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The Cabin in the Woods

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The unmissable new thriller from the bestselling author and screenwriter of Netflix movie, The Weekend Away.

In a cabin in a wood,
A woman by the window stood.

Glancing out, she thought she heard
Footsteps, whistling, something stirred.

Hiding here, she fears the night,
For what’s done in the dark will come to light.

She must run fast to escape her lie

Or she’ll be the next to die…

Readers are gripped by The Cabin in the Woods:

400 pages, Paperback

First published July 7, 2022

1,237 people are currently reading
16.3k people want to read

About the author

Sarah Alderson

26 books2,606 followers
Having spent most of her life in London, Sarah quit her job in the non profit sector in 2009 and took off on a round the world trip with her husband and princess-obsessed daughter on a mission to find a new place to call home. After several months in India, Singapore, Australia and the US, they settled in Bali where they lived for five years.

She finished her first novel, Hunting Lila (winner of the Kingston Book Award), just before they left the UK, wrote the sequel on the beach in India and had signed a two book deal with Simon & Schuster by the time they had reached Bali.

A third book, Fated, about a teenage demon slayer, was published in January 2012.

The Sound, a thriller romance set in Nantucket, was published in August 2013 and this was followed by the critically acclaimed Out of Control in May 2014.

Her first non-fiction book - CAN WE LIVE HERE? - based on her blog of the same name, was published in August 2015 by Blink.

She also writes New Adult romance for Pan Macmillan (UK) / Simon & Schuster (US) under the pen name Mila Gray.

You can find Sarah on facebook and at www.sarahalderson.com or follow her blog at www.canwelivhere.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,324 reviews
Profile Image for Holly  B (slower pace!).
913 reviews2,606 followers
May 20, 2022

My first by this author, a page flipper that I didn't want to put down!

I went into this one blind, and was hooked after a few pages. The first person POV of Rose was gripping. A fairytale gone wrong, nightmarish. A fast moving pace, very little filler, past and present timeline that eventually collides. Cliffhanger chapters were a plus.

Rose won me over. She was so sympathetic that I forgave her many times. She has to disappear and fast. She was in a shark tank and had few options. She has a rags to riches story that goes back to rags. Where is her Prince Charming? Her enchanted castle is now a freezing, remote cabin in the woods. She is like a deer, being watched, or at least she feels that way.

I absolutely enjoyed it! I felt the tension that Rose had and rooted for her at every step of the way. If you don't like a story where you need to suspend belief (or one that is possible, but unlikely), this may not be for you. It also deals with some serious themes of neglect and domestic violence.

I've already added two of her previous books to the TBR!

Thanks to NG and the publisher for my arc! OUT July 7, 2022
Profile Image for JanB.
1,285 reviews3,940 followers
August 6, 2022
3.5 stars

Rose is hiding in an isolated cabin in the woods. She had a disadvantaged childhood, but met her Prince Charming and was living the life of a wealthy socialite with a loving husband and young daughter. What happened? Her backstory and her current dilemma is slowly revealed through alternating chapters between Then & Now.

Another book where the less I say, the better. This is a clever twisty psychological thriller that oozes with atmosphere. The alternating chapters move things along at a brisk pace. I enjoyed the direction the author took with Rose, and the ending was fitting, even though I had to suspend disbelief a few times.
Profile Image for Sandysbookaday .
2,415 reviews2,360 followers
August 10, 2022
EXCERPT: My mind is playing non-stop tricks on me these days: I've started hearing things. Not just the usual sounds you get out in the woods - bird calls and creaking tree limbs - but voices, sometimes so real that I could swear someone is standing right beside me, whispering into my ear.

Last night I started awake having heard someone call my name. I sat up in the dark, heart hammering, convinced I could hear footsteps pitter-pattering away across the wooden floor of the cabin. In the daylight I've seen things out of the corner of my eye - flashes of movement that make me whip my head around - though never in time to catch sight of anyone.

Maybe it's an angry ghost, haunting me.

Or I could just be paranoid.

ABOUT 'THE CABIN IN THE WOODS': In a cabin in a wood,
A woman by the window stood.

Glancing out, she thought she heard
Footsteps, whistling, something stirred.

Hiding here, she fears the night,
For what’s done in the dark will come to light.

She must run fast to escape her lie

Or she’ll be the next to die…

MY THOUGHTS: A page turner with lots of drama, The Cabin in the Woods is told in two time lines; now - as Rose is in hiding; and then - the events leading up to Rose going on the run?

Just what could be bad enough to cause a woman who has come from poverty and married into money, to leave it all behind? Therein the story lies.

I think, judging by the title, I was expecting something a lot creepier than this domestic drama. It does have a few creepy moments, but nowhere near what I expected.

It is a good domestic drama; I mostly felt sympathy for Rose, although there were a few times I wanted to give her a reality check. The plot does also require some suspension of belief, but nothing too drastic. I absolutely loved the ending, feeling that justice had been served.

This is another book that is best gone into blind.

Stephanie Cannon narrated the audiobook well.


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#contemporaryfiction #crime #familydrama #domesticdrama #psychologicaldrama

THE AUTHOR: Having spent most of her life in London, Sarah quit her job in the non profit sector in 2009 and took off on a round the world trip with her husband and princess-obsessed daughter on a mission to find a new place to call home. After several months in India, Singapore, Australia and the US, they settled in Bali where they lived for five years.

She finished her first novel, Hunting Lila just before they left the UK, and wrote the sequel on the beach in India.

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Harper Collins UK audio, Avon, via Netgalley for providing an audio ARC of The Cabin in the Woods by Sarah Alderson for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

For an explanation of my rating system please refer to my Goodreads.com profile page or the about page on sandysbookaday.wordpress.com

This review is also published on Twitter, Amazon, Instagram and my webpage https://sandysbookaday.wordpress.com/...
Profile Image for Debra.
2,969 reviews36k followers
July 7, 2022
Yet again, I am left impressed after reading a Sarah Alderson book!

The synopsis sounds sinister, doesn't it? Go in as blind as possible folks!

We meet Rose and her sister, Daisy in the beginning of the book and that section grabbed my attention and heartstrings and I wanted to know what became of them. I learned, boy did I learn. Rose meets Ryan when she waits on him and they have a fairy tale romance. He is her handsome prince who has swept her off her feet. It's the classis rags to riches story - with a twist.

All that glitters is not gold. Soon her dream come true, becomes a nightmare.

I loved that I had no clue where this book was going to go. I rooted for Rose throughout the book. She is a sympathetic character who deals with a lot in this book.

I didn't want to put this book down. I loved how the author told the book in various timelines. That really worked for me and kept me guessing. I also enjoyed how the sections with the cabin felt atmospheric and tense.

Another solid book from Alderson. She always nails the twists, turns, and reveals in her books!!!

Thank you to Avon Books UK, and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Read more of my reviews at www.openbookposts.com

Profile Image for Kay.
2,205 reviews1,137 followers
December 4, 2022
The cabin ☑️
The woods ☑️
Revenge!! ☑️

nom nom 🍿
Woah, this was a really fun audiobook! Just go for it, go into this blind. "The Cabin" takes place in New York and is sort of a Cinderella + Revenge thriller.

Told in a non-linear timeline, I thought this will be long at first, but I was really into the story and the characters are interesting that it was over before I knew it. I can suspend my disbelief when it's this good!

I saw "The Weekend Away" movie, an adaptation of SA's novel by the same name, but this is my first time reading and all I can say is, she's got a new fan!
Profile Image for Jasmine.
276 reviews492 followers
June 24, 2022
The Cabin in the Woods is a tense and unputdownable psychological thriller.

This thriller unfolds the mystery of how Rose Reid went from an impoverished upbringing to being a wealthy socialite to now hiding in an abandoned cabin in the woods.

Since each chapter reveals a little more of Rose’s life in the past and present, it’s probably best not to know much more than that going in. The chapters are super short, making this a quick, suspenseful, and edge-of-your-seat kind of read.

Some may find it a little over-the-top, but it does make for a highly compelling story. Initially, I was slightly disappointed with one of the big reveals because it’s fairly common in thrillers these days. But the author did an incredible job of keeping the momentum going.

Thank you to Avon for providing me with an arc via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Ceecee.
2,523 reviews2,117 followers
May 16, 2022
4-5 stars

This is a rags to riches and back again to rags scenario as walls and worlds crumble. Rose Reid is hiding in the cabin in the woods, closer to her skinny fearful childhood self than her more recent persona. Via backtracking from 22 years ago to more recent times which is seamlessly melded with the present day, we learn what has led Rose to the cabin refuge. She really does become a catfish in a shark tank following a meeting in New York City with billionaire Ryan Reid though he makes her feel safe. It’s a Cinderella story but as we know not all fairytales have happy endings with wolf like characters disguising themselves in sheep‘s clothing.

This is a riveting read, an absolute page turner from start to finish and I rip through the pages unable to leave it alone. It’s a fast paced never a dull moment storyline as the depths of what Rose has got herself into reveals it’s self a little bit at a time. The author drops in explosions of information that rock you as they’re so unexpected and you sit there stunned.

The characterisation is excellent you feel everything Rose feels and you root for her and those who help her. Her paranoia, tension, anxiety, helplessness and fear come across loud and clear.

The novel deals with some tough subjects which evolve organically via plot reveals and some do knock you sideways as does the appreciation of what it must be like living in a gilded cage. It’s full of atmosphere especially in the woods with the author using the isolation to ramp up the tension. There are numerous plot twists which escalates the suspense and it builds to a very good conclusion. I thoroughly enjoyed the ultimate ending which is more than satisfying.

Overall, this is an addictive psychological thriller which I really enjoy.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Avon Books UK for that much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sheyla ✎.
1,959 reviews606 followers
August 31, 2022
‘Why’d they always pick me?’


I loved this one.

The Cabin in the Woods starts with Rose Reid, a woman, who had a hard childhood. She marries Ryan who is a lawyer. They meet in New York City but they move to Westchester after the wedding. She goes from being a waitress to becoming a socialite. Yet, in the present, Rose lives in a cabin in the woods without electricity.

What happened to Rose? Why is she hiding in a cabin? Who is she running from?

The Cabin in the Woods was a page-turner with a likable character and a good narrative. I was happy to follow both timelines, learning more about Rose, her sister Daisy, and why Rose was alone in the present.

I need to go back and add to my TBR any other books Sarah Alderson has written. Now that I know I enjoyed her writing, I can't wait to read/listen to her other books.

Cliffhanger: No

5/5 Fangs

A complimentary copy was provided by Avon Books UK via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

MrsLeif's Two Fangs About It | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Profile Image for Rosh.
2,093 reviews4,002 followers
August 30, 2022
In a Nutshell: Loved a lot of things about this book. But also disliked quite a few. Plus, it is more of a domestic drama than a psychological thriller. Go in blind.

Story Synopsis: (I meant what I said above. Go in blind. So here’s the most boring and blandest synopsis possible.)
Rose Reed has recently begun living in a cabin in the woods. She is afraid of something. She is also waiting for something. Who, what, why? You will need to read and find out.
The story tells us about her present and her past through her first person perspective.

✔ Now some of you smart readers might go to the book page on Goodreads to check out the blurb. That blurb is outstanding – whoever wrote it knew how to get the pulse of the readers going.
❌ That blurb doesn’t match the story at all. It appears to promise a psychological thriller but the book is more like a domestic drama with a couple of thrilling scenes.

✔ The story is told in two broad timelines – past and present. While the present moves chronologically, the past comes in flashbacks at different points in time and not in linear order. I liked the challenge this presented in terms of concentration. It was a welcome change from the usual dual-timeline patterns that just affix themselves to a point in the past/present and work sequentially from there. For a change, both timelines work at equally interesting levels.

✔ There are two kinds of unreliable narrators: those who deliberately mislead under the cover of drugs/alcohol/amnesia, and those who simply don’t reveal the whole truth. The second works much better for readers as they discover truths when they are unveiled, without making them feel like they were being fooled earlier. Rose is in the second category. She doesn’t lie, she just doesn’t tell you the whole truth. It is like a game, trying to figure out if she’s misleading you.

✔ The writing provides plenty of twists and surprises. Sometimes you can sense a twist coming up in thrillers. Not in this one. Most twists came out of the blue and caught me by surprise.
❌ Some of these twists are way too farfetched to be convincing. Suspension of disbelief required.

✔ The book started off wonderfully. The suspense is built up slowly but steadily, and it is soon clear that the story is going into some unforeseen directions. There is some foreshadowing but even that doesn’t spoil the surprises.
❌ The midway mark--where there are some big reveals--goes into totally predictable domestic thriller territory. The final section gets the action into surprise mode again, but the ending and the epilogue were big disappointments to me. They were over even before I realised it and were quite predictable.

✔ There are some novel elements in the plot. It is like a rags-to-riches story that has turned into a nightmare. Rose’s background is somewhat unusual for this genre, as is her modus operandi.
❌ While what happened isn’t guessable directly, who was the reason behind it is ultra-predictable because almost every domestic thriller casts the same character as the guilty party. This trope has become too common and has killed all the fun of guessing in this genre.

✔ The present that partly occurs in the ‘cabin in the woods’ setting uses the location well. The remoteness, the lack of facilities, and the atmosphere are replicated well.
❌ The title makes the book sound very creepy. But there’s nothing eerie or spooky about the story. It isn’t even mainly about the cabin, thus making it an inaccurate title. Most of it isn’t set in that location.

All in all, it was a good drama, but it didn’t give me as many thrills and chills as I had expected. I enjoyed the story to a fair extent but could have done without some overused tropes. No regrets reading it, but a better-written ending would have made me rate it higher. This is my first book by this author, and I might still try more of her works, so that’s a plus.

3.5 stars.

The audiobook, clocking at about 8 hrs, is narrated by Stephanie Cannon. She narrates wonderfully and enunciates well. As an avid audiobook listener, I had no problem concentrating on the shifting timelines, but audio newbies might find it difficult to keep track of this.

My thanks to HarperCollins UK Audio and NetGalley for the ALC of “The Cabin in the Woods”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the audiobook.

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Profile Image for Nicole.
494 reviews229 followers
July 5, 2022
Wow! I devoured this domestic thriller in one sitting.I loved the twists and turns and the ending was the cherry on top!

Rose went from waitress to socialite practically over night when she meets wealthy, charismatic Ryan Reid.
A chance encounter at a party snaps Rose back into reality as she realizes this is not the fairytale life she thought it was. Ryan controlling nature and awful secrets are enough for her to spring into action and save her daughter and herself.
A car accident, a hospital stay, and time in a state mental hospital for criminals pushes Rose to the breaking point. Her only option is to run again and this time no one will ever find her.
The Cabin in the Woods is a chilling thrill-ride that will have you on the edge of your seat till the very end.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Shelley's Book Nook.
380 reviews1,076 followers
August 19, 2022
My Reviews Can Also Be Found On:
My Blog - Twitter - Amazon - The Book Review Crew

This is my fourth book by this author, The Weekend Away, In Her Eyes, and especially The Stalker were all amazing books and four or five star reads for me. I was so disappointed with this one and it is a hard book to review. On the one hand, I was furiously flipping pages anxious to see what happened next but on the other hand, it was a little too far-fetched for me. I was really enjoying this until the halfway mark when things got a little out there.

I liked the two different timelines and that they finally converge into an explosive revelation. The writing is definitely suspenseful and the short chapters ramped up the tension, I love when a book can make me feel apprehensive. The unknown is what drew me into this story and I was able to read it in a single sitting because it was so engaging.

I like popcorn thrillers just as much as the next person but I have to have SOME plausibility on my reading journey and this had very little. The author does earn some stars for how compelling the story was and I appreciated what she was trying to do with the whole #metoo movement thing, she just didn't hit this one out of the park like her others.
Profile Image for Nina (ninjasbooks).
1,355 reviews1,232 followers
April 21, 2022
What a riveting psychological thriller. I was completely engrossed in the story, which was cleverly done, jumping back and forth between now and then seamlessly. I loved how the author didn’t go into too much detail, because it increased the suspense.


Cabin in the Woods follows a young woman named Rose, who has disappeared from her New York socialite life in mysterious circumstances. Hiding out in upstate woodland, she begins to worry she is not as off-grid as she thought when it becomes clear she is being watched

This book was engaging, interesting and original. There were some minor inconsistencies, for example when Rose talked about escaping to another place which didn’t make sense when more of the story was revealed. Other than that, I loved everything about the book. The writing style appealed to me, and Alderson’s writing was flawless. I had to read on whenever I could and felt very happy with the outcome of the book. A major plus was that at the end things that happened earlier in the book, made even more sense.
Profile Image for Lori (on hiatus, life is crazy busy)).
443 reviews149 followers
September 6, 2022
I loved this unputdownable book! It had me on the edge of my seat, guessing at the turn of each page. Rose is a strong woman whom I came to admire. She went through so much and yet she still held strong when others would have given up.
This is a story of survival, hope and seeing justice served!
Profile Image for Tonya.
657 reviews138 followers
September 28, 2022
This is definitely an edge of your seat type thriller. The fast pacing and twisty suspense had me hooked. I have enjoyed every book I have read from this author and this is no exception. Sarah Alderson does an amazing job getting the reader to care and connect to the characters, which isn’t always the case in many thrillers. This story had one shock after another with a satisfying conclusion I never saw coming. Thank you NetGalley and Avon Books UK for my copy. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Pat.
2,310 reviews487 followers
June 9, 2022
This book was completely different to what I was expecting in the best possible way.

The story is told in two timelines from the POV of Rose - the past from 22 years ago in various intervals until the present. Rose’s parents were both heroin addicts and her mum died from an overdose 22 years ago when she was 9 and her sister Daisy was 6. Their father was a pig and a bully and Rose did the best she could to look after Daisy. Eight years ago she is waitressing and she meets Ryan Reid who, to all intents and purposes, is Prince Charming - good looking and very wealthy. They get married 6 months later. Life is perfect. And we all know there is no such thing!

Still, everything is grand until their daughter, Sienna, is born. Maybe because Rose had such a terrible childhood, maybe she doesn’t think she can be a good mother - either way Rose cannot bond with her baby and she is packed off to a luxury facility to be fixed. And ‘fixed’ she is but now they do not share the same level of intimacy and Rose starts to wonder if Ryan is having an affair. If only that is all it was.

At a function she is approached by a woman who tells her her husband is a monster. I’ll leave it there for you to discover all the good stuff for yourselves but rest assured this is a nerve shredding story. In the present Rose is hiding away in a cabin in the woods she has tin cans on some string as an early warning system and she is petrified every time they rattle. Mostly it’s just raccoons. Mostly. She is petrified to go into the small town to buy supplies in case someone recognises her. Her picture is splashed across the newspaper. What has she done?

There was a lot of dread building throughout this story. I really felt for Rose, after her sh1tty childhood she thought she had won the lottery of life but it was not to be. What I really liked was how she fought back. For a woman who really had no friends (thank you Ryan) she was lucky enough to find some staunch allies. The pacing was great with the tension ratcheting up throughout the story. The ending was fantastic, especially the final scene with the evil MIL - she got the shock of her life.

Well played Ms Alderson, I thought this was a belter! While the story was not particularly original it was written well, with tension mounting throughout and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Many thanks to Netgalley and Avon Books UK for the much appreciated arc which I reviewed voluntarily and honestly.
Profile Image for Auđur.
351 reviews42 followers
August 6, 2022
This was soooooo good 😊 I read it in one sitting could not put it down. Highly recommend giving this page turner a try.
Profile Image for Chantal.
865 reviews853 followers
April 24, 2022
Thank you Netgalley and Avon Books UK Publishing for the opportunity to read this arc.

The Cabin in the Woods follows a young woman named Rose, who has disappeared from her New York socialite life in mysterious circumstances. Hiding out in upstate woodland, she begins to worry she is not as off-grid as she thought when it becomes clear she is being watched.

The suspense building is fantastic. You feel like your walking this journey with Rose, feel her sacrifes, pain and determination to stay alive. Most surprising was the turn this thriller took, it gives you so much more than you expected. The character building is superb with the dual timelines and really added to building this book from start to finish.

This was truelly a really great read. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Jayne.
855 reviews520 followers
July 13, 2022
"Good luck getting anything else done until you've turned the final page".

This riveting and emotionally charged thriller gives new meaning to the word "unputdownable".

Socialite Rose Reid is injured and hiding in an isolated cabin in the woods with no electricity, heat, or hot water. 

Rose's family is offering a sizable reward for information about her whereabouts.

Rose is desperate, vulnerable, and on the run, And only she knows why.

Intricately plotted with multiple twists and turns, the author's suspense-building was fabulous, as were her characterizations.  

Brilliantly unfolding from Rose's POV in alternating timelines, readers are introduced to Rose's compelling and heartbreaking backstory and treated to an adrenaline-packed, explosive finale.

The book's title is deceiving since the book was anything but a "typical" cabin in the woods book.

There were some "suspensions of disbelief" and that is why the book did not earn a full 5 stars.

I listened to the audiobook and narrator Stephanie Cannon did a fabulous job with the narration.

This has been my favorite Sarah Alderson book by far and I look forward to listening to future titles by this talented author.

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Nancy (playing catch-up).
522 reviews312 followers
August 11, 2022
So often the synopsis gives too much away, but thankfully that is not the case with this one. A woman is hiding out in a remote cabin in the woods with no electricity and no phone. Who is she hiding from and why?

The Cabin in the Woods is the first book I've ready by Sarah Alderson, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I found the short chapters very satisfying, and the pacing was great as the tension built. I stayed up late reading which is always a good sign of how invested I am in a book. I just really liked the way the story unfolded. It is told in two timelines, the past moving forward and then present day, and both equally held my attention.

There are a few parts that will require the reader to suspend belief a bit, but just go into this one blind and enjoy the ride. I look forward to checking out some of her previous books. 4 stars.
Profile Image for Jennifer Oslowski.
364 reviews11 followers
April 21, 2022
YES! 👏 I tore through this book, what a page turner! Any book that has me scream YES out loud is sure to be a 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ book for me!

I went into "The Cabin in the Woods" blind, not having read the synopsis and had no idea what was going on, and it really worked. There is a girl injured and hiding in a remote cabin by herself but WHY is she there? All is slowly revealed through past and present chapters. What a story! The tension builds throughout and I just had to find out the whole story as quickly as possible. Twisty and clever! This is one of those books I thought about when I wasn't reading it and couldn't wait to get back to it.

Alderson is a new author to watch our for. This book was fast paced, suspenseful and unpredictable. I highly recommend to all thriller lovers!

Thank you so much Avon Books UK for approving me! Thank you NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book!

Merged review:

YES! 👏 I tore through this book, what a page turner! Any book that has me scream YES out loud is sure to be a 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ book from me!

I went into "The Cabin in the Woods" blind, not having read the synopsis and had no idea what was going on, and it really worked. There is a girl injured and hiding in a remote cabin by herself but WHY is she there? All is slowly revealed through past and present chapters. What a story! The tension builds throughout and I just had to find out the whole story as quickly as possible. Twisty and clever! This is one of those books I thought about when I wasn't reading it and couldn't wait to get back to it.

Alderson is a new author to watch our for. This book was fast paced, suspenseful and unpredictable. I highly recommend to all thriller lovers! 4.5 stars!

Thank you so much Avon Books UK for approving me! Thank you NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book!
Profile Image for Mandy White (mandylovestoread).
2,525 reviews745 followers
July 15, 2022
I loved The Weekend Away by this author so I was excited to read another book by her. The Cabin in the Woods was another twisty and suspenseful thriller that I couldn’t stop reading. It was clever and I loved the back and forth chapters of the now and then.

This is a book that you will want to go into fairly blind. I did, not really reading the blurb and I am glad that I did. All you really need to know is that there is a woman, Rose, hiding in an isolated cabin on the woods. She is miles from anywhere and anyone. What is her story? Why is she there? Who or what is she hiding from?

Thanks to Avon Books and NetGalley for my advanced copy of this book to read
Profile Image for Louise Wilson.
3,376 reviews1,673 followers
July 4, 2022
In a cabin in a wood,
A woman by the window stood.

Glancing out she thought she heard
Footsteps whispering something stirred.

Hiding here, she fears the night,
For what's done in the dark will come to light.

She must run fast to escape her lie.
Or she'll be the next to die.

Rose Reid lives in the middle of the woods in a rundown cabin. As the story progresses, we learn the events that lead Rose to hide away. We learn of her rags to riches story. Rose is injured and hiding. But from what?

This story has a dual timeline that switches between the past and present day. This can be a heartbreaking read that's also twisty and thrilling. I was pulled into this book from the first few pages. I had no idea what to expect when I picked this book up. The more I found out about Rose in the present day, I needed to find out more about her past. This is an intriguing and gripping read that I didn't want to put down.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #AvonBooksUK and the author #SarahAlderson for my ARC of #TheCabinInTheWoods in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Mark.
1,511 reviews
July 4, 2022
Not the title I would have chosen for a book that covers so much more than the title implies, uninspiring imo
I found the initial chapters hard to ‘get into it’ but when the story started to fit together the story telling told in the present and in the past ran together really well and by 30% I was really into the book, the characters and what was happening, it does continue in the vein of finding out more and more as it progresses
A really fraught and tense story of mistrust, a psychopath abusing husband who everyone else think is wonderful and finally justice, and when it is served it is served well
I liked the main character and her back story was very moving and I was rooting for her to get the upper hand all the way through
The author always tells a good story and all told this again was another fine read

4 Stars
Profile Image for Laura Lovesreading.
378 reviews1,717 followers
November 12, 2023
Strap your seatbelts you’re in for a thrilling ride

The cabin in the woods is one of those books I would highly advise to go into blind! From the get go it was given Tension, suspense, shock and a bit of heartbreak!
The chapters switch from past to present, and I damn near gave myself a paper cut steaming through these pages!
Granted it did start to come to a mini halt when all was starting to reveal and I was like “argh not this played out trope again” 😭 but I’ll give it to the author she still kept me interested.
I would have liked more from the ending as it felt too neatly tied up, but I also wasn’t disappointed either!

I definitely will be reading more of this authors work as i enjoyed her writing and the short chapters (always a bonus).

3.5 ⭐️ rounded up
Profile Image for Ken.
2,439 reviews1,359 followers
July 18, 2022
Not to be confused with the horror movie with the same name, this latest psychological thriller has all the twists and turns that you'd expect from a Sarah Alderson mystery.

It's true that their is a cabin in the woods and that's where Rose is hiding after a traumatic event.
The narrative is told through a deal timeline as the reader slowly learns why Rose has seeked sanctuary and that she's desperate to stay hidden.

There's plenty of twists that helped propell the story along as the plot touches on some dark topics.

Another gripping read from this trusted author.
Profile Image for Pauline.
926 reviews
June 1, 2022
Rose is hiding in a cabin in the woods, she is being hunted because of something that she did. We slowly find out the facts that led to this situation and why Rose is on the run from the authorities.
It took me a while to get into this story but once I did I found that I couldn’t put the book down.
Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Pamela Small.
549 reviews73 followers
July 15, 2022
Riveting! Explosive! Electrifying! ⭐️ WOW⭐️ and 🙌 WOOHOO🙌 .

Although Cabin In the Woods is my first read from this author, it won’t be my last! More than an intriguing psychological story, it is an edge-of-the-seat thriller with heart- racing suspense.
I haven’t been captivated by a storyline like this in a very long time!

Ms. Alderson’s writer’s craft is flawless from beginning to end!
Execution- Alternating the narration between several different timelines is unique and propels the plot forward. Outstanding imagery and word choice!

Pacing- Details of the mystery are peeled back like an onion- layer by layer, ratcheting up the suspense with each reveal. It is a fast and furious ride with plenty of roller coaster twists and turns!

Characterization- Strong emotions are created by the author’s outstanding skill in developing dynamic and multi dimensional characters. Readers connect and sympathize with the protagonist. The antagonist’s actions evoke strong emotions at the opposite end of the compassion spectrum!

Climax and conclusion- Climax is fantastically exhilarating! Over-the-top terrific! The denouement is more than satisfying! Too often novels fail to deliver in the end after a great story arc. Not so with this book!

This reviewer is using a lot of superlatives because this novel is superior to many in this genre. Propelling the novel to a 5 star rating is the thematic issues that are addressed: legal system corruption, political corruption, emotional domestic abuse, sociopathic behavior, women’s autonomy, poverty, recognizing and “ seeing” the needs in others and caring for them.

Bravo 👏, Sarah Alderson! I’m so glad to have discovered you! My thanks to you,the publisher and NetGalley for a complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review. It was a pleasure!
Profile Image for Frank Phillips.
606 reviews310 followers
November 4, 2022
Bravo! This novel illustrates the age-old saying, 'Looks can be Deceiving' perfectly!!

This was my third read by Alderson and she delivered exactly what I anticipated - another masterfully suspenseful thriller I could not put down!!

Ex-socialite Rose Reid is on the run, hiding out in a cabin deep in the woods. She's completely on edge, jumping out of her chair at every creak, whistle or moan the old cabin makes. The hair on the back of her neck stand on alert, and she can't help but feel that someone is watching her, somewhere out there, deep in the shadows. But, is Rose simply being paranoid, or is someone really out there, lurking and biding their time before they emerge when she's least expecting it?! But why is Rose even hiding out? Why leave her luxurious and lavish life, including her eight-bedroom mansion? Does it have anything to do with her husband, Ryan? Or does this go even further back than that? What's become of her beautiful daughter, Sienna? Or her sister, Daisy? These were just some of the critical questions at the center of this riveting novel, and I was truly at the edge of my seat until all was finally revealed. The twists and turns that came prior to this were absolutely mind-bending, giving me vertigo in the best of ways! Even though the plot wasn't the most original , the overall execution was undeniably masterful, or what I'd say 'vintage Alderson!'

I recommend anyone looking for a stellar thriller with lightening-quick pacing, immediately get their hands on a copy of this, or any of Alderson's previous work - she NEVER disappoints!
Profile Image for Nina (ninjasbooks).
1,355 reviews1,232 followers
April 21, 2022
What a riveting psychological thriller. I was completely engrossed in the story, which was cleverly done, jumping back and forth between now and then seamlessly. I loved how the author didn’t go into too much detail, because it increased the suspense.


Cabin in the Woods follows a young woman named Rose, who has disappeared from her New York socialite life in mysterious circumstances. Hiding out in upstate woodland, she begins to worry she is not as off-grid as she thought when it becomes clear she is being watched

This book was engaging, interesting and original. There were some minor inconsistencies, for example when Rose talked about escaping to another place which didn’t make sense when more of the story was revealed. Other than that, I loved everything about the book. The writing style appealed to me, and Alderson’s writing was flawless. I had to read on whenever I could and felt very happy with the outcome of the book. A major plus was that at the end things that happened earlier in the book, made even more sense.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,324 reviews

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