England, 1929: Die Firma Excelsior Radios aus Mydworth hat sich auf die Herstellung moderner Rundfunkgeräte spezialisiert und steht kurz davor, damit den Weltmarkt zu erobern. Aber dann werden die Lieferungen gestohlen und die Fahrer der Lastwagen bedroht. Der Eigentümer fürchtet um seine Existenz und bittet Kat und Harry um Hilfe. Die beiden beginnen zu ermitteln, aber der Auftrag erweist sich als gefährlich und schon bald gerät Lord Mortimer selbst in tödliche Gefahr ...
Neil Richards has worked as a producer and writer in TV and film, creating scripts for BBC, Disney, and Channel 4, and earning numerous Bafta nominations along the way.
He's also written script and story for over 20 video games including The Da Vinci Code and Starship Titanic, co-written with Douglas Adams, and consults around the world on digital storytelling.
His writing partnership with NYC-based Matt Costello goes back to the late 90's and the two have written many hours of TV together. Cherringham the series is their first crime fiction as co-writers.
An American and an Englishman writing crime stories with an American and an English hero - what took us so long?
England 1929: Moderne Rundfunkgeräte werden immer wieder auf dem Transportweg direkt aus den Lieferwagen gestohlen. Wer steckt dahinter? Es muss jemand sein, der die Routen der Lkw-Fahrer genau kennt. Lord und Lady Mortimer nehmen sich der Sache an und ermitteln. Ich mag diese Reihe. Sie ist unterhaltsam und ich finde das Setting sehr interessant.
No. 5 in this cozy mystery series proves as fun as most of these audiobooks featuring dashing Sir Harry Mortimer and Kat Reilly. A lorry (truck, for us Yanks) driver gets falsely accused of sabotaging deliveries, and Harry and Kat intervene to save the day. Deadly Cargo is more clever and suspenseful than you’d guess, and I never knew the master villain until the very end. A great message, which I won’t spoil by revealing.
När det sker ännu ett rån av Excelsiors transporter av exklusiva radioapparater blir föraren avskedad - han har drabbats två gånger och anses skyldig av arbetsgivaren. Sir Harry och hans hustru Kat lovar att undersöka saken för att hitta den verkliga förövaren. Nattliga spaningar och nya uppfinningar gör att de hittar denne, men inte utan rejäla bulor och dödens andedräkt i nacken. *** Ännu en rolig, intressant och spännande - samt lagom lång - deckarhistoria från 20-talets England. Mästerligt berättad av Nathaniel Parkers underbara röst (ja, jag har en rejäl crush på den 😉 ).
Okay this one case really got me questioning whodunnit and how. Usually through the whole series (so far) i immensely enjoyed the main character and difference cases in every book. But now i'm intrigued and enjoying it simultaneously.
Couldn't love this newlywed couple more ♥️ man, i want their relationship so bad 😍♥️
This is a well-written and fun cosy mystery! It is a quick read, but that doesn’t detract from the depth of the story or the characters. Kat and Sir Harry are a great couple and I love how they bounce off one another, each helping to solve the mystery. The lorry heists bring the thrill and from the first chapter I was intrigued. I will definitely be reading the rest of the series! Thank you to @red_dog_press for my giveaway prize!
Dieser Krimi spielt in England 1929. Lieferungen von modernen Funkgeräten der Firma Excelsior Radios werden gestohlen, die Fahrer überfallen. Immer wieder kommt es zu den Vorfällen, den Fahrer Mr. Hobbs trifft dieses Schicksal sogar zweimal, deshalb soll er entlassen werden. Die Polizei tappt im Dunkeln, Mrs. Hobbs bittet daraufhin das Ehepaar Mortimer um Hilfe.
Das Buch ist für mich ein gelungener Cosy Crime, der historisch angehaucht ist. Der Schreibstil ist einfach gehalten und leicht zu lesen, so konnte ich ganz ins Buch eintauchen. Das Ehepaar Mortimer war mir von Anfang an sympatisch, beide frisch verliebt aber auch neugierig und immer interessiert an einem spannenden Fall den es zu lösen gibt. Da das ebook mit 120 Seiten nicht sehr dick ist, geht das Buch natürlich nicht allzusehr in die Tiefe und man erfährt nur ein paar Einzelheiten über die Protagonisten, es bleibt dadurch recht oberflächlich.
Der Fall hat mir gut gefallen und man kann das Buch zwischendurch schnell weglesen. Als Leser kann man bei diesem Fall selber gut miträtseln, wobei mir nach der Hälfte des Buches schon ziemlich klar war, wer das alles zu verantworten hat und mein Verdacht stellte sich dann auch als richtig heraus. So gab es für mich am Ende keine grosse Überraschung. Trotzdem ein sehr netter Cosy Crime den man zwischendurch gut lesen kann! Ich wurde auf jeden Fall unterhalten und das Ehepaar war mir sympatisch, was will man mehr? Das Buch erhält von mir 3.5 Sterne und eine Leseempfehlung für Krimifans, die einmal in die 20er Jahre zurück reisen wollen.
American Kat Reilly and Brit Sir Harry Mortimer are settling into married life together in Mydworth. Kat no longer works in interesting ways for the American government abroad, but Harry still works and has connections in Whitehall which means that between them they have proved well able to do some unusual investigating, which they love. It comes to their attention that thefts of cargo from a local company are happening with regularity. Together the couple does an excellent job sleuthing with their trademark sense of humour. Full of twists and red herrings with characters who certainly are and well done imagery. Looking forward to listening to more of this nice, short, fun little escapist series enjoyably narrated by Nathaniel Parker!
Still a lot of Hercule Poirot and James Bond vibes.... (I'm probably starting all my reviews with this, sorry!!!😂)
This case really got me questioning whodunnit, how and why?!?!?! Usually (so far throughout the series) I've figured out the who's, what's and how's quite quickly but not this time. Couldn't love this ❤newlywed couple❤ more than I already do, they are a couple to look up to and to strive for in your own relationship. I wish a relationship like theirs for my loved one's and for myself ('cause this idiot is still single...). 😂
This is a well-written, fun, easy to read cozy mystery!
Mydworth's Excelsior Radio company is world famous for its expensive radios so when the lorries are being hijacked and robbed its time for Harry and Kat to investigate!
I do love the Mydworth mystery books. The writing is simple, the story is easy to follow, sometimes predictable yet not in a bad day, the characters are loveable and due to the length of the novels being very short you don't get wound up or mislead by a thousand detours. It's simple writing for a simple mystery and I love it!
I am not a historical fiction fan but these books are just fab!
I love this series of books. They are really well written. No pages and pages of pondering over possible bad guys, no red herrings to throw the story off. Just two intelligent people using their training and intelligence to get to the bottom of the mystery. The only downside is without all the wasted pages of ruminations the story goes so fast it is too soon over. I guess that is a sign of how well they are written; they leave you wanting more.
Number 5 in the cozy Mydworth Mysteries, I love this series! I can't get enough! I love the relationship between married couple, British Sir Harry and American Lady Kat. They are such fun!
It's 1939 and this time around, Mydworth's Excelsior Radio Company, world-famous for their expensive radio-phonograph's lorries out on deliveries, are being hijacked. The owner thinks it's the drivers behind it. It's up to Harry and Kat to figure out if it is.
Kat and Harry must figure out who feeding information to hijackers stealing top of the line console radios and putting truck drivers at risk. With way too many suspects, Harry deciders to set a trap using himself to spring it. How this works out makes for a good book.
Another good yarn - doesn't disappoint! Love how we are offered glimpses of 'future' technologies - television, a mobile handset, and as Kat puts it, perhaps a way for several people to listen in to a telephone conversation, etc etc...
When Barry Hobbs is laid off after his truck is highjacked for the second time, his wife asks Sir Harry Mortimer and his wife Kat to intervene. They discover there has been a whole series of hijackings which, naturally, they have to investigate. Their theories range from an unhappy employee determined to unionize the truck drivers to a foreign government stealing technology. A fun, light read.
Lukijana Nathaniel Parker. Taas upean eläytyväistä luentaa. Kuuntelin junamatkalla pohjoiseen. Tämäkin oli mielenkiintoinen tarina. Hienosti kuvailtu taas 20-30-luvun vaihteen elämää. Hauskasti sidottu tarinaan nykyajan keksintöjä alkuvaiheessaan. Jännitystä luotiin hyvin ja en todellakaan arvannut syyllistä.
I like listening to this series as narrated by Nathaniel Parker, but I would not read them because they are so easy, too easy, to guess. The moment the culprit was introduced in this one, it was so evident. I like the setting and learning a little about radio in the 20s, I didn’t remember they started that early.
I enjoy the audiobook version of these books a lot. I'm not really an audiobook fan; I usually think they're being read too slow, or the voice of the narrator doesn't fit the story, etc... You could say I'm a bit critical. 😉 These are great. Fast, interesting stories, good narrator, and the stories aren't very long.
Like all mydworth misteries, fun to read! I love the interaction between kat and lord hubbie!! Hard to imagine either of Them being upper crusty because the y are so much fun and devil may care.
"Chapter 5" of the series works well as an entry of episodic television but as a "book" it is a little lacking in its 134 pages. Which is not to say I did not enjoy it. On to the next installment - Danger in the Air!
The series began on a great footing, but except for the episode before this one, it has gone downhill for me. The plot is tight, and the main characters are appealing, but overall it was not interesting to me. I wasn't intrigued by the adventure. But I already own the next, so will trudge on.
Was quite an interesting storyline and hadn't checked but I assume the accuracy of the advent of the TV but it's a interesting story without a body. I enjoyed the colourful characters.
These have been fun to listen to. My only bit of an issue is that, at times, it felt like the narrator was trying too hard speaking with the American English accent with one of the main characters. Otherwise this is still a fun series to listen to.
Liked that it kept me guessing almost to the end when I finally figured out who,d done it. Liked that this time it was Harry taking the risk. Will continue to read and recommend this lighthearted Cody mystery series.
Kat und Harry lösen wieder mit messerscharfem Verstand, wilder Entschlossenheit und anmutiger Eleganz einen kniffligen Fall. Diesmal geht es um Technik, die in den 1920er Jahren absolut futuristisch war und es ist so schön, sich in diese Zeit zurück versetzen zu lassen.
Yet another great story in Sir Harry and Kat's sagas. As the twosome solve another baffling problem by the nick of time, they add themselves to the crime-fighting duels. Lots of twists and turns in the plot and easy, fun read on my cold winter's night.