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To stay 'alive', a stoneshifter must make love to a female every ten years.

When Mila discovers her sister will be the next victim on Sacrifice Day, her normal reply would be, sorry, I'm busy.

After viewing ancient data and seeing the massive size of stoneshifters, Mila decides to rescue Tiana. Her sister is blood and she'd rather not see her tied to the sacrifice table and turned into jam.

Everything goes wrong, of course.

Lord Zarblu, stoneshifter and owner of the enormous black fortress looming over the city, turns his gaze upon Mila.

Like a giant cat with a teensy mouse, Zarblu plays with Mila. Catch...release...catch. Gentle and caring are words that no stone-beast monster should claim, surely?

Desiring something that might kill you is insane yet the sacrifice table begins to look attractive. Zarblu is a big, strong, determined male who's had a thousand, thousand years to contemplate life.

What if he isn't quite the monster she thought he was...
What if he wants her to be his sacrifice?

Warning: This is a very graphic and carnal story for those who love the fantasy of being caught by a monster.
This is not the normal level of dark that Cari Silverwood writes. This is the dark you reach for when you're all darked out and one step from seeing your therapist. Some of this story is FUN. Dark twisted fun, but fun nevertheless.

162 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 18, 2018

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About the author

Cari Silverwood

92 books1,194 followers
Cari Silverwood lives in Australia and is a New York Times bestselling writer of kinky darkness or sometimes dark kinkiness, depending on her moods and the amount of time she's spent staring into the night.

Check out this page to avoid falling into the wrong dark and shocking book, because she really does write some weird stories: www.carisilverwood.net/my-books-liste...

Sign up to get sales and new releases plus various odd stuff she puts into it (and a free welcome book) at www.carisilverwood.net/

You can reach Cari at carisilverwood1@gmail.com
on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cari.silverwood

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,302 reviews1,526 followers
September 23, 2018
4 Stars
Arc Book Review
Release Date-28/5/18

I have upped my rating on this to a four as this was my first foray into this type of genre of fiction and have since after reading some more come to realise what a load of drivel there is to offer in this type of niche genre (there's a lot).
Prey is by far a superior read to most of what I have since been exposed to and as such and after a reread to clarify I think I originally rated this to low as I have since come to appreciate just how much this stands up against the competition out there.
I now have more of a measuring stick to rate against for future reference.
If this was also a tad lengthier that would also push this further.
I thought it only fair to explain my reasonings concerning me upping my original star rating on this.

giphy (1).gif
What did I just read this book was so strange; I have never quite experienced anything quite like it and that's saying something as I've read a lot of weird and wonderful fiction.
This is Monster Erotica; Yeh I kid you not, bloody Monster's.
And in "Prey (Dark Monster Fantasy #1" we are introduced to Lord Zarblu a Stoneshifter; who every decade has to take a willing female sacrifice on an altar of lust; to avoid petrifying for the next ten years and guess what he has a monster cock too and the sacrifice is going to need a lot of preparation to accommodate and avoid being ripped to shreds by Zarblu's monster appendage; death by dick I've heard is not a very attractive way to go.
The sacrifice herself Mila; mercenary, explorer and thief; a small female earthling is all gung-ho ready to rescue her sister from the Stoneshifters Altar and from the first instant Zarblu encounters the feisty earthling he wants to replace his current offering with this fascinating earthling; he's just got to get her to cooperate; easy right.
So Look; if you're looking for some serious emotive fiction; this is not it; what we do have here is some Fun, hot completely ridiculous alien monster erotica; it's surprisingly addictive and does what it says on the tin.
this is a short read that I read in one sitting and I did quite enjoy it once I got over my initial; what the hell am I reading moment.
Its sort of like a porno neverending story for adults.
Sorry; I just couldn't stop picturing the rock biter in that film as Lord Zarblus stone altar form; not very sexy and comfortable at all I would think; so swiftly moving on here from that non-sexy visual.
This short read was jam-packed with alien beings. talking swords, arena fights and a psychotic Android who really just needed to get laid.
Its never going to win literature awards, but it was never meant to; what we have here is a big hot pile of tongue in cheek, steamy dub-con fun.
It definitely won't be for everyone, but I love weird so I kinda was digging its vibe all the same.
Give it a go you might surprise yourself.
Thank You to the Author for providing me with an ARC of "Prey (Dark Monster Fantasy #1)" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.
Tulip in dirty male hand
Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Am4u ❀ ~ AprilMarie4u ~ ❀ .
89 reviews252 followers
June 1, 2018

Official Review


Enough said.

End of review.

Unofficial Review


A gazillion stars! Why? 'Cause hello, it's MONSTER EROTICA!!!


The bestest genre ever! Also known as, MONSTER EROTICA!!!

Monster Fans:

To my fellow MONSTER EROTICA fans, you know (like OMG you know) how hard it is to find good quality books in this genre. And we have a good one here! If you love this genre, it is absolutely a must read. Really, no joke.


A deep thinking in depth look at the endocrine system of monsters. Ahahahaha, just teasing! We fans don't want to be bored to tears in our MONSTER EROTICA!!! This is what you get...

● Good quality writing

● An engaging story

● An actual plot

● Interesting characters

● A kick ass heroine

● Lastly, and really most importantly, smok'n hawt MONSTER sex

Do you really even need to know more than that? Rhetorical, of course you don't! ;) lol

Review is on ARC version gifted to me by the author. Neither a rating or review was requested or required. Review is my honest opinion.

Profile Image for Alaina.
6,897 reviews212 followers
October 16, 2018
This book was weird.. and yet, I still ended up finishing it within an hour. Maybe less.

In this book, you will meet Mila. She's kind of dying and she's also going to rescue her sister, again. After meeting Tiana, I hated the bitch. I don’t even know if that’s her name because I read this at like 1 am. It could be the Disney characters name but all I know is that her sister was very self centered and it also started with a god damn T.

Besides hating her, these stone shifters were so bizarre. They either barely acknowledge English or only really wanted sex. Horny bastards. I also laughed so god damn much because these stone guys with “huge” stone penises are having sex with Mila who has a poor mundane vagina. Girl must be sore as fuck after all that dick.

Other than that, there wasn’t much of a story. More romance than anything. More smut than anything. The cliffhanger, if you could call it that, was the stone bastard kind of getting a heart and wanting to go on an adventure with Mila.

I wonder how the second book is going to go. I’m obviously going to dive into it because these books are so short that I won’t feel like I’m wasting time reading them BECAUSE I’m already wasting time being at work when my computer isn’t working 🙄🙄

Let’s do this!
Profile Image for Cécile Smits .
1,293 reviews240 followers
August 27, 2018
When Cari gave me this gem,i was só happy....because i know each and every time she brings a story,it’s one that i really enjoy reading. And guess what? This one? It’s a delicious tale of a sassy,strong girl,called Mila,who wants to save her sister from being sacrificed to the stoneshifter lord Zarblu. Since Mila’s infected with a strange “virus” that’s slowly taking over her body,it seems only fair,right? What happens? You want to know? I’m not telling ! You need to find out....but you’ll love it,i can tell you that!
Profile Image for Leo.
4,711 reviews573 followers
April 4, 2023
Prey was difficult to rate as story wise and character wise there weren't much to grab onto. It was at minimum but as an dark Erotica it was decent. Not completely my cup of tea but enjoyable nevertheless. Unfortunately my book app don't have more books from this author.
April 11, 2024
First a picture, then a scene and after much begging emerges the story....

They say a picture paints a thousand words, well one picture inspired a whole book. What started as a fun and very steamy scene written for her reader group had become one kinkily dark and ensnaringly strange story. If it has Cari's name on then I'm going to read it, because her name is synonymous with strong heroines, witty comebacks, darkly dominating heroes and fantastical world building.

Mila is out to rescue her sister before the stone-shifter who holds her captive, Lord Zarblu, can sacrifice her. Only this isn't a stab 'em in the heart sacrifice but a sexual orgy one, death isn't guaranteed it's more of a risky side effect of being impaled on an enormous stone-shifter phallus. Mila is nothing if not determined, and sneaky to boot. She never lets life, an ancient parasitic infection or the Andurian's get her down. And the fact that she falls madly in lust with an ancient and almost immortal being, one made of stone and twice her size, just adds to the fun.

The size of the shifter's male appendage was a problem. Dick was too insignificant a word. She needed a new one like lollapoloozaram-a-dam-a-dingdong

This is a steamy and down right naughty read that dabbles on the edge of consent, with it's lust inducing basht and manipulation of Mila. The sister, Tiana, turns out to be a real piece of work. If Zarblu carries through on his promise of gifting his sneaky and slightly untrustworthy cyborg assassin, Ledderik, with both genetalia AND Tiana, then she will definitely get her just desserts (and a lot more to boot). I'm hoping that we may get to read of this sometime in the future.

The world building allows you to travel to Dispora, walk it's dust covered streets, rub shoulders with the characters, whose depth makes them almost seem real, and smell the fetid air. Whilst it's plot bears absolutely no resemblance to Alice in Wonderland, reading this did feel somewhat like falling down that strange rabbit hole, then eating and drinking some dubious substances. The whole plot is mad-cap crazy yet somehow it works. Even the multi-purpose dildo with special adaptations.

It's not a book to recommend to your nana (unless your nana is one sex-crazed nympho with a fetish for huge male members). It's one that would shock the living daylights out of people who iron their underwear. But if your mind spends a good portion of it's time scouring the gutters for the worst it can find then you'll love this one.
Profile Image for Ri.
5,107 reviews9 followers
May 7, 2018
This author continues to blow my mind. Her innate ability to create a world that transports her audience to another world in addition to having the hero of the story be otherworldly and yet have it seem real is not an easy feat. Yet, this author does it. If you would have asked me a year ago if I ever saw myself reading and LOVING 'romance' books based on steampunk, mesmers, and stoneshifters I would have laughed my head off. However, I sit here today and am writing a review about a hero name Zarblu and a feisty woman that defies the classic notion that women are weak and need to be coddled named Mila.

This book is far from conventional. It started out as somewhat of a joke in her reader group and quickly blew up from there. Throughout this book, we can catch glimpses of the author and her personality. There are moments of humor, moments of acquiescence and ultimately moments of peace for both Mila and Zarblu. Who knew a monster could be empathetic? Or maybe that is where the joke is because even though from outward appearances he looks like a monster on the inside he is more human than an actual human. I know this started out as a joke but I would love to see this expand and see a story about a talking sword and a certain cyborg doling out punishment to a girl that desperately deserved it.
Profile Image for Tequila.
1,375 reviews25 followers
May 14, 2018
I have been reading Cari Silverwood's work for probably close to 5 years now and she is one author who has yet to bore me.

And she proves once again with Prey just what a versatile writer she is. She gets these crazy ideas and then just runs with them and turns them into a fantastic story with memorable characters who are full of snark and full of sex scenes that makes you question yourself when you find yourself turned on by something you never thought you would be. Which is exactly what you will find with Prey.

Mila is a snarky lass who's going to do whatever it takes to save her sister from being the human sacrifice of Lord Zarblu and of course, things don't go as planned and Mila's mouth does not help her situation at all. If you enjoy something that's completely out of the ordinary and that will make your panties melt in the process, and you're not scared of monsters, then you will want to read this book.
Profile Image for Christine Morgan.
721 reviews4 followers
May 15, 2018
This book was really interesting. The idea of a sacrifice to a stoneshifter monster was really cool. Mila is very brave even though she hides her fear well. She'll do anything to protect her sister even if she doesn't deserve the saving. Luckily Mila actually LIKES what Lord Zarblu does to her she gets off on it. I loved the talking sword that was a cool addition I wish it had more use though it was kind of just for comedic effect but still enjoyable nonetheless. The sex was hot and weird and awesome and that Mila was able to fight after the first time was amazing. Lord Zarblu can have any woman he wants but when he sees Mila he knows she's what he wants but he also wants to keep her in one piece so he secretly prepares her to be his sacrific. Zarblu's demented Cyborg right handman was really cool and scary I can definitely see a future book with him and Mila's sister. This book was just too fun to read and quick too! Great story.
May 10, 2018
Prey is the first book in the Dark Monster Fantasy. Cari Silverwood takes us to the world of Stoneshifters and every 10 years they must make love to a female to stay alive.

Mila’s sister Tiana is to be sacrificed to Lord Zarblu and Mila must try to rescue Tiana. Mila is a mercenary-thief, star-rover, explorer of dead planets to find remnants worth selling. Prey is a novella so it is a quick book to read and I wouldn’t want to give anything away.

I want to know what world does Cari Silverwood live in? She wows you with these little worlds of fantasy and make believe. These are usually dark worlds and not for the faint of heart. Hence the warning.

Warning that Cari Silverwood has provided if you don’t like graphic books don’t read this one.

I loved reading Prey and give it 4.5 stars. I can’t wait for the next book to come out!
752 reviews9 followers
May 10, 2018
What can you say about a stone monster?! A walking, talking, thinking and feeling mountain !
When Mila, scavenger extraordinaire, rushes to the rescue of her sister, the intended sacrifice for the ruler of Dispora, she is in for a whole lot of surprises!
None of her well thought out plans for the rescue have the intended outcome. But one thing becomes very clear, the lord Zarblu intends to have his sacrifice and keep her.
Stone-clad he may be but is he stone-hearted? Can a hard monster turn into a squishy monster?
Find out!
This is a very hot, fun, inventive and surprisingly thoughtful story.
Profile Image for Badh.
3,308 reviews61 followers
May 26, 2018
OK, if it were up to me, I would give this book 69 stars, but since I'm limited to only 5, I guess that'll have to do.

I love reading Cari Silverwood's books. She writes such delicious stories. While she tends to write dark, darker, and darkest, this one isn't quite in that category. While it has some dark elements, it's dark lite, for when you just want dusk, not midnight.

Mila would normally blow off her sister's cry for help, especially since Tiana hollers for help fairly often, but when she reads about the kind of trouble her sister's in, she knows that she has to go help her out.

Lord Zarblu has to have a female sacrifice every 10 years, or he turns into stone. This year's sacrifice, Tiana, has screamed for her sister Mila to save her, so he's eagerly waiting on Mila to show up.

There is not 1 but 2 massive schlongs in this book. The second one is impressive, it's made out of stone and leaks a substance that acts as an aphrodisiac. There are battles galore, stubborn heroines who wear tall boots and bodysuits with interesting buckles, swords that are as likely to get you killed as they are to help you kill, and leading men who are made of stone.

There is a lot of fun in this story as well as a lot of funny. Can you have a funny dark story? If so, that's what this is. The sex scenes are all OMG steaming hot. The fight scenes are pretty great too.

I love Mila. She's just determined to do what she needs to do to help her sister, up to and including offering up her own body so that she can get to the fights. Zarblu is not quite a hero, as such, but he's not quite the baddie either. I liked him.

Overall, I really loved this story and I will read it over and over and over.
Profile Image for Joce.
152 reviews24 followers
June 3, 2018
I really enjoyed this book its about a woman named Mila,who wants to save her sister from being sacrificed to the stoneshifter lord Zarblu. This book is not dark but has elements of it and something I would recommend you read if you're looking for a light-hearted dark.... it's different and enjoyable.

I also want to add that the ending made me emotional which I did not see coming. Words that best describe this book are definitely sacrifice, hot and over all badass
Profile Image for Courtney ~ asreadbycourtney.
437 reviews19 followers
June 12, 2018
I found this oddly refreshing. It's so freaking rare for female characters to be give multiple partners in a book and Silverwood did a great job showcasing how tastefully (I'm dying laughing) it can be done. We really do need more books where the story line isn't so cut and dry, obvious. Keep the Dark Monster Fantasy series coming Cari!
Profile Image for Erica Chilson.
Author 42 books436 followers
May 25, 2018
I received a copy of this title to read and review for Wicked Reads

3 Stars.

I need to preface this review by stating I'm not sure what the spirit of the novel was meant to be- you'll understand what I mean by that as I continue onward with the review.

I struggled from the first page, unsure what to expect. The cover and the use of 'dark' had me thinking it would be darker themes. As I read, it was so over-the-top forced, I viewed it as satire. That is what my comment above was about.

Mila tries too hard to sound like a badass from the get-go. She's on a rescue mission for her sister. The world-building is spit out at the reader with little to no explanation, but I just rolled with it and wasn't too confused, because the world-building obviously isn't the point. Definitely science fiction in nature, which I enjoy.

The entire plot consists of two points: rescue the sister for Mila, a successful sacrifice for Zarblu. The plot was merely a device to propel Mila into unconventional, semi dubious consent sexual situations. I'm all for darker themes, when it comes to unconventional and dub-con, but this was so OTT it was comical.

As I said, I'm not sure what the vibe was supposed to be, so I feel badly stating this. I wasn't titillated or aroused by the content. So far out of the realm of believably, I found entertainment via humor.

Recommended to fans of the author, science-fiction erotica where unrealistic sex overpowers all plot. Obviously I was not the intended audience.
Profile Image for Kristina.
1,580 reviews67 followers
June 18, 2018
Monsters and sex and...more sex. Oh my.

Soooo...Wow. I’m a big fan of what this author thinks up, and I thought I was ready for anything, but this world was a new one for me! A world full of monsters and monster sized...appendages, going into a tiny, human Mila.
I’ve finished the book and am still trying to absorb it all (that’s what she said), because I was just like: wow, ok, so this is actually happening... and, hmmm, it’s hot. (Am I normal?) And is...is that really...? Hmmm. Well, ok then... :o
Yeah, so I’m unsure how to write a review, but this book is different, and fun, and Mila and Zarblu were pretty freakin awesome.
Human Mila loyally goes to the rescue of her sister Talia who’s scheduled to become stone shifter (more scifi than typical shifter paranormal) Lord Zarblu’s next sexual sacrifice. Through a series of events and much manipulation, Mila instead becomes the sacrifice- to her sister’s relieved chagrin (Talia is NOT a good sister!).
Through it all, Mila not only kicks butt literally and figuratively, but she’s smart and cunning; the punishment she comes up with for Ledderik and Talia was the. Best. And Zarblu’s support and approval just had me loving these two even more.
If you enjoy sci-fi then DEFINITELY give this book a try - and wear some galoshes to get through all that monster come (don’t say I didn’t warn you).
Profile Image for Michelle ♥ The Romance Vault ♥ .
1,165 reviews95 followers
June 12, 2018
So...who knew? Yep who knew indeed that I seem to have a little bit of 'monster loving sex' within me! Shocker right! lol. I read this book in the spirit I think it was written, to go all out and have a jolly good time in fantasy land.

Holds hand up, pulls the chuffer train horn shouting woo woo because Prey was a WIN!

I think this might actually be my first monster fantasy-female gun-toting, sassy mouthed, monster dick loving, book I've ever read and you know what? I FREAKING LOVED IT! Never thought I'd be saying that, like EVER!

How the hell does Cari make it all feel so bloody normal yet be excrutiatingly squirmyfied (<--- new word right there) by the size of Zarblu's appendage? Oy-yoi-yoi!

The attention to world/scene building again was spot on, I loved how they got mail! I loved how a talking sword seemed oh so natural and I loved how 'hard' (hahaha) Zarblu was.

I'm still shaking my head because never once in a million years did I think I'd ever thoroughly enjoy reading monster sex, bravo Cari, bravo! A great all round entertaining read.

I cannot wait to read more in this series, I honestly cannot.
748 reviews5 followers
May 31, 2018
This is definitely the most unusual story I have ever read. It is dark, but there is light. There is a serious plot, yet humor pervades throughout. Our characters face possible death and maybe a better life. Oh yes, and our stoneshifter, Lord Zarblu needs a female sacrifice every ten years to re-energize, except this sacrificial female must consent.

For me, this was not just a thrilling, adventurous roller coaster ride; it was a dark, weird, kinky, tumultuous tornado. And I loved every minute of it!

Cari Silverwood, I am in awe of an author who can take this plot and these characters and make me care deeply for a ROCK! What on earth can possibly be next???
Profile Image for Tammy.
9,075 reviews45 followers
May 30, 2018
Mila must rescue her sister before she is used on sacrifice day by Lord Zarblu, a stone shifter. Due his large size he could end up killing her. Once Lord Zarblu sees Mila he knows that she is mate and sets plans into motion to make her his. Can he control himself to prepare her for the sacrifice, not to mention get her to volunteer to be his sacrifice? I loved this Dark/Fun and Hot read. The characters are so much fun and the story really draws you into this realm of talking swords and stone men. I loved it!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews58 followers
August 11, 2018
Mila is supposed to be a badass warrior/assassin/mercenary. She's somehow contracted a fatal disease in her wanderings around the galaxy. So when her sister needs rescuing, Mila doesn't hesitate to risk her now worthless life to save her from being a mating sacrifice to a stone-shifter lord. Only, when he catches sight of Mila, he is no longer interested in her sister.

I'm not even sure what to say about this one. Mila gets penetrated a lot in this book, and I found it more comical than hot. The guy is a "stone-shifter" and has a rock hard penis - I mean come on! I laughed a lot.
Profile Image for Rose Howse.
914 reviews15 followers
May 30, 2018
Rock Monster Romance, Who Knew?

This was a fun read, I enjoyed the characters and the inevitable love affair. I appreciate an ending that I couldn't have thought up on my own. I look forward to the next book, Steel.
June 1, 2018
I saw a picture, a teaser for this book...shared by its author...filled with tongue in cheek humour and KNEW I had to read it...

Mila is a mercenary, a tomb raider, a warrior, a space traveller... and a sister travelling to rescue her sister from the fate of being a sacrifice to the momsterous stoneshifter Lord Zarblu.

She expects a fight, a challenge and to cheat if necessary... after viewing videos of the elusive stoneshifters with their sacarfices, there is no other option..family is family.

Zarblu has picked his beautiful and much needed sacrifice.. every 10 years he must bed a ‘fleshborn’ Or suffer the fate of turning to stone... unlike others of his kind, he has wants, needs and questions.. the only thing holding himself back is himself... those desires are not the stoneshifter way...to wait and decide and stay safe... the same norms year after year... his ‘flesh bound’ sacrifice is appealing but he wants MORE...he may be a monster but he has very human emotions and after viewing Mila in a compromising position...arrangements are made and a trap is set to capture an her as an alternative sacrifice... what neither of them expect is her to be a willing sacrifice!


If graphic, somewhat disturbing and graphic, stone monster porn erotica is not your thing... then DO NOT READ THIS BOOK or review!

If however... you like to walk on the somewhat dark side, then welcome my friend... because... owWWW my lord... STONE PEEN!! 😂😂😂😂

I loved this book, if you are willing to look past the comic and graphic boink scenes...you will find a gem of a book and much more than just Monster erotica.

Filled will emotions and desire... desire for more than just the’norm’ or what is expected... desire to change and evolve and become more... Zarblu’s desires.. to see more than just the planet he lives on, overlord but prisoner bound by chains he has made himself in obligation and tradition...he’s conniving and creative with his traps BUT is still a very likeable Charachter.

There are also some truely brilliantly constructed comedy in this book... Mila is the queen of banter and I truly laughed my way through the majority of this book... she is feisty, sassy and witty... a fantastically written heroine.

It’s also a book about sacrifice, of self to aid others. Without giving away any spoilers...read it you will understand the sarafice on Milas part by taking her sisters place and zarblu’s.... with the wonderful ending...

I will be reading more books by this author and keeping an eye peeled for the next book, which I’m hoping features Led, Zarblu’s cyborg assistant.

Profile Image for Ruthie Taylor.
3,720 reviews40 followers
May 27, 2018
~~I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads ~~

This is the first book in a new series - I will definitely be looking out for the next one to see how it could top this one for super crazy. I don't read a lot of sci-fi paranormal shifter books, but every so often the blurb just drags me in and I love the depths of crazy to which an author can take us. This certainly did that, but I did not see any of the dark that it suggested, rather I found it sweetly entertaining.

For me, Mila worked perfectly as a character because of the creature living in her. Her ability to disassociate from the peril was thanks to a strong realisation that she did not have much to lose. As any reader will find out, her fate is pretty scary, so some final dastardly deeds hardly seem an issue. It does make her sister's behaviour pretty unkind, but Mila does get the very best type of revenge - inspired in fact!

Lord Zarblu is a massive contradiction - but Mila gets to the heart of his issues ... fear. And he finds that she may just have cured him by the end (I sort of hope that we get to see how in future installments). The sex scenes were for me not terribly erotic, as they involved the potential of far too much pain, and not in a good way!

At the core of this book is a rather cute romance, which was utterly unexpected, but rather fun.

Wicked Reads Review Team
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,456 reviews30 followers
May 24, 2018
I was given a copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.

This is a mindbending bit of erotica from a new-to-me author. Every so often I like to push my boundaries and sign up for something outside of my comfort zone. Even so, I definitely wasn’t ready for alien shape shifters with giant stone cocks. I can enjoy SciFi and I can enjoy erotica. But this pushed boundaries I didn’t even know I had.

With only the tiniest nod to a plot, the story is a string of dark sexual fantasies. And honestly, none of them were my fantasies. The scenes with the giant stone cocks had me wincing in sympathetic pain. The dub-con/non-con scenes made me cross and had me thinking way too hard. Even the female sex slave sacrifice tradition didn’t work for me.

Everyone is different and I’m sure there is a niche audience who will really respond to this book. Personally, I need a little more plot, a whole lot more dialogue, reasonably sized cocks and clear consent between sexual partners. Guess I’m a bit of a prude.
Profile Image for Pat Orendorff.
119 reviews5 followers
May 31, 2018
Once again Cari Silverwood has developed and portrayed a unique world for us to lose ourselves in.
A massive Stoneshifter Monster with a member the size of a human's arm who lives in a huge black castle overlooking his world with his right hand man who is a psychotic murderous cyborg. Lord Zarblu must have sex every 10 years or turn to solid stone and his people make a huge celebration of the event, tying the sacrifice to a stone table. Fortunately he secretes a fluid that makes it easier for that sacrifice to not only accept him but to feel physical and emotional desire for him.
The basis of the book is not just a sister trying to save a sister but also about a monster who can feel attraction for one person over another.
Lots of humour - a talking and sarcastic sword and don't forget the crazy cyborg - as well as suspense to keep us engaged in the fast moving storyline.
I love reading her books as they offer new and original worlds for us to escape into.
Profile Image for Tricia Coker.
175 reviews9 followers
May 29, 2018
I like trying different things in books, but this one was very different and so good. I don't know that I've ever entertained the thought of a stone monster in an erotic way, but Cari brought it out there and made it work in such an enjoyable way. Lord Zarblu is intriguing. Mila is entertaining as she makes plan after plan, and watches them all crumple. I kept wondering how they would solve various problems, how they would answer different questions, and was not disappointed. The ending was so bittersweet for me, and I just want more. That's my only criticism really, that there is not more to read yet. Here's to hoping there's a Ledderik and Tiana spin off in the works *winks at Cari*
Profile Image for E.J. Frost.
Author 27 books632 followers
June 10, 2018
Fast, filthy and totally enjoyable.
I read this in one sitting - gulped it down, actually - because it's so smoothly written and engaging. It's a little dark, and the heroine's consent a little dubious, but that just makes it a guiltier pleasure. The heroine is a delight: smart, sassy and unrepentant. I loved how she changed the "hero" (not totally sure that moniker fits, but he's not a monster, either) in the course of the story.
Very much looking forward to Steel, the next in the series.
Profile Image for Lisa.
542 reviews14 followers
May 26, 2018
Cari Silverwood continues to amaze me with her writing. The stories she creates are unlike any others and she has the ability to write multiple genres and levels of each.

Prey was an unknown type for me. An erotic capture fantasy between species and worlds. The fast paced story holds your attention to the end with all the emotions!
Profile Image for Laz the Sailor.
1,667 reviews79 followers
December 30, 2019
CS never lets physics of sex get in the way of the highly improbable. This story has all the monster sex you could ask for, but other than the "fuck or die" requirement, there is little that is truly evil.

I liked this and the other two in the series. Each is more outrageous than the prior, but all in good (if painful) fun.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews

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