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Pack Heat #4


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Flick lived in a war zone. It might have looked like a normal household, but her husband waged war on her most days within those four walls. Then he laid those vicious hands on their son.

Fleeing home, she gets in the car and drives and drives, eventually coming to Sanctuary. The people are more supportive and helpful, the men are plentiful, gorgeous and attentive and that attention only intensifies the closer they get to the full moon.

Which only makes her wonder why.

The place is dizzying to someone like her. Offers of a home, board, safety and so much more are as kind as they are alienating. She’s a veteran of domestic abuse and she can’t help but wait for the axe to fall, struggling to discover Sanctuary’s secrets before the moon completes its cycles.

But what she discovers is so much more than she’d bargained for. Flick’s world is about to be upended, but she’s determined to come through this stronger for her son. But the Great Wolf may have much more than that planned. It’s time for Flick to move beyond being a survivor and become what she was always meant to be.

Survivor is the fourth book in this super steamy, fast burn, reverse harem series. If you love why choose romance with shifters and MM, you'll love this next moving instalment to the Pack Heat series.

18+ only.

355 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 31, 2020

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews
Profile Image for Stephanie.
769 reviews1,088 followers
October 22, 2021
I am in such a re-reading mood and I picked up Survivor, a standalone set in the Pack Heat world, over the weekend. (Books 1-3 are a trilogy; you can read Survivor alone, as the heroine is unfamiliar with the world so you will learn it through her eyes, but you do see characters you met in the first trilogy)

Pack Heat is a reverse harem, paranormal shifter world. “Sanctuary” is a place where people with the shifter gene live secretly - only for some reason, male births have always outnumbered female births, causing women to take multiple mates. Also, new women is a BIG deal because only human women who carry some degree of a shifter gene can live in Sanctuary so finding someone new is rare.

Reading Flick and her son find a pack was so cute, I loved the dynamic and would have even liked the book as a duet. If you enjoy it, get the free novella Noah from the author’s Facebook - it’s about one of the guys and how he ingratiates himself with the pack.

CW: Flick was abused by her husband, who also abused her son. At the start of the book they’re fleeing him. She has PTSD. FYI for if you read books 1-3:
Profile Image for Daisy Sauceda.
1,809 reviews21 followers
July 28, 2020
**Warning- this book does touch on abuse so if you have triggers tread carefully**

Woah, this book is freaking intense. Like grind your teeth and lock your muscles kind of intense. Flick (mother) and Kade (son) have been dealing with abuse from Dave for years now. Finally Flick does something incredible which then sets her journey to Sanctuary. Now for two people who have been broken manage to make it to their destination and meet new people. Flick realizes that she is talking to a wolf in her head. From finding out what Sanctuary is she starts to get comfortable and finds two mates with more possibilities. She not only listens to her wolf but her mother instincts and approaches things eyes wide open and carefully. However, when someone is broken there is always going to be residual damage that may arise from time to time. Is she strong enough to conquer her demons as well as thrawt any threats to her pack. This definitely has the emotions there as well as the scorching heat. So you will definitely love the burn. I love this series.
Profile Image for Lexi.
931 reviews18 followers
August 2, 2020
I loved this book so much!! It’s such an amazing addition to this series and world. Flick has dealt with so much in her life such as abuse. Sam Hall handles this really well but do read the trigger warnings to make sure you’ll be okay reading this story. I loved Flick’s story and watching her as this story progressed. Her journey tugged on my heart so much. I loved her and her son Kade. Also really love the hot men in this story who help Flick on her journey. Seriously love love loved this book! Though there were times it drove me crazy and made me so tense and nervous.
Profile Image for Galina Sulaiman.
2,223 reviews5 followers
July 24, 2020
Flick is such an inspiration for victims and survivors of abuse. It was written in such a way as to address each stage and the healing process as well as the regressions. I loved her mates each filling up different needs for her. The only thing I wish was Noah and Sen had been bitten during the book. I am also hoping to see Shaun's getting his HEA his heart was shattered by Jules and he did what he could to help Flick in ways that Jules wasn't. I hope to see more books from this series its addictive! Sam Hall knocked this book out of the park!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for tasha Robinson.
53 reviews
July 26, 2020
Such an emotional story that captures your attention with the heartbreaking struggles that Flick and Made had to go through. But just as she does whatever she can go save her cub, in some Peter who is everything she didn't know she needed. This is a Phenomenal story that needs to be added to your the list.
Profile Image for Rambling Reader.
441 reviews70 followers
July 22, 2020
Would definitely rate this a 3.5!

I enjoyed this installment in the pack heat series, and I liked Flick, though I think Jules got more opportunity to shine. To be fair, she had more books that focused on developing her, so I would like to commend Hall on the depth that she does give Flick for really having us watch her journey in this one book.

Another commendation for Hall is the way that she describes Flick's internal journey. There are some very beautiful moments of description where she gets us inside Flick's head, helping the reader to understand how she's healing or still scarred by the abuse she suffered at her husband's hands. Those moments are well written, and they're very useful for giving insight into a situation that some readers might be able to relate to while others find it foreign to them. This FMC is a woman who's a bit broken at the beginning, and she's still a bit broken at the end, but that's honestly OK. She takes a great many steps on her journey, she's healing, and she's a great example that OK looks different for each person and sometimes for each day.

Obviously, another aspect of the book, especially being in the RH genre, is the men. Personally, I liked Flick's men, and I thought the dynamic that some of them had with her son Kade was absolutely adorable. I WANT to see more males taking on that caregiver/dad role. There's something about it that adds a little more depth, and that relationship- between the men and the kid- is another important one to manage, and Hall does that well.

There were some aspects of the plot that felt a little rushed to me, mostly in the last 20% or so with how the tension developed and was resolved with Flick's husband. That's one of the big reasons that a star came off for me. It's not that I was dissatisfied, per se, but I do think the storyline could have benefitted from slower development "on screen."

Overall, I enjoyed the book, and I continue to be drawn into the Pack Heat world. I'm looking forward to other stories in this universe :)
Profile Image for Cynthia Mejia.
328 reviews60 followers
July 28, 2020
Wow! So many thoughts are going through my mind as I finish this story. And at the same time I find that I have no words to adequately describe how this story has left me feeling. I am finding this to be the case with every book I read from Sam Hall. Each one leaves me overwhelmed and overstimulated, a feeling kind of like being buzzed from just the right amount of alcohol or high on the aftermath of a good orgasm.

Survivor is no different…and yet it is. It’s not different in that the story is so well told and well-written, with no lag time, no time for you to get bored along the way. It tackles subjects of abuse and violence, dominance, sexual proclivities, all subjects that have been touched on before. Its characters are strong and sensual and captivating.

And yet, Survivor is different in the way that Sam Hall has taken this very intense domestic violence situation and given its heroine an incredibly empowering journey to discovering herself and her strength, her self-worth, her sensuality, and her power. And it is done brilliantly.

We meet Flick at moment in her life where she makes the most important choice she has ever made. Escaping an abusive relationship with her child, Flick finds shelter and safety at Sanctuary. Her connection to Peter and Aidan and the way their relationship develops is so wonderful to see. The new relationships forming with both Sen and Noah bring an interesting dynamic to Flick’s growing pack. To see these relationships develop not just amongst the mates (or prospective mates) but also for the family, involving Flick’s son and Peter and Aidan’s extended family was really fantastic.

I think what I loved most was Flick’s relationship with her Tirian (her wolf). There was this push and pull between Flick’s monkey brain and her Tirian. How they interacted to reach an understanding with one another was both humorous and satisfying, especially as her Tirian’s protective instincts grew and took over when Flick needed her most and how Flick surrendered to this part of herself, recognizing her power there.

Survivor was such a robust story, it’s amazing so much detail and intricacy could be condensed into one book without losing any of its grit and rawness. As I come down from my high off of this book, I can only say that it was intense, emotional, sensual, sexy, heartbreaking, hopeful, inspiring, and empowering. I’m excited to see additional storylines that will continue to give us a glimpse into Sanctuary!
Profile Image for Jess.
59 reviews
July 27, 2020
Survivor was an aptly named book. Sam Hall sure knows how to weave a story. The first chapter was brutally hard for me to read for some reason. The main character, Flick, and her son, Kade, have been abused by Flick’s husband. Sam Hall takes you into their home on the day of the last time Flick will suffer at her husband’s hand as she watches him turn the violence toward her son. They escape with their lives but are beaten and broken down. Feeling as if she is losing her mind, Flick feels compelled to find Sanctuary. For both Flick and Kade, the name is more than appropriate. Ophelia and Flick’s harem help her navigate her trauma and find her strength. I loved reading how each of her men did their part to take care of her son. I loved seeing one of the lesser known, but personally beloved, characters from earlier find his happiness. The character development of each member of the harem was distinct and different. That is one thing you can count on with Sam- she will make sure there is something appealing for everyone. If you like heartfelt moments and a book not just about the steamy sex, read this.

The parts I did not enjoy: I felt like it ended a bit quickly. I cannot explain further without giving away plot elements. I will say things felt unfinished with an abrupt end that was reminiscent of a cliffhanger, but with more things left unsaid. I wanted more done/said when the scene happened at the front gate. I wanted to know what happened with the people who came from the other side and the great wolves. I feel like this was glossed over. Sam did say she will address some of these things in future projects surrounding this world. I think people new to the series would have a hard time starting with this book.

If you are familiar with this series and the characters, you will find this book to be a delicious little treat that revisits Jules and her harem in a few scenes. For those of you unfamiliar with this world, I really encourage you to go back and start at the beginning. The series is excellent! While you are at it check out Away with the Fairies. That series has two phenomenal books out that leave me in awe of Sam Hall’s writing.
Profile Image for Maya Monroe.
502 reviews4 followers
August 1, 2020
They are survivors!

This is book 4 in the series.
This is a wonderful story. Sam Hall has done it once again.

Like the trigger warning stated at the beginning of the book, Flick and her son Kade are survivors of domestic abuse. There are instances through out the book where it is discussed so please keep that in mind.

During the first three book of Pack Heat we are introduced to Sanctuary, a matriarchal community. The women and children are cherished and looked out for. I loved seeing that how Sanctuary comes together for Flick and Kade who are seen as outsiders.

This book also continues with the theme of change within the community. During the first books, it was seen how the community was set on old ways and Jules and her pack wanted to change some aspects to make the community better. This continues to be seen as Flick joining the community is different than what they have seen before.

Lastly, the relationship between Flick and her pack is wonderful. It gives a glimpse into how the pack works with children because he is Flick’s main priority and becomes the priority of the guys that become part of the pack. I loved how Flick kept Kade in the front of her mind because although her Tirian started appearing and changing how she thought of things she fought how things were handled to make sure it was best for Kade.
I recommend this book to those looking for an action filled fast burn.
Profile Image for Samantha.
567 reviews4 followers
August 2, 2020
So if you have read any of the pack heat series you know matriarchal societies are amazing and the ratio of men to women is astronomically off so large mating groups/packs are a must. The men are raised to respect woman and consent and protection is engrained deeply into the fabric of the society. Now into all of this enters a domestic abuse survivor (hence the name). Felicity, who prefers Flick, is a Mum with a young son who narrowly escapes death at the hands of her severely abusive husband. This story is rife with her discovering her strength, finding her balance and creating a family for herself and her son. It’s an amazing story of her reclaiming her sense of being a mum, a partner and a sensual being. She uses PTSD techniques to find her self as needed and attends counseling, as does her son. There Are triggers of abuse; verbal physical and sexual. There is a woman with a child discovering her sexual identity (her child is safely cared for elsewhere) and exploring that with multiple partners. It’s has redemption and strength that make it an awesome e read
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rachel Osborne.
1,092 reviews19 followers
July 31, 2020
What an amazing addition to the pack heat series. Although it's a stand alone, to better understand everything that goes on I would highly recommend the first three books of Jules story.
But in saying that, this story is an amazing and inspirational story that can be greatly appreciated on its own. Sam Hall's ability to create a story that's raw, emotional and hot is incredible! This story focuses on flick and her son, having suffered from an abusive relationship. Flick is strong and deserves happiness. It was a beautiful read and although the story ends the way it did, it gives us a completion as well as the possibility for more! Loved it!
Profile Image for Lissa J.
545 reviews9 followers
February 5, 2024
This one is about overcoming your past. Becoming stronger. These usual extra steamy reverse harem from this author. Shifter, pack, found family, no m/m. The only thing I didn't like is my pet peeve the bad guys POV. I do not want to see into their minds or actions. Yuck.

I loved that we got to see Pete(Monster) from the first book get a HEA. So sweet. Not all of the pack is resolved in this book, but there is a link at the end to download the rest.
Profile Image for Jackles.
831 reviews10 followers
July 23, 2020
A great addition to the Pack Heat world! Survivor is the story of Flick leaving her abusive husband and learning to love herself and thrive again through finding her pack in Sanctuary. This book can be read as a stand-alone, though you’d have so much more background and understanding of exactly what is happening to her if you start with the first 3 books. Ok, I know I said it was a stand-alone just a few words ago, but the story of Flick’s pack isn’t quite over yet; there will be a short story or novella released at a later time finishing up some of the pack’s HEA. As of the end of this book, Flick has voiced her claims to her pack, but hasn’t yet bitten everyone. So I guess you could say this book ends in a HFN? I don’t know.. some of you readers may get upset over the fact that it ends where it ends, but I found it to be a complete story as you know what Flick has planned for the remainder of her pack; it just hasn’t yet happened.

Anywho, yeah.. I loved this book. The fmc is strong and has brains and she actually uses them! Not to mention, Survivor really packs a punch in the heat department. If you’ve read Jules’ story (books 1-3) you know Ms. Hall can write some HOT sex scenes. Then there are the laugh out loud moments which were just great. So 5 well deserved stars from me and I cannot wait to read the remaining books that are to come within this spectacular world!!
Profile Image for Jacquie Stolz.
496 reviews
July 31, 2020
Another amazing hot shifter RH

I love the world Sam Hall has created with sanctuary. This story was absolutely amazing!!! Running from an abusive husband with her son, Flick is drawn toward sanctuary where she is saved by two pack members. I love how they are all focused on her healing and taking care of her son. The fact that they slowly work on the relationship and making sure her son is okay with them as they go. Such a touching and amazing story. With the evil husband and dark wolves stalking them. So flipping good!!!
Profile Image for Annie.
203 reviews2 followers
July 31, 2020
So good!

This was a true favourite of the Pack Heat series! Sam’s handling of a difficult subject (domestic abuse) was really thoughtful and didn’t weigh the story down, its certainly NOT all gloom and doom.
This harem also has to be up there with some of my favourites, they’re a really diverse, quirky and grounded bunch.

I don’t think I’m alone in saying that I want more stories from this world.
Profile Image for Kelly.
10 reviews2 followers
July 31, 2020
Sam Hall has done it again!

This book pulled in the full range of feels. I laughed, I cried, I felt pride at Flicks accomplishments and I fell in love with the male characters she created. Each one so different yet, fitting together all the same. I am in awe of her writing abilities.

This book centers around Felicity (Flick), her son and their escape and recovery from domestic violence. While this is often a touchy subject, Ms. Hall managed it with aplomb.
2,331 reviews14 followers
July 31, 2020
This is part of a series but you can read this one if you haven't read book 1 - 3 just fine. I love how Sam takes this series to another level. Flick has issues and how she portrays Flick is making me feel her. She got away from her 'husband' with her son. Now her life will change more than she could of ever foreseen. It's an emotional rollercoaster and I love how you feel for all the caracters in Sam's books. I highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Katie.
1,837 reviews14 followers
August 1, 2020
Another freaking fantastic story from Sam Hall. I am in love with this series. Definitely an emotional read. Might have some triggers. I absolutely loved this story. Loved the characters. Story is simply amazing. I don’t write spoilers so you will just have to take my word on it and read this one. Loved it!!!
Profile Image for Dee Kap.
228 reviews
July 25, 2020
This book started with a bang! May be a trigger warning for some, and could have been for me but the way it was written with the inner strength of this female lead, totally had me hook Line and sinker before the end of chapter one!
The way the author has written and developed the healing of the characters and their personalities is brilliant. The combinations of males for the FMC is just perfect. I feel like I am being a bit gushy, but I could not put this down. When I got to 99% I stopped reading as I didn't want it to end. The way it ties in the the authors original series, Pack Heat is done well
I felt as I have read the other series, it was really nice the see the glimpses of other characters, especially after the attachments made to them. It is also not a biggie if you are just reading this as a stand alone. I very much look forward to more. Sam Hall is cemented in my top five favourite authors!
Profile Image for Felicia's Review.
2,097 reviews29 followers
August 1, 2020
Sam Hall knows how to write. This book was perfect. Trigger warnings are issues for abused but the way Flint and her men handle it and with Flint's son is amazing. I was crying in the book alot. I love the sanctuary universe and glad we get more books. I cant wait for more in this world.
Profile Image for Natalie Bestenbreur.
Author 3 books14 followers
July 30, 2020

I loved this so much. Sam Hall writes the most interesting, diverse and colourful characters. This story was so well written, the heroine has come from an abusive relationship, has a child... it’s a great story of strength and love. And I don’t want to spoil it, but read this! You won’t regret it.
Profile Image for Amber.
397 reviews6 followers
July 31, 2020
I love everything about this book. Flick went through so much with Rick but still was able to see the good in her pack and find love. I love how Kade accepted Peter and Aidan. The way he connected with Aidan was my favorite. I did not want to put this book down. Such a great story of survival.
Profile Image for Esmeralda Silva Tenazinha.
955 reviews14 followers
July 31, 2020
What a fantastic story! So emotional! I loved Flin and Kade, they are so real. Pete and Aidan are so good to her and her son. Sen and Noah are such great mates too. You just want to kick Dave's ass yourself gor how bad he is! I really enjoyed the book.
Profile Image for Ange Bennetts.
795 reviews6 followers
July 25, 2020
This book was awesome, it started with some pretty brutal and confronting events which then led to the FMC getting to Sanctuary. Ive only recently read the other books in this series and can safely say that if you haven't read them, this is a standalone but you'll probably want to read them because they're also awesome. The compassion, depth of character and hotness of the guys is just next level. Flick starts off as a bruised and battered woman who finds her strength and her place. I found it very hard to put this book down. The heat level is scorching, just the way I like it. Although there is no cliffhanger at the end of this book, there is certainly unanswered questions and room for more books to follow! If you haven't found Sam Hall yet, this is the perfect book to discover her unique voice.
139 reviews3 followers
July 31, 2020
Loved this book for the careful and empathetic handling of domestic violence. It is the best book in this series of good books and I look forward to reading more in this world Sam has created.
Profile Image for Miranda Beazley.
658 reviews5 followers
July 31, 2020
Ok first thing I’m going to say is to consider this book before buying, this has the potential to trigger many people out there.

That being said I absolutely loved it. Flick is a strong amazing woman. And for me this story goes through the strength it takes to leave an abusive relationship, the courage it takes to make that step and keep moving forward. It showed the ability to heal, to be able to function in the world a changed person. It also showed the ability to trust again and to want to have that intimate connection with another.

I have not been on the receiving end of domestic violence but I thought the author treated the topic respectfully.

I will warn for those of you who dislike cliffhangers this one does end on a bit of one. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
26 reviews
July 31, 2020
Welcome back to Sanctuary!!! This is the next book in the Pack Heat World. It started off with a bang I couldn’t put it down. I really loved that the FMC, her son and the men that are part of her pack, they were so caring and attentive not only to her but her son. Talk about swoon worthy.
13 reviews
July 30, 2020
Intense read from the first sentence to the last. Very enjoyable read complete with drama, love, action, heat, character development and intriguing world building
Profile Image for Richelle Zirkle.
1,974 reviews10 followers
July 23, 2020
This is probably one of my favorite Sam Hall books ever! I won’t ruin it with spoilers, but be prepared for more family dynamics since our FMC has a young son. Watching the pack interact with him and Flick made me a ball of mush. It wasn’t just the men, but the family members and how they cared for him and his needs. Speaking of the men... Ugh, these men have a VERY interesting dynamic and aren’t afraid to call each other out on their BS. I loved the way they worked as a team and ultimately supported each other. I loved the way they cared for Flick. To say I had no idea where this story was going to end up is the understatement of the freaking century. I can’t wait for more stories in the Pack Heat world, but I’m not going to forget Flick and her men anytime soon.
Profile Image for Shannon Garvey.
76 reviews1 follower
July 31, 2020
Another amazing book! Yes, I will agree that this book can be a bit triggering for some, but read the warning in the beginning, it will give you a very good idea if it is something that will affect you. The storyline is one that will have you reading this from start to finish without breaks in between. Make sure you have set aside the time, or I promise you will not sleep (I speak from personal experience). For single Mums out there, this will resonate with you no matter your background, ultimately positively. I don’t want to give anything away, hopefully I’ve said little more than the description, but I gave it a spoiler alert just in case. Have fun reading this one!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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