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The Night Class at Cross Academy has been abolished. Zero still attends the Day Class while carrying out his duties as a vampire hunter. Yuki now lives hidden away at the Kuran residence with Kaname, but can she embrace the life of a pureblood vampire?

192 pages, Paperback

First published December 4, 2009

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About the author

Matsuri Hino

100 books1,689 followers
Name in Japanese: 樋野 まつり

Matsuri Hino was born on January 24 in Hokkaido. She was a bookshop keeper who one day decided to become a manga artist, and all of nine months later, in 1995, she published her first manga title, Kono Yume ga Sametara (When This Dream Is Over), in Japan's LaLa DX magazine.

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396 (3%)
1 star
132 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 181 reviews
Profile Image for Briar's Reviews.
2,098 reviews555 followers
July 5, 2020
I didn't enjoy this one as much. It felt very choppy and the plot line is getting super convoluted. The plot lines I was enjoying and following aren't really there anymore. It's a real shame. I'm going to keep trucking through this series though, because it might just surprise me! Here's hoping.

Two out of five stars.
Profile Image for Mikky.
883 reviews232 followers
November 29, 2021
This was much better than the last volume! I'm actually starting to enjoy Kaname and Yuki's dynamic . The overarching plot is also making itself more known and understandable (considering my break in between volumes). I still hope to finish reading this whole series this second time around.
Profile Image for Lady Entropy.
1,223 reviews46 followers
March 16, 2012
I'm starting to feel bad about constantly harping on the same, but really, this manga, once read back to back is an exercise on shoddy writing.

I guess this will just become one of my "guilty pleasures", but I suppose it doesn't help I've been reading so many excellent vampire-themed books lately and when I try to get into VK, all I get is that the writer can't write and the world is really not that well created.

I do wonder if the book had less gorgeous boy characters if it'd still be this popular because it comes to a point where even the characters can't be salvageable any more -- Zero is a random psychopath, Yuuki is a spineless twit, and Kaname is the only redeemable one, by becoming more awesome by becoming flawed and (dare I say it) evil. He's still a bit angsty and emo, but we can forgive him that.
Profile Image for Arlene.
1,193 reviews633 followers
December 24, 2010
Lots of drama takes place in Vampire Knight 11 and as always Matsuri Hino does beautiful job of depicting the scenes between Yuki and Kaname in such vivid detail that brings the story to life. I adore her artwork and am hooked on the storyline. I’m bummed that I finished this installment so quickly but it was just so awesome! Loved it!

This installment picks up where the night class is no longer attending Cross Academy after the war that broke out between the vampires and the vampire hunters. Yuki is suffering from her vampire thirst and learns from Kaname that it can only be quenched with the blood of the one they love, but Kaname vows to stay by Yuki’s side despite her yearning for another.

A soiree is organized between the pure bloods and the hunters to solidify their common goal of eradicating vampires that threaten humans. The story ends as Yuki walks into the party and sees Zero for the first time since a year ago where he swore to kill her.

What a cliffy!!! The pain!!! I can’t wait for the next installment to see how Zero reacts to Yuki’s appearance at the soiree. When does it come out?!? I want it now!
Profile Image for Melissa E..
127 reviews27 followers
July 1, 2013
Ah, now I remember why I fell behind on this series - it was this volume.

Transistional volumes are very common in a long series, but they are usually handled with more grace; this was all over the place. The story was very unfocused and confusing, with a random "one year later" thrown in for good measure. I can follow a convoluted storyline, but this felt more like a bunch of diconnected scenes all thrown together haphazardly. Hino's pacing is usually on point...I'm not sure what happened here.

Vampire Yuki also drives me crazy. She is so emo and useless that I sorely miss goofy, cute, well-meaning human Yuki. And regardless of what sort of "progenitor" spin Hino is trying to put on it, Yuki and Kaname is still squicky.

The art, however, is jaw droppingly gorgeous as always.
Profile Image for Alison (AlisonCanRead).
513 reviews2 followers
March 26, 2011
Volume 11 is a transitional volume. Tons of things happen and at the same time, not a lot happens. It's establishing background for the rest of the series. While there are lots of little stories, political maneuvers, and relationship building, there's not a lot of action. Surprisingly, this wasn't a bad thing. The last few volumes have been so action oriented that I had to read them twice to understand what happened. Volume 11 is more straightforward.

The series has always been serious, but is becoming increasingly so. Even the lighthearted characters are often serious. Aido provides the only moments of levity in this volume, but even he adds to the soap opera like drama.

The Night Class has left the Cross Academy. Yuki and Kaname are holed up in the family castle. Kaname is bugging me. He treats Yuki like such a child and is far too controlling for my taste. At the same time, he is trying to build their relationship. He confesses to her that he killed Shizuka and the entire Senate, because he wants her to love him as he is. The passion between Yuki and Kaname is only growing and Matsuri Hino does a great job of drawing the combination of love and tension between them.

Meanwhile, Zero continues to hunt vampires. He is being groomed by Headmaster Cross to become to new president of the Vampire Hunter Society. He is haunted by Yuki's absence - having vowed to kill her but I think also loving her at the same time. Similarly, Yuki isn't whole without Zero. She loves Kaname, but can't be satisfied without Zero. I am becoming more of a Team Zero person. I can't wait to see him and Yuki together again.

The volume introduces the idea of the vampires and vampire hunter society cooperating. It's not an easy beginning between the two groups and I'm sure will lead to many conflicts in future volumes.
Profile Image for Beth.
1,243 reviews180 followers
August 13, 2021
NOTE: this review contains some spoilers for Vampire Knight's story up until now.


I almost decided to give up on this series after reading through the story summary at the beginning of the book and recognizing next to nothing. Once I got into the main part of the book, I still didn't remember much, but there were enough context clues to keep me reading through the rest.

I enjoyed it! It's still fun to read. There are still far too many characters to keep track of, much less care about. I still don't give a crap about the vampire politics or the hunters. It's still all about Zero for me. Oh and Yuki and Kaname I guess, since without them Zero would have no motivation, or rather, no source of angst.

Now that our secret princess Yuki is a full-blown real princess, she's more languid than chipper, and that is also true of Headmaster Cross, who's changed from a spacey weirdo to an ultra-somber emo dude like the rest of the cast, so the story's taking itself way more seriously. But that doesn't mean *I* am taking it more seriously. At least half of my enjoyment comes from how ridiculous it is. I can't read lines like
"If I am to let you go, I'd rather kill you myself... or have you kill me."
"Whether it is a cruel request, something distressing--even the blade of death... they all give color to my grey heart."
and not chuckle just a tiny bit.

Vampirism continues to feel like a one-to-one metaphor for sexuality, especially when it's stated explicitly that a trueblood vampire can't be fully nourished unless their heart entirely belongs to the one they're drinking from, or something like that. With that in mind, over half the scenes between Yuki and Kaname in this volume read like a couple negotiating terms when one is monogamous and the other is polyamorous.
Profile Image for Billie Yankie.
307 reviews35 followers
October 13, 2022
Okay, I heard the first season's theme music on the clock app and had to rewatch the show, because 12-y-o me is not a reliable source. Turns out there was a second season I didn't know about so I binged that as well and after careful research - this is the first volume after the anime ends.

Is this a masterpiece? No.
Are the characters entertaining? Yeah, to an extent. I'm a sucker for brooding boys, so this is right up my alley.
Do I think almost every single issue here and in upcoming volumes could be resolved if Yuki figures out Zero and Kaname are so whipped they'd do anything for her? Absolutely, and if this wasn't marked ages 12-17 it would have been a perfect triad.
Profile Image for Morgana.
129 reviews14 followers
June 25, 2020
3 stelle e 1/2, a rigore, più che altro perché questo lo definirei un "volume di transizione": si chiude una parte della storia e se ne apre un'altra. Peccato che Yuuki continui a brillare per l'indecisione e che sembri sempre il personaggio più statico dell'intera storia. Aspetto comunque la fine dell'intera serie per recensirla.
Profile Image for MissAnnThrope.
561 reviews4 followers
April 10, 2013
10 April 2013

Stupid OCD keeps guilting me in continuing this series even though it has turned to complete rubbish. Vampire Knight, Volume 11 is slightly better than the last volume in that the sentences actually connect and make some sense. For the past few volumes, it feels as if Matsuri Hino is trying too hard to be poetic and abstract resulting in a major fail. Maybe something gets lost in translation, but this was never a problem in the earlier volumes.

Although I've never been a fan of the hopeless female protagonist typically found in shôjo (I'm talking to you, Misao), Yuki never got really got on my nerves... until now. She acts like a helpless child with Kaname catering to her every whim. His enabling her incompetence drives me nuts.

I don't know why I keep reading on. I think maybe I'll read one more volume to see if it gets any better. Damn you, OCD!
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,538 reviews1,242 followers
March 1, 2013
Warning: If you have not read the first book, I advise you do so before reading beyond this first paragraph.***

Vampire Knight is an interesting series that revolves around mainly around 3 people: Yuki, Kaname and Zero. This series has vampires, humans, vampire hunters and a mix of the above. Lots of romantic angst and political entanglements.

So this one picked up a bit after the last few volumes. While a 4 star rating is my being generous, I still feel the series is jumping around a bit too much. I both liked and hated the angst going on with Yuki Cross, Zero and Kaname. It'a still a series worth continuing but I hope the various plots start to pull together a bit more.
Profile Image for Michelle K.
772 reviews137 followers
April 19, 2015
I still love the artwork; but despite this volume covering a year in time, very little plot is actually conveyed here.

EDIT: I gave this 3* right after I read it, but after thinking on it, I think this volume is more desering of "it was OK," rather than "I liked it."
Profile Image for Chelsea.
1,950 reviews57 followers
July 26, 2019
Maybe I'm just binge reading these too quickly but I'm kind of over this series. It's just disappointing me now and I'm find the plot boring and lacking. :/ Kaname and Yuki hide out in their old family home from the Hunter Society. Then a year passes. The Hunters and Vampires have had to rebuild after both being practically wiped out. Zero is just waiting for a reason to take Yuki down and Yuki tells Kaname she's not ready to drink his blood cause her heart is torn in two.
I'm just bored. Like, we get it...they're rebuilding and Zero has a vendetta. Let's doooo something.
Profile Image for Lexi.
77 reviews50 followers
November 25, 2009
just read chapter 50
im going to wait to read 51 till i get back from vacation...its really good though!!
read chapter 51--its kinda depressing really. everyone's so sad; esp zero :'(
i HATE kaname. he says that he would do nything for yuki and that he accepts the way she feels about zero, but really he's too selfish to let her follow her heart so he keeps her for himself
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nidhi Bhatt.
604 reviews52 followers
April 1, 2016
Zero and Yuuki meet at the ball. I don't like the way Zero always treats Yuuki since before! He may have had a hard past and I empathize with him but to treat someone who cares for you deeply like the way he does is unforgivable!

I adore Kaname and Yuuki together, he's so nice to her and sweet!
Profile Image for Ivy.
1,494 reviews77 followers
March 28, 2017
5 stars

Nice to see that Yuki and Kaname are being able to spend time together. Also nice to see that Zero is still hunting vampires. Good to see the other characters as well.

Can't wait to read Vampire Knight volume 12!!!!
Profile Image for Ashley.
38 reviews
September 26, 2011
I Didn't read the Japanese version, but the English version it was a good Manga Better then the other one's that I've read
Profile Image for Bine.
738 reviews112 followers
September 8, 2019
Etwas ruhiger als die Bände zuvor, aber immer noch sehr unterhaltam. Auch wenn ich Kaname mittlerweile doch etwas problematisch finde... Aber ich bin guter Dinge, dass Yuki das früher oder später entdecken wird.
Profile Image for DonutKnow.
2,714 reviews47 followers
March 15, 2022
Haha Kaname is so brooding, and Zero is just so temperamental 🤦‍♀️😂😂
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
31 reviews1 follower
June 21, 2020
I loved the series overall but the books individually are probably only 3 stars and some probably 2 but i see the series as a whole so i'm no going to distinguish
Profile Image for Lexington Reads.
127 reviews37 followers
May 8, 2019
3.5 ??
I did enjoy this volume but , I’m feeling two different emotions about kaname and yuki’s relationship . I like them together but sometimes I can’t help hurt get reminded that they are BROTHER AND SISTER. Maybe I shouldn’t feel weird about it but all I think about is if my me and my brother were in a relationship and snjsjdnn idk i feel weird about it (if you couldn’t tell) . I’m also not really interested in zeros life ,I mean I dearly love zero but ever since Yuki has turned into a vampire my feelings have been all over the place! I feel like things have been a bit darker and I miss the goofy relationships in the earlier volumes. Like how yuki and zero acted and zero and the headmaster and idk i miss it oof. But besides that i did like this volume :)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mary.
386 reviews3 followers
May 21, 2017
I read the remaining volumes in one (afternoon/evening) sitting so it's hard to review them separately,especially since the tell one big arc of story. I also want to skip spoilers, so all I'll leave this a little generic. The end of the story was nice in that it wrapped up the story around Zero, Kaname, and Yuki. However this last part of the story felt rushed. The story moved so quickly that the conflicts of the characters and their journey felt lost for the sake of the plot. While it was somewhat satisfying to resolve the tension of that love triangle, it left the characters feeling very flat.
641 reviews
July 18, 2017
Vampire Knight is a series about a world of vampires and humans. It centers at a school where both attend, although separately. Our main character, Yuki Cross, the adopted daughter of the headmaster and princess in the Koran family of vampires. There is a kind of love triangle between Yuki, Kaname Kuran ( a pureblood vampire) and Zero Kiryu (a vampire and vampire hunter), although Zero has also promised to kill Yuki if he finds a reason. With the destruction of the vampire senate, alliances have been made between the vampires and vampire hunters. That is part of this story as well as Yuki's relationships. It gets complicated.
Profile Image for Nadina.
2,931 reviews4 followers
June 25, 2019
This volume was better again. It feels as if the series is getting more focus again. The pace for this volume was also good and I liked that we jumped ahead in time.
It was still far from perfect and I feel like the illustrations are sometimes a little too cluttered and messy, but the story was decent and I like the characters.
Profile Image for Mandee.
75 reviews
August 18, 2018
A year after the events at Cross academy and everything is still a mess. Yuki's heart is divided, Zero is trying to satisfy his thirst for blood by doing the associations bidding, loyalties among the remaining vampire aristocrats are unknown.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 181 reviews

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