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Temptation Street

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Suze has a niggling feeling that her husband Karl's marital sat-nav has taken a wrong turn and led him down the road to temptation. What's a suspicious wife to do?

Mel knows that her sweet, docile husband Joe would never, ever cheat. But when Suze, her sister-in-law, hires a honeytrap to test Karl, the results blow Mel's world apart.

Is this the end of the road for both couples? Or is relationship misbehaviour much more fun when it's a two-way street?

320 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2010

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About the author

Shari Low

47 books1,259 followers
*No1 Best Selling Author*

In January 2001, Shari Low's Low's first novel, What If? was published. Since then, Shari has published over 35 books, and sold three million copies around the globe, hitting the best seller charts in many countries including UK, USA, Canada, Germany and Australia. In 2023, she had three consecutive #1 best sellers - One Day With You, One Moment in Time and One Christmas Eve. Her first release of 2024, One Year After You, also hit the #1 spot.

In late 2020, her first novel, What If?, was updated and re-published, followed by the sequels What Now? and What Next?. All three novels became international best sellers.

Shari has also co-written three Hollywood thrillers, The Rise, The Catch and The Fall, with LA-based TV presenter and actor Ross King.

In real life, once upon a time she met a guy, got engaged after a week, and thirty-something years later she lives near Glasgow with the one they said would never last. Their children have now grown and scattered across the world, so she spends an inordinate amount of time on video calls and aeroplanes.

For all the latest news, visit her on Facebook, twitter, instagram or at www.sharilow.com

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56 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 67 reviews
Profile Image for Debbie "Buried in Her TBR Pile".
1,902 reviews281 followers
July 9, 2018
3 stars

2 couples - h1 thinks her marriage is fine and h2 thinks her hubby is cheating because he's been distant. The 2 hubbies are brothers and the 2 h's are besties. h2 hires someone as bait to see if hubby will have an affair. What happens next is a series of events that will rock both marriages. Secrets, lies and betrayal abound.

I was into this book until about 76-80%. I'm not sure if the author knew how to write her way out of this one. This is the first time that I thought this should be 2 books - concentrating on 1 couple with a tie in to the 2nd couple for a 2nd book. A little too much going on at the end to throw so much at the reader and didn't leave me totally satisfied with the resolution.
Profile Image for Margo.
2,090 reviews111 followers
January 12, 2021
This author is a good writer, but her books depress me because they make cheating the norm. It just is too sordid for my tastes
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Grace J Reviewerlady.
2,064 reviews99 followers
February 12, 2023
Another cracking - and so very funny - read by a favourite author!

Mel and husband Joe regularly meet up with his brother Karl and wife Suze; all four are firm friends but when Suze suspects her husband of having an affair, she signs up to a honey trap service to find out for sure; however the results aren't quite what she expected and the repercussions spread out like raindrops in a puddle. Can the relationships, and friendships, survive?

Shari Low is a rare kind of author; she always has me in tears - of anguish one moment and of laughter the next. Her characters are second to none and her sense of humour terrific. My favourite of all time, Josie, makes an appearance in this book and she makes me giggle like no other. I have laughed til my sides ache and always, always, finish with a happy heart. I cannot recommend any and all of her novels highly enough. As always, five sparkling stars!
Profile Image for Mrs J.
300 reviews15 followers
January 20, 2021
Temptation Street is another great read featuring the staff from the boutique stores and salon in Merchant City, Glasgow. This story focuses on two couples as they discover an infidelity. Be prepared for lots of bed hopping, secrets and a storyline where you won't foresee what will happen next.
Profile Image for TheBookishWife.
243 reviews1 follower
April 11, 2024
4.5 drama loving stars

Enjoyed this one a lot. Listened and ready via Audible. Just the right amount of twist and turns to keep you flipping the pages.
Profile Image for Vicki_cosy.books.
190 reviews30 followers
June 13, 2010
I've never read anything by Shari Low before, and now I have the feeling I've been missing out! I absolutely loved her writing style, which is fun, sassy and exciting from beginning to end.

Mel and Suze are both strong and successful thirty-somethings and despite my life being a bit (ok a lot) less glamorous than theirs, I loved both of them. Suze is the stronger of the two, headstrong, impetuous and completely over the top, I imagine her being hard work as a friend! Mel on the other-hand, is more grounded, thoughtful and considerate. My heart and sympathy went out to Mel, as she comes off the worst from everyone else's antics, but remains strong and doesn't become a pity character. I became completely wrapped up in both women's lives, and it's their flaws which make them even more appealing.

What makes this book an absolute joy to read is the hysterical dialogue between the characters. I adored the snipey, sarky humour, it had tears of laughter rolling down my face. Reading Shari Low's writing is like having the best girls night out ever. I wanted to be friends with Suze and Mel and be a part of their close knit circle. I don't think I've ever read a chick lit that came across like it could be me and my girlfriends sharing stories and a few glasses of wine in the way this one does. It was refreshing and fun to read from beginning to end. But best of all, this was possibly the most unpredictable chick lit I have ever read, the surprises just keep on coming right to the very end. It's incredibly clever how Low diverts our suspicion then springs the truth on the reader at the same time as the characters. It certainly makes for an exciting read indeed.

While Suze and Mel are the main characters, the supporting cast aren't anything but stars themselves. Loyal employee, Josie is terrifying and caring all at the same time, just the type of person you want to take you under their wing. Virginia, mother in law from hell is deliciously detestable and definitely one you'll love to hate. The husbands, and other men folk, do play their part in the book but this is really very much all about girl power and strong female characters.

Amongst all the fun there are some serious undertones giving Temptation Street meat to it's bones. Suspicion, betrayal, truth and how much of it you really want to know, knowing those closest to you and knowing what you want yourself and how these themes affect relationships run throughout the book, as well as an incredibly realistic and current issue which comes as a bolt from blue. You will laugh, cry, want to join in and comfort both women as they heal, move on and face other problems. If there is one book chick lit fans should be packing in their cases this summer for poolside reading, It's this one. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Henriette.
888 reviews13 followers
November 23, 2023

I simply love Shari's storytelling so I am trying to catch up with everything she has ever written as I am sure to be thoroughly entertained.

This story is about two couples, brothers and their wives who have become best friends and what happens when one of them sets a honeytrap. I would never have guessed the outcome or all the twists that followed, but I was definitely hooked! I loved having Josie there again... she seems to appear in a lot of Shari's books and is such a gem that is guaranteed to make me laugh.

Profile Image for Rachael.
704 reviews12 followers
May 28, 2019
A fun quick read with a few supposing turns. My first Shari low novel and im looking forward to reading more.
Profile Image for Sarah Cupitt.
720 reviews29 followers
April 24, 2023
This book had audacity with the cheating brother encouraging so and so's husband to deny their cheating just like he did. Fast forward a few hours, I don't know what happened, but somehow, the policeman got the nickname of Batman, and I couldn't keep a straight face. Fast forward to the last hour of the book - did every character have an affair, or did I miss the plot? Everyone screwed up, and they're all too self-righteous to acknowledge their mistakes; instead, it's a dick-measuring contest of who did the worst (of both female and male counterparts).

This book is a low-tier read filled with drama, secrets and a lack of communication. It follows the lives of two families who have been friends for years, but as their lives become more intertwined, their secrets threaten to tear them apart. The characters are well-developed (just kidding, they're stupid) and relatable (to make people feel better about their shitty relationships). Overall, a must-read for fans of family drama and suspense (aka not me).
Profile Image for Jo Lee.
848 reviews14 followers
May 2, 2024
It seems to be that no matter what I read I end up back seeking solace and comfort in Shari Low’s writing and Helen McAlpine’s beautiful narrations. So it’s no surprise that I’m slowly working my way through her back catalogue, and luckily there are loads included with audible!

This one starts off with a honey trap that’s sure to cause a tidal wave through a close knit set of brothers and their wives, after all their whole lives are entwined, their marriages, their friendships and their businesses.

Lots of twists and turns, made for a quick funny easy listen!
78 reviews
December 20, 2017
Twists and Turns,

After reading a book for a while, you usually can predict what’s going to happen. This book had me changing my mind constantly about who was going to be the couple who divorced; Suze and Karl, or Mel and Joe. I did not see this ending coming. I really enjoyed how the author ended some of the scenes with a line that all was not what it seemed. The secondary relationships surprised me the most. Great book! Couldn’t put it down!
Profile Image for S Greaux.
259 reviews
October 13, 2019
So much fun

I've been reading Shari Low for a while and always get a good laugh, no matter how serious the issue. This story was about two couples dealing with issues in their marriages. The question: do they stay together or do they go their separate ways? If you've been reading Shari Low 's books, you will recognize some recurring characters--and it feels like catching up with old friends.
Profile Image for Amethyst Kinnair.
32 reviews
September 10, 2017
Great read!

I have chosen this rating because temptation street is a great read, as soon as I began reading it I struggled to put my kindle down. Its the sort of story that makes you question what you really want for your future. Its full of great twists and turns, finished off with a superb happy ending. (Everyone loves a happy ending). It was my pleasure to read it.
769 reviews
May 25, 2018
I’m glad that this was not my first by Shari Low because I found it a bit disappointing when compared to the other two I have read “One Day in December” and “The Moment of Truth”. I didn’t find much to like or sympathise with any of the characters which inevitably meant that I had no great interest in their lives.
476 reviews16 followers
July 7, 2021
Framily disjunction! Friends and family ride through the pages…

Oddly enough there are many characters in this that remind me of friends and family in my own tree of life. Loved this book! Laughed out loud and cringed like I have done more than once in real life when realizing yup people are so unpredictable!
Profile Image for Kathy.
1,506 reviews13 followers
August 8, 2023
Loved It

How an author can take a subject that is despised by most, although not me, and turn it into a book as funny as this is a gift.
With characters that leap off the pages and settings you wish you can visit, Temptation Street is a brilliant novel about two couples, who seem to have it all, how looks can be deceiving and do you really know your partner?.
Profile Image for Alison.
3,540 reviews139 followers
November 6, 2023
Two brothers and their wives, best friends and business partners. Karl and Joe run their family's construction company, Suze has a beauty salon next door to Mel's wedding shop. They meet for dinner every week and the boys go the gym and the pub as a regular thing.

But things haven't been right between Suze and Karl for several months, she's convinced he's having an affair and has hired a honey trap agency to investigate. Meanwhile, Joe and Mel, a more down-to-earth couple, are trying for a baby. But when the results of the honey trap are revealed it tears apart both couples.

Forced to reassess everything they knew about each other and their relationships is there any going back?

Threaded through this story are snippets of rendezvous between an unknown couple, clearly having an affair - but who are they? I have to say, the revelation of who this couple were was a surprise that kind of spoilt the book for me. Yes I never guessed, but it made some of the characters' actions seem strange and left me with the feeling that none of them were actually very nice people, except maybe one.

Read on my Kindle Unlimited subscription.
13 reviews7 followers
May 13, 2018
Too much sex

Not a prude but story was weak and wordy. Nearly quit reading several times. Hope someone else enjoys it. I have read this author before and enjoyed the book but not this time
51 reviews
September 15, 2020

Blasted through it because the characters were fun and story enjoyable if not bit mad. Were conclusions likely, not sure, but as an easy read story it probably doesn't matter. And the twist was a surprise. Ending good enough.
36 reviews2 followers
July 25, 2021
Fantastic story.

Another fantastic story from Shari Low. I thoroughly enjoy every book written by Shari. She manages to combine humour into real life stories with characters that are so realistic you feel they are your real life friends. Again couldn't put it down and read over 2 days. Such a talented author.
Profile Image for Angela Watts.
514 reviews3 followers
February 13, 2022
Absolutely WONDERFUL

I laughed till tears rolled from my eyes!!!!!!! The Paisley 6,friendship and family all in a days work. Real love, hard times, and doing what's right for yourself. Sticking together through it all. Great read, Hits all emotions!!!!!!!!
205 reviews2 followers
October 11, 2017

A story that will enthrall you from the start to the last page and leave you wanting more. Thoroughly enjoyed every minute.
517 reviews3 followers
December 28, 2017
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!!

This book did exactly what it said on the tin. I laughed so much, it hurts. Fantastic characters, I loved Josie. Great story.😂
Profile Image for Lesley Murrin.
1 review
April 8, 2018

My new favourite author! I love reading her books and this was not a disappointment. Brilliant read. Struggled to put it down
Profile Image for Toni Clark.
13 reviews13 followers
April 29, 2018
Strangely fun

The characters are not really believable but we all know someone that is so similar. A fun and somewhat naughty book I really en
655 reviews11 followers
August 8, 2018

A little confusing but got there in the end a c it was quite a good read. I enjoy Shari as an author but this book was harder to get into.
13 reviews
September 22, 2018
A funny laugh out read

A typical Shari Low book ! Funny sad and a laugh out loud book , very easy read !!! ENJOY
3 reviews
December 30, 2018
Another brilliant story

Shari Lowe never disappoints . Another marvellous tale of friends and family . Couldn't put it down and sad when it was finished
Profile Image for Lisa Hodgson.
13 reviews
February 7, 2019
Totally over the top loveliness!

Fab storyline with amazing characters that make you smile! Another fine read from Shari Low and can't wait to read the next one!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 67 reviews

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