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こばと [Kobato] #4

Kobato., Vol. 04

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Still unable to provide solace to the hearts of Sayaka-sensei and Fujimoto-san, Kobato is at a standstill in the process of healing the wounds of Yomogi Kindergarten. And so prompted, the belligerent blue Ioryogi-san, Kobato's plush mentor (read: drill sergeant), takes it upon himself to do a little digging into the school's backstory. But en route from his successful fact-finding mission, Yomogi's past turns into the least of Ioryogi-san's worries when his own past catches up with him! And with it comes a declaration: Time is running out for Ioryogi to help Kobato fulfill her quest! But as the seconds tick away, will Ioryogi-san be able to light a fire under Kobato, whose head and heart have become clouded by what seems like love...?

162 pages, Paperback

First published December 26, 2009

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About the author


1,178 books3,067 followers
Ōkawa Nanase 大川七瀬
[born: 2 May 1967; Ōsaka, bloodtype: A]

Mokona Apapa もこなあぱぱ
[born: 16 Jun 1968, Kyōto; bloodtype: A]

Nekoi Mick 猫井みっく
[born: 21 Jan 1969, Kyōto; bloodtype: O]

Igarashi Satsuki 五十嵐さつき
[born: 8 Feb 1969, Kyōto; bloodtype: A]

CLAMP originally began in 1989 as a twelve-member dōjinshi circle, but by 1990, the circle had diminished from twelve to seven. Of the remaining seven, Tamayo Akiyama, Sei Nanao, and Leeza Sei left the group during the production of the RG Veda manga. Other former members of CLAMP also included Soushi Hishika, O-Kyon, Kazue Nakamori, Yuzuru Inoue and Shinya Ōmi. Currently, there are four members in the group.

In 2004, CLAMP's 15th anniversary as a mangaka group, the members changed their names from Nanase Ohkawa, Mokona Apapa, Mick Nekoi, and Satsuki Igarashi to Ageha Ohkawa, Mokona, Tsubaki Nekoi and Satsuki Igarashi (her name is pronounced the same, but written with different characters) respectively. The August 2004 issue of Newtype USA, a magazine specializing in events of the anime and manga subcultures, reported that the members of CLAMP simply wanted to try out new names. In a later interview with Ohkawa, it was revealed that initially Mokona wanted to drop her surname because it sounded too immature for her liking, while Nekoi disliked people commenting that her name was the same as Mick Jagger's. Ohkawa and Igarashi, wanting to go with the flow of Nekoi's and Mokona's name changes, changed their names as well.

In 2006, they made their first USA public debut at Anime Expo in Anaheim, California. They were well received at the convention, with 6,000 fans in attendance at their panel.

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Profile Image for Mads.
225 reviews3 followers
June 24, 2018
I am really starting to enjoy this manga, which might not be the best advertisement considering this is volume four. Kobato is a much better character than the first few volumes, and I adore her now. Her relationship with Fujimoto is progressing nicely, and will hopefully get more development in the next volume.
This volume can be summed up in one word: foreboding. The tension is rising, and we're getting quite a few hints that not every character is going to get a happy ending. I just wish CLAMP would explain WHY this is happening, but no such luck.
I am going to wrap this review up quick because I need to gush about the next volume, but I will just say that Kohaku showing up towards the end was a neat surprise and was a dead giveaway for the plot twist of the series.
Profile Image for Mladoria.
1,167 reviews16 followers
July 7, 2017
Ce tome 4 est particulièrement émouvant. On en apprend plus sur le passé d'Ioryogi et des habitants de l'Autre Monde. Kobato est en plein questionnement à propos de Fujimoto qui en a autant à son endroit.

Tout en douceur, l'auteur nous glisse des questions sur l'amour, la loyauté, l'amitié. le mystère se dévoile peu à peu autour de la quête de Kobato à l'annonce d'un ultimatum.

Un tome très équilibré qui, même s'il ne fait pas avancé l'intrigue très loin, nous en apprend beaucoup sur les personnages et dévoilent certains de leurs sentiments cachés et répond à des questions restées sans réponse depuis le premier tome.
Profile Image for Andrea Ambroso.
366 reviews1 follower
March 16, 2022
La trama inizia a chiarirsi: esiste un altro mondo oltre al paradiso, l’inferno è il mondo umano; ed é da dove Ioryogi e gli altri personaggi animali provengono, tutti trasformati da Dio nelle loro sembianze attuali come punizione per non aver mantenuto la neutralità con gli altri mondi. Per quanto riguarda Kobato scopriamo che il tempo a sua disposizione per compiere la sua missione é limitato a sei mesi inoltre lei inizia ad avere sentimenti verso Fujimoto.
Con due volumi al termine mi aspetto di tutto e di più. In questo volume moltissimi personaggi del CLAMP Universe appaiono o vengono citati e non posso che apprezzarlo tantissimo da loro fan da sempre.
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Profile Image for kerrycat.
1,919 reviews
July 14, 2019
this is so much more intense - and revealing than the anime, which jumped right into a lot without much explanation. Kobato's sudden feelings for Fujimoto (how sudden is this, really, considering that she has no memory of her past)? and Kohaku's appearance - not to mention Ioryogi's (or is it Iorogi - ouch, it almost hurt to type that) angel. I don't know if this would be better with more volumes, or if the everysinglepage slap in the face is just a part of how this works. but it's CLAMP, so it's best to trust the gods here.
Profile Image for Jessica.
334 reviews53 followers
December 7, 2023
Kobato comienza a sentir emociones que no sabe interpretar y da interés a la trama (personalmente el único mínimamente para mí) pero, una vez más, siento que este manga es precioso en apariencia pero ya... Quizá lo he leído muy tarde o simplemente tenía demasiadas expectativas.

Igualmente solo me quedan dos tomos y se leen deprisa, así que veré el final de Kobato ya que tengo toda la colección.
Profile Image for Laura.
2,048 reviews69 followers
June 26, 2017
It's the angel from Wish!!!!!! I really do like how Clamp likes to bring their other characters into their stories. Getting a little deeper and focusing more on changes in feelings. Really reminds me of Chobits in a lot of ways, but still a different story. Definitely growing on me as the characters grow.
Profile Image for Dina.
98 reviews3 followers
January 28, 2020
Better than the previous but i still don't like it enough, specially iogyori... i can't stand this character always in a bad mood and in my opinion is not cute at all... and the story doesn't advance as i thought it would, its very slow for 4/6 volume... i cant understand how this will end in just 2 volumes.
Profile Image for Harumichi Mizuki.
2,114 reviews82 followers
July 24, 2019
Ah iya baru inget, ini Kobato langsung nyambung ke Wish. Di sini ceritanya Shuuichirou udah reinkarnasi yang keenam? Weh! Berarti linimasanya Kobato ini setelah Lawful Drug? *tapi Lawful Drugnya sendiri nggak tamat-tamat! Hargh!
Profile Image for Jillian -always aspiring-.
1,838 reviews546 followers
February 27, 2020
2020 Read #257

I like the bridge connecting this story to Wish much more than I like the regular storyline with the daycare center. Ioryogi is also a much more fascinating character subtext-wise than the actual manga would lead you to believe.
Profile Image for Jaemin.
98 reviews
March 9, 2022
Enjoyed seeing Kohaku! So Kobato takes place in the same universe as WISH. Kohaku says that Shuiichiro has been reborn 5 times? But The first time she met him was in the 1990s. What year is this?? (I realize I’m overthinking)

I’m sorry Kobato, I don’t see the appeal of Fujimoto :(
Profile Image for Jordan MacKinnon.
823 reviews8 followers
May 24, 2023
Oh damn! That dropped that 4 letter word and now everyone is thinking about it! And we even got an angel introduction and more... I want to say demon lore!! But I'm not 100% sure! But there is something so fantastic about a bear owning a bakery!!
Profile Image for Lau .
721 reviews127 followers
January 26, 2020
La historia se está volviendo más profunda, triste y dulce. Los sentimientos comienzan a evolucionar y Kobato lentamente aprende más y más cosas de la vida. La ingenuidad y bondad de la protagonista es muy tierna, y sus buenas intenciones siguen al frente de todo.
En este volumen finalmente tenemos una parte de la historia de varios personajes importantes, aunque el pasado de Kobato y su deseo siguen siendo un misterio (aunque algo se deja entrever, o podemos hacer suposiciones).

Casi al final hay un spoiler mayúsculo del manga Wish, y un pequeño regalito también para quienes lo leímos.
Profile Image for Natha.
780 reviews74 followers
June 20, 2016
Awalnya di dua buku pertama agak membosankan. Belum lagi salah satu tokoh yang menurutku terlalu 'lebay', tapi setelah memasuki buku ketiganya, akhirnya plot mulai terbaca, meski misteri siapa itu Kobato masih belum terbuka. Menjelang akhir, bukunya seru lho. Terutama buku kelima dan dipuncaknya, buku keenamnya. Seru!

Dan seperti biasa, artwork dari CLAMP jelas terlihat di sini. Cantik-cantik. Belum lagi muncul cameo dari buku-buku CLAMP yang lainnya. Bikin bacanya jadi nostalgia sendiri. Worth to read! ;)
Profile Image for Airin.
429 reviews4 followers
October 28, 2020
Reseña completa en el blog: https://mundosdeairin.blogspot.com/20...

¡Madre mía! ¡Este tomo me ha encantado! Está lleno de nuevas incógnitas. El pasado del peluche (nunca me acuerdo del nombre) empieza a conocerse y se empieza a ver los otros mundos de donde proceden estos personajes. Además, Kobato empieza a saber qué es el amor y lo que siente por Fujimoto. Me ha gustado mucho. Nuevos personajes, nuevas aventuras para Kobato, nuevos impedimentos para conseguir su objetivo de llenar la botella. Me está gustando bastante y tengo muchas ganas de saber cómo va a continuar.
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Profile Image for Kate.
789 reviews14 followers
December 19, 2011
In this volume we learn more about the circumstances of Ioryogi's transformation (as well as the other animals). Interesting cameo by Kohaku too from Clamp's story, Wish. Kobato also may be jeopardizing her wish and mission by falling for Fujimoto. Now I'll just have wait for the next volume to find out the wish's details and the consequences if Kobato does not fulfill her magical duties.
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Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,139 reviews45 followers
January 28, 2016
Kobato is finding that her feelings are confused, which leads her to try to sort out if it is possible not only for love to turn to hate, but for hate to turn to love. We learn more about Ioryogi's past and why he is with Kobato, and get a surprise customer at the Baumkuchen shop. The plot is only thickening, and promising an interesting turn to come.
Profile Image for Sofi.
71 reviews113 followers
January 9, 2014
Kobato todavía se encuentra en el proceso de ayudar en el jardín de infantes para sanar corazones. Mientras, Ioryogi revela su pasado y conocemos un poco más de los otros personajes y el mundo del manga (¡hay ángeles, demonios y más!)
Definitivamente se pone más interesante la historia en este volumen.

PD: Los chibis en este manga me encantaaan!
Profile Image for Kit.
67 reviews6 followers
October 31, 2012
The plot thickens! We learn more of Ioryogi's past. We also learn more about all the other characters. Though I'm starting to get nervous for Kobato! Clamp even brought in some of the characters from all their other books! I'm glad to see the tradition continued.

Profile Image for Starbubbles.
1,546 reviews122 followers
December 17, 2013
I had some much fun revisiting old characters, as they were and as they now are. But, I had always loved that about clamp.

The plot is finally starting to come together! Yes! And leave it to clamp to make love a central theme. How could it not with trying to heal people's wounded hearts?
Profile Image for Jennifer.
207 reviews15 followers
November 1, 2015
Wow, Love this volume and enjoying this manga series! <3 love Kobato, and how she's so sweet and caring, and she does her best to help others heal : ) definitely recommend this series! : ) can't wait to read volume 5! : )
Profile Image for Robin.
784 reviews3 followers
December 9, 2017
What's not to love about Kobato? If you're looking for a fluffy, light-hearted series that you can breeze through, with endearing characters, redemption in love, and also the "oh snap, what" CLAMP-ness, then this is the series for you. That, and the art is absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
Profile Image for Alison.
135 reviews
November 5, 2012
Nice to see some familiar CLAMP faces and to get some backstory about som e of the characters. Still hoping to get more as there are only 2 volumes left in the series.
Profile Image for August A.P..
535 reviews38 followers
August 19, 2013
Dasar CLAMP, sukanya masukin tokoh-tokoh ciptaannya terdahulu ke komik-komik selanjutnya. I like that!
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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