’t make it bad, it just makes it not for me.

Book one ended with a cliff-hanger that had us wondering what the hell had happened, but I had a few guesses. When the truth is finally revealed, Cara is livid at Ford but she can’t deny the fear that the experience put in her.


Fortunately, the incident was enough to knock some sense into her. Her childish ways started to tamper down and she started to show more interest in her future. Although her rebellion streak didn’t quite die down, she certainly thought twice before she acted thereafter. Her calmed demeanor allowed for a more pleasant interaction with Ford and as they start to have civilized conversations, the chemistry that they’ve both been too stubborn or too busy taking lumps out of each other to pay attention to, can no longer be denied. So when Cara signs up to an activity in her quest to be a good girl, Ford is less than impressed. The green-eyed monster in him is reeling and can no longer be tamed, resulting in him doing something that changes the dynamic of their relationship completely and irrevocably.


Ford had always known Cara’s attitude was a front. She has demons she’s fought for 11 years to keep at bay. This tragic event has been implied since The Assignment and nowhere are you given a hint what it could be. And when it was finally revealed the rebellion made sense because I thought it’s a likely reaction to such an event. But the way in which it was revealed was sort of…bam! There! I don’t know. Maybe it was intended to catch the reader off guard but it felt really impersonal to me; lacking emotion. And I also wasn’t sold on how her family had dealt with her sudden change in behaviour. I mean how does a child change so drastically and nobody dig their heels in to find out what happened?

“The sneer on his face shoved me towards expelling all the pain and shame I’d carried inside me for the past eleven years, and before my brain could shut down the impulse, I released the words. Words I’d never said out load before, not even to myself.”

But fortunately Ford knows all about being leaden with burdens. He has demons of his own. Cara’s revelation puts everything into perspective for him, so naturally, he wants to help. Despite the relief she felt having finally shared her burdens with someone, she still refuses any help and continues to butt heads with Ford.


Cara is a heroine I struggled to like at all. The first book was about her throwing tantrums. She lacked character and depth albeit I got a better understanding of her behaviour after her revelations but fuck me, she was annoying. Granted she suffered a real tragedy, but she had everything; a family that loved her, money, fame and really anything she needed to get the help she needed. Perhaps he had a reason to be angry but did it warrant her outlandish, reckless, selfish behaviour? I don’t know. But I’m inclined to say no. There just seemed to be lacking something in her. She just seems to be there to throw tantrums and fight with Ford. If there was anything more to her, I missed it and I apologise.

“I like you Cara. A lot. And I wish things were different. I really do. But I just don’t see how this is going to work between us.”

I really didn’t believe the sexual chemistry and slow-burn love story between Ford and Cara. I like a slow-burn just as much as the next person but fuck my life, was this slow. The way they were tearing strips out of each other, there was not an iota of sexual chemistry there. The supposed bubbling-under-the-surface chemistry; well I just didn’t feel it. Although there were traits of jealousy of Cara’s encounters with men on Ford’s part, every now and then, I wish there was more. There just weren’t enough details to major events in the story. I suppose I could see how they can go from tearing strips out of each other to tearing each other’s clothes off; but even that wasn’t very convincing. The story felt a bit rushed half the time and I wish the supporting characters were developed a bit more. They seem to just disappear and pop up every now and then. Nonetheless, it was great to see Cara grow from the annoying little girl from book one.

When Emily, Cara’s twin sister finds herself in a bit of a bind, she drops a bomb shell on the group that offsets the starts of events none of them were ready to deal with. But could it be a blessing in disguise or the end of life the way they knew it?

This was a bit of weird book for me. I finished it, liked some things about it, but not enough that I’d read it again.

“I should have let her cool off for the night.
And I certainly should’ve kept my distance and not followed her up the stairs, down the hall, and into her bedroom. It was one of the biggest mistakes id made to date.”

Profile Image for Renee.
4,715 reviews66 followers
July 7, 2019
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie's Book Reports.

I lived life on my terms, keeping people at a distance for a reason. I rebelled every chance I got, shutting down any sensibilities that remained. But then danger swallowed me whole, and all I wished for was a different life. A life where I listened to the concerns of those who loved me. A life that had meaning. A life where I could follow my dream of becoming a designer. Secrets would be revealed. Lies would be uncovered. But could I see beyond the deception? And could I step away from the past and emerge on the other side intact.

This is the second book in the Massey Security Duet. You have to read The Assignement first or your going to be lost. If you have read that book you know that we were left on a huge cliffhanger. The score picks up right where that book left off. Cara has been kidnapped and is looking right at Ford who made her kindapping happen. Is he the bad guy of our story or the good guy doing what had to be done to keep Cara safe? This book takes a turn away from the reason the Dessoye sisters need bodyguards and more into the reason that the Massey brothers and the sisters have connections. To say that your going to have a it's about time reaction to Ford and Cara is a understatement. These two have been fighting their chemistry for a while and I was right there with them. This too is the book where you get the the who's and why and what's that you have questions about. Overall this is a great conclusion to the journey these brothers and sisters are on and at times will have you on the edge of your seat.
Profile Image for Jennifer Pierson.
11.7k reviews180 followers
July 8, 2019
The Score is the Massey Security Duet conclusion, so it would make sense that you can't start with this book, but just in case people still don't get that memo I'll state it again, YOU MUST READ The Assignment (Book 1) FIRST! This book starts right off where the Book 1 cliffy left off at, and boy did that ending seriously mess with my head a great deal. After I sat on it for a bit waiting for this book to come out, I started to wonder if this is how it would play out, and yes, I'm being so very cryptic because again, don't want to give crap away. Luckily, it did set Cara on a more straight path, with her thoughts being on others, rather on just herself, so there's that. However, in The Score, the twists are even bigger, as secrets are revealed, so my f-bombs dropped are louder. See, I kind of guessed what had happened to Cara in the past to make her into the self destructive young woman that she turned into, but not extra details like who dun it or other pertinent details. It was Ford who finally got her to spill the tea on it, and it was like a bit of her was set free thankfully, and then their chemistry was set free as well. Leading to sexy times that lit the sheets on fire. More twists, and more of my dropping the f-bombs, because OMG! The brilliant S. Nelson really got me good with the final HUGE twist so kudos to her for winning that round! Added in was some serious angst all around with Cara & Ford, but not just them, even the secondaries had their fair share! This Duet was amazing, so if you want to know how it all pans out, you know what to do! One click this baby that I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL!
Profile Image for Karen.
1,391 reviews14 followers
July 9, 2019
Cara Dessoye will meet her match in The Assignment, and her life will forever change in The Score. Ford needs a way to make Cara realize that she needs to change and realize that her actions has consequences and that her decisions have an effect on her family as well as herself. Even her sister Emily is worried about her and has made a decision that will affect everyone in her family. Has she gone too far or has her decision made her family see the light?

Ford Massey is still reeling from his sister’s death and the comparisons between Julia and Cara are driving him mad. He has to find a way to make Cara see that she is headed towards a life of destruction.

I loved this conclusion to Cara and Ford’s story. The fact that they were finally able to see that they were made for each other and that their lives could be much better with each other in it. The secrets that they are each harboring will be shared between them and they will find their way to move on with their lives. Cara found her way back to living her life. She was able to follow her dream and make it come true. Even though Cara made Ford share his secret and Ford forced Cara’s secret out of her, their sharing helps their healing.Cara and Ford are great together, the fact they don’t take anything from the other and the sassiness of Cara make their connection much better.

I give this story a 5-star review and highly recommend it to readers who like sassy women, Alpha males, and suspenseful stories with a twist. I really hope there will be a story for Emily and Owen because there are some unanswered questions about them and their relationship.
Profile Image for Breen.
1,501 reviews
July 8, 2019
“Book two in the Massey Security Duet, this continues the story left in book one “The Assignment”. I recommend you to read the first book to be able to fully appreciate this book.

In book one, we met two sisters, Cara and Emily, that desperately needed protection from an anonymous threat. We also met the brothers assigned to protect the girls, Owen and Ford Massey.

Owen is committed to protected the volunteering and quiet sister, Emily. While Ford is assigned to the rebellious and free spirit girl, Cara. Book one ended in a huge U-turn and book two started right were we ended.

“The Score” it’s definitely a marvelous continue full of unexpected twist that’ll keep you guessing what’s going to happen next until the shock surprises you.

Just like in book one, Cara and Ford have a chemistry off the charts. They have the enemies to lovers relationship in such a genuine style, it’s an authentic slow burn romance. Once the feelings blossom, they’ll struggle to hide them until those explode as flames.

Book two finally gave us the real connection. Cara and Ford pasts were revealed, ghosts from the past are still hunting them. The reason behind the witchy attitude of Cara and the always vigilant Ford. Prepare yourself for the emotional rollercoaster.

S Nelson has an impressive writing skill. I couldn’t put my book down till I reached the end. You’ll never figure out who is the person behind the threats and neither you'll expected that person to be.

The Massey Security Duet its a must read.”
Profile Image for Sassy Southern Book Blog.
5,007 reviews268 followers
July 5, 2019
WOW!!!! The Score is definitely an amazing ending to this Massey Security Duet! After the huge cliffhanger that book 1 left us off in I was dying to get my hands on this book! The way book 1 ended had me left with my jaw on the floor. I was so excited to finally find out what exactly was going on with Ford and how he was involved in everything. This book was full of so many twists and turns that I never saw coming. Every time I thought I had things figured out I was shocked at what really was going on.

Just like in book 1 the chemistry between Cara and Ford is off the charts. The two of them have such a love hate relationship and things get even more intense when a date with Cara is auctioned off for a charity event. Once feelings start to develop both characters are trying hard to deny the attraction but nothing they can do will put out the flames between them.

Emily also plays a bigger role in events in this story. I would love to find out that there are books in the works to tell her story and to follow her after this one.

I absolutely loved these characters and the story line was fabulous. A must read book for sure! By Alisa
Profile Image for Sharon.
1,801 reviews40 followers
July 8, 2019
The Score by S. Nelson is the second book in the Massey Security Duet.

Owen and Ford Massey are Ex-Marines who now run a Security Company. They are in the middle of protecting a pair of daughters of a famous director who have recently received anonymous threats. Ford had been going through a rough time while his younger brother has been keeping the company going. Owen is assigned to Emily who does volunteer work and is the quiet well behaved sister. Ford is assigned Cara who is the party girl and doesn't appreciate being watched 24/7 and told what to do.

Cara and Ford finally connect in this book. Although things aren't going to be easy if her father finds out about them. We finally get the details about Cars's past and Ford's issues.

My main issue is how the book ends. Yes there is an epilogue that gives closure, but as book 1 was more slow burn and we didn't get much couple time in book 2 either, I feel slightly cheated. That's not to say the story wasn't good, but it was missing that little bit extra to make it magical. There were plenty of emotional rip out your heart moments though!

Overall a solid 4 stars.

Profile Image for Brittany.
418 reviews40 followers
July 8, 2019
I received this book as an ARC in return for an honest review

***The Score is S. Nelson second book in the Massey Security Duet. If you haven't read book one, The Assignment then I will stop you from reading the rest of this review as it could have potential spoilers for you.

After the bomb at the end of book one, I was anxious for The Score to come out. At the beginning of the book, S. Nelson did not disappoint with the surprises and keeping me on the edge of my seat. I don't want to give to much away for anyone who hasn't read The Score yet, but I will say that she delivers with excitement. Where I was disappointed was the ending. I'm not sure what I needed personally for the book to be wrapped up and saying that ended abruptly doesn't seem a right way to describe it either. Maybe a bit boring after all the adrenaline-filled goodness before? I'm also a fan of S. Nelsons Knights of Corruption MC series, and it's more gritty and dirty than Massey Security. All in all, this was a wonderful duet, and I would definitely recommend it.
2,191 reviews85 followers
July 6, 2019
Reviewed for She’s a Lip Biter Blog

In book one, The Assignment, we met Cara and Emily. Twins who needed protection from an unknown threat until the cliffhanger end where there was a huge turnaround. Now, in book two, the story continues directly on from the conclusion of book one.

Throughout both books Cara’s character shows growth as well as a depth that wasn’t immediately evident in the beginning of the story.

This slow burn romance builds to such a crescendo that the passion flames extremely bright. It definitely needed the slowest of slow build ups and it is balanced by other elements that are fast paced and at times a little chaotic.

We get to see Emily in a slightly different light but the book is still mainly about Cara and Ford and their love story or possible love story. There are some wonderful secondary characters in this book as well like Steph and James that would make for an interesting story of their own.

I enjoyed this entertaining love story.
Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,925 reviews16 followers
July 7, 2019
The Score by S. Nelson is book Two in the Massey Security Duet. This continues the story of Ford and Cara exactly where we were left in the first book 'The Assignment' so you really need to read the first book to fully enjoy this one. As we learned in the first book, Owen and Ford Massey are Ex-Marines who have went forward to open a Security Company. The brother's have agreed to take on Walter Dessoye as a client. Mr. Dessoye is a famous director who has received threats on his family. So Owen and Ford are to be security detail for his daughters Emily and Cara. Ford was assigned the hard to handle daughter Cara...they had been enemies of sort since she didn't want the protection and he had to do his job. But their attraction started to take over and of course we start to learn why Cara is so headstrong in her acts. In addition to learning more about what is behind Ford's attitude.
I really enjoyed these two book and hope to read more from this author soon...loved them!

Profile Image for She's a Lip Biter.
1,336 reviews29 followers
July 8, 2019
In book one, The Assignment, we met Cara and Emily. Twins who needed protection from an unknown threat until the cliffhanger end where there was a huge turnaround. Now, in book two, the story continues directly on from the conclusion of book one.

Throughout both books, Cara’s character shows growth as well as a depth that wasn’t immediately evident at the beginning of the story.

This slow burn romance builds to such a crescendo that the passion flames are extremely bright. It definitely needed the slowest of slow build-ups and it is balanced by other elements that are fast-paced and at times a little chaotic.

We get to see Emily in a slightly different light but the book is still mainly about Cara and Ford and their love story or possible love story. There are some wonderful secondary characters in this book as well like Steph and James that would make for an interesting story of their own.

I enjoyed this entertaining love story.

Reviewed by Robyn
Profile Image for Sarah Dale.
3,053 reviews75 followers
July 9, 2019
This is the 2nd part of this duet from the talented S Nelson and after the cliffhanger from #1 I was waiting for this one!

S. Nelson has written a flawless story with her brilliant twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat with this gripping page turner. I honestly didn't see some of the twists coming.

I have loved watching Cara's character develop throughout this duet. Her connection and romance with Ford is a beautiful slow burn romance that builds up in this part of the duet into quiet the combustible flame. When their walls finally come down its gave me Goosebumps, so much emotion.

Brilliant conclusion to this duet

ARC received in exchange for an honest review from the author and Next Step PR

Profile Image for Nancy Reads Romance.
1,090 reviews31 followers
July 8, 2019
First of all, The Score is part of a duet and you MUST read The Assignment to understand what is going on in this book. The Assignment ended on a cliffhanger that made me want to throw my book. But I don't feel that way about this book. Cara, who was extremely selfish and catty in the first story, really grew in character in The Score. Ford remains a very hot and stubborn body guard who's very attracted to his charge. There are some twists and turns, but we find out what's behind Cara's attitude and gain some perspective on her behavior. A neat little aside, Ford's brother, Owen, has a side story going on with Cara's sister, Emily. I really enjoyed The Score and this exciting story totally made the duet! 4 stars
Profile Image for Shelley C.
2,729 reviews54 followers
July 6, 2019
Settle the Score😁

The second instalment of Cara and Ford picks up right where the first book finished! I’m not going to say how as it’s all part of the mystery that will soon be revealed, but if you haven’t already read the assignment I’d recommend doing so and then getting stuck into this book as well❣️

Cara and Ford aren’t the only ones in this story getting their romance on. Secrets are revealed and some astonishing developments I didn’t see coming😜

A really great, quick paced story that will leave you wanting more😍 I received an advanced copy and I voluntarily leave my honest review!

Profile Image for Joanne P.
733 reviews11 followers
November 12, 2022
The Massey Security Duet Book #2 Ford & Cara's Story
The tension remains high as brothers Ford and Owen continue to protect sisters Cara and Emily. The push and pull between Ford and Cara is constant. After a terrible scare, Cara has time to think about her life style and starts to see that she's been out of control. Having feelings for Ford, she starts to gradually soften towards him. Secrets are revealed after a heart to heart and the chemistry starts to ignite!! This slow burn is Hot and I highly recommend this duet!!!
231 reviews
July 8, 2019
The Score is the thrilling finale in the Massey Security Duet series. The first book, The Assignment, left us with a shocking cliffhanger. In this second book, there are some totally unexpected twists that blew me away. The secrets and lies that are revealed will keep you intrigued through the entire book. I really enjoyed the characters and all their imperfections. I especially like the personal growth that Cara went through as this story unfolded. Another fantastic book by S. Nelson!
Profile Image for Kate Bailey.
Author 14 books283 followers
July 26, 2019
I loved this book so much! It was the perfect conclusion to the duet. I loved how throughout the whole story, Cara grew and got stronger. And Ford was right there with her helping her grow. The storyline was a good steady pace and I was so engrossed I had to finish the book in one sitting. I couldn't put it down! I will definitely be recommending this book to everyone!
17 reviews
September 19, 2020
A Wonderful Read

I loved the character's in this story, so intricate and interesting. I had a few laugh out loud moments and I am a sucker for a hopeful ending. A real page turner and read in one sitting. I am so glad I was able to purchase the first book and second book at the same time, I could not have waited months for The Score. I would definitely recommend this book.
Profile Image for lowkeyreader.
5,197 reviews47 followers
July 9, 2019
Book one left us on a huge cliffhanger and one that had our minds rambling all over the place. When the truth is revealed Cara is livid, but she can’t help but understand how their lives could be in so much danger. With a little more understanding, Cara tries to be more considerate towards Ford and what his job entails. I would say that she is more mature this time.

On the other hand, Ford knows the facade that Cara portrays is not the real Cara and he keeps pushing her until she confides her biggest secret.

This book just keeps you guessing who the real culprit is. And when the truth comes out, you will be gobsmacked by it, because it's the person you least expect it to be. When I got sent the ARCs for this duet, seriously, I was hooked! I just keep on turning the pages in order for the secrets, turns & twists to unfold! When the truth came out, it was unexpected that you feel gobsmacked!

If you worry there might not be enough romance in this, fret not, because this has angst since Cara & Ford has the MOST tantalising budding romance ever!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews

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