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Despite now living with three sexy demons of destruction, and signing the paperwork for her bakery, Succubus Adie can’t find peace. The dream of her bakery is within reach, but she also needs to find time to put in some self-study. Too bad for her she can’t even read the demon manuals, and no one is willing to help.

With bakery renovations underway, she now needs to find employees who won’t look at her funny when they discover the ovens are run by a fire demon, or who question the cupcakes she leaves out as offerings at night. When her cousin Julian calls with an offer too good to be true, Adie has little choice but to accept. 

Meanwhile, she’s finding an uneasy balance with her sexy demons of destruction, but a summer storm might ruin everything. For the first time, Adie will be called on to do more than just skim energy from her bad boys. 

Good thing this little succubus is up for the challenge.

Succubus Studies includes the Succubus Harem Serials 6-10, plus a bonus chapter!

304 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 6, 2018

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About the author

L.L. Frost

120 books481 followers
Pacific Northwest author L.L. Frost writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance with snarky characters and descriptive world-building. Whether she's writing a fast burn romance about witches, wolf shifters, and vampires, or teasing a slow burn romance while hunting demonic monsters, her passion is for character driven novels.

Growing up in a rainforest gave L.L. Frost plenty of time to daydream while spending cozy days under a blanket with her cats by her side. Sipping tea or chugging coffee, you can find her with a book or laptop in hand, imagining new worlds.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews
Profile Image for Caroline.
452 reviews182 followers
December 9, 2024
Ngl, I was a little bored during this one. I like the characters and the lightness of this series, but the romance is moving at a snail's pace. There's also not really much of a plot. Literally nothing happened in this book, and we learned nothing. I'm not sure I can keep reading this series for NINE books. However, it was fun.
Profile Image for Kelly.
1,328 reviews530 followers
April 30, 2020
I'm enjoying this series so much even though I didn't love the second book as much as the first. I'm on a binge of this series and right now so I'm sure the books will blend with each other and I'll have a hard time to remember what happened in each. In this one, new characters were introduced and I'm liking the direction it's taking. I'm wondering if the girl who works with her is going to have her own reverse harem book. I didn't check yet but I'll see once I'm done with this series.

Anyway, the reasons why I didn't like this book as much was that Evie's cousin pissed me off at one point when he started a problem that the main characters had to deal with and afterward he didn't seem to feel guilty about it. But then he's a demon so... maybe that's why.

(possible spoiler ahead)

The other thing that really bothered me was when Evie had sex with the guys for the first time while being unconscious. She wasn't in another "plane" and wasn't really into her healing body. Now it was to help her heal and she needed badly to be fed their energy but I HATED that they got to know her that way for the first time and she didn't even remember it. It felt wrong to me :/
Profile Image for Andrea.
2,004 reviews1 follower
February 26, 2023

Loving this cover! But I'm still not 100% into the relationships going on.

Profile Image for  Bon.
1,349 reviews186 followers
March 20, 2019
Interesting sequel! The worldbuilding continues and fleshes out Adie's surroundings and companions, as well as the lore, much better.

Torch, a heat demon living in Adie's bakery's ovens, reminded me strongly of Calcifer in Howl's Moving Castle. I thought he was a Domovoi from Russian folklore at first, living in the oven, only to see one later in the story, to my delight.

I'm not one for smut so much, but obviously that is an inherent element of a succubus story. So that said, the physical elements were tastefully done (down to Kellen insisting Adie get something other than nourishment out of their exchanges, something human males aren't so gentlemanly at), and Adie's reluctance to skim energy the traditional way made it easier for me to read altogether.

The imps she employs in the bakery were a fascinating medium through which to explore race and gender issues in a supernatural world. BRILLIANTLY done.

The date with Emil was cute at the end, especially since he's my favorite of the Primordial roommates. All in all, an enjoyable foray into a unique paranormal world!
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
3,146 reviews273 followers
February 15, 2023
This is a lot of fun and a great addition to the series. While I loved continuing the story, this book didn’t feel like it had a strong story form on its own. I’m kinda approaching this series as if it’s one long book rather than a series of books.

So… it was fun. And some stuff happened. New creatures and the guys and her are starting to open to each other a bit more.

However, I will bring up an age gap issue. While she is 90-ish, she’s told “you’re too young for x. That’s not accessible to children.”

While I understand that demons age in different ways and sex is part of her succubus nature, it does bring up a little ickiness for her relationships with three demons thousands of years old. Like, if she’s not mature enough to read their language, how can she be adult enough for the relationship they’re building?

But… it’s a minor issue and not a huge ick for me. I’ll continue this series and let you know what I think!
Profile Image for Seraphia.
2,010 reviews31 followers
June 15, 2020
Succubus Studied by L.L. Frost is the second book in her The (Un)Lucky Succubus serial/series. This book picks up where book one left off with Adie working towards her dream of opening up her bakery and dealing with the three men that she now calls roommates. Of course, they aren’t the first thing giving her a headache when the book starts. Remember Julian? Well, he’s up to some mischief and Adie needs him to cooperate. Too bad she doesn’t seize the moment to strike a bargain with him so that everyone wins all the way around. Things start getting amped up in this book, which I absolutely love, and bring on the steamy! Adie is growing and beginning to become what she is meant to be piece by piece, so bring on the entertainment!
Succubus Studied sees Adie beginning to grow as a character. Don’t jump ahead here and think that she lets go of some of her childish behavior because she still clings to certain things for a while, but she’s beginning to develop and better understand exactly how things work. Adie is multi-tasking on various fronts. She’s struggling to truly embrace who and what she is, so she’s visiting the library and trying to learn, but as the librarian tells her…until she learns…TRULY learns how to be a demon…she’ll not be able to understand the books that are there. I mean…let’s be real…she’s already discovered through all of her hard work that the demon language translated to Latin, translated to English just doesn’t work. I can only imagine the type of headache that must be to try and decipher what’s been translated into something that makes sense.
I like how things are beginning to develop between her and the guys. Plus, the author is adding in quite a few new characters and I’m excited to see where things go. Is it fair to say that I’m a touch jealous of Tally? She’s one of the characters that get added into the series. She can go and eat people’s dreams and learn the skills that they have. I want that ability! LOL I’m also really liking the introduction of the imps. The author portrays them as completely innocent and malleable which is to the liking of both Julian and Adie, but if it Adie isn’t careful it’s going to create some bigger problems for her down the line.
This book takes things up a notch with the introduction of danger that could shake the worlds of all characters involved. I like to think of the situation that presents itself as a “moment of enlightenment.” I honestly can’t help getting annoyed with Adie when she wants to get offended behind honest truths though. She already knows she’s lacking, so why get offended when the further dangers of your ineptness are pointed out? She’s growing, but she still has a ways to go.
At the end of the day, this book elevates further on the first and brings in some twists and some much desired steamy as well. I scowl when Adie wants to whine and huffs like a child, but I have to applaud when she puts on her big girl britches and buckles up for what must be done. She’s seeing what she can truly be and I look forward to her embracing it in the coming books. I am rating this book 4.5 out of 5 stars. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Profile Image for Kay ❣.
553 reviews84 followers
February 25, 2022
Book 1: she wants to start a bakery
Book 2: she opens a bakery

If you can't tell the plot moves at a snail pace
The romance(s) also moves at snail speed. The story is cute but maybe I'm too ADD for this, idk
Profile Image for Annette.
3,514 reviews167 followers
January 29, 2020
A little over a week ago I read the first book in this series and even though it's not something unique or original or fancy or sophisticated, it feels like the right book at the right time, like the right story at the right time, the right characters at the right time and the right feel at the right time. And the second book didn't disappoint at all. It was once more exactly what I hoped, wished and needed.

Adie is one of the most heartwarming and one of the most bubbliest characters I've ever come across. It was already love at first sight while reading the first book and I started loving her more and more during this book. There is something very admirable about her and the way she deals with what she is, who she is and what life is throwing at her. Of course, she has moments of self pity and self doubt, but most of the time she knows what she wants and goes for it. If that goes against her so called nature or what her family expects of her, so be it.

And because she's so lovely and adorable it's easy to understand why the three demons who hired her fall for her slowly. She starts out as something they simply need, but during this book we see how they start caring about her more and more. The series is quite a slow burn and focusses more on character development and relationship development than hot and steamy sex, but I actually like that about the book. It fits Adie and it fits her relationship with her demons.

It also fits the plot. The plot is progressing slowly too, but it never truly gets boring. This book is mostly focussing on Adie learning more about herself, her demons and the world she lives in. Her progress is, with reason, slow, but there are a few nice reveals and there is also clearly a big plot brewing in the background. We see glimpses of it, but it hasn't become the centre of attention yet. But that's alright. Because Adie has some learning and growing to do first anyway and it's already quite a pleasure to watch her do so.

I'm already looking forward to next week and picking up the next book in this series!
Profile Image for Dharia Scarab.
3,255 reviews7 followers
April 21, 2019
Incomplete series, I prefer the compiled books to the serial version. Super funny and definitely worth the read.

Catching up on reviews. Didn’t realize kindle wasn’t marking these completed.

Since I don't normally write reviews unless I have something specific to say, here's the break down of how I rate my books...

1 star... This book was bad, so bad I may have given up and skipped to the end. I will avoid this author like the plague in the future.

2 stars... This book was not very good, and I won't be reading any more from the author.

3 stars... This book was ok, but I won't go out of my way to read more, But if I find another book by the author for under a dollar I'd pick it up.

4 stars... I really enjoyed this book and will definitely be on the look out to pick up more from the series/author.

5 stars... I loved this book! It has earned a permanent home in my collection and I'll be picking up the rest of the series and other books from the author ASAP.
Profile Image for MichelleG.
410 reviews102 followers
February 7, 2023
Good but short

Nice follow up to a great first book, but this felt like short and left a lot of questions unanswered.
Profile Image for Dorri.
441 reviews28 followers
September 20, 2018
If you're looking for a romance and reverse harem story to read and you've got about 20 minutes, give Adie's serial a shot. This is the compiled serials six through ten. She's either the luckies succubus around or the unluckiest, you decide.
448 reviews63 followers
September 28, 2020
I was slightly let down by this one, but my rating is only a half star lower than the one I gave book 1, so I obviously wasn't too disappointed. I said I really wanted a big emotional payoff when the guys finally realize all the ways the MC isn't a standard succubus, and I just didn't get it. I also learned there's some sort of secret about the MC's wings (apparently they're deformed?), but all the guys see them and just sort of move one, without the author ever describing what they actually look like. We sort of got a bad guy in this book for a hot second, and then we all moved on apparently.

Emil is so funny to me, and he's definitely my favorite character in these books. I think I might be leaving this series behind for now (for good?) though. It would be a different story if there was only 1 book left, but there are at least 4 more to go. I'm not interested enough to commit to 6 books of this when there are other things I could be reading.
Profile Image for Natalie .
3,334 reviews30 followers
August 18, 2018
More sweetness.

Boo returns with her three destruction demons. Settling in as roommates, she needs to successfully open her bakery as well as discovering how to survive without skimming energy. A lot more going on than the first with new friends, problems and the growing bond of their relationship. Does Tally have her own story? I liked the imps finding themselves, I hope the grey one does too. Favourite character still Emil, frosty with a sweet centre.
Profile Image for Jessica Stevens.
432 reviews5 followers
March 8, 2021
3.5 stars

--- SPOILERS ---
This book almost made me stop the series because I did not like how some things went down - let me get into those and why I changed my mind. First: I did not like how the first time they sleep together (and by sleep together I mean marathon s*x fest that results in a huge mess) she is not even there mentally! For her being so firm about holding her boundaries, this is never discussed, is totally glossed over, and the guys in the room at the time are just ready to keep going "now that she's back." WTH?! This is the point I almost stopped but kept reading to see how it was handled; it wasn't, so that's why I docked a star - noncon or dubcon needs a discussion at least. Then her first time where she is actually mentally present when hooking up with one of the guys, it's as a means of obligation rather than increasing intimacy. I have less issues with this situational reasoning, and more that this takes place not that long after the noncon (dubcon maybe?) s*xathon. I just felt disappointed. I continued to stick it out because the world building and secondary character development was just so good and kept me engaged. Fortunately, by the end we see a turning point with the guys and we see some reasons for why they were the way they were and they actually start liking her for her and not treating her like the wh*re succubus. I think I have had some issues with wrapping my head around how this demon culture works and some of these assumptions and stereotypes contributed to rubbing me the wrong way in general. But, the world building helped with that for sure! So, with this change and the other components of the plot and world, it convinced me to stay with it.
Profile Image for bananananas.
123 reviews12 followers
March 6, 2023
I can’t decide if I like this series or not. On the one hand, I’m loving the slow burn between the main character and her three love interests. On the other hand, I’m not comfortable with some of the things that happened.

Continuing on from my previous review, I get that these characters are all demons and not exactly paragons but they are very callous and look down on Adie for wanting to be kind to humans and other demons. One example of this is Tobias being scornful about Adie wanting to save a flame demon that they find in her bakery. He even makes snide comments about naming the demon when Adie decides to call it Torch.

Another example is how her cousin Julian sabotaged her bakery (whether it was intentional or not, idk) before it could open and there were no consequences for him. There should be consequences for almost burning down your cousins bakery before opening day!

Also after this event, Adie over extends herself and comes pretty close to losing her corporeal form and in order to heal she has sex with her love interests. But she’s not aware that she’s having sex with them because her consciousness is in Dreamland (where succubi and incubi come from) while it’s going on. She figured that out when she comes to but other than lamenting that she wasn’t present when it happened, it was brushed off as necessary?

I’m going to continue this series because it was recommended on TikTok by Lillian Lark (a monster romance author whose books you should check out) and her recs are typically spot on. Also, I’m enjoying the softening of the three love interests who are coming to understand that Adie’s kindness is part of what makes her special.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ☾⋆⁺ Nurse After Dark.
942 reviews12 followers
December 20, 2022
His tongue rolls against mine for dominance, and I fist my hands in his hair in warning. This is my meal. I control what happens right now.

Addie is simultaneously woefully unprepared for her life as a succubus, and also great at taking those wee power trips when things get spicy because the girl is a succubus of course she steers this train! We didn't get a ton of progress on the 'studies' part of this book, but I think Addie had enough growth that in the next installment, things will start moving for her.

He pats the cushions next to him, and I flop down with a huff of annoyance.
"How'd you know to come?"
"Despite your protests, you're still my little ball of energy. When everyone else said it was pointless, I chose to raise you."

The side characters are really growing on me - Julian and Tally and all her men, and all add these little tidbits of fun to the story that I enjoy circling back to each time they pop up during the read.

Startled, I meet his steady gaze. "Are you playing footsie with me?"
He releases a heavy sigh. "I'm trying to."
My lips twitch. "You've supposed to take off your shoe first."
He gives me an affronted look. "You can't take off your shoe in a restaurant."

And fiiinally, a little - lot - of action between the guys and Addie. And not just succubus-related too - I daresay we're starting to get some *feels* happening and it shows much promise for book 3!
Profile Image for Ashley Barry.
257 reviews12 followers
April 9, 2022
Still really loving this series.

While I didn't hate the bakery scenes, I feel like they take up just a bit too much time. I just don't care about them enough to read about them for any length of time. Also not loving the librarian aspect. I feel like long series like this always have knowledgeable but mysterious men who refuse to tell the heroine the information that she needs, so she comes into contact with someone who tells her where to get the knowledge. To make the mystery last, she then has to struggle to either complete some quest for the knowledge or will be completely unable to understand what she is reading without some form of assistance. Honestly one of the worst ways to drag out a mystery, but I see it over and over again.

Other than that, I really liked reading this book. Emil and Tobias are my favorites, and they got plenty of love this novel. It's nice seeing the guys start to incorporate Addie into their daily lives, and the domestic moments were some of my favorites.

I already mentioned my feelings on the bakery, but those feelings don't extend to Tally. Can we please get a book with Tally and her guys? Because I would read the heck out of that. I might be confusing some of the content of book two with book three, but their backstory is so interesting, and I love the dynamic they have with Tally.

Profile Image for OneDayI'll.
1,552 reviews40 followers
November 10, 2022
Broken succubus

Adie is trying so hard. Her bakery dreams are coming true. She's studying all kinds of books to learn about succubi. She's trying to be a good mentor to imps. And she's trying to be a considerate roommate to 3 very powerful demons. But it's a lot to keep up with. And it all takes energy.

Spoilers ahead.
Ok, so trigger warnings for this one. We've read about Cassandra's drains from anyone, willing or not. But Adie gets injured and her body needs energy fast to heal. What happens is beyond her control, especially as she's out of body while this happens. The guys volunteer themselves, but Adie's body is sort of on autopilot. It's quickly moved past, and as she "wasn't home" she doesn't remember a thing. It's not non-con but some readers may be uncomfortable. I'm very curious about this librarian character. She's a fun bundle of knowledge, mystery and power. I also love the insights we're getting into the other beings of this world.
Profile Image for Ophelia.
340 reviews4 followers
February 26, 2021
I'm lowkey really frustrated with this, I really need to get answers in the next book, other wise I don't see the point.

This book is the unfoldikg of Adie openning her cupcake shop. She's accepted she's in contract with the three destruction demons and she's trying to better understand herself, her kind, her powers.

What frustrated me was the slow evolution in her relationship with the guys, it doedn't make sense to me at all. Why doesn't Adie want to habe sex, like at all? I understand not wanting to habe sex for feeding, it can be explained but at all? I'm confused and I didn't get the answers I wanted.

Also Adie is special in some way, I think it's clear at the end of this book that she isn't a "normal" succubus but I want answers!!!!!

Otherwise, I liked the book, the story is fun and light hearted, I'm really enjoying it.

Diving into the next instalment right away!
Profile Image for Bubbles The Book Pimp.
955 reviews
May 30, 2018
Second collection in the (un)lucky Succubus series.

After agreeing to become room mates with her trio of demons ( Emil, Tobias and Kellen )

Addie is focusing on improving her demon skills and actually learning to become a better Succubus.

All Whilst working on her upcoming cupcake boutique opening, training new employees, avoiding terrifying cousins who literally drain your energy, cousins who arrange housewarmings without the homeowners permission and coming to terms that she has feelings for her trio... and not just territorial ‘hands off my food’ feelings.

Fantastic series and I’m loving the imps and their education of self!
Profile Image for Andrea.
154 reviews11 followers
November 4, 2019
So i felt that there was more growth among characters in this installment of the story. There is also more in terms of who everyone is and who really holds the power. I wish for Adie she would be able to push past the barriers holding her back and become the powerful succubus that I'm hoping she is! The relationships (while not physical) between characters in previous books as well as newly introduced are nice. I am glad she got to finally open her bakery - even with setbacks! the last thing that i love is how Frost demonstrates how Adie is different thru her actions and how she treats other supernatural creatures.
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,079 reviews113 followers
November 18, 2019
Wanting more?

Cute read. second book around and it's kinda the same push and pull with the guys, I'm all for a slow burn but this seems snail pace. I see the book is about not feeding on humans but really it's all about not having sex, that's her real issue so it's a constant fight with herself that gets really repetitive. She always wants to flee the guys for everything and it makes me not want to keep reading, I'm bored! I want more from adie. She has this blind ignorance that was ok at the start of the series, but now were past book two and going into book three and it's now a bit of over kill.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
303 reviews
November 24, 2022
There's still no plot. They have sex for the first time while she's not in her body (how does even work? If she was in dreamland, were they just having sex with a shell? She didn't consent and she doesn't remember what happened, which makes the whole thing way too weird if you think too hard about it). And this book doesn't really have a set beginning, middle, climax, and end either.

The guys are becoming tolerable, but the continued stubbornness of the main character is more annoying every page. She admits she doesn't know what she's doing, and that what she is doing isn't working, but just... keeps doing it?

But they're still quick reads, so I'll give book 3 a try.
Profile Image for Sydney.
466 reviews8 followers
June 6, 2018
A great continuation!

This is such a great series! I loved the introduction of Tally and her roommates, they help to show that the demons aren't usually what they're supposed to be which is true for real life as well. Adie is a compelling character and seeing her rise, fall, rise again and stumble her way through to success makes for a great read. There's also more information about each of the guys and hope they're steadily opening up. I can't wait to see what's in store for all of them in the next collection!!
323 reviews
September 16, 2018
Super disappointing that the first time she gets intimate with her guys, she doesn’t remember any of it! Which means as readers, all we don’t see it either!

Still, besides that this is a really great book/series and I can’t get enough of the enigma that is Adie. She is determined yet vulnerable, not a combination you’d expect from a succubus. I love reading the books and seeing her character develop.

Although I will say....all this talk of delicious baked goods is seriously giving me a sweet tooth!
Profile Image for Sydney.
1,339 reviews63 followers
May 31, 2019
I didn’t know how I was going to feel about the burgeoning relationship with these three destructive demons. Which, isn’t an odd thing for me. I usually enjoy the moody men the most in any romance, with an occasional foray into a story with a nauseatingly sweet main man. And the moody, domineering man I seem to like the most, tends to always teeter on the line between good and bad in terms of too domineering. If ya catch my drift. Mkay, moving on.

I enjoy the premise behind a down to earth succubus who doesn’t follow her nature. Nature vs. Nurture or something like that. I tend to get more feels from the MCs that fight their baser instincts. Who da thunk it?

The side characters; especially Julian, Landon, and the imps give this story so much more. If this story was solely based on and around the 4 MCs than I’d most likely end up setting it on fire. Is that too extreme? I don’t think so. I can’t live without all that extra shiiiet. I need the back story and the friends side drama. But, and this important, ONLY IF ITS RELEVANT.
Profile Image for Becky B.
1,838 reviews
January 12, 2020
"Succubus Studies" received FOUR stars.

The novel gained *stars* for these items:

* gained for: "The book caught my interest in first five pages."

*gained for: "I thought about the book when I was forced to set it down and re-enter society."

* gained for: "There were no info dumps, poor writing, or copy edit mistakes that jerked me out of the story."

* gained for: "I was sad when the book ended. I wanted more!"

The novel failed to gain stars for this item:

NO STAR gained for: "That's it. I'm hooked on this author. I will automatically buy anything s/he writes."

Profile Image for The House Wife's Secret Library.
1,266 reviews
November 30, 2020
This was a good series. The beginning books are better than the later books. It is fun to see how Adie came to be, how she got to where she is, and to see her grow into what she will become. There are some good sex scenes and there is some fun plot lines and twists. But books 5 & 6 (other than the sex) are lacking in plot creativity and writing making the books drag along. Just wanted to warn you before you become too invested in this series on the first book.

Overall it is a good read for a slow-burn.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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