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Can Jack and Twitch Foil a Murder Plot?

When Jack rescues a wounded cat, he quickly suspects foul play. Could there be a wildlife criminal on the loose in Briddvale?

Jack rushes to investigate, determined to catch the culprit, only to stumble into a deepening mystery and a sinister criminal plot.

Can Jack and The Twitchers stop the villains before it's too late?

320 pages, Paperback

First published September 1, 2022

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About the author

M.G. Leonard

48 books286 followers
M. G. Leonard is a writer of books, poems and screenplays. She has a first-class honours degree in English literature and an MA in Shakespeare Studies from Kings College London. She works as a freelance Digital Media Producer for clients such as the National Theatre, and Harry Potter West End, and previously worked as a Senior Digital Producer at the National Theatre, the Royal Opera House and Shakespeare’s Globe. She spent her early career in the music industry running Setanta Records, an independent record label, and managing bands, most notably The Divine Comedy. After leaving the music industry, she trained as an actor, dabbling in directing and producing as well as performing, before deciding to write her stories down. Maya lives in Brighton with her husband and two sons.
You can visit her online at www.mgleonard.com. Follow her on Twitter @MGLnrd.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 60 reviews
Profile Image for Kirsty Carson.
514 reviews41 followers
February 15, 2023
When Jack rescues a wounded cat, he quickly suspects foul play. Could there be a wildlife criminal on the loose in Briddvale?

Jack rushes to investigate, determined to catch the culprit, only to stumble into a deepening mystery and a sinister criminal plot.

Can Jack and The Twitchers stop the villains before it's too late?

This was such a fun read. It was full of mystery and suspense and kept me guessing right to the end. Leonard has created a great host of characters that I want to spend more time with and when I realised this was the second book in the series I couldn’t get the first book quick enough.

I love the way Leonard has taken the dying hobby of bird watching and made it cool and accessible for a younger audience. This book teaches about the importance of friendship, standing up for what you believe in and following your own path… loved this and I know I will enjoy the first book just as much.
Profile Image for Rosie Amber.
Author 1 book140 followers
October 18, 2022
Spark (The Twitchers) is a children’s story ideal for middle grade readers or those around the ages of 9-12 years of age. The story is set in England.

The protagonists are a group of friends drawn together by an interest in bird watching. They are also keen to solve local mysteries.

In this story Jack discovers an injured cat while on his way to meet his friends. The vet confirms that the cat has been shot and it isn’t the first one. It seems someone is targeting cats and Jack is determined to find out who is behind it.

When Jack attempts to get his bird-watching friends involved in the mystery, most of them become distracted by news of a rare bird which is heading their way—so just Jack and a breakaway team follow clues to the cat hunters.

This is a very readable story especially for children who enjoy wildlife and nature. Imagine a modern-day Famous Five/ Swallows and Amazons type storyline, outdoors adventure. Happy to recommend.
Profile Image for Fi's Journey.
613 reviews23 followers
September 3, 2024
I liked that this book Spark centers around Jack as the first book of Twitch was centerd around Twitch and how he became friends with Jack and they build the bird group called the Twitchers.

I thought this story was a bit better as there was more detail and we didn't really know first who was attacking the cats. In the first book its very obvious who was the antagonist but here there is more going on than meets the eye. I guess that's why I liked it a bit better.
Profile Image for Veronique Pauwels.
272 reviews13 followers
April 13, 2023
M.G Leonard is geen onbekende schrijfster wanneer het gaat over jeugdboeken. Verschillende titels zoals : Keverjongen, De juwelendief, Switch , .. zullen je wel bekend in de oren klinken. Allemaal boeken die deel uitmaken van een reeks.
Gespot ( Jack en Switch en de jacht van de lammergier) is deel twee van de reeks voor dieren/vogelliefhebbers maar nu vanuit Jack zijn oogpunt. Deel één is Switch (en de vlucht van de ijsvogel) en beleef je alles vanuit Switch zijn visie. Heb jij die al gelezen?

Wanneer Jack een gewonde kat redt, wil hij snel op zoek naar de daders, want dat dit het werk is van een dierenbeul staat al snel vast. Hij wil dit samen met de Twitchers ( de vogelspottende detectives) gaan oplossen.
Ondertussen staat het ganse dorp en vele vogelspotters in volle paraatheid om een lammergier te ontvangen in Poeldal. Deze zeldzame vogel zou hier in het dorp een tussenstop maken. Switch kijkt dan ook heel hard uit om hem als eerste te spotten. Hebben beide zaken iets met elkaar te maken? Zullen de vrienden de daders vinden?

Met blozende wangen vertel ik jullie dat dit mijn eerste boek is, die ik lees van M.G. Leonard. Maar ik ken haar wel, door de vele posts op instagram. Ik heb ook al haar eerste boeken van een reeks aangekocht en die staan al een poosje in mijn TBR kast. Na het lezen van Gespot wil ik hier in 2023 zeker nog verandering in brengen. Want van deze auteur wil ik nog meer gaan lezen.
Gespot is echt een pageturner. Niet alleen het verhaal en de setting is sterk gekozen, maar ook het hele gebeuren errond. Dit is echt een reeks voor kinderen die van dieren houden, met een voorkeur voor vogels natuurlijk. Je leert tijdens het lezen ook nog wat bij. Want dat de schrijfster zelf een vogelspotter is, kan je in de woordenschat die zij gebruikt wel merken, nieuwe woorden zal je hier zeker ook gaan ontdekken.
De Twitchers hebben allemaal heel uiteenlopende karaktertrekken en als lezer zal je je zeker kunnen vereenzelvigen met één van de personages. Je leeft als het ware mee in het avontuur. Je helpt vanuit jouw eigen opinie mee zoeken naar de daders. En dat is toch superleuk om te kunnen doen?
Dus heb je zin gekregen om mee te vliegen in het nieuwe avontuur van de vogelspottende detectives dan kan ik je Gespot zeker aanraden.
Profile Image for Nicola Michelle.
1,675 reviews14 followers
May 24, 2024
Twitch was one of my fav middle grade books of the year so far so I couldn’t wait to follow up and read the rest of the series. It’s so heartwarming and an immediate feel good read.

The audiobook is a strong recommend too, with the author, M.G Leonard narrating it herself and she does an absolutely amazing job. She’s effortless and so naturally gifted at narration that it made it extra enjoyable.

Easy to immerse yourself into, Spark was a fab follow up to the first. In this one, we follow the narrative of Jack who was such a great side character and friend to Twitch in the first book. It has a compelling plot, with a wildlife criminal to unmask and the new gang of Twitchers are on the case.

There’s also a pending flying visit from a rare Bearded Vulture but it seems it hasn’t just caught the attention of the Twitchers but a few who may want to do it harm… They have their work cut out for them in this one!

Again, I couldn’t have enjoyed this one more and it’s accompanying the first one as a solid favourite on my shelf and audiobook library!
Profile Image for Megan.
72 reviews6 followers
August 21, 2022
I'm so happy that Twitch, Jack and the rest of the Twitchers are back!!! I loved Twitch last year and was so excited to see this on Netgalley - devoured it over the last couple of days (and actually struggled to head back to the shopfloor after a couple of breaks as I was so engrossed...) and LOVED it. There's some pretty serious topics around wildlife crime but they're handled really well, and like the first one, Spark is full of heart and humour too. I love the cover art too, and all of the birds throughout. I'm definitely going to be recommending this to our customers once it is released!
Profile Image for Henry Robinson.
15 reviews1 follower
March 11, 2024
Loved it. If I could give it a million stars of course I would! Excellent just excellent. My spark has to be a Kingfisher, magnificent birds.
Profile Image for Em.
148 reviews
July 16, 2024
Mir gefallen die Bücher von M G. Leonard über die Twitcher sehr. Den ersten Band durfte ich als Rezensionsexemplar lesen und den zweiten Band habe ich mir direkt vorbestellt. Ich hoffe, dass auch weitere Bücher dieser Reihe übersetzt werden, denn die Geschichten sind schön geschrieben und regen zum Nachdenken an. Ornithologie ist ein spannendes Feld und mein Spark Vogel ist definitiv der Steinkauz.
Profile Image for CorniHolmes.
890 reviews40 followers
May 7, 2023
Da mir der erste Band von „Die Geheimnisse von Birdwood“ so gut gefallen hat, habe ich der Fortsetzung sehnsüchtig entgegen gefiebert. Auf mein Wiedersehen mit Twitch und seinen Freunden habe ich mich tierisch gefreut!

Als Jack einen verwundeten Kater rettet und wenig später erfährt, dass in letzter Zeit mehrere Katzen aus seiner Nachbarschaft verletzt wurden, wittert er einen neuen Fall für sich und seine Freunde. Sie sind schließlich die Twitcher, eine Bande aus naturverbundenen Kindern, deren Ziel es ist die Tierwelt, allen voran die Vogelwelt, zu beschützen. In Briddvale scheint ein Tierquäler sein Unwesen zu treiben und für Jack steht sofort fest, dass er ihm das Handwerk legen muss. Sein vogelverrückter Freund Twitch interessiert sich allerdings gerade viel mehr für den seltenen Lämmergeier, der in der Nähe des Naturschutzgebiets Birdwood gesichtet wurde. Zum Glück sind die anderen Twitcher direkt bereit Jack bei seinen Ermittlungen zu helfen. Ein gefährliches Abenteuer beginnt...Ob es den Kindern wohl gelingen wird, das Verbrechen rechtzeitig aufzuklären?

Wie oben bereits erwähnt, handelt es sich hierbei um den zweiten Teil der „Die Geheimnisse von Birdwood“ – Serie. In meinen Augen ist das Buch auch ohne Vorkenntnisse gut lesbar, allerdings würde ich persönlich von einem Quereinstieg abraten. Die Geschichten sind zwar recht abgeschlossen und besitzen verschiedene Hauptpersonen, aber da die Bände trotz allem aufeinander aufbauen, empfiehlt es sich, mit dem Auftakt zu starten. Ich denke, dass die Lesefreude dann einfach um einiges höher ist.

Bei mir ließ es sich nun natürlich nicht vermeiden, dass meine Erwartungen an den zweiten Band ziemlich hoch waren – der erste war schließlich ein echtes Highlight für mich. Was die Gestaltung anbelangt, hat er jedenfalls schon mal gänzlich bei mir punkten können. Mich freut es nach wie vor sehr, dass man die Cover der Originalausgaben übernommen hat, gezeichnet von Paddy Donnelly. Die Bücher sehen einfach so hübsch aus, auch bei Band 2 war es bei mir Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Ganz angetan bin ich auch von den detailreichen Karten des Settings auf den Vorsatzpapieren, dank denen man den Schauplatz noch besser nachvollziehen kann.

Die Aufmachung des Buches sollte mir zum Glück auch nicht zu viel versprochen haben. Ich habe problemlos in die Geschichte hineingefunden und einmal mit dem Lesen begonnen, wollte ich am liebsten gar nicht mehr damit aufhören.
Die Handlung setzt einige Wochen nach dem Ende des Vorgängers an und man ist direkt wieder mittendrin im Geschehen. Anders jedoch als im Vorgänger, in welchem Twitch unser Protagonist war, schlüpft dieses Mal sein Freund Jack in die Rolle des personalen Erzählers. Mir hat es sehr gut gefallen, dass der Fokus diesmal auf Jack liegt und wir ihn in diesem Band noch besser kennenlernen dürfen. Jack ist einfach ein toller Charakter, er ist mutig, entschossen, tierlieb und sympathisch und ein treuer Freund. Aber auch mit den weiteren Figuren hat die Autorin wundervolle Persönlichkeiten erschaffen. Ob alte Bekannte oder neue Gesichter – alle sind sie authentisch und facettenreich gezeichnet und auf ihre Art und Weise liebenswert und einzigartig.

Auch handlungstechnich kann das Buch überzeugen. M. G. Leonard hat erneut einen sehr vielfältigen, originellen und klugen Roman für Leser*innen ab 10 Jahren geschrieben, in dem so viel mehr steckt als nur ein Kinderkrimi. Neben einem packenden Detektivfall erzählt die englische Schriftstellerin auch gekonnt von Freundschaft, Zusammenhalt und Vertrauen, von Umweltschutz und die Liebe zu Vögeln und zur Natur. Ohne mahnenden Zeigefinger wird ein respektvoller Umgang mit Mensch und Tier vermittelt und interessante ornithologische Fakten fließen ebenfalls wieder ganz nebenbei in die Handlung mit ein. Vor allem über den Lämmergeier erfährt man so einiges. Im Vergleich zum Vorgänger fällt das Vogelwissen diesmal allerdings etwas geringer aus, da Jack längst nicht so ein großer Experte in diesem Gebiet ist wie der vogelverrückte Twitch. Er hat die Ornithologie schließlich erst seit kurzem für sich entdeckt und hat noch eine Menge zu lernen.

Ich mochte den gesamten Aufbau der Handlung wirklich sehr, dieser Mix aus spannend, lustig, informativ und inspirierend ist der Autorin einfach wieder perfekt gelungen. Jack, Twitch und ihre Freunde – die Twitcher – werden junge Leser*innen hoffentlich dazu anregen, mehr Zeit draußen im Freien zu verbringen, die Natur, insbesondere Vögel, zu beobachten und Flora und Fauna zu achten und zu schützen.
Unsere jungen Twitcher sind einfach so eine tolle Truppe, man wäre nur zu gerne ein Teil von ihnen. Es ist wieder die reinste Freude, sie auf ihren Erlebnissen zu begleiten und mitzuverfolgen wie sie in diesem Band noch enger zusammenwachsen und immer zueinander halten. Wie sie gemeinsam ein unschlagbares Team ergeben und für das Einstehen, was ihnen wichtig ist. Vor allem die Entwicklung von Jacks und Twitchs Beziehung, die besonders im Vordergrund steht, wird wunderschön beschrieben.

Was genau die Kinder alles erleben werden, wird hier in meiner Rezension nicht verraten, das gilt es schon selbst herauszufinden. Es erwartet einen auf jeden Fall ein rasantes Abenteuer voller überraschender Wendungen und Entdeckungen und mit viel detektivischem Mitrate-Spaß und ein wenig Halloween-Feeling. Langeweile kommt beim Lesen an keiner Stelle auf. Auch ich, als Erwachsene, bin ordentlich ins Mitfiebern geraten und nur so durch die Seiten geflogen.

Das Ende lässt ebenfalls keine Wünsche offen. Alles wird zufriedenstellend geklärt, gleichzeitig wird aber genügend Spielraum für weitere Folgebände gelassen. Auf Goodreads habe ich gesehen, dass es im Englischen bereits einen dritten Teil gibt und da hoffe ich nun sehr, dass auch dieser noch ins Deutsche übersetzt werden wird, ich bin so gespannt wie es wohl mit Jack, Twitch und Co. weitergehen wird.

Fazit: Mit dem zweiten Teil von „Die Geheimnisse von Birdwood“ beschert uns die englische Autorin M. G. Leonard ein weiteres fesselndes und brillant erzähltes Mystery-Abenteuer voller Freundschaft, Natur und Überraschungen. Mich hat auch dieser Band der Reihe absolut begeistern können. „Die Geheimnisse von Birdwood – Die Rettung“ ist ein wunderbares Buch für Vogelliebhaber*innen und Naturfreunde und für alle, die gerne spannende Krimigeschichten lesen. Es ist unterhaltsam und lehrreich zugleich und auch für Erwachsene ein echter Lesegenuss. Von mir gibt es 5 von 5 Sternen!
Profile Image for Cathy.
241 reviews2 followers
August 31, 2022
Absolutely loved this! Twitch and Jack are great characters, along with the other Twitchers that make up the birdwatching/detective club. Set in autumn, this plotline revolves around the arrival of an extremely rare bird, brutal attacks on cats, and wildlife crime. It's well paced and the plot is well developed, I liked how gradually one crime leads them to another until they uncover the most serious one. With lovely seasonal descriptions, bird info and an important conservation message, this is above all a great mystery! I look forward to the next in the series.
My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Katie & Alfie.
64 reviews
September 2, 2024
Awesome! Lots of characters to invent voices for and then have to remember all the voices for. A challenge for the out loud reader but an absolute joy of a book. Funny, original, exciting. The whole family loved it.
240 reviews7 followers
April 25, 2023
Een avontuurlijk boek met de liefde voor het vogelspotten als rode draad, doorspekt met een mysterie!

Dit is het tweede deel in de serie over Twitch van bestsellerauteur M.G. Leonard.

Waar in het eerste deel ‘Twitch en de vlucht van de ijsvogel’ de lezer met Twitch kennismaakt, staat in dit deel Jack centraal. Uiteraard hebben Twitch en zijn vrienden die zich verenigden in de Twitchers-club, een club van vogelaars die ook houden van wat detectivewerk, een prominente rol in dit deel.

In het natuurgebied binnen het Avesbos hebben de Twitchers een geheime hut waar ze geregeld bijeenkomen om te praten over vogels en om vogels te bestuderen. Jack is sedert het vorige avontuur vastbesloten een even goede vogelaar te worden als Twitch…maar hij zal nog veel moeten oefenen.

Op een dag is Jack op weg naar de hut, wanneer hij geconfronteerd wordt met een gewonde kat. De kat laat zich bijzonder moeilijk vangen, maar uiteindelijk lukt het Jack toch en hij brengt ze onmiddellijk naar de dierenarts. Daar verneemt hij dat de kat werd beschoten. Jack besluit op zoek te gaan naar de dierenbeul die dit op zijn kerfstok heeft. Liefst wil hij dit doen met zijn goede vriend Twitch, maar deze is in alle staten, want blijkbaar komt een lammergier de richting van hun woonplaats Poeldal en het Avesbos uit. Vanaf nu heeft Twitch, net als vele vogelspotters, enkel oog voor deze bijzondere vogel.

Jack stort zich in een onwaarschijnlijk avontuur. Kan hij de dierenbeulen vatten en zal de Lammergier in Poeldal neerstrijken?

In dit boek zijn naast de liefde voor de natuur, en het vogels spotten in het bijzonder, ook vriendschap en samenwerken belangrijke thema’s. Ik vond het heel bijzonder dat de auteur de termen ‘lifer’ (de eerste keer dat je een bepaalde vogelsoort ziet) en ‘spark bird’ (de vogel die de liefde voor het vogels spotten aanwakkert) onder de aandacht brengt. Ikzelf las en hoorde hier voor het eerst over. De schrijfster weet op een onnavolgbare wijze haar passie en de liefde voor vogels en het vogels observeren naar voren te brengen. Haar beschrijvingen over verschillende vogelsoorten en over de lammergier in het bijzonder geven de lezer een andere kijk op hoe vogels leven en zich gedragen.

De Twitchers gaan met vereende krachten op zoek naar de boosdoener(s) die katten met een wapen verminkt(en) en werken samen om het mysterie op te lossen, om uiteindelijk op een ingenieuze wijze de opdrachtgever en de uitvoerder(s) te ontmaskeren.

De auteur heeft een heel fijne vlot leesbare schrijfstijl. Het boek boeide mij vanaf begin tot einde en ik ben er zeker van dat na het lezen van dit verhaal heel wat lezers fan zullen zijn van de auteur, van Twitch en van zijn vrienden en, heel belangrijk, de natuur zullen respecteren en misschien zelfs een nieuwe hobby erbij krijgen: vogels gaan spotten.

De personages werden allemaal diep genoeg uitgewerkt tot hun rol in het verhaal. De verhaallijnen lopen mooi naast elkaar om vervolgens in elkaar over te vloeien, waarbij de spanningsboog goed werd opgebouwd om uit te monden in een heel leuke plot. Er zit heel wat vaart in het boek doordat de verschillende gebeurtenissen elkaar in snel tempo opvolgen.

Dit boek is zeker een aanrader en in bet bijzonder voor jongeren die houden van spanning, natuur, mysterie, detective en avontuur.

Het boek is uitgegeven in stevig hardcover formaat met een heel kleurrijke omslag waarop een bos, een meer, verschillende vogels en bovenaan centraal een lammergier. Vooraan in het boek werden twee paginagrote kaarten opgenomen. De eerste kaart toont het Avesbos met in de rechterbenedenhoek een mooi getekende ijsvogel. De tweede kaart geeft een beeld van Poeldal met rechts bovenaan een tekening van de lammergier. Ik vond het heel leuk dat boven elk hoofdstuk een illustratie van een vogelsoort werd opgenomen, maar waarvan spijtig genoeg nergens een naam van terug te vinden is in het boek.

Voor het leuke verhaal, voor de prettige schrijfstijl en om de liefde voor de natuur over te brengen op jonge lezers waardeer ik boek graag met vijf sterren.

Meer leuke en interessante recensies zijn te lezen op www.indeboekenkast.com
Author 2 books46 followers
January 12, 2024
I loved TWITCH so was very excited to learn about its companion, SPARK. This book follows Twitch’s best friend Jack as he gets drawn into a mystery about injured cats while also struggling with the fact he doesn’t the same enthusiasms over bird watching as the other Twitchers. He feels disconnected from the group.

This disconnect leads to some friendship issues when Twitch becomes very excited over a rare bird that is approaching. Jack, meanwhile, is more interest in solving the mystery of the injured animals (which has become more complicated by then), and feels ignored in the great frenzy of bird interest. I liked that we saw the other side of a great passion, the negative impacts it can have when allowed to push out all others – it’s still portrayed as a great hobby, just that (like any other) you shouldn’t get so wrapped up in it you forget your friends!

The book also has themes of justice for the environment and all. It touches on how land clearance makes natural disasters like flooding so much worse, and thus we need to care better for the environment. There is also the shooting of endangered animals for trophies and how some (particularly those with money) think that they’re above the law.

The big sequence where all the accusations and confessions come out is a really fun Halloween party set up. I loved the drama of it – very much helping to distinguish Jack from Twitch in their approaches to these things. It is nicely set up from the first chapter and the theme of it (Jack’s big thing) also nicely matches the rare bird at the heart of the books.

I also really appreciated that the Twitchers (who were very resourceful) saved the day without major risks and that the responsible adult at the end was actually very responsible. He took the big risk with the very, very dangerous part (though Jack had done some foolishly, impulsively dangerous things before, but once the adult were involved, they made sure the kids were safe.) The kids still get their moments doing things and are instrumental in catching the wrong doers, but when things get dangerous, I really loved seeing responsible adults being competent and making sure the kids are safe – it’s rather rare in fiction and it feels so important to show that adults can be trusted and can do their job of keeping kids safe.

The twitchers also expand in this book! I really hope they get another book, because the ending feels like it’s being set up for another…
Profile Image for whatbooknext.
1,227 reviews44 followers
February 28, 2023
"Can the Twitchers solve the impossible case of the evil cat killer?"

It's a few months down the track from the Twitchers bank robbery fame, and another holiday break. The hut (hide) Twitch and his friends have built with council consent in exchange for rubbish collection in Aves Wood, is strong and completely invisible from any passer-by. It's still perfect for bird watching too.

Twitch's friend Jack is trying to be better at watching and identifying birds, but is struggling to get the hang of it. Twitch tells him he just hasn't seen his spark bird yet - the one that makes you a bird watcher for life.

In the Wood one day, Jack hears a howling that runs a shiver down his spine. What he finds is an injured cat. Braving scratches and a very scared and angry cat, he rushes it to the vet. He learns there have been more injured cats and one than even died. When he tells Twitch, they decide this might be a new case for them. Who is hurting the local cats and why?

Their small town is becoming busy with visitors, all keen to see a very rare bearded vulture that has the town in its flight path. Twitch is beside himself with excitement, telling the rest of the Twitchers all about it, all the while forgetting Jack's plan to investigate the hurt animals. Jack, a little cross with Twitch's bird obsession, begins the investigation on his own.

He soon discovers his new case is much bigger than the local moggies. There is much afoot including a Halloween party, illegal guns, the town bullies, a marksman, rat poison, a bird costume and lots of zombies!

Can the Twitchers do it again? Solve the mystery, save the cats, and stop the culprits before they do something even more terrible?

The sequel to the exciting Twitch, Spark is told in Jack's point of view. Just as in Twitch, one strange event kicks off another and another, until Jack, Twitch and their friends are waist deep into a plan to foil the baddies!

Pressure on the Twitchers grow as the police become involved, their parents are in the mix and their plan must work to implicate the baddies and not drop the Twitchers into trouble instead.

Spark is just as entertaining as Twitch and can be read on its own too. But I recommend reading Twitch first in order to know the character's back stories. The next book in the series - Clutch, is out April 2023

Age - 9+
Profile Image for Bookread2day.
2,482 reviews63 followers
January 24, 2023

I read book one, Twitch and thoroughly enjoyed it, about a convicted robber has broken out of prison and is hiding in Aves Wood. The series is great for young kids, who like reading about children investigating as young detectives. I found book two Spark another exciting bird watching detective adventure.

In book two while Jack is in Aves Wood, he finds an injured cat named Colonel Mustard that has been shot in the leg. With Jack’s love for all animals he takes it to the vet.

In book one, The Twitchers are bird watching detectives, that caught a bank robber and found the missing money.

Now in book two Jack is about to take on another mission as the Twitchers detective.

The Twitchers were in Aves Wood planning what to do over the half term. Jack has the idea, that he and the other members of the Twitchers will help solve the mystery of the evil cat killer.

Jack starts investigating. He recorded the time and target of the shot that was fired at the pigeons in the fir tree. Jack writes down a list of things he needs to investigate.

1) Ask Jess the vet about the other shootings.

2) Find out more about Flatcap. Who is he?

3) interview Veron Boon about the shootings.

4) The murder weapon. What kind of gun is it?

5) Motive?

Why is someone shooting cats? It was the motive that puzzled Jack the most.

I’m enjoying this Twitchers series so much as it’s breath of fresh air with young boys who are bird watches becoming detectives.

I can see many opportunities for the bird watchers detectives to become more books so I do hope there will book three.

I would like to thank Walker books for sending me copy to read and review.
Profile Image for Anita Loughrey.
23 reviews3 followers
September 7, 2022
Another exciting read by M G Leonard. I particularly like the great unique selling point of being about a group of young ornithologists who solve crimes, using their birdwatching skills. Pure genius. Spark is the second book in this crime adventure series and this time, the story is from Jack’s point of view.
On his way to meet his best-friend Twitch (Vernon) and the other Twitchers at their secret hideout in Aves Woods Jack discovers an injured cat. Despite the cat lashing out and scratching him he carries it over a mile to the nearest vet where it can be treated. The vet informs him the cat has been shot and it is not the first cat in the area to be shot. The first cat died. The owner of the cat, Colonel Mustard, asks jack to find out who is shooting the cats. Jack is excited about solving the mystery and believes it is the perfect quest for the Twitchers over the Autumn half-term. To Jack’s dismay his best friend does not believe him and is much more excited about the fact a rare Lammergeier vulture had been spotted by the Twitcher grapevine and is heading their way.
Spark is a story about what it means to be a true friend. It was great to learn more about Jack and his venture into twitching and finding his spark bird. Whilst searching for clues to solve the mystery of who shot Colonel Mustard jack uncovers an even bigger crime and they must all pull together to catch the criminals.
A brilliant book for all middle-grade readers. The plot zips along and will keep the readers reading until the end.
76 reviews5 followers
August 30, 2022
Having recently read Twitch and also having loved the Adventures on Trains series, I was really excited to be given the chance to read and review Spark through NetGalley. It was great heading back to Briddvale, catching up with Twitch and Jack and seeing how their relationship had developed and I really enjoyed that this story was told from Jack's POV. All the birding facts were seamlessly woven into the story, just as they were in Twitch and the crime the Twitchers investigate this time is as fascinating and outrageous as the last one. Once I read a quote from somewhere about making yourself upset because of imaginary conversations that you have in your head, and it came back into my head multiple times while reading this book. Jack makes so many decisions based on what he thinks Twitch is thinking rather than just talking to him about what is going on. It's so funny how we humans do that. I can't wait to read this book with the children in my school and see what advice they'd give Jack at those points. I feel it would be a really useful tool to discuss how our thoughts and fears can influence our perceptions. But also, I think that they would just love the story as much as I did.
Profile Image for Becs.
1,548 reviews49 followers
September 18, 2022
I enjoyed Twitch, the first book in this series, but I struggled with the writing style. Spark knocked it out of the park.

Jack rescues a cat (so he's already the best character in my mind!) but is suspicious something dodgy has happened, rather than an accidental injury. The author confidently and sensitively tackles wildlife crime through the eyes of Jack as he tries to work out who would do such a thing. It was really great to see Jack and the Twitchers back at play, and there seemed to be a real step up from the previous book in terms of quality of writing and a better balance between narrative and dialogue.

I really appreciate and enjoy that a light is being placed onto wildlife crime - the complete injustice and cruelty of it - but without it coming across as dark and scary to a younger audience. Ultimately, younger readers are the generation to approach when it comes to making future changes, so I'm so pleased to see books like this hitting young readers shelves.

ARC provided from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kristina Watts.
167 reviews
August 18, 2022
This is Jack’s story of how he finds his spark - the bird that really peaks his interest and makes him a really keen birdwatcher. Jack is already a member of the Twitchers, but he has yet to find the bird that makes him go “WOW”. For him the twitchers is more about friendship and solving crimes, so when there is a possible cat shooter in the village then he wants to solve the crime, but his friend Twitch is more interested in a special bird - the Lammergeier that is due to be sighted in their area.
This is a book that will really get kids interested in birds and the outdoors (and their parents interested too. )
120 reviews4 followers
August 27, 2022
Really enjoyed this sequel to Twitch and this story sees what happens following the first book and the friendship and team work of the Twitchers tries to solve a murder plot. The main emphasis on the story moves to Jack who is just developing his birdwatching skills and as I read, I felt I was learning lots with him. It would be better if you read Twitch first in my opinion so you know the characters and how they have come to be together. It was good how it was set in Autumn and the differences in the environment fed into the story. A truly great story if you like teamwork, friendship and overcoming a problem. It doesn't matter if you are interested in birds or not!
Profile Image for Laura.
249 reviews
March 17, 2023
This was very tense for a book about bird watchers! It was very cleverly written and taught me about a hobby I knew nothing about before reading Twitch.

According to the acknowledgments a bearded eagle has only been recorded in England twice in written history, so I can see why all the excitement was there.

I think this is probably suitable for Year 4 upwards as the chapters aren’t too long and there is just the right amount of threat to keep the plot exciting but not scary.
Profile Image for Ellie (bookmadbarlow).
1,345 reviews83 followers
August 26, 2023
Another mystery for the twitchers to solve, a story of friendship and nature.
Jack, Twitch and the gang of bird watchers / crime solvers are on another case, but this one could be their last as their are 2 opposing factions in the group.
I enjoy these books, but do struggle with the details of injured animals, not sure if kids are a bit hardier than me (probably).
These are fast paced and fun mysteries with bird spotting to add to the mix too.
Profile Image for mrs hayley mason.
100 reviews
March 29, 2023
What a story! I really hope there's a sequel to this. I'd love to know what crimes Jack and the Twitchers solve next. An utterly fabulous read about a group of children eager to see common and rare birds who, in their birdwatching quests, stumble across and solve crimes. A-maz-ing! I can't wait for this to 'fly' into the hands of my students. They'll love it!
Profile Image for Ruth.
1,015 reviews18 followers
March 29, 2023
Great book! I was a bit worried about Twitch not being in it very much to begin with, but then I was soon absolutely caught up in the story. It's interesting, exciting, funny, moving...I really love how the author portrays children and their friendships, it's so well done and feels very real. Looking forward to the next one...
Profile Image for Sylvia.
75 reviews
February 11, 2025
Leuk dat alle geliefde (en minder geliefde) personages uit het eerste deel (Twitch) terug komen.
Het verhaal wordt in dit tweede deel vanuit Jacks perspectief verteld. Wat een leuke twist geeft en een interessant ander perspectief.
Een detective jeugdverhaal over vriendschap, eigenwaarde, jezelf vinden, groeien, vogelbescherming en zoveel meer.
Profile Image for Dreximgirl.
1,402 reviews24 followers
August 17, 2022
Loved this so much. MG Leonard is an autobuy author, this series is fantastic I adore how much the Twitchers grow and learn together. So damn cute. And Twitch and Jack are adorable. I'm rooting for them everytime they are on the page. Solid 5 stars.
Profile Image for Annarella.
14k reviews154 followers
August 28, 2022
I didn't read Twitch and I will surely read it as this one is great and features the same characters.
Well plotted characters, a gripping plot.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine
Profile Image for Steph.
1,308 reviews87 followers
September 18, 2022
Well, this was just as lush as the first one! Birds, a murder plot, protecting a rare species and learning all about friendships. Spark is such a gorgeous sequel to Twitch. I love these characters and reckon they could solve any crime!
Profile Image for Frederique.
291 reviews34 followers
July 12, 2023
Loved it! I loved Twitch and Spark is just as good. Bird watching and solving mysteries, what more can you wish for. I hope there will be more books in this series with the other Twitchers as main character, and more birds of course!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 60 reviews

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