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Outlaw Planet Mates #4

Alien's Challenge

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Stop me if you’ve heard this story before. One minute Alice is camping, trying to connect with nature, then there’s a blinding white light. Gravity must have quit because Alice and her sleeping bag are floating off the ground.

Classic alien abduction.

She wakes up on an alien planet full of, you know, aliens. Outlaws. Rules are optional and people are property. So not cool. Then there’s a train robbery and she's getting abducted. Again.

But this guy? He’s a giant lizard man, just a solid wall of muscle, scales, and bad attitude. He’s dangerous and he’s gone into a mating fever, which he says is her fault.

So what is she going to do about it?

Better question, what is tall, dark and grumpy going to do about it?

Two decades ago Faris was exiled to this prison planet. Only the strong survive here.
He’s too old for a mating fever, but his body has other ideas. The human female was not part of the plan, an ordinary smash and grab, but she’s his now and he does not share.

190 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 12, 2021

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About the author

Nancey Cummings

72 books387 followers
Nancey writes fun, fast and flirty scifi romances featuring feisty heroines and out-of-this-world heros. Nancey lives in an old house with her husband and two cats who have complaints with management. When she’s not writing, she enjoys video games, horror movies and anything involving time travel.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nancey...
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/nanceycumm/

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews
Profile Image for Rellim.
1,673 reviews39 followers
June 19, 2023
Outlaw Planet Mates is a multi-author series. Alien's Challenge by Nancey Cummings is the first book in the series I’ve listened to and it stood well on its own.

Alien romance isn’t really my go-to, but I found this when I was looking for more narrations by Conan Kennedy and I’m so glad I did. What an action packed, sexy, and fun listen. Alice is captured by aliens and then sold into slavery. By coincidence Faris discovers she’s being held captive by his nemesis.

They’re on the run with Faris’s sidekick while Alice tries to acclimate to an unknown planet, aliens, language, and customs. I love that while afraid, she keeps her spunky attitude. Faris just wants to help her get home. The banter between them was hilarious. Falling in lust and then love was steamy and sweet.

I loved the HEA & epilogue. I can’t wait to listen to more.

Conan Kennedy is great at so many different voices and keeping them consistent throughout the book which is a perfect match for Cummings story. I also like the way he does the sections from Alice’s perspective in a slightly different affect than Faris. Kennedy is also excellent at bringing all the emotions through - fear, frustration, attraction, and especially the humor. Delightful listen.
Profile Image for Serena Loves Books.
1,819 reviews101 followers
June 18, 2023
'He estado sobreviviendo desde que llegué a esta roca. Solo sobreviviendo. Esa es una manera difícil de estar. Ahora siento algo aquí.' Golpeó ligeramente sus corazones gemelos, uno tras otro. 'Podría ser esperanza. Podría ser optimismo. Quiero cosas que ningún hombre de mala reputación debería querer, y las quiero contigo.'

•Mi opinión puede contener Spoilers.
•Esta destinada a ser un descargo personal no para que alguien más lea pero si lo haces y te ofende, me disculpo porque sé lo que es que te guste un libro y otros lo critiquen.

Alien’s Challenge de Nancey Cummings serie varias autoras Outlaw Planet Mates


Detenme si has escuchado esta historia antes. Un minuto Alice está acampando, tratando de conectarse con la naturaleza, luego hay una luz blanca cegadora. La gravedad debe haber cesado porque Alice y su saco de dormir están flotando en el suelo.

Abducción alienígena clásica.

Se despierta en un planeta alienígena lleno de, ya sabes, alienígenas. Forajidos. Las reglas son opcionales y las personas son propiedad. Así que no es genial. Luego hay un robo en el tren y la secuestran. De nuevo.

Pero este chico? Es un hombre lagarto gigante, solo un sólido muro de músculos, escamas y mala actitud. Es peligroso y ha entrado en una fiebre de apareamiento, que dice que es culpa de ella.

Entonces, ¿qué va a hacer ella al respecto?

Mejor pregunta, ¿qué va a hacer el alto, moreno y gruñón al respecto?

Hace dos décadas, Faris fue exiliado a este planeta prisión. Solo los fuertes sobreviven aquí.

Es demasiado viejo para la fiebre del apareamiento, pero su cuerpo tiene otras ideas. La mujer humana no formaba parte del plan, un aplastamiento y agarre ordinario, pero ahora es suya y él no la comparte.

Mi humilde opinión:

Este librito de la serie fue muy diferente a los que vengo leyendo de Eden Ember. Las historias suceden en el mismo mundo pero no lo parecen. Honestamente me gustó más el Reazus Prime de Nancey Cummings.

Me encantó la vibra viejo oeste que le dio al viejo planeta prisión donde solo los fuertes sobreviven. Disfruté de la aventura, peligros, humor, pasión en esta historia y los dos lagartos forajidos me parecieron geniales personajes.

Adoré la pareja de Faris y Alice! A pesar de que hay mucho que fue exagerado, su historia de amor me pareció divertida. Desde el primer encuentro en el tren los estaba apoyado. Me gustaba que él fuera gruñón y escondiera su buen corazón y que ella fuera atrevida y de armas tomar. Enseguida se forma un vínculo de confianza a pesar de que apenas se conocen. Faris comienza a sentir el calor del apareamiento por Alice y hay muchos momentos picantes.

Mí única queja es el final. Me hubiera gustado uno mejor. No me sentí bien con el suspenso que dejó.

Estoy curiosa por la historia de Perrigaul y Miriam.
Profile Image for ~My Book Obsession~.
667 reviews64 followers
January 14, 2022
liked it

It was good like the idea of a prison planet with lots of different cities and people makes for a better story. Will be reading the next ones
1,331 reviews10 followers
November 14, 2021
Alice is certainly not in the best place either mentally or physically right now to be honest. A divorce from her husband as he feels that she has not aged as he wished, a fact which is made worse by them still working in the same place and him flirting with her co-workers right under her nose. She chooses to take a break from it all by camping out for the night which was the catalyst for her being taken by aliens, oh and the nice co-worker who came out to see she was ok. Alice ends up being the pet of unpleasant red lizardman Rand, whose temper leaves something to be desired and who also seems to have no idea how to look after her. A broken translation chip certainly not helping the situation much either. Alice thinks she is just about to expire from cold when another two red lizardmen appear, one Big and one Small, who in effect rescue her although she did enjoy inflicting a little revenge on Rand before she left. Faris was surprised to see a human female sat in the middle of his carefully planned revenge. He has done many things in his past he is nort proud of but he is truly an honourable male and not about to condone slavery of any kind, so she will be coming along with them when they leave. However it also becomes rather apparent that at his point in life, cough cough, he has suddenly been brought down by mating fever. Impossible! Well it is happening and all he needs to do now is survive and then get Alice back to Earth. All sounds so delightfully simple doesn't it? Those fickle Fates though can't let anything happen smoothly when there is such fun to be had in making it all difficult though.
I loved the verbal sparring between Alice and Faris. He is the stereotypical stoic grump with the heart of gold and she has been hurt enough to see beyond appearances to the worth beneath. Fab story
Profile Image for K.M. Jenkins.
Author 22 books192 followers
July 11, 2024
Alice was a librarian in her past life. Now she is a human pet on an alien planet. At least that is her fate until her owner gets high jacked by Faris and Perrigaul. The deadly duo free Alice only to become hunted by her owner, Rand. She can’t communicate effectively so Faris takes her to the nearest town to get fixed up with a chip and clothes. Things just go down a slippery slope from there when he goes into a heatful frenzy that comes on him because of his attraction to Alice.

The steam between these two is hot and spicy. Leaves you gasping for air and wanting to ride the high forever. But the adventure only continues as their feelings for each other grow. Before long, the adventure becomes a home and dangerous outcomes that catch up with them without notice.

You root for Alice and Faris. The idea of them separated kills you. The banter between Perrigaul and Faris brings a humorous twist to events that make you love the side character. I look forward to reading his adventure in the next book.

If I had to rate this book out of 5 stars it would be 5/5 stars. The storyline was enjoyable and the powerful female that takes things in stride is intriguing. She doesn’t give up and won’t stay simplistic. Alice is as much the hero of her own story as Faris is the dominant male demanding to protect her. Highly recommend this book to any Sci-Fi Alien Romance readers that want a strong female lead and a dominant male that knows how to give her…her freedom.
Profile Image for Stacy.
84 reviews6 followers
November 13, 2021
A Stoic Alien, a Snarky Human..

..must be LOVE, baby! Nancey Cummings is one of my fav writers, so I was prepared to love this, but I didn’t realize how *much* I’d love this. It’s essentially the Old West but with aliens and corresponding tech, so it’s got a very distinct diesel punk flavor, and I find that taste to be tangy and salty, like really good bbq chips, a flavor *everyone* enjoys, and if they don’t then WATCH THEM because they’re probably aliens about to take you to a prison planet and sell you to a back stabber as an exotic pet, much like whet happened to our heroine, Alice. You like that segue? Pretty smooth, right?

Alice is unintentionally rescued by Farlin, who used to be Owenfarlin, and he falls into a mating heat pretty much immediately after seeing her laser pistol whip the back stabber as soon as she was able to. She goes on the run with Farlin and his protégée Perri, and you meet all kinds of interesting folks, including some other humans! The race is on to get away from the bad guys, save the good guys (themselves) and maybe do a little smooching along the way, while Perri practices looking grossed out.

An excellent read, and a full recommendation!
Profile Image for Karen Nastasio.
2,661 reviews19 followers
November 17, 2021
I really enjoyed this book the characters where amazing and it keep me turning the pages with excitement to find out what happens next. Alice was on earth on a camping trip in the mountains trying to connect with nature and destress. But when she wakes up she is not on earth anymore realising she has been kidnapped and is now the new exotic pet to an evil alien named Rand on train on a scary planet. Then she is kidnapped again by two armed Lizard men who just escaped and is taking her with them. Far is and his best friend Perri finally escape from Rand and find a human female with him and cannot let her stay with this evil man but what he never expected was that straight after meeting Alice Farsi goes into mating fever and is shocked because he thought he was too old that but he is drawn to the sexy female. Alice is shocked to find out that one she is Farsi’s mate and two it’s her fault that he is going through mating fever all the while being attracted to him. Faris must keep his mate safe and save themselves from everybody else. I laughed out loud in some parts and found this book funny, exciting and with plenty of action. How does it all turn out for everyone involved and do Alice and Faris get the HEA and what happens to Perri.
Profile Image for Denise.
3,449 reviews
October 25, 2021
Alice goes camping to relax and commune with nature, well really to avoid people and their unsolicited opinions on her weight and marital status. Either way, being abducted by aliens was not on her wish list. Ending up as a lizard man's pet human was also not on the list. No one can understand her, she is pretty sure she is being drugged, and the ##%% just shocked her with her collar. She is actually pretty happy when the two armed men break in, except for the part where she is being used as a human shield. Thankfully, a well-placed kick in the kneecap fixes that last part.

Faris can't believe that backstabbing Rand has a human breeder with him on the train. No way is he leaving her there when he and Perrigual make their getaway. Now he has to get her to safety, if such a thing actually existed on this hellhole of a planet. But it appears that he has another problem - he is in a mating fever and the human female is driving his hormones crazy.

Lots of excitement and action in this one. Alice may find that not all lizardmen are bad - if she can stay alive that long.

I was given an advanced copy of this book by the author. My review is voluntary.
Profile Image for Mandy.
4,272 reviews44 followers
September 4, 2022
Human Alice was camping before being abducted by aliens and waking up on a prison planet. On there, people are treated as property (and definitely humans) but the train she wakes up on is robbed and a lizard man called Faris rescues her. The proximity to her causes him to go into something called mating fever. Faris arrived on that island 20 years ago when he was excited there - he believed he was too old for the mating fever but his body has a different idea about it. Although Alice was never part of the train robbery plan she is now his and nothing will make him change that.

I enjoyed this story although some things felt overdone (for example all of her incessant questions which he seemed to tolerate) others were a bit brief - the way she morphed from wanting to go home to needing sex with him and then professing love for him. It was a pleasant read and easy to read and understand. Contains some mature content.
May 12, 2023
The story's concept didn't work for me. I thought it would end with them being able to leave the prison planet. The author even dangles the whole grandson of the emperor and life at court fantasy like a ripe fruit for... nothing. I don't need my heroes to be royal or high ranking to like them, but in this case you can't help but compare the posible life of luxury versus forever scraping by in a hostile planet... Not my idea of a happy ending. In IPB, they at least have a solid community if not modern conveniences. Here they have repurposed junk and forever fearing being snatched, sold and raped.

I read romance for a variety of reasons, but sci-fi or more specifically, alien romances because it's fundamentally the ultimate escapism. Even darker stories with heroines enduring all sorts of terrible things end with them safe with their mates.

Why would I want to escape to a world where I would be worse off than what I have in real life?
Profile Image for Ashante Williams.
1,770 reviews3 followers
June 27, 2022
(Faris & Alice): TRIGGERS: kidnapping, stalking, lack of body positivity. Alice is recently divorced and currently camping solo when she's abducted by aliens. She wakes up lacking clothes with an alien who she can't speak to. Faris, I saw as sort of a pirate, the way he enters the book. He's going through train cars and fighting with guards. The last car, he finds the alien that kidnapped the human woman that has caught his breath. He saves her and takes her with, all the while he begins his "fever". The two of them with Faris' partner go on an adventure while searching for a translator for Alice and parts for their ship. They're also running from the alien that initially took Alice from earth. The book has a lot of action and is very funny. The author also does not shy away from the very hot sex scenes which are very detailed. It was a good story.
1,774 reviews5 followers
November 21, 2021
Needed some clarity

I was confused by the female leads thoughts, actions. One she met her alien match, I realized the author wrote it similar to his. Guess it was to make it seem like they were a pair.
Frankly I did not like her character and felt like his could have been given more depth, but just went with the flow.
Overall the story was good. Did have some unanswered questions, and no I did not have issue with “mean” ending.
More of would they have children, how did they get a ship, is he going back to his home planet? Thought for sure a representative from home planet was going to come saying the first three heirs are dead, or could not have children and their mixed species children are heirs.
Profile Image for Melanie S.
1,820 reviews31 followers
November 26, 2021
Challenge accepted!

Both Alice and Faris have abundant challenges on Reazus Prime, the former prison planet. Alice has been kicked to the curb by a sleazebag exhusband, then kidnapped by alien slavers. Faris has been turned into a hitman and then abandoned by his noble family, because fourth sons are worthless. When fate puts these two rejects together, the tide of fortune turns… and turns… and turns. What stays constant is the belief each one has in the other’s innate goodness, and those who claim that faith has the power to move mountains are not wrong. Twisted plot, strange frenemies, and sass form the background for this unexpectedly tender - and steamy - alien love story.
1,283 reviews2 followers
March 20, 2022
I just love all the characters in this story, especially Alice. Slice is strong, passionate and doesn't like to be messed with. She is abducted and finds herself on an alien planet. When she is abducted a second time by Faris, she gets some revenge hits in on the evil alien who bought her as a pet and put a collar on her. Initially Faris says he will get her back to Earth, but as time goes on and his mating fever for her gets stronger, he doesn't want to let her go. He realizes her strengths. Alice starts to have feelings for him also. They start their life together and even find out about other human females on the prison planet. I can't wait for the next book in the series!
Profile Image for Jurnee.
312 reviews5 followers
July 12, 2023
I quite enjoyed this quick read! I’ve liked the others in this series as well, but it’s hard to tell how things will go when the author changes… but thankfully Nancy Cummings is very good at what she does.

From the very beginning Alice was a clearly likable character, very funny and relatable. The kind of lady I’d want to be friends with. I was pulled into the story easily just seeing things from her point of view. Faris makes for a good ml, he’s smart and occasionally funny and very protective of Alice. I also enjoyed his interactions with his friend/partner Perrigaul, they work together well and play off of each other nicely.
727 reviews9 followers
October 26, 2021
A five star delicious read, Nancey Cummings’ new book is a roller coaster of awesome! Cummings always writes a strong female heroine which for me is a must have in a read. Alice, while dealing with a bitter breakup get kidnapped by aliens and sold. Enter Faris, the damaged hero who is an older hero…finally a book about an older male falling in love. Add in an edge of your seat storyline and you will be hooked as well. I am thrilled that this is a series that I hope will never end. Characters are fully developed and leave you wanting more. Download today❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
1,809 reviews7 followers
November 11, 2021
Alice is over people hinting at her weight, and men in general especially her ex-husband who was flirting with other women while the ink was drying on their divorce papers. She goes off on a one person camping trip, which is interrupted by others, including some aliens who abduct her. Lucky she crosses paths with Faris, who doesn't want to keep her as his slave, although he might want to keep her. I loved this couple, their banter, and the drama of their story, it certainly has some laughs in it.
I am voluntarily reviewing a copy I received, and giving my thoughts and opinions on it.
42 reviews
November 12, 2021
I won the Advanced Readers lottery, and received this book early. It’s like an early Christmas gift for me!

I really enjoy Nancey Cummings style of writing. It’s an easy style that sucks you in, like she’s sat down with you to tell you the story. I dislike reptiles so I hadn’t been sure if I could see Faris as a potential book boyfriend. I respected him and his moral code. Through Alice’s eyes I could see him as sexy. I liked the characters. I’d have happily spent more time on new adventures with them. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Amanda J.
506 reviews5 followers
November 12, 2021
Romance, suspense, action, wow....all this in one book.  It was one enthralling ride, from start to finish.  I was so emersed that it was gobbled up in one sitting.  Now, I liked calamari before reading this, and I have never thought about it tentacles this way....do I feel bad about, hell no!  It was completely justified and once you read this book, you will understand 😉.  The MMC, Faris, my God, Faris....yes, I need one.  The storyline was amazing, the flow was great.  It was a great time reading, you'll love it too.
167 reviews2 followers
January 11, 2022
Good quick fun read

This is exactly what it says on the tin. I enjoyed the female main character and her spunk. Plus there was great novelty in her not being 24 and a size 6, nothing against that but its rare to find a plus sized Heroine that I could actually relate to 😅
All in all a very good read, my one complaint is that it felt like boys of the story or even conversations were missing at times. It was a little jarring and did take throw my off a fair bit. With a bit of editing this would be a 5 star book.
Profile Image for Katie.
67 reviews2 followers
January 30, 2022

Author did a good job of making me want to root for the protagonist within the first couple of paragraphs. All the characters had distinct and believable personalities and idiosyncrasies. The pacing was well done, but the climax could have been better. Alice was given a tool to defend herself but never used it and the antagonist was defeated by serendipity. Kind of a let down.
Profile Image for Jean Stillman.
999 reviews10 followers
September 8, 2022
This book follows along with the author's book blurb pretty well and is a fun, entertaining read. What I enjoyed most about the book were the characters. The hero is a big softie and the heroine is a bit reckless and a fighter. What I did not like was the heroine's grumpy attitude. She starts off in the book being grouchy about the coworker and her ex-husband. But she grouchy at other times in the book. Ijust wanted her to move on. It is hard to be a badass when you complain all the time.
4,306 reviews22 followers
November 1, 2021
Alice is abducted from Earth and Faris rescues her from her master. They are one an old prison planet, so it it filled with criminals. The storyline is entertaining and filled with action and adventure. I can't wait for more from this author. I received this book 📚, as a FREE ARC copy to read and I voluntarily leave this review.
Profile Image for Trixie.
4,679 reviews
November 13, 2021
Faris is one hero that you will learn to love. He is a simple lizard man who lived a simple life with his friend Perrigaul but he was able to accomplish incredible feats because of his love for his mate, Alice. He is stoic and this "stoic-ness" at times makes me laugh. Alice lucked out with her mate.
Profile Image for Carmen.
1,932 reviews11 followers
November 14, 2021
She Didn’t Mean It

I absolutely loved Alice,she was such a klutz! Every time she accidentally did something it turned out to be a good thing. And her molting alien mate was a really good guy. The characters were awesome and the prison planet offers so many opportunities for great stories I am already addicted.
167 reviews
November 18, 2021

I know why travis left alice---she was thick as a brick and not because she was fat. For a librarian,alice was the dumbest person ever. There were many moments of humor,and faris and perrigaul were good characters. I do want to see what happens next,but, yeah, alice was annoying.
Profile Image for Spinneretta.
2,663 reviews17 followers
November 19, 2021

After being kidnapped by aliens, Alice awakens only to find herself as a slave.
Rescued by Faris, a lizard-like alien, she finds herself on the run with him, struggling to stay free, and falling for her rescuer…

An enjoyable sci-fi romance, with lots of action, adventure and a little romance to round it all out.
A fun read for sci-fi romance fans.
Profile Image for Cecilia Moritz.
33 reviews
May 9, 2022
Loved this book.

Really enjoyed the characters, their interactions and dialogue were great and entertaining and most impressive FUNNY! Dry humor is a perfect antidote to keep a story from being overly sweet and predictable. I borrowed this book on KU and liked it so much that I bought it to keep as one of my favorites.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews

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