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Origins of the Six #1

Academy of Six

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Deadly monsters live in all of us.

The Academy of Six has just never seen a monster as terribly mundane as Izara Castillo. And that is a dangerous problem. She has four semesters to not only understand her supernatural abilities, but harness them as well.

Everything at the Academy is a disaster, from Interdimensional Travels through hell to the other hell they like to call Gym.

Bullies push her, test her, and simply try to kill her. A few broodingly protective roommates and a scary fake boyfriend could help. Or make her life impossibly harder.

Pretend to date the emotionally detached demon, they said. What’s the worst that could happen, they said.

It’s make or break within this prison of a school. If she succeeds, she’ll finally know what she’s capable of, who she truly is, and where she came from.

If she fails…she dies.

This is Reverse Harem series containing M/M themes. Recommended for readers 18 and over.

280 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 12, 2019

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About the author

A.K. Koonce

80 books839 followers
A.K. Koonce is a USA Today best selling author. She's a mom by day and a fantasy and paranormal romance author by night. She keeps the fantastical stories in her mind on an endless loop, while she tries her best to focus on her actual life and not that of the spectacular but demanding fictional characters who always fill her thoughts

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 281 reviews
Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,750 reviews88 followers
March 27, 2024
Izara no sabe porque esta en esta institución, una especie de reformatorio o prisión para aquellos que no pueden controlar su naturaleza. Pero ella no es como los demás, todos saben cual es su "demonio interno", ella no lo sabe, pero le dicen que su descontrol fue lo que mato a su ex-novio, y por esa razón ahora tiene que estar en la "Academia de los Seis".
Así que aquí debe aprender a controlar algo que ni siquiera sabe que tiene, sobrevivir a todos sus otros compañeros que quieren matarla, y descubrir quienes son sus amigos y lo que siente por ellos.
Pero la cosas nunca son fáciles para ella, y en su primer año en la academia deberá pasar todos sus "exámenes" , incluso el que le obliga a mostrar su "poder" o si no acabará muerta.

Es un libro mas juvenil de lo que esperaba, muy erótico, muchas veces sin sentido, pero me imagino que es parte de la introducción al universo. Sin embargo, no conecte con ninguno de los personajes, no terminé de entender el porque la institución se ha desgastado tanto, o porque algunos de los chicos están ahí. Aún siendo un libro narrado por diferentes personajes, no lograbas entenderlos.
En fin, una historia que me hubiera gustado hace unos años, pero que ahora me pareció muy sencilla y sin gran contenido, no creo que vaya a seguir leyendo esta serie.
Profile Image for Al *the semi serial series skipper*.
1,659 reviews807 followers
August 15, 2019
3.7 stars
Every time I try to leave something keeps pulling me back. I said I was done with the academy RH books because they follow a certain trend but then I saw that this has M/M elements and I 1-clicked this book so fast I almost gave myself arthritis.

Now did I like it? Kinda. It wasn't bad. Any book that has the POV from the guys usually get an automatic star from me. I like to see what makes the guys so willing to share one girl. I didn't really get the why in this book but I feel like it will be explored more in the next books, at least I hope so.

I have an inkling of what ( hell, I forgot her name) Izara? is so that shouldn't be too shocking for the next book. I do feel like it should have more angst, not the stupid jealousy or mean girl angst but a developed plot. I'll definitely be checking book 2 out.
Profile Image for Soph .
246 reviews38 followers
July 21, 2019
...... this was a immature badly written weird academy book...

Don’t get me wrong I’ll probably download and read the next one but this book was inconsistent- characters motives made no sense consistently contradicting themselves, immature behaviour and communication.
Bleugh no.
Profile Image for ★Me Myshelf and I★.
292 reviews519 followers
July 27, 2019
”This is the last stop for someone like me. Because there’s a monster inside me. It either comes out and I learn to control it, showing the other supernaturals that it can play nice in society, or they’ll throw my ass in confinement. Innocent until proven guilty is a backwards statement in this place.”

This is another Prison disguised as an Academy. It’s where they send the Monsters who need to control their inner beast. They are a little darker than your average shifter or vampire. Izara doesn’t know what her monster is only it is deadly and she needs to keep it on lock down. She’s a little bit vulnerable but has an inner demon. She wants to protect everyone from her instead of protection from them.

I’m gonna pretend this is perfect where does perfect exist anyway?. But the whole way through my face was like this

The darkness, multiple PoVs, steam and messy relationships! And finally that little bit of MM ... I just eat that shit up

It was also so so funny, I just found it endlessly entertaining

”His beard is good for my soul. I don’t know how to explain it but that’s what power men’s beards have. It’s a warm and fuzzy sort of comfort that just tells me he can take care of me. He can go out and chop down an entire forest to build me a castle, a carriage, and my own happily ever after.”

I can’t wait for the second and it’s up on 6th Aug!!

17 reviews3 followers
September 26, 2019
Spoiler review

Ok, let's begin with the end: what the hell. This is ridiculous. So Saint takes the fall for Izara, because he now suddenly worships the ground the walks on, what, because she's super powerful and it's worship worthy? Please.*cue eyeroll* No, it makes no sense, it comes out of nowhere and I don't buy it. So anyway, Saint says he did all the destroying and she's half assedly like 'no, please', doesn't even really try to intervene when the guards take him and doesn't speak up when the headmaster is asking who the culprit is. She LETS HIM take the blame. And when Phoenix arrives and she has to explain what happened to Saint she has the audacity to be pissed at the professor for 'siding with Saint', like bitch what did YOU do to stop it? Hypocrite. Then she's all depressed cause 'there's nothing either of us can do' ... bitch, what are you on?! You can, I don't know? TURN YOURSELF IN?? God, she pisses me off, what a coward.

There were a few things that bothered me other than my little rant just now:

Ok, I know this is kinda nitpicky but do these people never brush their teeth or shower? They're described getting out of bed, then they put their clothes on and they just... go to class. Like that. There's apparently also no such thing as breakfast there.
Speaking of food, Izara is two days in a row at lunch not eating and yet she's not hungry, at all. These kind of things may seem unimportant but little things can really take you out of the book.

Now I know this is not a problem for everyone but personally I hate when the love interests in a RH are jealous of each other, I don't like infighting ok. And these guys were jealous as hell except for Saint. It's not even trivial jeaoulsy, no they were genuinely hurt when they saw Izara close with one of the other guys. I am supposed to enjoy this, to like it when they have their feelings hurt? I don't get the appeal.
The worst part -and what made me start to really dislike the MC- is that Izara thrives on that shit. She stirs shit up on purpose. She either goes up to Malek or Syko to make Phoenix jealous, she enjoys it, the little shit. Or she simply goes from one guy to the other knowing they don't like to share but she doesn't give a damn. The thing is, it's a RH and it shouldn't be a problem but this reads like a regular romance with a cheating MC because there's no understanding between any of them, there's no arrangement.

And is it just me or was she a complete jerk to Phoenix? He decides to help her when he doesn't get anything out of it, it's for her, yet right away she tries to piss him off when he's done nothing to get shit on like that. I mean sure he's douchey but not that much and she's jerking him around. Like bitch he's helping you out, how about some gratitude? And by bitch I mean Bitch. she's an asshole and doesn't deserve any of the guys in my opinion.

I can't say the writing was bad though, it was actually pretty good overall but there were too many things I disliked to really say I enjoyed the read. But I'm sure many people would like it though, so give it a try.
Profile Image for Erin *Proud Book Hoarder*.
2,703 reviews1,155 followers
July 18, 2019
It sounded like it would have a story and relationships. Instead it's dull, rushed erotica with painful dialogue where most characters act the same. The guys aren't friendly and are cheesily stereotypical. The book would have been better sticking to one point of view. It was awkward when it kept switching around. Storywise? Just angering frustrations, unfairness, trapped, and angst.
Profile Image for Mummy's Naughty Corner.
1,513 reviews87 followers
July 7, 2020
This one is hard to review. I liked it but there are many things wrong with it. There is no real story until the last 8% or so and there is no real build up. There are a lot of little teases throughout the book of some good story but it never really amounts to much. I'm not connected to the characters and the whole thing all moves too fast.
July 5, 2020
3.5 Stars
Maybe it’s just me and this authors that don’t click because even with so much going on I could not get fully into this story. In fact I find I’m confused about a few things and hope I didn’t space through anything too important. I am a big fan of these Academy books, especially when it’s a mix of supernaturals like in this book. Izara is sent to the school after she eviscerates her ex boyfriend-for supernatural training. Only she has zero clue what power she is or has because she blanked out when using it. The book served more as an introduction to all the characters more than anything I’d say. Until the end, nothing much exciting even happens. The idea of the school being a last chance reform school did give the book an interesting edge. If you fail, you die-apparently there are no second chances or pass/fail. Luckily for Izara her roommates (because yes she’s roomed with 3 guys) and neighbor take a liking to her and kind of take her under their wing. I’m not 100% clear on who each guy is yet but I do appreciate the slower role their relationship is taking so hopefully I’ll be able to distinguish between them all in the next book lol. One of her guys life’ is on the line and no question they have to save him but how they will I’m curious to find out. That being said there is a HUGE cliffy that I’m hoping the story will pick right up in book two.
Profile Image for Jackie.
2,547 reviews
July 15, 2019
DNF -quit at 65%
I really tried to get thru this, but I just couldn't get into the story. The time line seems to jump around, going normal speed/days, & suddenly there's been months with missing gaps in the plot whether intentional or not, it was disorienting. I just didn't understand the whole thing in general, I needed more info to understand how the heroine was convicted of the crime she's told she did. I need to understand why she is so against supernatural life in general, I need to know more about her than she likes art, is afraid to let her Prod out, and that she has long legs and a great @ss. I didn't get the angst between the characters that I'm guessing are in the RH. The mystery surrounding her "Prod" just got old, and the characters were all flat. Nothing mattered to me. Needless to say, I won't be continuing on with this series.

At my age, life is to short & my time to important to force myself to read a book I'm not enjoying, especially when there are so many other books out there waiting to be read.
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,078 reviews111 followers
July 14, 2019

Hard to understand, this seemed fast pace with her going to a special school for help but the school doesn't help at all? It starts with her liking these guys she doesn't even really know, and of course every RH she's getting turned on a few pages in, I actually kind of found our heroine kinda whorish. One of the guys pretends to be her bf because our heroine is weak, cries a lot and scared of everything, so yes while she's being chocked to death she decides she rather die, it's pathetic really, but what's more pathetic is pretending some guy is her boyfriend so no one messes with her, but then shes flirting with others knowing it bothers him and saying, I'm not yours while loving to get a raise out of the guy who literally is protecting her a****. She pretty much just let's these guys she doesn't really know kiss her, push her against the wall and grind into her. It's weird and you don't really feel the connections but feel this is just a bunch of horny kids needing to scratch a itch. I was sad when they took one of the guys little 14 year old sister and no one really seems to care, and I'm also besides myself when one of the guys puts his neck on the line for something he didn't do and our main girl doesn't stand up for him seeing its her fault? No she cries, but then again that's all she's really really good at.
Profile Image for Britt B.
404 reviews
October 21, 2019
Had potential

I was disappointed to say the least in this story. There was much potential with overall plot, but it was so poorly executed that it was a task to continue. The character development and world building was almost nonexistent. I had no clue what was going on most of the times. Beside physical, I never really understood the chemistry between Izara and they guys. It was all rather OTT insta-attraction. You saw her budding feelings for Pheonix (that is one weird dynamic), something with Malak that fizzled into nothing, and even weird banter with Syko. I don't see how Saint fell so hard for her, they barely interacted and what is up with Professor Shade? This RH just left me way too confused. Izara is one irrational FMC- she is so clueless and just let the ending events happen without any fight. You care for Saint- well only in as much as Pheonix is hurting. She was just pathetic at points. Overall not the best from this author by any stretch.
Profile Image for Natalie .
3,212 reviews30 followers
July 13, 2019
I have no idea what’s going on but I need more. The academy is more of a prison and those that can’t control themselves are done away with. That’s where Izara is sent after killing her ex boyfriend and now she’s been given a deadline to awaken what she’s been keeping deep inside her.

Multiple POVs

Saint the vampire
Malek the werewolf
Phoenix the incubus
Syko the nephilim

A lot of jealousy and posturing from the guys, a little bullying from the rest of the academy but nothing harsh. Ends on a cliffhanger. Contains a little M/M and some strange sexual scenes.

Profile Image for Stephaniec.
815 reviews16 followers
January 14, 2020
I'm not much for the "Academy" books that are all the rage right now.....too juvenile for my tastes. This straddled that line for me, some dialogue and reactions felt very high school however I'm already reading book 2 so something about it has got me interested.
Profile Image for Cat Hoffpauir.
1,792 reviews195 followers
March 4, 2023
4.4 stars.
Fucking hell. That cliffhanger was all kinds of brutal.
This whole book is completely fucked.
I mean, I like it so far.
But the shit that Izzy is put through and all the drama with the guys and that damn cliffhanger…complete clusterfuck of epic proportions.

I’m gonna need things to get better.
Like, immediately.
Please and Thank you.

I’m not gonna read any of the next books.
I shouldn’t have put it down.
I Know how I am with shit like this.
If I put the series down for more than one little novella, I most likely lose interest.
Welp. That’s exactly what happened here.
I did really enjoy this first book.
I wasn’t totally sold on all the connections being made, but it was early days so I was holding out hope.
And then that ending.
I should’ve at least started the second book so I was more tempted.
I just know that one of the guys is gonna be a total asshole with what happened. I can just feel it, and I’m not really in the mood to work my way past the growing pains of that right now.

Maybe I’ll try to pick up the second book sometime later. (Don’t hold your breath, though. Lol)
Profile Image for Jessica Robbins.
2,596 reviews48 followers
July 22, 2019
*I received a free copy of this book which I voluntarily chose to write an honest review for.

Izara is one intriguing character I must say. We meet her just as she is being sent to the Academy after something awful happened that she cannot remember. In their world if you cannot control whatever it is you are sent there to learn control or they pretty much take you out. Think of it like weird jail cause that is how they are treated as well especially the newbies. She gets three hot guys as roommates to her dismay and she pretty much has no powers since she has no clue what she really did. It is one unexpected thing after another as the story progresses until you hit the end thinking how it just blew your mind. A great start to a new world that will have you curios to say the very least. I cannot wait to see what happens in book two. I really liked it so I give it 4/5 stars.
Profile Image for beth m.
845 reviews
July 24, 2019

I felt like this book was written quickly with no thought to the depth of characters. The idea of the book was interesting but the characters fell flat. It was very confusing trying to understand what exactly the main character was and I found her lacking. She wasn’t brave, didn’t have a backbone, had glimmers of sass at all the wrong times... idk this book could’ve been much better if written by someone else who understands RH. I’ve said it once I’ll say it again, it takes a talented author to write RH and have the extra male lead characters have real personality and depth and not blend together. Also the grammatical errors, what is up with all these free KU books that seem to not have any proper editing??
Profile Image for Nazurka.
191 reviews9 followers
May 17, 2020
This book had real potential in the beginning. Interesting ideas, mysterious plot, engaging characters. But as it is so often the case in books that promise a lot, here the story gets really tough from halfway through. Which is a pity, because the writing style is really good. Unfortunately, nothing happens anymore, the plot stops, the characters aren't elaborated on, the twists and turns aren't surprising and you just know what happens next. The whole setting becomes colorless and at the end you are just happy that it's over. It's a real pity, as so much potential is wasted senselessly. I don't know if I'm going to continue reading, the next book is already bought, but at the moment I'm more interested in other books than in this series.
Profile Image for 4foxsake.
884 reviews14 followers
July 21, 2019
Sooooo goooooood

Awesome book! Love this new collab. It was hot and dark and mysterious. The fmc was vulnerable but had a fierceness to her. The guys were infuriating, sexy and sometimes even sweet. Can’t for the the release of the next book! I DEVOURED this in mere hours!
Profile Image for Connie.
1,586 reviews21 followers
July 4, 2020
Title: Academy of Six
Series: Origins of the Six #1
Source: Kindle Unlimited

After reading The Huntress series and finding it overall, kind of meh, I wanted to give this author another chance as this type of sexy, fantasy book really isn't my style so maybe it's just my preference...However, this story didn't have any plot? Like literally nothing happens other than Izzy goes to a prison like academy to learn about her mysterious, murderous super powers that she used to kill her ex boyfriend and gets put in a dorm with some hot guys. Like that is literally it. The timeline was inconsistent and confusing and I'm not going to lie, I'm like meh-reading this series from here on out.
Profile Image for Tory.
Author 8 books40 followers
February 28, 2020
A little too raw, dark and shock-value. And for a relationship-driven book, all relationships were about as sturdy as a shack in the middle of a hurricane.

You're basically just waiting for those fools to pull their heads out from... all the places they have them stashed - so you know Succubus' problem, his biggest one, can totally be solved by MC but all he does is annoy her and basically everyone annoys and behaves badly to each other and there is so little progress with that... *sigh*

Nope, even that mm doesn't make me want to continue this torture.
Profile Image for Mindy Reader.
546 reviews44 followers
July 29, 2022
A fairly good start to a series

I enjoy the 4 heroes. 4 different personalities and 4 different circumstances. I would have loved a more in depth understanding of all the supernatural creatures. Everything felt a bit too superficial.

Our heroine felt a bit like a blank slate. I thought we would get more glimpses of her powers but……nothing until the end and she still can’t remember it🙄.


I’m interested to see what happens next but not exactly excited if that makes sense. I don’t want to leave it unfinished and right now I care enough to see what happens next.
Profile Image for Kris.
613 reviews18 followers
August 29, 2023
2.5 ⭐️ *sighhh* it had so much potential…

I don’t mind the characters and I’m still trying to wrap my head around who is what etc etc… but so far the dynamic is all over the shop and story feels a little, to put it nicely immature? Uhhh I don’t know but the story is just wishy washy and all choppy!?😵‍💫

There is something about it that I can’t put my finger on just yet but it’s giving me meh vibes which is shit because I was looking forward to this😩😩😩

Let’s see how book 2 goes 🥴🥴

⭐️⭐️.5 / 5
Profile Image for another halima.
626 reviews
Shelved as 'dnf'
August 15, 2022
relying on the guys this early is a bit weird bec what is the motive and if it’s just smut then yawn

dnfed at thirty two percent
Profile Image for Megan.
3,403 reviews45 followers
December 19, 2019
Quick Info
Standalone/Cliffhanger?: Standalone
Part of a Series?: Yes
Meeting the Characters
What happens?
Izara is shoved and abandoned into the academy which is essentially a prison. She is training or rather trying to train what ever is hiding inside her. She is put in a dorm with just guys and develops a sort of friendship with each but also some sexual tension.
Final thoughts
Writing a review without spoiling this book is difficult, however you can see on the side this is tagged reverse harem so expect that. There is also some M/M action going on which btw was hot and very well done in my opinion and that doesn't float my boat usually.
I'm curious about what is inside her, I have my suspicions but not too sure what just yet. I thought the fact Saint is going to be hurt was sad, and I want to see how the author is going to save him or are we going to lose him?
This is a good first book in a series but it has some need for improvement, the POVs are a bit confusing, its not clear enough who is talking but that could be an editing for format problem. I did think it flicks a bit to often between the guys but that is kind of down to the amount of guys this involves. Having the POVs from them does help sort of, you get to see what they are thinking without it being spoilery but it doesn't make the flow of the book very easy to read.
Would I read again?: Yes
Would I read this author again?: Yes
138 reviews3 followers
July 13, 2019
What just happened?!

I’ll admit, during the first like 40% of the book I was a little disappointed, hence the 4 stars instead of 5. I've read from Ak Koonce before and usually it starts off better than this. The beginning was a little slow, and slightly boring but not bad per se. Towards the middle it picks up in pace a little but I am a little disappointed that there aren't any side characters like a friend to make things more interesting. We also don't learn anything about the guys backstories or even the main characters backstory beyond the basics. I was going to give this book 3 stars, but man the final 30% really caught me.

That game of capture the flag was a real game changer honestly. I really loved how the book ended, despite the fact that it's honestly too short, it still was a really good ending in my opinion. I still do feel like there should have been a bit more filler, fluff type chapters where we get to know the boys a little better considering she hardly talked to Syko. I'm not all that bothered because apparently the next book is coming out really soon.
Profile Image for Sydney.
1,339 reviews62 followers
August 8, 2019
5 Emotionally Rife Stars

I did not expect this one to give me the feels...

We follow the story of Izarra Castillo when she is basically imprisoned at Academy of Six, essentially a rehabilitation center for out of control “Prods”. What are prods you ask? Basically the thing inside a normal person that makes them a supernatural baddie. From lycanthropes, vampires, and demons to angels, mages, and fae.

This book is obviously advertised as a reverse harem, and the details of this first book sets the scene accordingly. Lots and lots of sexy good times, mashed in with terrible consequences and violent tendencies.

I have absolutely no idea what she could be besides a higher level demon, as Phoenix suggests. But when her prod finally shows its self it looks like nothing demonic I’ve ever known. It’s vengeful, sure.

I wonder how Koome and Ceres are going to bring Saint back to us, because he’s obvi in the harem and an essential part of their group.

How will Izara learn to control this thing that is so very separate from her, that she never remembers when it breaks free?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Book Addict.
1,516 reviews
July 12, 2019
Wow..what a way to kick off a new series by this very talented author! From the very first chapter I was completely hooked into the story! Izara is quite a mysterious FMC, she is sassy and independent but so vulnerable as well. I have so many questions about what she is and what her past is, I hope we learn more in book two! Then there are the guys...Saint who hides his pain and feeling with jokes and a smile; Malek the sweet and protective werewolf; Syko intense, fiercely protective, poor guy is in the friend zone but I expect he will be out of that soon; and finally Phoenix intense, tortured and closed off with a touch of sweet, we learn a lot more about him in this book! Also there is Professor Shade, he confused me, what is his agenda?? There was so much that I enjoyed about this book, it is unique, intense, emotional and full of action! Yep nice again A.K. Koonce starts a series of with a bang and leaves me wanting more...highly recommended!!
Profile Image for CARLA.
992 reviews40 followers
January 17, 2020

I read a LOT of RH books, preferably dark romance ones. But the paranormal YA RH ones are the BEST! Especally if the female shares within her harem, like this one! I know, I’m a dirty dirty girl. LOL ::shrugs::

This one had it all. Lots of steamy chemistry, bullying, great world building, mystery and of course….a hidden monster inside of Izara that will kill her if she doesn’t learn to control it before her two years are up.

Like, what more could you want!

This one started a bit slow and one of her harem is bit rough around the edges but it picked up about a quarter in. It is a slow burn, which most RH I read are, but this one has an added mystery of the monster living inside her and other students trying to kill her. It all blended together quite well.

The ending was unpredictable and totally threw me for a loop. I’m very excited for finish this series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 281 reviews

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