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Suzume has moved to Tokyo and is living with her uncle. Suzume and Mr. Shishio take a trip together for the first time. But something weighs heavily on Mr. Shishio’s mind. Meanwhile, Suzume’s worried about being caught on a romantic outing with her teacher.

208 pages, Paperback

First published September 25, 2013

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Mika Yamamori

54 books748 followers
Mika Yamamori (やまもり三香) is a Japanese author of manga.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 148 reviews
Profile Image for Azet.
1,088 reviews274 followers
May 12, 2022
Mamura just makes my heart flutter in sooooo many ways!

Also think Suzume is starting to feel the same way too.Mamura`s confession of love is so sweet,honest and beautiful! Its the second time he has admitted his love for her,ah Suzume...please make things right this time!
Profile Image for Shae.
2,929 reviews342 followers
July 6, 2020
Things are FINALLY starting to go the way that I thought they should have by the end of this volume. The back and forth with the teacher continues to be too much, and we see someone making a decision about that by the end of this volume. It was much needed, and I hope that my fave finally gets some more time with Suzume!
Profile Image for Mark.
2,427 reviews217 followers
March 8, 2021
It’s a brand new year and Suzume and friends are off to ring it in at a shrine. Then Suzume gets to ring it in a second time with Shishio, but it becomes clear that the nature of their relationship is taking its toll. Between a freak snowstorm, Chekhov’s piece of paper, and a school storeroom, Suzume tries to get closer to her object of affection, but that might just be driving them further apart.

There’s a lot of flashing back to the start of the series this volume, as self-reflection and getting mired in what came before are the order of the day. Poor Suzume takes a real beating in this one - nothing goes right for her.

At the shrine, Mamura calls her out for being completely unlike herself these days and when combined with Yuyuka’s solo chapter reflecting on her own journey (which is quite well done, I still love her harsh nature), it hammers home just how much Suzume has changed (and not for the better) since this whole Shishio thing has started.

The contrast gets even worse when paired up with Mamura, who’s become a lot less rough around the edges and is actually trying to be better around women. In his case, Suzume has been a positive influence. I love how much he cares about her, yet his petulance over Shishio still comes through.

Then we get to Shishio, and the best thing one can say about him is that he doesn’t get hit with a frying pan. Go team. After Suzume turns their shrine visit super awkward - it’s one thing to have a forbidden relationship, another to be highly aware of how inappropriate it is - they end up stranded.

While Shishio struggles in the face of the ‘only one room available’ trope, Suzume is a lot more okay with this. Still, an uneventful evening leaves her more confused then ever, which leads to the piece of paper incident.

Obviously I don’t quite love that narrative contrivance, but it sure pays off in spades. Once Suzume’s uncle finds that piece of paper we get the first appearance of an actual adult in this volume. This is a conversation that really needed to be had, although its lack of violence against Shishio is regrettable.

This all leads to a climax where Suzume gets assaulted by images of her past as Shishio tries to do the right thing in his usual style (oh the last line in this book makes me want to throttle him). Luckily Mamura is no fool - I love how sharp he is in this volume. He’s really turning into somebody I can root for and the way he handles this, at least what we get to see, is smart.

We get a bonus feature that kind of lacks any point for me because it’s a combination of two series and I’ve read one of them. It’s cute fluff, but disposable. Also, two jokes breaking the fourth wall are kind of unnecessary. Nothing new for me there, but I don’t think they added much.

4 stars, easy. This series is going further than most would with student-teacher time, but it’s not shying away from how terrible it is and that makes all the difference. There’s an obvious out that doesn’t involve high drama, but I’ll be even more impressed if they decide to try that route. For now, still a great shojo.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
3,911 reviews71 followers
October 11, 2020
What makes this series stand out among other "forbidden" romance manga is that it's more "bad idea" than "forbidden." The teacher, Shishio, knows that he's doing the wrong thing, and he not only acknowledges that, he owns it. Seeing an adult actually act like one (and her uncle gets credit for this too) is refreshing - even if those actions hurt the characters in the short term.
Profile Image for Jenni.
1,092 reviews94 followers
November 19, 2014
There is so much force against Suzume and Shishio and I predict that their relationship won't continue in the next volume T.T It's sad actually since they really love each other, but there is just too many things against them TT.TT But why???? T.T
Profile Image for Nicki (*´꒳`*).
4 reviews1 follower
July 14, 2021
My heart is broken and this relationship doesn’t even involve me.

Profile Image for Ruthsic.
1,767 reviews31 followers
May 19, 2020
Okay so I knew the heartbreak was coming but it still hit me quite a bit. The whole book is a slow decline of the relationship between Suzume and Shishio, and while I am glad it went there, I still feel for Suzume's pain. She had already accepted the fact that she and Shishio can't be a couple publicly, so she hides the relationship from all (except Yuyuka, the cheerleader for the wrong thing). With her disappointment at Christmas, and the New Year begun, she hopes that maybe he can go for his first shrine visit of the year with her, for which she chooses a shrine far away. But troubles start when she becomes cautious about them being seen together, which irritates him, and when they are stranded there due to snow and have to spend the night (in any other instance, I would have screamed at the 'there's only one room' trope, but...) which amplifies the tension between them.

Moreover, Shishio himself has begun to think about what he is doing, and when her uncle finds out, he has a talk with him. Now, I wish the uncle would have been more like 'she is 16 you ass' but he gave a reasonable talk on how Shishio can't be there for her, she has much life ahead of her, etc etc which further cements Shishio's resolve. But man, seeing her heart break was painful, and while Mamura is waiting in the wings, I liked that he sent in Yuyuka to comfort her instead. Yeah, so the exploration of how the relationship affected her, how it didn't give her what she needed even if she had what she wanted - I liked that. I don't like Shishio any better with this volume, but I hope he matures more from this point onwards.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review from Viz Media LLC, via Edelweiss.
Profile Image for Hisgirl85.
2,050 reviews52 followers
July 21, 2020
4 stars. I feel like this volume felt similarly to how the heroine was acting...not like herself. This didn't feel thebsame as the previous volumes and I feel it's largely due to the change of character in the heroine here. When she started to come around, the book picked up. I don't know what to say about a series that the creator can interweave with the heroine/lead so well. "Wasn't I your daytime shooting star?" *tears*
Profile Image for Leila ✨.
1,692 reviews475 followers
September 11, 2022
I mean, I’m not going to lie, la situation del último capítulo fue bastante triste… pero después me acuerdo que él tiene VEINTICINCO y ella DIECISÉIS y que es su MAESTRO y se me pasa :)

4 estrellas porque por fin terminamos con el arco del pedófilo !!

4 de 5 estrellas.
Profile Image for ℂ ✧.
2,163 reviews
December 26, 2023
Això és pura droga mala ^^' explosió total i absoluta del conflicte quan l'oncle descobreix el pastís i el sensei es veu obligat a tallar-ho d'arrel teòricament per benefici de la noia, però li trenca el cor. Previsible, l'únic que espero és que se'n vagi a la merda i no en torni!!!
Profile Image for Sam.
31 reviews
February 23, 2022
"i've never loved you. i'm sorry"
i love you.

Profile Image for kavya (warner’s version).
94 reviews44 followers
August 7, 2022
i came here for Mamura. WHERE WAS HE. EXCUSE ME?! :,) Also mr shishio was being a full blown dickhead to her in this and it’s not even acknowledged. Ugh.
Profile Image for Katrina.
1,217 reviews41 followers
October 31, 2024
The bonus story was so pointless this time, it almost ruined the experience of what was otherwise a completely stunning volume. So let's ignore the frenetic mashup between Yamamori's characters and the female lead from her bestie's story - which doesn't look or sound particularly interesting - and move right into the good stuff.

It bugs me a little if it's true that Yamamori's assistants and family all hate Shishio. Look, he hasn't been making particularly good decisions for the past couple volumes. But it was...kind of unfair character portrayal for a little while, almost like the relationship had to be shoehorned in a little bit, and never quite fit the way it was supposed to?

One big theme this whole volume is that since Suzume started (sort of) dating Shishio, she hasn't been acting like herself. Mamura says it first, but Shishio and Yuyuka both point it out, too. When you fall in love with someone and form a relationship, you should be bringing out each other's best selves. And that simply hasn't been true for either of them.

I would argue that Shishio hasn't been acting like himself either, for a while now. He's gotten quiet and sad, and Suzume is always nervous and skittish and worried about if she's doing or saying the right things or being too obvious around the wrong people. They're both such vibrant, honest, uplifting people who lost so much of their light.

They liked each other, but they aren't good for each other. Not at this point in their lives.

And the reality is, the chemistry isn't even there to make up for all the difficult parts. Shishio's right to point out that what Suzume feels for him is a strong infatuation: she admires him, but she doesn't love him in the way an equal partner would be able to. And I think Shishio's actually rebounding with Suzume more than he might ever admit.

She'd been bringing him a lot of happiness in a time when he was still reeling from his second breakup with his ex - who was more put together and driven and worldly-wise than sweet, straightforward, open-hearted Suzume, but who'd also broken his heart by leaving him behind, and then threw his world askew when she abruptly returned like nothing had ever happened. Like he hadn't spent years trying to put the pieces back together, alone.

I like Shishio, still. There's so much visible sadness in so many of his scenes this volume...when he's hanging out at a bar with his friends, when he's at the shrine with Suzume, when he lies to Suzume's uncle over the phone when they get snowed in at the remote town where Suzume had taken them to try to maintain their secret. When he's sitting alone on the bench in the school's courtyard, after ending their relationship by lying to Suzume about how he'd never loved her.

I thought I might be more torn between Suzume's love interests, but there really doesn't seem to be any path where she and Shishio would've worked, unless it was maybe meeting again post-college - beyond the scope of a shoujo where the relationships speed through all their dramatic stages over the course of a semester or a year. But I am sad that it seems like Shishio has lost so many things valuable to him, yet again.

The scene between him and Suzume's uncle was pretty amazing. It didn't take exactly the path I would've expected: Yukichi didn't punch or threaten or even shout at Shishio. After he stumbled across Suzume's note, he contacted Shishio, tested the waters to see if it was just a teenage girl crush or an actual mutually agreed upon relationship, and then spoke frankly with him about how stupid and selfish the whole thing was.

And the thing is, none of it is news to Shishio. He'd been feeling it for a while and just hadn't been able to make himself let go of something that wasn't working, and that would ultimately hurt Suzume more than it would help him.

So it's sad, and it's surprising to me that it happened with 5 volumes left to go, but I appreciate the space given to seeing what comes after an initial heartbreak, without rushing to any new conclusions.

Mamura is really starting to shine, while Shishio's star is dimming. Loved the little peek of his family at the shrine again - I don't know why I adore his dad so much but I really do. And I want so badly to see Suzume becoming a part of another family, where she gains more people instead of losing herself to so many unnecessary secrets.

And I loved that when he realized what was going on with Suzume and Shishio that day in school, he didn't go comfort Suzume himself. That's majorly important and kind of different from what you would expect. But he's not making any of this about himself - like with the scarf, which he made a point of telling Suzume didn't come with any feelings or obligations attached. He just wants to be sure she's safe and warm and happy.

So he grabs Yuyuka and then sends her into the storeroom to talk to Suzume, as soon as he sees that she's alone and Shishio is out in the courtyard by himself. She needs her best friend more than she needs an awkward guy who's already confessed his own crush on her.

Suzume's friendship with Yuyuka ended up being one of the strongest parts of the story, emphasized by the Yuyuka-centered chapter that we get early into this volume. Their friendship is really valuable to both of them, and it's given Yuyuka the strength to be herself and to realize what it is that she actually wants out of romantic relationships. She never really loved Mamura; she simply admired him for being true to himself without worrying about what other people think.

And what she wanted from a guy was someone who'd see and like her for who she is. Which is what her pizza delivery upperclassman is turning out to be. It's a nice twist for her.

She'd be surprised to discover that much of Mamura's growth and increased gentleness and care towards others is because of the confession she was finally brave enough to go through with. He hated hurting her feelings. He hated realizing that he'd probably been hurting a lot of people's feelings over the years. So he's being more careful now - paying attention to the people around him and trying to be softer and more considerate. And it's making him a whole lot more likable.

I like him a lot. But I like Shishio, too, and I'm bummed that he probably isn't going to find any sort of happiness by the conclusion of this series......which finally makes me glad, I guess, that he's gotten a little bit of a spinoff in the Tsubaki-chou volumes. I'll definitely have to reread those once I'm done here.
Profile Image for Mania.
39 reviews13 followers
May 7, 2016
δεν ξέρω καν αν πρέπει να το βαθμολογήσω, δεν ξέρω καν αν θα συνεχίσω αυτό το manga...

...οπότε θα γράψω κάτι σαν review γι' αυτά που έχω ήδη διαβάσει -σε περίπτωση που- (αν και θα προσπαθήσω να μην κάνω σποιλερ, αν έχετε έντονο πρόβλημα, καλά είναι να μη συνεχίσετε).

αυτό το manga έχει στυλ και αρκετά πρωτότυπο/διαφορετικό σχέδιο. όμως από το πρώτο volume, όσο "τρεντυ" κι αν είναι, έχει προβλήματα.

δεν καταλαβαίνω για ποιο λόγο η mangaka αποφάσισε να πιάσει ένα τόσο "ιδιαίτερο" θέμα, αφού τελικά -λόγο περιορισμού από editors/περιοδικό έκδοσης/την ίδια την ιδέα του shojo manga- το καταστρέφει με κάθε δυνατό τρόπο, μετατρέποντας τρεις -μεμονωμένα- συμπαθητικούς χαρακτήρες σε κλαψιάρικα, εγωκεντρικά, αναποφάσιστα σ****.

παραφέρθηκα, συγνώμη, αλλά κάποτε πρέπει να σταματήσει αυτό.
είναι μόδα τον τελευταίο καιρό να εμφανίζονται "μοδάτα" shojo manga, να πιάνουν μια "δύσκολη" εφηβική κατάσταση, να βάζουν και λίγο δράμα, άντε και κάνα φιλάκι και τέλος.

μην προσπαθείτε, ούτε καν.
και εντάξει manga βγαίνουν διαρκώς, αλλά το ίδιο το κοινό δε θα έπρεπε να τα προωθεί σαν κάτι ιδιαίτερο.
και για να τελειώνω, αν κάποιος διαβάζει αυτό το manga, λόγω hype, ας ρίξει μια ματιά στο απόλυτα "φυσιολογικό" kimi ni todoke ή στο αθώα "ενήλικο" horimiya ή στο (παρόμοια κατάσταση με αυτό το manga) dengeki daisy.


Profile Image for Lou (Lou and Life).
660 reviews1,535 followers
August 5, 2020
Advanced Reader Copy provided to me by the publisher on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

I was so excited to see this manga on NetGalley because it was a series which I keeping up with which meant that I was able to read the next instalment quickly! I really liked this volume because it is the end of the storyline which I didn't really like but tolerated to see the next story arc with Mamura. There was so many good points highlighted in this volume which I HAVE to talk about. I love the fact that Mamura calls out Suzume on her lack of happiness since she has started to date Mr. Shishio. He literally says, "Your confidence plummets for the tiniest reasons and buying an [love] amulet? That's not like you at all." I love the fact that he has her best interests at heart even if she doesn't return back his romantic feelings. I also like the fact that Suzume has realised that because she has rejected Mamura in the past, that she is like everyone else in Mamura's eyes now. She's nothing special because she didn't want to be his special someone and I really liked seeing her realise this. There was also a chapter on Yuyuka and I liked getting to know her better and see inside her thoughts. She's one of those people who is cold on both the outside and the inside but the coldness does hide some warmth. I thought it was very cute to see her friendship with Suzume from her perspective. I also liked seeing more examples of Suzume and Mr. Shishio's relationship not being a normal one with them wanting to go to a shrine, but having to go to a distant one to hide the fact that they are secretly dating. On top of that, Suzume acting weird, dressing like a celebrity with fake glasses and wearing a mask, then being so far behind Mr. Shishio that it looks like she's stalking him, and riding in separate train carriages. This causes them to be distant with each other and I liked that the manga shows that a teacher-student relationship is not a good one. The plot then increases in pace because someone else finds out about their relationship. I was excited to see the confrontation, but I was disappointed that it wasn't an explosive argument. It was more of a lecture. I think this is because Mr. Shishio already decided what to do with their relationship. And that ending was a semi-cliffhanger and I need to know what happens next because it's quite an emotional ending to the volume.

I'm really excited to see what happens next because it'll be the start of the storyline which I have been waiting 7 volumes to read!
Profile Image for Stella.
162 reviews15 followers
February 3, 2019
Disclaimer: I rate according to GR's system. So 3 stars means "I liked it".

Oh, the pain.

As I'm rereading this series I can't help but notice all the foreshadowing the author left here and there. This volume, in particular, works as some kind of bridge between the first part and the second one. After all it ends with Shishio dumping Suzume...

The pain.

I remember some reader's back then getting mad at Suzume's uncle for getting between her and Shishio but, can you really blame him? He's just an uncle trying to take care of her niece. Wouldn't most adults do the same in his situation?

It's hard not to feel sympathy for Shishio, really. You know he truly loves Suzume. He wants to be with her and his actions speak louder than his words ("No, I don't love you"). But as her teacher, as a 25 yo guy and as a friend of her uncle he has it rough. Not to mention that he sees how Suzume forces herself to be around him, how he can't comfort her when she's in pain... so in the end he dumps Suzume for her own good.

(I've been saying for a while that hnr is also the story of Shishio, our 25yo protagonist, maturing once again.)

As for Mamura and Suzume, the first doesn'd to much yet again. But whatever little he does has a great impact in the volume. First, he tells Suzume that she's not acting like herself, something that both she and Shishio acknowledge and that ties back to one moment in volume 2 or 3 when Suzume mentions how she can be herself around Mamura. Then he reminds her of the scarf, talks with Yuyuka and... Suzume gets jealous? Wait- WHAT.

But probably Mamura's coup de grâce for me is when at the end of the volume he notices that Suzume is gone, that she's probably with Shishio, who made up some lie to be alone with her and, fearing the worst, asks Yuyuka to go look for them. Then lets Yuyuka go to comfort her. This is what I mean when I say that he may disappear from time to time but always makes the greatest impacts when he reappears.
Profile Image for Christine Zarah.
395 reviews58 followers
December 4, 2020
This manga often comes up in blog posts and recommendations as a manga where the second lead (AKA the decent guy) gets the girl. So, a plot where Second Lead Syndrome won't happen and where the girl would be treated well?
However, I really, truly, wholeheartedly dislike Teacher-Student romance but I can be lenient if both are no longer minors. So imagine my surprise when I was able to finish this considering the FL is in HS and the homeroom teacher is, what, a decade older?? I was shookt. (Went back to check: FL is 16 while teacher is 24, yuck.) So what kept me reading? The intense desire to get over it and unleash my anger over the stupid, stupid plot. Is it good? I'm not sure. I was rushing through each pages, filled with wanting to find out who she ends up with, that I think I ended up reading a spoiler midway and then just breezing through the remaining chapters of that arc.

Honestly, Uncle said it best on Chap 46:
You jerk, do you understand what you're doing?

Good points for this manga: FL isn't ditzy, the girls are fun and supportive (we love women supporting women), mangaka tried to add diversity to her characters (I love Tsuru and Inukai), and Mamoru (the softest boy)... but these aren't enough to make up for the stress it gave me lmao
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Maria.
23 reviews
September 20, 2021
Overall, the mangaka does a great job so far at conveying the emotions of giddiness that comes with one's first crush. The artwork is nice and clean and the flow of the story is set at an easy-to-follow pace. However, I was hoping for a different outcome between the female main character and her teacher. I hoped that the manner in which they "broke up" would have been due to his realization that this weird relationship with his student was widely inappropriate. Instead, he decides to totally crush her heart and wallow in his self-pity because he actually did love her but just couldn't tell her. I just can't wrap my head around a 24-year-old loving a 15-year-old in a romantic manner. I'm not sure if this story is supposed to show that people can be "right" for each other, but due to circumstances out of their control, they are unable to be together. Therefore, showcasing how one's life could turn out in an infinite amount of ways. But it's difficult to try to forget about such an important age gap, despite the two leads never actually really being officially a couple.

Other than that, the classmates are all supportive and kind to one another for the most part and it was refreshing to read them getting along. The way that each of the characters is able to pick up on each other's moods and help sort through issues was enjoyable to read.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for pastelgreenfox.
54 reviews3 followers
March 26, 2022
Diese Reihe ist für mich absolut perfekt nach einem stressigen Tag. Ich kann hier super den Kopf ausschalten. Immer wieder begeistern mich die Charaktere. Jedes mal habe ich das Gefühl sie besser kennen und verstehen zu lernen.
Es ist Neujahr. Suzume verabredet sich nach einem Rat von Yuyuka mit Herrn Shishio. Endlich kommt das Thema auf, was Sumse sich schon so lange erhofft. Aber es kommt definitiv noch mehr heraus als es geplant war. Ich mag es, wie Mika Yamamori mich die Gefühle nach empfinden lässt. Wie verloren muss sich ein Teenie fühlen? Und wie durcheinander muss ein Lehrer sein?

Besonders Yuyuka ist mir immer sympathischer geworden. Sie hat ihren ganz eigenen Kopf und ist ein bisschen fordernd, aber sie ist immer hundertprozentig für Suzume da. Ihre Gefühle zu Daiki werden hier noch mal aufgegriffen. Daiki fühlt für eine andere Person das, was sich Yuyuka von ihm wünscht. Und was macht das mit Yuyuka? Wie reagiert sie auf die andere Person?

Ich hätte mir das Ende des siebten Bandes definitiv anders gewünscht. Aber nun habe ich die Hoffnung, dass die Verantwortung von Herrn Shishio mehr zum Thema wird. Zu dem steht die Frage im Raum: „Ab wann ist es Liebe?“ Ich brauche unbedingt Band 8.
Profile Image for Jessie The Librarian.
1,618 reviews80 followers
November 16, 2020
TIME TO KICK THE BAS- (*Breathes*)-JERK TO THE CURB!! Dear goodness, I hate how this teacher ended things. I'm so thankful for the uncle kicking in and knocking some sense into him. But seriously, he did everything in his power to break the MC's heart, and I hate men like that with a burning passion. He made it seem like it was a negative thing for her to try to genuinely put him first, and actually care for him. ~~ Note that I really like this manga for highlighting the toxicity between teacher and student relationships. While many of us who have read this genre for a long time find the sweet slow-building romance to be delightful, it is important to remember there are two sides to every coin, even the ones we love the most. I really enjoy that it took a more negative approach, and enjoyed it's approach towards heartbreak and friendships.
Profile Image for Lena.
34 reviews
May 5, 2022
Was a bit uncomfy at the beginning/middle when Suzume and Mr. Shishio were going on a literal date together and then shared a hotel room. It was awful. But I liked the ending when Suzume’s uncle talked some sense into Mr. Shishio and was telling him how he would never be able to give her a fair chance at like because she’s still growing up and experiencing the world. It did hurt when Mr. Shishio ended it cuz I felt it was a bit harsh but I loved when he said it was never love to being with but infatuation. Absolutely love that line. Final thing I will say, is i hope this is how it leads into Mamura and Suzume’s relationship. I think this is the perfect chance for him to just swoop in, comfort Suzume while she’s crying, and just have it set in her mind that he has been here the whole time and was trying to help you. Giving it 4 stars specifically for the ending!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Amethyst.
223 reviews66 followers
July 11, 2020
Displaying 1 - 30 of 148 reviews

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