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Geiger #6.5

Geiger 80-Page Giant #1

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MAD GHOST COMICS presents a MONSTROUS 80 PAGES of all-new stories featuring GEIGER, as well as his allies and enemies! First, in an extra-sized lead story, GEOFF JOHNS & BRYAN HITCH introduce the mysterious man known as REDCOAT and reveal his bizarre ties to the American Revolution, the Unknown War, and Geiger himself. Then, discover the secrets of the Warlords of Las Vegas—Bonnie Borden! Goldbeard! Mr. Karloff! And more!—in a series of tales written and drawn by some of the greatest writers and artists today! Plus, the special origin tale of Geiger’s favorite two-headed dog, BARNEY, and a PREVIEW of GEOFF JOHNS & GARY FRANK’s new upcoming series: JUNKYARD JOE!

77 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 2, 2022

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About the author

Geoff Johns

2,619 books2,343 followers
Geoff Johns originally hails from Detroit, Michigan. He attended Michigan State University, where he earned a degree in Media Arts and Film. He moved to Los Angeles in the late 1990s in search of work within the film industry. Through perseverance, Geoff ended up as the assistant to Richard Donner, working on Conspiracy Theory and Lethal Weapon 4. During that time, he also began his comics career writing Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. and JSA (co-written with David S. Goyer) for DC Comics. He worked with Richard Donner for four years, leaving the company to pursue writing full-time.

His first comics assignments led to a critically acclaimed five-year run on the The Flash. Since then, he has quickly become one of the most popular and prolific comics writers today, working on such titles including a highly successful re-imagining of Green Lantern, Action Comics (co-written with Richard Donner), Teen Titans, Justice Society of America, Infinite Crisis and the experimental breakout hit series 52 for DC with Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka and Mark Waid. Geoff received the Wizard Fan Award for Breakout Talent of 2002 and Writer of the Year for 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 as well as the CBG Writer of the Year 2003 thru 2005, 2007 and CBG Best Comic Book Series for JSA 2001 thru 2005. Geoff also developed BLADE: THE SERIES with David S. Goyer, as well as penned the acclaimed “Legion” episode of SMALLVILLE. He also served as staff writer for the fourth season of ROBOT CHICKEN.

Geoff recently became a New York Times Bestselling author with the graphic novel Superman: Brainiac with art by Gary Frank.

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Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews
Profile Image for A.J..
603 reviews75 followers
June 15, 2022
Geiger gets an 80 page one-shot from a plethora of creators helping series creators Geoff Johns and Gary Frank continue to set up the world they started to build in Geiger Volume 1. Geoff Johns, Jay Faerber, Sterling Gates, Janet Harvey, Leon Hendrix III, Pornsak Pichetshote, and Peter J. Tomasi all contribute stories while Bryan Hitch, Sean Galloway, Staz Johnson, Kelley Jones, Megan Levens, Paul Pelletier, Joe Prado, and Peter Snejbjerg help with interiors. There are 10 short stories according to the table of contents, but the last story is just a continuation of the third one, Tales of Unknown War. The issue is beefy at a $8 cover price, with a timeline and preview of a spinoff shown as extras. I didn’t love the first volume of Geiger like others seemed to, but this was honestly amazing. In my Geiger review I said I probably would never touch the spinoffs, Junkyard Joe and Redcoat, but I am tempted to check out Redcoat after reading this. Individual ratings are as follows:

Who is Redcoat? 5/5

Where’d he find Barney? 4/5

Tales of Unknown War/ What About the Shooting Star? 3/5

Prey (The Safari) 4.75/5

The Karloff 2.5/5

Ursa (Nero’s) 4.25/5

Goldbeard’s 4.5/5

Public Enemy Number One (The Manhattan) 4.5/5

Re-Entry (Saturn 7) 3.25/5

Total: 4/5

Overall I enjoyed this alot more than volume 1, and honestly think they should have included this in the first volume. It does a better job at setting up the Vegas baddies in just a couple pages, and most of the stories are quite compelling. This has convinced me to give the “Geiger-verse” another chance.
Profile Image for James.
2,501 reviews75 followers
February 18, 2022
So this contains a bunch of short stories dealing with all the different characters and locations in this world Johns has created. It’s a mixed bag. Some of them were pretty cool, some just ok and couple that had me like, what the hell was that? It also set up some of the spins off titles that are coming. Redcoat and Junk Yard Joe. I may or may not check those out.
Profile Image for Ben Brown.
509 reviews184 followers
December 13, 2023
It’s always been abundantly clear that Geoff Johns has grand plans in store for his “Geiger Universe,’ and the new '80-Page Giant’ – which is comprised of new comic shorts by Johns, as well as a litany of other notable comic book creators, including Jay Faerber, Peter Tomasi, and Sterling Gates – serves to drill this point home even further, expanding the scope of the world via the introduction of several intriguing new characters, while also serving to flesh out and deepen the lore already established in the first ‘Geiger’ volume. It’s a short, but invigorating read, the kind that makes you excited not only to see WHAT comes next, but also HOW it’s told and WHO it’s delivered by. More please.
Profile Image for Benji's Books.
412 reviews5 followers
October 19, 2023
A good tie-in to the Unnamed Universe created by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank, though John's only writes a few of the stories in this and Gary does the art for just one. Worth checking out for the origin of Barney, the two-headed wolf and the introduction to Redcoat, one of the upcoming characters in the Unnamed Universe, soon to be in his own miniseries.

Aside from the first few tales, the rest of the stories were hit or miss. Not essential, but good for world-building.
Profile Image for Michael J..
943 reviews29 followers
March 16, 2024
This follow-up to Volume One of the GEIGER series further explores Geoff Johns' Un-named Universe. With a variety of writers and artists involved, and free rein to explore both the landscape of the Geiger series (especially the diverse and strange casinos of Las Vegas) as well as the past history and connections of this universe, there's not a bad story in the bunch.
This just serves to whet my appetite for more.
Among my favorite stories were "Who Is Redcoat?" (Geoff Johns, Bryan Hitch), "Where'd He Find Barney?" (Geoff Johns, Gary Frank), "The Safari" (Peter Tomasi, Peter Snejbjerg), "The Karloff" (Sterling Gates, Kelley Jones), "The Manhattan" (Janet Harvey Nevalam, Megan Levens), and "Saturn 7" (Jay Faeber, Joe Prado).
Favorite new character: Bonnie, operator of The Manhattan casino.
Profile Image for 47Time.
3,157 reviews91 followers
June 7, 2023
This collection of one-shots adds very little to the original story. That's to be expected from having different creative teams. Still, they could have afforded to be more related to the original material.
Profile Image for Eric.
672 reviews8 followers
February 22, 2022
I really didn’t care for the Disney-style art in Goldbeard, but otherwise thoroughly enjoyed this. I don’t know if Junkyard Joe is my bag, but I plan to check out Redcoat, at least, and whatever’s next for the glowing man.
Profile Image for STEVE LONG.
118 reviews11 followers
February 18, 2022
Mostly good stories but not enough of the titular character.
Profile Image for Alaina.
55 reviews
February 14, 2022
This worlds pretty dope. 80 page giant was fun but not enough Glowing man!!!
Profile Image for Matty Dub.
643 reviews8 followers
March 1, 2022
Great issue that serves to flesh out the world of the Unnamed and introduce the next two series in the universe; Redcoat by Johns/Hitch and Junkyard Joe by Johns/Frank.

Looking forward to what’s next!
Profile Image for RubiGiráldez RubiGiráldez.
Author 8 books28 followers
June 20, 2023
Pues nada, toca tratar de ordeñar todo lo que se pueda de una serie de Image con Geoff Johns y Gary Frank en mayor libertad que trabajando en DC... Pero lo cierto es que en perspectiva tampoco es que se vea algo más "único". Y puede que toda esa línea argumental de la "Guerra Desconocida" con personajes como ese mercenario inmortal retro de la guerra colonial estadounidense o el robo vietnam que van a protagonizar sus propias series spin off de Geiger, puedan tener su gracia. Pero lo que no lo es tanto es que salgan desvinculadas tan a la fuerza de una propuesta que debería estar planteada para funcionar por sí misma. Y los primeros números de Geiger parecían lograrlo hasta que empezabas a presenciar cómo la quieren convertir en una gallina de los huevos de oro sin cuidado. Este especial, apenas funciona como anexo a la miniserie de Geiger en esa historieta de cómo adoptó a su perro lobo bicéfalo de sus wastelands radioactivas... Las otras historias sobre los otros "reinos" anexos al del Camelot "de mercadillo" tampoco es que sean suficientemente atractivos y se repiten o si lo son, se cortan cuanto antes (como el de la arena de gladiadores o el del "reino" de temática espacial).

El acabase también es que esto se crean que merece tener una publicación aparte y no haberla integrado a los números de la serie troncal. Pero sigue demostrándonos el sinsentido en el que se han convertido las editoriales independientes que nacían prometiendo acabar con las malas prácticas de las "majors".
Profile Image for Rick Ray.
3,258 reviews19 followers
February 4, 2024
A one-shot comic that follows Johns' and Frank's Geiger series and further fleshes out aspects of "The Unnamed" interconnected comics universe as part of Johns' Mad Ghost imprint (now called Ghost Machine, if I'm not mistaken). The main stories here introduce the character known as the Redcoat, an immortal being who lived through the American Revolutionary War and lingers on to the present post-apocalyptic setting, a set of short pieces further fleshing out the various Vegas warlords who were introduced in Geiger, and a back-up story featuring Geiger's two-headed wolf, Barney. Honestly, this was a pretty useless one-shot since there wasn't really anything all that interesting revealed here on either the characters of Geiger or the universe as a whole. The Redcoat story was probably the strongest entry here, but it does feel like the character is kind of written like John Constantine more than anything.

It's mostly just filler so you can skip this for the most part.
Profile Image for Rob Vitagliano.
423 reviews
September 4, 2024
This was an eclectic book, with several different writers and artists, but they all have a similar style and mood. The post apocalyptic world continues to expand, as you get some more backstory for Geiger himself, including his first encounter with his companion, Barney, the two headed wolf/dog. You also get an introduction to Simon Pure, who has his own series "Redcoat" and you get a quick introduction to "Junkyard Joe" as well. Most of the book explains the stories behind the different casinos in Vegas that all have their own rulers that I expect will come up against Geiger at some point. I enjoyed some stories more than others, like Safari Bob's, whereas the Karloff casino is more of a horror story, and not really my cup of tea. Altogether, though, it's an entertaining volume that expands this already engaging universe. I look forward to more.
Profile Image for Luke Costin.
223 reviews2 followers
February 20, 2022
I’m counting an 80 page issue as a graphic novel, Sue me.

I love the world that Johns and Frank have created with this series and all of the nods to future books and fleshing out characters that have only been briefly mentioned as an anthology really helps build out the world. Can wait to see more from Mad Ghost.
Profile Image for Kurt Lorenz.
696 reviews8 followers
February 14, 2022
A few great short stories in the same universe as Geiger, followed by some really mediocre stuff. Worth the read for Geiger fans, but nothing too exciting. Redcoat seems like it'll be really cool though.
Profile Image for Chad.
9,527 reviews1,016 followers
August 14, 2022
This anthology gives us a lead-in to the new character, the immortal Redcoat who fought a magic wielding George Washington. Sign me up please. There's some new Geiger stories along with teasers for all of the casinos in Las Vegas further fleshing out the world of The Unknown War. Great stuff.
Profile Image for Chris.
111 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2022
Cool to see Johns create a whole universe and lore behind his Geiger story. Hope he continues to develop it.
Profile Image for Vicente Ribes.
844 reviews152 followers
March 5, 2023
Recopilación de historias de personajes de la serie de Geiger que no le llega ni a las suelas a la serie principal. Para muy fans o completistas.
Profile Image for David Sanz Fernández.
Author 4 books47 followers
April 5, 2023
Algunas historias tendrían que pulirse un poco más, pero el resultado global es muy bueno. Con ganas de leer más sobre Chatarra Joe y Casaca Roja.
3 reviews
December 19, 2024
good introduction

Good introduction to the world of Geiger. Perhaps one story too many, looking forward to reading more from this universe
Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews

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