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400 pages, Paperback
First published January 1, 1958
But, as I say, the most important thing was that we came to converse with our friends in the first place, and only later - quite a bit later - did we find out that they were Jews. So we didn't make the usual discovery that Jews are also people, but rather the reverse, that people are sometimes also Jews. This was one of the most beautiful of the invaluable discoveries that we owed to Madame Aritonovich and her Institute d'Education, as well as to our parents' temporary inattentiveness.Sadly but alas predictably, once the adults learn how rife their children's new school is with the Jewish kind - a kind those adults have been quick to scorn - the children are eased out of that school. Late in the book comes a pogrom targeting the Jews of Czernopol. And, of course, after all of the stories have reached their various ends, the characters meeting their often predetermined fates (or not!), after the book itself has ended, there came World War 2...
In this way we learned that what these people known as Jews shared was not so much a common character, but rather common forms of expression: in other words, that there were no "typically Jewish" traits, but rather a characteristically Jewish way of expressing traits that were simply human.