King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table have captured the world's imagination since medieval times. The tales of King Arthur are rooted in history, but over the years the facts have become shrouded in myth and mystery. In this beautifully illustrated book Arthurian expert John Matthews explores the legends that have grown around the king and uncovers the mysteries of Arthur's Britain. The numerous characters surrounding King Arthur are introduced and the facts behind the epic saga are revealed. •Contains 120 color and black-and-white images •Covers Merlin, Guenevere, Lancelot, the Holy Grail, and all the mythic search for characters
John Matthews is an historian, folklorist and author. He has been a full time writer since 1980 and has produced over ninety books on the Arthurian Legends and Grail Studies, as well as short stories and a volume of poetry. He has devoted much of the past thirty years to the study of Arthurian Traditions and myth in general. His best known and most widely read works are ‘Pirates’ (Carlton/Atheneum), No 1 children’s book on the New York Times Review best-seller list for 22 weeks in 2006, ‘The Grail, Quest for Eternal Life’ (Thames & Hudson, 1981) ‘The Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom’ (Element, 1994) and ‘The Winter Solstice’ (Quest Books, 1999) which won the Benjamin Franklin Award for that year. His book ‘Celtic Warrior Chiefs’ was a New York Public Library recommended title for young people.
A fascinating exploration of the history, evolution and various themes surrounding the various Arthurian legends, this book serves more as a summary of the mythical king and the various figures surrounding him.
Though largely objective, the reader is given the sense that Matthews is somewhat enamoured with the romance, drama and tragedy present in the prose and verses told of these characters throughout history.
Perhaps my favourite element was the exploration of some of the potential etymological sources, historical influences and mis/re-interpretations of elements throughout the years. A lovely, illustrated guidebook to the tales of one of Britain’s greatest heroes of legend.
This is a good entry volume for all things Arthurian from possible historical sources for the myth, through it's literary evolutions, and on to its themes played out in modern media and such shows as Star Trek and Star Wars. Of special interest are the helpful appendices in the back and and index of characters in the cycle. This covers most of the broad general aspects of the literature and a preread of this can help with the more complex and digressive myths of Mallory's Morte d'Arthur and the Vulgate Cycle.
While intrigued by the depth of historical research of the book, I often felt like something was missing- perhaps a more concise overview of the traditional story or a visual representation of the addition and changes of different elements. The visual information was quite nice- lots of period pieces and photographs from a variety of different media. I would have maybe liked more dates in the picture captions and more examination of the depictions of Arthur but that's probably enough for another book.
This is a collection of many of the various myths and works surrounding the King of the Britains, Arthur. There are excerpts from famous authors and many prints from the artwork that has come down through the ages, as well as background on the many characters that make up the legends, including the magical Merlin. I enjoy anything to do with the Arthurian myth, so this book, with its background and it's wonderful illustrations, is a much prized companion to my King Arthur collection.
I enjoyed the historical aspects of the book wherein the author discusses what is known or believed about the real Arthur, though he gives far more credit to Geoffrey of Monmouth than I would. When the book turned to the legends of Arthur, the fictional aspects, I lost interest and skimmed quite a bit. Overall, an interesting read though St. Govan's Chapel, alleged the sight of the start of the quest for the Grail, is incorrectly noted as being in Cornwall when it is in Pembrokeshire Wales.
Good basic introductory level book on King Arthur that looks at him from the historical and mythical perspective. Full of nice illustrations and pics too.