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925 pages, Hardcover
First published August 19, 2019
↳ it has been at least 2 years since Voldy won the war and killed Harry Potter and tortured everyone from the Order. after 16 months of being in solitary confinement Voldy discovered that Hermione is hiding something from her memories.
he decides to put her in the breeding program where the surviving females of the Order act as a "surrogate" for his death eaters because the fertility rates are low amongst the purebloods. Hermione is assigned to Voldy's right-hand man who is none other than Draco-fucking-Malfoy aka the High Reeve aka Voldy's General.
"Then [Lucius Malfoy] cast a curse that turned Ron's blood gradually into molten lead. Hermione watched as the curse slowly crept through Ron's body, destroying him from the inside out... They had left Molly for last. So she'd watch all her children die... Remus had lasted hours longer than anyone else. His lycanthropy kept healing him until he just hung there, unresponsive. Finally, someone shot the Killing Curse at him out of boredom."
"Whether you win a battle or lose it, all I see is the cost. Sometimes it seems like you and Harry don't realise how few lives we can still afford to lose. This war is bigger than Harry and his family getting to be normal afterward. What do you think will happen to the Resistance if we lose? What about the Muggle world?"
"You're mine. You swore yourself to me. Now. And after the war. You promised it. I'm going to take care of you. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. You don't have to be lonely. Because you're mine."
"I have warned you. If something happens to you, I will personally raze the entire Order. That isn't a threat. It is a promise. Consider your survival as much a necessity to the survival of the Resistance as Potter's. If you die, I will kill every last one of them."
On the cover of the Daily Prophet was a picture of Malfoy calmly disemboweling Graham Montague in the middle of the St Mungo’s waiting room.
“So many schemes,” he said as he straightened and tilted his head back, appraising her with cold, mocking eyes. “Then again, I’d feel disappointed if you weren’t entertaining at least one plot to try to kill me and escape. I can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with next.”
Finally, Malfoy was standing over her, his face white, his eyes glittering with rage, “I have warned you. If something happens to you, I will personally raze the entire Order. That isn’t a threat. It is a promise. Consider your survival as much a necessity to the survival of the Resistance as Potter’s. If you die, I will kill every last one of them.”
“You’re mine. You swore yourself to me,” he said in her ear, as he slipped out of her and dragged her tightly against himself. “Now. And after the war. You promised it. I’m going to take care of you. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. You don’t have to be lonely. Because you’re mine.”
”I always have to choose, and I never get to choose you. I’m so tired of not getting to choose you.”
[ verb ]
to force someone to have sex when they are unwilling, using violence or threatening behaviour.
“ for anyone wondering, this story is not being improvised. it is long and complex and the plot was carefully laid out months before i started posting it. i'm not writing emotional torture-porn or throwing in elements for shock-value. there is a reason for everything. ” - senlinyu (the author)
“ i'm being raped and my body is enjoying it, she thought bitterly and wanted to curl away. ”
“ he'd healed her, far more than he needed to. he didn't even want to rape her. ”
“ malfoy wasn't kind; he simply wasn't cruel. he wasn't as awful as he could be. he possessed the meagerest shreds of decency. ”
“ she couldn't let her mind rationalise into falling for her rapist simply because he wasn't as much of a monster to her as he could be. ”
TL ; DR : this is an affront to the harry potter universe and to good taste. i think that we as a society should kill off all these possessive men. #staysafe
“Let your Gryffindor die, Hermione. Don’t try to be brave. Don’t try to be clever. Just keep your head down.”
Resignation and hopelessness had entwined themselves with her soul since the moment she watched Harry die.
After watching most of the people she loved die in agony, she’d known her turn to suffer was lying in wait.
Now it had come.
One upon a time… there had been a girl who fought. Who believed that books and cleverness and friendship and bravery could overcome all things.
But now-
-that girl was gone.
She’d been all but killed during the war.
Survivor’s guilt, she tought, that was the Muggle term for it. Such a paltry description. It didn’t capture even a fraction of the breadth of agony in her soul.
“It was always the last thing she said to him.
The moment before he apparated away, as he stood in his Death Eater robes, she’d say it rather than goodbye. She’d catch his chin in her hand and stare up into his eyes.
“Be careful. Don’t die.”
“I always have to choose, and I never get to choose you. I'm tired of not getting to choose you”
Malfoy wasn’t kind; he simply wasn’t cruel. He wasn’t as awful as he could be. He possessed the meagerest shreds of decency.
He was cruelest when he was vulnerable.
She had never hated Draco Malfoy before.
He had simply been an indoctrinated bully, a symptom of a disease which others were responsible for. Now – she hated him. For what he had become. For what he had done
“Just live, Hermione.” His voice was shaking. “That's all I am asking you to do for me.”
“He pressed his lips against her forehead. “You’re better than anyone,” he said quietly, the words brushing against her skin. “This world doesn’t deserve you at all.”
“I’m sorry—I’m sorry—I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for everything I did to you,” he said, his voice hoarse and broken. “I love you. You left, and I’d never told you.”
You are so much more than what the war has made you into.” Her voice shook slightly.
Her fingers stopped at the onyx ring, and she stared at it, replaying their past.
Blinding pain and burning devotion in equal parts.
You are without a doubt the most exceptional asset the Order possesses.
I am sorry for that.
I want to make the world I wanted to live in.
She was a non-active member of the Order of the Phoenix and did not fight.
This book is for… mature Dramione fans who can handle dark narratives. TW: mental, physical and sexual abuse. War. Torture. The whole plate basically
‘The Hogwarts Trio, Christmas 2002. Harry Potter with friends Rond Weasley (See: Weasley, Ron, chapter 7) and Muggle-born witch Hermione Granger. Granger left England at the start of the second Wizarding War to study healing abroad. She survived the war but died during imprisonment while a surrogate in the Repopulation Program. She was a non-active member of the Order of the Phoenix and did not fight.’
‘I wish you luck, Miss Granger. You are a better friend than Harry Potter will ever deserve.’
“i’ll take care of you,” she whispered. “i’ll do everything i can to be a good mum. there’s a potion i can make when you’re older. then—then i’ll be able to go outside with you sometimes. you won’t be trapped with me. when you grow up and want to go, i’ll let you go, i promise.”
“you did everything you could. more than anyone should have ever asked.” “i’d rather die in your arms.”
“my entire life is comprised of emotional fallout.” he looked feral. “sometimes—i don’t have the capacity to handle any more of it.”
“you have done more than anyone should have ever asked from you. let me save you now. please, take the risk of believing that i can.”
she was a non-active member of the order of the phoenix and did not fight.
“if you don’t want me to kiss you, you should say so now.”
“i thought we’d both suffered enough that we’d get to have each other”
“but”, he said after a minute, “at this point, i suppose i deserve to burn. i wonder, if you'll burn too.”
“I always have to choose, and I never get to choose you. I’m so tired of not getting to choose you.”
“James Potter used to say that war is hell. I used to agree with him. But now—I think he was wrong. War is far worse than hell. You’re no sinner; this is not a fate you deserve."
(idk which fic that is from btw, anyone who does plz lmk coz it looks dope)
Lucius Malfoy had been standing mere feet from where Hermione was caged when he looked up at Ron and snarled “This is for my wife!”
Then he cast a curse that turned Ron’s blood gradually into molten lead. Hermione watched as the curse slowly crept through Ron’s body, destroying him from the inside out. She’d been helpless to do anything—helpless to spare him in any way.
Arthur Weasley had been left permanently addled by a curse during the war. He cried, not even understanding why he was in pain or that he was dying.
They had left Molly for last. So she’d watch all her children die.
Remus had lasted hours longer than anyone else. His lycanthropy kept healing him until he just hung there, unresponsive. Finally, someone shot the Killing Curse at him out of boredom
now my thoughts (spoiler here & there)✨
“I would do almost anything to have saved them. But when it comes to Light and Dark Magic, it matters. It’s never worth giving into the Dark Arts, no matter what you think you’ll get from it. The Order is going to stay Light.” (harry says)
Something inside Hermione snapped. “You’re not Light if you let people sacrifice themselves in order to keep your hands and soul clean.” She sneered at him.
"You don’t think Good can just win,” Harry said. The reproach in his voice was heavy.
“Everyone who wins say they were good, but they’re the ones who write the history. I haven’t seen anything indicating that it was actually moral superiority that made a difference,” she said as she murmured the spells to repair the fractures.
1. “Worrying about me, Mudblood?” he said with a sneer. “I have to admit I never thought I’d see the day.”
“Don’t take it as a compliment,” Hermione said stiffly. “I felt sorry for Umbridge when he tortured her too but I’d gladly dance on her grave.”
His mouth quirked with amusement. “Unfortunately, the snakes ate her.”
Hermione found herself smiling before she could stop herself. Malfoy gave a barking laugh.
“You are a bitch,” he said with a faint shake of his head.
2. “I’m training you,” Malfoy said abruptly
“Fine,” she snapped, her expression twisting in faint derision.
“You look so bitter,” his expression was vicious with mockery. “You’d think I just demanded you fuck me rather than not. Disappointed?”
“Only in your dreams,” she said, shooting him a glare.
“Every night.”
She rolled her eyes
3. "You’ve got several fractured ribs, a concussion, and internal bruising. It’ll take me ten minutes to fix it. Strip—from the waist up.”
“I thought that was my line,” he finally said as he reached up stiffly and unfastened his cloak, letting it pool in a careless heap on the floor. “If you wanted me so badly, you only needed to ask.”
“Yes. Nothing gets me going like the sight of an abdomen mottled with purple and green bruising.”
“I always knew you were a sadistic bitch.”
4. The corner of her mouth quirked sadly, and she looked down. Draco rested his forehead against hers, and she closed her eyes. It felt as though their souls were touching
5. “Love isn’t always as pretty or pure as people like to think. There’s a darkness in it sometimes. Draco and I go hand-in-hand. I made him who he is. I knew what his runes meant when I saved him. If he’s a monster, then I’m his creator. What did you think was the source of all his rage?
1. “Draco stared at her. “So who cares for you, Granger, if Potter doesn’t?”
She blinked.
“I don’t need anyone to care for me,” she said stiffly, but her voice shook. “It wasn’t an accident, Draco. I chose to reduce my casualty value.”
His expression hardened. “You let yourself become expendable to Potter.”
“The more weaknesses Harry has, the more vulnerable the entire Resistance is.”
She hadn’t thought Draco could look angrier than he already did, but he suddenly looked ready to explode.
“When I think I can’t hate Potter more, he finds a new way to prove me wrong,”
2. “Despite how cold he acted, his name was apt; he was a dragon. He kept walls of ice around himself, but there was fire in his heart"
3. "Draco, who worried about her more than anyone else did. Who had devoted time he couldn’t possibly have trying to train her and keep her alive. Because he just wanted her to be alive" (once they succeded in escaping voldy)
4. “She saw his hand twitch before he gripped his wand in a fist. His eyes were suddenly boyish and uncertain.
He had no idea how to do anything but be a soldier."
5. “He didn’t sleep if she left.
She tried slipping quietly into the next room to explore the bookshelves, but he appeared in the doorway within two minutes, wand in hand. She grabbed several books off the shelves and returned to their bed"
His tone was freezing. “After all, not every single horror that I’ve ever imagined has happened yet. Losing you and spending sixteen months trying and failing to find you. Finding you tortured and broken. Keeping you as a prisoner in this house. Raping you.” His voice was growing raw with grief and rage. “Having to hold you in my hands, and feel you in my head while your mind was ravaged. Finding someone raping you in my garden—”
“He didn’t,” Hermione said quickly, her chest constricting. “He didn’t. You got there in time.”
His eyes flooded with relief, but his mouth sharpened into a razor-edged smile. “Well, there’s that.”
He gave a short laugh and looked down at the floor. “Where was I? Ah yes. Finding you with your eye nearly gouged out because my wife had attempted to blind you. Finding you bludgeoning yourself against a window. Watching you waste away because I’d gotten you pregnant. Arriving to see you collapse and then learn that the damage from your Occlumency and the foetal magic was so severe you might not ever wake up—that I might have killed you.”
He had turned white. His lips thinned as his mouth twisted and then curved into a sneer. “Is that not enough? There are, undoubtedly, still unexplored depths to the potential misery between us. Should we endeavor to achieve all of it?”
“Hermione, I’m tired.”
“Have you seen yourself, Granger? There’s hardly anything left of you.” His eyes were wide as he stared intently at her. “Living is not worth it to me if you’re the one who keeps paying the price for it.”
i mean look at these lifeless eyes![]()
“Your father has to go. He can’t stay here.” She choked. “He—he—he—”
She gestured down at herself. “The entire foyer is covered in blood. There were things hanging from the chandelier—intestines, I think. It’s on the portraits and all the orchids I brought back from France, and my new robes! The whole room is ruined. Mrs. Thicknesse was supposed to come to tea with her daughters and several other ladies planning for the celebration—now I’m going to have to cancel because most of the house is smeared with blood, and Bobbin says there are corpses piled by the gate. Make him go.”
“Get off this estate!” Astoria nearly shrieked. “Get off. Get off! Get—”
A razor-fine line of scarlet suddenly bloomed across the pale skin of Astoria’s neck.
Hermione watched, eyes wide with horror. A sort of gasping, burbling sound emerged from Astoria’s throat as her head toppled off her shoulders, and her body sank to the ground.
Lucius stared down at the fresh corpse at his feet, and his eyebrows arched approvingly. “You’re much quieter now,” he said, bending over and cocking his head at Astoria’s face where it lay in the white gravel. Her expression had gone limp and blank.
Lucius wagged a finger towards her. “Stay like this and, in time, perhaps my opinion of you shall improve.”
Hermione peered around Draco in shock.
Lucius straightened, sighing and tilting his head back in the sunlight. “The estate feels better already. My father used to say there’s nothing like fresh blood to fertilise the roses.”
ew why so cute
”The newspapers around the world featured a picture of Ginevra Weasley emerging from the rubble of a castle, her face filthy and streaked with blood. The brutal scar on her face was the first thing the photo clearly made out. She tossed her head back, her expression a mixture of exhaustion and cold triumph as she stepped into view, dragging Voldemort’s corpse behind her”
i was like :
’When Topsy finally let go of Draco, she went over to gather James into her arms and carried him away, still sobbing’
“I’m sure there is something poetic in it all, but right now all I feel is a new set of manacles.”
this? this is a masterpiece. i’m not sure i’ll be able to find the right words to explain what i’m feeling right now.
i grew up with harry potter. my family is obsessed with it—we do rewatches all the time. basically harry potter is my roman empire. but this story? this is everything i’ve never known i needed.
this is the biggest “what if?” in the history of what-ifs—what if harry potter didn’t win the war, but voldemort did? what if hermione didn’t marry ron? i’ve always asked myself these questions. this book is the answer.
“I felt a Funeral,
in my Brain.”
“I wish you luck, Miss Granger. You are a better friend than Harry Potter will ever deserve.”
”The world was never kind to them.”
“I think I’ve nearly memorised you. Especially your eyes.”
“I memorised yours too.” He sighed. “I should have known—the moment I looked into your eyes, I should have known I would never win against you.”
“She was so tired of being alone. She was so tired being reduced to her functions. Healer. Dark Arts Researcher. Potion Mistress. Liaison. Tool. Whore.”
“You’re like a rose in a graveyard,” he said, and his lips curved into a bitter smile. “I wonder what you could have turned into without the war.”
”Like a star, he was glittering and ice-cold from afar, but when the space was bridged, the heat of him was endless.”
”If an assassin’s blade were made into a man, it would take the form of Draco Malfoy.”
”She was a non-active member of the Order of the Phoenix and did not fight.”
⤷ moments i loved:
”She was locked in the dangerous embrace of Draco Malfoy, and it felt like home.”
“Would you go now, if you could?”
He stared at her, his eyes were molten silver and unwavering. “With you, I would.”
“Then—we’ll go together. After the war.”
He was lying. They both were. It was a fairytale to think they could run together. That things would end neatly enough for that.
“You’re mine. I’ll always come for you.”
He always did.
“You are so much more than what the war has made you into.”
“Be careful, Draco,” she murmured against the corner of his mouth. “Be careful. Don’t die.”
“Of course I looked for you. I looked everywhere for you. Did you think I left you there?”
“I left a note. Did you get my note? I love you.”
When Draco was with her, he treated her like it was all a goodbye.
He looked at her like he was saying goodbye.
He touched her like he was saying goodbye.
“Hermione, I’m tired.”
“I love you. As long as there is anything of me that exists, I will love you. Always,”
“It worked, Draco. You’re free.”
“Let’s love each other forever, Draco.”