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368 pages, Hardcover
First published January 1, 2011
Very Dark and "Wonderfully Gruesome" collection.
Was happy to have found this gem when cleaning and reorganizing one of my too-many to-read bookshelves here at home, and even though I find I've already read each and every one...SHEESH...I actually didn't remember the ending on a couple of them so all is well, and having a real KING book is hardly a hardship after all.
1922 - 5 Stars
A marital disagreement to sell or not to sell...the farm, that is...turns deadly, but RATS!...Talk about having a bad year...you'll find one of the worst you can imagine here. Repulsively Good!
BIG DRIVER - 4 Stars
Stranded on a deserted back road with a blown tire in the middle of the night is creepy in itself, but even scarier (for a female) when GIANT size help arrives. In the end, though, he is NOT the only danger.
We're back in Derry (oh no!) to consider a devilish proposition, and enjoy a wickedly horrid story.
Shocking, suspenseful and a deadly good short story depicting a BIG marital secret of the deadly kind. (Enjoyed the movie too!)
Bad dreams and bad smells turn into a heartbreaker of a story as the neighbor smells a rat!
FULL DARK NO STARS is a page-turning anthology with an Afterword filled with interesting personal tidbits about KING and how he came to write each story. Re-enjoyed it!
❝Everyone wants an extension, Mr. Streeter. If you were a young woman with a love of shopping, I’d offer you a credit extension. If you were a man with a small penis—genetics can be so cruel—I’d offer you a dick extension.Short men frequently want a height extension. If you did want more hair, Mr. Streeter, I’d be happy to sell you a hair extension.❞
أربعة قصص تكاد يكون الغرض منها ألا تنام المرأة التي ستقرأها لمدة طويلة قد تدوم عدة أيام أو أسابيع بعد القراءة مصحوبة بالكوابيس حتى في يقظتها. لن يعدم الرجل ��يضا أن ينتابه القلق بعد القراءة و إن بصورة أقل فقد كان دائما هنا هو البادئ بالعداوة و لن يتعاطف أبدا مع نفسه أو يلتمس لها الرحمة
الكتّاب الذين يكذبون عن قصد. الذين يستبدلون طريقة تصرف الناس الفعلية بسلوك بشري لا يصدق. فليس لدي لهم إلا الازدراء. الكتابة السيئة هي ليست أكثر من مجرد تركيب نحوي تافه و مراقبة معيوبة. الكتابة السيئة تنشأ عادة من رفض عنيد لتأليف قصص عما يفعله الأشخاص في الواقع – لمواجهة الحقيقة. دعنا نقول بأن القتلة أحيانا يساعدون السيدات العجائز على عبور الشارع.
لقد بذلت قصارى جهدي في (ظلام دامس. لا نجوم) لأدون ما قد يفعله الأشخ��ص. و كيف قد يتصرفون. في بعض الظروف المريعة. الأشخاص في هذه القصص لا يخلون من أمل. لكنهم يدركون أن أعز أمالنا و أعز أمانينا لأخوتنا في الإنسانية و المجتمع الذي نعيش فيه قد تكون عقيمة أحيانا. في أغلب الأحيان. حتى. لكنني أعتقد أنه يقال أيضا. إن النبالة تكمن بالكامل ليس في النجاح بل في محاولة فعل الصواب. و أننا عندما نفشل في فعل ذلك. أو ننصرف بكامل إرادتنا عن مواجهة التحديات. نكون قد ألقينا أنفسنا في الجحيم.
”Do you like how things turned out, Wilf? Was it worth it?”
" I have tried my best in Full Dark, No Stars to record what people might do, and how they might behave, under certain dire circumstances. The people in these stories are not without hope, but they acknowledge that even our fondest hopes (and our fondest wishes for our fellowmen and the society in which we live) may sometimes be vain. Often, even. But I think they also say that nobility most fully resides not in success but in trying to do the right thing . . "
"My name is Wilfred Leland James, and this is my confession. In June of 1922 I murdered my wife, Arlette Christina Winters James, and hid her body by tipping it down an old well."also some more good excerpts..
"Here is something I learned in 1922: there are always worse things waiting. You think you have seen the most terrible thing, the one that coalesces all your nightmares into a freakish horror that actually exists, and the only consolation is that there can be nothing worse. Even if there is, your mind will snap at the sight of it, and you will know no more. But there is worse, your mind does not snap, and somehow you carry on. You might understand that all the joy has gone... "
" The Conniving Man out-connived: how do you like that?"
The National Crime Victimization Survey says, because I googled it. Sixty percent of rapes go unreported, according to them. Three in every five. I think that might be low, but who can say for sure?"
" . . . what she says once in every book: murderers always overlook the obvious."
I was thinking about the Goodhughs. I’ve never known a family to have such a run of bad luck. Bad luck?’ She laughed. ‘Black luck is more like it.’ ”
“ ‘Life is fair. We all get the same nine-month shake in the box, and then the dice roll. Some people get a run of sevens. Some people, unfortunately, get snake-eyes. It’s just how the world is.’
He loved nothing, least of all her. Every kindness, caress, boyish grin, and thoughtful gesture – all were nothing but camouflage. He was a shell. There was nothing inside but howling emptiness. ”
"She dreamed of going into the dining room and finding a woman bound with chains to the long Ethan Allen table there. The woman was naked except for a black leather hood that covered the top half of her face. I don’t know that woman, that woman is a stranger to me, she thought in her dream, and then from beneath the hood Petra said: ‘Mama, is that you?"
"It’s a mistake, it has to be, we’ve been married over half our lives, I’d know, I would know. Opening the box. Thinking, Does anybody really know ”
"A marriage was like a house under constant construction, each year seeing the completion of new rooms. A first-year marriage was a cottage; one that had gone on for twenty-seven years was a huge and rambling mansion. There were bound to be crannies and storage spaces, most of them dusty and abandoned, some containing a few unpleasant relics you would just as soon you hadn’t found. But that was no biggie. You either threw those relics out or took them to Goodwill. ”
“It’s what drug addicts say. ‘I’ll never take any of that stuff again. I’ve quit before and this time I’ll quit for good. I mean it.’ But they don’t mean it, even when they think they do they don’t, and neither does he. ”
"The refrigerator whirred, the water dripped in the sink, and the raw seconds passed. This was the Darker Life, where every truth was written backward."