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엔젤릭 레이디 1 [Angelic Lady 1]

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안젤라는 나의 소중한 친구였다.
가족보다 그녀를 소중히 여겼고, 수도 사교계의 꽃으로 만들어주었다.

하지만 내게 돌아온 건 배신이었다.

황태자비가 되기 위해 벨체터 후작가에서 반역을 도모하고 있다며 나의 가문을 팔아넘겼고,
내 약혼자마저 그녀에게로 떠나갔다.

하지만 단두대 아래서 죽음을 맞이하려던 그 순간,

난 안젤라와 처음 만났던 시절로 돌아와 있었다.

이번에는 내가 그녀의 인생을 망가뜨리려 한다.

네가 말했듯 나도 네가 불행해졌으면 좋겠어.


First published November 30, 2020

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 reviews
Profile Image for Selenita.
395 reviews4 followers
March 25, 2022
La nota serían 2'5. Es la típica historia de chica que vuelva atrás en el tiempo justo antes de morir y trata de vengarse de la persona que la engañó y utilizó cambiando el pasado. No tiene nada reseñable al respecto que la distinga de todas las demás historias iguales, a parte de que hay una justificación para el regreso en el tiempo en lugar de pasar porque sí. Pero por lo demás es tópico y no tiene interés porque Jaiza se sale con la suya con demasiada facilidad, hasta el punto de que te preguntas cómo es posible que la villana, Ángela, triunfara antes siendo tan tonta.
Profile Image for penta.
343 reviews83 followers
January 27, 2024
I re-read the entire thing since the whole first season is out now (and it's unnecessary long too). I admit, it wasn't as boring as I remembered - probably due to reading too many isekais in the row - but it's still pretty bad. Worse than bad. The art is awful, especially the fashion - and did I mention we already had like three different plot points about fashion? Yeah. The characters start to look slightly better in the more recent chapters, but I can only guess how someone drawing like a high school junior even got the job in the first place. The assets are used so lazily that no one even bothers to make them look like party of the picture.

And the story... The story is especially stupid and bad. It brings no satisfaction to read about the revenge, when you're fighting with someone who is basically too stupid to do *anything* besides being petty. Everything in the world bends over to serve the main character, who is supposed to be smart but is so damn stupid whenever something out of her experience from the previous life appears.

The bunny is still absurdly cute, tho.
Profile Image for Clark.
299 reviews8 followers
July 29, 2024
Absolutely fabulous! One of my favourite manhwas from now on. Jaina is marvelous and she had a goal and stuck to it! She manipulated her antagonist to perfection!

I love the art style and all the clothes! My only critique was that they all looked so young, like 12 year olds playing as adults. I wish the illustrator made them look a bit more mature by maybe making the men larger in girth and the females have thicker makeup and developed bodies.

Snowberry is so cute and I love all the scenes where he was in it. I also loved the dynamic of Jaina and Anna, a master and her very faithful servant.

Just one thing though. Although I was happy that Jaina ended up with Prince Dane and eventually became the empress after marrying him, I felt kind of sad for Kassel. After all, Jaina figured out that he was only acting that way in the past because of Angela's love potion. I wish he ended up with someone else. You know, just so the readers know that he eventually became okay after his heartbreak.

I loved that Angela was beheaded in the end. Although I would have been happy if she was severely tortured first before she died. Maybe it would have been nice if Jaina poured acid on her beautiful face, to show that even her beauty had deserted her before she died.

Anyway, loved every moment of it. Not a dull moment.
1,069 reviews7 followers
July 22, 2022
@Ch 93
This one is strangely hard to get into. While the main thrust is on point for the time-travel revenge genre; there is a lot of repetition in the weekly releases. Artwork is recycled as are the story elements. There are also a few missing panels and vague translations which add to some confusion about what is happening. The rabbit is fun and I wish I knew more about the world building--but I am not sure I'll revisit this one as it continues to release.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for K..
1,083 reviews76 followers
September 5, 2022
The story was pretty entertaining, with the same plotholes as usual - but the art was pretty mid in comparison to others in the same genre. How am I supposed to take a ML seriously as a romantic partner for the FL when he's drawn like a 12 year old?
Profile Image for Silvana.
67 reviews8 followers
May 22, 2022
Es muy bueno, la historia ligera y fluida, lo más desafortunado es la ilustración. Por lo demás me gustó mucho.
Profile Image for Uglycat10.
1,505 reviews1 follower
July 18, 2024
White lotus ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ merupakan karakter ternyebelin di fiksi mana pun! Tekanan darahku langsung 📈📈📈 cuma gara-gara pengin nampol! 😭😭😭
Profile Image for Ailurophile.
160 reviews42 followers
December 28, 2024
So cliched and predictable with tropes galore that I could not stop reading. So-so though.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 reviews

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