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The Child of Ukraine

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Ukraine, 1940. She cups her daughter’s face with her trembling hands, imprinting it on her mind. ‘I love you. Be brave,’ she whispers through her tears, her heart breaking into a thousand pieces. Sending her child away is the only way to keep her safe. But will she ever see her again?

When war rips their country apart, Julia is sent away by her tearful parents in the dead of night, clutching her mother’s necklace and longing for one last embrace. But soon she is captured by Nazi soldiers and forced into a German labour camp, where behind a tall fence topped with cruel barbed wire, she has never felt more alone.

Just as she begins to give up on all hope, Julia meets Henry, a young man from her village who shares her heart full of dreams. And when she feels a fluttering in her belly that grows and grows, she longs to escape the camp and begin a new life with their child. But then Julia is forced to make a terrible choice. A choice no mother should have to make.

New York, 2011. With her heart shattered and her life changed forever by the shadows of war, as the years go by Julia thinks she will never be whole again. For decades she has been carrying a terrible secret with her, her every moment tainted by tragedy and loss since those dark days of the war.

But when she receives a phone call in the middle of the night, far away from the home and family she lost in the war, will Julia finally be reunited with the missing piece of her heart? Or is it too late for her wounds to heal?

Based on the incredible true story of the author’s grandparents, The Child of Ukraine is a breathtakingly powerful tale of love, loss and family secrets, perfect for fans of The Four Winds, The Last Green Valley, and The Nightingale.

This novel was previously published under the name Motherland.

414 pages, ebook

Published July 20, 2022

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About the author

Tetyana Denford

6 books38 followers
Tetyana Denford is a Ukrainian-American historical fiction author, poet, and translator.

Her first novel, Motherland, details her immigrant family's escape from wartime Ukraine, was longlisted for the Reader’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards and has been published globally to critical acclaim. Tetyana has been featured in The Telegraph, The New York Times, and The Flock Magazine, she has written three books of poetry and prose, is a translator for Frontline News documentaries, and also hosts The Craft and Business of Books on YouTube— all about how to navigate the creative process of writing a book and understanding the publishing industry.

She currently lives in New York with her husband and three children.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews
Profile Image for Canadian Jen.
589 reviews2,107 followers
February 6, 2024
1941 when Hitler was beginning his reign of terror, Russia was wrecking havoc on Ukraine’s people- looks like some things never change.

This is Julia’s story of survival. Survival of a nazi camp; then to Australia to begin a new life. But some hardships never end. Secrets buried yet always skimming the surface. Hasty decisions made that have catastrophic consequences.

I struggled with connecting with this character. This is Denford’s history, yet I felt this lacked the emotional substance I was expecting; wanting. Life altering events- seemingly danced over. Disjointed.

Sadly, I just can’t finish.
2⭐️ for potential but overall a failure in execution.
Profile Image for Brenda.
4,767 reviews2,928 followers
July 25, 2022
It was Ukraine, 1940 when Julia and her sister Maria, were sent away by their parents, for their own safety. They'd recently lost their brothers, captured by the Russians, and Julia's parents were fearful of having the two girls home. With Maria, always in bad health, passing away as they travelled by horse and cart, Julia was on her own when she was taken to the German labour camp where she worked, reasonably safe, but always hungry and fearful. She met Henry and together they formed a forbidden relationship. As war was in its final days, Henry and Julia were quietly married, looking forward to a future together.

Eventually, in the 1950s, the couple escaped on a ship to Australia and the birth of their daughter was a celebration. Living in Queensland with Henry working long hours in the sugar cane fields, Julia cared for Slava, lonely with no friends. With a dreadful tragedy marring their lives, the family moved to Sydney, then on to New York where Julia's crippling secret weighed her down. What would be the family's future with the heartache which never left?

Previously published as "Motherland", The Child of Ukraine by Tetyana Denford is based on the true story of the author's grandparents and shows the power of love, the devastation of loss and the heartbreak of dark secrets. Spreading from 1940 through to 2011, the amount of change from "then" to "now" is incredible. Recommended.

With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for theliterateleprechaun.
2,030 reviews67 followers
June 27, 2022
“History will always repeat itself. The news recently isn’t really news to a lot of Ukrainians who have always had the present and the past looming over them and their families. We’ve all lived with these stories for over 90 years. They’ve been passed down to us little by little, with older generations sharing cups of tea and reminiscing about their homes and their relatives that they never got a chance to see again, and then tipping into anger and frustration that nothing ever seems to change.”

Author Tetyana Denford’s words affected me deeply. Her plea to repay the cost - the human toll of war - by giving, even if it’s only my time, to read and support her people struck a chord with me and I felt compelled to read her story.

This heartbreaking novel is the culmination of a three year journey the author undertook to discover more about her Ukrainian family. It’s about her immigrant grandmother’s life and highlights survival, difficult choices, a tragic secret, and how learning to forgive oneself is the greatest gift, and necessary step, towards healing and moving on. We have a lot to learn from the courage and strength of immigrants and Denford makes sure we also know about their sacrifice and what they had to leave behind in order to live another day. It’s an emotional and compelling read that follows Denford’s grandmother from Ukraine to America and answers the question, "Is it ever too late to heal old wounds?"

I was gifted this advance copy by Tetyana Denford, Bookouture and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.
393 reviews246 followers
July 22, 2022
“A wartime sacrifice. A mother’s love. A hope that never dies”

In a personal message at the end of the book, but which I felt was more relevant for me to have read first, author Tetyana Denford, lets the reader know that the story surrounding her main protagonists, Julia and Henry, was inspired by that of her own grandparents, Yulia and Hironimus Rudnyckyj (Babchya and Dido), with parts of the book being fictionalized to link together certain big events, which were true.

These really are the bare, almost ‘spoiler free’ details of this story…

In a war ravaged Ukraine of 1941, it was almost impossible for me to relate to the fact that Julia and Maria’s parents, along with so many of their fellow countrymen, decide that evacuating their children (particularly their daughters), from their homeland, west across the border into the unknown of a Nazi German State, was more preferable than to have them remain, as the impending threat of occupation from the east by Russian forces, became a harsh reality. Both of their sons are already missing, presumed dead, so the need to protect their daughters, becomes even more urgent, despite Maria’s (the eldest of the two) frail and deteriorating health, as their family farm is a prime target for Stalin’s ruthless new regime.

At a stop-off in an Austrian refugee camp, Maria’s condition worsens, and she dies in her sister’s arms. A distraught, teenaged Julia is forced to grow-up quickly, if she is going to survive and when she reaches the German border camp at Neumarkt, whilst she is housed in conditions little better than those of the prisoners, she is set to work as a bookkeeper.

It is here that she meets Hironimus ‘Henry’ Rudnick, himself a Ukrainian refugee, now a German officer, who immediately recognises Julia as the sister of one of his friends. Although from a much wealthier background and against the odds, the two find they have plenty of things in common, so when the inevitable happens, it is no surprise that the two marry in secret, just before their daughter is born.

When the war finally comes to an end and the labour camps are closed down, Henry persuades a reluctant Julia, that they are not going to be safe by trying to find their way back home, so they should move onwards and upwards with their lives and emigrate to Australia.

Life for new immigrants on the other side of the world, is not the ‘milk and honey’ it was advertised to be, so when Henry’s long hours of back-breaking and slave-like toil in the sugar cane fields, combines with the amorous attentions of their bad-boy neighbour Iliya, the perfect storm develops, which threatens everything in Julia’s life. Hell definitely hath no fury like a woman scorned, when Iliya’s wife Elina gets her claws out and a usually mild mannered Henry, shows Julia a whole new and very harsh side to his personality, when he lays her choices on the line and tells her to make her mind up.

The added dilemma of a natural disaster of epic proportions, means that Julia opts for self-preservation and keeping her daughter Slava, by her side. Then, just to turn the screw a little tighter, Henry announces that a better lifestyle awaits them in the USA, leaving Julia to abandon all hope for a future reconciliation of the second family, she must once again leave behind.

Life in America turns out to be the making of Henry and Julia, who settle into a new, much calmer and more caring way of life, resigned to Slava being their only child together. The ‘what ifs’ and ‘if onlys’ which still plague Julia from time to time, become softened and blurred with time, although she doesn’t forget what she was forced to leave behind and never stops blaming herself. However, when Henry is taken from Julia all too soon, a phone call from out of the blue and a voice which Julia never thought to hear again, stuns her, turning her world upside down all over again. When a terrible truth is told, she is forced to confront and confess a past to Slava, which her daughter cannot remember, and which has always been kept from her. Julia underestimates the acceptance and resilience of modern youth and matters are taken out of her hands by a daughter who loves her and strangers for whom the truth means the opening of a whole new chapter in their lives.

It is Slava’s daughter Lyuba, who decides to set Julia’s record straight, remove the stigma of shame from an act committed more than half a century ago, by highlighting her grandmother’s loyalty and love for all her family; and her ability to forgive those who had wronged her and deprived Henry and herself, of the one thing that could never be.

In such a monumentally important, character rich, epic family saga storyline such as this, where fact and fiction are so closely linked, I really worry about any comments I write sounding in any way disingenuous to the author or her family, particularly as Tetyana features extracts from her own story, towards the book’s finale. I think I worked out which were the ‘big things’ Tetyana referred to in her letter, however I had so many questions by the end that I would have treasured a chat with Julia (Yulia) herself, although I am certain that I would fall far short of her tremendous strength of character and resilience, her loyalty to her husband and family, and her determination to try and right the wrongs of the past, no matter how painful the consequences.

Add to that how the parallels of 1941, resonate so loudly with those of today’s 2022 war in Ukraine, with the atrocities heaped upon the portion of the population least able to resist and unable to evacuate the taken areas, and my moral dilemma is only multiplied exponentially.

In fairness, WWII was only the catalyst for much of this storyline, although the stories of immigrant displacement, secrets which were taken to the grave, love, loss, motherhood and most importantly, hope, were indelibly imprinted upon the very souls of so many future generations, with their lasting effects continuing to have repercussions into the present day.

This wonderfully evocative and tenderly poignant, multi-layered storyline, is highly textured and so very fluently written, presented in well-signposted chapters, which draws the story to its inexorable and cathartic conclusion.

The story has a large physical footprint, stretching from Ukraine to Germany, on to Australia ending up in the USA, with the vividly descriptive and beautifully nuanced quality of the dialogue, offering a continually genuine sense of the changing times and landscapes; enough to satisfy my most avid ‘armchair traveller’ tendencies.

There is quite a large cast of characters, all emotionally complex, raw and passionate, often a little unreliable and volatile. However, whilst they could be difficult to relate to or invest in, as often the family dynamics and synergy didn’t welcome outside intrusion, I found them all to be relatively genuine, believable and authentic. All the main players, who have been well developed in their roles, were given a loud and clear voice with which to tell their story, together with an inner strength and determination to fulfil their destinies and set the records straight for future generations.

What always makes reading such a wonderful experience for me, is that with each and every new book, I am taken on a unique and individual journey, by authors who fire my imagination, stir my emotions and stimulate my senses. This was another of those “one of a kind” stories, which had the power to evoke so many feelings, that I’m sure I won’t have felt the same way about it as the last reader, nor the next, so I can only recommend that you read The Child Of Ukraine for yourself and see where your journey leads you!

Profile Image for Robin Loves Reading.
2,638 reviews450 followers
July 26, 2022
Henry and Julia were forced laborers after escaping the Ukraine when war came to their country. Julia's parents tried to get her and her sister Maria away safely, but they were captured and sent to a labor camp. It is at this camp when Julia sees Henry, a young man from her home town. The two marry and even have a daughter. Henry eventually tells Julia of a plan he has for his small family to escape the camp and take refuge in Australia.

Uncertain, but trusting her husband, Julia agrees. They do make it to Australia, but life does not become any easier. In fact, in many ways, conditions become even more harsh. Not only in Julia in a strange new land, but Henry is working long, arduous hours for the sake of his family. The couple begin experiencing problems in their marriage and this brings a lot of uncertainty, especially for Julia. One thing she does long for is to have more children, and this longing comes with a lot of heartache.

Australia is not the end of the line for Julia and Henry and they soon make the long and difficult trip to New York. Not sure how much more she can endure, Julia tries to stand by Henry, even as their problems continue to grow and the gulf between them continues to widen.

What a devastatingly heartbreaking story. I so wanted Julia and Henry to find any measure of joy, but the fact remains that living during World War II was extremely difficult, no matter the location. That time in history was truly painful and survival was key. I did find it difficult to read this book, especially with the current climate that exists between the Ukraine and Russia, making this book one of history definitely repeating itself.

Inasmuch as the story contained herein was utterly compelling, what was even more so is the fact that this book was inspired by Tetyana Denford's grandparents. While the book was fictionalized, as much as possible, Ms. Denford used true events and reports to write this unforgettable book. Even the utterly tragic experience that Julia later experienced is something that our author's grandmother herself actually experienced. My heart was in my throat when I read that.

When you read a pivotal book like this it makes for a lasting impression, one that garners respect for the author, her family, and the residents and escapees of the war-torn country of Ukraine. While tragic, this book does deliver a message of love and strength of the human spirit. This message evolves to one of hope, thus making this book one that I will never forget.

Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Jo Roberts.
28 reviews3 followers
April 10, 2020
An excellent and absorbing story of Julia and her life, love and loss from WW2 Ukraine, through Germany, Italy and on to Australia and the USA.
I won't say too much more as I feel anything could ruin the story, but knowing that it was a work of fiction based on true events made it so incredibly vivid.
The author, Tetyana was able to bring events to life so incredibly clearly, I could feel and smell the warmth of the sugar cane burning, could imagine the farmhouse.
It was one of those books that I wanted to consume rapidly, but at the same time I didn't want to end and absorbed every word.
An epic tale and I hope that many will read it.
Profile Image for Hannah Boyers.
31 reviews
July 30, 2024
This story was captivating from the start. We travel through time with a young girl Julia and see how her life is heartache after heartache yet, she still carry’s on and eventually finds her peace. There were chapters in this book that completely wrecked me! Julia endured so much suffering yet pushed through every single time. This book showcases just how much the human heart can take without breaking. It’s so eye opening to what the Ukrainian people have experienced time and time again. Still to this day they’ve endure destruction of their homeland over and over.
1 review
April 9, 2020
This was a really interesting book, as I didn't previously know anything about the experience of Ukrainians during WW2. It was incredibly moving reading about everything the characters went through over the course of their lives and I was really engaged in the storyline. There were parts that were beautifully written, and there was some real magic to be found in the prose. However, I found myself wondering as I was reading whether or not I was reading the final version of the book. There were a lot of grammatical, punctuation and structural mistakes which were distracting and surprising. This was a shame as the story itself was pretty incredible.
Profile Image for Nana.
285 reviews
October 7, 2022
The title caught my eye. It was one if those aha moments since this country is in the news now. Thinking of war and how devastating it is for all involved, hardships and unknowns are constants that shape families and communities.
This story resonated with me as it shared the lives of a family decimated by the effects, decisions and consequences of a nation at war.
Profile Image for Hay Talbot.
2 reviews1 follower
April 2, 2020
This book WOW. Absolutely beautiful. Captivating from the very first chapter, I was hooked and could not put this book down. I’m sad that I’ve finished it, it’s a book I will read over and over again. Stunning.
9 reviews
May 7, 2020
I follow Tetyana on Instagram and really love the way she shares stories online and creates space for conversations and people to share their experiences - and so I was excited to get my hands on Motherland. The book is beautiful, it is such an interesting story and I was really able to visualise the scenes she was describing - I have such a vivid vision of what their home in Australia might have looked like. My knowledge of this time is limited and so I’m grateful to now have a bigger appreciation and understanding of the challenges so many families must have experienced - Tetyana has done an incredible job of bringing her grandmothers journey to life!

I do have to echo some other comments about the errors in punctuation / spelling and other errors that made the story hard to follow sometimes. I know this was self-published and so doesn’t have the luxury of a massive publishing machine behind it, but it really is in need of a strong proof read. On occasion he became she (and vice versa), ages and dates didn’t quite add up and I’m fairly sure at one point a waitress appeared to clear tables when she had visited a friends house for tea. I’m a copywriter by trade and so some of these mistakes jumped out more than I’m sure they did for others, but it would have made for a more relaxing read if some of these were ironed out.

All in all a really fantastic debut novel, it’s clear to see the love that has been poured into it and I can’t wait to see what is next!
Profile Image for Carla.
7,117 reviews163 followers
July 23, 2022
From 1940, Ukraine, to Germany to Australia and finally New York in the 1970s to the early 2000s, this story takes Julia and Henry through a life that is rife with problems many Ukrainians and other immigrants dealt with, but their secret is surprising. What will a mother do to save her children and family? No one knows until they find themselves in that position.

The Child of Ukraine was very different from what I was expecting based on the synopsis. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy this story, because I did. Julia was sent away by her parents in 1970 to save her after her brothers had been imprisoned and murdered. It was the last time she ever saw them. Unfortunately, what they had hoped for Julia did not happen. Captured and imprisoned in Germany, Julia did what she could to survive. She eventually met and fell in love with Henry and they were sent to Australia to work, where they would eventually have their own home. I was extremely impressed with Julia. Her strength, her love of family and her will to survive, had her making decisions that changed the course of life for more than just herself. Times were different for women then, but I still was very angry at Henry for what he put her through. Their move to the US was a new start for them and again, Julia showed her strength and adaptability. I found it very interesting to learn about their lives in Australia and how they made their comfortable life in the US. This is not an easy story to read, there is a lot of heartbreak. This book is based upon the life of the author's grandparents and it just shows us that we haven't learned from past mistakes, and mankind will continually be at war, as long as someone wants more power. The toll on the innocent is so sad. If you enjoy historical fiction based on normal, everyday people, and family sagas, then I recommend you pick up The Child of Ukraine. If you enjoy audiobooks, Stephanie Cannon does an excellent job narrating this story. Her accents were well done, and each voice has its own tone, expressions and personality. I definitely recommend this one on audio. The publisher generously provided me with a copy of this book upon request. The rating and opinions shared are my own.
Profile Image for Books.
524 reviews43 followers
August 17, 2022
The Child of the Ukraine is an emotional, heartbreaking novel that brought me to tears. This is a book I read in one sitting because I absolutely could not put it down. It is also a story of hope and one woman’s fight to not be broken.

Tetyana Denford has written a breathtaking and beautiful story that is a must read. Have the tissues handy because you will need them when you read this story.

Thank you to #netgalley and #bookouture for allowing me to read the eARC of this book. All opinions expressed above are my own.
Profile Image for Alina.
3 reviews
February 8, 2023
My heart is shattered. I can’t even imagine… and to learn that this was a true story. Once I got half way, I had to take 2 days off from reading the rest just so I could process my heartbreak. Loss, Love, Forgiveness and just seeing how hard it was for women in those days, especially being an immigrant.
1 review
April 14, 2020
I thoroughly loved this beautiful work! I found myself so drawn to the main character, Julia. Fantastic descriptions really putting you in the various settings. Heart wrenching in places so have tissues handy!
Profile Image for Varina.
40 reviews
August 10, 2022
Beautiful Story

I have seldom cried so much during a book. Perhaps because the story has shadows of similarity to my own Ukrainian ancestral tales of escaping occupation and war, perhaps because love is universal, and perhaps because the author has a lovely way with words. Maybe all three!
Profile Image for Becci.
59 reviews
April 11, 2020
I couldn’t put it down.
I found the Authors writing beautiful; so descriptive and I felt like I was there watching it all unfold. I urge everyone to read it...I whipped through it at speed, devouring it in 2 days!

And reading through the reviews I was so surprised to se it hadn’t ranked higher. There are a few spelling mistakes but it really doesn’t take away from the fact this is an achingly gorgeous read.

‘But despite it all, there is always hope.’
Profile Image for Gail Amendt.
753 reviews30 followers
August 4, 2024
This is the fictionalized story of the author's grandparents, Ukrainians who met in a forced labour camp in Nazi Germany, and then joined the many displaced persons who left Europe after the war to create new lives far from home. Those new lives were not easy, as the usual problems facing immigrants were made worse by the damage they sustained from their wartime experiences. The main character Julia is forced to make a terrible decision that haunts her for the rest of her life. The story is interesting, but it reads somewhat like a soap opera. If I didn't know that it was based on a true story I would call it a melodrama. I was bothered by the flat emotions and unrealistic responses of the characters to situations that should have elicited complicated and difficult emotions. I understand that fictionalizing your own family could feel uncomfortable and awkward at times, especially if you are writing about someone who is still alive, but I think if you are going to make your family fictional characters, you have to make them realistic. Part of me thinks this should have been a straight-up biography rather than a work of fiction.
2 reviews1 follower
April 10, 2020
Disappointing. It reads like an unproofed draft. Inconsistent and confusing which distracts from the story. Given up half way through.
1 review
April 5, 2020

I have just finished this book. I don’t think I have the words to describe how utterly beautiful yet heartbreaking it is. The words flow so beautifully and are so descriptive thats the scenes in my head were so absolutely vivid. Babchya is a force to be reckoned with. Anyone who loves The Choice or The tattooist of Auschwitz will fall in love with the beauty and humanity and heartbreak of this story.
Profile Image for Lynseygibs.
246 reviews3 followers
June 23, 2022
Thanks to #NetGalley for an advance copy of #TheChildofUkraine for review. Reading this book was a genuine rollercoaster of emotions. Based loosely around the authors family, it is a heartbreaking tale following a displaced Ukrainian girl and her twists and turns of life and love. A read that made me want to read one more chapter
Profile Image for Annette.
918 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2022
I stayed up while two in the morning to finish this book. I must admit when I first started reading it I found it a little bit slow but once I got past 25% I realised what an amazing story it was turning into and I couldn't put it down. We moan about mundane problems but nothing compares to the horrors of trying to escape the cruelties of war, never knowing if you will survive the violence and hunger. that is with you every day. Julia's mother and father sent both of their daughters away from Ukraine for their own safety but they were far from safe., one sister survived and one did not. The story continues through the years where lives are still torn apart, happiness and contentment seems just an unobtainable dream. The book is based on a true story which makes it all the more heartbreaking.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
3 reviews3 followers
March 19, 2020
my great grandmother was a norwegian immigrant, i couldn’t wait to read this book! it was everything i hoped for and more. thank you for writing such a touching story. it was nice to read something new and not “same old story again”.
Profile Image for Jacque.
241 reviews2 followers
January 24, 2023

What an unbelievable story! I'm shook to the core by how gut wrenching this true story is. What an amazing tale of courage and survival.

Every step of the way I felt SO mad for Julia, rooting for her, kind of hating her husband for her, wonderingwhen her break in life would finally come. She had so much grace under pressure. There is something for everyone to learn from this amazing woman's story. I'm so glad Tetyana wrote this book to share with the world. This is definitely a history that needs to be retold.

I listened to an advanced readers copy of the audiobook from netgalley, and the narrator did a really excellent job. I look forward to getting my hands on a physical copy of this when it's published!
Profile Image for Louise.
8 reviews
May 28, 2020
An inspiring, heart rending account of one woman's life spanning decades. Based on the life story of the author's grandmother, this book follows Yulia from Ukraine to America via Australia, surviving joy, loss, motherhood and grief.
Profile Image for Mila.
7 reviews
January 3, 2023
This book quite literally took my breath away. Emotional, heartbreaking and… relatable to my own past and present. My maternal grandparents survived Holodomor and fought in WWII, my fraternal grandparents barely escaped the Nazi… this book opened some generational wounds next to the ones created by the russia’s senseless war in Ukraine. I will try to finish this review once I compose myself.
Profile Image for Leanne.
1,867 reviews31 followers
August 14, 2022
Ukraine, 1940. She cups her daughter’s face with her trembling hands, imprinting it on her mind. ‘I love you. Be brave,’she whispers through her tears, her heart breaking into a thousand pieces. Sending her child away is the only way to keep her safe. But will she ever see her again?

When war rips their country apart, Julia is sent away by her tearful parents in the dead of night, clutching her mother’s necklace and longing for one last embrace. But soon she is captured by Nazi soldiers and forced into a German labour camp, where behind a tall fence topped with cruel barbed wire, she has never felt more alone.

Just as she begins to give up on all hope, Julia meets Henry, a young man from her village who shares her heart full of dreams. And when she feels a fluttering in her belly that grows and grows, she longs to escape the camp and begin a new life with their child. But then Julia is forced to make a terrible choice. A choice no mother should have to make.

New York, 2011. With her heart shattered and her life changed forever by the shadows of war, as the years go by Julia thinks she will never be whole again. For decades she has been carrying a terrible secret with her, her every moment tainted by tragedy and loss since those dark days of the war.

But when she receives a phone call in the middle of the night, far away from the home and family she lost in the war, will Julia finally be reunited with the missing piece of her heart? Or is it too late for her wounds to heal?

This beautifully heartbreaking story is based on a true story. I loved the perserverance of the characters and the way it portrays the lengths a mother will go to protect her children. I highly recommend reading this heartbreaking, heartwrenching story which is so beautifully written. Thank you netgalley and bookouture for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

#netgalley #thechildofukraine
Profile Image for Frankie.
997 reviews74 followers
July 23, 2022
I have one word – Breathtaking!!!

I knew that this was going to be a monumental book, the title hints at something which speaks of the past and present, and the back blurb shouts at something special, a story full of truth and courage and ultimate bravery. But it’s the fact that this is based on the real story of the author’s grandparents and their personal journey and the hard journey the author herself went on to tell this heartbreaking story really speaks to me.

Utterly breathtaking, this book is astounding, I was a mess by the end and most of the time I was reading with tears in my eyes. I have never felt as moved by a book as I did with this one. Whether that’s because of what is happening in Ukraine at the moment or because the author’s writing is so emotionally raw, so vivid and utterly compelling. I think it’s partly both, you can not deny that this is a masterpiece, it’s hard to read at times but so absorbing you will soak up every word and feel every single minuscule emotion which is so meticulously entwined into the pages. I can’t quite put in words just how incredibly poignant and beautifully written this book is.

This is one of those books which you will never forget, you will hold into your heart, you will keep replaying it in your mind and you will re-read it over and over and over until you know every word by heart.

The Child of Ukraine is a chilling, heartbreaking, thought-provoking and poignant story of true suffering, of the sacrifice of survival or striving to overcome your past and most importantly telling your story for the future. If ever there was a more timely story then this is it, and if you’re like me you will be left with questions running through your mind wondering if history is once again repeating itself and have learnt from the past to save the present and the generations to come.

I applaud the author, she has an incredible talent and has put her entire heart and soul into this story which has left its mark on my heart and soul. Honestly, I cannot recommend this enough, stunning!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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