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Futaba Igarashi hat ihren Traumjob bekommen! Doch gleich an ihrem ersten Arbeitstag kommt die Ernüchterung in der Person ihres Senpais (der Kollege, der sie einlernen soll) Takeda Harumi.

Der Kerl ist so unglaublich ‚annoying‘ und nervt auf ganzer Strecke: Er ist unfassbar groß, unheimlich sympathisch und lacht den ganzen Tag – was Futaba nur noch mehr auf die Palme bringt. Doch am nervigsten findet sie, dass er sich wie ein kleines Kind behandelt und das offenbar nur, weil er sie um einiges überragt. Ja, sie sieht sehr jung aus und ist auch nicht die Größte, aber muss das sein?!
Der reine Horror, wenn sie daran denkt, wie viel Zeit sie mit ihrem Senpai verbringen muss… oder ist es doch nicht ganz so schrecklich…?

144 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2018

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews
Profile Image for Mark.
2,427 reviews217 followers
September 26, 2020
Senpai and not-senpai continue being super close while the former remains pretty dense and the latter refuses to admit anything. The slow train to romance continues.

Look, this book is so pedestrian it has to wait for the green at crosswalks. For the most part it is completely fine and a cute, if modest, way to waste some reading time. Just like the first volume.

There are two main problems. First, I am really getting disenchanted with Futaba looking like she stopped growing at twelve and everybody else is an adult. There’s no indication of a health condition, and I know that isn’t the point, but it doesn’t track when she’s barely bigger than senpai’s arm.

The other problem is one I noted in the previous volume and it is even worse here - the secondary characters are so much more interesting. The April Fool’s section is very tame for our leads, but when we see the follow-up with their coworkers the book crackles with an incredible energy that it never achieves before or after.

It is what it is and it was what it was and I am quite certain it will be what it will be. There’s nothing offensive here, but a couple of sweet moments do not a compelling read make. I’ll keep reading for those side characters though.

If you want a delightful workplace romance with some maturity and actual heat, it is impossible to recommend this as a first choice when Sweat & Soap exists.
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,647 reviews243 followers
May 17, 2023
I like the set-up with the short woman and her tall office coworker doing the will-they-won't-they dance, but this outing was suuuuuuper mild as it worked through a calendar of tropes: Valentine's Day, birthdays, White Day, and April Fool's Day.

I was also turned off by all the boob jokes as they went all in on the main character's flat chest compared to the large breasts of her friends, even giving us a swimsuit shopping episode before hitting the beach.

I have another volume on hand to see if they can give this series a little more heart.
Profile Image for El.
851 reviews33 followers
June 6, 2021
This is really good ;) I just love how totally unaware of their own feelings these two idiots are. They're so cute.
Profile Image for Ben Nealis.
393 reviews20 followers
January 28, 2024
Every single chapter had at least one laugh out loud moment. A great read that was over far so soon. The one thing that seemed a bit off was Futuba acting especially childish in this volume. (Very minor spoiler alert.)But I do think that is partly the intention and partly because we find out that she's been living on her own since she was 15. All in all a great read and I can't wait to pick up book three.
781 reviews4 followers
December 28, 2020
This is such a fun little series. Pun intended, lol.

Ah, short people problems. Poor girl, she can't even reach shelves that are eye level to people of average height. Senpai is a big behemoth. I'm 6'5" and built like a gorilla (only not anywhere near as hairy), so I know how it is to have to duck going through doorways and having one's head press against the ceiling in most cars. While our gal is super short, that's OK with me. Maybe not THAT short, but short girls are cuter in my book. There's just something off-putting about tall girls. Now our gal may be flat as a washboard, but my word, look at the melons on her close friend, and on that coworker. And we get to see both in skimpy bathing suits! Simply gorgeous. This is such a simple story, yet it amuses, and offers interesting characters and situations. I'm going to keep reading this series.
Profile Image for Dani.
194 reviews4 followers
April 9, 2022
[01.2022] - 1º read.

Review based on volumes 1 - 6:
Profile Image for Brandi (Brandi Janee's Bookshelf).
523 reviews71 followers
February 2, 2021
I don't have much I can say of this installment in the series. So far, we are just following different parts of Futaba's life as she interacts with Takeda with some sneak peaks of other things going on around them. It's a bit frustrating that there hasn't been any real progression with the romance between Futaba and Takeda but for now I'm sticking with it.
Profile Image for Moriah Venable.
1,301 reviews38 followers
September 3, 2021
A trip to the beach and an indirect kiss by drinking from the same water bottle.

Futaba definitely has feelings for her senpai Harumi even if she is not fully aware of it. I do not know how I would feel if they got together. But I think their progress getting there is hilarious.

I love the April's Fool's joke from the two coworkers.
Profile Image for Sheepy .
2,282 reviews11 followers
May 24, 2022
This series is so Darn cute, from the way the plot develops to the actual art everything about this is amazing!
Futaba is so feisty and cute, harumi is a big Oblivious behemoth but so much fun, they suit each other nicely as well as touko & souta both pairs are adorable. Natsumi might be my favourite, she love to stair things and I love it!
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.9k reviews420 followers
January 15, 2024
This was just oodles of fun to read~ I love that this manga is fully coloured, instead of how so many other manga are black/white. In this one many more adorable moments between these two, deredere moments from Futaba which just made me laugh and think she as adorable, there is Valentines Day (and how oblivious can you be Senpai) and White Day (which was sweet though I had expected a bit more), there is a beach episode (with of course bikinis, insecurity, and more). It was a lot of fun to read and I am happy that our other couple is also getting some time in this manga. I am still rooting for both of these couples to get together.
I do wish the art was a bit more consistent. At times it seems Futaba is like super tiny, like just comes to the hips of the other girls whereas in other times she comes at least up their chest.
Profile Image for Laura.
557 reviews27 followers
July 10, 2021
This was more of the same, just like volume 1. Nothing in particular stands out for me but I am finding myself enjoying the chapters centred around the side characters Kazama and Sakurai more than the main pair.
Profile Image for Efsane.
114 reviews
April 21, 2022
Gittikçe daha şeker oluyor fark etmeden hem 2. hem de 3. cildi okumuşum. Yan çifti çok sevdim. İgarashi ve Senpai’nin ilişkisi de zaman geçtikçe keyif verici oluyor. İgarashi’nin arkadaşı da çok yerinde bir kadın karakter bence. Böyle çerezlik ofis romantik komedisi lazımmışım ara bana meğersem.
108 reviews
July 31, 2023
I like where this is going.

I'm actually really interested in all of the office relationship potentials. This series is looking to be fun. And we even managed the obligatory beach episode already. 😉
Profile Image for JessiKa.
158 reviews
March 21, 2021
I’m really enjoying this series!!! it’s very quick to read and so freaking cute!!
5 reviews
June 14, 2021

I really do love slice of life manga. This is such a sweet story I love it so much. It’s just so cute!!
Profile Image for Angela.
486 reviews29 followers
January 31, 2022
The super adorable office romance continues, now featuring another super adorable office romance! Gah I am really a sucker for these things huh...no regrets.
Profile Image for a*s*h.
348 reviews1 follower
October 23, 2022
This series solely intended to make you go “aww what a cute couple! XD”
251 reviews
June 2, 2023
Still super cute. It hasn’t reached the glory of Wotakoi yet though, but I imagine that’s partly due to there being a gimmick and the chapters being so short.
Profile Image for Megan.
193 reviews1 follower
March 25, 2024
It feels a little weird with how much everyone tells the female MC that she looks like a kid... 🫣
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews

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