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Foils and Fury #4

Dying For My Vengeance Demon

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How can you catch a monster when you're running for your life?

Conrad and Sandy are on the run, framed for every single vicious murder Lord Seth has ever committed. Not only are they being hunted by both the human police and some bloodthirsty rogue supernaturals, they're forced to watch while Lord Seth gains the hearts and minds of the masses during his election campaign. With the power of spin and suggestion, he's got the whole country thinking it would be a great idea if women's rights were dialled right back to the caveman days.

But when Sandy finds out who Lord Seth really is... she might have a chance to pull the human world back from the brink of total chaos.

The final instalment in the Foils and Fury Series.

242 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 31, 2023

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About the author

Lauretta Hignett

44 books332 followers
A raving fangirl for all things paranormal, supernatural, supernormal and fantastical, Lauretta writes fun Urban Fantasy, PNR and Superhero adventures with a dash of sweet romance and humour.

She's a massive fan of Young and New Adult fiction, loves a plot twist, hates cliffhangers, and always keeps her readers on their toes.

When she's not writing, Lauretta enjoys fad diets, sunshine, her two little children, weird craft projects and massive amounts of dark chocolate

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 81 reviews
Profile Image for Alix .
898 reviews27 followers
August 27, 2023
This is a potato chip series - so hard to stop with just one
July 29, 2024
i love women so much omg. the characters are still as loveable as ever and this book had all the action with the happy ending i needed!

mavka is still my absolute favourite. i love all the women really. they’re all so cool! except for joy, she’s annoying as shit. anyway, i really enjoyed this series! the books are super easy to read with engaging characters and story lines, semi fast paced writing, and a nice fantasy world. as someone trying to get into fantasy this is a perfect book, more focused on the characters themselves than bucket loads of world building which can make reading fantasy books drag on or just get super confusing.

overall, i loved this book. like really loved it. i’m always a sucker for female rage, and mavka literally is female rage. i love her.
Profile Image for Traci Otte.
506 reviews6 followers
March 25, 2024
This was quite a wild ride! This conclusion of Sandy's series was jam-packed with action and surprises, and I was glued to my Kindle until I finished. This whole series was incredible, and now that I'm done, I'm going back to read Imogen's series, Imogen Gray, then I'm jumping straight into Prue's series, Blood and Magic. I'll miss Sandy, Mavka, Conrad, and Dexter, but I'm sure they'll make appearances in other books.

I'm very grateful they're on Kindle Unlimited so I can binge this author's world!
Profile Image for Runningrabbit.
1,385 reviews98 followers
January 31, 2023
I love these so much

I’m disappointed to say goodbye to Mavka but I can’t wait to see what Lauretta has in store for Prue. Needless to say I am dying for the next release date 28 February…
Profile Image for Leigh Brooker.
117 reviews1 follower
October 14, 2024
BY THE GODS she's done it again, pulled out all the stops, and upped the stakes for this thrilling action packed finale. My body was literally vibrating with tension all the way through this one and I LOVED every second of it. Lauretta is in a masterclass of her own with her ability to balance humor and darkness with such skill I hang on every word. The ending was sweet perfection for me that left a tear in my eye and a smile on my face.

Sandy and Conrad are on the run after being hunted by the police and all the rogue supernaturals under the influence of Lord Seth. In the meantime Lord Seth has moved to put his diabolical plan of enslaving women into action, while also having Sandy in his sights. Can Sandy along with Mavka and Conrad, stop him before the human world decends into chaos....

One thing I love about all of Lauretta's female characters, is how people always underestimate them, this time is no different. In an attempt to capture Mavka, Sandy lets herself be taken instead wanting Mavka to protect the ones she loves. But to me Sandy's self sacrifice in this way speaks to a strength stronger than brute force, and of course once her friends realise what's happened they also realise just how strong and resilient she really is. Mavka herself said it best.
"Her return is as important to me as it is you." "I miss her. I am vengeance and justice, I am the scream of rage in the night. Sandy is a ray of sunshine, she is the glass half full, the blackberry on the thorny bush. I enjoy her presence immensely." What better way to sum up a character who I have adored and admired from the very first chapter of her story.

Conrad, well what can I say about a man who is literally perfection personified. I mean he's fiercely protective of everything he loves, he can fight and he can cook (frilly apron optional.) Oh yes you steal my heart. And when he kissed Mavka hoping to draw out Sandy, I thought I was gonna die laughing, so making me laugh bonus point.

Sandy has the best of friends, and while it was great to see Prue in her usual kick ass sassy self, for me it was Chloe that I loved seeing the most. Sweet, dizzy dumb Chloe was hilarious and because I read her story first, it was an absolute joy to see her this way.

And lastly Mavka, my laugh a minute liver eating goddess who is the embodiment of feminine rage, on a rescue mission to save Sandy is actually the calm of the bunch I'm gonna miss her a million.. I bid ye a fond farewell.

I LOVED this series immensely and it's with a heavy heart I say goodbye but I know I'll be reading these again at some point and hopefully Lauretta may bring Mavka back again for another tale. I cannot recommend this series high enough, please go read 😁
Profile Image for C.N. Rowan.
Author 18 books106 followers
February 6, 2023
If you've followed me on social media for a while, or seen my posts on Reddit, or whatever, you'll know how hard I fanboy for Lauretta. She's just unbelievable. Her series 'Immortal' was my top series of 2022. So when she started Vengeance Demon, I wondered if she could top it. I didn't doubt for a moment it'd be brilliant - not for a second - but I did wonder if those heady heights could ever be topped, on what was, for me, absolute UF perfection.

And I loved the first couple of books of Vengeance Demon, loved the cast, the world, the monsters, but I wasn't sure it was better. There was more smoochies - not so much my thing - and I loved it - deeply, with all my heart - but I thought I preferred Imogen Grey and the Immortal series.

Then she dropped book 3, and I started to be less sure. Now, with book 4, I'm certain.

Lauretta has topped it. She's beaten Immortal.

Dying For My Vengeance Demon isn't just brilliant. It's not just funny. It's angry, righteously so. I'm talking about the sort of anger that permeates Terry Pratchett's Discworld, about the injustice suffered at the hands of the privileged and undeserving. And in many ways, Sir Terry is who it makes me think of the most. It's as if Pratchett wrote The Handmaiden's Tale. This is a book that, without ever being preachy or heavy-handed, looks at the regressions our world is going through, or teetering on the edge of, and shouts NO.

No, this shouldn't happen. Not at all. But it doesn't shout it in a 'force it down your throat' way. It ululates it, a glorious battle-cry. And then it downs a pint and breaks into its Groucho Marx impression, because this book is funny as well. Gods, I don't know how Lauretta does it. How she weaves it all in, and so effortlessly and perfectly.

Immortal was my top series of 2022. I think there's a good chance Vengeance Demon might be my top series of 2023, and it's only the start of February.

Do yourself a favour. Drop whatever you're doing and go read it now.

Dying For My Vengeance Demon is the Urban Fantasy book the world needs right now.
543 reviews4 followers
February 19, 2024
What an ending! I am late reading this, it got pushed back in my TBR and for some reason. (I think I subconsciously just didn't want to have finished ALL of Lauretta's books!) This is the 4th and final book in the Foils and Fury series. And this is one of those books that had me putting it down because I was worried about what might happen (even though yes I know everything turns out ok since I have read all her other books).
Sandy and Sinclair are now wanted fugitives after the Basilica incident, while Sinclair is in ICU for his injuries. They manage to get to Aunt Marche's apartment and behind the wards. But Lord Seth is able to draw Sandy out by threatening Dexter. In an attempt to capture Mavka, they get Sandy instead. So Mavka must go get Sandy back. It was hilarious to read about Mavka posing as Sandy! From "Evil mom" to Sinclair trying to kiss her... I couldn't help but giggle. And because I love Nicholas Cage, I absolutely loved the joke she made about him!
There are lots of nail biting moments in this book and as I said I had to put it down and pick it right back up! Lord Seth is such an awful demon and this will be an epic ending! And there are some more bombshell revelations about who some of these characters really are!! I absolutely loved this book and am now sad that I have finally finished all of Lauretta's books. I will just sit here patiently waiting for more! (At time of review, I have read all books through the Waif in the Wilds series.)
Profile Image for Robyn.
112 reviews1 follower
July 13, 2023
When the shit hits the fan.....

Everything gets covered.

Book four has Sandy and Conrad finally on the way to defeating Lord Seth. There are some big obstacles in the way however. Like the fact they are on the run. Believed to be behind all the horrible things that have happened. Blamed and made scapegoat. Used as a springboard for the launch of misogynistic laws, (a parallel to what's happening in todays American climate imo).

But they have the support of their friends. Their little group of family. If they can find a way to defeat Lord Seth everything will be good.

I loved Sandy's story. I mean, there were parts that I raged at - Lord Seth and his women hating ways are gross and disgusting. But Mavka and Sandy's relationship is awesome. The dichotomy of their two natures fitting so well together. And the puns are awesome.

I can't wait to find out what happens next with Prue. Another kick ass MC that I get to let soak into my brain as soon as this review is done.

My last feeling as the book came to a close was to clutch my chest and say awww.
Profile Image for Mike Lewis.
1,761 reviews7 followers
August 6, 2024
Final book in an entertaining urban fantasy adventure series

This is the fifth and final book in the spinoff series from the immortal imaging Gray series. Great cast of chargers in an entertaining storyline. Sandy was one of the characters in the imaging gray series. In one of the stories she was possessed by a vengeance spirit. The beginning of book one starts off pretty much in that scene and then goes forward into her life afterwards. Sandy divorces her husband takes her kid moves to Washington DC with some friends and tries to start a life over. Her is that vengeance demon devours evil. No spoilers so you’ll have to go back to book one and start there to read but it is an entertaining action and sometimes Some scenes a gory urban fantasy series. Along with her friends and the enforcer in Washington DC they fight evil and just try and live their lives. Pretty fast pace never gets boring just straight through action and fun. Check it out
219 reviews4 followers
February 4, 2023
What I most like about this series is the author's ability to write a complex, fun and unique urban fantasy series with a healthy dose of romance, while combining it with profoundly serious social issues. This series addresses the themes of misogyny and abuse towards women, the toxic and hypocritical effects that a certain belief system can have on marriage and families, a bleak dystopian future - and dark, dark magic. The Bad Guys are nightmarishly bad - some of the most vile I've read. Blood magic at its worst. I really couldn't imagine how a force of that magnitude could be defeated. It was - and through the simplest and most pure way. Awesome!!

I loved this series and am glad to see a continuation of quality writing and a fascinating story arc that equals her Imogen Gray series! I look forward to reading more from this gifted writer!!

Profile Image for The Man from DelMonte.
476 reviews9 followers
October 21, 2024
These stories are one step removed from cozy and at times careen from apocalypse to hair salon with barely a pause for breath.
Ms Hignett (rightly) has a bee in her bonnet about the backwards lurch in America today, and the part that Christianity has to play in it.
Stretching the arc over four books pulled it exceedingly thin, and a lot of froth was used to bulk it out. In mitigation, there are occasional hints that if the author could be a little more disciplined, she could tell a decent story
Profile Image for Jack-Jack.
258 reviews
April 23, 2023
It was great to be honest, lots of action. Fast pacing. And Mavka was awesome.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nikki.
711 reviews6 followers
January 30, 2023
Dying for my Vengeance Demon (Foils and Fury book 4) by Lauretta Hignett is a 5 ⭐️ read.
Sandy and Conrad are both wanted fugitives, Lord Seth has set everyone against them, so their friends and family rally around them to find a way to stop Lord Seth.
This is the final book in this series and I stayed up until 2am reading it even though I had to get up at 6am but it was really really worth it. I was sad that this was the end as I really loved Sandy and Mavka and hopefully we will see them again sometime.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book.
Book will be released 31st January.
Profile Image for Cassie.
625 reviews2 followers
March 30, 2023
I devoured this entire series in two and a half days. The books are all pretty short, and super faced paced. I love how the authored stayed true to form, and this final book was just as quirky as the first. It’s just such a fun, feel-good series. I love the relationships between all of the characters, and the side characters were perfection.

If you like KF Breene’s Magical Midlife series, you will more than likely really enjoy this one as well.

Can’t wait to get started on Bad Bitch Bones’ series (I’m still chuckling to myself about the werewolves calling Pru “Bones”….I’m pretty sure I would have fallen in love with this series even if it was shit after reading that section)
Profile Image for Denisa.
1,338 reviews321 followers
October 22, 2023
1.5 Ok, sorry author, you're a good writer, but this series went from good to meh to bad.

Initially, it started out as a feminist type of series, with women regaining their power and all that jazz. I liked that, and it made sense.
Then it went on to say that there's this big organization of men who want to make women weak again. And ok, let's say I get that too, up to a point.
But, during the last 20% of book 3 and most of book 4, everything felt sooo far fetched! Like, the whole world turning against women all of a sudden, the media, politics, police, everything. Like, yes, some cops are as*holes, but not all of them. Yes, most politicians are bad, but not all of them.

The series went from a 'let's empower women' vibe to a 'let's destroy men' really fast. I've said it before, how are you better than your oppressor if you become exactly like him? How are you helping (whatever you wanna help) if you just end up being worse than the issue you were initially running from?

Good writing style, yes, but the story went downhill.

I wouldn't recommend it.
Profile Image for Natasha den Dekker.
1,127 reviews11 followers
December 18, 2023
The final installment in Sandy and Mavka's story BUT not Prue's if my Kindle is anything to go by :D
I think this is the best one of the lot - it's a bit shorter than the others but it does mean that the ramp up to the action is speedy with a really nice denouement. There's a great piece in the middle where Sandy's trapped in the banana and not Mav which I thought was a nice twist.

Especially because Mavka now has to pretend to be Sandy. There are some great scenes that are comedy gold and you could the scene on a TV show. A solid ending, lots of loose ends tied up - in a nice way, although *very glossed over* no deep introspection for these characters :D
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
859 reviews3 followers
August 30, 2024
I found this a very good series. The books are quick, easy, enjoyable reads with interesting characters and story lines, a fair amount of action, humour that is sometimes laugh out loud, and a nice realistic fantasy world.
Sandy and Conrad are on the run for being charged with many crimes. Getting together with their friends they have to figure out a way to stop Lord Seth.
The attitudes and actions of the Death Kings towards women is outrageous and terrifying. Unfortunately, it sometimes reminds me of some things that have happened actual world, (but there is no magic to stop it here).
This was a very satisfying ending.
22 reviews1 follower
April 27, 2024
Great Series!

I've loved Sandy. Her character evolution was awesome and heartwarming. This has been my favorite series of your books thus far. It's easy to relate to her and her trials, especially with the current climate of misogyny. I loved Mavka and her vengeance for wronged women. I almost feel like I'm part female vengeance goddess. She is a strong voice that helps temper the outrage of inequality(at least in me). I would love to see a series with Mavka and her character development from being with Sandy. Thank you for such a wonderful story.
15 reviews
July 24, 2023
The Finale

Loved all four books, getting to know Sandy, Conrad, Prue and Chloe. Laugh out loud moments between Mavka, Sandy and Prue. Really good conclusion to my vengeance demon series. Looking forward to Prues bones stories and two other potentials Mavka, Demon and the cat no way am I trying to spell his name lol.
Totally recommend all of the books from Imogen and Sandy can't wait to read Prue. Thank you to Lauretta for these smazing characters
Profile Image for Abi.
185 reviews
July 10, 2024
I think this was my favorite in the series. In this final installment, Sandy and Mav prepare for the final battle with their friends against Lord Seth and the Blood Kings. Tensions are high but so is the excitement! I adored the structure and plot of this final book. A lot of things are resolved, like some family stuff and Conrad and Sandys relationship but some things are left more open like Prue and Chloes future. I think the ending was really satisfying and this was a fast and fun series.
Profile Image for Rachel.
282 reviews10 followers
July 26, 2024
A let down

All I can say is I’m glad it’s over. It was…anti-climactic. I called every single thing that happened - which I guess is okay. Not everything needs to be a blind-sighted plot twist. But it just…didn’t hold my interest. I only finished it because I was so close to the end of the entire series. But so many aspects were a disappointment and I don’t think I’ll be reading more of this author’s work.
70 reviews3 followers
January 31, 2023
Bring your tissues!
Things are tense, people are gravely injured and souls are bared in this final installment. Everything has hit the fan and relationships are tested to the max.
The words flow wonderfully and the humour and snark are in abundance. I recommend this book to all my fellow fantasy lovers out there and to everyone else to give it a go.
Going to be using the phrase "sharp as a marble" as soon as I get the chance.
Love it!
32 reviews1 follower
January 31, 2023
Brilliant end to a brilliant series

This has been one of my favourite series this year. It comes to a very satisfying conclusion, while leaving the door open for our favourite skeletal girl to get her own series. Hignett's writing is pacey but manages to show great characters who never feel like caricatures in a world that feels scarily close to home.
1,771 reviews21 followers
January 31, 2023
This is a great finish to an awesome series! Good does eventually win over evil, but it is a difficult mission. This ending was a surprise and I Loved It!!! I had a great time reading this and there will be No Spoilers!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
March 10, 2023
I want my own Vengeance Demon

I devoured this series and thoroughly enjoyed it. The combination of humor and action was fun with a touch of romance. I also think it provides a smattering of political commentary with the regression of political rights in our country. I highly recommend the series and plan to read more of this author.
33 reviews
March 12, 2023
Excellent series

Excellent series! I have really enjoyed all the books. The story line is so different to the normal witch one. I have to say the book reflects some of what is going on now for women - it made me reflect on the way women are treated and how we must reach inside ourselves and take no rubbish from men.
Profile Image for fiore ♡♡.
269 reviews12 followers
August 18, 2023
MAN THAT WAS QUITE THE RIDE!!! now I'm going to decide if I'm writing reviews for each individual book or one giant one for the series at large.

4 stars to this book because I wasn't ready to part with Mavka as soon as we did. That was so disappointing. I wish she was around. Dexter, why aren't you asking about Evil Mama?
Profile Image for Nancy Wallace.
42 reviews1 follower
September 21, 2023
Lots of action!

I’ve enjoyed the series, not much of a fan of the way the books end abruptly especially since everything else in the books are very detailed. It kinda left me with questions that I am not going to get answered. Other than that - it’s a lot of things happening that all circle back around to the very 1st book in the series. It held my attention which is the goal.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 81 reviews

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