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The acclaimed author of the groundbreaking bestseller Schoolgirls reveals the dark side of pink and pretty: the rise of the girlie-girl, she warns, is not that innocent.Sweet and sassy or predatory and hardened, sexualized girlhood influences our daughters from infancy onward, telling them that how a girl looks matters more than who she is. Somewhere between the exhilarating rise of Girl Power in the 1990s and today, the pursuit of physical perfection has been recast as the source of female empowerment. And commercialization has spread the message faster and farther, reaching girls at ever-younger ages. But how dangerous is pink and pretty, anyway? Being a princess is just make-believe; eventually they grow out of it . . . or do they?
245 pages, Hardcover
First published January 25, 2011
The original Easy-Bake oven, which I begged for (and, dang it, never got), was turquoise and the Suzy Homemaker line - I had the iron, which really worked! - was teal. I can't imagine you would see that today. What happened? Why has girlhood become so monochromatic?
The virgin/whore cycle of the pop princesses, like so much of the girlie-girl culture, pushes in the opposite direction, encouraging girls to view self-objectification as a feminine rite of passage.
It would be disingenuous to claim that Disney Princess diapers or Ty Girls or Hannah Montana or Twilight or the latest Shakira video or a Facebook account is inhreently harmful. Each is, however, a cog in the round-the-clock, all-pervasive media machine aimed ta our daughters - and at us - from the womb to the tomb; one that, again and again, presents femininity as performance, sexuality as performance, identity as performance, and each of those traits as available for a price.
"We have only so much control over the images and products to which they [children] are exposed, and even that will diminish over time. It is strategic, then - absolutely vital - to think through our own values and limits early, to consider what we approve or disapprove of and why."