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Nick Gautier's day just keeps getting better and better. Yeah, he survived the zombie attacks, only to wake up and find himself enslaved to a world of shapeshifters and demons out to claim his soul.

His new principal thinks he's even more of a hoodlum than the last one, his coach is trying to recruit him to things he can't even mention and the girl he's not seeing, but is, has secrets that terrify him.

But more than that, he's being groomed by the darkest of powers and if he doesn't learn how to raise the dead by the end of the week, he will become one of them...

420 pages, Hardcover

First published March 22, 2011

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About the author

Sherrilyn Kenyon

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New York Times and international bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon is a regular at the #1 spot. With legions of fans known as Paladins (thousands of whom proudly sport tattoos from her series and who travel from all over the world to attend her appearances), her books are always snatched up as soon as they appear on store shelves. Since 2004, she had placed more than 80 novels on the New York Times list in all formats including manga and graphic novels. Her current series are: Dark-Hunters, Chronicles of Nick and The League, and her books are available in over 100 countries where eager fans impatiently wait for the next release. Her Chronicles of Nick and Dark-Hunter series are soon to be major motion pictures while Dark-Hunter is also being developed as a television series. Join her and her Paladins online at MySherrilyn.com and www.facebook.com/mysherrilyn

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,252 reviews
Profile Image for Fangirl Musings.
427 reviews110 followers
November 30, 2014
HOLY FRIGGIN' CRAP! - This book was mindbogglingly amazing! The second installment to the Dark-Hunter spin off young ydult series, Chronicles of Nick, the plot of Invincible was just as amazing as Infinity's.

I couldn't help but fall in love all the more with this amazing character, Nick Gautier. He had captured my adoration and love all the way back to the first novel of the Dark-Hunter series, Night Pleasures, and he continued to do so off-and-on throughout the twenty three books of the series, thus far.

The witty writing, still amazing. The cohesive, understandable, and entertaining plot, still amazing. The character development, still amazing. The expansion of the characters, still amazing. The dialogue, setting, and description, all still amazing. Sherrilyn Kenyon is continuing to prove, as she always does, that she is a phenomenal author and creative genius.

Invincible absolutely blew me away with taking yet another fascinating angle, necromancy, and maintaining a unique storyline throughout. I'm so excited about this series, and can't wait 'til next years installment!
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,997 reviews1,382 followers
November 5, 2015
This was another okay instalment, and once again the pace seemed quite slow. I can’t say I was all that impressed with what the story boiled down to at the end either, and Nick’s continued attitude and belief that he’s awesome was also annoying.

6 out of 10
Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,758 reviews87 followers
July 21, 2023
Nick esta apenas intentando reconciliar el nuevo mundo que se abrio antes sus ojos, con el que vivia antes. Pero sus nuevos "poderes" vienen con mucha responsabilidad, y una de ellas es aprender a usarlos, el problema es que sus "maestros" no son nada pacientes y por momentos parece que son la "muerte" (literalmente). Incluso, ahora, que tiene sabe que Caleb y Kody son sus protectores, que su madre tiene un trabajo digno y que esta de regreso a la escuela. Nada es normal, ahora tiene un entrenador que quiere ganar el campeonato a toda costa, unos demonios que lo buscan para matarlo y el conocimiento que su "jefe" es mucho mas que un ser humano rico.
Pero podra Nick aceptar y aprender sus nuevos poderes? Realmente lograra mantenerse del lado bueno y no desatar la maldicion en su sangre?

Aqui nos explican (para los que no han leido la serie Dark Hunter) mucha de la terminologia de demonios que utilizan los Dark Hunter. El problema, es que siento que la personalidad de Nick cambia radicalmente en ese libro, aqui se siente debil, inocente, terco y en algunos momentos, hasta malcriado. Y si, se que se ven rasgos de esa personalidad en el libro anterior, pero aqui su lado adolescente es mas fuerte, por lo menos al principio. Todavia no se le ve madurar, aunque al final de este libro pareciera que si comienza a hacerlo, pero siento que todavia le falta mucho a este Nick para ser el que recuerdo de los libros de Dark Hunter.
En fin, me gusta la serie, me gusta que no es fantasia-romantica-erotica (Dark Hunters), sino mas bien, fantasia-romantica-juvenil, y que podemos ver el mundo de los demonios, dioses y Dark Hunters desde un punto de vista totalmente diferente. Ahhh, y por supuesto, adoro a Simi, sigue siendo el personaje mas lindo y divertido de todos.
Asi que si, voy a continuar con la serie, esperando ver hasta donde nos va a llevar el autor con Nick.
Profile Image for Diane ϟ [ Lestrange ].
254 reviews
April 29, 2011
Harry Potter meets the dark side minus the glasses and wand plus the "Fangs". lol

They say when you’re about to die, you see your entire life flash before your eyes.
.....They lied.

Lets see. how will I start this review. First, let me tell you that when I first read the Infinity I didn't know that its a spin off of the Dark Hunter series. Which I also just discovered that it had 20 books. Plus theres other spin off of the spin off of the book! How lovely!
I might hit 40s before I finish reading them all.

Im really tempted to read the series. The lack of details is killing me. But Im overwhelm by the fact that the series is so huge. So Im really dont know what will I do. Surely, Sherrilyn Kenyon’s writing style is extremely AMAZING. That she made me want to know more about the characters, to be attached with like theres a mighty bond in her books that you cant take your hand off it. *sigh!

Well, the whole book is different to other YA paranormal books, I guess because its started as adult book. The Chronicles of Nick is in between them. Almost all YA paranormal books need what? some sweet lover that will alway be in your side and conquers all.. blah blah blah... this series didn't need that [maybe a little] but it focus more on how to learn Nick's powers in good way and keep his humanity. He's self-deprecating character and wittiness really charm me from the beginning. And I wonder a lot what is Nick like in Dark Hunter series. [more points for reading the book!]

Oh you wonder why did I say its like Harry Potter?
lets break it down shall we?

-the constant target by bullies, self-deprecating characters
-the hidden powers in their souls
-the boy with a destiny that they didn't understand
-Harry was known in the whole wizard community while Nick is known in whole demon community. They are famous!
-theres always one person or more who wants to kill them in every book. lol

Over all this book is simply SUPERB and ADDICTED. Well written, the sarcasm in the book, which makes the reading more entertaining. And likable characters [esp. Simi] What more is better than this?
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,944 reviews208 followers
September 10, 2019
oh lord, I sort of caught up in this series within a day? I think? lol - totally still behind on books!

Invincible was a pretty short audio book - thank you overdrive! In it, you will see Nick do some really dumb and sketchy stuff. In a way, he kind of seemed a little gullible or maybe just easily persuaded? It could just be me though.

Besides that, I guess I liked the "villain" in this one but the ending just left me even more confused. If anyone can tell me who is good and who isn't that would be EXTREMELY helpful. Other than that, I kind of like Nick and Koda a bit more this time around but I'm kind of think nothing is really happening between them too.

Overall, I need more of something real soon because this series definitely has potential to get better.
Profile Image for Morgan Walsh.
48 reviews6 followers
March 25, 2011
Look, don't read the review if you're like me and will be discouraged by what it says, marking little seeds of doubt inside of you and keeping you from being happy when you're reading the book. Read ONLY if you've already read Invincible, because I do not want to deter you from liking the Chronicles of Nick, book 2.

This book was actually quite different from Infinity, so that gave me a nice reprieve whilst reading it.
Invincible was a quicker read, which explained a lot of the events of the first book, which was nice, because I had already forgotten most of the characters introduced to us.
I think, when we were warned about Ash and Caleb in the first book, that many readers were like, seriously? They made us laugh, they made us happy. But in this book, yeah... not so much. We only get to see Ash once, Simi twice (and both are very short moments), and we see a completely rude side of Caleb that wasn't there in the first book. And while we are introduced to Grim, he isn't a very prominent character at all, and in this series, you'd expect Death to get a bit of a spotlight.
I think the problem I had with this book was that it just... didn't add up to my expectations. Ash and Kyrian and Simi and Caleb were four of my favorite characters from Infinity, but in this book, they were given a bad rep, and it wasn't because Nick was being to stubborn to actually believe they were helping him. No, they get a bad reputation purely on their own, which... is quite unusual in YA books, and is making me incredibly exasperated. In book one, it seemed as if Caleb and Nick became friends. In this one, Caleb lets Nick know in excruciating detail that he's only protecting him to be free, and he doesn't much like our hero. Acheron not only appears very, very briefly, but there isn't any sarcastic humor in him at all, which we got a lot of in Infinity.

I don't know. New characters, old characters-- they just... fell... flat. And some, like Tabitha and Eric and whatnot, did not even appear at all in the book. That made me mad, which is why I'm only giving the book four stars. Great book, but... not so great at the same time.
And am I the only one who thought the ending was rough and much too short? Seriously. The "battle" with Devus lasted only a few pages, and the resolution didn't really feel like it was there at all. In fact, the only two ends seemingly tied up were the Gautier's moving houses, and Nick finally realizing who Ambrose really is.

All in all, the book was okay. Prior to reading it, I was reading a book which made me feel really depressed, so reading this one was kind of like reading a good book on a rainy day--it just made things better. I simply wish for two things to happen now with this series:
One, we get our old characters back! And Two, the next one wouldn't take an entire year to be published, because, let's face it, we'll start losing interest in the series, and we'll all feel incredibly impatient. Ms. Kenyon, please, I beg of you, publish Inevitable SOON. Not in a year. Simply as fast as possible. Please.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,080 followers
Shelved as 'return-to-later'
April 9, 2017
I don't know what to make of CoN. I liked the first book well enough but the momentum didn't seem to carry into book 2 for me.

Are these books supposed to be full-on alternate reality for Nick, or is it a mix of reality and other situations? Someone please explain to me what's going on here? I'm confused by Nick knowing Simi in this series, when I'd assumed that (DH spoiler) Or did he know her already in DH and I somehow just missed the connection that they had been old friends/acquaintences?

I don't know if I have the patience for a 'what could have been' spin on the lore, but if there are deep-tie crossover facts that I can't miss, someone let me know so I can try to dig back in and some point. Nick is one of my favorite DH characters but I have to admit to liking the newer big bad Nick with mommy issues better than the Hawaiian shirt, rollerblading version, so I might just be struggling with going backward.
Profile Image for Leah.
1,254 reviews345 followers
March 22, 2011
The Chronicles of Nick is Sherrilyn Kenyon's first young adult series and, personally, I think that Invincible is infinitely better than the first book of the series, Infinity. Don't get me wrong, I loved Infinity. However, aside from the fact that there was no sex and minimal swearing, Invincible felt less like a young adult novel to me. I may be the only one who feels that way, but there it is.

That being said, I just want to say that I really like that Nick has different adventures and trials with each book. In the first book, he and his friends had to take down a pack of killer zombies. In this book, killer demons are after Nick because he is the Malachai and they want his powers and soul. Looks like Nicky's got quite a full plate! I wonder what he will come across in the next book, Inevitable.

One of my problems with this series is Ambrose. I'm still not sure how I feel about him, especially about him messing with Nick's past and, ultimately, his future. I know that Kenyon is changing Nick's past for a reason, but I don't know why and I'm worried about what it will change in "the present." Is it going to change Nick's life? Is it going to change how Nick can deal with his powers? Will Nick already have control over his powers? Will Nick and Acheron still be friends? Who's to say. I just hope that it doesn't change a lot of what we already know about Nick from the Dark-Hunter series. Another thing about Ambrose is...Nick figures out who he is at the end! *GASP!*

Nekoda and Caleb are two characters that I'm also still not sure about. I want to like Caleb, and I actually do, but I still don't know what's doing with him. He's relatively more honest than Nekoda about her aims, but who knows what's going on.

I absolutely loved seeing other familiar characters in this book once Cherise started working at Sanctuary and in other circumstances: Remi, Dev, Aimee, Wren, Colt, Tate, and lots of others. Seriously. I got really, really excited and start squealing my ass off, and I'm pretty sure I scared my dog. But yeah, I loved seeing them. However, my absolute favorite character to see was...Savitar! I want his little Savy babies. Good Lord, I love that man. He's quite possibly my favorite male character of the whole series--Dark-Hunter that is.

Favorite Quotes:
"Let me give you free advice, kid. Whenever something is coming for you, snap its neck or double tap. Never, ever hesitate. It's infinitely better to be judged by twelve than carried by six."
(Grim, pages 63-64)

"Dude! Put a bell on. You don't walk up on a brother like that and scare the crap out of him."

"Sorry. Didn't realize you scared like a little girl."

(Nick and Acheron, page 138)

"Got it. You're fourteen. I'm so proud you can count that high. It's a testament to the modern American educational system. But I should probably point out that you're not the only one. I'm told you go to a school with a whole class of--get this--kids who are fourteen."
(Acheron, page 144)

"Acheron has a saying, and it's so true. There are some things sorry can't fix. Life is all about regrets. Don't let those regrets be that you've hurt someone who really loves you. Keep those to a minimum. It's bad enough when you have to carry them through a single lifetime. When you have to carry them through thousands, it's brutal."
(Kyrian, page 161)

"Be careful whom you give your heart to, Nick. Make sure when you hand yours off, you get hers in return."
(Kyrian, page 217)

"People deceive and they lie. The more you have, the more they scheme to take and the more often they try. The world's an ugly peace, and apparently many people think it's easier and better to take from others than it is to earn it themselves."
(Kyrian, page 217)

"It's never the enemy without who brings you down. It's always the enemy within."

He nodded. "Guard your back, Nick. It's the one you don't see coming. The one you trust whose betrayal is most lethal. They know your weakness and they know how to hit the lowest. It's when your back is turned and your guard it down that they move in for the kill."

(Nick and Kyrian, page 219)

"All of us are a culmination of vital parts of our parents and their pasts. A vital part of the circumstances we were raised with. Everything that happens to us, good and bad, leaves a lasting impression in our souls. You take one part of that out, and you can completely rewrite something crucial about us. By and large, we're not shaped by the bad things. It's the little, day-to-day moments that make us who we are. Who we're going to be."
(Nekoda, page 301)

"No like, you matter what you think is insignificant. Everyone has a purpose. Even you."
(Nick, page 310)

"In the end, the only things that matter are the people in your life. The one who make your life worth living and whose smiles light up your world. Don't ever push them aside for fair-weather friends. Everything else is just cheap window dressing that you can replace."
(Bubba, page 327)

"You can't buy back time, Nick. Ever. It's the only thing in life you can't get more of, and it's the one thing that will mercilessly tear you up when it's gone."
(Bubba, page 327)
Profile Image for Lisa Phillips.
Author 143 books587 followers
August 2, 2011
You have to respect an author who's been #1 on the NY Times Bestseller list 12 times in 2 years.

Invincible is book 2 in the Chronicles of Nick series, the YA spin-off from her Dark Hunter novels and it jumps in right where book 1 (Infinity) left off. And you really need to have read the first one for much of it to make sense.
Aside from that, it's a beautifully irreverent adventure through the world Sherrilyn Kenyon has created, told through the eyes of a sarcastic 14 year old boy: Nick Gautier (pronounced Goo-Shay).
Nick is your average very smart, very poor New Orleans teenager--so long as you discount his genetic predisposition toward being overcome by evil and destroying the world.
Nick's love for his mother balances the darkness inside him, and his life is a constant battle against those who want him to succumb to the darkness so they can use his power for themselves.
Filled with all the usual horrible teachers who just have it in for you, school bully's and relationship angst, it's your typical high school story--with a paranormal twist.
The problem is, while he has many allies, we don't know which of them will be the one to ultimately betray him.
The book ends with a nice teaser to make you want the next one NOW instead of waiting until March 2012 :-)
Invincible is very much the middle book. When #3 comes out I'll probably read the first two again so the story flows as a whole.
P.S. If you're not a fan of strong language or adult themes, stick with her YA books like this one.
Profile Image for Suzzie.
939 reviews173 followers
January 4, 2019
Another entertaining read with the same funny interactions and dialogue between these amusing characters. Already well into book three now and making this a quick review in order to get back to my book! Loving this series. Love as the series is progressing with more reveals and Nick growing stronger in many ways.

My quick and simple overall: my addiction to this series continues and I am loving given in to it!
Profile Image for Lauren Cole.
184 reviews8 followers
January 16, 2021
Great follow up to Infinity! I Love Nick and can’t wait to see where this series is headed!
Profile Image for Candace.
949 reviews
October 23, 2020
Though not the five star rating the first book, Infinity, was, Invincible was still a well-written book. I felt like Caleb and, eventually, Nick were getting attacked a lot. Nick is more accepting of Kody and Simi being demons; however, he does ask if anyone he knows are not demons. Nick also learns how to use a pendulum and a scrying mirror to aid him in building his powers and to aid him in defeating his foes. There is the question of his Uncle Ambrose's dependability in helping in a fight, but the relationship between them becomes clearer near the end of the book. The characterization and the plot was good. We get introduced to a new character, Xenon, who is a necromancer. I can't help but wonder if we will see more of him in the books to come. Probably so. Overall, this YA novel satisfied the Nick Gautier journey to mature into his powers. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Abbie.
1,989 reviews670 followers
November 4, 2015
The main character really annoyed me in this one.

Just like book one, the pacing was slow, and it dragged. I tried reading something else alongside this, but it didn't help. (Although that book wasn't brilliant either.)

Overall, A slow read.
Profile Image for Katie.
231 reviews40 followers
April 1, 2011
Why do I stay on the Sherrilyn Kenyon gravy train? She keeps digging her hand into my wallet and I haven't slapped it away yet. I keep doing this to myself and then when it's over I kick myself in the butt.

I understand this series is written for young adults, I do. But come on, how many young adults are reading this? I would venture to guess most of The Chronicles of Nick readers are Dark Hunter fans, or children of DH fans. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry but I have to exhale my frustration over this drivel.

Nick is still coming off of his zombie attack, new job as a Dark Hunter's almost squire and the recent realization that he is the Malachi. About halfway through the book he realizes that the new coach of the football team is a bad guy and needs to be stopped, somehow. I gave Invincible 2 stars based on the fact that the book contains snippets of characters that I like (Kyrian, Ash, Ambrose or adult Nick)

My biggest problem with Invincible is it is written so elementary that it is insulting to read. Again, yes young adults, but even though I'm not one now I was a "young adult" at one time and I cannot even come close to understanding the amount of sarcasm that is dished out in this book. There is not one intelligent paragraph which contains dialog that isn't sarcastic in one manner or another.

With the last 3 Dark Hunter books being just a repetitive story told over and over with different names for characters, in the hopes of bringing in as much money as possible (am I rambling?) this was it for me and Kenyon. We're done. Until I hear the Dark Hunters are going back on track to "new" with stories about long lingering characters that I've been waiting to read about for YEARS!!! (Jaden, Jarod, Savitar and adult Nick) I am not wasting another dime, let alone hard cover price of my money to line Kenyon and her publisher's pockets.

Sorry, I'm bitter. I was loyal to Sherrilyn Kenyon, Nick and the Dark Hunters. Ater being manipulated out of my hard earned money multiple times now I feel betrayed.
Profile Image for Danny.
598 reviews163 followers
March 27, 2011
Good that I'm a fast reader:) After finishing Infinity the day before I directly got Invincible downloaded.

Again I love Nick the most, his strength and braveness and loyalty to his friends. I espeically love his humor and sarcasm although I could imagine if I'd met him for real I would be annoyed at some point *snickers*

Well, anyway Invincible takes place just the next day after the end of Infinity. But Nick won't have time to breath - a new coach is in town and there is something about him that doesn't sound right.

In the meantime, Nick has to learn his powers but at the sometime he can't forget his humanity, also he finally learns that if he would turn evil he would doom the whole world and even worth all the ones he loves will be killed. I admire Nick who is only 14 but has so much to deal with while he would only wish to go home and be a normal Teenager. But not Nick.

He has some Demon friends that protect him and now I have to mention the secondary characters. They are awesome!! Absolutely perfect developed for secondary characters that I would even pick up a book that is only about them. I'm talking about Caleb who is a Demon and Nicks protector. He's hot but he's also so mysterious that I'M dying to know which role he'll play..

Simi: she is the most awesome creature I've ever read. She too is a demon but they way she speaks and behaves makes me laugh so loud, it's awesome!!

Well yes this series grows! But it also leave me now hanging in the air waiting for me. But now I'm seriously hooked!!! Love this series!
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,242 reviews48 followers
August 5, 2021
Reread 08/2021 review- 3.85 stars? I still agree with all of the points I made in my original review, however I don’t believe I disliked it quite as much as 3 flat stars would indicate, therefore I upped it some (especially since I skipped the vast majority of the Nekoda parts 😬)

Original 03/2020 review- 3 stars. I know that Nick is supposedly quite book smart [or at least he scored perfectly on the entrance exams], but in this book (and frankly thus far in the series) he has acted the complete opposite...It really aggravated me. I swear, I don’t remember Nick being this way in The Dark Hunter Series (then again maybe that’s due to: 1. His age in that series, 2. The target audience, and or 3. I’ve gotten out of the flow of reading YA books where the MC is 14/15?) Also, I don’t like that I didn’t get to see Acheron & Kyrian very much.
Profile Image for Tiera McMillian.
1,160 reviews41 followers
August 24, 2019
I like the way that this story is progressing so far I think for me its just missing a little something.. I can't quite pin down what it is thats keeping me completely invested but I'm starting to narrow it down to these things. Nick himself is really, if I'm honest, on the immature side. He seems to constantly be "out of the know" about pretty much everything and even though in this book he starts to really try to solve some of the mysteries thrown his way.. for the most part hes just really bad at it lol. I say that in a loving way hes just a pretty normal teenage guy, kind of nerdy, a momma's boy., and honestly the dude is only like 14. I catch myself constantly having to remind myself he is 14, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ready for him to be older already. He is surrounded by all this awesome and so far for the most part hes been on the not so interesting side of the awesome scale. There isn't really any "cleverness" to these plots. They are kind of straight forward and while it does take a bit to actually find out "who done it," its more because it takes the MC's forever to gather information more so than actual awesome sleuthing. Lastly, I find that I'm almost missing some of the teen angst we usually see in YA. Some heat whatsoever I think would be totally welcome.. nothing too steamy I mean its YA, but a little bit of something especially considering the romance aspect of this author's other works including the series this is a spin off of. Maybe its just because I'm listening to the narration that I feel like I'm missing some of these things? I don't feel like our narrator is doing all that bad, I really thought he was embodying the whole teenage dude mindset pretty well but maybe I'm missing some of these things because of the narration?

A spree of murders is happening all over town and all the victims seem to be 14yo males. Not only that but everyone's personal items are also coming up missing left and right. Who is behind all of this. Nick has really sunk even further into the supernatural world in this book and we get to seem him start down his own path of powers as he starts to embrace his destiny. He is still in a ton of danger though.. As everyone is still out to get him, get to him, or kill him outright. Nick has to really pull in all his new and even some old friends to solve the murders as well as take out who is responsible or he may just find that he himself is next on the list..

All in all the audio was enjoyable I just feel like this story could really be.. more. Right now I still feel like its a little on the superficial side but I'm willing to stick around and see where this heads.. at least for now lol.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews58 followers
August 27, 2019
Nick continues to learn about his place in the supernatural community. He gets a new tutor for his powers, but he has trouble concentrating because a new football coach blackmails Nick into doing some shady things. Once Nick figures out the coach's motivations, he needs help to thwart the coach's plan before it is too late.

This installment wasn't as strong as the first, but I still enjoyed it. It's strange - it is clear that there are supernatural forces fighting over Nick's soul, but it is very unclear who is working for "good" and who is working for "evil". I'm hoping things will become more transparent in the next book now that Nick knows he is the center of things.
Profile Image for Fran.
1,191 reviews2 followers
April 5, 2021
This was such a fun and enjoyable read (listen). Nick was a teenager that I'm sure many boys his age could relate to (as my own son can attest to.) It's interesting, fast paced and unique. The characters were well developed and the dialog was realistic. Recommend.
Profile Image for Louis.
417 reviews1 follower
November 20, 2013
I listened to this book on audio CD. The narration was fine. The narrator did a good job with accents, although many of the characters in New Orleans have no accent whatsoever. While that makes sense for the preternatural characters, it does not make sense for the human denizens of this area.

This is the second book in this series, the Chronicles of Nick. According to some web research which I did, this book is a prequel to Kenyon's Dark Hunter series. The Chronicles of Nick is aimed at a teen audience, but, according to the author, the universe is the same as in the adult books.

The story begins with Nick, the protagonist, having survived a zombie attack. He has been befriended by Acheron and his underling Kyrian. Both have lived thousands of years. Nick's mother, Cherise, gets a new job being a dancer at Sanctuary, a place run by were-beasts disguised as humans. They do not play a big role in this story, so why pages were wasted on them in this book seemed a mystery to me.

Nick is being protected by a Daimon or demon (I saw it spelled both ways on the website and didn't have a text to read) named Caleb, who is coincidentally the star high school quarterback.

Nick has powers that are being developed and he undergoes lessons to learn to use them. He is destined for some great future, which will either go good or bad, depending on how evil he becomes. Various creatures try to influence his development.

Kenyon spends a lot of time making you wonder which of Nick's "guardians" are good or evil or neither. I could live with this and the whole mythological construct of this universe. I could even live with the somewhat contrived premise that the fate of the world rests with a 14-year-old. But be warned, the book is quite involved for a first-time reader of the series.

I have to believe that Kenyon did not set out to make Nick an unlikable character. His most annoying habit occurs any time he has dialogue to speak. When someone is interacting with him, he often interrupts, is rude, makes sarcastic remarks, or acts like an imbecile. His partner in conversation becomes annoyed with him, as anyone would, and then they start to respond in kind with threats that they never carry out. For example, Nick interacts with Grim (aka Death) who is teaching him about perspicacity and how to use a pendulum with grimoire. Grim threatens to kill him several times and allegedly cannot because of the way this universe works and Nick's special status. It just seemed preposterous to me that Death would put up with Nick for two seconds.

So each time one of these conversations occurs in the book, it is a lowlight. Worse, even when Nick is not being annoying or making bad decisions, there is nothing to invest you in his character. I didn't relate to him at all, and could not have cared less what happened to him one way or the other. Of course since this series has many more books, you knew that he would not die anyway which ruins the suspense.

Would a teen relate to Nick's behavior pattern? I honestly don't know, but as an adult I found it tedious.

Another problem with the book involves the fact that Nick has numerous guardians he can appeal to for help. When the football coach starts to blackmail him, not once does he go to Ash or Kyrian for help. Why? If I had supernatural helpers, I would at least venture telling them that I am in trouble. Eventually he enlists humans, Caleb, and Nekoda, whose role is quite complicated, to fight the coach. But it is all so random that you couldn't figure out why this kid didn't have enough sense to just ask for help from his legion of guardians to start with.

Whenever a deus ex machina is needed, some existing character spouts some heretofore unrevealed reality of this universe or a new character pops up to give exposition on the matter. After several instances of this, I would just as soon know in advance what the rules are rather than go through these various explications. Inevitably, Nick is either flabbergasted, angry, or sarcastic when informed of these matters, thus causing the annoyance meter to go off the charts.

I will give Kenyon credit for creating a very dystopian universe where great suffering is possible. The world is filled with malevolent beings. If the world were truly like this, I would prefer ignorant bliss or to be out of it. At first I wondered if this dark vision of the world carried over to her real-life views of our planet, but then I thought that her point is that people need to suck it up, get on with it, and do the right thing.

But I could not in truth say that I liked this book. It was truly "OK" and that was about it for me.
Profile Image for Joelle.
1,773 reviews17 followers
September 13, 2016
Invincible (Chronicles of Nick #2)
by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Just when he thought things couldn’t get any worse...

Nick Gautier’s day just keeps getting better and better. Yeah, he survived the zombie attacks, only to wake up and find himself enslaved to a world of shape-shifters and demons out to claim his soul.

His new principal thinks he’s even more of a hoodlum than the last one, his coach is trying to recruit him to things he can’t even mention and the girl he’s not seeing, but is, has secrets that terrify him.

But more than that, he’s being groomed by the darkest of powers and if he doesn’t learn how to raise the dead by the end of the week, he will become one of them...

Hardcover, 420 pages
Published March 22nd 2011 by St. Martin's Griffin
edition language
original title
Invincible (Chronicles of Nick #2)
Chronicles of Nick #2
Nick Gautier, Simi, Ambrose, demon Caleb, Nekoda aka Kody
New Orleans, Louisiana (United States)

My Thoughts.......

Wow ! Off to a great new series.Sherrilyn Kenyon continues to reinvent the character of Nick Gautier by turning back the clock to when he was a teenager(He first appeared in her Dark Hunter saga)In a engrossing tale where Nick football coach is possessed my a ruthless paranormal entity and is blacking mailing his students into stealing things of interest for him so he can perfect the spell he needs. Focuses on Nick and has made him a puppet in his skim of things. Torn between doing what is right and wrong he needs to make a choice or he will be among the walking dead before the weeks out.Nick enlists the help of his friends to conquer this demon or what ever entity it is playing along with his game. Nick is trying to learn about his formidable powers, from Death but, he still is dealing with bullies and his smothering mother and a bunch of demons who want to exterminate him. But , he needs to do it quickly so that they can form a plan and crack this case.And engaging tale that looks promising.As nicks formidable powers grow it will be something to watch as he will be a live formidable teenager and not a dead one.Sherrilyn is not letting you you forget about your favorite Dark hunters either they are included in this new series. Found Nick to be lots of fun ,witty, smart,humorous and a lot of fun to read about in his latest adventure. And as always Simi is one of my favorites as she
graces the pages and is a hoot! Nick has has 2 people protecting him while he is learning of his magic abilities and a new girlfriend to boot who is his protector to.Will this alliance work out? We will just have to see. Great for readers both young and old.
March 30, 2011
My mind is still reeling after reading this book. It has sooo many layers and multiple story lines. Not to mention all the characters!! And if you are a Dark Hunter fan, you really have to set aside what you think you know from what happens. And are the good guys still good guys or are they bad guys and who can you trust??

I certainly don't envy Nick and what he has to go through and he never catches a break....much less any time to just process things. I think Infinity was interesting because we were just getting to know the younger Nick and the whole zombie story line was pretty good and action packed.

This story is much more about Nick getting introduced to what he is and the beginnings of his powers. There is a bit of Kyrian and Ash and even Savitar. {and a hilarious part where Nick gets Ash to show him his fangs!} But Simi is playing a much larger role in this book. She is great as always so lets hope that she continues to play a big part. We also get to meet the crew at the Sanctuary which was really fun. Caleb and Kody are the two new characters that are still playing a major role in Nick's life. We get to meet Grim....again, can we trust him or not....and Ambrose, of course, is in the picture. There was a nice bit in the epilogue that makes me want the next book NOW!!

The "bad" guy wasn't a huge part in this book....more of a determining factor for Nick's choice of direction. {and yes, im being ambiguous!}

The first half is kind of slow but once it picks up, boy, does it pick up. I think the only problem I had with the book was the kissing....yes, the kissing!! Here's a line from the book:

"Nick shuddered at the sensation of Kody‘s mouth on his. And as he tasted those full, soft lips, an inexplicable calm came over his entire being. He felt like he was floating. Cupping her face in his hands, he let the warmth of her mouth soothe him until he could think straight again."

soooo pretty yummy....yes? YES...it made me feel like I was reading a Dark Hunter book...not a YA book. Im sure young teens will like it but all I could think is he's only 14!!!!

I can't wait for the next one. I really hope she puts out more than 1 or 2 a year!!
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,248 reviews2,023 followers
September 26, 2012
This second installment of the Chronicles of Nick wasn't as strong as the first and seemed less… full… somehow. I think it may be a matter of unreasonable escalation that the series is building as it goes along. We already know that Nick is destined to be the destroyer of the universe (only maybe not) from the first book. And we already know that diverse powers and influences are gathering to force him to endorse their various agendas. The problem I had was feeling like those forces were building and none were balanced enough to give Nick the space he needs to grow into someone who can make the informed moral choices that will determine his eventual role as savior or destroyer.

In other words, in this novel it becomes increasingly clear that all the powerful folks, whether individuals or in groups, are morally bankrupt at least on some level. They have opposing goals, and all, so there’s no evil empire to fight, but there’s really nobody who can provide Nick a barometer or example of someone who has power and uses it wisely and well. We’re told repeatedly that if he makes the wrong choices, he’ll be corrupted and end up destroying the world, but we’re never really told what that means.

Moral philosophy is a complex and contentious realm, so I can see why Sherrilyn Kenyon might want to avoid delving too deeply into those waters by picking sides and/or choosing one moral perspective as her “absolute”. That said, by making the series on some level about Nick’s moral choices, she isn’t really doing herself any favors by skirting so completely around the problem by giving us no indication what it means for Nick to remain “good”. What ended up happening for me is that this book, and the series as a whole, ended up feeling way too steeped in evil with every choice being a bad one and every ally a potential traitor. I really disliked that feeling and doubt I’ll be picking up the next book as a result.
Profile Image for Cindyg.
980 reviews61 followers
March 28, 2011
My...my...my... who ever would have thought that I could be sucked in to a young adult read??? Maybe it's because I already love Nick...most likely it is. But who cares what the reason, I love this series. And I love reading about our young Nick. Damn he's had one hard life. It's not surprising that he's a wise cracking little shit most of the time. It's his defense mode and to be honest I can't really blame him.
This was one intense, fun and moving read. The ending killed me...how long do we have to wait for the next book? I don't even want to think about it.
If you're a fan of the DH series and you love Nick, you owe it to yourself to get your hands on this book. Even better than the first one.
There's depth, strong feelings of angst and a kid you can't help but admire. You'll feel for him for the difficulties he's facing and having to trust only himself, as anyone else appears to be anything but what their trying to put off.
So what are you waiting for...get it and enjoy!!!
Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
93 reviews9 followers
May 16, 2012

I couldn't do it. I couldn't finish this book. Maybe I've grown up too much from reading the last or something. I dont EVEN know. The book couldn't hold my attention I couldn't even bring myself to finish it, and I usually like Sherrilyn Kenyon's books.

Sherrilyn's writing of a teenage boy was laughable, and I cringed every time I had to read the lines "crapola" or some other weird slang words. I liked the idea though, much different than her more mature books, but it couldn't hold my attention. I only got to page 26 before I had to close it. The cover was beautiful though so kudos to that

Profile Image for Reading Rediscovered.
343 reviews5 followers
June 28, 2015
So...I read book 3 and then this one...so both book 2 and 3 were confusing :P But they did start to make more sense as I kept reading and remembered what had happened in the first book and what was 'going to happen' in the third book.
I am really enjoying this series. Nick is a fun character, even though he is a 14 year old boy. The supernatural element of the story is often quite confusing and hard to figure out but because it is a fast paced book, it is not long before the answers show up.
The character development is a little slow, but I think part of that has to do with the fact that these are very fast paced books. The pacing is perfect because any slower and the story would just drag out.
I look forward to continuing with the series!
Profile Image for Tangled N Books.
823 reviews9 followers
December 4, 2017
Really enjoying the next volume of Chronicles of Nick. In this book, Nick gains a new teacher, Grim, who is teaching him divination and other arts. Discovers he doesn't have a knack for the pendulum sight but he can use a scrying mirror.

He finds out the truth of his true nature from Caleb. There are numerous forces who wants him to turn evil because he is too good; he is also surrounded by his mother's love keeping his heart protected.

New development: his mom is fired from her dancing job and now works waitressing for higher pay in the French Quarters. They move into a nicer apt. K and Ash barely makes an appearance.

Read by Tina
Profile Image for Billie's Not So Secret Diary.
671 reviews79 followers
July 11, 2022
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
YA Fantasy Paranormal
Scribd audio

Book 2 of the Chronicles of Nick that picks up right where book 1 left off and now there is a brand new principal who instantly thinks Nick is a criminal and a brand new football coach, who believes the same thing and blackmails Nick.

Meanwhile, Nick has a new tutor to show him more of his powers, and he's getting to know those protecting him a little better, and a few of the secrets they were keeping from him.

Not as good as the first book in the series, but there were still funnies and snarky, sarcastic comebacks that had me laughing.

Some of the characters from the first book were left out, but new ones were introduced.

4 Stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,252 reviews

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