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My name is Kaliya Sahni. Obsession is a part of who I am. It’s a fatal character flaw I have a hard time overcoming. Before Raphael, before the mysteries surrounding him, I had another obsession.

Who killed my family and why? Who wants my people extinct? I might finally have a chance to find the answers to those questions that have plagued me for over a century. Questions that have kept me up at night and ruined my friendships. That have woken me up, screaming as the nightmares haunted me.

But it would be too easy to just walk away from a man like Raphael and he’s not ready for me to walk out of his life completely. A mate like no other, a cambion of great power, and an intelligent man who knows me too well, he figures out exactly how to pull me back in. Others have taken notice of the connection between us. Even my own people are asking about my relationship with the Warlord of the cambions and it scares me to think who else might see what's brewing between us.

Desert storms wash the world away and leave it reborn…
And a storm is coming for me.

378 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 15, 2021

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About the author

K.N. Banet

27 books634 followers
Author of the Jacky Leon series, Kaliya Sahni series, and Everly Abbott series, along with standalones that belong in the same world as all of them!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 118 reviews
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,225 reviews1,995 followers
October 14, 2021
It's a UF series, so definitely read in order. There's a bit of cross-over with the Jacky Leon series by the same author, but very little and nothing vital.

I hesitated going on to this one because of Kaliya's self-loathing and unilateral decision making that amounts to romantic manipulation. "Doing it for his own good" doesn't sit well with me. But I felt like that had about reached its limit in that book and hoped that they'd get over it soon. I hoped so, anyway. Fortunately, that panned out.

Better, Banet managed to alleviate it by letting Kaliya's fears manifest. I won't go into details, but big things happen in this story with a giant culmination and accompanying confrontations. Which means we also have a fast pace and gripping plot along with the romantic developments. But what I really liked is that Banet let all that happen in a really deep way that didn't magically fix their relationship and let it be smooth sailing. Kaliya is a bit broken. So is Raphael. And while the damage is brought to light, here, there aren't easy answers so much as there's a simple resolution to try taking them on together. Just like they're taking on the supernatural challenges together.

So what I'm saying is, it's pretty awesome. Easily five stars worth of awesome. Plus, we're pretty well setup for a final resolution in the next story. I really hope that Banet doesn't draw it out too long, but I trust her to get the story right (i.e. even if she does draw it out, it won't be cheap or manipulative. Probably).

A note about Steamy: There's a single explicit sex scene. It isn't very long, but it was very necessary. So this is the low end of my steam tolerance and I thought was very well done.
Profile Image for Ian.
1,403 reviews185 followers
August 26, 2021
After rescuing the cambions (half demons) in book 3, Kaliya took the difficult decision to distance herself from them knowing that her enemies would attack them to get to her. But things are never easy and she has been asked to train them in combat so they can protect themselves from those who see them as an abomination.

And her enemies are circling.

Reborn is a great instalment of Kaliya and Raphael's story. They move ever closer to their enemies, only to discover that their enemies were never all that far.
Profile Image for Lydia.
393 reviews4 followers
June 16, 2021

This one was unbelievably good! I don’t want to give much away, but Kaliya gets way more bada** in this book, and I’m living for it! I’m so excited to get more into her background too! Another thing I loved about this installment, and really Kaliya’s heritage in general, is the authenticity to her Indian heritage. I loved how it came to fruition in this one, and I’m excited to see Rafael and her there in the next!
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,986 reviews261 followers
August 29, 2024
Look, I really love this series and world but there were some things in this book that pissed me off.

The mystery and conspiracy of this series is so compelling I need to keep reading to figure out what's going on. But Kaliya hides and lies to her mate to "protect him" from her enemies. Her enemies almost kill him and if she had not been hiding from him, he would have had a better chance.

I was also horrified by Raphael hurting Kaliya for a very trivial "look, Ma" moment. It was not okay.

Finally, Kaliya's friends are very codependent and pushy. It's all very well and good in this fictional setting for folks to have an intervention but I'm not sure I believe in them in real life.

But, I was pulled in and loved this and will keep going. But these aren't my favorite characters even tho I also love them.
Profile Image for Cee.
2,907 reviews154 followers
July 6, 2024
DNF 5%/1 chapter

I've been putting off reading this book for weeks because I dislike Kaliya's self-destructive tendencies that she never grows from. This first chapter + prologue is suuuuch an example of that. She's supposed to be smart and deadly, but she really isn't. Cassius is her friend, but is honestly more like her keeper.

Also, the writing. I am getting so annoyed at the yelling then whispering. How tf does someone whisper to someone else from across the room AND WHY ARE YOU WHISPERING?!?! I'd take softly, menacingly, or angrily said/stated/rasped/hissed, but whispered??? Again, I've only read the prologue and 1 chapter -- out of 17 pages "whisper/ed" has been used 4 times. Whispering in regular conversation... sure this might not be a big deal, but I keep seeing it and I can't stop seeing it and now I'm bothered by it -_-"

The story itself? Executioner out for revenge against the people who slaughtered her family while trying to ignore her fated mate to keep him safe from enemies? Sure still great. But the characters and the writing are destroying it for me and I have been trying so hard to push through. UGH I love Jacky and have been doing a good job ignoring the whispering *rolls eyes* but I'm honestly not sure if I'll continue that series either.
Profile Image for Miranda F..
Author 3 books17 followers
June 16, 2021

K.N. Banet is an auto-buy for me (yes, even though they're on KU, I buy them!), and with all the books she's releasing in the Tribunal Universe, I'm in heaven.

Reborn is book 4 in Kaliya Sahni's story, and although some time passes between book 3 and book 4, it's important to read the Kaliya series in order to understand the intricacies of the universe and the magnitude of the evil she's facing. She's one of the very last snake shifters in a complex paranormal world of fae, shifters, vampires, demons, and more.

The end of book 3 broke my heart. I don't know how many times I've reread the last 3rd of that book, but it's a LOT. I am SO GRATEFUL that K.N. Banet resolved my misery relatively quickly in this book, though as usual, it was INTENSE. I kept thinking about going to sleep, because I was reading late at night, but this is Kaliya Sahni! There is no sleep when she's around, kicking major booty and taking names.

Plus, we've got Cassius, Sorcha, Raphael, and a host of new Cambion characters to love. Book 5 comes out in November, people! GET READY!
Profile Image for Katyana.
1,684 reviews261 followers
April 7, 2022
I still don't like her. To be honest, I'm not sure she's redeemable. And the first half of this book was a fucking slog through her bullshit.

The amazing ego and entitlement of a character deciding to withhold info from someone they care about, to "protect" them, will never be tolerable to me. It is an astonishing level of selfishness, and the fact that those characters nearly always believe they are being a self-sacrificing martyr makes it a particularly awful shit sandwich.

But the plot of this book, despite the shitty FMC, was so good I couldn't bear to give it less than 4 stars. This despite the super paranoid FMC being TSTL about the obvious bad guy.

But this book also introduced another character I hate: Sammy. Frankly, she should be executed immediately, because she has now nearly killed two members of the supe community in a fit of temper, and people are already so prejudiced about the cambions' demonic nature that she's going to confirm their worst fears and get all her people executed.

I will say, though, that I did have a bit of sympathy for Kaliya in a single respect: being proven right about something that has gotten you labeled crazy and paranoid for a century...that's rough. Being disregarded by the people who love you best, that hurts. So, some empathy there, definitely.

And the other reason I feel comfortable with 4 stars is that once we were on the other side of the bullshit, I really liked Kaliya and Raphael as a team. They make good partners. Good enough partners that I hope she's done with lies and selfishly making decisions for Raphael.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for TJ.
3,083 reviews226 followers
February 8, 2022

The star rating for this book, for me, is split right down the middle. The first half of the book would be a 2 star, the second half a 5 star. Yep, that disparate! For good reasons, though.

The first half: The idiocy of Kaliya not only continues from book three but ramps up to tear-the-hair-out-scream-at-the-author levels. She is not only cold and stand-offish with the man she loves and who loves her more than the world, she actually lies about it to both him and those she is trying to establish relationships with. *eye-rolling sigh*

The second half: Although it is because of reasons beyond her stupid self, the problem is taken out of Kaliya’s hands and resolved. At least at this point she is required to pull her head out and deal with the fact that she has a mate who she loves. And, in doing so, we get to see the two of them begin to work together to figure things out - both in the personal relationship side and with all the dangerous world problems that both need to deal with.

It is at that point, however, that the book (and the series IMHO) really begins to shine. The intrigue and action are a top-notch, page-turning, joyous addiction. And (FINALLY) we get to see Kaliya begin to confront all the fears and facts that have made her a mess to this point. LOVED ever single minute!!

Profile Image for Heather Gilbert.
1,684 reviews80 followers
June 17, 2021
What's in a name?

That question resounded loudly in my mind as I read 'Reborn', falling into the drama as Raph and Kaliya navigate a relationship that is/isn't - but really, really SHOULD be. I love Kaliya, with her beautiful brokenness and her fierce determination to protect those that she loves, even if they, themselves, do not see the danger. Dismissed and called obsessive for far too long, Kaliya's fears are brought to the forefront in book 4, leading all of us down a path that may just see the destruction of TWO supernatural races.

I have enjoyed Rapheal in the previous novels, but I felt he really shone in this one. He found himself while taking on the mantel of leadership, which allowed his character to be fleshed out fully, becoming a suitable protagonist instead of the accessory he almost felt like before. His story has always been important, pivotal even, yet there was a sparseness to his depiction that left him a bit hollow - something that almost seems deliberate now, looking back at the first 3 books, knowing what Raph is to become.

I am eager to see where this amazing cast of characters land, and what new sites we'll see when Book 5 ventures back to where it all began.
Profile Image for Krista.
1,015 reviews27 followers
November 4, 2021
I just found out that there will be 6 books and not the 5 that I thought. Oh, well, waiting again.

This one picks up a few months after the break-up and Kal is obsessed with finding out the killers. Dom has spent time trying to build his community and we get to meet the Cambion family. Kal has her hands full after she agrees to train them on self-defense. Dom is trying to win her back but she see's what is happening.

What NONE of us see coming is the twist with the Rakshasa (sp?) stalker. And the forced mating that no one is happy about. And the after-math. Sigh. Nothing gets sweet or tender between the 2 MC's does it? I for one would like more clarity on this- do Cambion's only have 1 mate? It was kind of assumed but I want to know dammit.

A snake and a cambion, what was I thinking? Of course not. Waiting on book 5 now :)
Profile Image for Rhiannon Chillingworth.
811 reviews197 followers
June 15, 2021
I'd give this 10 stars if I could!

Kristen is among a handfuls of authors I would just instantly read anything they wrote, regardless of genre. However, Urban Fantasy is my favourite genre so I just absolutely adore the Tribunal series. Luckily, this book did not disappoint. I think it was probably my favourite.

As I'm sure many people were I was left at the end of the last book wanting to scream into a pillow at Kaliyna's stubborness and also so sad at how damaged she clearly is. When this book begins we see her at a really low point. I loved the way this was dealt with. After some intervention from Cassius and Sorcha, Kaliyna takes a job that put her right back into interacting with Raph, the man she's trying so hard to push away, as she thinks it's the only way to save him.

I don't wnat to reveal anymore, because this book is an absolute whirlwind of amazing stuff happening, but I was utterly hooked.

I am also pleased to reveal that those disappointed in the direction things went between Kaliyna and Raph will be rather pleased by the end of this book!

If you haven't read this book yet - why the hell not? Go read it now, or go to the beginning of the series!
Profile Image for Snarktastic Sonja.
546 reviews62 followers
July 22, 2021
Another delightful installment in Kaliya's story. This one 'fixes' everything that broke in the last book and it is an enjoyable ride. I love the friendships and the relationships that are developed in this series and even though it is in the same world, the feel of the series is quite different from Jacky Leon and wonderful in its own right. Highly recommend both series.
Profile Image for No.
1,068 reviews4 followers
August 22, 2021
I love how the author wrote Kaliyah so much into a corner, ignoring and refusing to mate, that she had to come up with a plot device to move that bit along. That sort of lazy writing always annoyed me.

I’m also annoyed that the author keeps explaining things that don’t need explaining. Like earlier with the color of the medical bag or why she’d need to use a USB to save files. This is book 4. Why is there sentences like: “I knew a lot about nagas. They were my people. I was one of them.”
I really don’t understand the reasoning behind it. It’s not world building because the important things that need explaining (like the revelations in ch. 32) aren’t actually explained that well and are just confusing.
Is it because she *knows* what a letter opener does that it makes it easier to describe? Which, consequently, would mean that she doesn’t know the world that she’s writing about which makes it confusing for her to explain?
I used a small letter opener, so I didn’t risk tearing the letter inside.

I'm really getting annoyed at all the simple explanations on details that don't need it while she [the author] allows the sections that DO need to languish.

oh well.
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.7k reviews518 followers
July 1, 2021
Wow...there was a lot going on in this one, a lot that changes Kaliya's life on so many levels and when the changes come, they come fast. It almost felt like there were 2 parts to the book, the first where Kaliya comes out of her whole, forced actually, by Cassius and Sorcha, and gets back to living. Helping Raphael and the other Cambions. Then bam! Things really pick up, coming fast and furious at Kaliya. She realizes she is vulnerable, she is forced into a situation she was trying hard to avoid, ends up making the best of the situation, realizes how long her enemies were coming after her, realizes her enemies were a little closer to home that she or anyone ever thought and found out her mother hid something huge from her. So many changes, but Kaliya does the best with them at every turn and has the support of her friends. I look forward to see how Kaliya adjusts to her new life in the next book.
Profile Image for Aimee.
325 reviews3 followers
June 16, 2021
Amazing book. Kaylia is probably my top or one of my top favourite characters ever. Just that brokenness about her? Urg. I feel that girl. I really enjoyed this next chapter in the journey I feel like they went THROUGH it. It was tough. Bit slow going at first but I couldn’t put it down. And once we got to the first action drama the pace kept building and building.

I think Raphael’s growth was so interesting in this book, now he has his memories back with him. I did get that sort of uncertainty from him in that last part but i think that’s just the nature of the situation.

Speaking of growth it was interesting to changes in Kaliya, after that *specific* thing. I don’t want to *spoilers* it. She was super on edge and anxious at the start and I wonder if we’re going to have to deal with some of the mental health issues here going forward? Might be a good real life parallel moment? I did really enjoy how both Raph and Kaliya did have that moment of acknowledging shit things they did to each other, that was nice. That was wholesome. That felt like a beautiful moment of journeying forward.

One of my favourite things about this series is we keep digging and getting more answers but also for every answer I have like three questions and dang has Banet really started to play on my trust issues. Girl. Excuse me? Woah.

Did feel like this was a bit shorter this time round but I wonder if that is because the last book from K N Banet was the final Age of Andinna. I just wanted MORE.
Profile Image for TipseyBookReviews.
1,427 reviews50 followers
June 27, 2021
Kaliya is kind of an a obsessive mess and determined to find the raksasha who killed her parents and also pushing away her feelings after breaking up with Raphael. I loved seeing her have to deal with her feelings and also how her friends help and support her in their own ways. It’s hard to talk about what all happens with out spoilers, so I’ll just say that I loved the progression in this book and finding out more about Kaliya, the Nagas,and her past. I also loved Raphael and the cambions and seeing Raphael integrate his past with who he is now. Kaliya and Raphael aren’t perfect, but I do like how they are there for each other and deal with what happens. I can’t wait to see what happens in book 4 when Kaliya returns home :)
June 20, 2021
This book will give you an emotional beating!

This is the 4th book in the amazing Kaliya Sahni series. All the emotional baggage and trauma these characters are going/have gone through is INTENSE. There are only two books left to answer all the questions left unanswered. I have no idea how this is going to end, but I'm excited to find out.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy (ARC) of this book.
Profile Image for A..
26 reviews9 followers
June 16, 2021
I love this series and I love the world I am always looking forward to the next book and this one did not disappoint! lovely continuation into Kaliya's life and I just hope we find out more!
Profile Image for Noemi.
1,218 reviews
April 20, 2022
I don't know how I can wait 4 months until the next book is out. The mystery surrounding Raphael has finally been resolved, but now it's Kaliya's turn to figure out who is out to get her. The enemy of her family and of her species has made its first appearance, and she figured out the betrayal of someone whom she almost considered a friend. Moreover, the relationship of Kaliya and Raphael takes an unexpected turn because of Kaliya's enemy.

I need to read the next book ASAP!
Profile Image for Kristine.
2,976 reviews38 followers
October 26, 2021
FINALLY!!! Do we get all of the answers? No, not even close, but we finally get some resolution on some things that we have been waiting for this entire series!! (No spoilers) Am I happy....you bet I am. Of course, that is after our moody female MC gets over herself......

There is a lot of running around in this book. I'll admit that sometimes it felt like they were running in circles, yet we are finally getting some real answers....and some REAL progress. The audio version of this book was not yet out, so this book was one that I read in the print version. I think I read that the next book - Book 5 - is coming out in a few weeks.

Am I going to be continuing with this....?

Of course :)
Profile Image for Emily Eck.
Author 8 books114 followers
June 15, 2021
I read this book in a day. I really should have drawn it out longer.

There are two things I love about Reborn. One is that Kaliya is strong and deadly, but not mouthy or impetuous. In many books, the supposed strength of the heroine is based on their willingness to curse out anyone and everyone and not knowing when to shut up. Kaliya doesn’t need to do any of that as she has built a reputation with her actions and we see people treat her with respect (or fear) based on those actions throughout the series. She can be blunt and direct without being childishly reactive. Her actions are usually planned and each detail has purpose. In Reborn, we see her losing that tight grip on control of the world around her while still maintaining control of herself (even is she thinks she may be spiraling out).

Second, I love that Reborn moves. This is a characteristic that keeps me coming back to Banet’s books. I’m looking for action, not page upon page in inner monologue. Sometimes, inner monologue can move a story along, but that’s rarely my preference. There is never a dull moment in Reborn. Kaliya tries for the bulk of the book to get a moment to process. If you’ve made it this far in the series, then you know that Kaliya’s life is far from boring.

The cambions become stronger characters in Reborn. We get to meet them and see some of their personalities. Banet does a great job of creating an ensemble cast and introducing them slowly so the reader isn’t overwhelmed with learning lots of people all at once.

There are still loose ends in Reborn. There are mysteries to work out that will keep the reader engaged as well as a growing mythology that is fun to unravel. I surely want answers still! The book ends in a HPN place, though. (I just learned Happy For Now, btw.)

You’ve made it this far so you know Banet’s series don’t let up. Whatever kept you coming back four books deep to Kaliya is still there. Banet continues to deliver in Reborn. AND Sorcha’s background just keeps getting more and more interesting. That bitch got secrets, yo!
Profile Image for Ellen Legros.
13 reviews1 follower
June 14, 2021
I received an Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for my honest review.

I was thrilled to get this book early, since it is by one of my favorite authors. Of all the characters that this author writes, Kaliya is probably the most difficult for me to relate to. She is obsessive, secretive, and paranoid, and, as a result, she is sometimes a little difficult to love. This book shed some light on why and how Kaliya came to this state, and explored the truth about her paranoid behavior. By the end of the book, I feel like she is much more relatable, both to the reader and to other characters. She no longer sees herself as broken. I like the internal work she does on her own self image; I feel like her acceptance of herself made it easier for me to accept and love her. I also liked that Raphael has continued to work on integrating his experiences and becoming a functional leader. Their interactions were thoughtful and deliberate, and each was able to better accept the other by the end.

The plot was fast paced and very satisfying. Each new piece of information about the characters, both major and minor, helped create depth in the story. As in life, so in this book: things are complicated and messy and not always clear cut. I like the deepening friendships and support system that is falling into place and cannot wait to see where the new book is heading.

Overall, this was a very satisfying continuation to Kaliya’s story. There was enough mystery to keep me reading late into the night, but enough information given to satisfy my curiosity; there was enough growth and development of characters to entertain me, yet the characters never felt like they were untrue to themselves. Definitely worth the read.
Profile Image for Lumturia.
11 reviews1 follower
June 16, 2021
That was a first-class emotional ride. Monsters was all about Raphael's mystery, but we got first row view of Kaliya's struggle. Reborn gives us not only this struggle, but also so much more. Kaliya and Raphael's relationship was, let's say put on hold and now it's time to move again and it evolves beautifully. First person POV is always tricky because it's so easy to make the protagonist annoying mess. Well, Kaliya is a mess. But heartbreakingkly beautiful mess. She makes mistakes, is too stuborn for her own good, and so, so afraid, but at the same time incredibly self-aware. So many good and so many bad things happen in this book that force both characters to talk and I loved how some issues just couldn't be resolved with one conversation. Everyting takes time and as emotions and problems run very, very deep nothing is simple. The only thing I'd love even more is to have more of Raphael's POV, but all in all Kaliya's thoughts are so fascinating and being in her head is simply enough.

Monsters let us sneak a peek into Kaliya's past and Reborn opens that heavy secret door even wider. Mystery is still on-going but we get some big relevations in this book. Everything makes so much sense now and I can't wait to read the next book in the series that promises so many delicious things.

The pace in this book was very good and I really liked that there was time and place for everything: action, deep and emotional converations between the protagonists and also good humour. The reader also gets to know new characters a little bit and they seem very promising indeed.

In conclusion, Reborn delivers and I think that the next book will be even better.

ARC in exchange for the honest review.
Profile Image for Kristi Gladden.
51 reviews1 follower
June 16, 2021
What's not to love? A kick-ass heroine who is mature enough not to rush headlong into decisions or moves.....unfortunately they seem to find her, whether she is ready or not. However, with Kaliya on the case, she ends up living through the experience, along with her cohorts, although in ways she would, and could, ever have imagined. "What's in a name?" (Shakespeare) - well, Kaliya is about to find out, along with Raphael who we know she won't be able to get rid of, no matter how hard she tries to "keep him safe by ignoring him". How well has that ever worked out for any strong heroine who falls in love/finds her mate and avoids him? What's that saying about the harder you run....?????
I am not the kind of reviewer who give away too much of the plot in a review, because all of you wonderful people who are about to read this "roller-coaster of a ride" book deserve to experience it all on your own. Even having read all of Kaliya's previous books (obv), I wasn't any more prepared than SHE was when this story takes a crazy turn and opens up so many possibilities for the future as well as creating more questions. Even as Kaliya finally finds the "person" for whom she has been searching all of her life and who she thought would finally give her some sense of peace in her life.......well, that didn't go quite as planned....but lucky for us, that means more books with Kaliya, Raphael, and Cassius and Sorcha (who play more of a background support role in this book). The heat between her and Raphael is off the charts, as well as the new powers that seem to be emerging......
Profile Image for Marsha.
3,034 reviews55 followers
June 17, 2021
It’s great to be back in the world of Kaliya Sahni. In “Reborn” we find a very alone and desperate Kaliya. She is desperate for answers as to his responsible for her family’s death and she needs to find the Rakshara she met in the lab. In the four months since she rescued the Cambions, broke up with Raphael she just sits at home doing computer searches and struggling for answers that just aren’t there.

Kaliya’s friends, Cassius and Sorscha stage an intervention. The make her shower and dress while they get Brownies to clean her place all while they take her out to eat. When they arrive at the restaurant a surprise guest joins them. It is Raphael. He hires Kaliya to train his Cambions in self defense, attack and security. They pretend to be unmoved by each other.

Meanwhile one of the Cambions, Sammy, makes it clear she does not like or respect Kaliya. Kaliya has to teach her a hard earned lesson in humility. Once Kaliya discovers what is bugging Sammy they work to find a comfortable peace.

Kaliya’s enemies finally show themselves and she will be in the biggest battle of her life. She will also have to deal with re-emerging memories of a former life but these dreams will help her face her future. There is so much at stake and if she is to survive she will have to rely upon her friends and mate.

“Reborn” has a fast moving pace, plenty of action and tense moments. I gobbled it down in one sitting. Before I even finished the read I preordered the next installment because this was that good. This is a no brainer. Pick up this series and get ready for some intense fun!
Profile Image for Tracy Kaufman.
171 reviews4 followers
June 21, 2021
Ok, where to start? Full disclosure: I received this book for an honest review. I also am not going to talk about the story line, most other reviewers do that. Number 4 did not disappoint! Another reviewer felt there was some predictability; not sure I agree. There was a scene where Kaliya was meeting up with Raphael and I was sure it was going to go one way (because authors love to draw out the misunderstandings between love interests to the point I want to scream). K.N. did not. I also am enjoying the evolution of Kaliya. She is the definition of obsessive, blunt, and loyal. She understand this about herself but has been caught up in the cycle since the death of her family. The allies the betrayers had me on the edge of my seat. Did not see one of them coming. Which I should have, there were clues.
Raphael is a strong complement to her personality. I also enjoyed the fact that when he was pissed at her he did not hold back. This series is a great back drop for the Jacky Leon series. I love how they intertwine a bit, but have their own world. The other thing that I love about this, we met some new Cambion characters. Sammy is going to be interesting. I cannot wait for the next one; Kaliya has a lot more to share along with the Cambions.
10 reviews8 followers
June 15, 2021
Kaliya and Raphael have been on a terrifying, wondrous journey but let me tell you… shit hits the fan. In this installment of the Kaliya Sahni journey, many secrets and lies are revealed - Kaliya and Raphael come close to dying once the biggest secret is unveiled. This series begins with everyone thinking Kaliya is insane and paranoid as she unravels the mystery behind the Naga’s deaths and disappearances, regardless of how cold the case gets; but, no one thinks she’s either now. In this book, Kaliya becomes the one thing she needs to be in order to have the strength to solve the questions and mete out justice. She is, after all, an Assassin and Executioner.

After trying as hard as possible not to give up any spoilers, I need to fan girl. I have been utterly captivated by this series from the first book. It always feels like the current or most recent book is my favorite in the series but I think that goes to shows K.N. Banet’s prowess and genius. Every plot or subplot is designed to slowly coax you into the rabbit hole of her elaborate books so you don’t even recognize that you’ve turned into an addict for her words. Brava, you masterful author, brava!
Profile Image for Jennifer S.
73 reviews1 follower
June 26, 2021
Great continuation

Again, for those who aren’t aware, this series is set in the same world as the Jacky Leon series, which is amazing as well. If you haven’t started either series yet I suggest starting with Jacky and then coming to Kaliya because I feel like you’re introduced to most of the characters with Jacky but then get to see different sides of some of those characters with Kaliya. Anyway, back to this current read. I loved it. The previous book left us a little heartbroken but all I can say is that it gets better. As other readers have pointed out, Kaliya is a bit obsessive and her personality is a bit darker than most but I love that about her. Not everybody is easy to love, but it doesn’t make them any less deserving of it. Raphael is probably my favorite though. He’s flawed as well but he doesn’t take any flack from Kaliya and I love that because again, Kaliya is a big personality and a lot to handle. This series has everything. Romance, depth, action, and unique world building. This was just another great read and I regret nothing.
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370 reviews3 followers
October 5, 2023
Well I am doing something that I have not done in years or that often. I am not continuing with this series. I have tried SO hard to put up with Kaliya's crap but I just can't take it anymore. She is the WORST character I have come across in years. She is unredeemable. I only continued passed book one in the hopes she gets better & to see more of Cassius but it is not enough anymore to warrant the frustration & hatred I have for Kaliya. She has not one good quality, not one. I cannot even stand the Naga race. It is a stupid, selfish, cruel & petty species that personally I have no argument against them going extinct, they bloody deserve it with their moronic & selfish culture.
Raphael is to much of a "yes dear, of course dear" person with Kaliya, he has no real substance to him, which is a shame because the Cambion species is interesting.

I am still obsessed with the Tribunal World and will continue with the Jacky Leon & Everly Abbott series and any new series in that world. But I will not be continuing with this series for my own sanity.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 118 reviews

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