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Love is a weakness, even for the Gods.

Young archaeologist, Andie Godfrey must conquer her addiction and accept the opportunity to uncover the Egyptian cave where her father and boyfriend were last seen two years ago. But, the pain of the past is hard to forget when you’re thrown at its feet.

Using her father’s secret research, Andie pieces together a clandestine conspiracy, centuries old, that will shatter the world’s idea of ancient Egypt. But before she can solve her father’s cryptic puzzle, Andie’s betrayed by the leader of the expedition, and finds herself left for dead at the bottom of a pit where she accidentally activates a portal carved in stone.

Unsure whether she’s dead or thrown back in the midst of time, Andie discovers an advanced civilization unlike anything she’s ever known and is soon faced with a ruler among Gods; a man from her own past who once ruled her heart.

Fans of OUTLANDER, THE MUMMY, TOMB RAIDER, and STARGATE are going to devour the Kingdom of Sand & Stars series!

294 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 24, 2020

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About the author

Candace Osmond

48 books475 followers
Bestselling Author and freelance writer/editor, Candace Osmond was born in North York, ON.

She published her first book by the age of 25, the first installment in a Paranormal Romance trilogy to which two others were published with it; The Iron World Series.

Candace is also one of the creative and AVN Award nominated writers for www.sssh.com, an acclaimed Erotic Romance website for women which has been featured on NBC Nightline and a number of other large platforms.

Aside from fiction, Candace is also an award winning Interior Designer and writer for Adorable Home Magazine.

Now residing in a small town in Newfoundland with her husband and two kids, Candace writes full time developing articles for just about every niche, more novels, and a hoard of short stories.

All of Candace's titles are available wherever books and eBooks are sold!

Barnes & Noble
Overdrive and Library Direct (for libraries)

You can request a signed and personalized copy of any of Candace's books by contacting her through her website authorcandaceosmond.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 reviews
Profile Image for Kamery Solomon.
Author 27 books263 followers
April 9, 2021
Y'all know I love Candace's books, and this one was no exception. Ever since she announced she was doing an Egyptian Time Travel, I've been eagerly awaiting it!

While I really enjoyed the book, I felt it was probably more a fantasy/alternate reality book than a time travel one. There is a time travel aspect, but the Egypt Andie travels to is not the one we know historically. There's a chance the time travel aspect will become more prominent in future books, but I would say for this one specifically that if you're looking for some straight-up time travel goodness, this isn't the book for it. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean you shouldn't give it a go! I'm a sucker for alternate realities, as well as Ancient Egypt, and if I hadn't been expecting more from the time travel angle, I would have given it five stars. I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the sequel now!
227 reviews2 followers
August 7, 2021
Not really sure what to think..

It was difficult to follow through the plot of the story ad there are alot of jumps and unnecessary scenes I didn't like the heroin. She's more like a disob ediant child then a person who was "old at the age of 7" I hope there's more world building and character development t in the next book
Profile Image for Tena Bremmer.
190 reviews3 followers
June 27, 2021
This is the first book I have ever read in one day! It captured my attention in the first chapter and carried it throughout the book! There were times I could smack the crap out of Andie for being so stubborn! But that made it more interesting! Thank you Candace Osmond for sharing it on Facebook!! Now time to start on book 2!!
Profile Image for Fleisha Payne O'Keefe.
69 reviews1 follower
September 30, 2020
Where to begin.

Firstly, I Love Ancient Egypt. There are so many fantastic stories and mysteries that have evolved from that era and this book takes us on an adventure that doesn't disappoint with its own twist on the facts that we claim to know as history.

Andy is an complex character. She has strength and determination however she is also vulnerable, susceptible, and stubborn. Her love for her family is a becon, however that becon doesn't always lead true North.

Time travel adventures can be tricky to write but Candace does an amazing job in connecting the past and the present.

I look forward to the next installment!
Profile Image for Jess.
487 reviews31 followers
November 21, 2023
This is a poorly-executed great idea. Surprise time travel back to ancient Egypt and they are much more advanced than ever thought, along with interesting creatures and their backgrounds. But there are so many holes in the story, typos, and none of the characters are believable or really likable.
Profile Image for Kerry Campbell.
Author 4 books4 followers
September 5, 2020
This is the review that I posted to my blog:

I finished off this book in two days. I devoured it every chance I got, including my little bit of free time at work. I even pushed through a rotten headache reading this. Usually when I have a headache or migraine, reading is a hardcore no-go. But I couldn’t put it down. It’s like a cross between ‘Outlander’ and ‘The Mummy’. I am a sucker for time travel romance, and romance in general if I am being honest.

Candace is a history buff when it comes to ancient Egypt, and her passion for it shows. While I love history, Egypt hasn’t been on the top of my list for interesting topics. However Candace’s words not only had me wanting to learn more, I also felt as if I was immersed in her setting. At times I found myself hitting up Google. Not because I didn’t understand a topic or anything. But because I was curious as to what characters were based from mythology and what came from the depths of her active and creative imagination.

Andie is a bad ass, strong willed woman who slowly becomes an alcoholic after her father and love of her life were killed in an ancient cave. A few years later she learned that not everything is what it seems. She’s transported to an ancient time that is much different then of the one she learned. And to a place where Gods and other creatures exist. While facing her own demons, she’s trying to save the man she loves from his brother. Luckily she has help of her father, Anubis, God of the underworld and Shadow, a lizard like creature who has taken to Andie.

This book was everything and more that I expected from Candace. If you’ve read other reviews of mine, you know I am a huge fan. And I feel like, even though I have loved all her books so far, that this is her best one yet. The plot flowed, the characters were believable and she took me on a journey I didn’t expect to go on.

This story is has a little bit of everything: adventure, mystery, betrayal, romance, the supernatural, time travel and a piece of jewelry that is much more then it seems.

Profile Image for Casey.
221 reviews7 followers
August 29, 2020
What a neat and interesting concept for a book! I love all the mythology and creativeness this book has. I found the character of Andie pretty realistic, and I liked that she faced her own personal demons because it made her more relatable. As the book progressed however, I found her to be selfish and to be honest, pretty blatantly uncaring for others. She was on a mission and the lives of other be damned. So while I initially really liked Andie she lost likeability for me towards the end. Honestly, I kind of hope she doesn't have an easy road in the second book because I think she needs a reality check in why certain rules need to be followed. That probably makes me kind of twisted, but sometimes people need to learn the hard way haha.

Other than that, the story line is great. There is lots of mystery that slowly unfolds as the book progresses which is quite satisfying. I enjoy the environment in Egypt and all of the characters there. It is a great mix between fantasy and sci-fi which I was not expecting but was delighted to find.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Check out my blog Tayside Book Blog
625 reviews2 followers
May 16, 2023
I was caught up at the beginning of this book, but after the first few chapters and a major twist in the plot which I won’t mention because it would be a spoiler, this book went downhill for me. I was intrigued by the whole idea of getting into mythology being used in this book, but I believe the author made a mistake by not being more descriptive of all of the Egyptian mythology figures as many readers will not be familiar with them. The other bigger problem I had with the book, what is the heroine. A die, quite frankly, turned into a whiny, unlikeable grouch with a touch of alcoholism. Rather than cope with problems, she just reacted throughout the book like a spoiled, disobedient breath. And she really needs to learn how to describe men as with other verbs than a dick.

I am not going to bother reading the second book. This heroine is annoying more than likable, and I really don’t care what happens to her not to mention the plot didn’t make a lot of sense. Also, I found it a little disturbing that, warning here, Silas who is the love interest, is basically occupying another person’s body. So what? It’s OK for this guy to take over another person so that person never gets to live a life? Now that’s selfish and depressing.
Profile Image for Frédérique.
339 reviews34 followers
September 27, 2020
5 stars
Again... Candace doesn't disappoint with her lastest book!
I wanted to wait for the physical copy to start reading the book... but I was too excited to read it... and I don't even regret!!
When I saw that the book was about archeology, ancient Egypt, time-travel fantasy and romance... I mean... How could I not love it? It's all of my favorite things combined! It reminded of the time I wanted to be an archeologist and studied History!

First of all, I looooove Andie's character! I love how authentic and fearless she is, and how her drinking problem is portrayed. You can see how it's always in the back of her mind and how it's in every decisions she makes. I believe this is not talked about enough in books, mostly in young women.
I also love how Silas and Andie's relationship was already established in the beginning. It's also something we don't find enough in books.

I actually can't help but root for Horus. I know he's supposed to be the villain but... I can't help to love him already and feel like he might not be that bad after all... We'll have to see!

Over all, I really liked the book and just can't wait to read the next one!!
Profile Image for booksnsnax.
141 reviews5 followers
June 2, 2022
I loved the take on ancient Egypt and its history. I wanted more of it! That's where my love for this book ends

I didn't like the female main character. She was prone to making stupid mistakes, you wanted to yell at her through the book. She was treated like a child when she was in her early twenties, if this character was aged down to 18 or 19 I could have accepted her callous behavior a little more. She was supposed to be 'sarcastic' but it didn't hit the spot.

The other characters had little to no personality and they fell flat. I didn't feel a connection to anyone except shadow, because they sound cute. I mean a mini dragon?!(type thing)

The plot was to easy to follow, by that I mean it was predictable and not very exciting. The chapters jumped around in an almost incoherent fashion. I found myself flipping back to the last page to see if I had missed something, but I didn't...

I had high hopes for this book and unfortunately it fell flat and I won't be reading any of the others.
1 review
April 9, 2022
I really love this; I love the plot and I mostly love the characters. the only reason this review is only 4 stars is because Andie really irked me. she is really childish and had done stupid things like sneak out of the cave even though she knew that she put everyone in danger. Sure, being left in the dark is never fun, especially when you feel like you're entitled to know what's going on. But that does not mean you go put everyone's lives on the line. I believe she even stomped her foot when talking to her father when he told her sneaking out was not okay... Andie is 20 btw. she does not think of the consequences before she acts which literally cost her, her life. that is what gets me, how does someone who is 20 act so childish. I love the plot though; I have never read a book quite like this and I am thoroughly impressed. Regardless of Andie I will be reading the next books in this series. I Recommend if you can look past childish, and impatient heroines.
Profile Image for Annette Summerfield.
654 reviews14 followers
July 2, 2021
How can anyone chew the inside of their cheek raw over and over again. Now and then, sure, but this girl keeps chewing the inside of her cheeks raw constantly. I'm tired of it.

I'm done reading it now. The worlds they go to and the characters involved are unique and a wonderful story.
It babbles on too much and sent me flipping along to get back to the action.
Andie makes me think she is 12 with her thoughts and actions.
I found it frustrating that no one would stop and explain, give Andie some details. She didn't understand and no one ever seems to explain to much to her. When they do it is very vague.
I loved the fantasy story, even though a few things bothered me.
It does end on a cliffhanger .
5,665 reviews60 followers
September 3, 2020
This book has everything you want and more than I expected. Mixing in ancient Egypt via time travel is a perfect locale and the history that it brings as well as the suspense of the period made it outstanding. The conspiracy that surrounds her work and that of her dad and boyfriend, who disappeared two years ago, starts the suspense and danger right away. The characters are fantastic and the backstories that get filled in are amazing. These strong and determined people do not quit from their goals. Can not wait for the next part of this series, as I am totally hooked at this point.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
1,879 reviews9 followers
May 23, 2022
An interesting read

Andie hasn't dealt with her father's & boyfriend's death very well. Alcohol has been her only comfort. She has been given the chance to find out what happened that day in the cave. But she is betrayed by a family friend. She wakes up in a strange Egypt where nothing makes sense. She finds out that her father is still alive but the biggest shock is finding out that Silas is actually a God. But there are no happy endings as she is kidnapped before they can enjoy their time together. What does the next book hold for them all.
A great interesting read. Love Shadow he adds his little bit to the read
Profile Image for Ashley.
807 reviews16 followers
July 15, 2021
Not quite what I was expecting in a “time travel romance”. I didn’t think it was going to get SO supernatural. It also took awhile to get to the heart of the book. I guess that’s why there are more. I liked Andie’s character in the first half of the book, up until she makes really stupid decisions like thinking Silas was going to remember her when his “soul” wasn’t in the body and he tricks her rather easily. Rookie mistake. I was very weirded out by the real Egyptian characters. I don’t think I’ll continue the rest of the series.
Profile Image for J.J. King.
Author 60 books281 followers
August 24, 2020
I thought I loved Candace Osmond's time-traveling pirates series, Dark Tides, and I do... it's amazing! But, this book blew my mind! I adore mythology of any kind and Egyptian is especially cool, so I knew this book would be good, especially with her writing style. I wasn't disappointed! Andie is so twisty and real. Her pain is visceral and I wanted to fight with her to get her happily ever after. And what can I say about Silas... he's delicious! I can't wait for the rest of this series!
Profile Image for Kacey Cranford.
3 reviews2 followers
August 26, 2020
WOW! I loved this book. It was everything I expected from Candance Osmond. Suspense, romance, adventure, and time travel. I was blown away by her take on Ancient Egypt. This book gave me all the feels. It angered me, made me cry, and kept me on the edge of my seat in anticipation. Not to mention falling in love with yet another fictional character. I can't wait to read the rest of this series and see what else is in store for these characters and how they overcome their trials.
Profile Image for Erica.
85 reviews
August 29, 2020
This book was so amazing that it has left me completely speechless! Candace Osmond blew me away with the intricate and imaginative world she created! The writing is impeccable, the characters are lovable, and the plot flows like a well oiled machine. This was an outstanding time travel romance with a twist! It made smile, it made me laugh, it made me cry.. The ending was incredible, and I can't wait to read the rest of this amazing series!
2,298 reviews6 followers
March 9, 2021
For all of us who love ancient Egypt and science fiction or alternate history, this could gave been a blockbuster book. Unfortunately, the protagonist, Andie, (despite being a precociously brilliant Egyptologist) is a disgustingly self-absorbed, thoughtless, selfish brat who puts others in danger without even blinking. There is also a need for professional proofreading/ editing. I pushed on to chapter 17 before I gave up.
Profile Image for Diana Reeve.
205 reviews
June 29, 2021
Time travel to Ancient Egypt and Aliens

I can't compare this story to anything else I have read so far, a real treat. I like the idea of Egyptian gods portrayed as alien beings. It was an interesting element in this unusual time travel novel. Andie annoyed me at times but then I haven't experienced what she's had to go through, but I enjoyed the various characters and can't wait to read the next novel
Profile Image for Jane.
1,464 reviews67 followers
July 22, 2022
Actual rating somewhere around 2.5 stars, I think. Parts of it felt juvenile, parts of it were rushed, BUT the idea behind it? Spectacular, although somewhat reminiscent of a Doctor Who episode with the lizard-like people living under the Earth's core.

I am somewhat intrigued about what's coming next for Andie, however I'm not keen on reading the next three (!) books myself. I'll see if I can find a review or two that spoil the plot. :D
6 reviews
January 4, 2023
Interesting concept but maim character disappointing

I cannot Relate to the main character And she consistently does the stupidest thing in every situation.
It was also a really Oogie moment where Her boyfriend Tell her he can't think about Any of the serious problems they Are facing until He has sex with her. I'm a bit unclear on the boyfriend's age but seriously almost seems like grooming.
Profile Image for Michelle.
9,768 reviews25 followers
September 12, 2020
Ancient Hearts is a book one and a great start to the Kingdom of Sand and Stars series. This book has it all, time travel, romance, suspense, conspiracy, danger, intriguing characters and so much more. The writing is descriptive and the ending left me ready for the next book in the series to find out what happens next. I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book.
Profile Image for Tegan Brinkman.
347 reviews
January 1, 2021
So as an archeologist I’ve heard the theory’s about Ancestry cultures and how such marvellous buildings could possibly have been built by them

Mix in a bit of the metaphysical ideas

And you have this series

Wonderful writing great flow and definitely a series I’ll continue

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Gerard E. Trigo.
163 reviews1 follower
May 26, 2021
A teenage romance novel. Not my cup of tea. Starts off heavy on the really gooey teenage love feelings and I did not get past that. So this review is not of the whole book and may be somewhat unfair for that. However, the beginning of a book generally sets the tone for the rest of the book and I could not take the saccharine and unrealistic romance portrayed at the start.
Profile Image for Amanda B.
29 reviews
June 12, 2022

The plot has a good premise. It was honestly just brutal to read. So many plot holes and the protagonist is wicked annoying, immature, and mostly helpless. The setting needs more explanation and more archaeological evidence to make it more realistic. I like the idea of the book ... But ... Yikes.
5,450 reviews30 followers
August 23, 2020
What a way to start a series. I was hooked by the story telling and the characters in this book. I am eagerly awaiting the next book to see what happens.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Arien/Sloan.
255 reviews3 followers
September 30, 2020
An amazing start to this series. How one can't not be entranced by the this book is beyond me. It is a page turner. Andie find mischief, mayhem, mystery, and intrigue. You really do want to pick up this book.
Profile Image for CHRISTINA PEACOCK.
177 reviews2 followers
October 14, 2020
Good B+. 3.5 stars

The main character was kind of an idiot. She had good moments but for someone who's supposed to be super smart.... The world building is good. The dialogue comes off a bit rough.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 reviews

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