Are you happy?..... Have you ever wondered if you are living your life to its full potential—or perhaps you innately know that you aren't doing so… but wish that you could? Do you ever find yourself pondering the concept of happiness, and whether you are doing everything within your power to be as happy as you could be?
Let me take you on a journey that will lead you to a world of Contentment, Inner Happiness and beyond. I will be honest with you...this will take won’t be easy...but if you’re willing...and wanting to find the best within in you... then look no further. In “Beyond Contentment How to Find True Happiness and Live the Life You Always Wanted” you will discover how to find true Happiness within yourself that will leave you feeling truly and deeply fulfilled. Inner peace is possible for everyone. Here is a preview of what you will learn...
What Is Happiness?
Can Happiness Be Measured?
Contentment VS. Complacency
The Integrity Gap
“L.I.V.E” Your Life
Your Core Values
Realize Your Potential
The Concept of FLOW
Limitless Happiness
Stay In The Present
Mindful Of The Future
Much, Much More!
What does it take to be happy? Are you ready to find out? Whether you’re looking for happiness at home, happiness at work or happiness in your relationships then I invite you to read on and take control of your happiness once and for all!
Your Happiness is one click away, Download your copy today!
Tags:inner peace, Happiness, How to Find Happiness, Contentment, Happier Living
Andy is a Life Coach, Speaker and Author, Andy's first and second books "Beyond Contentment: How to Find True Happiness and Live the Life you Always Wanted" and "Inner Peace: Stepping into Serenity to Find Peace of Mind" can be found on Amazon now. He currently has one more book on the way, "Happier: How Gratitude, Appreciation and Kindness can Transform your World," which will be available on Amazon Oct 2014. You can tell by Andy's publications he seeks to help his clients and readers connect with their highest most optimum self and to not only explore their life purpose but to find it and maintain it. When Andy isn't writing, speaking or coaching clients, you can find him reading a book, going for long strolls on the beach, hiking and spending time outdoors with his family on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
The author, Andy Lacroix, does a magnificent job of first outlining what contentment is, and then he explains what lies beyond mere contentment. This is self-actualization, or reaching one’s ultimate potential.
I love the way Lacroix goes into detail about our basic human needs, citing Maslow, and showing those needs that we can’t do without and those that we need for growth. Within these two categories, all needs are explained, and we reach the ultimate human need – spiritual growth, or if you don’t like the use of the word “spiritual,” then you can say enlightenment, or self-realization.
In Beyond Contentment, the author encourages us to assess ourselves, see where we are in terms of our needs, and then make an action plan to move up. We start with simple things and build upon that. By focusing on the present moment, which is a theme in all of this author’s work we find joy in the simple things, and then this grows towards lasting fulfillment. Yet, Lacroix does not neglect the big picture and long term planning. For this balance in the book, I am giving this book 5 stars. Andy Lacroix is someone who has lived what he teaches and has a sense of balance, which he shares with his readers.
I absolutely loved his bringing into this book the concept of “flow.” He cites the work of psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (don’t even try to say it), whose book I actually read. The book is called “Flow.” It is another approach to doing what you love, and doing whatever you do by being truly engaged. Lacroix does us a huge favor by not making us read the book “Flow,” when he gives us the essentials of the concept in plain English. He talks about apathy, worry, anxiety, boredom, arousal, relaxation, and control as aspects of “flow,” and in simple terms.
Finally, we get an understanding of limitless happiness, and learn how to deal with our past. I had personally come to learn how to do this using my own discoveries, such as “touch the past lightly,” and “don’t play bad tapes over and over again,” and such things. Andy Lacroix gives you his version of the practical ways to accept your past without becoming mired in it, and without the pain that is almost always associated with our past.
Staying in the present while being conscious of the future is where balance comes into play, and in Beyond Contentment we learn just how to do that. I highly recommend this book as one of this author’s best.
I found this book very interesting. It addresses its topic – happiness – from an ethical perspective. The author analyzes aspects such as integrity, personal values and the achievements of goals. These are principles, which to understand, and if correctly applied, can greatly contribute to our understandings of ourselves and our efforts to live fulfilled lives. The book does not claim that it addresses its topic, happiness, in its entirety. Depending on our personal beliefs and experiences, there are many different ways of going about our quests for happiness. However, the issues that are addressed in this book, are analyzed and explained with a great sense of conviction and integrity. I believe this book can assist many people in their efforts to better understand themselves, and to find better ways of dealing with the challenges they are faced with every day. This is not a book that promises quick fix solutions. This is a serious self-help book which I am happy to recommend. It is well-written, well-structured and easy to read.