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624 pages, Paperback
First published April 21, 1999
"We did what we think we should."
"Just when I was reading Battle Royale at 12:00 in the morning, I learnt from Facebook that police had been rounding up protesters and ready to arrest them at the other part of the city I live in.
*sighs* This world and this society really sucks. People must band together and plan how to fight back, ASAP."
“All right, all right, please be quiet." Sakamochi clapped his hands together several times to get their attention. The clamor suddenly subsided. "Let me explain the situation. The reason why you're all here today..."
Then he said: "...is to kill each other.”
Now no one responded. Everyone remained frozen, like figures in a still photograph. But—Shuya noticed—Shogo continued chewing his gum. His expression hadn't changed. But Shuya thought he'd caught a glimpse of a faint grin flash across his face.
⚙️ SHOGO ⚙️