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The ACT-I-VATE Primer

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In the tradition of the acclaimed and groundbreaking anthology, Flight, the ACT-I-VATE Primer showcases a wide array of stories and talent -18 innovative creators, 16 intriguing properties, one beautiful book - and all-new, never-before-seen stories and art!

160 pages, Hardcover

First published October 29, 2009

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About the author

Dean Haspiel

192 books21 followers
Emmy award winning artist, Dean Haspiel is a native New Yorker who created the Eisner Award nominated BILLY DOGMA, the semi-autobiographical STREET CODE, and helped pioneer personal webcomics with the invention of ACT-I-VATE.com. Dino has collaborated on many great superhero and semi-autobiographical comic books published by Marvel, DC, Vertigo, Dark Horse, Image, Scholastic, Toon Books, and The New York Times, including collaborations with Harvey Pekar, Jonathan Ames, and Inverna Lockpez, and draws for HBO's "Bored To Death," for which he won an Emmy for his contributions to the opening title sequence. Dean is a founding member of DEEP6 Studios in Gowanus, Brooklyn and steeps in psychotronic movies, cosmic electronica, and Jack Kirby pulp.

Photo by Luigi Novi

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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 reviews
115 reviews10 followers
March 16, 2010
Almost missed this one. It is an anthology from IDW Publishing. There are 16 stories included here. Since I haven't seen the perfect anthology yet,there are some good stories, some not so good and a couple of great ones.My favorite is Cactus by Michel Fiffe, but liked 3 others too. These were originally web comics. That's what I'd like to see in the future, more web comics being collected like this after the fact, giving the print medium I love so much a chance to thrive.
Profile Image for Damon.
396 reviews4 followers
February 4, 2010
Not too much to impress here. A new Nick Bertozzi story, which was pretty good, and I liked Motro, but there was a ton of lousy stuff. It's kind of unfortunate, because the Act-I-Vate webcomix site has loads of stuff, some of which is a lot better than what's sampled here...
Profile Image for Emilia P.
1,724 reviews67 followers
December 11, 2010
barf. no, that's not sfar on the front, yes the stories are terrible and the narratives of them are lousy.
meh meh meh.
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 reviews

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