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Cuttersville #2

Heiress for Hire

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Chicago ex-socialite Amanda Delmar's father has cut her off, and now she must do the unthinkable-work. Single father Danny Tucker hires her to babysit his daughter, not knowing that this debutante might just find a place in his heart.

308 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 3, 2006

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About the author

Erin McCarthy

202 books4,815 followers
USA Today and New York Times Bestselling author Erin McCarthy sold her first book in 2002 and has since written over a hundred novels and novellas in teen fiction, new adult, and adult romance. Erin has a special weakness for high-heeled boots, beaches and martinis. She lives in Ohio with her family, two grumpy cats and a socially awkward dog.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 155 reviews
Profile Image for Tammy.
126 reviews
December 4, 2008
Erin McCarthy is not capable of writing a boring sentence. Her characters are colorful and her dialogue rocks!

Heiress For Hire is the story of spoiled Chicago socialite, Amanda, and hottie farmer, Danny Tucker. Amanda's endless piles of money and unlimited credit cards cease to exist when her father decides to cut the apron strings in hopes of manipulating his daughter. Through a series of unfortunate events (and because she is practically starving to death - her only source of protein being a teaspoon of peanut butter per day!) - Amanda agrees to become a babysitter for Danny's 8-year-old daughter. Throw in a few hilarious stories about Amanda's attempts at light housekeeping, Danny's over-bearing parents and a punk teenager who changes his hair color on a daily basis and you have yourself a fun story. Please note that there is also a very light paranormal element to this story that (apparently) makes this book part of a series. Need to look into that! The crying ghost in the mirror was definitely interesting.

Normally I am not big on stories with kids. Children and romanceland do not blend so well together in my mind. But the story surrounding Danny's daughter provoked many different emotions and fit well with the storyline. And Amanda's character? When I read the plot synopsis, I immediately thought I would dislike her. But she wasn't the typical smart-ass, spoiled socialite that everyone loves to hate. She was smart. Funny. And a little bit of an airhead.

I had the best time reading this one and still have a goofy smile on my face whenever I think about it. I highly recommend it if you are a fan of Erin McCarthy.

Profile Image for Lisa Kay.
924 reviews542 followers
April 13, 2018
I am a re-reader. I even have a bookshelf at GR that I call my ‘re-read-for-comfort' shelf of books that have to be read more than twice to be placed there. And I mean comfort in many ways. Sometimes a new book, after crossing one of my romance “don’ts”, will actually leave me with a bitter aftertaste and I will reach for a book with characters I can depend on to give me what I want. I am definitely a mood reader, so some people might be surprised by what is on there. Even a few paranormal reads for this die-hard "historical romance with a HEA" reader. In truth, some have broken my “romance books don’ts”, but the authors have done it so well I have to read it again.

But Heiress for Hire doesn’t have any romance “don’ts” in it. It is just pure enjoyment. Oh, well, there is a kid in the story; however, that is not one of my “don’ts”. Our Hero, Danny Tucker, discovers he has an unknown-to-him eight-year old daughter by the name of Piper. Our Heroine, Amanda Delmar, has recently had her funds cut off by her father while she is stuck in Cuttersville, Ohio, visiting Boston - a friend from the first book in the series, A Date with the Other Side (which you don’t have to read to enjoy this book). Boston is now married to Danny’s ex-wife (who he is still friends with), Shelby.


Yes, Amanda is spoiled, but she was raised that way. Plus, she has a little dog named Baby, who she risks her outfit and skin for, so she can’t be all bad. She definitely grows up in this book; first, by Danny helping her find a job (at which she fails) and then by babysitting Piper, who she instantly connects with; all teaching her more than just the value of a dollar.

There are so many wonderful scenes, most with Piper and Danny, but enough with Danny alone. Danny thinks he’s a big, dull, boring farmer. Amanda thinks without her breast implants (which she recently had removed) and money, she has nothing with which to attract and hold a man. Some dialogue makes me laugh out loud. When Amanda tangles with Danny’s mom, it brings a smile to my lips; yet I empathize with Willie’s desire and frustration in wanting to get close to her grand-daughter. When Piper reveals her hair to Amanda, after they've play Barbie’s, it makes my throat close up no matter how many times I read it.

Yes, I definitely notice more details and character nuance each time I re-read this book. I also notice the writer’s style and enjoy it more. Sometimes I just gobbled down a book too fast and need to re-read it. Other times I need something I can re-read fast because I have other things on my mind and it’s light and breezy and doesn’t require much concentration. In other situations I want total escapism. I did this recently when I stayed at the hospital all day while a friend had an unpleasant procedure done and I didn’t want to cry.

This is a cute, light, fluffy story.

But, if you’re a lover of contemporary romance, it’s definitely worth at least one read by you.
Profile Image for Rachel.
638 reviews38 followers
May 24, 2015
Overall rating: 4.5 "Princess" stars!

Love triangle:
Sex with om/ow:
Intimate Pasts:

My review:

Amanda has been cut off! Living the love of a spoiled heiress, all she wanted in life was some love from her parents, especially her father. So when he decides to cut off her funding to teach her a lesson, she embraces it and decides she is going to do this on her own in her honky tonk vacation town.

Danny is happy with life, but very lonely. All he wanted in his life was to work on his parents' farm and start a family. A family, he thought would have been with his ex-wife Shelby (who is now happily married to Boston from book 1), but it turns out there just wasn't enough spark in their relationship to keep Shelby interested. Just as he is thinking of the new girl in town Amanda, and having some lusty thoughts (even though he thinks he could NEVER attract such a sexy woman) an unfamiliar truck pulls into his driveway and changes his life forever.

You see, back when he was 17? 18? Years old. He and his high school sweetheart, Shelby broke up for the summer or should I say Shelby broke up WITH HIM. He was interested in sex and she wasn't. So during this time, he went to the county fair and met a lively woman and lost his virginity with her that very night never to see her again. Turns out, she was pregnant and had his baby. A little girl, who her new husband is now dropping at his doorstep now that Nina is dead. Danny is shocked to say the least, but he embraces this little girl as his own because that's all he ever wanted was a family. Now, he just needs a little help this summer until school starts and that's where Amanda comes in.

I loved how shy this hero was for a change. He wasn't alpha anything. He was just shy and SERIOUSLY attracted to Amanda. I just LOVED Amanda. She has to be one of my favorite heroines. She was fantastic, hilarious, so damn nurturing and also heartbreaking. I really enjoyed this read and I can't wait to read another by this author! :)

Men were all alike. Different dick, but still the same prick.

Let's see. Play with the kid. Ogle Danny on his tractor. And get paid to do it. "I'm your girl. When do I start?"

"Pig," she said, with more enthusiasm than censure.

"Oink, oink." He spoke around a mouthful of food, with an appalling lack of manners, but his brown eyes flirted with her, disarming and charming.
Profile Image for Jessica.
13 reviews
July 21, 2011
I've read many books in my life. I've only ever disliked a few books. This is one of them.

The main character was annoying from the first page. I guess that means the writing was good since I felt such emotions toward her. The male main character was at least likable.

The story is about a heiress who ends up in a small town in Ohio when her rich daddy decides to finally cut off her money! A farmer in the town who just finds out he's a father to a 9 year old kid hires her as a nanny/housekeeper. It's a very predictable book.

If you enjoy sexual comments on every other page, then you'll love this book. There was way too much emphasis put on these two strangers lusting after each other.

I admit, though, I couldn't put this book down. I believe that's because it felt like a train wreck and I had to witness all of it! The characters were well written, but otherwise, I don't think I would recommend it.
Profile Image for Celeste.
260 reviews12 followers
November 6, 2008
I really enjoyed this book. It was a very cute light read. Erin McCarthy can make you fall in love w/ anyone! Even rich snobby divas! This book has a little bit of everything in it. It's a contemporary romance with a bit of a haunting, an awesome love story, and even a endearing relationship between father and daughter! I laughed, cried and laughed some more!
Profile Image for ~Megan~.
525 reviews73 followers
December 13, 2010
Really cute read that I thoroughly enjoyed!

The other Erin McCarthy books I've read lacked a little bit of the life that this book overflowed with. I was worried at the beginning that I would hate Amanda because she seemed so shallow, but I grew to love her so much. I found her funny and really kind of brave.

Danny was just a sweet guy, and his interaction with his newfound daughter won me over immediately.

I felt like both of the characters grew up in this novel a little bit. I may have to go back and read the first book of this series for Shelby and Boston's story.

I loved the secondary characters in the town of Cuttersville. I especially fell in love with little Piper...it was nice to watch her journey as she learned to trust and love her new family.
Profile Image for Carolyn F..
3,491 reviews51 followers
November 5, 2010
Fluffy, sweet romance. Amanda is stuck in Cuttersville after her father cuts off all her money leaving her with a little over $50.00, hardly any food and no job. She ends up working for Danny Tucker, ex-husband of Shelby from book #1. He learns she's more than a rich girl and she learns not all men are jerks. The ending was a little to hunky dory, but otherwise a pretty good book.
Profile Image for Christy.
313 reviews10 followers
March 9, 2008
I have to say that this one was a little silly. The spoiled-rich-girl-comes-to-the-farm was a cute start, but when it got steamy, it just seemed... again... silly.
Profile Image for J.H. Moncrieff.
Author 28 books254 followers
August 17, 2018
2.5 stars

There's actually a lot to like about this bubbly, fun read, and Erin McCarthy is a good writer. Unfortunately, she uses her powers for evil. There were so many cheesy references to a farmer getting sexually excited by the heiress that I almost turned lactose-intolerant. The guy must have been pretty deprived, since he could get an erection from the woman walking across the room (believable in a teenager, not so much a grown man). Then there were the constant references to how bronzed, lean, and long-legged the title character was. But we're supposed to think the man is genuinely in love with her, when his thoughts are mostly confined to her legs and her ass. Add the unrealistic sex scenes--orgasming through oral sex with a near-stranger after only a minute...mmm-hmmm, sure, Fifty Shades of Gray--and I found myself rolling my eyes so hard I gave myself a headache.

It's a shame, because underneath the purple, swollen, throbbing prose, was a nice little story about a heiress who learns there's more to life than money. Reminds me of that reality show where Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie worked as farmhands. I like McCarthy's writing enough to try another book, in the hopes it would have a little less over-the-top descriptions of male lust, and more depth.
Profile Image for Jilly.
506 reviews
December 30, 2011
First, I have succeeded in reading this series completely backwards. I stumbled into Christmas Bree and then ended up reading Charlotte's Web. I intended to read the full length book of the series but some how got it all mixed up and read them out of order. Not much I can do about that now.

Secondly, I'm not sure why this series is called Ohio's Most Haunted Town. It makes you suspect this has a lot of ghosts or paranormal activity when that is so far from the focus of the story. Granted I haven't read the first book yet but none of the shorts or this book seem that paranormal. Granted some "ghostly" things do happen but they seem glossed over more than focused on. Though I do believe having a pile of money that comes out of thin air every morning would be a blessing. That ghost can haunt me any time.

As for the characters in this book, not too bad. Piper, Danny's daughter, is adorable and heartbreaking. She's cute and you really want to read more about her and how she does with her newly found father.

Amanda, on the other hand, seems exactly like what the description portrays. She's kind of an airhead. Her father cutting her off seems to be the solution to the problem he created but instead of crippling Amanda she does rise above it. Just not wonderfully. She seems to have certain talents, decorating, personal shopping and an eye for art that she doesn't put to much use in the book. Still she's not trying to rely on other people. Though I have to admit when she realizes that housekeeping means cleaning, I wanted to smack her. How can anyone not know that?

Danny seemed like a very down to Earth and good guy but a little boring. Of course, not everyone is exciting. My love of Danny stems more from him wanting to be the best dad ever once he discovers he had a daughter he didn't know about. I also appreciate his willingness to help Amanda while at the same time needing someone to watch his child while he's working the farm. Amanda doesn't seem like the obvious choice but he was choosing with his daughters comfort in mind. Sweet man.

Not an exciting book but enjoyable. I do think I like the short stories more.
Profile Image for Skye.
1,748 reviews2 followers
January 9, 2022
The more I read of the Cuttersville series, the more I fall in love with this beautiful, small town. Actually, I’m really disappointed that I only have one story left now. Especially since I have read both A Date with The Other Side and Heiress for Hire in one sitting. Not even putting my book down to eat or have a loo break. I just walked around with my nose in the book, and really, really hoped that I didn’t walk into a wall.

There is just something that is so incredibly sweet about McCarthy’s contemporary romance series. A little drama helps to make these stories incredibly hard to put down. But the simplicity and lack of any serious problems makes them a beautiful way to spend a few hours. There is the slight bump in the road, but unlike some of the paranormal romance stories that I’ve been reading, these are mild moments of insecurity or being unsure. They’re not the reach through the pages grab the antagonist by the throat and smack them around the head insecurities which I’m so used to. Which is honestly probably why I’m enjoying ripping through these stories so quickly.

Most stories that feature an heiress paint them as someone who is kind of an airhead. And although Amanda acts that way throughout the story, she has this great intelligence that is completely untapped. The fact that she’s not a complete airhead, has integrity and a heart of gold was a really nice way to characterise her. Although I have often come across this trope, the character normally irritates me and needs a lot of development before she gets to this point. Amanda’s amazingness comes out immediately. There is not wading through the crap to get to the shiny centre of an amazing character. And this is yet another simplistic aspect for which I am incredibly grateful.
Profile Image for Penny.
188 reviews10 followers
March 27, 2013
Admittedly this is NOT my genre but I was sucked in by the bright orange cover and the couple cents I paid for it at a library sale. First of all, I enjoy the cover art. The vector illustration looks great and the bright orange really pops. The storyline was kind of silly; a girl my age living in the middle of nowhere, suddenly disinherited by her father which forces her to search for a job. Subsequently (and predictably) she finds love as well as meaning in life and gets her shit together within 300 pages. The book has a certain sweetness to it but since it's a "romance" has an equal amount of vulgar spice. The author repeatedly used the phase sucked in his/her breath for man, woman and child which kind of bugged me. I give it two stars.
Profile Image for Holly.
126 reviews
February 11, 2012
Erin McCarthy is a real treat. This book was so funny and such a great mix of happy/sad all balenced together to make a story I couldnt put down.
She does a nice job of including the relationship of a father/daughter as well.
Some of the main character, Amanda, was a little over the top, but it just added to the fun.
Highly recommended.
48 reviews2 followers
August 11, 2015
I enjoyed this book a lot. My predictions were right, but I think they should've added at least 1, maybe 2 more chapters.
2,108 reviews6 followers
September 9, 2019
Chicago socialite Amanda Delmar has somehow (not really explained - from 1st book???) landed in Cuttersville, Ohio. Daddy promptly cuts off her funds and she has to find a job - not easy in the farming community with an art appreciation degree. Farmer Danny Tucker is VERY attracted and when his 8-year-0ld, previously unknown daughter arrives and bonds with Amanda, he hires her to babysit and housekeep. The two fall in love, but there's lots of insecurities and issues to overcome - all of which is done humorously with the help of the hottest sex either has ever known.

Chick lit humorous. Reasonably good.
Profile Image for Debbie.
219 reviews5 followers
February 16, 2018
I really liked this one... I think it's necessary to read the first one in the series (A Date With the Other Side) before reading this one... the story kind of relies on the fact that the reader already knows some of the history on the characters and others things going on in the town. IMO, the second book is better than the first. I found myself immediately liking the characters and routing for their HEA! It's not overly steamy... but it's not tame either! Has a couple of cute moments with the ghost in the story, too! Overall, a good read!
458 reviews6 followers
May 18, 2018
At first I really didn't like Amanda. She seemed to be such a spoiled brat, but she grew on me quite early on.
Danny was a very sweet guy, just what a girl like Amanda could want (and by this I mean she lacked love, and Danny had plenty to give).
Piper was an absolute sweetheart and my heart ached and rejoiced for her!
I liked that there was no needless couple drama. Both characters realised early on, after admitting to wanting each other, what they had and went for it.
The only thing miss is an epilogue. I would have loved to have seen what happens to them a few years down the road.
322 reviews
June 18, 2023
I got to chapter 2 and was very hesitant to continue this book. the part where Danny finds out about his daughter at first felt slightly unrealistic and forced. but throughout the book, Danny and his daughters relationship grows and I loved piper. and now enter Amanda, she was absolutely perfect, like genuinely I loved her to pieces. she was flawed but still one of the best FMC ive ever read. there was angst in this book but the communication was fucking top notch.

this book was just what I needed today!
Profile Image for Aurian Booklover.
588 reviews39 followers
March 30, 2013
Amanda Delmar is a spoiled little princess, and when she followed her ex-boyfriend to Cuttersville, Ohio, where he found his current wife, she thought it would be fun to stay for a bit and explore small town life. When she needs more money for a nice manicure, she calls daddy and asks him for some money. After all, that is what he does. But to her surprise, he tells her there will be no more money, at all. She will have to start living on her own. This sure is a nasty surprise, as he never wanted her to do something before with her life, and always gave her everything she could have possibly wanted. With her mother away somewhere at an expensive spa, Amanda has to make a decision. Borrow money from one of her friends and go back home to Chicago, or stay here and find a job. With only 76 dollars left, that money will be gone quickly. So, getting a job and some groceries are the first things on her calendar.

In the meanwhile, Danny Tucker’s life is changing forever. A strange man suddenly drops an 8 year old dirty girl on his doorstep, telling him he is the father. And after some deep thinking Danny knows it to be true, that one summer that he and his girlfriend and later his wife had broken up, he lost his virginity to an out of town girl. She never told him she was pregnant, or contacted him for money, but she did put his name on the birth certificate. Danny has no idea what to do with a little girl, but she is his, and he will keep her and love her and take care of her. But first, he needs to buy her stuff as her clothes are dirty, threadbare and too small for her. And as his mother is not home today, he will ask his ex-wife Shelby to help him out. But Shelby has no time, and so he gets stuck with Amanda. Danny is very much attracted to Amanda, but he knows she is not for him. He is just a simple farmer, and she is a rich society girl. She will go back to her old life as soon as she gets bored, he knows that. But Amanda is one hell of a shopper, and even having never before set foot in a Wall Mart or has to shop with a budget, she is good at it. She even knows how to deal with Piper. Her stepfather Mark used to say that she was not worth spending even two dollars on, and now she is going to get all new clothes and a bedroom and stuff?
Danny is horrified with the way his daughter has been treated all her life. Why didn’t her mother call him or something? He would have loved and cherished Piper. And so would his parents.

Danny tells Amanda about a job at the local hairdresser, perhaps that is something for her if she is serious about getting a job? But Amanda can’t hold it for long, and soon she is out on the streets again. In the mean time, Piper doesn’t want to be separated from Danny for even a minute, and she follows him around on the farm. But she can’t keep doing that, when he is working heavy equipment, or at his second job at the construction firm, he needs someone to keep an eye on her. And Piper does not really like his steamroller of a mother. She does want Amanda though, and Danny sets out to ask her. It will be only for a few weeks, until school starts. And she doesn’t have to live with them. She will have to do some light housekeeping, but her main job is to play with Piper. Amanda agrees, and when her father calls her, to check up on her, he is horrified that she is taking care of a little girl. She can’t even take care of herself! Hurt, Amanda ends the call, but her father wants her to come back home to Chicago, where he will find her a job with one of his friends. Amanda really doesn’t want to do that, she is not interested in a rich husband looking for a new wife. As most of her father’s friends are. She likes Danny, a lot, but he does his best to keep her at a distance. Does he even like her?

Danny’s mother is afraid that Danny is falling for that rich bimbo, and warns him about Amanda. Which only puts Danny’s hackles up of course. Amanda is a nice girl, and she might be rich, but she does a good job of looking after Piper. And so Willie has to give a little if she wants to bond with her granddaughter. And to her surprise, she actually likes Amanda. But what will Amanda decide, when her father comes to take her home himself?

I very much enjoyed this story and I did not expect to like Amanda that much. The spoiled little princess is actually a very practical woman, and she is not hesitant to get her hands or clothes dirty. She just goes for it, and keeps trying. Of course she has never dusted or done the dishes in her life, but she is game. And Danny admires her for it. She even risks herself to save her little poodle from a hawk. Danny soon falls for her, but can he ask her to stay? He has nothing to offer her, but a lot of hard work on the farm, and his love. And his daughter, who clearly loves her as well.

This book by Erin McCarthy is a fun and fast read, and I enjoyed every page of it. I liked the characters, her sense of humor, and everything that happened. Of course my heart bled a little for Piper, but she found a loving family at last, and she will learn that it is true, and that they won’t leave her.

I do recommend it if you are in the mood for a fun contemporary romance (with a tiny bit of ghosts) that you can read as a stand alone. But I think, like I do, you want to read the rest of the series as well.

9 stars.

© 2013 Reviews by Aurian

Full review on my blog, www.boeklogboek.blogspot.com
Profile Image for Ellie (bookmadbarlow).
1,343 reviews83 followers
October 8, 2019
This fun romance with a touch of the supernatural is perfect for holiday reading. The characters were believable and the dialogue was amusing.
The book also touches on topics of toxic relationships and teenage pregnancy as well as mental abuse, so it isn't all lovey dovey stuff.
There was enough steam to be realistic without going over the top and I loved revisiting the characters of Cuttersville.
Profile Image for Lisa Randell.
47 reviews
July 5, 2020
A quick read, and not that great. I didn’t realize that it was part of a series until I came to write this review. Maybe it would have been better if I’d read the other book first...especially as reading the synopsis for that one now, I realize it may have answered at least the question I had about “who the heck is Boston McNamara and why isn’t there any background character development on him & Shelby?”
Profile Image for Becca T. 🥰dreamingandromanticreading.
170 reviews15 followers
July 6, 2020
WOW!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE I JUST FOUND THIS BOOK AGAIN!! Ladies and gents, this was the FIRST romance novel I’ve ever read 😍😍😍! I’ll never forget being 12 years old and looking through the romance aisle in my local library...I literally pulled this book out simply because of the sass and beauty of the girl on the cover 😂. Honestly, it definitely doesn’t compare to the stories that I’ve read as I’ve gotten older, but who can ever forget their first 😝!!
Profile Image for Darlingem.
39 reviews
July 29, 2018
I don't know how/when this book got into my kindle library, but I finally got around to reading it. I was laughing out loud through most of it. A hilarious, unique story with a sweet farmer H and a spoiled brat heiress who may not be so spoiled and selfish after all. First I've read from this author. Now I have some catching up to do!
Profile Image for Lin Stepp.
Author 32 books272 followers
January 12, 2021
A light, somewhat silly but fun, read about a spoiled heiress cut off by her father, who has to try to learn about the read world working for a living and budgeting in a small rural town. In a job taking care of a farmer's little girl, she learns about love, caring, and goodness for the first time. The big negative in the book is the ongoing slutty sex-talk and scenes.
Profile Image for Kelly Bailey.
189 reviews1 follower
January 24, 2019
This was my first Erin McCarthy book and I loved it! The characters are mid twenties and I am 20 yrs older but had no bearing on my enjoyment of the story. I found my self laughing out loud many times as well going back and ready different parts twice!!
Profile Image for Abby | alwaysanotherchapter.
186 reviews106 followers
March 2, 2022
Cute and quirky but not incredibly impactful. Dialogue at points was the only way I know how to put it weird. Also, where did that ending come from? Not a favorite or recommendation but read it practically in a day.
Profile Image for Jessica Wannamaker.
986 reviews12 followers
August 5, 2018
Okay so I really love Erin's books. This is no exception. Funny, great chemistry and fun to read. So going to read again.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 155 reviews

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