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The Last Dragorai #1

A Lair So Sinful

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From a dark, magic-ravaged world comes an enthralling new fantasy romance series. Five brothers, last of an ancient Alpha bloodline, each bound by fire and blood to their majestic dragons.

Captive in a dragon lord’s lair. No memory. Stripped bare.

I’mya awakens to find herself the property of Nyro—a rare and powerful Alpha bonded to a monstrous dragon. Like the other women in the lair, her only purpose is to satiate his every fantasy, but the beautiful omega is hiding a dark secret—even from herself.

From the first explosive encounter with Nyro, her incredible power is unleashed.

His carnal desires feed the fire of her magic.

Nyro’s captivation with her turns to possession, and I’mya becomes more than a plaything for him.

But as shards of her memories puzzle back together, her mind finally unveils the compelling truth.

A purpose much more sinister than pleasure.

Passion. Obsession. Betrayal.

I’mya must fulfill her quest, regardless of the cost. Nyro has conquered her body, but if he discovers the truth behind her presence in his lair… it is her life he will take.

A LAIR SO SINFUL is the first book in an adult fantasy romance standalone series. This story includes romance of a dark nature and a HEA.

302 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 26, 2021

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About the author

Zoey Ellis

29 books1,814 followers
Zoey Ellis is a Dark Romance author who unites Omegaverse and Epic Fantasy into intensely primal romances. With her signature blend of high steam, dark angst, and magical worlds, her work satisfies a thriving international community of bold-hearted, antihero lovers.

She lives in London, England, and spends most of her free time with family, collecting pretty fountain pen inks, and wrangling her TBR pile.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 357 reviews
Profile Image for Mareeva.
382 reviews9,487 followers
March 14, 2024
2 stars

I knew this was going to be a nightmare from the very first page. How? Because we got a pronunciation guide for the names in this book.

➼ I'mya - im-my-ah
Just name her Maya and call it a day, why you gotta make it so complicated? I kept calling the heroine im-mia for the first 25% because it just makes more sense.

➼ Dayatha - day-AR-tha
My question is why don't you just add a freaking R if that's how you're going to pronounce it?

➼ Thrakondarian - thrak-kon-DAR-ree-ann
Thrako- NO

➼ l'yala - e-YAR-lah
Again with the Rs bruh

➼ Mheyu - may-you
No you may not

That's just 5 out of 18 names on that list.

Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with unique & foreign-sounding names in books. But let's all be honest here, this was an erotic fantasy with below average world building, and no resemblance to an interesting plot beyond the romance. So please don't overcomplicate this shit with tongue twisters for names.


I'mya wakes up naked in a cave along with a bunch of other women. She has no memories of who she is or how she ended up in that situation. But she soon finds out that the cave is actually a mountain lair of a powerful Dragorai Alpha named Nyro NY-roe, in case you were wondering.
She and the rest of the women were carefully selected to be Nyro's kon’aya. They are there for one thing and one thing only, his pleasure. In return, they get a safe haven from some irrelevant war that's going on (idk I skimmed those parts I just didn't care) and a family to be a part of.

What I'm trying to say is they are sex slaves. All very cared for and respected sex slaves of course.

This whole book is basically one big orgy in a sex dungeon, sprinkled with boring scenes of Nyro's meetings with his other dragorai bros and flashbacks of heroine's past, which guess what?
I didn't give a shit about either:)

Also, when I say orgys I'm not talking about the main characters. I'm just saying that everyone has public fuck fests with everyone.

When I'mya accidentally meets the hero they have a lil moment filled with sexual tension, painful torture (he magically causes her pain) and steamy kisses that end as abruptly as they began. Nyro leaves after he is summoned for one of his boring ass meetings, during which all he thinks about is her. But when he finally returns she is nowhere to be found. He searches for days but never finds her which makes absolutely zero freaking sense.

How does the boss of the sex dungeon not find one of his sex slaves in his own cave?? She is literally right there, all you had to do was come out once. What did he do though? He searched for her on his dragon....in the mountains.

But alas they meet again when one night she is randomly selected & presented to him as his kon'aya. From there I'm sure you can all imagine what happens.
Sex. ABSURD amounts of sex. How that girl remained alive? How his manhood was still attached? A mystery still unsolved to this day.

Let's start with the obvious. WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE:

👎 There were A LOT of times when the hero spoke in a fictional language with absolutely no translation??? What is even the point of typing out full on gibberish sentences if you offer no explanation. It can easily be shortened to "He angrily spoke in a foreign language" or some bullshit like that.

👎 The details of I'mya's amnesia made no sense to me. She remembered her name, parts of history, geographical locations, a whole ass magical language. But she didn't remember how to read.......idk I'm no neurologist but it seemed random.

Also, her memories only came back to her when Nyro was balls deep inside her. Why? Fuck knows. Actually maybe fuck does know, since I skimmed everything besides the romance. They might've explained it & I didn't notice. Still though.

👎 The heroine was clueless to the point of stupidity.

He had been angry she tried to get a massage because he didn’t want anyone to touch her. That certainly sounded like he was being protective over her. But why? She was in his lair with his servants. Why did he think she could be in some kind of danger?

Girl.....are you serious?
mans was obviously all up in his alpha feels being possessive, use your brain.

👎 The hero is completely irresponsible, ignorant, impulsive and makes decisions that I'm surprised still didn't get him killed. Not in a dangerous way, but in a way of a dumbass. He reminds me of that one kid in class who does nothing in a group project but still gets the high mark.

He breaks the laws set by his people because he feels like it, he doesn't concern himself with the war that's going on at all. Doesn't listen to his brother's advice and warnings, especially about I'mya.

This might come as a surprise, but there were actual THINGS I LIKED:

👍 The smut. That was my sole reason for picking this up or finishing it. There were some cringy descriptions a time or two, ESPECIALLY in the epilogue

Nyro watched I’mya’s round, heaving ass as she rode his cock with her back to him, and sucked his toes.

Did you really have to-

Mostly it was okay though.

👍 The way the hero was obsessed with the heroine. Believe it or not, most of his dumbass decisions were made because of the obsession with her kon (pussy), somehow this word sounds exactly like what it represents. So props to the author for making up one impressive fictional word.

Anyways, because of that I really didn't mind his careless choices, even if I found them stupid.

He also never cheated and completely forgot about the other kon'aya after meeting I'mya. No OW drama, the hero was completely devoted.

👍 DRAGONS. Who doesn't like dragons??

👍 The other kon'ayas were my favourite part of this book. With a plot like that, it's basically a given to have some jealous and spiteful characters who will cause nothing but drama. So imagine how shocked I was when I found out the girls had ACTUAL LIVES apart from being sex slaves!!

“Don’t mistake me, darlin’, we love the attentions we get from Master, that’s the reason we’re here in the first place, but it’s only part of our lives. We have other activities and talents and things we enjoy doin’,"

These were the nicest, most unproblematic OWs I've ever read in my life.

Fuck it, they were literally the best characters in this book.
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
2,003 reviews34.8k followers
February 19, 2022
4 - 4.5 Smut Stars

I read this a long time ago and had written a fairly long review for it, which for some reason, has since disappeared. In fact, somehow, the evil gr bots not only removed my review, but also removed this from my read shelf entirely. The only reason I even noticed is because I went to see if book four was out yet and saw this book wasn't marked "read" for me anymore.

Super effing annoying.

But anyway...

I really enjoyed this book. It was my favorite kind of omegaverse mate smut. And with DRAGONS to boot. Loved it.
Profile Image for Birjis.
457 reviews306 followers
March 28, 2021
An Omegaverse world of dragon riding and magic, beauty of the dragon world and his sex-maidens. What doesn't fit better if not dragon and maidens? I'm lucky to find so many combinations mixed with Omegaverse sub-genre while staying true to it's dynamite.

I'mya wakes up naked and with no memory. As surprised and affronted of the rules this place force on her she runs only see a majestic dragon and his dangerous rider. She doesn't remember her past but she has secrets and a mission which is life-threatening. In the mountain deep at the dragon's lair she is one of the maiden from the harem who has the Master's favour.
Nyro, The Master, is an Alpha, one of the last dragon riders left. He is a very primitive man to the core and does whatever the fuck he wants. When a mysterious woman enters his domain only to misbehave he finds himself angry and attracted to her.
Finding themselves mysteriously attracted to each other, they discover secrets, messy magic and I'mya's slow memory regain which seems to trigger only when she is with Nyro. Among confusing attraction and emotional roller coaster I think the author has worked an amazing way of revealing the world of magic with I'mya's memory.

This story is angst driven but it's tamer than the authors other Omegaverse books. The world building is beautiful but I want something more about the dragons with the riders and the bond they share. I found the interaction with Nyro and his brothers boring, it should have been fun, crazy and interesting. I'm hoping for more and excited to read the next book.
Profile Image for Meredith {semi-hiatus}.
808 reviews612 followers
March 29, 2021
There are dragons and there are alphas, then there are the dragorai, which are a unique dragon and alpha pair. They have a bond that is established at birth and is maintained throughout their lives. We do not know much about their origins or how the connection between animal and dragon works either, though many say that they were created by one of the Seven.


“Magic is one of the greatest threats to the Twin Realms, but only because it has been misused. Many are taught to fear it.”


I’mya closed her eyes and took a breath. The truth was, she wasn’t here by accident or mistake or to live a peaceful life in honor of her family. She had come for revenge.

Whoa. I was seriously blown away by this book. I think readers who liked Ruthless King by Alison Aimes will like this --Also those who like Game of Thrones (dragons, medieval setting) & The Witcher (high fantasy, magical wars). With the comparison to Alison Aimes, I'm seeing some similarities in both authors' writing styles. While certainly different, both have well-developed worlds with vivid descriptions, both write alphaholes (but the kind that end up caving to their omegas), and both of these are looking to be substantive standalone series.

I think Zoey Ellis' writing was at her best in this book. In the past I've criticized certain aspects of her writing style -- everything from the execution of exposition in her stories (in past books there's been info dumping exposition in the character's dialogue), overexplaining scenes to readers, pace, to characters I've simply found annoying (I'm an oddball who didn't like Drocco). In this book I felt like Ellis took all of my criticism, and I saw a marked improvement in writing style.

With the first scene in the book, I felt plopped straight into the world like heroine, and really felt the heroine's confusion with her surroundings. The reader slowly learns more about the dragorai culture as the heroine does. The author clearly spent time developing this universe. Details about the religion, customs, language, and magic were interwoven throughout the story in a way where I became immersed in the world. Low magic fantasy is my preference, but this author completely won me over with her magic system in this book. I felt enraptured by all the magic scenes and loved the description.

An aspect of this story I liked the most was the dragon mythology. Game of Thrones is one of my favorite tv shows. I've watched it nearly all the way through at least 4 times (with different people). There were some parallels to the dragon mythology George RR Martin crafted in his series. In A Lair So Sinful we get...

Dragon revelation moments like this one:


(I'm remaining vague as to not spoil, but if you've seen the show you know the significance)

Tender dragon moments like this one:


And scary dragon moments like this one:


I'm honestly baffled by the reviews calling this tamer and lighter than this author's Myth of Omega series. I find it better written, but this isn't coming across as super light to me? Maybe it's because I haven't read a Myth of Omega book in awhile? I found this book to contain some dark themes. The descriptions of ember? *shivers* I mean, yeah, this isn't the darkest out there, but even the Alpha was a huge asshole for most of the book. I'm scratching my head at the descriptions of Nyro being sweet. Sure, by the end he demonstrates his love for the heroine, but he was pretty cruel with his use of magic on the heroine, especially in the beginning.

Speaking of Nyro & I'mya...


This couple was hot. This book had some of the best smut I've read from this author. I thought the author executed the POVs well too. I enjoyed having mostly the heroine's POV for the majority of the book. Frequent dual POV switches are a pet peeve of mine, because it feels like the author spoon feeding the hero's POV because the author is afraid the reader won't connect to the hero otherwise. I liked seeing things from the heroine's perspective and having to read through the lines, think & wonder about what is going through the hero's mind & his motivations. I was able to do that here. The hero does have his own POV in this story, it's just not as frequent a switch back and forth like some other books.

Also loved that this had a harem! I find harems so much more realistic in Omegaverse than reverse harems. The author made it fit the culture and I really like what she did with it. For those concerned about safety:

4.45 stars. This is my favorite book I've read by the author, so I might raise it to 5 stars later, depending.

Cliffhanger: No, this is a standalone with a hea :)
Trigger warnings:
Word count: 84K - This is a substantive standalone
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,343 reviews1,545 followers
April 6, 2021
Untitled design-High-Quality
My Review

A whole new world for this author one with dragons and it’s an imaginative one.
Here I’mya awakens disoriented in a strange place and with no memory of how she arrived in the forbidden mountains.
Assuming she’s been kidnapped she soon discovers that’s not the case she’s here by her own design.

I’mya is now a kon’ayas which is a sort of handmaiden and her new home is in a dragons lair she is subject to master Nyro of the Vattoro clan a dragorai alpha with his own bonded dragon Sanderyll.
Magic abounds in this place and Nyro is one of a set of brothers who rule over territory in these mountain ranges.

So the world-building here was fantastic and this was really original and unique.
Our alpha Nyro finds himself compelled and fascinated by the unusual lesser-human sensing something different about her that he is drawn to.

Nyro is all that’s alpha he’s a dominant arrogant individual that’s used to being obeyed he’s also far from gentle and is used to taking what he wants not explaining himself and he sees i’mya as his property and In his lair his word is law.

Being an omega I’mya feels the draw right back and she’s more than willing to satisfy this alphas urges.
But as her memory slowly returns things get complicated and she makes a choice that could lose her everything even her very life.

This first book in the series set things up brilliantly, From the moment I started this, I was invested in the unfolding story and I’m incredibly excited to be getting future stories set in this unique world.
Genre wise It’s fantasy romance with alphas omegas and dragons all my favourite things so I was in complete heaven.
I was easy to follow and it’s dual POV and I found this a really easy read with plenty of heat and excellent chemistry.

For reference, this Is not a dark read and Nyro is actually very sweet and possessive whilst still being all that is male arrogance so if you like your omegaverse on the lighter side this is definitely the one for you.
This is a stand-alone with a HEA and future stories will all be about a different Dragorai brother so connected but still separate and set in the same world.
This one gets a massive thumbs up from me I enjoyed it a lot and I totally recommend.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of a Lair So Sinful.

Untitled design

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,368 reviews3,597 followers
April 14, 2021
Folks, if you feel like you've been let down by Addison Cain recently, I think Zoey Ellis's latest book is a pretty good substitute.

It's not perfect; if you've read her other books, the hero feels very generic, and the writing is slightly flat. But it was still a decent read and IMO better than her first couple of books, which are the only ones I've read.

What we have here is 31-year-old I'mya, a woman who wakes up naked in a cave with no memory of how she got there. (And yes, that name seriously jarred me, because every time I saw it I read it as 'I'm a'.) She soon realises that she's an omega who's part of the newest harem for Nyro, a dragon-bonded alpha. He runs into her by accident, gets obsessed, cue lots of sex. But as I'mya's memory comes back, she realises that she had a dark ulterior motive in smuggling herself into his harem.

If you're like me, the first thing that struck you is probably the mention of a harem. But in a deeply refreshing twist, there is NO OW DRAMA. While Nyro has slept with all the woman in his lair, none of them are attached to him and in fact all have relationships with other men - it's very casual and nobody has it in for I'mya. Nyro doesn't sleep with anyone else after he first meets I'mya, and there's no jealousy or anything going around. She can't remember if she's a virgin or not, but I'm inclined to think not as she's in her thirties. So good news all around.

Nyro is admittedly a little bland. He's the stereotypical big, dark, grunting male, with a beard which I happen to really dislike. So I pretended he didn't have one. I gave this three stars, because after the first few chapters I started to become more interested, but I'm way more excited for the sequel. It's about Nyro's brother who seems to be a 'happy-go-lucky' kind of personality - I haven't read Ellis write one of those before. Can't wait.

Blog Bookstagram

Profile Image for ❁ lilyreadsromance ❁.
1,777 reviews1,058 followers
March 28, 2021
4.25 stars

What we got here is an omegaverse world with dragons and magic. To be honest, this was my first omegaverse in a very long time. I don't know why I stopped picking this subgenre up (Oh yeah, I remember. It was that awful webtoon.)

Anyhow, a girl who couldn't remember anything from her past turned up in the dragon's lair deep into the mountain. You got this almost harem vibe initially, but don't worry they both remained loyal to each other.

“No one touches what is mine.”
“Many kon’ayas use that room,” I’mya pointed out. “They all belong to you.”
... “You are the only one who shares my bed. If I have to drench you in my seed, feed it to you until it is oozing out of your ears, your nose, and your ass so that everyone understands you belong to me, that is what I will fucking do!”

Also, do you love a possessive alpha who's obsessed with his woman? Oh dear, you got a load of it here. As over the top he can be sometimes, he was also attentive, shittily romantic and caring beyond fault.

“Can you purr?”
“Of course I can fucking purr!” he barked, clearly offended.
I’mya raised her palms. “I’m just asking. I haven’t felt you purr before, so I was just wond—”
“I was waiting.” Nyro’s jaw was rock hard...
I’mya frowned. “Waiting for what?”
“For the right time.”

The world building was also not that bad. Actually, I'm quite impressed. I love the world Zoey Ellis created and the history of the dragons and dragonrai (the term for the dragonrider). I'm excited to read the next book and you should too. It's really worth the read at least.
Profile Image for Niki {Still a Widow but reading more}.
782 reviews317 followers
March 28, 2021
Wow, I love this new Omegaverse world.

(I totally went to write 'a whole new world' and then pictured:

Whole New World GIFs | Tenor

and thought, "yeah, like that but with a dragon!")

I knew Zoey was a great world builder and storyteller and she definitely didn't disappoint in this series opener. This is a new world full of magic and a dying race of Dragons and Dragon-Alphas.

I'mya wakes up in cave, naked, with no memories of anything before that. She didn't take any crap though, that's for sure. She has a natural unconscious affinity for magic that hasn't been seen in humans in decades. And from there the mystery only grows. I loved her spunk, tenacity, and her fire. Nothing like most omegas. I'mya didn't just give in to Nyro, she made him work for her submission each and every time.

Nyro, on the other hand was the man-whore, self centered one of the five remaining Dragorai brothers. He can't be bothered to get involved in the lesser-mortal's little issues. He just wants to enjoy everything that makes his life great; hunting, eating, and f*cking. Then I'mya comes; refuses to submit, punches him in the face, and turns his world upside down.

In the beginning I really didn't like Nyro, he was careless with his magic and kept inadvertently hurting I'mya, because he kept forgetting how fragile lesser-mortals were. I didn't think I was going to end up liking him but he completely redeemed himself. As Nyro became more and more captivated and entranced with I'mya, he definitely also started showing more Alpha instincts. He slowly gained I'mya's trust and submission and I fell in love with him right along with her. To be very clear, this is an omegaverse and Nyro is very alpha.

As the mystery behind I'mya's past gets unraveled there was a twist I saw coming but wasn't right about what it was. The actions taken surprised me and I wanted to see what happened and how things resolved so badly, I actually stayed up all night to read this to the end. In one sitting, and this no short novella either. But it was worth it.

I loved this new series opener. I am excited to see where the story goes in this new world. We already have teasers about another brother and possibly Elora, I'mya's friend, and I can't wait.

Even though this was an ARC review, I will always shoot you straight. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for readabookonce.
235 reviews393 followers
February 19, 2025
Reread 02/18/25: I’ve been thinking about this book ever since I read it. I was far less confused this time around—probably due to reading the series. I didn’t love it as much as I did the first time, but I’m keeping my original rating. Hopefully it’ll leave my mind now

I started this confused, I ended it confused, and yet, I understand that I don’t understand, but I understand enough to be less confused going into the sequel. Are you confused as much as I am yet?

I’mya (~31) | Nyro (centuries)

∘ fantasy romance
∘ dragons
∘ amnesia
∘ revenge
∘ omegaverse
∘ mate bonds

I was lucky enough to get it on a stuff your kindle day, as it’s been on my TBR for a while, and I’m so happy I finally read it.

We meet I’mya once she awakens from a foggy state with no memory. She learns soon she is going to become a kon’aya to one of the last remaining dragorai, Nyro. Nyro is introduced as a character who wants to make the most out of his life by doing whatever he wants while being apathetic at best to what everyone else wants. Upon meeting I’mya he feels the spark of a challenge that’s been missing from his life.

At times, the book felt overwhelming as it tried to explain the world and lore. Especially because it started before I had a vested interest in the characters. I struggled to remember (and care about) the vocabulary and magic system.

The more I read, the less I understood, even as I grew to care about the characters. I still don’t understand Sanderyll’s part in mating with I’mya, or what exactly I’mya is, but I’m sure I’ll learn more as I continue into the next books.

I wholeheartedly loved I’mya and Nyro’s dynamic. I enjoyed how quickly he was obsessed with her, and I also enjoyed how she argued and fought with him. I think possessiveness can become very off-putting very easily, but it was perfect here. Sure, Nyro got stupid jealous for a minor reason, but I was still giggling at how obsessed and devoted he was to I’mya. So sorry to the man who lost his life because of it. RIP.

I’ve got a feeling this series is going to sneak up on me and become a favorite.

OW/OM DRAMA not really OW — Nyro has kon’ayas (individuals whose purpose is to provide sexual pleasure to their employer) he has slept with in the past, but there are no descriptive scenes with them, nor are they catty; it’s addressed respectfully and kindly from all characters | not really OM — Nyro gets jealous of a man massaging (not sexually) I’mya and melts his head off
THIRD ACT BREAKUP sort of — I’mya sets out to accomplish what she came there to do, but Nyro stays unwavering and defensive of her
ENDING HEA — epilogue set in near future

POV dual / third person
RATING 4.5 / 5
Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
2,169 reviews477 followers
March 30, 2021
Spoilers ahead,

The h walks into the forbidden mountains as part of a group of women who volunteered to become members of the dragon leader's harem. Unlike the other women however the h cannot remember her past or why she's even there. A steamy encounter with an unknown man who later turns out to be the master sets the path for untold pleasure. He demands obedience, she knows her own mind. As the two enjoy carnal pleasures an unexpected bond forms, but slowly the he's memory returns and to her shock her reason for being there aren't as they seem at all. An act of grief and rage sees her betraying the H, but pretty soon she learns the man she thought was a demanding brute might've been the best thing that ever happened to her

Lots (but not overdone) of sexy times, I approve
h with a backbone! Her dynamic led to betraying body syndrome sometimes but she held her on
J/P H, he didn't even know why he was so possessive of her lol. It was utterly delicious
Interesting enough plot and secondary characters to warrant a peek at book 2
Lots of slick and knotting! Yasssssssss
Baby news

He was way to fricken physical with her!!! Greeted
His harem! Awww awww, now in all fairness he wasn't with any of them after meeting the h but the fact that there was interaction and such between them and the h was a no no for me. This was entirely a ME issue.....there was no OW drama, no sleazy references and such but I personally can't break bed with women who've shared my man's bed.....that's just me. The h wasn't bothered by them and in fact asked the h to pick someone else in the beginning
H had been with other omegas, again this is a personal preference but I can deal with him being with the OW but I like my h tone the only omega. I was at least pleased he didn't knot the others or have sex with them in the bed or anything like that
The H's attitude towards doing his part to help his brothers irked me
The h had a TSTL moment
The ending fizzled into a whole lot of telling! A lot!
Awww I really wanted a miracle dragon for the h and the H's dragon to get a mate

All in all not a hot mess, kinda reminds me of Dax Lahn tbh. There were moments I didn't like but I'd definitely read the next book

No cheating
I think h was a virgin
No OW drama though his former harem lived in the cave system
Deliciously J/P moments
Death of a child
Profile Image for Sweet and Salty Reviews by DD.
608 reviews224 followers
September 17, 2021
Heads up the first few chapters of the book could considered triggering.

World build:
Distinctive! I can not think of a world similar to this which made it all the more interesting. Very clear who the players are and their places in this world. Very provocative! In the beginning I was uncertain due to triggerish aspects, but as the world continued it brought everything together making my concerns vanish.

A little dark and I liked it! So we have an omega who winds up in the dragons lair but has no memory as to why...... let me tell ya when the why comes out your face will be like 😲 and that is all I am going to say to keep the spoiler free. Just one more 😲

I'mya is an omega which makes me except early on not to expect a bad ass. Of the omegas I have read she is one of the better ones for sure. Omegas just are not my favs. Her storyline is what makes the book a success!!

I offer my self as tribute to Nyro! He is a dominating asshole but dayummmm he makes the pages burn. The way he stalks, and controls I'mya is hot as hell.

Secondary characters:
He. Has. Brothers. I mean as sexy as Nyro was it is a given their books will be just as sizzling.

Happy reading,
DD 💕
Profile Image for Jac K.
2,422 reviews403 followers
November 19, 2024
This was just OK for me, but a lot of my friends loved it, so it could be a Jac thing. There’s definitely a plot, but it's very much smut based. There is Omegaverse tidbits with Alpha/Omega slick/heats and knotting. And the H has a harem of sorts but does not partake in the lady buffet during the book.

The blurb doesn’t give a lot away, and I don’t want to spoil anything huge, but this book isn’t free, and starts a long-ish series, so I’ll share a few things that bugged me. (some will be spoilers, so I’ll tag those) Please 🛑STOP 🛑 if you want zero deets .

I’mya wakes up naked with a group of other naked women and soon learns they have all volunteered to be part of Nyro’s Kon-aya. Problem is that she has no memory of volunteering or who she is. This part (her amnesia) is quite inconsistent and will require a lot of just going with it. There’s also not a ton of world building, so you'll need to sort of wing that too.

In a nutshell, Nyro belongs to a dragon rider race that wields magic and is somehow connected to their dragon. Through the years the humans hunted almost all of them down and have killed all their people (the Dragorai) except 5 dudes that have blood brother dragons and happen to be leaders. All their women are dead except some that were born with dead dragons called hallows that also have magic, but they can’t mate for some reason, and all the other dragons are dead, so they’re all just waiting to die out. Meanwhile a King of the North and queen of the South of the human world are at war killing their people.

The rest is them fighting and having sex. Nyro being a jerk. I’mya being bitter that Nyro doesn’t want to wade into a war and protect the people that massacred his race. And her getting her memory back during sex.

My gripes.
🔴It bugged me that we got a pronunciation guide at the front of the book for their names and such, but no translation or glossary for all the made-up language bits she constantly threw in. I HATE when authors do this. It’s frustrating not to know what the hell they’re saying, but also not to be a bitch, but this was mostly smut. It’s not like there was riveting dialogue or a super solid storyline. I didn’t see a point to get so complex. Regardless, if you’re going to give me dragon speak, please translate it.

🔴I don’t like plots where the h is planning to This is a personal preference thing, but IMHO it typically kills the believability of their romance, specifically her feelings being credible. It’s hard to make a love match convincing if she’s willing to after she supposedly loves him.

🔴 And the big one, which honestly made me want to 1⭐ this because for me I’mya did something so freaking unforgivable, and I’m not talking about what she did to the H, that I couldn’t get past that made me HATE her. The author tried to brush it away like she was manipulated, but she is an adult, and this happens very late in the book where we have been shown her very strong personality throughout, so it didn’t really fly with me. Also, her justification was stupid, she was being vengeful and petty and should’ve owned it, not tried to write it off as doing it for a good cause because she knew her actions would make his people vulnerable who were almost extinct. I also felt like she only sort of felt bad, but also didn’t really give a shit because her actions her were like this after…

Shouldn’t she take responsibility for what she did? Shouldn’t she apologize to them rather than trying to pretend she didn’t do anything?

There were also some good parts.
🟩 Dragons are cool AF, and Sanderyll was a sweetie.
🟩 When Nyro wasn’t being a jerk, he was totally OBSESSED with I’mya.
🟩 I liked the way the fellow Kon-aya gals were handled (which is surprising because I’m usually down for OW drama) as a supportive sisterhood rather than the typical catty bitches. They had hobbies and interests and weren't fighting over the H.

Bottom Line- It’s ok, but I did a lot of skimming through the smut because I just wanted some plot. I felt like there were a lot of world details missing that were pretty important, but this is pretty much PNR erotica, so I think we’re not supposed to dig deep. I didn’t love it. I didn’t care for the H and borderline hated this h, and I didn’t think she really showed enough remorse for what she did or apologized enough. I also was so sick of her self-righteous “why aren’t you helping my people” bitching even when her people have almost completely wiped out theirs, but I am skipping to book 3 because I did like that h.

Profile Image for Mar, Queen of Darkness.
262 reviews71 followers
May 15, 2021
Surprisingly, my issue with this book wasn't the hero. Oh, he was a major dick, but I think he was my favorite character in the book right from the get-go.

I just found him relatable in a weird way. I mean, what hot-blooded male in his right mind WOULDN'T have a mountain full of naked woman to enjoy at his leisure if he was an uber powerful alpha? It was considered normal and acceptable in his society, and I didn't have a problem with it. Especially because what he met the h, he was instantly gone for her and changed all his f*ckboy ways. I can forgive a lot if a character shows genuine growth, and Nyro definitely did.

What pissed me off was I'mya! The woman was TSTL for half the damn book, I swear to god. It was so obvious Nyro had feelings for her, every person in the lair saw it except for her.

*Spoiler ahead*

And - SPOILER - her big betrayal plot twist was totally unforgivable, imo. Like I get she was sad her sister died, but she straight up tried to kill her man and his beastie without even blinking! Dafuq?! Who is that cold?

Worse, there was NO APOLOGY MADE to Nyro! Trust me - I checked!
By the end of the book, she never fully admitted her feelings or told him she loved him, and I just couldn't forgive her for that.

Funny, because as first-time reader of omegaverse, I went into this expecting to have problems with the H if anything! But nope. He was my fav 😝
Profile Image for daemyra, the realm's delight.
1,156 reviews37 followers
August 23, 2021


My first Zoey Ellis read! The world-building is great. I could vividly imagine the mountain cave dwellings of the Dragorai, I wanted to know why I'mya had amnesia and what her true mission was as a concubine, the politics between the Alpha King of the North and the Omega Queen of the South was intriguing whenever we had snatches of it, and I was also just into Nyro's harem community, which was explained in a way that felt normal, like a cultural haven from ancient times that was a reprieve from how messed up their society had become.

I don't know if it's because Eva Dresden has ruined me for brutal omegaverse reads but this did feel tame. There are some scenes that are violent or sexual, but Nyro didn't feel particularly sadistic, just territorial.

As this is the first book in the series, we are introduced to all of the last Dragorai and for me, I am only interested right now in reading the book of the Dragorai who lost his dragon. I feel like there's something there, and I also would continue to read the story if it turned out there was a female Dragorai, which there aren't anymore, which is why the Dragorai are dying out...
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,162 reviews154 followers
June 17, 2021
I’m always cautious when it comes to the omegaverse because I need there to be an emotional connection between the hero and the heroine. The rutting and nutting and knotting was hot.. But can you believe I cried when this woman apologized to her mate’s dragon?! Series sold. On to the next one!
Profile Image for One Sassy Reader.
524 reviews6 followers
May 22, 2021
Look at that 1 star and please see it as 0.0000000000000000001.

I read the synopsis and I was like: "cool, fantasy and smut with dragons! sounds interesting. let's try it!"

Then, when I started reading I noticed that the author was Zoey Ellis. I remembered her name, but not from where.

I kept on reading. Awful stuff overall, then I start getting references like "alphas", "omegas" and "betas". It clicked, Zoey Ellis writes omega verse romance. and I do not like this sub-genre at all.

I am literally being haunted by this subgenre and I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS.

I don't want to read these books. The only good thing about this was that it wasn't as descriptive as her other books or as disgusting.

That's it! At least, I AM NOW MORE attentive in case more books like that, which are part of this subgenre manage to slip through my radar.
Profile Image for ♥♣Mary♦♠ If She So Pleases.
1,426 reviews5 followers
October 16, 2024
I read this for a second time and dropped my rating. It's an entertaining omegaverse book but it does get tedious at times. There are some aspects of this book that are just "blah." The whole lair is running around naked, the females that is. And that's because they need to be ready and available at all times. The premise that the entire female harem gets along and is happy for a favourite is just ludicrous. I also read the bonus "exclusive chapter" which takes place after the epilogue.

Profile Image for Lisa.
447 reviews24 followers
April 19, 2021

I struggled with this for the first maybe 30% of the book..
But after I got use to the way it’s written and they talked sometimes I found the book to be very steamy sexy hot and good storyline. I will be reading the next one.
Profile Image for cajareads.
257 reviews
September 23, 2024

I love reading fantasy books and this just hits the spot. In omegaverse setting? Even more interesting!

Although it’s expected since this is the first book in the series, there are a lot of informations regarding the dystopian settings in this series with the whole dragorai thing (dragons and their riders) and magic spells. And I will guiltily admit that I skipped some of them because I’m honestly here just for the interactions between the two mcs, the H, Nyro and the h, I’mya.

If you read the blurb then you’re already made aware of how it’s going to be. The H which they call him as master, hasn’t been with any of the women for a while until the h entered the scene. I have to admit it does feel icky to read the conversations the h had with his other s€xual partners but it was not vividly elaborated, thankfully. It was also mentioned in passing that he didn’t do any s€xual deeds (besides the intercourse) with anyone else like he did with the h.

One thing to mention is that the H casted spells on her that caused her pain but stopped when he saw her tears and realized her kind couldn’t endure that much pressure compared to what he was. I was on fence about Nyro but slowly warmed up to him. I didn’t like him at first because he seemed like he had nothing to worry about eventhough he has a clan to take care of. Apparently this guy just wants to hang out and do nothing. Relatable. He has no interest in putting his two cents in the meetings with his brothers or has no qualm with the war happening with the other kinds (he had a valid reason for this) or lesser-mortals as how he calls them.

Nyro was mean to her at first. But it slowly changed and I loved the buildup. He hung her paintings in his room. He collected the flowers, vines and plants she had touched during her visit to the garden in his room. He took the phrase “touch her and d!e” quite literally. This man breathed fire like his dragon when he saw another guy had his hands on her (poor guy was just doing his job tho). But I do find him to be quite careless to be honest. I mean, he found out that the h could understand his language and sort of familiar with magic and he did nothing about it. One would think to investigate on how a “lesser-mortal” like her could understand magic.

And I feel like they spent so much time together on bed and not having real conversations or talking with each other half of the book but he also didn’t just look at her. He scented and nuzzled and brushed his lips on her. He touched and caressed, and trailed his fingers all over her skin like he couldn’t get enough of her which I find really endearing. He’s literally so obsessed with her that he wouldn’t let her leave his room. There’s also body betraying syndrome but since I expected it so I wasn’t really annoyed by it. Also, this is a dark romance after all so of course there’s a forced-bonding where he bit her against her will.

The h is strong. She lost everything to the war. When she met the H, she fought him back. She did something terrible but I couldn’t find it in me to be angry at her because she’s a victim herself.

Their relationship aside, I also like the fact that it has a revenge storyline as well. It’s a bit confusing at first because the h lost her memory and had no idea how she ended up in the H’s harem but the real truth was slowly revealed throughout the story. However the climax of the major plot was a bit of let down. It happened so briefly and so swift, I had to read the whole paragraph again. I couldn’t connect with the anguish I should have felt when the scene happened and I feel like it was such a missed opportunity. I also find it weird that I’mya took so long to bond with the dragon after she found out she’s bonded to Nyro’s dragon as well. Even weirder when no one was mad at her for harming Nyro and his dragon. I mean, she tried to k!ll the dragon and harmed it greatly. Unfortunately that also made the whole special bond between the dragon and its rider didn’t feel that uniquely special which is so, so sad because their dragon, Sanderyll was lonely. It doesn’t have any mate. Poor thing did not understand that there were no more female dragons, he only understood that there was I’mya—his alpha’s mate—and she had to be protected at all cost.

Because this is an interconnected series so the problem/issue is still not solved and it will continue on the next books. I’m not sure if I want to continue this series right away though. Eventhough I love the omegaverse setting and the fantasy elements involved, the writing feels a bit off and not enough impact made on me as a reader.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for reya.
431 reviews28 followers
October 3, 2021

‘She fitted his most basic physical preferences; full, heavy breasts, a round behind, and a tight, succulent kon’ ~ Nyro.

✓ Omegaverse Fantasy Romance.
✓ Intriguing universe.
Dragorai alpha male with their own dan askha [Dragon & Alpha pair; an animal and man].
✓ Well-constructed main plot and sub plot.
✓ Features a play boy hero's transition to a cave-man.
✓ In the presence of the female lead, there's never a dull moment.
✓ Part of a series but can be read as a standalone.

Warning : once you start, you cannot stop and the series isn't even completed yet!

A Lair So Sinful is my first Omegaverse romance which I couldn't get enough of. So much so that I completed it all in one-sitting.

Alongside the romance, I truly enjoyed reading about all the brothers, the community within the lairs as well as the introduction to Twin Realms. Especially looking forward to Khyros' story.

recommended series!
Profile Image for Kate V.
1,677 reviews285 followers
March 29, 2021
4.5 stars!

Zoey Ellis is one of my favorite fantasy romance authors and this book was delicious. I love reading about dragons so when I saw this beautiful cover, I immediately pre-ordered it. This is the story of Nyro and I'mya. Nyro is one of five brothers who are the last of an ancient Alpha bloodline and bound to a dragon. Admittedly I thought this was going to be a dragon shifter romance so I was surprised when it was dragon and dragon rider (think Eragon or How to Train Your Dragon) but way dirtier and grittier.


Nyro and his brothers each have a territory that they oversee and a lair. I'mya, an Omega, wakes up in Nyro's lair with no memory of how she got there, who she is, and why she is there. She quickly realizes that she is now the property of Nyro and her job is to be a part of Nyro's large harem. When I first read that, I almost put the book down. Unless I know that I am about to read a harem romance or a menage, I don't enjoy reading them. I am more a one woman, fated mate, can't get enough of you romance reader. But Ellis didn't let me down. When I'mya and Nyro meet, their passion and chemistry is HOT. Their encounter unlocks magic in I'mya and it's obvious she is so much more than just a lesser-mortal. Nyro becomes possessive and obsessed with her and I'mya quickly begins to fall for him.

Not everything is as it seems and as Nyro and I'mya become close, memories and secrets are unlocked. Will Nyro and I'mya stay together when all her secrets come to the surface? What of the war between the Two Realms?

I don't want to give too much away because Ellis created a really cool world with magic and unique twists. I look forward to reading about the other brothers!! I need their stories so badly now. I will say I did have to re-read some of the parts that involved magic, incantations and spells because I found myself confused as to what was actually happening lol. But I think that's on me.


Nyro was a tough hero to like for the first maybe 25% of the book (bit of a steamrolling alphahole) but he redeemed himself in many ways and I fell in love with him. I'mya was bold, strong, and an all around likable character. The Alpha/Omega dynamic was in here but Ellis didn't make it dark. I would say it is definitely on the lighter side of Omegaverse. The steamy bits were SO good.


Overall, if you're looking for a fantasy romance with dragons, steam, adventure, and a bit of darkness then definitely pick this one up.
Profile Image for  Linathebookaddict  .
1,512 reviews399 followers
March 28, 2021
This is my first read from this author and it will not be the last.
Okay, we have scorching hot chemistry, dragons, twists, magic and danger. Sign me up!
I love my fantasy so I was so hyped for this book. It is a fast paced book, I simply devoured this.
I was shocked when I discovered I'mya's situation. Sex slave to a dragon.... A powerful, possessive one. My romanctic heart ate that up! I enjoyed the universe the author created, the sizzling chemistry and the pace.
I would have liked some more... Character development. There were moments where I felt like things were moving too quickly and I wanted more of a slow burn. But, it is a great start to the series. Cannot wait for more of this world.
3.5 Stars from me!
Profile Image for Diana~ (Kiss Me Books).
438 reviews159 followers
April 5, 2021
A Lair So Sinful was my first book by Zoey Ellis and it certainly won't be my last. I enjoyed I'mya and Nyro's story so much. What happens when you combine dark romance with fantasy? You get the omegaverse. If you love stories featuring a possessive and dirty talking hero who is obsessed with his heroine, you'll get that here. Did I mention that he has a dragon? I found the world completely fascinating and I can't wait to read more about it. It has magic, intrigue, betrayal, and sex.

At first, I wasn't sure where the story was going because we are learning and experiencing everything for the first time, just like I'mya. The story starts off with her awakening in a cavern completely naked. She finds out that she is part of a group of women meant to satisfy the needs of the dragonair. I'mya has lost her memories and wants to escape her predicament. What she doesn't realize is that she is exactly where she's supposed to be. Her attempt at escaping leads her to her first encounter with the master of the lair, Nyro, and his dragon.
"Sliding his large hand to the back of her neck, he lowered his head to scent her, running his nose from her collarbone, along her neck, stopping just behind her ear."

I actually adore their relationship. I love how I'mya isn't afraid to talk back to Nyro and even calls him a coward for "torturing" her with magic. I found their courtship to be sexy, funny at times, and swoon-worthy. The nose touch and cuddles! There is a language barrier at first because Nyro considers his own much superior but I'mya is able to understand him whenever he uses magic. At the heart of this book, there is a twist in the plot that I didn't expect and we uncover it as I'mya starts to remember her memories and past life.
"Your scent has been torturing me since the moment I met you, and your beauty is uniquely agonizing."

In the end, I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more from Zoey Ellis. Nyro is one of five brothers and Tyomar is next. I'm really excited to read Zendyor's book because he is most likely fated to be with Elora, I'mya's friend. She was the woman who accidentally trespassed into his territory before arriving at Nyro's. Anyway, if you love your stories a little bit dark, erotic, romantic, and magical, don't miss out on this book!
Profile Image for Viv “BookVixen” Gutierrez .
1,523 reviews408 followers
May 20, 2024
I really really wanted to like this; possessive obsessed dragon hero?! Yasss please!!

What ruined it for me and why I literally FOUGHT with Amazon for an hour to get a refund since I’d read past the limit allowed for no-questions refunds, was the “harem” of sex skanks the hero has kept and previously fucked. Does the hero, out of respect for his woman, get rid of the reminders of his cum dumps, send them elsewhere? Oh no! They still stick around as if having to face women the hero has put his penis into anbe plowed is somehow totes normal and it MADE MY SKIN CRAWL!!!

Dude, I don’t want my heroine’s to be inflicted with the odious and putrid presence of skanks the hero has relieved his balls into. It’s grotesque and insulting and kills the swoon. No, I don’t give a fuck if the hero doesn’t use them any more. No, I don’t care if they’re so jaded, sociopathic and emotionally dead that they have no attachment to him and so they don’t give the heroine any problems. THE PROBLEM is their presence. The heroine should never have to females the hero has used. FUCKING PERIOD.

That and the ambiguity over the heroines innocence made this a total romance fail. I don’t want to read a romance where the heroine is unsure if she spread her legs and let loser crawl between them to grunt and heave and slime all over her, to break her in, to claim what can only be claimed once.

PSA to romance authors: PLEASE STOP SMOKING CRACK BEFORE YOU WRITE! It destroys your swoon compass.

NOT SAFE. hero is a slimy manwhore with a harem on demand. Skanks are still in the picture and surround the heroine. Uncertain if heroine is virgin, but there’s NO SENSE of the hero being her one and only, of him KNOWING she his and his alone, that’s completely missing. Miss me with that toxic BS. RETURNED FOR REFUND.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
980 reviews32 followers
March 25, 2021
The writing and editing of the ARC version of the manuscript was a little rough, with plentiful typos but generally well constructed sentences. Hopefully the manuscript will go through a round of copy editing before release. The world building was vibrant, with the use of the heroine losing all her memories a brilliant tactic by the author to explain this world and it's rules to the reader and the heroine at the same time. The characterization was competent, with the heroine especially being a sympathetic, nuanced individual. The transformation of the hero from a sadist who enjoyed torturing the heroine and saw her only as an object to a loving, devoted husband was considerably less convincing, however. The development of the romantic relationship was angsty and hot, with a heat level of four to five chili peppers. The plot was exciting and the pacing quick. I read this novel in one sitting. This novel had high levels of well justified angst and high stakes throughout, which tends to be one of my preferred narrative structures for a romance novel. This novel used the Enemies to Lovers trope, the Mating Bond trope, and the Morality Chain trope. The world building, plot, and pacing were all four stars. The development of the romantic relationship was four stars, and the characterization was three stars because of the hero's character arc. This novel had a Happy Ever After ending instead of a cliffhanger ending, so that was a major plus. Because of the HEA ending for this novel, I am really looking forward to reading the next novel in this series when it releases. I recommend this novel to readers who enjoy m/f omegaverse romances with lush world building and a redemption arc. I will buy myself a keeper copy of this novel when it releases.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for enchantingprose.
442 reviews13 followers
March 26, 2021
Full disclosure this is my first dive into omegaverse / fan fiction world. Also this is my first book by this author.

So within a few pages in I am shocked, appalled and intrigued.

I had to put down my kindle various times and google stuff about this world. ie alphas, omegas , knotting , rut.

After a few searches and YouTube videos I returned to my reading or should I say devouring of this book.

I’mya finds herself walking naked inside a cave with no recollection of how she got there and who she is.

That fact alone would freak me out. Then she finds out she’s volunteered herself to basically be a sex servant to an Alpha Dragorai named Nyro.

Um what — excuse me ?

My feminist spider senses are going through the roof while reading these chapters.

Then the plot thickens

She’s special . She’s beautiful. She’s all that and a side of fries.

Anyway so add in dragons, war talk , hot steamy chemistry. Well let’s just say 300+ pages were done under a day.

A successful standalone that I’m actually curious to know about the lives of the brothers in the upcoming

Displaying 1 - 30 of 357 reviews

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