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Space Boy #8

Space Boy Volume 8

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A sci-fi drama of a high school aged girl who belongs in a different time, a boy possessed by emptiness as deep as space, an alien artifact, mysterious murder, and a love that crosses light years.

In the wake of the excitement leading to the school dance everyone's flavors seem subdued, but once Amy discovers a startling secret about Oliver, a burst of flavor is brought back into her life!

Amy's suspicions over Oliver are put on hold when she goes to the homecoming dance with Cassie, but once there she takes an unexpected detour alone, and discovers the secret she has been looking for may have been in plain view all along. However, this new secret brings new dangers, confusion, and excitement along with it!

232 pages, Paperback

Published November 3, 2020

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About the author

Stephen McCranie

41 books311 followers
Stephen McCranie has been drawing comics since before he could read or write. He graduated from the University of New Mexico with a degree in Fine Arts and currently lives and works out of a small apartment in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 90 reviews
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,598 reviews242 followers
December 6, 2020
Twiiiiillllliiiiiiiiiight in spaaaaaaaaaaaaace!

I am so indoctrinated in the slow pacing of this series, that even when gun-blazing action happens it seems like nothing much has occurred except the girl swooning ever so sweetly over the boy who swoons right back in his detached way. That's not to say it is boring or unpleasant; I'm in it for the long haul. And yet I wouldn't be displeased if it wrapped up in the next couple volumes or at least moved onto a new story arc.

p.s., And I'm still trying to work out the symbolism of the feet. At first it seems all female characters had pointing dainty feet as seen on the cover of this volume, and all male characters had big flat feet. But there are several instances this time of females who usually have dainty feet, having the big flat feet, and it seems to be tied to wearing pants maybe, which is perhaps a male thing in the author's mind? All the military females have flat feet all the time. But, no, the cover girl is wearing pants. It's not consistent with standing or sitting either. I will break this code someday!!!!
Profile Image for Laura.
3,042 reviews89 followers
November 27, 2020
Unlike many ongoing graphic novel series, this story is moving, and moving fast. In this volume Amy finally figures out many of the missing pieces she has been trying to figure out about Oliver, why he doesn't have the proper scent, where he came from, what happened to his family.

We also get to see the bad guys, so to speak, and they are very bad too.

Hard to wait for each volume. But so, so good.
Profile Image for Katriel.
169 reviews
September 7, 2022
*sits in a state of mild shock*
Profile Image for Isabel Hinen.
228 reviews4 followers
January 16, 2022
Age: 13+
Genre: sci-fi, ya
Content: mild depictions of violence
Language: none

Review: This was such a suspenseful volume! There are some great developments but it also takes a pretty sharp dark turn. It was such a cliffhanger after such a huge buildup! That's all I can say without spoilers!
Profile Image for Riley.
61 reviews10 followers
December 16, 2020
i was crying,,,, i don’t know why but i’m so attached to these characters and it’s so cute
Profile Image for Kay.
1,667 reviews13 followers
April 26, 2021
Ok! Some answers and a bunch more questions!

Some character developments from this Vol:


Commander Saito: She's obviously going to be a dangerous rogue opp in the next volumes. She thinks Amy is a spy. And is now MIA, possibly to go & "clean up" her mess after attacking Oliver.

Amy: I didn't love the kinda "insta-love" she & Oliver seem to have now. Yes, it's "grown" over the last few volumes, but it's still technically "insta" because they really don't know each other.
Kinda annoying.
Amy: "You're an artist, Oliver. It's your goal to be understood."
Oliver: "My goal as an artist is to seek the truth."
Amy: "Yes-- but you also put yourself into your work-- and then you put your work into the world and you hope someone will see it because you want someone to see you."

Cassie & David: They speak at the dance (Cassie wears the thrifted dress, yay! Visual character growth!), and Cassie apologizes fully to David. She really seems to understand herself here, which is nice to read about such full-bodied side characters.
It's a super real call out to how much we are affected by our relationships, even the "short" ones.
Cassie: "This guy-- we only dated for six months but it was enough to leave a mark. I don't think I realized it at the time-- how much he took from me. I think I'm still figuring that out."

Tammie: Wow, things with Saito escalated so quickly! . Poor Tammie. Poor Schafer.

Anxious for the next volume!
Profile Image for Dakota Morgan.
2,954 reviews41 followers
May 27, 2021
Talk about a complete 180 for Space Boy. After seven-ish volumes of wondering who the heck Oliver is, we finally know - and we also know he can withstand a barrage of bullets from robot assassins! The eighth volume in this perpetually slow-burning series abruptly brings the action, even for Amy, who tackles a robot assassin on her own.

Oh yeah, also the homecoming dance happens and the girl who used to be David's girlfriend has like, a breakthrough about why she hates men. Whatever! I'm here for the big picture stuff, which is like, unexpectedly big. Like, now the government is involved, as well as some deep space program. And I totally forgot aliens were introduced in the previous volume, so I guess I'll throw that in this review, but man oh man did Space Boy get interesting suddenly.

Even the art has improved in the seventh and eighth volumes, I'd argue. Maybe the slow burn worked: it got me just interested enough in the characters and setting that when the actual plot arrived, I was fully on board.
Profile Image for Lacy.
759 reviews46 followers
August 16, 2021
Well this volume could have definitely used a few trigger warnings. 😒

I got some Princess Protection Program vibes from this one, though.



Profile Image for Cathy.
409 reviews5 followers
January 25, 2021
How is this series so consistently good???
This volume finally delivers the big reveal about Oliver and I did NOT see that coming! Holy crap. While delivering on the main plot, McCranie is true to form and also simultaneously continues to advance his side stories- successfully mixing the chaotic and quiet elements of his universe. I am just perpetually thrilled and satisfied by this work and can’t wait for the next installment.
Profile Image for Marilyn.
1,331 reviews28 followers
May 16, 2021
After inching along ever...so...slowly for the past 7 books, the 8th volume really stepped on the gas. It covers only a few hours but in that time Amy (somewhat unbelievably) looks at a painting Oliver did and just KNOWS everything there is to know about him. Saito, the head of the group chasing Amy, shows her cards and her issues. And we move a blip closer to understanding the bigger picture.
Profile Image for Rebecca Ann.
2,876 reviews
November 20, 2022
I am still utterly absorbed in this serie. It is very much sweet and simple with a dash of high tech secrets. I love the duality of Amy's normal life with the wild ride she is on while learning about Oliver. Finally in this volume we start to learn what the heck is going on!
Profile Image for Matthew Gasperoni.
110 reviews3 followers
November 5, 2024
The series is not only pivoting in the storyline, but might start to pivot in my ratings … from 4 stars (enjoyed and recommended) to 5 stars (want to own)! Really enjoying the depth that is growing in this sci fi space drama with some slice of life elements …
Profile Image for D.T..
Author 5 books77 followers
March 7, 2021
Well, junk finally gets real!

Profile Image for Amanda.
238 reviews54 followers
August 26, 2023
Now things are definitely moving, although I did find the process by which Amy figured things out a little goofy.
Profile Image for Emma.
81 reviews4 followers
November 16, 2021
I can’t believe between Amy going to earth, meeting Oliver and the whole government conspiracy thing, and among other spoilery storylines all took place in the span of 16 weeks
Profile Image for celia.
579 reviews17 followers
March 1, 2022
truly the kind of book that makes you exclaim "now THAT is good sci fi"
Profile Image for Delaney.
1,125 reviews
December 12, 2020
This is such a fun series. It's cute and handles difficult subjects, it's inclusive, and the artwork is amazing. I highly recommend it to everyone, and you can probably read all 8 in a couple of days.
Now I anxiously await volume 9!
Profile Image for Peter.
153 reviews
July 19, 2023
On my review for the previous volume, I said it was too predictable. This volume proved it was not as predictable as I thought.
Profile Image for Grace.
179 reviews5 followers
December 5, 2020
The plot of this series is awesome, I've never seen a book like it. But the characters are just so stereotypical and shallow. Mostly Amy. I'll keep reading the series, but the characters always get on my nerves on how stereotypical they are. Also, they are in the 34th century- WHY do they still have cars and things like that? It would make more sense if the year was 2100, or somewhere near that time.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 90 reviews

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