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Nancy Drew: #1-64

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Nancy Drew has been solving mysteries, and delighting fans, for over 75 years. Now, for the first time, you can purchase all sixty-four classic Nancy Drew titles in one complete set!
#1: The Secret of the Old Clock
#2: The Hidden Staircase
#3: The Bungalow Mystery
#4: The Mystery at Lilac Inn
#5: The Secret of Shadow Ranch
#6: The Secret of Red Gate Farm
#7: The Clue in the Diary
#8: Nancy's Mysterious Letter
#9: The Sign of the Twisted Candles
#10: Password to Larkspur Lane
#11: The Clue of the Broken Locket
#12: The Message in the Hollow Oak
#13: The Mystery of the Ivory Charm
#14: The Whispering Statue
#15: The Haunted Bridge
#16: The Clue of the Tapping Heels
#17: Mystery of the Brass-Bound Trunk
#18: Mystery of the Moss-Covered Mansion
#19: The Quest of the Missing Map
#20: The Clue in the Jewel Box
#21: The Secret in the Old Attic
#22: The Clue in the Crumbling Wall
#23: Mystery of the Tolling Bell
#24: The Clue in the Old Album
#25: The Ghost of Blackwood Hall
#26: The Clue of the Leaning Chimney
#27: The Secret of the Wooden Lady
#28: The Clue of the Black Keys
#29: Mystery at the Ski Jump
#30: The Clue of the Velvet Mask
#31: The Ringmaster's Secret
#32: The Scarlet Slipper Mystery
#33: The Witch Tree Symbol
#34: The Hidden Window Mystery
#35: The Haunted Showboat
#36: The Secret of the Golden Pavilion
#37: The Clue in the Old Stagecoach
#38: The Mystery of the Fire Dragon
#39: The Clue of the Dancing Puppet
#40: The Moonstone Castle Mystery
#41: The Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes
#42: The Phantom of Pine Hill
#43: The Mystery of the 99 Steps
#44: The Clue in the Crossword Cipher
#45: The Spider Sapphire Mystery
#46: The Invisible Intruder
#47: The Mysterious Mannequin
#48: The Crooked Banister
#49: The Secret of Mirror Bay
#50: The Double Jinx Mystery
#51: Mystery of the Glowing Eye
#52: The Secret of the Forgotten City
#53: The Sky Phantom
#54: The Strange Message in the Parchment
#55: Mystery of Crocodile Island
#56: The Thirteenth Pearl
#57: The Triple Hoax
#58: The Flying Saucer Mystery
#59: The Secret in the Old Lace
#60: The Greek Symbol Mystery
#61: The Swami's Ring
#62: The Kachina Doll Mystery
#63: The Twin Dilemma
#64: Captive Witness


First published October 11, 2006

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About the author

Carolyn Keene

1,238 books3,676 followers
Carolyn Keene is a writer pen name that was used by many different people- both men and women- over the years. The company that was the creator of the Nancy Drew series, the Stratemeyer Syndicate, hired a variety of writers. For Nancy Drew, the writers used the pseudonym Carolyn Keene to assure anonymity of the creator.

Edna and Harriet Stratemeyer inherited the company from their father Edward Stratemeyer. Edna contributed 10 plot outlines before passing the reins to her sister Harriet. It was Mildred Benson (aka: Mildred A. Wirt), who breathed such a feisty spirit into Nancy's character. Mildred wrote 23 of the original 30 Nancy Drew Mystery Stories®, including the first three. It was her characterization that helped make Nancy an instant hit. The Stratemeyer Syndicate's devotion to the series over the years under the reins of Harriet Stratemeyer Adams helped to keep the series alive and on store shelves for each succeeding generation of girls and boys. In 1959, Harriet, along with several writers, began a 25-year project to revise the earlier Carolyn Keene novels. The Nancy Drew books were condensed, racial stereotypes were removed, and the language was updated. In a few cases, outdated plots were completely rewritten.

Other writers of Nancy Drew volumes include Harriet herself, she wrote most of the series after Mildred quit writing for the Syndicate and in 1959 began a revision of the first 34 texts. The role of the writer of "Carolyn Keene" passed temporarily to Walter Karig who wrote three novels during the Great Depression. Also contributing to Nancy Drew's prolific existence were Leslie McFarlane, James Duncan Lawrence, Nancy Axelrod, Priscilla Doll, Charles Strong, Alma Sasse, Wilhelmina Rankin, George Waller Jr., and Margaret Scherf.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 505 reviews
Profile Image for Lena.
Author 1 book396 followers
May 8, 2008
These books are primarily responsible for the fact that as a girl I regularly stayed up way past my bedtime. I'd tell my mother I would go to bed as soon as I finished my chapter, but since every single chapter ended in a cliffhanger, I had no choice but to keep going late into the night...
Profile Image for Mackey.
1,179 reviews360 followers
June 1, 2017
As a young girl I spent so many long hot days of summer reading each and every one of the Nancy Drew books. I could review each one separately, but it seemed easier to just do this. Carolyn Keene was a master at keeping a young girl's attention - there was just the right amount of mystery, very mild romance and innocent fun as Nancy and her pals sleuthed around solving not-so gruesome mysteries and murders. I assume that I love reading more adult-like thrillers and suspense today because of the Keene's influence so many years ago. And yes, I have my collection nicely tucked away for the next generation of young detectives.
Profile Image for Debbie W..
887 reviews769 followers
November 19, 2019
My first Nancy Drew book was THE HAUNTED BRIDGE which I read when I was nine-years old. The spooky-looking ghost on the cover sold me! After reading this book, I HAD to read the others in the series (not necessarily in order)! I would diligently save my allowance (50 cents every two weeks) to buy another book (one book cost $1.59 at the time). I was thrilled when friends loaned me their copies or if I got any books for my birthday or Christmas! This was the series that got me reading voraciously! My youngest daughter inherited my collection, and we had great fun searching second-hand stores for copies I didn't own. She wouldn't give as high a rating as I did, because she felt the plot was similar in all the books (i.e. Nancy gets kidnapped and/or gets trapped somewhere). True, but what does she know? Ha! Ha! In my opinion, this is a great mystery series for young girls to read!
Profile Image for Rae.
3,812 reviews
May 7, 2008
I read all of these when I was in my pre-teens. They had a tremendous impact on my reading patterns and my personal life. The simple mysteries solved in each book steered me toward more sophisticated mystery reading. The fact that these mysteries were also read by my mother in her youth brought us closer together and made me want to know what else she had read.

Nancy taught me to always be prepared for any situation and to keep a cool head and not panic when facing the unknown. She also taught me that both justice AND mercy matter. George taught me that it was all right to be a tomboy if one so desired...to be true to who I was. Bess simply annoyed me. But I guess there was a lesson there too...I learned that some people would annoy me in this world and I would have to get along with them.

Sometimes I yearn for those childhood years when life was much simpler and most young girls read and enjoyed these books.
Profile Image for Amy.
21 reviews
November 26, 2012
All I can remember is the hours I spent pouring through these books. One after the other. I give them 5 stars because of my memory of pure happiness while I read these books.
Profile Image for Kaylin (The Re-Read Queen).
428 reviews1,888 followers
November 29, 2016
When I was 9-13 I made it my mission to read the initial 64 books in the Nancy Drew series. Then when I completed those, I went on to read a couple dozen of the later editions. I love this series. It's probably a little dated, but I still love so much about it. I love the characters. I still love the fun formulaic dynamic. I love the mysteries. This series changed my relationship with reading, and I think it's still a great series for children (especially young girls).

I know there were some books I enjoyed more than others, but rather than go through and rank all 64, I'm going to just assign 5-glowing stars to it overall.
Profile Image for April Aasheim.
Author 42 books238 followers
September 20, 2012
I read them all between the ages of 10-14. The Nancy Drew stories got me into the love of reading. While some of the stories are a bit clunky and predictable, I love that the protagonist was a smart, caring young woman who used her brain to get things done.

I reread a few of these recently and I have to say that the earlier editions are MUCH better than those revised in the 1950s. The 1950s version makes Nancy much meeker and more domestic, a sign of the times, but she loses that fire and brainpower she once had. If you read these opt for the first editions.
Profile Image for Julie G .
969 reviews3,622 followers
February 6, 2014
Goodreads finally listed the entire collection as a group entry, so now I can shelve these as favorites. I can honestly say that no other children's book influenced me more. I love you, Nancy!
Profile Image for Shauli Chaudhuri.
37 reviews5 followers
January 26, 2013
I grew up reading Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Three Investigators, etc. Then a number of years back, I bought the complete series of Nancy Drew books for my daughter. And guess what the genre is for most of my daughter's own books (written by her as part of the Young Author's Program in her school)? Detective mysteries with a girl detective as the central character! I believe little girls should read this series -- they will see Nancy as a bright, smart, kind, responsible, and courageous young woman, who was thoughtful, had good manners, was considerate, and was aware of her femininity, but let that stop her from being a terrific detective whom everyone, admired.
Profile Image for Brianna Olomua.
26 reviews1 follower
August 18, 2012
I have loved reading ever since I have learned! My parents were divorced and lived in two different cities and I had to fly on a plane twice every other weekend to visit them. These Nancy Drew series got me through this troubling time in my life by keeping me focused on the content and mysteries in the book!
Profile Image for Valerie.
226 reviews
January 15, 2011
One of my favorite series as a kid! I started reading these when I was 7 years old, and by the time I was about 12, I had the whole collection. I would read them over & over & over... LOVED them!!
Profile Image for Clare.
11 reviews
August 11, 2010
I own all these books and have read them all. I'm not a real big mystery fan, but Nancy Drew is amazing. Unlike Sherlock Holmes, the reader isn't completely left in the dark when it comes to clues. Unlike Miss Marple the reader follows Nancy and slowly solves the mysteries instead of the whole thing concluding in a chapter. These books are really only light reading -- there's not much profound thought here, I mean -- but I highly recommend them to people who aren't particularly big on mystery.
Profile Image for Jill.
381 reviews185 followers
June 18, 2018
I read all her adventures when I was 12 or so. My mother bought me the whole collection....great memories.
Profile Image for The Captain.
1,323 reviews500 followers
June 11, 2020
I read all 64 of these as a younger person. I loved them. I didn't feel like putting all 64 in me read list but was glad to represent them all at once. So fun! Arrrr!
Profile Image for Wendy.
957 reviews20 followers
January 28, 2018
My big sister collected these books and we both read and re-read them. Back in the 1970s, my Dad lived in a 1-room cabin out in the country. No TV. As an avid reader, I read almost all of these 64 books. I know she did not have the compete series, but close to it. I was aware there was no real Carolyn Keene, but a reader would never have known that. The mysteries were good clean romps. I was aware they were a bit sexist, but did not knoq til recent research the series were rewritten to be less racist. Nice. Great Memories.
Profile Image for Tamara Lane.
119 reviews55 followers
July 29, 2018
I loved the Nancy Drew series as a girl. My best friend and I each wrote the list of titles on loose leaf paper and checked them off as we read them. An early method of keeping track of our progress much like Goodreads does for me today.
Profile Image for Jordan.
66 reviews18 followers
June 5, 2013
I read the series (#1-64) starting around 3rd grade and finished around maybe 4th or 5th grade. The Nancy Drew books were basically the first chapter books I read when I started reading (I know 3rd grade seems pretty late, but when you go to a Waldorf school, that's pretty typical). All I can say is that I was hooked from the first book and absolutely loved the series, and kept one of the lists that is found at the back of almost every book so I could keep track of what books I still had to read. In all honesty, my love for reading and fiction is because of the Nancy Drew books. I also probably would've never been into mystery if it weren't for these books. Generally speaking, the Nancy Drew series is great for young readers, maybe 12 years and under. The older you are, the more the books might seem childish/redundant just because the plotline of every book is pretty similar, in terms of length, character appearances, and overall conclusion, almost like TV episodes in the sense that you don't have to read the books in order. However, this may not be a problem to a lot of people; I enjoyed every single book when I first read them, and recommend the series to anyone who has a love for mystery and fiction!
Profile Image for Callie Hundley.
12 reviews
August 6, 2024
Vividly I remember going to my local public library, especially over the summer when they had summer reading challenges and running back to the “mature” children section in the far corner of the building. There was a wall of these Nancy Drew books, along with the Hardey Boys and some other long-running series. I would grab the next two or three books in the series, and sit to begin reading the next one while waiting for my mom to catch up. Getting my own library card seemed like the BEST day of my life!
Profile Image for Colleen Chi-Girl.
782 reviews172 followers
October 2, 2018
These were my childhood f and I read everyone of them at least twice. My favorites, I read over and over again. I think these books in part helped form my feminism, even as a young girl. (That and the biographies I read about women>)
Profile Image for Tammy Knerr.
3 reviews
November 19, 2019
Loved these books so much as a child! Tempted to collect the complete set just for some fun nostalgia!
Profile Image for Cherrey Mae.
11 reviews2 followers
February 13, 2017
The Nancy Drew mystery series got me hooked into reading. I saved up my school money when I was 10-12 yrs old just so I could binge-read on Nancy Drew for the whole week. Becoming a detective were one of the things I aspired growing up, but it just seemed impossible to do so in my country's backward justice system and lackadaisical police intelligence. I know I missed only a few books in this series. It would be great to have a chance to get all of these series in a collection.
Profile Image for Sara Parker.
Author 2 books24 followers
January 22, 2013
These books are full of childhood memories. I would search for them in every bookstore I entered. From a child's perspective they are wildly entertaining, but as an adult I know my youthful ignorance looked over a key element. If you've read one, you've read them all. The mysteries are all different of course, but the plot line hardly meanders. Nancy is attacked, she discovers a mystery behind the attack, she tries to solve the mystery, she is kidnapped or otherwise detained, she is rescued, she solves the mystery. I'd advise any mature readers to leave these books for the children.
19 reviews1 follower
September 27, 2014
Ok, I don't think I made it all the way to 64, but didn't want to enter these all individually. Childhood favorites. Strong female herione. Yeah, maybe these are a little predictable, but I loved them and they definitely contributed to my childhood and are a stepping stone to making me the reader I am today.
Profile Image for Kristy.
545 reviews3 followers
February 5, 2017
Read these in junior high I think and I really liked them. I bought them for my kids and Reanne could barely get through one. The new generation is automatically spoiled, I think, when they have already read books like Harry Potter, Eragon, and Fablehaven. Oh well.
Profile Image for Mo.
350 reviews25 followers
May 4, 2015
Some of the books in this series are eh eh, but worth reading if you like mysteries. These books, along with others, instilled a love for reading in me.
Profile Image for Emily V.
21 reviews
Currently reading
July 2, 2018
Nancy Drew is an excellent mystery series!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 505 reviews

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