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The Blood of a Traitor: The Pruthvisthala Kingdom Chronicles 1

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The fine kingdom of Pruthvisthala in ancient India. The royal guard of the kingdom. A simple thief in the forest. Together, they change the destiny of the kingdom.

204 pages, Kindle Edition

Published August 15, 2020

About the author

SA Krishnan

84 books11 followers

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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 reviews
Profile Image for Terry Lister.
Author 7 books44 followers
November 6, 2023
totally enjoyed reading this book. The principal characters brought life to the story from start to finish though I must say that l was a bit disappointed with the finish. I was looking for a more conclusive ending regarding the love interest aspect.
The book has its share of twists and turns and Shiva, the main character, had far greater wisdom than I expected for someone from the mountains. He was able to work his way to the conclusion as to who had destroyed his future while he was a mere child.
Very clever writing, l will enjoy more from this author
Profile Image for Lily.
Author 20 books36 followers
July 6, 2022
A great story

This author is so creative! I enjoy her stories, and this one was no different. It was packed with action, drama, romance, and suspense. I liked the fallible yet unforgettable characters. But, do not be fooled by the slow and gentle start because you’ll involve yourself in the plot. This story is delicately weaved like lace with a solid plot and doesn’t pull the punch with its message. I felt like I was watching a film as I read the story.
26 reviews
November 4, 2022
Blood of a Traitor, is an interesting ride from this author.

This is my third books from this author. Peculiar characters with interesting dynamics. Definitely a fabulous read, if you love romance and mystery.
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 reviews

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