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Setsuna and his team have broken into prison to rescue their ally Zaphikel. But they are shocked to find out that they're too late--Zaphikel's wings have already been cut off. Without their protection, he is infected with disease, and is on his way to becoming a flesh-devouring ghoul.

Meanwhile, the evil angel Rosiel chairs a meeting of the leaders of heaven. He announces that he is one step ahead of Setsuna and the rebels, as he knows where they plan to escape to after the prison break. So when Setsuna's team arrives at their destination, they'll find a rather nasty surprise waiting for them!

200 pages, Paperback

First published April 1, 1999

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About the author

Kaori Yuki

191 books666 followers
Kaori Yuki (native name: 由貴香織里) is a Japanese manga artist.

She debuted in 1987 with Natsufuku no Erii (Jap: 夏服のエリー) on the manga anthology Bessatsu Hana to Yume published by Hakusensha.
She is best known for her gothic manga works, such as the Earl Cain series (Jap: 伯爵カイン, Hakushaku Cain) and Angel Sanctuary (Jap: 天使禁猟区, Tenshi Kinryōku)

Her work is typically serialized in one of Hakusensha's two shōjo manga anthologies, Bessatsu Hana to Yume and Hana to Yume. In 2010, Kaori Yuki was one of many manga artists whose work would appear in the new shōjo manga anthology Aria by the publisher Kodansha on July 28, 2010.
Her doujinshi-ka name is MoonClock.

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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 reviews
Profile Image for Barbara.
497 reviews44 followers
December 23, 2017
This volume had a bit of backstory on how Lucifel became Lucifer.Hell has crashed into heaven and gotten their first two levels destroyed.Heaven is getting its power structure re-arranged and it's epic!!

There was more action than emotion,sure,but we do need that as well.I'm already starting the next!
Profile Image for Lesedelfin.
641 reviews4 followers
March 14, 2023
Wuuhuu, Rosiel is back :D Also mal wieder so richtig! Die letzten Angel Sanctuary Bände war er ja komplett verschollen und tauchte nur sehr kurz auf, um seinem Kontrahenten Sevothtarte fies ins Gesicht zu grinsen und der Handlung einen ziemlichen Touch Dramatik zu verpassen.
Kaori Yuki offenbart in Band vierzehn also deutliche Kriegsszenen. Es gibt haufenweise Zerstörung und fließendes Blut, während Rosiel und Setsuna endliiiiiich wieder aufeinder treffen. Auch der Wirbel um Kira und seine Identität fegt wie ein Sturm durch diesen Band und hat nicht nur manchen Protagonisten Baff zurück gelassen. Für mich ein richtiges Highlight.
Sevothtarte und sein Krieg zur Reinhaltung des Himmels und die dadurch entstandenen Verfolgungen und Hinrichtungen einander liebender Engel sorgt ja schon seit ein paar Bänden für mächtig Trouble, blieb in diesem Teil allerdings ein wenig blass. Lediglich die Auswirkungen für verschiedene Engel - wie z.B. Zaphikel - wurden gezeigt, was auch völlig gereicht hat. Es ist ein kleines Nervens- und Geduldspiel diese Mangas zu lesen. Man weiß nie, was als nächstes kommt und es gibt viele verschiedene Handlungen, die sich immer wieder auf einander zubewegen und genauso schnell wieder andere Herausforderungen meistern müssen.

Yuki baut in diesem Band jede Menge schockierende Momente ein, wo man als Leser richtig um geliebte Charaktere hoffen und bangen kann. Es ist also wieder ein recht intensives und gefährliches Leseabenteuer!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Anja.
86 reviews
August 13, 2020
Es passiert so viel auf so wenigen Seiten und die Story scheint eher von spontanen Einfällen als von ausgearbeiteten Handlungssträngen geprägt.
Profile Image for Swiftsea.
187 reviews
February 26, 2012
I enjoyed the background information on Kira. It's great to know that Lucifer had enough of a heart to have an agreeable exchange with the original little boy's soul. Neither are devoid of their personalities. It's a nice idea thinking there's a mutual understanding between what is meant to be evil and humans who are supposed to be the corrupt.
The transitions of scenes felt too abrupt for me and with the plenty of characters, it was difficult to keep up on which character's background the story was focusing on.
Profile Image for Дени ★ Проданова .
504 reviews9 followers
September 28, 2015
В този том ще научим малко повече за (според мен) най интригуващия образ в тая манга - Сакуя Кира (или поне сегашния притежател на името и тялото), и то от собствения му брат близнак (с който нямат абсолютно нищо общо). Ако не сте разбрали до сега кой в действителност е Кира, то сега ще си стане ясно, но ще е в най-неподходящия момент.
А Розиел както се беше покрил за няколко тома, така се завръща с гръм и трясък и ги сътворява едни... мани бегай. Просто прави, едва ли не, невъзможно да не го мрази човек.
Profile Image for Michael Schmid.
Author 8 books96 followers
October 8, 2012
Die Himmelskapitel der AS Serie sind einfach unglaublich und was Kaori Yuki hier raus haut, ist einfach unglaublich. Vor allem die Geschichte rund um Zaphikel, Sevotharte und Raziel ist nur noch schön und ich hab diesen Doppelband regelrecht verschlungen. Ich kann den nächsten Sammelband kaum erwarten. :D
Profile Image for Logan.
94 reviews44 followers
May 31, 2008
Lots and lots and lots of Lucifer. This book made for a very happy Logan.
Profile Image for Cat.
160 reviews11 followers
April 4, 2010
The author goes on a rampage, and so does Rocial. The havoc is necessary, and definitely moves the story along, but did it have to be so widespread? Oi!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jody Mena.
445 reviews8 followers
June 1, 2015
I adore this entire series. Kaori Yuki is a masterful storyteller and a talented artist.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 reviews

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