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Daybreaker #2

Night Scourge

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“You were raised among Dark Ones and each one wants a bite of you.”

Adrift in a strange land and with the Night Station weakening, Lynher has never felt more alone.

Guests are leaving. The Station platform is silent. And there’s nobody left to save.

So when a member of the European resistance wanders in off the street, offering a new life outside the Station, Kensey can’t refuse. But Lynher can. The Dark Ones are circling. The Station is vulnerable. Now is not the time to abandon it.

But the Station has secrets. Secrets that test Lynher's faith in those she loves, secrets about her, about the Night Station, and about the most dangerous vampire of them all:


Lynher cannot leave, but how can she stay when the truth is more terrifying than any monster?

“Guard your soul, dear traveler, for Night is long and the dark hungry. "

256 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 24, 2020

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About the author

Pippa DaCosta

73 books1,546 followers
Two-time DragonCon Finalist & Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award semi-finalist--- "Wait a second. Let's cut to the chase. I write kick-ass urban fantasy & sci-fi novels with conflicted characters, breathless action, and no-holds-barred dialogue. My books may not leave you feeling all fluffy and warm inside, but they will excite you. There will be plot-twists, angst, probably a few dead bodies, and very likely your favorite character will turn out to be the bad guy. Don't say I didn't warn you..."


(I review on Goodreads as a reader, not a writer. Reviews here are my personal opinion, not a professional one).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 65 reviews
Profile Image for Pippa DaCosta.
Author 73 books1,546 followers
August 15, 2020

More mystery, more lies, more wonderful Night Station.

Kensey's and Lynher's love will be tested, old friends return, questions are answered, but is the price for truth too high?

"Welcome back to the Night Station, dear traveler. Your name is already scribed in the guestbook. You're one of us now... Forever."
February 10, 2021

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Pippa DaCosta is like the ultimate brain candy author. When I pick up one of her books, I know it's going to be cheesy goodness in a fun, escapist way-- basically, whatever the literary equivalent of eating chili cheese fries is. I loved the first book in this series, TWILIGHT SEEKER, so much that I immediately launched into the sequel, even though I'm usually the type of person who puts off reading sequels for so long that by the time I finally get around to it I forget what happens.

The heroine of this book, Lynher, runs a "station" which is kind of like the inn in Ilona Andrews's Sweep series. It's a waystation between worlds, so fae, demons, and vampires all stay there, and despite the fact that they all hate each other, the station is supposed to be neutral ground where there is a tenuous truce. Basically it's kind of like how Portugal was in WWII, with all the spies meeting up in Lisbon. Truly neutral territory where scheming and plotting comes afoot. Such it is with the station and its crew of supes.

The last book dropped some pretty harsh and interesting secrets that indicated that a lot of what Lynher thought about herself, her brother, her friends, and her guardian might be wrong. And then it ends with a truly bizarre cliffhanger that made me go "whaaaaat." After reading this book, I'm still a little confused... and maybe not in a good way. I feel like I missed out on a book, even though I totally did not.

NIGHT SCOURGE was, to me, not quite as good as TWILIGHT SEEKER. I really liked Jack from the first book and thought he was the love interest but in this book he's mostly absent and we're stuck with the incubus, Rafe, who has a Rhysand dynamic with the heroine. If you're a fan of the ACOTAR series by Sarah J. Maas, I think you'll be into this book because his character is super similar (he even has wings-- and the heroine thinks they're super hot), but I didn't really like him that much. I also felt like Lynher felt much more toned down, character-wise. In the first book, she was a consummate bad-ass who weighed her decisions carefully and was such an impressive tower of strength. Here, it's all about how hot Rafe is and second-guessing herself and making hasty, foolish decisions.

I tend to feel this way a lot about second books-- I think a lot of people do. It can be hard to write a series and have the second book follow up on all of the foundational action and still be as gripping. And to be clear, NIGHT SCOURGE wasn't bad-- I did like it-- but I ended up skimming a lot of the parts with Rafe, and I'm not sure a lot of the heroine's decisions really made sense. I'm excited for the third book but I really hope it pulls some of these threads together and that Lynher finds her inner bad-ass.

3 stars
Profile Image for Christy Hall.
366 reviews88 followers
April 10, 2021
The second installment of the Daybreaker series was entertaining. While I liked the first one for its unique story, I felt this one didn’t do enough to develop the story enough. There are some interesting twists and turns but they come so late in the game that it felt like I was waiting forever for the good stuff to happen.

Lynher is slower on the uptake than in the first book and I’d like to smack her upside the head. She definitely falls for some stupid lines and stories. She doesn’t think things through as much as she thinks she does. The human world in Rome was a fun element but not as developed and it ended up being not as important as I originally thought it would be. Jack was not in it as much as I had hoped, which was unfortunate because he’s an interesting one. Overall, good read. Not as good as the first one, but still fun.
August 19, 2020
Oh the twistyness, the lies, the machinations, the secrets, the plots and plans! To do good sometimes you have to run with the wolves and be a little bit bad. But tread carefully Lynher because the wolves are devious liars!

Night Scourge
picks up straight where Twilight Seeker left us, with Jack and the Vampire Guard trapped in hell, the Vampire Queen temporarily defeated and the Night Station somewhere new. Lynher and Kensey's relationship is strained, especially since Kensey doesn't love the Station in the same way that Lynher does.

The plot is a complex tapestry, woven from many different threads. At the moment we, along with Lynher, can only see small parts of the cloth, leaving us having to guess at what pattern those missing parts hold. Lynher blunders along, making the best decisions she can based on what she knows. It's becoming increasingly apparent that she doesn't know a lot, since her life so far seems to be based on lies. However she continues to fight for humanity with the weapons she has and with every last ounce of strength in her body.

My gaze fell to the notebook with its inaccessible secrets, then back to the demon who belonged to me. Maybe I should have felt bad for trapping him, but it felt right. He felt right. The station had its reasons, and I trusted it more than I trusted myself.

In the first book I was very much #TeamJack but OH!, Ms DaCosta, have you managed to turn my head and my heart with the seductive incubus that is Rafe. I liked him in book #1, but I grew to love him in this book. Now I'm torn because - Jack! Not only can you not keep a good vampire down (and I do mean that good) but you might just need his help in very unexpected ways. Whilst we're discussing those male characters I must mention Etienne, who definitely redeemed himself in this book. I had thought he might become another Nye but now I'm scared he will be an Arran or Brendan.

When she has to abandon the Station, just how far from home is Lynher? Were Angelo's rantings a foreshadowing? The conclusion of that would be so twisted and messed up, something I most definitely wouldn't put past Ms DaCosta!!! Or are her origins a lot more shocking? Is there a reason Kensey hosts the Day side of the Station, whilst she is most at home in the Night? Whatever the answer is, it's definitely going to have repercussions. As will the risks she has to take, given that she only has her sense of right from wrong and her wits to rely on. Oh the risks she takes when she plays her version of the game "he loves me, he loves me not" but instead substitutes "s/he lies to me, s/he lies to me not".

Dark things are in store for the Daybreaker before it is safe at Night. Lynher is playing a very risky game of poker and can only guess at the hand others are holding, high stakes indeed.

I couldn't trust him. But I could use him.
But it was wrong, wasn't it? Hadn't I just realised how using Rafe and Etienne had been cruel? But Rafe hadn't killed countless people. He hadn't aided the vampire queen and managed bloodfarms. And Etienne was as much a victim as those who came through my station in need of help.
Jack was no victim. He wasn't good. But I could use him to do good. And that surely made controlling him right?
Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews147 followers
July 24, 2020
eARC provided by the author in exchange of an honest review.

"You're just a silly girl in a dress playing with monsters."

When Jack first said this I thought it's just a snide remark meant to get on Lyhner's nerves. I didn't think even for a second that it's foreshadowing for things to come. And I should know better by now, shouldn't I? After the event of Twilight Seeker Lynher is desperate to keep her ragtag family together. Especially her idiotic brother Kensey, whom I distrusted somewhat since the beginning but had decided to give the benefit of the doubt. Well that experiment failed. It's still up for a debate whether he's a traitor or simply that naive and brainless. Throughout the book I wanted to slap some sense into him on so many occasions, especially when he got that whole 'holier than thou' attitude because of Lynher's closer relationship to Rafe. It's like the pot calling the kettle black considering his choice in lovers.

Speaking about Rafe, I expected to see more of him in this book compared to Twilight Seeker but was surprised that he was so central to the plot. For a big part of the book it was his relationship with Lynher, Lilith and an anger called Mastema that drove the story forward. It was subtle and at the time I didn't see it but now that I've had some time to think about it almost all that happens in Night Scourge is influenced by the magnificent incubus Raphael. And I loved every second of it. Even though I had expected things to revolve more around the resistance and the return of Jack. I thought that one of the first things that would happen would be Jack's return from Hell but I was so wrong. By the midway I wasn't sure it'll ever happen. Which made me despair as he's definitely the most interesting character fromTwilight Seeker. Did he return you might ask. Well read the book and find out ;)

I debated whether to give Night Scourge 4 or 5 starts for a couple of days now. On one hand I loved it but on the other there were parts that felt like filler. They weren't truly as they added new layers to the world and let us to see Lyhner and Kensey's faults and blind spots. The resistance being the main of those parts - I expected them to play a much bigger role but were delegated to crutch for character development. And because I feel they weren't fully utilized I'm a bit disappointed at them taking space that could have been used to say learn more about the Night Station's origins or something. Oh we do learn more about that but it only whetted my appetite and now I burn to learn every little detail. But I guess I'll have to wait until the next book comes out. At least the ending seems promising that we will learn more.

There was a lot of new information to process in this book. It makes the world richer and the characters more fleshed out. But it also opens the door to even more questions and makes you want to jump straight in the next book. Too bad it's not written yet. Night Scourge gave me the feeling that once all books of the series are out I'll have to block out an extended weekend and just binge read them all. I think it will showcase details I'll otherwise miss. It'll be one hell of a ride.
74 reviews14 followers
September 4, 2020

I'm ranking this book at the 62% marker on my kindle, maybe the ending will bump it back up to a three star rating. I loved the first book but this one drags. It's frankly boring and only gets good around 50%. Also, points were deducted every time Rafe said 'darling.'

I'm bored of every dark-haired male in recent series using this as a term of endearment towards their love interest. (Then again, I felt like Rafe was turning into a cheap man's Rhysand from ACOTAR and everyone knows I despise the guy so that didn't help Rafe's case). Of course, the forced romance between Rafe and Lynher was the final nail in the coffin. Lynher starts sprouting how her crush was actually unacknowledged feelings of true love all this time blah blah blah cue sparkles and unicorns and all that gibber jabber.

How did all the characters turn so bland? Rafe has turned into such a hollow character, he's literally a washed down version of Rhysand and other male leads with dark hair and morally questionable backstory and personality. I'm going to try and finish this book and see if the rating changes but I'm very disappointed in what I'm reading so far. Please let Jack be Just Jack. I thought his character was interesting don't ruin him, DaCosta.

Update: (9/4/20

Just finished the book and I'll bump up the rating to 2.5 now. Thank god for Jack! Out of all the characters Jack has been my favorite. He's complicated and his personality is enjoyable; plus I like his STFU moments with Lynher. Leave it to Jack to make the story interesting again because Lynher and Rafe weren't cutting it.

Lynher was insufferable in this book. Quoting some teenagers "she's showing her ass." I loved her confidence and tough-as-nails attitude in Twilight Seeker. However, after the literal hell on Earth ordeal from the first book (hahahaha she went to hell in this book woah how original), readers should believe she's gained some clarity and realized there's more secrets to her life as a hostess and she needs to gleam over this information. Nope, she parades around like a child playing King of the Hill and anytime someone argues against her beliefs she childishly announces they're wrong and she knows everything despite knowing nothing. Anytime someone tries to offer her proof to shatter her indoctrination by Gerome she puffs out her chest and childishly sprouts bullshit of everybody else is wrong because she's right or some other nonsensical bullshit.

Lnyher just shut the fuck up. At least three or four characters try to provide insight and she closes her eyes and covers her ears refusing to move forward. Lynher's problem is wanting to keep things unchanging; however, reality is cruel in showing that life can not be kept stagnant.

And then there's Rafe....and multiple paragraphs of Lynher wanting to lick him or kiss his "stupid sexy body". Lynher, are you a teenager? Literally, she read like a boy crazy buffoon more focused on screwing the incubus than trying to focus on her duties. Ahem, if you paid more attention to the complaints of ghouls in the attic (sounds like a funny children's story btw) instead of how enticing your boy toy is then it would have savd you a world of hurt, Lynher. Listen, I'm supposed to be entranced whenever Lynher has these thoughts of wanting to lick the sex on legs and kiss him stupidly. Instead, I'm left gagging. Their romance was so forced. I think Lynher needs to find a vibrator or hell use her fingers to get out of this slump of wanting to screw every five seconds.

As I mentioned in my review from yesterday, Rafe is such a generic love interest. He's dark-haired, sinfully attractive, uses the world darling endearingly, has a complicated history with other antagonists, and is a poor little soulless lad needing a strong pretty heroine's love to save him....hmmmm where have I've read this crap before? Darkling, Rhysand, Maven, Cardan....besides Rhysand I enjoyed the other characters. Only two of them actually end up with their love interests. Yes, male leads tend to blend together after awhile but the thing is the other male leads listed had enough quirks to them to make them stand out from one another. All Rafe has going for him is being pretty.

The story-line was kinda meh. It started to pick up towards the ending only thanks to Jack's return and his political relationships with it. I hope all the characters have more interactions with the outside world besides the limited plot-line shown here. If nothing else, can demon realms return? Let little Miss Thing explore demon territory since Night is her belonging.

World-building could have been stronger. DaCosta needs to actually delve into more world setting instead of focusing on Rafe's stupid, sexy body and Lynher's Little Station of Terrors (yes, I'm totally stealing from Little Shop of Horrors). Yes, the station is interesting but there's an entire world outside the station. Even though Lynher is afraid to venture outside her comfort zone, the readers could still be offered information through other means. (Stop making Lynher shut everyone up, I want to hear what people have to say!)

I'll end up with this happy note- I thought this series was a duology but it may be a trilogy with the huge cliffhanger ending. We'll see!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for D. Messing.
381 reviews5 followers
July 28, 2020
Holy bananas, this is a spectacular follow up to Twilight Seeker! It is twisty, secretive, and lies twist on lies which tear up the people involved. It is dark and angsty, and Lynher is flying by the seat of her pants. I loved this and am currently halfway through re reading it a second time! Pippa does dark and twisty better than any other author, and this does not disappoint! Thank you for the opportunity to review this absolute jewel, I can't wait for the next!
Profile Image for Swalsk.
654 reviews7 followers
August 5, 2020
I'll be honest, I skipped the majority of this book and read from 75% onwards. I wasn't in the mood to read it all, just wanted to know what happened to the characters, and skip the plot. It seems there is not a whole lot of trust going on, bit of a depressing ending.
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books721 followers
February 2, 2021
I wish I wouldn't have read this... yet. Because it's going to be tough to wait the many months still ahead before book 3 comes out and shows us how this all ends.

I don't think Pippa DaCosta gets enough credit for the way she can craft a story. I'll admit, I struggled a little remembering the nuances of this world. (It's been a while since I read the first installment.) But once I did, I was hooked all over again. Lynher doesn't know who to trust... and as a reader, neither do I. Still, like her, I am captivated by Raphael and intrigued by Jack.

I said in my review for Twilight Seeker that I thought Jack was the endgame. I still think so, but now I'm not as sure. Raphael really steps up as a main character here, and he is so seductive. Not when he is being an uberhot incubus, but when he shows flashes of vulnerability. When he acts like he can't believe Lynher values him, when no one else ever has.

But then again, it could be a total con. I JUST DON'T KNOW. And I love that I don't.

I think Jack is redeemable, but he has done awful, awful things. So again, I don't know. And dammit, hats off to DaCosta because I am rooting for both of these guys while still being aware they could be villains.

On the flip side, I hate Lynher's idiot brother Kensey. She loves and trusts him, but he demonstrates 100% that he doesn't deserve it. He is a hypocrite and he's selfish. The subplot with Father Angelo frustrated me and left several threads hanging... and it is what knocked this down a star.

There are so many questions I need answers to, but I am excited to see what the author has in mind. I just wish I could find out now.
Profile Image for Marit.
167 reviews4 followers
July 19, 2020
I received an eARC for an honest review.

Pippa did it again. To me she's like the Mother Of Stories Right Up My Alley. Night Scourge did definitely not disappoint. Well, there are minor things they pale in comparison to the whole thing. Lynher really was so distrusting it was slightly annoying at times (towards Jack and Rafe, and well, just everybody I guess). But it took on epic proportions, even if Rafe and Jack proved her mistrust wrong at every turn, she still managed to convince herself otherwise lol. The other minor thing is that I need MORE and it was WAY too short. I vote for TOG-length stories from Pippa. I can't wait for another couple months for book three. This is outrageous. How can you torture me like this.

I'm really getting the Messenger vibes from this series, with the deceit, the lies, the plot twists and reveals. LOVE it. I can only wish it will take a similar turn in the romance department (I don't like love triangles and generally don't like reverse harem, but I would sign for Jack and Rafe). Did I mention I really started to love Rafe in this book? I'm guessing Jack is still warming up...

Recap: Pippa is a master at suspenseful, mysterious dark fantasy/paranormal stories with desirable male characters everywhere, anytime.

Bottomline: I need more.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lisa.
779 reviews36 followers
July 29, 2020
No, no, no, no!!!

I'm completely enthralled with this series and these people. This book about gave me a heart attack and the ending, and all the stuff that was revealed...NO, NO and NO!!! My world inside this story was turned upside down and pretty much floored me. Even with my no's, cause I just can't believe it, I LOVE it so much!!! Lynher just can't catch a break, I feel so bad for her. I really wanted to throttle her brother in this, just damn. I will be anxiously awaiting the next book to see what massive betrayals are up next and I truly can't wait to read about what's in that damn book. All Hail Pippa, she killed it with this one!!!
Profile Image for Susan Groves.
97 reviews
October 12, 2020
A dark complex tale. Who can you trust? The charismatic but cunning demons, the beautiful but devious Fae, the strong but deluded humans or the charming but evil vampire?
Betrayed by everyone including her brother, who can Lynher Aris turn to and trust?
A great second book. Can’t wait until the third.
937 reviews11 followers
July 27, 2020
Fabulous read. 4.5 stars.

Book 1 was a gamechanger from an author that knows how to mix it up and keep you wanting more no matter the genre or setting. In every series, the author delivers originality, emotion, fantastic world building, tight plots and a ton of action. Having said that, this series is shaping up to be her best yet!
28 reviews
November 12, 2020
Last book in the series to read

This book was all over the place. The main character still behaves as though she’s a spoiled brat and the queen of the castle. What she lacks in intelligence she atleast makes up for it with courage. I think my main issue with the sequel is the lack of emotional growth. How she sees every supernatural creature as evil and doesn’t try to be the heroine this story needs. There’s only so much I want to read about a darn train. She does leave the train in the sequel but it’s briefly and even then it’s only because the train begins malfunctioning and attacking guests with vampiric ghouls. The villain is one dimensional and is easily guessed from the beginning due to foreshadowing. Lastly, an old character returns and we are left with more questions than answers. What happens if the train is seized by paranormal? What role will the returning character play in the next book. Also, will the cliche love interest be able to thwart forces that keep them apart? The love interest was supposed to be written like he was this smoldering bad boy with issues instead half the time I flipped the page annoyed. The characters seem one dimensional and the only goal is for them to stay in their comfort zone. If I lived on a train my entire life, I would most likely go outside here and there and atleast Mingle with others. The main character has devoted her entire existence to being the host to the point we as readers don’t know who she is without the train. After this book, it’s a wrap for me. I’m not invested enough to continue.
Profile Image for Janus the Erudite Artist.
702 reviews91 followers
August 27, 2020
"Nothing worth doing is easy." - Pippa DaCosta

This is the 2nd book from the Daybreaker series and I gotta say it's a fantastic follow up to its predecessor, Twilight Seeker.

It was a lot easier to go though the plot this time around since I managed to grasp the lore a lot better than with the first book (something common with me when it comes to fantasy genre).

Pippa's books have given me a lot of 'first' experiences. Her Messenger Chronicles introduced me to Reverse Harem. It was the first series I read in that category which I am now hooked into. This time around, the Daybreaker series introduced me to a protagonist I honestly do not like BUT one I'm still rooting for. 😂 I hated her in book one, and the only change I feel about her in this book is that she's a little bit more bearable here. It feel weird to dislike the female main character and yet still find her a bad ass, and that I still want to see her succeed.

This is paced a lot faster than book one and I like how fluid the story flowed all throughout each chapter. And that ending! Oh my gosh! I did not see that coming. I love that it's not a total cliffhanger but an actual new story development to look forward to.

If you're a fan of fantasy, mystery and some paranormal creatures, you might want to give the series a try. Overall, it's a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating for me.
882 reviews
August 20, 2020
Was I just feeling generous when I read the first book? What the fudge is going on is this world? How are any humans still alive anyway?

This whole book is just one huge plot device that the author devised... and for what purpose I cannot fathom.

I would like to forget that I read (skimmed really, with one eye closed) this book as soon as possible.
Profile Image for Vicki.
1,722 reviews51 followers
August 13, 2020
Very well-written gothic urban fantasy that weaves layers of mysteries since you can’t trust the reveals even when they come. As in book one, the night station remains an ever fascinating sentient location. Very much looking forward to whatever comes next in this creative series.
4.5 ⭐️
Profile Image for Christine Scotney.
206 reviews7 followers
July 27, 2020
Well I don’t know where to start!
Day and Night coexist In The Night Station, Lynher hosts the Night Station, whilst her brother Kempsey stays in the Day. Night is full of The Dark Ones, they have over run the world and Humans are sent to Blood farms, as you would know from book 1. Lynher and Kempsey have been trying to save as many Humans as they can.
Th Night Station is not acting accordingly at being at its best with fixing what maybe broken, scrumptious food and just Being the best place Of accomodation. Something is up, it has even uplifted its roots and moved.
Moved to where and why? Mmmm
We learn a lot more about our characters, intriguing, secretive, lying, deceitful, impossibly irritating,
Infuriating and one very flirtatious being. I’ll let you work out which is which when you read it.
Very enjoyable story.
I received an arc from this incredibly amazing Author for an honest review. I’ve also pre ordered the book. Pippa you have done it again.
Profile Image for Michele Evans.
1,206 reviews5 followers
July 20, 2020
The station is a sentient station, that consists of two times, day and night. Lynher and her brother each have been helping the resistance, as currently all the humans are either hiding or imprisoned by the dark ones. Lynher has a close relationship with a succubus demon who has lost his soul and she doesn’t know whether to trust him.

The station stops in Rome and no new trains arrive. A holy man claims his city is free of the dark ones, but he is not as he appears. Lynher must fight tooth and nail to keep her station running and out of the dark ones’ hands, while fighting for her life and the lives of those she cares about.

We have some surprise appearances from characters from book one and I must say, that I am quite happy with the direction things have taken. Can’t wait to read what happens next!!!
Profile Image for Daphnne.
1,259 reviews8 followers
July 25, 2020
Jack or Rafe?

This book was of revelations and betrayals. So who does Lynher need and trust, Jack or Rafe? In my opinion she needs both. One of the things I love most about Pippa's characters is their ambiguity- they are neither wholly evil or saintly. I feel the same about the 2 male leads. I truly belive that Rafe loves her although that may not have been his intention when forming their bond. Just like I believe Jack genuinely likes her but cannot trust her. Lynher's naivete and blinding prejudice will get her killed but finally her eyes are opening and she's realizing nothing is what she believed. There are so many truths still left to uncover and so many betrayals in the making....well I just can't wait! Kensey was also surprising. I don't doubt that he loves his sister but he's a fool in my eyes. All in all this was a page turning read and I highly recommend this series.
Profile Image for A.
133 reviews
January 26, 2022
I was excited to see where this storyline went but I just didn't care about the sibling issues. I understand it was a plot and how that kind of dynamic can make things as they were here but it didn't peak my interest. I enjoy some parts of the overall storyline but some I didnt care for. I may keep reading the series just now know to curb my expectations.
94 reviews
July 20, 2020
This 2nd book in Pippa's wonderful new Daybreaker series doesn't disappoint, as it's even more fabulous than the 1st book (& I thought that was marvellous!). More fantastic twists, turns, secrets, betrayals & revelations are shockingly & brilliantly uncovered as Lynher, Kensey & Etienne desperately battle to keep their precious Night Station sanctuary safe & away from a threatening & nightmarish evil force. Unbelievably fantastic writing, magical & complicated characters in Rafe, Just Jack & Linith etc., that'll leave you enthralled, mesmerized & inhaling every wonderful word! Wow - loved every page & didn't want it to end! Highly recommended!
971 reviews12 followers
July 18, 2020
The station has magically transferred itself across the world to escape the queen of the vampires. Adrift, Lynher sees a change in the station as no trains have come. The Dark ones, guests of the station are restless. Residents of the town are wary. And Rafe is her only constant and friend. An escape. A reveal. A betrayal. And all is not what it seems. Great mystery.
Profile Image for Aira.
309 reviews18 followers
July 31, 2020
The ending of the book saved it for me, as with Pippa DaCosta's books - theres a slight cliff hanger, and you have to go back and question everything you read.
my favourite thing about the first book was the magical, gothic, kind of creepy station and the Night creatures that inhabit it. There's less of the Night creatures and Guests in this book in general. The second book takes place mostly in the day with a focus on the Demons and I just didn't love it as much. there just seem to be a lot of info gaps. Father Angelo, his whole arc seemed to be lacking.
Im glad Lynher finally realised that she's an idiot, who doesn't know what she's doing. And that she is prejudiced. Its tough to enjoy a book, when every 8 seconds you want to strangle the main protagonist.
Lynher and Kensey's relationship is strained but I do like it's development in this book.They're both hypocrites and both sometimes have a whole sanctimonious attitude and thus make idiotic decisions because of it. I am curious about the foreshadowing related to why Kensey is Day while Lynher hosts the Night.
Raphael was instrumental in this whole book. A lot of the story revolves around him and his Soul Quest. So many twists, so many lies. You never really know where you stand with him. I do like him as a sneaky demon character, just not as a love interest. The whole watching a toddler grow up to become a sexy woman and falling in love with that said woman, just not my cup of tea. Also shirtless man in a waist coat, I just don't dig it.
Jack only shows up right at the end of the book, I honestly thought he wasn't going to be featured and considering he is definitely my favourite enigma I was stressing.
The twists as always are delicious and juicy as always. There was a lot of new information to process in this book, lots of truth bombs and expansion of the world which I love.
I will definitely continue this series, but I do think I liked the first book more than this one.
Profile Image for Kreela.
587 reviews19 followers
August 23, 2020

This is a book exploring humanity by using the darkest creatures: demons, ghouls, vampires, and ...Elves? Huh? It is rare that I love a second novel more than or as much as the first, but I am entranced. This is a lush description of a Victorian world filled with candles and velvet, like a decaying, decadent theatre filled with temptation and evil. How can a human survive? Don’t worry, though, you will find action and occasional moments of brevity to keep you motivated.

There’s the rub. Lynher and her brother are the dark and light sides of humanity. He would be chewed up and broken if she didn’t exist. She would have no empathy if not for him. They are both entrusted to care for a station that, like an AI, jumped space to Rome, another broken place in the midst of healing after destruction. Beset by ghouls controlled by a priest? Why is Lynher and not her brother attacked? Why do so many dark ones care enough to take the station?

She is such a closeted lady, a late bloomer, that she cannot take any criticism and basically assumes that everyone revolves around her, despite her role as a host of the station. Her second on the night shift, Etienne, is the only real victim here, in my opinion. Stuck on the night side, he is the young kid learning to grow up when she refuses to. I really feel for her love, Rafe, who she treats poorly, finally realizes it, then treats poorly again. He is truly a Knight in Incubus armor. And Jack, the other real Host of the station, the Ghost, is a wonderful character as well. Recognizing her naivety and role, he has protected her, yet she—warned by Rafe how destructive her actions would be—-still tries to bottle up his soul and disregard every instance of kindness.

It is painful to read. I like flawed characters who grow heroic over time, but every step forward for her becomes a step back. We see it every day: people refuse to recognize competing viewpoints even when evidence might support them, too. Life is not black and white. But it seems that every choice today lies between safety through imprisonment versus freedom but with a side of potential death.
Profile Image for Victoria.
556 reviews13 followers
July 24, 2020
After all the explosive happenings at the end of the first book, we arrive in a new setting, though things are not as they seem and the Night Station is behaving in a weird and unusual way. When a human just walks in from the street... the hell is going on?

Worldbuilding was what we have come to expect from the author by now: a lot of descriptions (but not too much), very detailed scenes and environments (but again, not too much), a great balance between giving you all the info and letting your mind fill in some of the blanks.

Pacing and flow were great throughout. Who says conversations have to be boring when you're talking to Rafe? ;) Well... I sure as hell wouldn't mind :D But then again, I'm not Lynher so he'll probably eat me for breakfast *swoon*

Character development was good. There is a depth to all the characters and unexpected revelations upon unexpected revelations which keeps you interested and on your toes.
I think the part that threw me off the most was the whole 'I trust you / I don't trust you and switching stances in a blink of an eye' thing Lynher had going on. I mean I know she has been through a lot in the previous book, and I mean A LOT. So it's no wonder she's changed so much. But please make up your damn mind and stick to it!
Oh and the whole 'don't use me for your machinations but I'm using you and you and you every time it's convenient for me'? *throws hands up with a sigh* It really did remind me of the Katy Perry song: Hot N Cold.
Yes, I know they're Dark Ones, and yes they have another agenda but good grief girl, you're even worse!

The book itself was well written with no (noticeable) errors.

I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy of this book and all in all I'm not sure what to think of it atm, I really enjoyed it but there were parts that just... arrgghh... which makes me sad, cause it really was a good book!
Really curious what part 3 will bring to the table and how Lynher is going to fix the whole mess :)
Profile Image for skye.
504 reviews43 followers
March 14, 2021
4 Stars. (Spoiler free review!)

I have to say, that ending made alllll the difference. Throughout this whole book I wanted nothing more than to smack some sense into our heroine. One more foolish decision from Lynher would've had me launching into this station of hers to chase her dumbass with my cast iron pan. It would've been worth the retaliation from the station.

To put things bluntly, shorty was convinced she had to act like a cold bitch 24/7 or else the world would stop spinning. Labeling her as a shitty friend was the understatement of the century. Of a whole millennia.

We do see some character growth as the story moves along and for that I am grateful. I mean, it's subtle and even seems to regress at times, but it's there.

Can December please come faster 🥺


WARNING: Spoilers beyond this point!!

I need to jot down some notes for myself otherwise my little brain is going to forget everything that happened. Again, major spoilers/plot points down here.

- Jack got sent to hell but came back as the rightful host of the station
- Lynher and Rafe finally become close, she loves him and I suspect he loves her as well
- Angelo is evil obviously. Mf strung Rafe up on a cross by his wings. Fuck you Angelo.
- Something of a cliffy ending. Lilith claims Rafe is Hell's demon prince and she was protecting Lynher all these years.
- Lynher believes this, but she also believes Rafe was forced to play a game to fool them all except herself.
- Ends with Lynher stabbing Rafe in the heart for a show. She also makes a truce with Jack and starts to read his diary about what life was like as the Chosen who didn't choose this life.

That still leaves the question: what the hell is in room 3B??
December 20, 2020
Night Scourge

The storyline and creativity is amazing. When I start one of her books, I am given First Class seating on a journey beyond my wildest dreams. It never fails. This is as well on the same level. Although some dialog sags at times, the next page ups the bar. It is not fair to review a book when it is a series of events and after reading the last page of the last book, can I give a better perspective. The author’s consistency is her brand and I have read almost all her published works. I am now impatiently waiting for the Prince Assassin #3, Daybreaker #3, and I start the Primal Sins series, I will have to wait for it's final book. I hope her books are made into movies and I would love for her to provide some images of these amazing characters, a list of characters, and even maps like in Heartstone Thief. A map of Farie, maps of The 1000 would give more dimension to her books, I did see new character art work in Gladstone Thief which was amazing. I looked up Sucubine, male, sexy, and found what I think Raphael looks like. These images will help me imprint her books into my head instead of blending stories which is happening now. I almost feel, I need to reread them to remember them. I can't to know what the male protagonists look like in The Messenger. These are outward thoughts asked of a review. So, thumbs up or down on ALL HER BOOKS UNDER BOTH NAMED heralds two thumbs up. My real name is Jerry Gardner. I post under Anyonios Ampatzis
Displaying 1 - 30 of 65 reviews

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