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320 pages, Paperback
First published January 1, 1955
After dinner, when Joe’s transfer to the Courier was being discussed, Mrs. Hawthorne turned to Betsy.
“It will be hard for me to fill Joe’s place,” she said. “Would you like to try? I know you write. You might enjoy working in a publicity office.”
Betsy was very pleased but her answer came promptly. “Oh, Mrs. Hawthorne, I know I’d love it! Joe has told me how delightful your office is. But, Mrs. Hawthorn, I already have a job.”
“You have?” She sounded surprised.
“Yes. And it’s important, and very hard. It’s learning how to keep house.”
Betsy dug her head into her arms. “Help me, God! Please help me!” she prayed.
This was the first real problem of their marriage. Up to now, everything had been perfect. Her struggles with cooking, Joe’s low moods hadn’t mattered, really. This was different. This was a real disagreement.
Joe had decided it. “But I wanted him to. one person in a family has to have the final word. I want it to be Joe, always.”