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The Celestial Trilogy #3

A War of Swallowed Stars

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A prince without his kingdom.

A kingdom without its princess.

The destruction of the stars themselves.

War is destroying the galaxy. Esmae has vanished without a trace. A terrifying, ravenous beast is devouring the stars one by one. Titania is offered a gift that may well be a curse. Alexi, the exiled prince, is asked to pay a heavy price for his mistakes. And far, far away, on a dark, mysterious planet, a sleeping god stirs awake.

War or family.

Pride or peace.

As the end of the world draws ever closer, Esmae and Alexi must decide how far they’ll go to win—and who they’ll sacrifice along the way.

230 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 29, 2021

21 people are currently reading
1,225 people want to read

About the author

Sangu Mandanna

21 books4,974 followers
Sangu Mandanna was four years old when an elephant chased her down a forest road and she decided to write her first story about it. Seventeen years and many, many manuscripts later, she signed her first book deal. Sangu now lives in Norwich, a city in the east of England, with her husband and kids.

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Profile Image for Fanna.
1,011 reviews535 followers
Shelved as 'definitive-tbr'
April 17, 2021
April 17, 2021: I HAVE AN E-ARC. AHH.

can't wait for everyone to appreciate this book for the way it's going to conclude a trilogy of chaos in the galaxy, political intrigue, complex family dynamics — a story of gods and stars, of gifts and curses, of love and power.

November 30, 2019: The title is AMAZING 😍 Also, one of my most anticipated finales will get a battle scene with a space dragon?!? I can't be any more excited than I already am ✨

And, luckily, my name is gonna be there in the story and I'm lowkey hoping the dragon's name is Fanna 😭😭😭
Profile Image for Sahitya.
1,141 reviews248 followers
April 19, 2021
Now this is how a finale that I’ve been waiting for almost two years should feel like. I just don’t have any words to describe what I’m feeling, but I hope I’ll be able to articulate my thoughts here.

The one thing that has remained constant throughout this trilogy is how fast paced it is. I literally swallowed this book whole(pun fully intended) in a single sitting. And I know it couldn’t have been any other way, because I wouldn’t have been able to sleep tonight if I hadn’t finished reading it. The author’s storytelling is realistic and brutal and painful and just ohhh so brilliant, that I can’t believe I’ve had the opportunity to read such a wonderful story. The emotional depth that the author is able to create is spectacular and I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to rage or cry or despair, basically feel everything that the characters were feeling.

The original Mahabharata story may have been about a war fought between brothers for the throne, or it may have been for the sake of establishing Dharma - ultimately one thing we should remember is that it is also about the consequences of greed, jealousy, the desire for revenge, and finally the devastation of war. While we only see the true devastation during the 18 days and after the war is over in the original story, the author here tries to make the characters see the brutal reality much earlier, probably in the hopes that the longing for peace might overcome pride and the outcome is different. There is also a lot of emphasis on love and family, which is just like the original, but we also see how honor and righteousness may not always be the need of the hour. Now if you wanna know how that plays out in the story, you’ll have to read it, but I thought the author did great justice to the spirit of the epic.

The characters have also been a very excellent part of this trilogy. Esmae as a main character is full of rage and sorrow over the things she has lost and things she has done, but she also understands she is lucky enough to have friends and family who care. And as such a flawed and human character, it’s so easy to fall in love with her and feel everything she does. Max will always remain a favorite because he is loving and kind and compassionate, but I almost felt like he got less page time because there was so much going on. But however little he was present, he was awesome as always.

Titania is a delight as always but it was so fascinating to see even more new aspects of her. When she became a human temporarily, the way the author described her joy and the feeling of touching water and even just trying to walk or run, it brought tears to my eyes because she was so happy. Titania is the light of this story even if she was made to be an indestructible warship. Sybilla and Radha are such great side characters, loyal and brave to the end and I was so happy to see some cute scenes together. They were probably the only respite in an otherwise painful story.

I don’t even know if I want to talk about the other side of Esmae’s family. My blood boils at the thought of some of the things they did in the previous books, and the author ups the angst quotient even more by showing us that they are capable of worse. I don’t think I have ever felt so strongly about wanting a character to die an extremely painful death, but that’s what happens when you get so attached to some characters that they start feeling like someone you know and care for. And I don’t know if I should feel happy or angry with the author for making me so overwhelmed with emotions.

And then there are so many gods - some good, some indifferent, some awful - and while their stories of birth and their curses and motivations are all very fascinating to read in an abstract context, it’s quite anger inducing when they meddle in the lives of our favorite mortal characters and make a mess out of everything.

In the end, this book felt painful and hopeless at times but it was such a satisfying finale that I am extremely upset it’s over, but also overjoyed that I got to read it in advance, and along with all my dearest friends Dany, Shruti, Sim, Prags, Krisha and Jayati. This trilogy has always been an experience that I have loved sharing with my friends and I’m so happy we could do it this time as well. “The chat room of rage and sorrow” is a delight to be a part of and I hope we’ll find another series like this to gush about together, though I know the Celestial trilogy is truly special.

If you are someone who has never read this series, but would love a YA space opera fantasy with gods and mortals, battles and duels, celestial weapons and sentient warships, and characters you’ll either love or hate with a passion - you can’t miss this series. And if you are someone like me who has enjoyed the Mahabharata story while growing up, then I promise this trilogy will delight you. Goodbye Esmae and Max and Titania, but only for now, because I know I will meet you again 😊😊
Profile Image for charlotte,.
3,590 reviews1,087 followers
August 3, 2021
On my blog.

Actual rating 4.5

Rep: Indian-coded cast, sapphic mc & li

Galley provided by publisher

If there’s anyone who’s going to smash a final book in a trilogy out of the part, you know it’s going to be Sangu Mandanna. A War of Swallowed Stars is a book I’ve been anticipating for a long time, and it more than lived up to my expectations.

The story picks up straight after the end to book two which, for obvious reasons, I will not be summarising, but let me just say the first chapter is one that drags you straight in. You read on because you have to find out what happens to Esmae (and it lets you stew on it for a good while). It’s a high stakes and fast paced book.

Perhaps what I enjoyed most about this book was that, because Esmae is where she is for the most part, you get to see a lot more POVs. Which was good since, really, there’s not a lot that happens in the book. I don’t mean that in a bad way—it makes sense since this is the final book of the trilogy and it was set up like that. But I did enjoy seeing it from more points of view than I had before. (Although I sort of wish we’d had Alexi’s POV, if only because I needed to sympathise with him just a bit more.)

In general, this is a book that centres on family (duh, given what it’s a retelling of), and Sangu Mandanna is so good at making you feel that, here as she has been for the entire series so far. You feel Esmae’s betrayal, and the grief at people’s deaths, and everything in between. It’s that feeling that makes the series so compelling to me.

So, basically, if you haven’t picked this series up before now, why on earth not? Go on, go do it, I can guarantee you won’t regret it.
Profile Image for Anjali (bookstersisters).
431 reviews27 followers
July 20, 2021
A War of swallowed stars is the third and final instalment of the celestial trilogy by Sangu Mandanna. I had very high expectations after the devastatingly spectacular book 2, House of Rage and Sorrows and I was not disappointed in the least.
This finale picks up right after the epic cliffhanger in book 2. Esmae is missing, the universe is being consumed one star at a time by a dragon and Titania is offered a deal that just might change the entire game.
The brilliant brilliant character developments we saw in book 2 continues in book 3 as well and these already precious characters become even more precious and the thought of anything bad happening to them puts you on the warpath. The truly heartbreaking part is that you end up rooting for both sides. Not only Esmae but Alexi too manages to carve a spot inside your heart and the thought of either of them falling prey to this endless power game just rips you apart. Titania is another character who just surprises you at every single turn. I cried for her, I laughed with her, I was delighted for her, I was afraid for her , I was terrified for her at one point and devastated at some of the things she’s made to do, basically I was put through the entire gamut of human emotions by this one single character. And it’s not just these three characters, every single character in this book just makes you invest so much in them that every new development in the plot pulls you in a dozen different directions.
The plot itself was handled in the bestest way possible with plenty of action and a conclusion that could not have been any more perfect. Yes, it’s emotionally devastating and will leave you in tears but it was also deeply satisfying.
This entire trilogy has been such a huge surprise. I never expected to fall so deeply in love with this but I did and I cannot recommend this enough. One of the best Ya space operas I have read!!!! Each book in the book just gets better and better and better, so go grab yourselves these amazing amazing books and come cry with me!!
Profile Image for michelle (magical reads).
1,011 reviews241 followers
June 15, 2021
4.5 stars

read on my blog

rep: Indian-inspired world and characters, wlw side characters; British Indian author

**I received an ARC from the publisher through Edelweiss. These are my honest opinions, and in no way was I compensated for this review.**

This is a cycle without an end. It doesn’t matter what it costs us. Somehow, sooner or later, we end up back here, full of fury and sorrow.

I’ve been anxiously yet desperately awaiting this book since I finished the second book two years ago. I love this world and don’t want to see it end, but I also had to know what became of some of my favorite characters! As soon as I could get my hands on an eARC, I immediately dropped everything to read it. Full of revenge and sorrow and love, A War of Swallowed Stars brings an epic ending to this gorgeous trilogy.

This review contains spoilers for books one and two.

Picking up right where we left off, this book opens with Esmae escaping into the forest after she ordered Titania to fire on Arcadia. Flash forward to a month later, Titania, Max, Radha, and Sibylla are desperately searching for her, unwilling to believe she’s truly gone. They’re facing enemies from all sides: Sorsha is on the loose, growing closer and closer while devouring stars and planets along the way, and Alexi bides his time, waiting to strike to regain his kingdom one way or another. Meanwhile, a god on a faraway planet awakens, for good or for bad.

As in the first two books, I adored the characters in this book. Even though they’re outnumbered and constantly on edge, they never back down. Every scene with Esmae, Max, Titania, Radha, and Sibylla (and with any combination of them) shows how much they truly and deeply care for each other. It was fascinating to see their growth and their love for each other over time, and I really loved where they ended up.

We’re all with you to the end, Esmae. Whatever that end may be, we will be there, with you. You know that, don’t you?

Esmae’s character arc, in particular, is one of my favorite aspects of this series. In A House of Rage and Sorrow, she’s clearly spiraling in grief, but in this book, she’s starting to realize that rage and sorrow are not enough to subsist on; eventually, they run out, and she must decide where she will be when they do. This war has taken so much from her and will only continue to do so unless she can dream of a better world, one that she can convince Alex of too.

We get Titania’s point-of-view again, which I really enjoyed. Despite being a (sentient) warship, she undergoes such a lovely character arc, and I really liked following her. Her chapters offer a perspective of the gods that we wouldn’t otherwise get to see. Radha also has her own chapters; I enjoyed reading from her perspective. It is also worth noting how Mandanna captures each character’s narrative so distinctly. Titania is observant and omniscient, as is her character while Esmae’s point-of-view is more introspective and succinct. Likewise, Radha narrates with an open mind that allows us to see more of her characterization.

Mandanna really pulls no punches in this book. It’s a little over 200 pages, which is extraordinarily short for a novel in a SFF series, but she packs so much into this time. No moment is wasted; every scene carries the story along without rushing anything. I relished every second of it and already can’t wait to read this book again with the first two books! I’d say I read this book in one sitting, but I had to keep putting it down because there would be a seemingly innocuous line that absolutely gutted me.

I don’t want to spoil anything in this book, so I can’t really talk much more about the plot. I will say that all the character arcs end so well. Esmae and Alexi will do whatever it takes to beat each other, but there’s something more underlying their relationship, something that the other characters attempt to get them to see. The gods also play such an interesting part despite needing to stay neutral. Like I said in my review of A House of Rage and Sorrow, “amidst this war is so much love, love that’s overshadowed by duty and honor, by rage and sorrow” and in A War of Swallowed Stars, we get to see what will win: love or the complex emotions of everyone involved in this war.

Bold and bright, A War of Swallowed Stars was a stunning, gripping finale to this series. I adored the characters and their arcs, and the plot had my eyes glued to the page. I found it a beautiful ending to one of my favorite series; if you haven’t picked up the Celestial trilogy yet, I genuinely can’t recommend these books enough.

original review:

this was so beautiful and i'm in tears right now
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,482 reviews485 followers
June 8, 2021
*Source* Publisher
*Genre* Young Adult / Science Fiction
*Rating* 3.5


A War of Swallowed Stars is the third and final installment in author Sangu Mandanna's Celestial Trilogy. This book picks up immediately where A House of Rage and Sorrow finished then jumps 36 days where Titania picks up the story from Esmae. This story focuses on several key characters. Esmae Rey, Titania, and Radha. The series is inspired by the Hindu epic The Mahabharata and places it in space. Mandanna's trilogy takes the tropes of fate, love, and bargaining with the gods and shoots them to the stars. Fans of mythology and retellings will eat this up.

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*

Profile Image for USOM.
3,092 reviews286 followers
Want to read
February 18, 2020
I need this book SO MUCH! I'm going to frantically just wait until release day.
Profile Image for rachel, x.
1,791 reviews933 followers
August 10, 2022
#1) A Spark of White Fire ★★★★☆
#2) A House of Rage and Sorrow ★★★★☆

a dreadfully dull and disappointing end to an otherwise incredible series

Trigger warnings for .

Representation: Indian cast & inspired-world; Esmae (mc) is physically disabled; Radha (mc) & Sybilla (li) are lesbians; blind sc; achillean scs.

BlogTrigger Warning DatabaseStoryGraph
Profile Image for diana.
893 reviews118 followers
June 29, 2021
Review originally posted on My Bookish Escapades.

"The remaking of shattered things doesn’t happen overnight."

I knew this was going to be a quick read. But I kept putting it off knowing that I'm not ready to say goodbye to this world and its characters just yet. And eventhough it's sad and painful to see this trilogy come to an end, it's definitely one that I will not soon forget.

A War of Swallowed Stars brings everything to the table. Sangu Mandanna didn't pull any punches. This was brutal, exciting, action-packed, devastating, unforgiving, heartbreaking and will keep you turning the pages 'til 3 am. I don't want to say too much. But just know that I cried, I laughed, I swooned. I had a lot of WTF moments. And in the end? I was an emotional wreck.

I have SO MUCH LOVE for this world and its complex, flawed characters. I just want to wrap Esmae in a cocoon of safety and happiness. Max, I will forever love. Titania is still my favorite. Sybilla, I will adore endlessly. Amba I will always remember as that grouchy aunt who loves you secretly. I will miss all of them so much!

I can't imagine a more perfect end to the trilogy. Sangu Mandanna's writing is addictive, exciting, brilliant and magical. I look forward to what she has in store for us next!

PS. I need everyone to please read this trilogy and suffer with me.

“You found me,” I whisper.
His voice shudders out of him. “You found me first.”

“It reminded me of you,” Radha explains. “You know? Because it’s pretty, prickly, and hard to kill.”

"Maybe it’s not about what we deserve,” he replies. “Maybe it’s about what we need. And at the end, I think we’ll need a different girl. One made up of both rage and hope. A girl who won’t swallow the stars but will light them up instead.”

"I want to be messy, and finite, and marvelously, miraculously human."

I received an ARC via Edelweiss+ to read and review. Quoted excerpt/s may change in the final print.
Profile Image for Kal ★ Reader Voracious.
568 reviews210 followers
May 28, 2021
Time to be emotionally devastated!
EDIT: I finished and am bereft. Beautiful conclusion to a truly stunning trilogy, but Sangu Mandanna gotta pay for my therapy bills.

You can read my (kinda coherent) full review on Reader Voracious here .

- Intensely satisfying end to an epic space opera.
- Radha and the succulent!
- Titania's character development!
- Made me cry dozens of times.
- I love these characters so much, send help.
- Capricious gods meddling. Boons and tricks and love and sacrifice.
- Cycles of violence.
- Seriously, I cried so much.
- At least 100 of my 397 annotations are "NO!"

A Spark of White Fire is grossly underrated with less than 1,000 ratings on Goodreads at the time of my writing this review for the trilogy's conclusion. The series is inspired by the Hindu epic The Mahabharata and places it in space, but the trilogy is a far cry from hard science fiction. With a fast-paced and character-driven narrative, the Celestial Trilogy will suck you in, make you love the characters, bring pain upon you... and you'll beg for more. The book community has been sleeping on one of the best trilogies I've ever read in my life: now the perfect time for you to see what the fuss is about.

eARC provided by the publisher via Edelweiss for my honest review. This has not affected my opinion nor the contents of my review. Quotations are from an unfinished proof and subject to change upon final publication.

THAT COVER! THAT TITLE! Be still my bleeding heart!

Sangu shared the cover art and cover copy (synopsis) on twitter this evening and i've transcended to another plane of existence.
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Profile Image for Isabelle | Nine Tale Vixen.
2,054 reviews119 followers
December 28, 2021
★ 4.5 stars ★

I received an advance review copy from Sky Pony (Skyhorse Publishing) through Netgalley; all opinions are my own and honest. This review (and more) can also be found on my blog, Nine Tale Vixen.

content warnings:

It had been a while since I read the first and second books so I reread them in preparation for this one. That gave me perspective on all the long-term buildup, and also reinforced my tendency to get nervous about the final book in a series: Will it uphold the standards that kept me hooked on the series, and will it satisfactorily tie up all the loose ends? Will it involve a Final Battle; if it does, will I actually find it interesting? But in the case of this series, I needn’t have worried so much. (Yes and yes. Yes; surprisingly, yes!)

Mandanna maintains the engaging mix of sci-fi and fantasy that make this universe so uniquely engaging. There are so many parallels and callbacks and instances of foreshadowing throughout the entire trilogy, making it an impressively well-constructed epic. Every resolution and every revelation felt not just logically consistent with the previous books but earned. Which is to say, I literally cried through the last 10% of the book, with all the joy and grief and hope it entailed.

CONVERSION : 12.67 / 15 = 4.5 stars

Prose: 5 / 10
Characters & Relationships: 9 / 10
Emotional Impact: 9 / 10
Development / Flow: 8 / 10
Setting: 9 / 10

Diversity & Social Themes: 5 / 5
Intellectual Engagement: 4 / 5
Originality / Trope Execution: 5 / 5
Profile Image for USOM.
3,092 reviews286 followers
June 28, 2021
(Disclaimer: I received this book from Edelweiss. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)

I have been so excited for this finale book for so long. The Celestial Trilogy is an amazing series that examines family, ethics, and war. A War of Swallowed Stars delivers on the foundations Mandanna has been building from the beginning. The cuts and bruises only family knows how to dispense. All the ways that our own thirst for vengeance and power play out in the stars. Intelligent spaceships meets gods that pick sides and complex families. A War of Swallowed Stars manages to be introspective - asking questions about loyalty and love - while also being action packed.

The amount of growth and character development that has gone into this world is astounding. I have always loved the world building kernel and the ways Mandanna merges fantasy and science fiction elements. But where A War of Swallowed Stars shines is the way it highlights these character arcs. My favorite has to be Esmae's and the ways she has to realize that our quest for revenge, to fill the holes in our heart, the quench the anger, won't always lead us to a better future.

full review: https://utopia-state-of-mind.com/revi...
Profile Image for Trigger Warning Database.
13.5k reviews1,141 followers
November 2, 2024
Trigger & Content Warnings

Graphic blood & injury depiction & needles
Grief & loss depiction
Death of a brother & son
Death of a friend recounted
Murder & mass murder
Attempted infanticide recounted
Knife & sword violence
Poisoning recounted
Kidnapping & captivity
Fire recounted
War & battle scenes (theme)
Profile Image for Navdha.
609 reviews83 followers
July 19, 2022
What a ride! Loved the characters despite the world building being downright absurd. The ending felt a little rushed. Considering how many things could go wrong in this book, it kinda felt random and unnecessary to add that extra complication with but still a good end to a really quick series!
Profile Image for deah.
65 reviews52 followers
April 20, 2024
Max rey love interest of all time truly dni if you're not a thrice reincarnated god willed back to life by the death of another god with good political savvy, 3 cool dogs, craft skills, is basically a dad, and finds violent rageful fraticidal vengeance hot in a woman
Profile Image for Krisha||Bookathon.
164 reviews33 followers
April 19, 2021
This book made me weep and hurt my heart and I am never getting over it. Full review soon.

Profile Image for Marta Cox.
2,801 reviews214 followers
June 8, 2021
This completes the trilogy that fans of fantasy will be intrigued by. Yes its YA and yes it's set in space but with its meddling Gods, curses and so much anger and pain this definitely gave me fantasy vibes. I will be blunt and say it's my first book by this author so obviously having started this I felt the need to read the first book at least before finishing this and leaving this review.
A displaced Princess, exiled Princes , an embittered Queen not to mention a vengeful God made this compelling reading. The story is told from multiple points of view but each one has their own voice so it was easy to follow. As I mentioned I did download the first book because with so many characters in play I felt I needed to go back to the beginning. I loved the sentient space ship Titania and yes resourceful, Esmae was definitely my favourite character. Her choices have led the world to war but she's not alone in making mistakes. Sometimes being liked is not the most important thing but giving others a second chance just might pave the way to peace. This story of acceptance and love might have started with rage and angst but the message is clear that tomorrow is another day full of possibilities if we only try.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair
Profile Image for Rylee Stoulil.
111 reviews2 followers
April 26, 2023
Everything all nicely wrapped up 🎁 I was considering petitioning for the author to start this whole book over because certain characters are not allowed to die!!! But overall, I’m happy with the ending!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ash.
381 reviews695 followers
September 15, 2021
it's incredible how this was approved by so many people. unbelievable.
Profile Image for Caitlin G.
332 reviews44 followers
January 4, 2022
Final review: 3.5/5 Stars - Liked it!

The great beast Sorsha has been loosed upon the galaxy and is slowly devouring one star at a time. With only weeks until she reaches inhabited space, the kingdom of Kali is desperate to find a way to defeat the ancient creature. But first, they have to find Princess Esmae, missing since the battle of Arcadia. Curses and prophecies being what they are, Esmae seems to be the best hope of saving the galaxy. But even if they do find a way to defeat Sorsha, Esmae’s twin brother Alex hasn’t given up his sights on the throne, and he’s willing to bring the war to Kali itself to take it.

A WAR OF SWALLOWED STARS is the conclusion to a mythological sci-fi trilogy that I fully recommend consuming in one go. The trilogy, which began with A SPARK OF WHITE FIRE, is an intricate web of family curses, reincarnations, and more betrayals than you can shake a stick at. The curses in particular have a sizeable impact on the plot, and the author doesn’t always take the time to remind you in book three what curse was revealed in book one that caused all this drama to begin with. Thankfully, reading all three books back to back isn’t a monumental task, as each book clocks in at under 350 pages (sometimes under 300).

Reading A WAR OF SWALLOWED STARS, like its predecessors, takes a certain kind of mindset to enjoy. Inspired in part by the Indian epic the Mahabharata, this series has its own kind of narrative logic that comes from being set in a universe where gods walk among mortals and play favorites. Expect plenty of dramatic declarations and curses, as well as some literal deus ex machinas. It’s the kind of story where, the fate of a kingdom can hang on a single arrow shot, where revenge comes from a reincarnated person avenging wrongs in their past life. And even though characters have vowed each other’s destruction, they’ll frequently find themselves in the same room to hash out family drama.

For the most part, this works, in part because the author has done a fairly good job of fleshing out the emotional beats between all the posturing. In this final installment, Esmae both faces her own flaws and grief, as well as calling out others who keep trying to blame her for their own choices. Occasionally the emotional beats felt slightly repetitive, but not enough to truly hamper my overall enjoyment.

THE CELESTIAL TRILOGY is an exciting mashup that happens all too rarely, where gods and magic don’t disappear simply because humanity has discovered space flight. With epic tragedy, talking spaceships, and star-swallowing monsters, A WAR OF SWALLOWED STARS is a great conclusion to this unique spin on Indian mythology.

Note: I was provided a free ARC by the publisher in exchange for my fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Leigh Kramer.
Author 1 book1,352 followers
July 5, 2021
I have been on pins and needles waiting to see how this YA space opera trilogy would resolve. While I haven’t yet read The Mahabharata (I decided to hold off until the trilogy ended), I know that it does end not well for the characters involved and I’ve been worried about what that would mean for Esmae, Max, and their crew in this retelling.

Well. Let me tell you it was worth the wait. I don’t want to spoil one thing about how everything unfolded but I will say I’m impressed with how Mandanna let characters evolve and how she explored the notion of hope in the face of hopelessness and the tradeoffs we make. Esmae’s growth throughout the trilogy was a marvel to behold. I didn’t always know if she’d get there but I always enjoyed watching her figure it all out.

I adore the secondary characters (except for that awful mother and her general, of course.) Titania’s evolution as a sentient spaceship was particularly fun and unexpected. I got a kick out of her character glossary at the beginning. There’s also a great secondary FF love story, which was lovely to see. The alliances continued to shift and change and I loved what this revealed about everyone and what truly mattered. Plus, there are all the gods and what Amba makes of life as a mortal.

Then there was Esmae and Max’s relationship. This gave me so many feels! I cannot say enough good things about this trilogy. Highly recommended. I can’t wait to see what Mandanna writes next.


Disclosure: I received an ARC from Sky Pony in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for debchan.
353 reviews19 followers
December 16, 2021
the way i started hating this series and gave the first book 2 stars... to being way more interested in the second book with 4 stars (plus loving the short story prequel!!)

and now? this book is one of the best ones i've read this year.

the plot came full circle and i absolutely love when books do that bc it makes the reading experience much more satisfying. this picks up right after the last book ended and it took us down some interesting pathways. i also enjoyed reading from different characters' POVs. and speaking of, these characters were *chef's kiss*

esmae rey: our queen. she really be out there excelling at life in the most stupidest ways. esmae has had to fight her whole life to get the things she wants and she is ferocious, unrelenting, and extremely determined to get that. she literally throws herself at the problem to solve it with force. when that doesn't work? she uses her big brain to solve problems and come up with a solution that doesn't usually depend on the hate that usually fuels her. she's a character that loves her friends, laughs with them, fights with them, but most importantly, fights for them. while she has a fierce rage that she must keep in check, she also has incredible compassion and a love for her people and even for her enemies. i can't believe i hated esmae in book 1 because i thought she was boring and naive. while that may have been true in book 1, it was also totally understandable. in the rest of the series, though, she is hardened and learns from her mistakes (sometimes). what an amazing main character to read about!

max rey: i wanted to do alexi first but i'll do a short one for max. the character reveal in book 2 was shocking. in this book, it takes that reveal to the next level. he's mostly a sweet guy, someone who supports esmae in all her crazy endeavors, but when push comes to shove, max pulled out his big guns to do whatever it takes for esmae. i'm still not crazy about the whole cousin thing (even if he's adopted I KNOW) but i think i can get past it since esmae/max scream power couple and they're actually one of the best romance stories i've read.

alexi rey: i don't know what to say about him. he really did that. so i loved alexi in book 1 because who doesn't love a golden-boy-turned-villain. and then we read book 2 and we see that maybe he's just as confused and lost as esmae. he makes the same constant mistake because his heart falls time and time again for those he trusts. we get a glimpse that maybe the facade is cracking and maybe he just wants to live peacefully with his family (and boyfriend? not sure what kirrin is). in book 3, though, he cracks. like a geode, he reveals all those interesting and bright aspects of his life and personality. unfortunately, there isn't much to say without spoilers so . my favorite character of the series and i wish we got a POV for him. maybe a short story? pls.

tatiana: this ship! so capable, so powerful. i love her human characteristics even if she is a machine. she manages to hold such love for her friends and that makes me want to give her a hug. her ending was deserved.

amba: i had to add her because of what she did at the end of book 2. her sacrifice, her constant love for esmae? we loved it. she was the mother esmae never had.

kirrin: blue boy. just like alex, he messed up a lot. but he did it for love and i am glad that .

sybilla and radha: these two!! can we also appreciate these names are so pretty. their competency was unmatched, honestly just give us a short story about their daily lives because it is so satisfying. also the way their relationship developed was amazing. radha is the sweetest ever and she may feel guilty about certain things, but honestly she really just loves too hard and tries her hardest. sybilla is a prickly cactus who is terrifying and yet amazing at the same time. she does not hesitate to strike anyone down to fight for her friends and it shows because i adored her friendship with esmae.

kyra and leila: unpopular opinion but i loved these two as well. we have a powerful queen who struggled to find her place. she was so strong, considering the background we got from her short story as well. no matter what, she stayed constant and unafraid to do what was necessary to get what she wanted. she may not be the best mother, but she definitely was an amazing character, queen, and example of what we all fear and love at the same time. plus leila? this woman? even more terrifying. she was a war general, the most trusted friend of kyra and also we have an amazing background for her and kyra as well. she wasn't incredibly huge, but i loved every role she had. i would love so many more kyra/leila interactions. honestly i feel as if they could get things done (especially if there were no children getting in the way).

i adored every other character as well: rickhard, bear, rada, guinne/elvar etc. what i really loved about this plot, though, was the fact that it was undeniably human. grievances of many years ago and wrongdoings trickled down through generations until it was a full-out galactic war between family members, even twins. there were so many layers of trickery and deceit, yet what shined throughout this whole series was forgiveness, love, and hope. i won't say too much more on that, but just know that the ending was everything i needed. i really enjoyed reading this series and i may change my rating for book 1 or i could be completely honest about how it made me feel upon first read.

anyways, incredible series with a huge cast of real and dynamic characters, a plot that spans generations and deals with the ugly and beautiful side of humanity, and some of the most interesting (but not best, unfortunately) storytelling i've ever read.
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