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Haunted House

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Meet Sabato Obiga, a hapless young teen trying to find himself in the world, which is made all but impossible by his frighteningly-flamboyant family. Scaring away every girl he brings home, Sabato's family seems to revel in his misery--but could there be more to their torment than meets the eye? Rest assured, Mihara-sensei keeps you guessing -- and giggling -- every step of the way!

200 pages, Paperback

First published October 8, 2002

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About the author

Mitsukazu Mihara

53 books68 followers
三原 ミツカズ (MIHARA Mitsukazu) is credited with helping shape the GothLoli look through her work in the "Gothic & Lolita Bible"

In 1994, she won the first "Feel Young New Face Manga Awards" Judges’ Special Prize with her short work, "The Children Who Don’t Need Rubbers."

She resides in Osaka, Japan.

Sometimes credited as MIHARA Tsukazu.
[via Mangaupdates]

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Displaying 1 - 13 of 14 reviews
Profile Image for Mir.
4,930 reviews5,263 followers
July 3, 2018
The house isn't actually haunted (always a disappointment to this reader) it just has a really morbid family in it. Youngest son Sabato would like a more normal family, one that wouldn't embarrass him or play weird practical jokes. He really wants a girlfriend, but every girl loses interest as soon as they meet his parents.

That's pretty much it. Same set-up and jokes over and over, always ending with his family getting the better of him. Mostly because he's pretty dumb. This would work better as a short installment in a weekly or monthly anthology rather than as an entire book, because it's awfully repetitive.
Profile Image for Erika Schoeps.
405 reviews84 followers
August 16, 2013
I don't even know how I finished this manga. The female character drawings were HORRENDOUS. Their hands, eyes, and mouths were freakishly large even for a Japanese manga. I was shuddering at the female characters, they were very scary. Besides that, this comic isn't actually a horror manga, and isn't very scary. The main character is a shallow guy who meets shallow women, and they break up with him after meeting his quirky family. The shallow guy only dates shallow, pretty women, but they're so shallow themselves that after seeing his family, they run from him. Looks like they never had any real feelings for him. I only give this two stars cause the family was fun to observe, and I liked to see what they would do next. Also, the jokes fell really flat. This wasn't very funny. Thank God this was a one-shot.
Profile Image for Cm Addams.
32 reviews1 follower
December 27, 2014
The first time I saw the cover at a bookstore I thought it was going to be a scary, cheesy Halloween like story, but the moment I started reading it it was anything but scary. But I can't say I was disappointed. If you're ever wondering what it's like being a normal kid growing up with an Addams Family like environment look no further. The art style is unique for a Manga, very visual-kei with the clothing style, hilarious scenarios that had me rolling on the floor, and overall had quite an interesting and sweet ending. I'd love to see an anime or short movie made based off of these characters.
Profile Image for Juan Pablo Queiroz Pérez.
23 reviews
July 3, 2023
Los Addams japoneses

★ 10/10

Nos encontramos ante una premisa extremadamente simple: el protagonista es alguien normal dentro de una familia muy peculiar que es apasionada del horror (lo que técnicamente hace que el raro sea él), y además le encanta ligar, así que tiene problemas cada vez que lleva a una pareja a su casa.

Gracias a esto tendremos capítulos sueltos que van contando aventurillas del protagonista y veremos las formas que escoge su familia para torturarle y hacer que sea rechazado, pero también a veces los problemas para el protagonista no vienen de su familia sino de estos ligues, que tienen sus propias rarezas.

Los personajes resultan bastante simples, pero funcionan para la trama presentada, esto es especialmente notable con los miembros de la familia que funcionan más como grupo que como individuos (aunque veamos algunas características particulares).

Del arte lo más destacable es el vestuario, que sirve como muestra para ver la relación de su autora con el estilo Gothic Lolita; los elementos más tétricos por su parte, aunque funcionales, tampoco tienen nada de especial si los ponemos al lado de mangakas de terror como Junji Ito.

En definitiva, una obra entretenida si te gusta el horror y la comedia, que resulta bastante sencilla, pero que brilla gracias a esa sencillez.
Profile Image for Sheila Moreno Moreno.
Author 19 books64 followers
March 21, 2023
Cómic de humor con familia rara e hijo ligón que no consigue quedarse con la chica por culpa de su familia. Está simpático y la edición española está bien (quizás choca un poco el papel amarillento, pero tengo un montón de mangas así). El manga tiene ya sus años (1998/2002), así que hay cosas que han evolucionado a su manera. Pero vamos, está bien.
Profile Image for David.
179 reviews8 followers
August 19, 2012
Okay, this is WAY more humor than horror... it's like a Manga version of the Adamns Family raising the one 'normal' child... and it's VERY good. Don't let the silly cover art or the lack of 'plot' throw you off- it carries you from chapter to chapter in an amazing way, laughing and slapping your forehead. We've all been embarassed by our family, we've all wanted to hurry up and grow up enough to move out... his family really DOES love him. Honest. :)
Profile Image for Sara.
467 reviews
September 26, 2010
"Normal" teen can't deal with his creepy goth-inspired family. They love him and mean well, but mostly just drive him insane with their creepiness.
Displaying 1 - 13 of 14 reviews

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