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Zoo: Eight Tales of Animal Horror

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We see the animal world every day without realizing how close we are to unspeakable terrors.

200 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 27, 2022

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About the author

Joe Scipione

29 books68 followers

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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews
Profile Image for Corrina Morse.
732 reviews110 followers
August 27, 2022
So, this is a book containing 8 tales of animal horror! But it's not what you expect, it's not just animal attacks, its so much more!!
This book creeped me out, grossed me out, broke my heart and made me ITCH!!!!
With every one of these stories, Joe builds up a pretty, often beautiful opening setting, taking us off guard, distracting us and lulling us into a false sense of security, and then he jumps right in with some gruesome, brutal and horrifying endings!
These stories are all really well written and fantastic reads. My faves are 'With My Family, In Our House', 'Goal Hike', 'Hunting With Pepper' and 'Find The Nest' 🖤

As with all anthology reviews, I'll write a few words for each story....

*HERRING RUN - This started with a well described peaceful atmosphere, that lulled me in, I could hear the running water and feel the sun on my face, then shit got weird!! It seems whatever your addiction, it could kill you in the end! 🐟

*FIND THE NEST - A bizarre and gross tale of horror and desperation! Brutal! Made me squirm! 🐝

*WELL AND UNBITTEN - An apocalyptic tale of life after 'The Bug'. Some really brutal effects, this was a sad one too! 🦟

*SUMMERTIME LOVE STORY - This was an eerie, bizarre little love story! You might do anything for love, but maybe not that!! 💗

*HUNTING WITH PEPPER - Bill seems to be suffering a midlife crisis and so he decides he needs a new hobby, he settles on hunting, but not your typical hunting. And his trophy is not typical either! Tense and creepy!! 🦅

*GOAL HIKE - Beating addiction on your own is tough, but this story of one man's attempt to do just that, may cause him to rethink! A very tense build up, absolutely real and terrifying! I need a stiff drink after that! 😉🐻

*OBSESSION - Is the snake doing the charming here? Heartbreaking and creepy! 🐍

*WITH MY FAMILY, IN OUR HOUSE - WOW!!!! This was outstanding! This is more of a novella than a short story, and it had me totally gripped the whole way through! Stunning! When a young girl loses her family to demon horses, she sets out to try and get them back... Full of suspense, emotion, supernatural elements, and nightmare inducing visuals, this story was so well written, the pacing was perfect, the intrigue and horror were palpable, and the characters were believable and very likeable.
When family is everything......or is it? Loved this one so much!

Overall, an extremely enjoyable read!!
5/5 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Profile Image for Steve Stred.
Author 85 books657 followers
June 15, 2022
It’s funny, because I keep telling myself that I’m completely exhausted reading collections and anthologies, burned out by devouring so many over the last few years, yet, every time I start reading a few books, I need to get a collection started, so that I can bounce between longer reads and shorter reads. I don’t know what to say? Could be some sort of medical condition!

Which brings us to ‘ZOO: Eight Tales of Animal Horror.’ Hilariously, I started this feature called 3Q’s, where I get various authors to answer three questions (and a fun fourth). I started it with the hopes that folks who follow along with me, might discover some new-to-them authors or reads. Guess what? In the few weeks of me scheduling these features, I’ve bought about a dozen ebooks. Insert face palm emoji. That’s right. Spoiler alert – Joe will be a featured 3Q’s author coming up, but when I was putting his together, I read more about ‘ZOO…’ and well, here we are!

What I liked: The collection is exactly what the title says – eight stories of animal horror. But, the title is also a bit misleading, as this isn’t specifically set in a zoo, nor is it limited to what zoo animals might pop into your head. I have to say – I loved all of the stories and enjoyed the novella at the end.

Highlights for me were;

‘Well and Unbitten’ – this was an anxiety inducing story that I just happened to read while camping. The story revolved around the world being overrun and taken over by mosquitos and a families fight to survive. Nothing like reading this while trying not to itch mosquito bites.

‘Hunting with Pepper’ – this story was one of the most exhilarating and original pieces I’ve read in sometime. After a divorce, a man searches for a hobby. Deciding to enjoy nature and take up falconry, he goes hunting rabbits with his falcon, Pepper. Only problem is, this time, Pepper takes down something that isn’t a rabbit. Horrifyingly amazing.

‘Goal Hike’ – look, we all know I’m a sucker for a story set in the woods. This one follows a recovering alcoholic who decides that the way for them to stay away from alcohol is to go on a hike every week. And now, here they are, week 52, hike 52. They’ve waited to do this hike, the hardest hike, until the last one as a celebration. But on the way down, a menacing bear is waiting for them and then it becomes a tale of survival.

Throughout, Joe has a deft way of ramping up the tension and keeping you on the edge of your seat. Case in point – the story ‘Obsession’ starts off simply enough but then over the course of a few pages, you can feel the energy lift and flow, growing to a crescendo. It is really well done and engaging.

What I didn’t like: I wasn’t riveted by the final novella, even though the story had some high points. I think it was more the animal chosen, as for me, I’m not a huge fan of that animal in general. As with all collections, readers will find some stick with them more and others won’t, but I have to say, Joe does a great job of making it tough for you to not want to finish each story!

Why you should buy this: If you’re like me, short story collections can be a great job of breaking up the longer reads you may have on the go. At the moment, the two other books I’m reading are both right around 400 pages, so it’s great to read each of those for a bit then, break it up with a short one or two. Scipione’s collection starts out high and stays that way and I think fans looking for a collection that features non-typical antagonists will eat this one up!
Profile Image for Kate Victoria RescueandReading.
1,577 reviews73 followers
November 18, 2024
This collection of horrifying tales featuring animals was fairly interesting. Some stories were VERY unique and enthralling, others just barely kept my attention, and a few felt a bit incomplete (too short and too abrupt of an ending).

“Well and Unbitten” shows what can happen when mosquitos carry a devastating plague around the world.

“Goal Hike” was especially terrifying as I have been hiking around bears and was really scared. I’m always worried I’ll run into a grizzly defending a kill or a cub in the mountains. So this one was personally a fearful read.

These were my favourites from the entire book, and the last and longest story “With My Family, In Our House” was my least liked.

Profile Image for Mark Towse.
Author 84 books441 followers
June 4, 2022
You can't beat a bit of animal horror. I really enjoyed this selection; very different from anything I've read for some time. Reminded me of old b-movies, bringing a healthy dollop of nostalgia with it.
Profile Image for DA.
Author 2 books114 followers
November 17, 2022
If you're expecting typical animals attack horror, you won't find that here. Instead you're going to get supernatural, otherworldly and unexpected animal terror. Every story is unique, and while not gory they still leave you with chills. The wasp story for me was the most disturbing.
Profile Image for Todd Love.
Author 40 books102 followers
June 14, 2022
This is one of my favourite reads this year (2022). Amazing collection!
Profile Image for Diana Richie (Indie Book Addict).
498 reviews12 followers
May 1, 2022
Scipione brings us eight tales of animal horror. Each story unique and they are not your typical attack stories. They are better! I enjoyed all of them but two stuck with me so those are highlighted below.

Well and Unbitten has scarred me for life. I’ve never had a fear of mosquitoes but this story changes things. I’ll just spend my summer indoors. Thanks! This story seriously made me feel uneasy and terrified for the characters. I could not imagine having to live like these people did. Those bugs are so small and annoying. Just imagine trying to track them all down and eliminate them to stay alive. In a big building too. I would go insane! Just bite me and let’s get this over with. This one will stick with me for a while!

My other favorite was With My Family, in Our House. This one pulls you in quick. The demon-horses and the riders piqued my interest. I wanted to know what was happening when they stormed into the small town. Things changed and people were missing. When the answers are finally revealed, I was shocked.

Great collection of short stories featuring fish, wasps, jellyfish, mosquitoes and more. Something new to fear is waiting inside the pages.
Profile Image for Brian Bowyer.
Author 36 books259 followers
July 2, 2022
A Killer Collection!

This book was a blast. I enjoyed all the stories, but "Find the Nest" and "Well and Unbitten" were my favorites. I'm looking forward to reading more from Scipione. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Nash Bridges.
151 reviews15 followers
August 1, 2022
This was one heck of a ride. Animal Horror but in a very psychological twisted sort of way...

It will leave your mind reeling long after you put the book down....
Profile Image for Christopher Besonen.
Author 16 books90 followers
January 26, 2024
I really enjoyed this book. I felt that every story brought something new and unique to the collection. Outside of Choose Your Own Adventure books as a kid, this was the first time I've ever read a story that was written in second person and found it pretty neat! If you're looking for something different, intense and refreshing, I'd look no further than this assortment of short stories.
Profile Image for ScarlettAnomalyReads.
467 reviews20 followers
November 20, 2024
Okay, so finding out the hard way that not all of my Goodreads reviews actually posted 🤔

This was a book I received in a blind mystery box, which was freaking amazing.

This book also freaking amazing.

Now I know I know, creature feature Alexus?
No, well yes, but this was different then what I usually think of, this had depth, the stories were actually plotted and well told, not just creature for the sake of horrifying creatures.

Loved it 😂👀

The damn yellow jackets tho..#Trauma
Profile Image for Iamthez.
175 reviews9 followers
July 7, 2022
Do you ever read a book and then think 'absolutely all of this could happen'? I usually can tell myself that insanely deptaved people who farm others for meat are so out of there that it's not possible; it is a lot harder to explain motivations of animals though.

With the exception of a few stories, the terror in these animal short stories "Zoo" by @joescipione0 is based solely on the feral and natural instincts if bears, snakes, etc. That isn't to say that the supernatural animal stories are any less to par - the wasp one will be replaying in my mind for a long time to come.

It's just that when you live in bear country, you tend to get a sense of complacency about the bears. You KNOW they're dangerous. You bring the bear spray when you go out. You put away your food properly at the end of the night when camping. But do you really know what it's like to be face to face with one?

Literal shivers down my spine.
Profile Image for Evan Baughfman.
18 reviews3 followers
June 18, 2023
These animal attack stories really got their claws (fangs/proboscises) in me and left their mark!

Scipione has crafted a malicious menagerie full of unruly creatures. Not a single tale here ends happily ever after for the protagonist!

My favorite stories were FIND THE NEST and HUNTING WITH PEPPER.

FIND THE NEST buzzes with squirm-inducing imagery and a gory finish.

HUNTING WITH PEPPER unexpectedly flies into sci-fi territory.

Overall, an interesting- and, at times, surprising- read!
Profile Image for Joel B.
185 reviews5 followers
November 20, 2023
A great anthology that's definitely different and in the best way possible!!!

From insects, bears, jellyfish and demon horses.....it covers lots of great stories.

My favourites were
Find the nest - A bee sting gone wrong

Obsession - never look too long at a cobra!!!

And my favourite....well and unbitten - this could be a full book!!!! Living in a mall avoiding mosquitoes!! Brilliant
Profile Image for Amanda.
146 reviews2 followers
June 4, 2022
This book contains 8 short stories of animal horror. I really enjoyed all of them. The stories were very original and the writing was good. Fish, mosquitoes, wasps, jelly fish, horses, bears, snakes.... I am not sure which story I liked the best.
Profile Image for Elford Alley.
Author 18 books81 followers
October 10, 2022
I love a good creature feature, and this collection is an embarrassment of riches. Eight creepy crawly stories of animal horror, with tales taking turns you won't expect. Definitely a must-read for horror fans!
Profile Image for A.L. Collier.
Author 1 book1 follower
May 1, 2022
If you’re expecting your typical animals gone wild be prepared to be shocked. Stories that leave you sleepless for nights. A psychological horror thriller that you won’t want to read alone….
Profile Image for Linda Mcintire.
42 reviews1 follower
October 14, 2024
I was very excited to read this book. I hate to say that most of the short stories fell flat for me. The redeemer was the novelette at the end. It is beautifully written, somewhat spooky, and heartbreaking. I would give this a solid 4 stars just for that, but I did knock it down because of the shorts. They were not a waste of time, by any means, just not my cup of tea. (But that novella now!!)
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews

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