Setsuna, in the form of Alexiel, must return to Earth to protect his human body. But Michael, the Angel of Fire, is hot on Setsuna's heels and ready for a fight. Will the angel Raphael be able to keep things from getting deadly, or will he just make matters worse?
Meanwhile, Zaphikel's spy discovers that Sevothtarte's fair face hides foul intentions, and Metatron's little rebellion upsets the balance of power in Heaven. And in Hell, the Mad Hatter offers Kurai a chance to save Setsuna's human body...if she agrees to marry Lucifer.
Kaori Yuki (native name: 由貴香織里) is a Japanese manga artist.
She debuted in 1987 with Natsufuku no Erii (Jap: 夏服のエリー) on the manga anthology Bessatsu Hana to Yume published by Hakusensha. She is best known for her gothic manga works, such as the Earl Cain series (Jap: 伯爵カイン, Hakushaku Cain) and Angel Sanctuary (Jap: 天使禁猟区, Tenshi Kinryōku)
Her work is typically serialized in one of Hakusensha's two shōjo manga anthologies, Bessatsu Hana to Yume and Hana to Yume. In 2010, Kaori Yuki was one of many manga artists whose work would appear in the new shōjo manga anthology Aria by the publisher Kodansha on July 28, 2010. Her doujinshi-ka name is MoonClock.
Parental advisory: Gore,suggestive themes/dialogue and bloody scenes. This manga is labeled "shōjo" but the story's content and plot is more appropriate for adult readers rather than tweens and teen girls. It has many violent (including abusive scenes) and suggestive themes and isn't appropriate for children. Review: This volume was a little slow plot wise and the drama of Setsuna not being trusted by the Evils and then being forgiven after his return from his battle with Michael seemed a little rushed and out of nowhere. The parts of the story that related to Sevy,Zaphikel,Raziel,Metatron and Setsuna's plans for resurrection of his original body (his human body not his reincarnation of Alexiel) were more interesting. There were a few odd scenes in this volume such as Kurai being kissed without her consent by The Hatter (Belial) which was weird since Kurai is a child (she's a demon child but she is takes the apparence and the behavior of a child and Belial takes the appearance of a adult). There was also a few jokes on transgender/cross dressing but that was actually funny.
The mysteries keep creeping up. New characters are introduced, and old ones expanded on. Still switching back and forth between Heaven and Hell, but it's easier to follow now. I do have to wonder is Lord Sevvy, who says no one can see his face or body, be Adam Kadamum? Hair and face are pretty similar, and Zephikeal was struck blind by looking at Adam K, so??? Anyways, now that the Sara and Setsuna relationship is not in your face, though still the driving force behind it all, I am enjoying it more.
Loving the artwork, and the Mad Hatter is definitely best character so far. Plot is still interesting, however, I’m seriously hoping more mature character development happen soon, otherwise, it’s just going to add to my frustrations with some of them especially with Sara coming back into the story.
Oh, Kaori Yuki, du gerissene, talentierte Mangaka :D Hast mich mit Angel Sanctuary völlig infiziert und hälst mich mit einer Handlung in Atem, die von Band zu Band zu besser wird.
Leute, was soll ich noch sagen? Ich bin wirklich hin und weg. Die Zeichnungen werden immer besser und ausdrucksvoller und die Texte reißen mich so mit, als würde ich ein richtiges Buch lesen. Yuki legt viel Herzblut in diese Texte und erschafft dazu genau die richtige, unterstreichende Zeichnung. Wie schon zum letzten Band gesagt, finde ich es sehr beeindruckend wie detailorientiert Yuki ihren Lesern die verschiedenen Himmels- und Höllenreiche präsentiert. Ihre Vorstellung von diesen Orten kann sie deshalb sehr schön vermitteln und mir fällt das Folgen der Geschichte deutlich leichter. Sie benennt auch Orte, an denen nichts passiert, einfach um das Bild vollständig zu halten.
Die Zeichnungen sind schon lange nicht mehr mit dem ersten Band zu vergleichen. Sie haben deutlich mehr an Ausdruck erhalten und das spürt man als Leser. Die Charaktere selbst haben sich nur wenig, aber dafür radikaler verändert. Besonders Setsuna - der momentan in Alexiel's Körper steckt - hat eine noch kämpferische Seite erhalten, was wohl an Alexiel's Seele in ihm liegt. Er ist der Messias und bewegt Himmel und Hölle gleichermaßen, ohne das es ihm bewusst ist. Dafür ist er viel zu sehr auf seine Schwester Sara fixiert, deren Seele er retten will.
Als Kurai-Fan war dieser Band natürlich wieder wie für mich gemacht. Auch der andere Oger Voice sorgt für mächtig Trouble und die unterschwellig brodelnden Gefühle, die die Charaktere für einander empfinden, sind fast zum Haare raufen, denn mal sieht als Leser natürlich mehr als diese kurzsichtigen Ignoranten :D Wer mir richtig fehlt ist der rotzfreche Kato. Auch wenn Michael charaktermäßig in seine Richtung schlägt - nur ohne den witzigen Charme - kann er Kato nicht das Wasser reichen. Ich würde die beiden gerne mal nebeneinander erleben, das wäre bestimmt eine Party! :D Ebenfalls durch Abwesenheit glänzt Rosiel, der nicht ein einziges Mal vorkommt. Argh!
Die Story wird immer komplexer und spannender und es kommt nicht ein einziges Mal langeweile auf. Erst bin ich am Anfang und sofort wieder in der fesselnden Geschichte drin und nach ein paar gefühlten Blinzlern ist der Manga vorbei. Es geht wirklich alles rasant schnell, trotzdem kommt man tempomäßig ganz gut mit und die Geschichte, sowie die Vorhaben der Charaktere ist leicht verständlich.
Wieder ein rundum gelungener Band!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
When Setsuna and Boyz find the best place on Earth to preserve Setsuna's human body, great angel Lord Michael shows up and picks a fight with them! However, all three of them barely get away with their lives after Setsuna goes berserk and unveils Alexiel's three wings. The only reason that he did not completely lose himself is because at the last second Sara's spirit appears before Setsuna, warning him that if he pushes it any further everyone will end up dead just like her. Because of the sight of Sara, Setsuna is returned to his senses, and as they reach for each other's hand Sara suddenly turns to water and disappears! Back in Heaven, Metatron's toy rabbit leads him to Jibril's chamber and tells him to remove the needle that Sevothtarte had long stuck in the back of Jibril's neck. When it is removed Jibril awakens, but she is no longer the same angel, because now Sara's soul inhabits great angel Jibril's body! Also, back in Gehenna, Mad Hatter, or Belial, is continuing to tempt Kurai with promises of reviving the one she loves if she will become the bride of Lucifer. But when all that Setsuna thinks and talks about is Sara, how is this affecting Kurai's unexperienced (in the fields of love) heart...?
I see that this is a series that you really have to analyze, just like fine literature. I can't really drop the series and then pick it back up again a year later from where I left off like I do other series too... But hey! That makes this series all the more special!
Setsuna is trying to figure out how to get his sister back, and now also how to deal with the whole body-being-dead, stuck-in-another-body thing. But Michael's on a rampage and determined to get him some old-fashioned blood and mayhem, one way or the other.
Meanwhile in Heaven, the angel Jibril has woken up. But she's not quite how people remember her.
Honestly, while I love the adventure part of Setstuna's travels, the part at this point that I want to know more about is the sordid struggle for power in Heaven and all the ways people will hurt and kill one another in order to climb to the top of that pile. And speaking of machinations - in this volume we finally start to see some of the ways in which Hell is moving as well, as they angle to bring Kurai in as a bride of Lucifer. How? The way all demons do. Temptation.
Even with the increased background information on Sara as one of the great archangels of heaven, the archangel of water, Gabrielle, I still dislike her. There's just this huge, hollow weakness in her personality that makes her overly sensitive in situations where I believe, there is no need for sensitivity. Sara doesn't appear to be a character that can grasp her situation very well. This only foreshadows the malleable weakness of the archangel Gabrielle that is represented by her character. In the meantime, I'm enjoying Setsuna's body switch. :)
Diesen Band habe ich wieder mehr als genossen. Endlich kommt der Himmel mehr und mehr ins Rollen und es kommen auch immer mehr Engel wie auch Dämonen ins Spiel. Setsuna als Alexiel ist sowieso zum Schießen, von daher. Das Ende macht wieder einmal Lust auf mehr und ich kann den nächsten Doppelband kaum mehr erwarten, obwohl ich die ganze Reihe schon einmal gelesen habe.
Uf... Tomo extremadamente pesado. Aburrido incluso. Mucha cháchara y claro, un par de escenas que lo valen, pero el resto logró que me demorara una semana completa en leerlo (bueno, eso y el tiempo disponible para). Estimo que el final es lo mejor.