As a child, Monkey D. Luffy dreamed of becoming King of the Pirates. But his life changed when he accidentally gained the power to stretch like the cost of never being able to swim again! Years, later, Luffy sets off in search of the One Piece, said to be the greatest treasure in the world...
During his journey with Whitebeard’s crew, Oden encounters the legendary future pirate king Gold Roger! What does their meeting mean for the world? And what has Orochi been up to while Oden was gone from Wano?!
Eiichiro Oda (尾田栄一郎, Oda Eiichirō) is a Japanese manga artist, best known as the creator of the manga and anime One Piece.
As a child, Oda was inspired by Akira Toriyama's works and aspired to become a manga artist. He recalls that his interest in pirates was probably sparked by the popular TV animation series titled Vicky the Viking. He submitted a character named Pandaman for Yudetamago's classic wrestling manga Kinnikuman. Pandaman was not only used in a chapter of the manga but would later return as a recurring cameo character in Oda's own works.
Please also see: 尾田荣一郎 (Chinese, simplified) 尾田榮一郎 (Chinese, traditional)
I wonder if the bit about many years of dancing was added just to make sure the timeline matches, since there were a few years left unaccounted for. It was made to fit well enough and added an extra smidgeon of drama, but even so, it felt like just another extra complication to pad even further a flashback that was already running long. It showed us that Oden was kind and friendly and wanted no one to die, but we knew that already. So it never struck the right chord to me.
On the other hand, the death was one of One Piece's best - and that's a high praise indeed.
"I am Oden, and I Was Born to Boil" هذا المجلد عبارة عن فلاش باك ويتحدث عن واحد من أعظم الشخصيات التى ظهرت حتى الآن فى ون بيس كوزوكى اودين قائد القسم الثانى فى قراصنة اللحية البيضاء والشخص الوحيد الذى يعتبر فى مثابة الأخ للحية البيضاء عكس باقى الطاقم الذين كانوا بمثابة الأبناء للحية البيضاء، و أيضا صاحب جولد دى روجر فى رحلته إلى رافتيل واكتشافه سر القرن المفقود وأيضا لماذا داولة وانوا منعزلة عن العالم. قبل بداية الفلاش باك كنا نعلم الطريقة التى مات بيها اودين وكانت طريقة غير جيدة لانهاء شخصيه عظيمة بحجم اودين ولكن كعادة اودا فى الفلاش باك دائما ما يضيف جزء درامى يجعل الفلاش باك فى قوة الأحداث الأساسية فى مسار القصة بل فى فلاش باك اودين كان هناك الكثير من الأسرار التى كشفت والتى وضحت بعض الشئ عن ما هو الون بيس ولماذا يسمى بهذا الاسم. يبقي السؤال الأهم بالنسبة لى والذى لم أجد إجابة له حتى الآن منذو ارك زو وكنت آمل أن أحد له إجابة فى الفلاش باك الخاص باودين، لماذا لم يتدخل قراصنة اللحية البيضاء وبقايا قراصنة روجر وشانكس للانتقام من موت اودين وانقاذ دولة وانو من كايدو واوروتشى؟ وسيناريوا انهم لم يعلموا بموت اودين بحكم انعزال دولة وانو وصعوبة انتقال الاخبار خارج وانوا غير منطقى لان كايدو من أشهر القراصنة فى العالم حتى قبل أن يصبح يونكوا بحكم انه من بقايا قراصنة الروكس وأيضا الجميع يعلم أن كايدو مستقر فى وانوا وأيضا آيس ذهب إلى وانوا وعلم أخبارها من اوتاما فأكيد انه أخبر اللحية البيضاء عن هذا فيبقي عدم تدخلهم لغز حتى الآن. أيضا النقطة الأخرى لماذا لم يطلب اينوراشي ونيكومانوشي المساعده من شانكس؟ كان من المفترض أن يذهب نيكوماموشي إلى شانكس بدلا من ماركو وهذا ليس تقليل من ماركو ولكن يبقي شانكس احد اليونكو وقادر على الوقوف فو واجه كايدو فى قتال رجل لرجل. فى الانتظار لفصول المجلد القادم وبداية معركة اونيجاشيما، وكيف سيواجه تحالف لوفى كايدو وبيج مام فى نفس الوقت؟
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
This was so good wow! This focuses on Oden and his adventures with White beard and all and then meeting with Gold roger and travelling to unknown lands and forming a friendship and this is here where we learn of the thing that happened 800 years ago, the void century and the last island Raftel. Its fucking amazing how Oda managed to weave everything in a way through Oden and he even had his family and finally we have Oden coming to Wano and learning of the betrayal and finally the heavy punishment to protect his people, that was one of the best fictional characters moment ever. LIKE THIS MAN IS SO AWESOME. And we connect back to all that we know of 20 years later and then the massive BETRAYAL and it makes sense, a family grudge and it accelerates towards "all hope lost" until the worst generation are here. This volume is one of my faves and it manages to connect everything that we know about these guys in such an amazing manner and the world at large. Just wow.
Que tomo, en serio. Cada vez tengo más claro que Wano está destinado a ser mi arco favorito de todo el manga. Como esto siga así, de fijo que va a serlo. Mira que todos los tomos de “One Piece” suelen engancharme mucho, pero para la forma en que lo han hecho los últimos no hay nombre.Con este tomo me pasó lo mismo que con el anterior. Si pudiera le daría más de cinco estrellas.
Oden ha sido un personajazo de principio a fin, y ya se ha convertido en uno de mis personajes favoritos. Se merecía más que un tomo de historia. Se merece su propio manga. Creo que la duración de su flashback está más que justificada, pero no por su persona. Después de 96 tomos (que se dice pronto) por fin tenemos un flashback en condiciones de Gol D Roger. ¿Qué ha generado más misterios de los que ha cerrado? Pues mira, si. Pero ya hacia tiempo que las escasas migas que Oda nos daba sobre él ya me sabían a poco. Y ha resultado muy interesante verle en acción, interactuando con su tripulación o sus enemigos, y forjando su leyenda. Creo que era algo que la trama y los fans necesitaban. Y lo he disfrutado, y mucho. De todas formas tiene narices que después de más de 20 años lo más cerca que hayamos estado del One Piece sea en la viñeta donde se ve a Roger riéndose al descubrirlo. Una cosa que me ha quedado clara con este Flashback es que el One Piece no va a ser un gran tesoro de monedas y joyas, que es algo más, mucho más. Y también que la princesas Shirahoshi y su papel como Poseidón van a ser muy importantes en los que viene en la trama (Im-Sama !!).
Por cierto, me ha hecho ilusión ver a Shanks y Buggy de pequeños, me han parecido super kawais. Y que ternura me ha dado que Shanks se quedase sin llegar a Laugh Tale y ver el One Piece por quedarse cuidando de buggy. Si es que en el fondo son los dos mejores amigos de toda la historia, espero que en el futuro vuelvan a reencontrarse.
Volviendo a Oden, es un personaje que se ha ganado totalmente mis respetos. La escena de su muerte me ha conmovido profundamente, no solo por su trasfondo (que también) sino por lo bellamente dibujada que ha estado y por como la narración se ha ido intercalando, sabiamente, con la explicación de porque actuó como lo hizo. Sinceramente creo que es una de las muertes más épicas que ha dibujado Oda, solo superada por la de Barbablanca. Además no sé si el autor se habrá inspirado en ella (que de fijo que si) pero me ha recordado a una leyenda que leí una vez sobre un ladrón que tuvo una muerte similar. Otro personaje que me ha parecido destacable es Toki. Y es que una de las cosas que más me gusta de esta historia es como se incide en el impacto y la fuerza que tienen las madres o las figuras maternas, como se ha visto antes con personajes como Bellemere, la doctora Kureha u Olvia, por ejemplo. Toki, siendo un personaje muy secundario, me ha parecido muy bien construida. Una vez más Oda ha sabido hacer lo que mejor se le da: Crear una historia de fondo que sirva para explicar la evolución de los personajes y de la propia trama, todo ello con una gran maestría y demostrando que cada detalle de su historia está conectado con todos, que nada es al azar.
Por otro lado, el descubrimiento de quien era el traidor entre las Vainas Rojas, Kanjuro, no me ha impactado mucho. ¿Por qué? Porque no tenía motivos para sospechar realmente de ninguno de ellos, y por ello me esperaba que fuera cualquiera sin mucha expectación. De todas maneras me parece que le ha faltado intensidad a la escena del descubrimiento, y al dos motivos que tiene para haber traicionado a sus compañeros y a su señor. Y y no lo digo por la explicación de que la familia de Oden matase a sus padres, que eso por lo menos me convence, lo digo por el hecho de que simplemente se nos dice que no tiene sentimientos y que por eso se ha limitado a dar información a Orochi. No sé, no me ha convencido esa explicación, me parece muy cogida por los pelos.
Nunca me he alegrado tanto de un Deux ex Machina como con el que se ha cerrado el tomo, con la llegada de Luffy, Law y Kidd y sus respectivas tripulaciones para salvar la situación. Creo que es una de esas situaciones en las que el inesperado milagro se perdona aunque no tenga muchos pies y cabeza.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Not the best volume at all but I really liked Roger's story. The panel which said "And he laughed" was one of the best in all the manga. Even if I really don't like this arc at all, it's incredible how Oda can connect every element of the story.
Ok not gonna lie, I didn't much like oden's story. I loved that we got to know more about Roger and others, but I don't know why, I just can't like oden much.:((
WANO COUNTRY ARC - PART 6 1. so many of them have this notion of "do as you like" when people ask them for permission, unless it's something they don't want to do. i find it funny, and i find it really cool, too. like, toki asks for whitebeard to let her stay on the ship, and he goes "do as you like", but when she asked him to return her to wano country, he grimaced because he doesn't wanna do that. i've seen shanks and luffy do the same thing of telling people that they can do whatever their heart desires. i don't know, it's such a simple perspective on people, and shows how unbothered they are and confident at the same time. another thing to take away. just how oden told his people "let's do as we like" - i like that.
2. oh, orochi is a little pissant, lying to the shogun like that to become his proxy. what a little cretin goblin (you cannot honestly tell me that this orochi moron actually believed it's the fault of sukiyaki that his grandfather was a piece of shit, right?) (also this old hag, who told orochi that he would be shogun one day has the clone-clone powers. i assume she died and then mr. 2 bon clay ate the fruit sometime later? just like the old man has the barrier-barrier fruit which then was eaten by bartolomeo) - he legit is only alive and only made it this far because he got more powerful people helping him. he himself is a little fucktard of a person.
3. why does teach look like usopp...? usopp's mum.....explain yourself
4. fuck, seeing gol d. roger, i wish ace would have been able to get to know him, and realises that neither his dad nor he himself are devils. he was a true legend; if only he could have known him. roger would have loved ace to hell and back
5. BWAHAHHA i love gol d. roger and whitebeard so much; battling for three days and three nights only to end up trading stuff for the fourth day. also interesting is that roger's crew don't mess with ordinary citizen, like stealing from them or messing up their shops. it's insanely interesting the way we see all the places and see all the characters that we've gotten to know 20 years later, like skypiea and the ponegliff, water 7 with tom, franky and iceburg, fishman island with king neptune (unmarried) before shirahoshi was born - this is really nice. and then, the last journey to the island.
"joyboy, i wish that i had lived in the same era as you."
6. "i think my son will find the one piece." - FUCK YOU, ODA!!!!! FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
7. coming back to the presence only fueled me more for the straw hats. i love it, and i am so excited, i cannot fucking wait for orochi and kaido to be absolutely obliterated. it needs to elicit the same satisfaction as back then, when luffy punched the celestial dragon
8. so, i assume that the one who betrayed them in the present is also who betrayed them in the past.
9. it's kind of ironic that their death execution is decided by 'boiling'. him staying in the boiling pot while carrying his retinue. but oden wouldn't be oden, if it wasn't boiled, eh? the man that you are, i cry
10. toki, the woman that you are.
11. DEEEEENJIROOO??? god, i hope he is working from the inside out, PLEASE. but then he cannot be the one who is betraying them
12. kanjuro, you fucking kanjuro, you you you you fricking frick fricken frickf rickfkc frick kanjuro gfurck you FGUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU DIPSHIT FUCKING ASSHOLE FRICKING FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK
13. the absolute pathetic "law!" i just said to myself, when i saw the submarine come up underneath the little boat of the retinue- i have to dial it down, it's not funny anymore. KID TOOOOOOOOOOO; HE IS THERE TOOOOOOOOOOO KJBEDHJFBSEHJFBHEJS PLEASE FINALLY PLEASEEEEEE KILL THEM ALLLLLL (i really like what traffy is wearing, but THE KIMONOOOOOOOOO)
Cuando salió el capítulo 967 a finales de 2019, yo no sabía si reír o llorar (animado, con "Memories" de Maki Otsuki de fondo, sí que me sacó alguna lagrimilla). Para mí, es el mejor de One Piece por esa última viñeta (aunque se disputa el puesto con el del sombrero gigante, que no recuerdo el número). Todo lo que representa es precioso y eso que lo que hace es que te cuestiones más, que te rompas la cabeza intentando averiguar qué les hizo tanta gracia a Roger y los suyos. Con esa maldita risa empezó la historia de Luffy. Pero si las carcajadas del rey de los piratas pusieron al fandom patas arriba, el posterior llanto de Shanks me trastocó.
Antes de este tomo, Roger me era indiferente; ahora es de mis favoritos.
El resto de capítulos tampoco se queda atrás. Concluye el pasado de Oden, personajazo; se incluyen algunos de los paneles más top de Oda y acaba con el inicio de la guerra en Onigashima y con unas palabras de Luffy sencillas, pero épicas: "cuando estás en el mar, luchas contra piratas".
“When you’re at sea…you fight against pirates” 🌊🏴☠️
Not my favorite arc but still incredible good! I enjoyed the backstory and seeing a young Whitebeard while learning more about Gol D Roger. Can’t wait for Luffy and Kaido to fight again!!
oden and toki had momonosuke on whitebeard’s ship. he hasn’t returned to wano yet so he didn’t know that his father is sick + orochi is the regent shogun.
during a clash between whitebeard and gol d. roger, the latter requested oden to join him for a year so that they can look for the final island. hiyori was born within the year. oden was the one who carved gol d. roger’s message on the sky island bell. they found the last road poneglyph at zou. at the final island, they found out the secrets behind the void century, the meaning of the d. name, and the ancient weapons. gol d. roger became the pirate king. buggy got sick so he and shanks didn’t manage to go on this voyage. roger named this island “laugh tale”. toki and their kids were left in wano cause she was getting sick.
afterwards, when oden returned to wano, he found out that his dad died and orochi is the shogun, and kaido is behind everything. a year later, gol d Roger found one piece. 5 years later, hyogoro took his people to fight kaido but was killed alongside his wife and his people. he gathered 9 samurai and vowed to kill kaido
one of orochi’s men could turn into anyone. during the fight, after oden managed to slice kaido, he turned into momonosuke and that distracted oden. the samurai were then captured and to be executed.
for those who survived in the boiling pot of oil for 1 hour, they’ll be allowed to live. oden made his retainers stand on a plank that he held up for 1 hour. for years, oden danced naked outside at a specific timing because he made a deal with orochi who had been kidnapping people. each week he does it, a kidnapped person would be released. Kaido and orochi promised to leave wano 5 years after, when their ship finished building.
when the hour is up, orochi and kaido didn’t stick to their words. oden’s last wish is to open wano. with that, he pushed his retainers away and they ran. oden was executed but the whole of wano knows the truth now. oden left a letter to toki mentioning that in 20 years, a war will happen and the protagonist would help wano.
kanjuro is the spy. he’s actually kurozumi kanjuro and working with kaido and orochi all along.
AAAAAAAAAAA, me queda un poco más y ya entro a la parte de la historia que no leí y que no vi en el anime. De nuevo, el flashback con la historia de Oden es tremendo y me re copa que mostraran algunas cosas de otros personajes importantes de la historia.
The flashback stuff in this was genuinely so great! I LOVED the Roger flashback, and Oden is retroactively such a great character and the TWIST in this genuinely had me shook.
The greatest samurai on wano “i am oden,i was born to boil”
From 41 to 20 years ago, flashback of Oden kozuki the second captain on whitebeard ship, the only brother figure to captain whitebeard and later on oden set sail with the king of pirates gol.D roger and together they set to the final island ‘laugh tale’ and knew the secret of the world and why oden’s country was closed to the world.
I loved the flashback!, it introduces us to a samurai who 3 most powerful men on one piece admire him and the main reason this wano country arc now is on war to achieve his goal that to open the border to the world and wait for that someone (luffy)for a reason also to let the world fear wano again.
I loved Roger’s adventure!! The fans were waiting how the king of pirates journy was!, i enjoyed it it was full of life just like luffy’s, our beloved ‘yonko’ shanks was a kid/teen at that time it seems he has a mysterious past but we didn’t know also blackbeard! but the sad part was when roger declares the split of his crew :(
Since this flashback was oden’s POV we didn’t know were the rest of the crew went afterwards. After oden went back to wano until his death it was question mark for me but then I understood oda the writer was inspired by a samurai fiction from years ago and write his boiling death similar to oden’s and the scene was amazing!
Finally the actions of nine red scabbards after their lord was executed was clever and i knew were most of them went and what were they doing for 20 years until now especially denjiro :(
I took long for this review lol but this flashback gave us many many answers to every arc of luffy’s journey since the beginning of one piece now I understand oda sensei said after this arc one piece is close to end the story :(
Volume 96: Chapter 965-974 Saga 10: Wano Country Arc 31: Wano Country
Two years after aboarding Whitebeard's ship, Oden married with Toki and got two kids; Momonosuke and Hiyori. In certain island, Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates clashed for 3 days and nights. After the cease fire, Roger asked Whitebeard to let Oden followed him to the final island as the Kozuki clan can read the poneglyphs.
Oden and his family along with Inuarashi and Nekomamushi onboarding the Roger's ship. They started their journey to the final island; Sky Island ➡️ Water 7 ➡️ Fishman Island ➡️ Wano. Toki fallen ill and Oden left her for awhile to continue his journey. Inuarashi and Nekomamushi stay at Wano to look for Toki. At that time, Wano is started to change.
Oden continue his journey to Zou. In Port Town, Buggy fallen ill and unable to continue the journey. Shanks stay behind with Buggy. They, then continue their journey to the final island. The news spread worldwide about Roger and he become the Pirate King. On that day, they learned the entire truth about the world, the history of 100-year void century, the will of D and ancient weapons. The final island was named Laugh Tale.
Roger was fallen ill. He then disbanded the Roger Pirates. Oden returned to Wano.
Shogun Sukiyaki wants to resign from the throne. Due to absence of Oden, he appointed Orochi from the Kurozumi clan to be the proxy and prepared for the ascension of Oden once he return. Kurozumi Higurashi, an old hag, who can disguised as other people (Mane Mane no Mi) helps Orochi to get the throne.
Orochi had done many terrible things to all Wano people including hurting Toki. Oden faced Orochi to kill him. Oden unabled to kill Orochi as he was protected by Kurozomi Semimaru who ate Bari Bari no Mi (barrier). Oden come out from the castle and he started dancing like a fool once a week. After a year, he heard about Roger's execution. Two year later, Gecko Pirates clashed with Beasts Pirates. The fifth year, Kaido and his underlings killed Hyogoro and his Yakuza. Hyogoro was prisoned.
The time to take down Kaido is come. Oden and Akazaya 9 fights with Kaido and Beast Pirates. Kaido managed to scar Kaido's invincible body. Higurashi disguised as Momonosuke and disturbed Oden. Kaido knocked Oden out. Oden and Akazaya 9 was prisoned and will be punished to be boiled to death. Oden standing in the boiling oil while supporting the Akazaya 9 above. After 1 hour, Oden still alive. Orochi changed the execution method by shooting. Akazaya 9 escaped from the execution site and Kaido shoot Oden in the head.
Akazaya 9 and the Kozuki Clan was pursued by Beast Pirates and Orochi's underlings. Toki sent Momonosuke, Kin'emon, Raizo and Kanjuro to 20 years in the future. Denjiro's face was disfigured due to his agony. He have a new name, Kyoshiro the Mad and become a new Yakuza boss in Flower Capital and served under Orochi. He took care of Hiyori who take a new name as Komurasaki.
All information that leaked was from Kanjuro. Kanjuro is the Orochi's spy. He is from Kurozumi Clan and swore his loyalty to Orochi. The rebellion plan is not destroyed yet as Luffy, Law and Kidd appears.
Segunda parte de la historia de Oden, me ha encantado. Me lo he pasado muy bien con Shanks y Buggy, buscándolos en todos los paneles, preguntándome cosas sobre ellos y qué clase de relación tienen. Muy épico todo, sobre todo en el último tramo.
La historia de Oden es tremenda, realmente que gran forma de vivir tuvo ese hombre.
Orochi, sos una basura repugnante, real que solo necesitaba una excusa para demostrar su avaricia, porque ni bien sabia la historia de su clan y despues que se la contaron ya odiaba a los Kozuki.
Long before Luffy set sail to become the Pirate King, the infamous Wano warrior Oden partook in his own adventure on the seas, filled with familiar faces and harrowing escapades that may just end up spelling the doom of him and his friends! Oda delivers another deep dive into the past with plenty of humour and heart for fans to revel in. What mark did Oden truly have on the pirate era?