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He's under my skin . . .

After Katmere, I shouldn't be surprised by anything. Including the existence of a world beyond my world called the Shadow Realm. Yet here I am, stuck in a strange, dangerous place with the worst of the supernaturals, the monster that other monsters fear: Hudson Vega. He might be Jaxon's brother and ridiculously hot, but he's a complete bona fide pain in my ass.

The question is whether we'll find a way out before I kill him . . . or run out of time.

She's stealing my heart . . .

It's a truth universally known—at least according to Grace—that everything is my fault. But I have a nasty suspicion that Grace isn't as human as she thinks, and she's the one keeping us trapped. Now we'll have to work together not only to survive, but to save all those we've come to call family who live here.

Because there's something connecting us. Something stronger than fear . . . and way more bloody dangerous.

592 pages, ebook

First published November 8, 2022

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About the author

Tracy Wolff

136 books11.7k followers
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Tracy Wolff is a lover of vampires, dragons, and all things that go bump in the night. A onetime English professor, she now devotes all her time to writing dark and romantic stories with tortured heroes and kick-butt heroines. She has written all her sixty-plus novels from her home in Austin, Texas, which she shares with her family. tracywolffbooks.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,300 reviews
Profile Image for Sandra.
4 reviews10 followers
May 17, 2021
I'm pretty sure I don't even need to read it to know it will be ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE and everything we, Team Hudson fans, have been craving 😭😭😭❤❤❤
Profile Image for Poppyflowerjj.
262 reviews
June 14, 2023
5/5 ⭐
1/5 🌶️

Hudson. Oh Hudson. You are truly the best. This book has me laughing out loud, on the verge of tears and falling more in love with Hudson Vega more than ever! I love Grace and Hudson's story!! This book show us how Grace and Hudson found themselves, each other, and set the pace for the continuation for this series. I once thought Hudson stole my heart, but nothing like he did in Charm. Getting to the core of who he truly is and just how wonderful he turned out given the upbringing he had endured. No wonder Grace fell for him twice. TWICE.

And Smokey!! Be still my heart. I can't wait for Cherish to come out!

"I love you with a love that will not end, until the sun grows cold and the stars grow old”

“Looks like the devil really does wear Gucci.” He snorts. “I already told you I’m a vampire, not a devil—though I suppose you could be forgiven for confusing the two, since you know my wayward little brother. Also, to be clear, this is Armani.”

“I want Grace to know that I will always love her—and I want my soul to remember it.”

"Hudson Vega is my mate, and I will fight for him with every ounce of strength I have in my body and my soul. Because he deserves someone to fight for him. He deserves someone to want him."

"Love isn’t always easy. And it isn’t always pretty. Sometimes it’s messy and painful and completely fucked up. But maybe that’s okay. Maybe love doesn’t have to be perfect. Maybe it just has to be real."
Profile Image for ⊹ ⁺ ₊ ✧ she's book obsessed ✧ ₊ ⁺ ⊹.
598 reviews334 followers
November 10, 2022

Why do I keep doing this to myself…

Plot & romance:
This author really just made this world-building to whatever she wanted and made my guy Hudson over here scream like a bird for shits and giggles.
It read like a fever dream because everything that happened was so random. This book was all over the place and I have no idea why I couldn’t put it down.
Starfall? What in the ACOMAF.
FADE TO BLACK? ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME? Vague descriptions?! Girl you know I’m here for the romance because I’m sure as shit not here for the plot, and all you give me are crumbles?

And don’t get me started on how the villain just told the MCs all his plans because he just had to gush about his success, of course it wasn’t done so the author could give the MCs some help.

To sum it up, it’s a clusterfuck of randomness when it comes to the world-building, and their relationship fades into background noise which is the complete opposite of what I wanted. I wanted more of their relationship in the beginning, but the author just did a time skip of 6 months.

Poor Hudson deserves so much better. I think I’d like this book more if Gracacas wasn’t so stupid and annoying. How did she survive on pop tarts and Dr Pepper without getting diabetes? Must be the magic system or some shit. And Grace is either crying or screaming.

I know he’s British, doesn’t mean you have to write “fook” instead of fuck.
Gracussy’s thought monologues are endless and painfully bored me to death.
Don’t get me started on the cringe chapter titles.
There are so many anaphors and it made the language extremely repetitive and annoying to read.
Every time Grace wakes up from sleeping, she has to recap everything that just happened, like we don’t already know.

Summing up:
The instant relief that washed over me when I finished this book is indescribable.

On and on this book went, and still I read the whole thing. I lost interest in the romance because it became the side character of its own story. It would have been 200 pages long if the author cut the thought monologues and the repetitive language.

“It doesn’t make sense. None of this makes sense.” I couldn’t have said it better myself Gracey.

Will I be reading the next book? Absolutely.
Profile Image for Wren.
181 reviews
October 21, 2022
Why are these books soooo long? And why do I keep reading them? 🤦🏽‍♀️
Profile Image for jude⋆°. (IS EDITING REVIEWS).
462 reviews511 followers
February 15, 2024

I have come so far into this series, I had to drag myself through it and I am thoroughly disappointed. Mind you, this is the 5th book in the series. This had so much potential and would have made a great trilogy.

Judging by the first book, I had high hopes from this series. But it all went downhill after the 2nd book. The plot drags on, with scenes or events lingering longer than necessary. The narrative feels tiresome and monotonous, with little advancement in the story line. I believe that the author was trying to drag the story to the point where it could be a 6-books-series, whereas the story had the potential to make a trilogy- and a good one at that.

Apart from being forcefully dragged, the story also failed to engage with me. I kept wanting to DNF it, and I really should have, but I had come too far into the series to drop it at that time. At the expense of getting disappointed again, I might as well read the next book, which is 6th and last in the series.
Profile Image for Cydney.
5 reviews7 followers
November 18, 2022
I’m so excited for this 😭 Hudson and grace? Enemies to lovers? I THINK THE HECK YES! January 4th CAN NOT COME FAST ENOUGH. The new release date is July 27,2022!
Profile Image for Gabby.
511 reviews88 followers
November 9, 2022
04/05/2021 — I AM SO HAPPY!! I was hoping that this book would be the months Grace & Hudson spent together!! And the cover?! SO PRETTY.
Profile Image for Charity (Booktrovert Reader).
770 reviews574 followers
January 6, 2024
I will give it to Tracy Wolff for writing a YA that is well-told and annoying at the same time.

"Hudson Vega is my mate, and I will fight for him with every ounce of strength I have in my body and my soul. Because he deserves someone to fight for him. He deserves someone to want him."

Do I feel like after the epic conclusion of the fourth book we need another BIG book in the series. Nope.
But I am going to read it anyway to see if it is necessary. This is for science. 🤓

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I couldn't help but really like this. It was super long and not necessary to the series but I still loved it. It is like falling in love with Grace and Hudson's love story all over again.

It was super cute and felt that the plotline paced really well in this. Was it still too long? Absolutely but I gobbled this up like there is no tomorrow.

Now I will say that I have only one real issue and that seems to be the common thread for me with this series. The author's overuse of singular words in chapters or every other sentence. This time it is the word F*ck in almost every given sentence that was starting to become juvenile. The author wasn't that excessive with curse words in her other books, but for some reason, it was rampant in this one. Not just the F' word but other curse words as well that made it seem excessive. More of a personal thing but distasteful in my eyes.

Now, another thing that I saw was the intimate scenes got a little descriptive. In the past books, it was implied and faded to black. In this one, well, it got descriptive enough to know what exactly is happening. Very different than the previous books in the series. Is it necessary to a YA story? I personally don't think so. But that is for you reader to decide. I am just letting you know.

Did I completely need this book? No. But it was still good and loved the ending.
2 reviews1 follower
October 14, 2021
DISREGARD ANY NEGATIVE REVIEWS. They are team Jaxon (rolls eyes) I won't hate I used to be team Jaxon until Hudson appeared. There is nothing wrong with first loves (Jaxon) But true twin flame love (Hudson) can never be matched. So I am SO FREAKING EXCITED THAT THIS BOOK IS COMING! When I saw the announcement that she was making a WHOLE book dedicated to those months where they went from enemies to lovers I just about PASSED OUT! It has been SO long since I've been this invested in a series. My skin is practically breaking out in hives from the anticipation! I. CAN'T. WAITTTTTTTTTTTT.
Profile Image for Preksha Surana.
137 reviews
November 8, 2022
the writing just got worse with each book :(

why am I still reading these?
Profile Image for Sarah Sullivan.
249 reviews5 followers
November 10, 2022
I love this series, I love Hudson, I even love Grace. But I hated this long awaited, forgotten in time, book. It just didn’t do it for me, it didn’t make sense and there was no explanation for anything. For example they were trapped in the lair for a year and they barely spoke, never bonded on logical things like where and why the hell they were trapped there? What was outside the lair? You’re telling me they just stayed out silently for a year? I don’t know. Seems off. In the series Hudson knew all her memories, but except for one they don’t actually get into that.

And don’t get me started on the weird storyline in the Shadow Realm. It was incredibly boring especially since we learn nothing new for the original series, and we already know they will defeat the bad guys. Not to mention Grace is gonna forget everything so building new relationships is kind of pointless.

I was looking forward to seeing how Grace and Hudson fell in love the first time but meh, it’s a hard pass for me.
Profile Image for Grace Arango.
1,350 reviews682 followers
May 21, 2023
I stayed up all night reading this book and when my husband woke up, he caught me crying while I finished it.


This book had me sobbing again.
This time, I decided to read the Crave series chronically in the lead up to Cherish. I immediately read this after book 1 and I had no regrets.

That's a lie, I have one regret and that was finishing this book and immediately jumping into Crush, realising Grace remembered NOTHING :,(

I owe everything to Tracy Wolff after she blessed us with Charm!
Profile Image for Ana Belén  Carnero Villar.
203 reviews63 followers
March 1, 2024
4/5 ⭐

"Te querré con un amor que no morirá, hasta que el sol se apague y las estrellas dejen de brillar"

Por fin la autora nos da a conocer todo lo que pasó entre Grace y Hudson el tiempo en el que estuvieron atrapados juntos entre el primer y segundo libro, cuando Grace se convirtió por primera vez en piedra, en gárgola, en el Katmere. Fueron cuatro meses en el Katmere pero mucho más tiempo en ese otro mundo en el que se sumergieron Grace y Hudson.

En los primeros capítulos cuando están encerrados en ese otro mundo y empiezan a conocerse y a convivir me he reído muchísimo con los personajes. Me ha encantado conocerles así 🥰😍

Me ha gustado mucho el mundo paralelo que crea la autora así como la evolución de ambos personajes por sí mismos y en pareja. Cómo van cediendo sus barreras y sus prejuicios y terminan por conocerse tanto el uno al otro como así mismos, aceptándose y queriéndose profundamente.
En este mundo aparecen nuevos personajes pero el que seguro se queda en el ❤️ del que lo lea es Humito ✨💫

En algunos momentos se me ha hecho largo el libro ya que da mucho peso en el mismo a los personajes, su evolución y la construcción de sus sentimientos y menos a la acción en ese mundo paralelo...aunque el libro, con su narrativa fácil y sencilla engancha desde la primera página como ocurre con toda la saga.
Ese mundo que evidentemente va a tener un peso en el último libro de la saga, Éxtasis.... qué pena me va a dar despedirme de los personajes 😭💔🥺

Y por fin también descubrimos la promesa de Hudson de la que tanto se hablaba en los libros anteriores 🥰...

"Me has enseñado que el amor de verdad no va de encontrar a una persona que te haga feliz. Va de encontrar tu propia felicidad y, después compartirla con la persona a la que quieres. Siempre serás la luz en mi oscuridad, pero no porque sea tu tarea hacerme feliz. Porque iluminas el camino que yo puedo seguir para encontrar mi propia felicidad. Y quiero ver siempre ese camino que me lleve de vuelta a ti. Siempre."

"El amor no siempre es fácil. Y no siempre es bonito. A veces es turbulento, doloroso y un puto desastre. Pero tal vez no pase nada. Tal vez el amor no tenga que ser perfecto. Quizá solo tenga que ser real" ❤️✨💫
19 reviews2 followers
November 17, 2022
For a book called Charm, it sure wasn’t charming at all.
For all the fans of this series, this was a really anticipated book and the hype created for this was real, but the actual book fell flat.
I’ll give a short run down of the story without details cuz I can’t waste any more brain cells on this book than I already did. *Spoiler Rant*
I’ve divided the story in three parts in my mind. In the first part Grace finds herself in Hudson’s lair with him. They spend a whole freaking year there doing the most random shit. There’s no meaningful character buildup in approximately the first 20% of the book. Just plain Grace and Hudson bickering over random shit like a bunch of teens (oh wait there are teens 🙄) Grace thinks Hudson is responsible for trapping them but then she reads his journals and suddenly she realizes he’s not the bad guy. Talk about lazy writing. She starts going soft for him. Then there’s a random freaking dragon attacking them out of no where. They fight off the first few attacks but then at one point, the dragon makes them run away from the lair in to ...... the freaking Shadow Realm. Which leads to the second part of the story where Grace and Hudson find themselves on this random farm where they meet a family, have a nice bonding with some side characters that have no relevance to the actual story, bicker with each other some more and do random farm shit for a month or so (God the time system in this book is messed up). Then they finally realize they want some answers on how to get back. They are forced to leave the happy farm life when the Shadow Queen starts looking for them (which at this point is a bit of a stretch for the story). There are a whole bunch of chapters dedicated to the survival trope where Grace and Hudson are out in the wild trying to survive which honestly had some good character development. This leads to the third part of the story where Grace and Hudson reach this village (where they think they can find answers) but they just settle there and start to accept their life in the freaking Shadow Realm cuz they realize they are trapped there. They find jobs and shit and spend like 6 months there. The dragons attack them and a lot of random shit happens. Honestly the big climax at the end was so anti climactic, I skimmed through most of it. At this point I was bored. In the end, Grace and Hudson finally come back to the lair after getting hit by a time arrow (whatever that shit is) and Hudson looks at his watch and tells Grace that only four months have passed in the real world. I’m so confused cuz first they spend a whole year in the lair but never bring up how time is passing in the real world. They do it at the very end. Then suddenly the book cuts to the scene where Grace tells Hudson she remembers everything. They have an emotional talk and then get ready for the next book, I mean adventure. Grace accepts Hudson as her mate while they’re in the shadow realm. Her mating bond with Jaxon disappears while they were trapped in the lair but that was way too long ago according to this book. It was a slow build up between Hudson and Grace but it could’ve been better had the author just cut out the unnecessary BS out of this book.

There are so many reasons for why this book fell flat but I’ll discuss the main ones here. First off, this book was gonna fill us in on those four months Grace gets trapped with Hudson and sure it sounds really suspenseful like what happens between them, how do they get there, etc etc. But the pacing of the first part of the book is so damn slow. A lot of scenes were so unnecessary I wanted to DNF it. But I was anticipating this book release for way too long and the author had delayed its release too many times. Secondly, there were soo many goddamn loopholes that I just don’t understand. That’s what you get when you try to write a book with time magic that messes shit up. I still don’t get why they are trapped in the lair in the first place. Is it her mind and if yes then how does she travel from her mind to the shadow realm. She can conjure shit up in her mind (like food) but how does she do it. Also why does she forget everything. Eff this... Thirdly, the length of this book is soo damn long I feel like it was an unedited Tracy Wolff cut for Hudson and Grace’s adventures in the shadow realm. Honestly, after the first two books Crave and Crush, which were soo good, Covet and Court followed a typical pattern. I found that typical Tracy Wolff pattern in this one as well which made it feel kinda unoriginal. It’s like first the main characters are chilling, then they find themselves in a situation, then they find themselves in a more complicated situation and then shit builds up to the point where everything starts happening all at once and shit goes sideways in the most colossal way (yes I quoted Deadpool) a character from a random side couple gets killed off and the bad guy is finally defeated. Kinda cliche if you ask me. Also nothing new happens. We get to know bout the promise ring which was kinda lame tbh.

I also hated that this author just flat out ripped Starfall from ACOMAF and fucking ruined it. She could’ve made anything up for the damn Shadow Realm festival but Starfall. It was something exclusive to the ACOTAR series but I guess authors just like to copy stuff from others.

I wanted to give this book a one star but I’m giving it two because I feel bad cuz I was actually looking forward to this one and had hopes for it. But reading it after Covet and Court, I think it’s just an unnecessary filler book which could’ve been better had it been shorter.

Will I read Cherish? After this one, I don’t feel like it. There’s nothing more left in this series. It’s way too stretched out.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for micolreads.
608 reviews53 followers
April 21, 2023

I would have preferred a novella, with the four months and stop or less of the first part and overall a smaller book.
Yeah the story is interesting and cool, but it just felt like dragging
At least now we know about the time lapse, the promise and the strings
Profile Image for bookishcharli .
686 reviews143 followers
November 11, 2022
Holy Smokey this just knocked Covet off the favourite spot for this series. This book broke me into a million pieces and slowly but surely put me back together again and ended with such promise that I NEED Cherish RIGHT NOW. I’ve been dying to find out exactly what happened in all those months (years!!) that Grace and Hudson were trapped together, and I knew it was going to be amazing, but nothing prepared me for this. The constant back and forth between them, the endless pranks and scheming between them, the one up-man ship, the fights, the friendships made, the battles fought, and the losses they faced. Until this book we didn’t know any of it, because Grace couldn’t remember, but now we all know. We all know and we won’t forget. I didn’t think I could love Hudson any more than I did, but I was wrong. I’m lucky to have found my own Hudson (minus the vampire part, sadly), and so many quotes slapped me in the face and really made me realise how lucky I am. This one in particular speaks absolutely volumes;

Hudson lived in my head for a year…and he saw every part of me. He was privy to every bad mood I’ve ever been in, every mean word I’ve every regretted, every catty thing I may have thought. He knows my every irrational fear, all the things I hate about myself or wish I could change. And yet, he’s still here. Fighting with me. Laughing with me. Building a life with me. …….. How truly special is it to find someone who just accepts you exactly as you are. Maybe even loves you because of all those little things you try to keep hidden from others.
Which is why I’ve always known, for far longer than I was able to admit, that Hudson is everything I want, everything I need, and more importantly, I accept him exactly as he is, the same way he accepts me.

If you haven’t read this incredible series yet, please please PLEASE get on it. There’s so many quotes throughout the books that will honestly stick with you for life. This series understands me, and I see so much of myself in Hudson and Grace that I sometimes think these books are written just for me.
4 reviews4 followers
May 14, 2021
A whole book about Grace cheating on Jaxon? Seriously? I really had no idea that series could fall any further. I thought Covet was rock buttom, but it looks like I was so wrong. Just disgusting.
Profile Image for S.
110 reviews7 followers
May 4, 2021
AHHHH THIS IS EVEYTHING I DIDNOT KNOW I NEEDED AHHHHH if you see me giving this 5 stars already mind your business I CANT WAIT
Profile Image for Bianca Dyer.
223 reviews20 followers
February 16, 2023
"—No sé mucho sobre el amor, Grace. Pero me has enseñado que el verdadero amor no se trata de encontrar a alguien que te haga feliz. Se trata de encontrar tu propia felicidad y luego compartirla con la persona que amas. Siempre serás mi luz en la oscuridad, pero no porque sea tu trabajo hacerme feliz. Porque iluminas el camino que puedo seguir para encontrar mi propia felicidad. Y quiero ver siempre ese camino, que me lleve de vuelta a ti. Siempre."

Creo que nunca tuve tantas ganas de leer un libro, gracias a esto mis expectativas eran altísimas y tengo sentimientos encontrados ya que el libro fue lo que esperaba pero al mismo tiempo no. Ya en muchas ocasiones dije que de los protagonistas de esta saga podría leer cualquier cosa ya que los amo y con tal de tenerlos leo cualquier cosa por eso este libro me hace más que contenta ya que son más de 500 páginas solo de Grace y Hudson pero al mismo tiempo me ocurrió que las aventuras por las que pasaron estos dos personajes me fueron sumamente inesperadas y hubo momentos en los que no me interesaba leer o se me hicieron demasiado largos. Solo quería leer más sobre Hudson y Grace pero al mismo tiempo entiendo que era insostenible hacer todo un libro con ellos dos encerrados en la guarida de Hudson. Puede que algunos momentos se me hicieran densos pero aplaudo la forma en la que Tracy Wolff hizo todo un mundo paralelo en el que los protagonistas se desenvolvieron perfectamente y se desarrolló todo el libro con tan pocos personajes.
Como ya dije amo a los protagonistas, tienen todo mi amor y son de mis parejas favoritas. Necesitaba urgentemente leer que era lo que había sucedido entre Hudson y Grace durante esos meses que en realidad fueron años🫠.
Fue perfecto, amé cada momento e interacción de los protagonistas, como se los mostró a ambos en sus momentos vulnerables, como se fueron conociendo de a poco, no sólo entre ellos sino que de ambos se desarrolló un montón y yo lo disfruté demasiado. No sólo reafirmé mi amor por estos dos personajes sino que me volví a enamorar de ellos.
Al principio de Grace esta igual de insegura y con sus miedos que en Anhelo pero conforme avanza el libro ella comienza a madurar y cambiar rotundamente como en los demás libros de la saga. Lo mismo sucede con Hudson, pasa de estar completamente solo en todo sentido a estar encerrado constantemente con Grace. De una forma u otra ambos cambiaron. Se convirtieron en un apoyo inquebrantable e incondicional el uno para el otro.
La verdad es que podría estar horas y horas hablando de este libro, ocurrieron muchas cosas en el, los capítulos en los que estuvieron en la guarida fueron increíbles con muchos momentos emocionales pero también con mucha comedia y toques de romance. La verdad es que hay un slow burn durante la mitad del libro y fue perfecto. Luego ya con la segunda mitad del libro hay pura intensidad, algunas luchas, discusiones, mucha fantasíay ROMANCE (y momentos 🔥).
Amé el capítulo final, cuando Grace vuelve a recordar. Y este libro sirvió para dar muchas respuestas y muchos guiños con los libros anteriores, fue buenísimo.
Ya terminando algo que no puedo entender es como Hudson pudo soportar que Grace haya perdido todos sus recuerdos con el, es completamente doloroso.
Pero bueno, sigo diciendo que amo leer a Grace y Hudson, nunca me cansaré. Grace saco completamente el lado romántico de Hudson y es lo más hermoso que hay.
La verdad es que amé todas las escenas entre ellos dos pero algunas de mis favoritas son las de comedia, el momento en el que Hudson se pone a hacer cantos de pájaros, los bailes entre ellos, sus declaraciones y promesas de amor.

Pd: amo la portada, para mí representa completamente la esencia del libro. Y otro detalle que no me ayudó a disfrutar mucho el libro fue que lo leí con una traducción medio pelo.

TW o Advertencias ⚠️: Violencia, muerte, ataques de pánico, entre otros.
Profile Image for Laura˚୨୧⋆.
22 reviews153 followers
November 7, 2024
No me ha gustado este libro. Han estirado demasiado la historia, con elementos de relleno muy repetitivos. Me ha decepcionado bastante. En definitiva, 2/10 🤍🌟
Profile Image for Anniebananie.
646 reviews473 followers
April 19, 2024
Irgendwie ist diese Reihe mein Guilty Pleasure. Keins der Bücher konnte mich komplett begeistern oder vom Hocker hauen, aber ich lese sie doch zu gerne, um die Reihe nicht zu beenden.

Zu Beginn des Buches war ich gelinde gesagt recht verwirrt wo wir sind, wann wir sind und was generell abgeht. Bis ich verstanden habe, dass das Buch zeitlich zwischen Band 1 und 2 einzuordnen ist, habe ich einige Kapitel gebraucht (kann aber auch dran liegen, dass Band 4 schon wieder eine Weile zurücklag und ich nicht mehr ganz wusste wie wir da geendet haben).

Als ich dann einmal drin war, war das Buch wie gewohnt schnell und leicht zu lesen. Es ist halt keine epische High Fantasy und der Schreibstil ist auch nicht besonders anspruchsvoll. Dazu kommen sehr kurze Kapitel, was mein Lesetempo irgendwie immer enorm steigert. Der Plot hat mir gut gefallen, auch wenn es nicht das ausgefeilteste ist, was ich je gelesen habe. Jedoch hat die Geschichte und die Welt etwas ganz eigenes an sich, was ich so noch nicht gelesen habe.

Das Buch bzw. die Reihe an sich fällt für mich zwar eher in die Kategorie "leichte bis seichte Unterhaltung", aber sowas brauche ich auch ab und zu mal. Die wechselnden Perspektiven haben mir hier besondern gut gefallen. Auch die Charakterentwicklung und die Beziehungen der Figuren zueinander mochte ich. Und nach dem Ende bin ich jetzt doch auch wieder sehr neugierig auf den finalen Teil!
Profile Image for Mariana.
671 reviews3,679 followers
June 2, 2023
Se los juro que parece chiste, pero lo que me hacen sentir Hudson y Grace no lo hacen muchos personajes. Literal puedo nombrarlos con los dedos de mi mano y son muy pocos.

Este libro es lo que mi alma anhelaba a gritos, que exigía todas las noches antes de irme a dormir. Necesitaba saber ¡¿QUÉ PASARON EN ESOS CUATRO MESES?! Lo necesitaba más que mi cuerpo al oxígeno. Y me tardé en leerlo, porque quería que se acercara más a la publicación de Cherish (que ya salió).

Este libro objetivamente está muy largo, y pasan demasiadas cosas. Pero no me quejo. Cada palabra escrita por ella de ellos dos, será siempre bien recibida por mí.

Me encantó la vuelta que dio la historia y como nos presentó este nuevo lugar de las sombras, que será muy importante en el sexto y último libro de la saga. Me encanta y amo con todo mi corazón todo.

Hudson me hizo darme cuenta que siempre será de los grandes amores de mi vida.
Profile Image for Yeg.
750 reviews304 followers
November 18, 2022
~4.5 stars~
At least until he settles on the vinyl edition of the soundtrack for The Greatest Showman. “Dance with me?” he asks, holding out a hand to me as the opening strains of “Rewrite the Stars” fill the lair.

And dancing to my favorite track REWRITE THE STARS??? I literally vowed whoever likes this movie or song can be my bff 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 TOO MUCH TO HANDLE....

This book had the priviliage of sassy and sarcastic HUDSON VEGA and I didn't know I needed his jokes and british accent Lol.😃

The only thing is that I couldn't quite make sense of the time span and which timeline exactly this book took place(it's probably me bte, it's been a while since I read the serors back in 2020, so I obviously forgot) but It was amazing I liked it alot.
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40 reviews3 followers
May 4, 2021
I'm so excited! We finally get to find out what happened between grace and Hudson! After reading covet I'm 100% team Hudson so I can't wait to learn more about how they originally fell for each other. January 2022 can't come soon enough! 😍
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